a-dang · 3 years
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A tender barbarian - the phrase suited him perfectly. Dangerous, non-opposing, imperious, yet caring and gentle. The combination of all these features is who he was &. he would be for her. 
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a-dang · 3 years
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I want you to leave marks on me. marks from loving me too hard, from kissing me too hard, and holding me too hard. I want you to leave your handprint. I want your loving words to hit me hard. I want to feel your love on my skin. feat. @a-dang
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a-dang · 3 years
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a-dang · 3 years
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   “Thanks, Anika.” chirped Aeva, beaming a charming smile at her as she took a seat, pulling the chair out as she settled in. “You’re such a dear.” While they were far from close friends, Aeva knew that the other was part of the Vipers, like her, and was one of the most valuable people to go to in times of crisis, or injuries.
   Taking a bite out of the chocolate croissant she toted along, she took a few seconds to simply observe her, before leaning in with a question. “Hard at work, hmmm?”
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HER  EYES  WERE  BURNING  WITH  how tired she was as she stared at her laptop screen that had been flashing at her with nothing getting done. Despite the five cups of coffee she’d downed at this point, Anika still couldn’t focus, her thoughts still on the chaos of the wedding and the sleepless nights in her household that had followed. Her normal chocolate eclairs and other goodies had done nothing to make her mood better like they usually did, and the sound of approaching footsteps almost made her sigh. Almost. “You can sit here if you want. I know there isn’t much room inside, and I’m not using the other seat.”
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OPEN  STARTER  :  Wildflour Bakery
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a-dang · 3 years
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   Making the decision to stop by Locked N’ Loaded, Aeva was keen on dropping by to say hi to Dominic and set up a babysitting schedule for Sunny Lu. She could have done it over the phone so easily, but decided against it in favour of seeing him in person. Besides, she was out and about anyway, so she might as well. 
   She was but a few paces away from the shop, having looked up from her phone, when she noticed the woman standing in front of it, as if hedging whether or not she’d go inside. Pausing in her tracks, she recognised the woman right away, having seen her at the wedding; she was certain she was a bridesmaid or something. And she must have stared a little too long, hence the attention turned towards her. Promptly, Aeva was with a reply of her own: “Nothing wrong with a girl arming herself.” While she didn’t tote a gun herself, she wasn’t without a knife in her bag. “I’d suggest a cute little Beretta. I’m certain my friend inside can help you if you’re still unsure with what you’ll get.” 
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「          𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐍’ 𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐃         」       •        「         open !     」
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ARMS CROSSED AND face steeled, Alison looked like she had been standing outside of Locked n’ Loaded for a good long while before she took the time to notice a figuring approaching. Had this been a couple weeks ago and maybe she would have laughed at the thought of her being here, on this side of town, staring into a shop that sold adult - sized toys to those with a very specific need. Now whenever she thought about how unprepared she was for the wedding while people had similar objects strapped beneath the folds of their formal wear, she just got angry, like she had missed the fine print somewhere that said to conceal and carry. So while she had awoken this morning with the intent of storming down to OPD in a whiskey - induced rage after coming to terms with all that had happened, she instead found herself lingering outside a shop she had no real business being at. 
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❝ What? ❞ Allie broke her gaze to look over at the other with a careful lift of her brow, she didn’t have time for any judgment. ❝ Baby can’t find interest in getting a gun? ❞
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a-dang · 3 years
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   Like anyone else, Aeva’s day had to continue. After the madness should come the norm, as everyone else settled back into the monotony of life once again. It was just one of those things you couldn’t escape from, unless you upheaved everything and left. 
   Making her way to the bar, the woman positioned herself in front of the bartender she knew, gracing him a curt smile. “A cosmopolitan, and the answer to my question: where’s your sister?”
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STARTER 💀 open​ LOCATION: The Lone Palm
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The next morning he was up bright and early to check off everything on his to-do list. There was no time to dwell on yesterday’s problems. He had to get his entire life together before his shift at The Lone Palm this evening anyways. Which, seemed to be ticking awfully closer and closer as he did everything but his list. Soon enough, the blond was behind the bar again cutting limes and preparing for the night as he waited for his first customer. His head peeking up as he heard the noise of someone entering the Viper stronghold. How exciting.
“Can I get you anything today?” He asked, painfully putting on his best customer service persona on.
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a-dang · 3 years
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   “Starting to?” The little amused laugh that left her could hardly be contained. When Aeva arrived into town more than a decade ago, she had already found out the trouble that lurked beneath the picturesque town. And that was way back then. Now, it took a public spectacle to unmask the truth.
   “This city has always been a hellhole. Everyone’s just been too captivated by the ocean view too much to realise it.” she said. “I mean, I’ve always suspected things looked too damn perfect around here. Nothing’s ever that pristine, or clean, for that matter.”
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location: oceanside pier open to: all
nothing cold have prepared her for what had happened at the wedding. from what she had witnessed, to the betrayal she had felt from some of those she once considered close friends. the days after what happened, it replayed in her mind over and over again. from getting little to no sleep, to have nightmares about what she had to see and go through. leaning against the railing, she gazed out at the ocean. with the dark circles under her eyes, it was more than apparent she hadn’t slept much. which at the moment, didn’t seem to bother her. seeing someone from the corner of her eye, she looked over at them for a moment before looking out at the ocean again. “i’m starting to think that this city has become a hellhole. bad enough one never knows who they can trust.” she noted in a somewhat quiet voice.
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a-dang · 3 years
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headcanon memes inspired by things i like, part 1. 
send in a symbol i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!
[ 🏃‍♂️ ] does your muse have escapist tendencies?
[ 💄 ] does your muse have an aesthetic? do they adhere strictly to it?
[ 👥 ] does your muse have many friends? do people feel they can rely on your muse?
[ 📚 ] what is your muse’s favourite genre of books, tv, movies, etc.?
[ 💐 ] what is your muse like in relationships?
[ 💍 ] how dedicated is your muse to their job?
[ 🍺 ] does your muse have any addictions?
[ 🍀 ] does your muse believe in luck? do they have a good luck charm or rituals they follow to avoid bad luck?
[ 🎀 ] does your muse have any childhood friends or people that are important to them?
[ 💕 ] does your muse believe in true love? do they believe in love at all?
[ 🧸 ] does your muse have any guilty pleasures or hobbies that make them embarrassed?
[ 🌟 ] is your muse comfortable in their identity? are they insecure or confident?
[ 🧭 ] does your muse know what they want? how well can they advocate for themselves?
[ 🎈 ] does your muse have many regrets? what are they?
[ 🏆 ] is your muse afraid of failure? what do they do when they fail?
[ 💭 ] does your muse have imaginary friends? did they have any as a child?
[ 🩹 ] what does your muse do to de-stress?
[ 🚓 ] would your muse break the law?
[ 🧲 ] is your muse generally flirty, or are they more reserved?
[ 🗾 ] how self-sufficient is your muse? are they more independent, or do they need others around them?
[ 🙏 ] is your muse religious? what do they believe in, if anything?
[ 👻 ] if your muse were a fantasy creature, what kind would they be? why?
[ ⚖️ ] what is your muse’s moral code? what kind of morality do they have?
[ 💥 ] is your muse determined, or do they give up easily?
[ 🃏 ] how does your muse handle being lied to?
[ 🥀 ] would your muse betray someone they love?
[ 🥊 ] how strong is your muse’s survival instinct?
[ 🌼 ] what kind of first impression does your muse leave?
[ 🐣 ] does your muse have anyone they look up to?
[ 🎨 ] is your muse artistic? do they want to be?
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a-dang · 3 years
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sentence starters: quotes from my tomodachi life game, part 5.
❝ i don’t think the boat is coming… ❞
❝ don’t you worry about me. i’ll be careful out there, just like always! ❞
❝ i try to pretend i’m asleep on the train so no one tries to talk to me. ❞
❝ i’m a big fan of taking naps. the more naps per day, the better. ❞
❝ i’m finally starting to feel better. ❞
❝ i’m afraid my self-confidence is way lower than it should be… ❞
❝ you’re a puzzle master! ❞
❝ are you hungry? i bet you’re hungry. ❞
❝ it’s saturday! are you free to relax today, [name]? ❞
❝ i feel like i waste my precious time off when i sleep in on the weekend. ❞
❝ i’m happiest when i’m working by myself. people complicate things. ❞
❝ i try to act cool in front of my buddies. it’s not that hard, ha ha! ❞
❝ dream big! do it for those of us who lack the confidence to do the same… ❞
❝ i think [name] and i must have known each other in a past life… ❞
❝ i’m going to make something stylish, just you wait. ❞
❝ i can make all my own clothes now! ❞
❝ this outfit is the epitome of nowness. ❞
❝ i think i made some nice clothes. ❞
❝ this is some serious avant-garde stuff i’m working on! ❞
❝ if closing business deals is your thing, this outfit will be your secret weapon. ❞
❝ sometimes it’s best to keep it simple. ❞
❝ thanks for being so nice! please accept this token of my gratitude. ❞
❝ i love taking apart mechanical pencils and then putting them back together. ❞
❝ talking in front of crowds is overrated. and by overrated, i mean terrifying. ❞
❝ i memorized the lyrics to all the songs on my cd! want me to sing them to you? ❞
❝ i have something important to tell you. ❞
❝ no matter what i wear, i look mighty fine. ❞
❝ you’re doomed to fail — may as well hit the sack. ❞
❝ i’m crazy talented, so we’re completely unalike. ❞
❝ you’re why they say that talk is cheap. ❞
❝ hearing you rap makes it hard to stay awake. ❞
❝ i’m super cool like a fresh milkshake. ❞
❝ your goofy clothes are quite a sight. ❞
❝ i don’t get irritated very often, but today isn’t going so great. ❞
❝ i always get lost when i’m somewhere i’ve never been before. ❞
❝ i’m feeling unsure of myself… ❞
❝ i’m not hungry enough to eat this. ❞
❝ i have feelings for [name]. ❞
❝ [name] rejected me, but i’m not going to give up so easily! ❞
❝ i have to try again, or i’ll regret it. ❞
❝ what do you think? ❞
❝ that turned out horribly. ❞
❝ i’m finally ready to let go. ❞
❝ that tasted pretty weird… ❞
❝ sometimes when people try to give me advice, i just nod and pretend to listen. ❞
❝ i feel a lot calmer now. ❞
❝ this is my chance to get ahead! ❞
❝ i have a whole collection of books i borrowed but never read. ❞
❝ i feel the most awake at night, for some reason. maybe i’m part owl… ❞
❝ having close friends makes me feel stronger, like i can overcome anything! ❞
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a-dang · 3 years
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Her hazel hues floated down to the box of goodies that Aeva had brought along with her, knowing full well the other woman knew that desserts were the true way to Irina’s heart. “You are a blessing,” she mused before standing up from the ground and moving to take the box from her friend’s hands, placing it off in one as she leaned in to give her a one-armed hug. “I’m surprised you managed to stop anywhere on the way over, you know we could have always ordered it and had it delivered.” she pulled away from her friend before starting to move towards the back door that led into the kitchen, two hands now on the box so that she wouldn’t drop it on the way in. Placing it down on the counter she moved to open it, spying the exact cupcake she wanted before plucking it from the box and taking a quick lick of the icing. “Mmm, so good.” she hummed to herself before looking back at Aeva. “How are you feeling after everything? You didn’t require any medical attention right?”
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   Beaming at the compliment, Aeva was more than happy as the box left her hold, instead replaced by the one-armed hug from the other. “Eh. I thought the personal touch would make it even better.” she replied, eventually breaking away from the brief embrace. ”Besides, I haven’t seen your around lately. I just knew I had to visit.” she added, lightly brushing a strand of her hair to tuck it behind her ear. 
   Moving to follow Irina inside her home, the woman entered her friend’s place, quietly astonished that she lived all alone in the gorgeous home. Into the kitchen, she rested against the counter, leaning with folded arms as she watched the other already pluck a cupcake from the box. Smiling at Irina’s enjoyment, she was glad to have picked up a good box of dessert between the both of them to share. 
   “Well, I’m doing perfectly fine, thank you very much.” Unlike the others, Aeva had little to no qualms about what had transpired. If anything, a part of her even enjoyed wreaking havoc, more than she realised, it turns out. “Not a single hair harmed on my head, I can assure you. Not even when I played my role as ‘perfectly innocent guest held at gunpoint’.” she shared coolly. “Were you hurt?”
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a-dang · 3 years
If he’d had the energy to care, he may have questioned why Aeva was the one to check on him. He didn’t know if they were particularly close, it wasn’t like they knew each other as anything more than acquaintances. Where were his friends? Did he have any friends? There was a good chance his underlings had texted him or something, but he didn’t intend on figuring out where he’d left his phone to die. As it was, he didn’t question it. He didn’t question her being there, or how she’d found his address, or why she even gave a shit.
Until the thought came to him that maybe she was there for someone else. Maybe she was doing someone’s dirty work. Maybe he was the dirty work. He didn’t answer her questions, just laid there for a few moments, until finally he exhaled and tilted his head to look at her with red eyes. “Who sent you?” He asked, his voice hoarse from his utter inability to take care of himself the past few days.
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   Funnily enough, she wasn’t surprised when he asked about who had sent her. Sometimes, people associated her heavily with her Volkov overlords to bother thinking about her own motives. Not that she felt slighted by any insinuation, as she did love being a wild card sometimes. 
   “I came on my own accord.” she told him, standing rooted in her spot as dark browns slowly blinked in his direction. “No one sent me.” She wouldn’t take it against him that he thought she was doing someone else’s bidding. "I answered yours. Now will you answer my questions?"
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a-dang · 3 years
for @emitylor​​, at his palatial estate, hours after the wedding crash
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   After Chase had dropped her home, ensuring that she was safe and all, Aeva thanked her date for the night and apologised profusely for what had transpired. After all, she had brought him to the wedding, only for the entire thing to go south badly. And she had even put him in a precarious situation, being that she was held at gunpoint. All in all, she couldn’t quite apologise to him enough.
   Once all was said and done, and that his car had driven off. Aeva swiftly shot Maria a text stating not to wait up. After a few minutes, she ordered an Uber, and hopped in effortlessly, still in her velvet dress and heels. At the end of the night, there was only one place she wanted to go to aside from home.
   A good twenty minutes later and the car had pulled up at the address, and she had never felt more confident in stepping foot at the grounds. She could see the Bentley parked out front, passing by it with fondest of memories, her heels clacking against the ground as she approached the house. And just by the door, ever so languidly watching her arrival, was him.
   “How’d I do?” she asked as she approached him, eventually stopping short of a step away from him, standing tall and pleased of herself as she smiled at Milo. “Maybe I should have been an actress, Then I could get a Golden Globe, or an Oscar.”
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a-dang · 3 years
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   Lowkey was the current name of the game. After the public spectacle they had pulled off at the wedding, the next thing to do was to stay out of the public eye for the meantime. Having done the most in showing their might and power, it was understandable that they would pull back a little now.
   Thus, Aeva happily being on her way to Irina’s place, bringing along a box of cupcakes she bought from the Wildflour Bakery. Unlike the rest of her friends who were openly reeling from what had occurred, she remained unfazed and unbothered, having fulfilled her role perfectly. So far, things were going well for her, that it was hard to put a dampen on her spirits.
   Coming up to the gorgeous home that was all Irina’s, the woman headed in without hesitation, milling around to find Irina by the garden, toiling away. “Hey, Irina.” Aeva happily greeted, approaching her with such a bright smile and radiant aura, clutching the box of cupcakes. “I’m nowhere near as gorgeous as you are, but I’ll take it.” she joked, coming up to her before holding out said box. “Cupcakes, because I’m in an exceptionally good mood and I really have been joshing for something sweet.”
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Where: Irina’s home
Who: @a-dang​
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After receiving word that Aeva would be joining her at her home, Irina made sure to let her know she could find her in the backyard where she was currently tending to a garden she had started to try and grow. Usually, Irina wasn’t much of a gardener but being out in the sunlight and just having the relaxing feeling of tending to something other than what the world was worrying about made her…happy. After setting in one of her newly purchased flowers into the hole she had made in the soil, the blonde began filling in the area around it. Patting it with her shovel before she moved to look to where the next hole was and her hands went to depot the next set of flowers she had planned to plant that day. Hearing foot steps she turned her head and was thankful she chose to wear this fuchsia hat today. “If it isn’t one of my favorite girls,” she mused, placing the flowers into the hole before dropping her shovel and moving to her feet. “I’m glad to see you still look as gorgeous as ever.” 
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a-dang · 3 years
Her remark may have been amusing to him, were he able to feel much of anything other than the aching numbness that had almost completely taken him over. As if it could possibly matter that anyone could come in. As if he had it in him to give a shit. Let them come. Let them rob him. Let them murder him where he lay. What did he care? What did it matter? Rian was pretty sure if nothing else, he’d proven by lying here for the past few days that it didn’t matter. The world kept turning, with or without him. With or without Kate. And she had been a significantly more important person for the universe in the grand scheme of things.
Rian said nothing for a while. He didn’t move, didn’t speak, barely even blinked. He ignored her calling his name, ignored her lecturing him halfheartedly about leaving the door unlocked. When he figured she wasn’t going to just turn around and leave, he tilted his head so he could face her. Without his glasses or his contacts, she was just a blurry silhouette in the dimness of the unlit apartment. But he recognized her voice. Aeva. A kind enough person. He was pretty sure she worked at the Pearl Room. He didn’t know much else about her, if he was being honest.
Then he was looking away again, opting for staring at the wall in front of where he was laying. He didn’t have the energy to speak, or to stand. And a part of him knew that if he had found that energy, he would’ve used it to put an end to everything by now. The only thing stopping him was his complete inability to do much of anything except lay there, wishing time would freeze or stop or go backwards so he could change everything about his life.
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   The state of him was truly saddening. In the times she had seen him before, Rian was nowhere near this empty shell that lay before her on the couch, looking haplessly on. Her lips pressed together, knowing that he was clearly grieving, still, after his sister had died, no thanks to Isaak. It must have been quite the whiplash, helping the Vipers, only for them to take someone you love.
   “Have you eaten?” she quietly asked, crossing her arms in her stand, despite knowing that the chance of him answering her was slim to none. “Or at least, have you drank water?” Some way, somehow, Rian still needed to take care of himself, despite what had happened. “Have you slept?”
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a-dang · 3 years
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a-dang · 3 years
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a-dang · 3 years
( Pre Plot Drop -- Marchand Wedding )
The dress she had on was something she knew she needed to buy for the special occasion, unwilling to attend with nothing short of spectacular. “New purchase.” she shared, knowing that her roomie already had first dibs, as they both had for each other’s clothes. Truly, they felt more like sisters than just roomies.
   What was between her and Milo had long been gnawing at Aeva, and she had been wondering for a while now if it was finally time for her to open up to Maria about it. And now, there didn’t seem like any better time than ever. Lowering her champagne glass, she felt almost shy to talk about the true score about the two of them. “He and I have been more, er, involved as of late.” The woman remained careful with how she was phrasing things, worried that anything wrong said could be on her. “I… Well, he and I have been working together for a while now but… I think it’s starting to be real.” she confessed, hoping that Maria could somehow help her out in processing this change. “Like… I’m catching feelings. For him. Serious feelings. What do I do?”
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Maria couldn’t help but smile at the answer. She knew Aeva liked to thrift shop, but there was no way that dress could be a result of that. And if it was she would have to rethink her shopping habits since returning in Oceanside. Sure she liked a deal just as much as her roommate, their past forcing them to consider money more closely than most, yet with her new profession she couldn’t help but treat herself from time to time. Maria’s brow raised at the word involved wondering what implications that had. By the look on Aeva’s face alone she could tell that it was more feeling involved than just a good time. “Real?” she asked lightly with a small smile happy to see Aeva in such a state. “Real can be good.” she stated, despite her own pity party since calling it off with Max that didn’t mean she was going to be a cynic in the face of relationships. As she continued to speak Maria couldn’t help biting her lower lip, caught up in her own thoughts. If Aeva did have feelings would she want to know about Maria’s hookup with him. Granted it happened only one time and the likelihood of it happening, with or without this information, was unlikely. She’d always been truthful with her, one of the reasons why their bond was so close. “For one, tell him!” she placed her hands over hers and gave it a squeeze. “I—” just as she was about to continue in telling her the truth she was being called on the other side of the bar, where there was now a crowd forming. “Sorry, just give me a sec!” she smiled rushing there and ending up becoming busy all over again.
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