a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Hello How are You?
Hello Readers,
How have you been聽 lately? A lot has happened for me during the past two and half months. The first thing is I am now a intern for a non profit organization called Equip Orphans Outreach. The second one is that I got a job. I really enjoy both, and I am really excited that I accomplished both of my goals.
Another big accomplishment for me is that I have found my joy.聽 In my opinion Joy and Happiness are two different feelings. Joy is eternal happiness within yourself. Happiness is like a feeling of certain circumstances. What I mean by certain circumstances is that one moment you could be happy, and then the next you could be sad or annoyed. Being happy is almost temporary in a sense because in my opinion happiness depends on your mood and circumstances. Joy is eternal because having joy in your life is a lifestyle. You live in joy, and you breathe out joy.
I know that I am not a daily blogger or even a monthly blogger, but I do take blogging seriously because I want to put out quality content. So if anyone is wondering why I haven't put anything out in a while is because I am thinking about what I want to share with you guys. Thank You so much, and have a beautiful day!
- Michelle
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Walking With Nature
Hello Readers,
Being out with nature today was awesome. It really gave me a chance to clear my head and just enjoy the beautiful view in front of me. I woke up this morning with the intentions of volunteering at a local church that fed the homeless, but they did not need anymore volunteers. I was pretty bummed about it because I did not know that you had to arrive much earlier than I thought. I became very frustrated with myself because I felt like this mistake could of been easily avoided if I had planned better 聽in advance. The walk on the trail helped me quickly forget my frustration, and I was taken in by how calm and quite it was. 聽It was like the nature around me was giving me energy, and a peace of my mind. I realized after I was done with my long walk that I did not have to be so hard on myself. My favorite part of the walk was when I was near the lake and I got to dip my feet into the cool water, and really take in everything around me.聽The tress were a bursting green, and some trees were starting to change into bright reds, oranges, and yellows. All along the trail I saw 聽trees that 聽had read and orange 聽berries on them.They looked like little balls, but they had a bumpy feel to them. ( They were really good too. C:) Today was a really good day! 聽I know that I will be going back to feel nature's view taking my breath away.
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
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Dear Readers,
I hope all of you are having a good weekend.聽
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Changing The Way You Think
Hello Readers,
Do you ever find yourself thinking that you will fail at something, and then your prediction comes true even though you really wanted to succeed? I know for myself that this is something that I need to work on. I recently went to a bible study that talked about not letting your negative thoughts and labels control or dictate who you are. That stuck with me because I have such a bad habit of letting my negative thoughts effect my outcomes in life.
The way I started to fix this nasty habit was that in the morning I told myself that I can do it..., and I just repeated that saying over and over again. I was telling myself that I am worth it. I continued to pump my head with encouraging words until 聽they started to stick. Now, I am not saying that I got rid of my bad habit on a day. Its the fact that I started today, and I felt the awesome effects of rewiring the way that I think. I hope that this post helps anyone out there that feels alone in this area of their life. Just remember that there is a huge world out there... you are NEVER alone. Live a Beautiful Life!
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(P. S.- This picture was taken right after it stopped raining, and everything started to clear up.)
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
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Beautiful Mount Rainer- 聽at Seattle, Wa
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Give Yourself More Credit
Hello Readers,
Life can give you a rough time. Mostly everyone can agree with that. It is so easy to get swept up in your own problems and issues. It is so easy to put on 聽your capitol "I", and pity yourself. We usually do not see what 聽our rough patches have done for us until the very end. We take a deep breath and think finally it is all over. It is never over (and that is okay! C:) life will always produce mountains for us to climb. Some mountains we have created ourselves, and some mountains are out of our control. I believe that in order to get the most out of everything life puts us through we have to appreciate where we are in life and strive to become something better. I guess what I am trying to say is take that deep breath when you are in the middle of your battle and give yourself credit for how far you have come. I am no expert in life. I just share what is on my heart, and mostly I share these posts 聽because I am going through exactly what I am sharing to you. We are all human in the most unusual and beautiful way. Celebrate that!
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Being Patient
Hello Readers,
Being patient in a nearly instant world is hard for me. There are 聽major things in my life that I wish would just happen within the next few days. I can not speak for everyone but, it is really hard for me to look at where I am in the present and grasp it. I am the type of person who is always trying to figure out the next few steps in my life. Slowly I am learning that it doesn't work out that way. I am starting to understand that grasping what is in front of you and making the most of it will make you appreciate every event that led up to the final event. ( Or in most cases that one 聽thing that has been driving you crazy for last few months). I encourage all readers to stop, reflect, and live in your present moments. Be Patient.聽
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
It has been a while...
Hello Readers,
I know it has been a while since I have blogged anything. I had to take a long needed break. I had to reflect and grow as a person. I understand that having a blog requires dedication, and on my part I have failed. In the past few months I have grown a lot as a person and I have a better understanding about who I am. I also have a better picture on what I would like to contribute to our world. I believe that everyone has a deep rooted passion, and you should always nurture your passion by investing your time into it.聽
Something that I have been researching about is the non-profit sector. I am the type of person who wants to change the world we live in. I have found a few really good internships that would get my foot into the door and my feet wet. I am really excited to see where this new journey will take me.
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Hello Readers,
For the longest time I have been thinking about creating my own meditation spot. I just want a place where I can recollect myself. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. A meditation spot is almost like a prayer corner. A place where you can hide away from the rest of the world and let your thoughts go. For some reason I keep putting it off. I think it is because I do not know where to start ,and I am intimidated by meditation because it seems like a very ominous experience. If anyone has any techniques that they would like to share I would greatly appreciate it.
Keep Moving Forward,
Michelle Patterson聽
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Be There For You.
Hello Readers,
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Some days it is hard to hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing. I believe that those are the days when we need to learn to encourage ourselves. Everyone has their slump days when they do not feel great and everything seems off. Today is that day for me... I guess. I encourage myself because I know if I do not then I will feel like this for the rest of the day. I am over giving into my negative thinking and emotions. I want to encourage my self because I know there will be times when I will not have someone to talk to, and I have to be there for myself. I encourage you readers to find the encouragement in yourselves... it will make you stronger.
I bought this plant at a local farmers market. This plant represents life because one day it will bloom into a beautiful flower. ( No, I do not know what type of plant it is.) 聽:)
Keep Moving Forward,
-Michelle Patterson
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
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Meow. Hehe.
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
About Me
Dear Readers,
My name is Michelle Patterson I am a born and raised Californian. This might come as a shocker to some, but I have never 聽been outside of California. I am twenty one years old (I look much younger than my actual age). I am currently trying to get into a assistant nursing program.
Some of my interests are writing, reading,running, photography, watching anime- (my favorite anime is Fruits Baskets). I do not have a favorite book because I have too many favorites. Authors that I enjoy reading are: 聽John Steinbeck, J.R.R.Tolkien, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Tana French, Edgar Allen Poe, and Langston Hugues etc.
Some of my favorite music artists are: Of Monsters and Men, Katy Perry, Murs,Jessie J,San Cisco, Wildcats! Wildcats!, Margot & the Nuclear So So's, Iron and Wine, Horse Feathers, Red Hot Chili Peppers 聽Work Drugs, etc. etc. As you can see 聽I like to listen to a little bit of everything. I enjoy listening to new music so if you have any artists you want me to check out I will be more than willing to check them out.
The reason why I want to start a blog is because I want to nurture my passion for writing. I want to become better at writing. I guess like any blogger I have something that I want to share with people . I want to share my experiences with people. Hopefully one day some of my posts will touch someone's heart and give them that fresh breath 聽of air that they needed to start their day. 聽
Well that is a good little chunk of myself on the internet. Have a Good Day and, Keep Moving Forward. (Yes the saying is cheesy, but it is also the truth... to me).
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a-bucket-of-roses 10 years
Hello Readers,
My name is Michelle Patterson.聽Thank you for stopping by聽I hope you enjoy what you see.聽
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