city boy ;;
74 posts
i'm theodore kim, but call me theo. i was born and raised in london, but my family and I moved back to south korea around when I turned sixteen. i'm the lead vocalist and main dancer of utopia. twitter: @95theokimdiscord: theokim#6162aim: theokim95
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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UTOPIA’s Theo faints onstage!
Fans of boy group UTOPIA have been on a roller coaster of emotions—with the recent scandals regarding member Cosmo, the subsequent exciting comeback, and now, member Theo passing out mid-comeback stage.
Utopia’s manager says that Theo will not be participating in any more of the Why So Serious? promotions due to his current conditions, though Theo’s current state was not elaborated upon. It is currently unclear what the exact cause of his episode was.
Theo was rushed to the hospital from the event, and no further information has been provided regarding his health.
whysoserious: man, these boys just can’t catch a break!
theooppa: ahh!!! he was getting so thin, and he looked so out of it when the stage began......... poor baby ;-;
ygdid911: just another story about overworked idols. it’s sad, yeah, but he’ll be fine. they always are. calm your tits.
wetopia: whoever caused this can catch these hands
Note; this post is purely fictional and for roleplay purposes only.
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
UTOPIA Drops Music Video Teaser For“Why So Serious?”
After the constant teasing of concept photos for the male idol group’s comeback, Utopia has finally dropped a music video teaser for their title track, “Why So Serious?”.
From the looks of this teaser, the boys have definitely gone for the feel of their inspiration of the concept, Suicide Squad, with their bad boy looks and criminal like acts. The song itself sports a very rock sound, again, fitting for their concept style this time around.
Although fans were worried about this not being a full cast comeback, although it isn’t, just about all of the members have decided to participate and has reassured fans that they have all worked hard on this long awaited comeback and will promote with all members as soon as possible. There isn’t much time left before the final reveal of Utopia’s “Why So Serious?” so make sure to keep an eye out for more.
jIHWANSMYBAE: Where’s Jihwan?!! So he’s really not gonna participate?! Anyways this looks hype!
cosden213: My daddies looks so hot! UNF!! I want them to trigger me inside!! 
powerxz: another suicide squad concept. Overdone. I dont like this shit.
Unifreightzx: Do you hear those vocals?! do you see those scenes?!! I STAN THE RIGHT GROUP!
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
⟨✲⟩ Sneaking around had become second nature to Juniper by now; she’d spent the last month blissfully happy, but only in private as she couldn’t exactly flaunt her newfound relationship in the public eye. After a discreet vacation in England and a few trips to one another’s dorms under the cover of darkness, their respective comebacks were steadily approaching—meaning more time in the practice rooms and long days/nights at Double Kill headquarters. She felt herself being pulled in a million directions with up and coming projects, but somehow she always found herself looking forward to a few stolen glances at the 2K building, and maybe a polite conversation here and there. Tonight was different, though. Juni had excused herself from the Mellow dorm for the evening, shying away from her members’ knowing glances and quiet giggles. She was adamant about going to the practice room to rehearse, and she wasn’t lying, but she hadn’t exactly divulged that she wouldn’t necessarily be alone. She’d never put Theo at risk of exposure, but there wasn’t anything questionable about two labelmates undergoing late night rehearsal at their shared building, right? Juni was the first to arrive. She clicked on the lights, scrolling through her phone for a good warmup song. There was an enormous amount of preparation that needed to be done for Mellow’s comeback, after all, and the recent confirmation had sent excited chills all over her skin. She was ready to be working again, even if it meant less free time and exhausting schedules. Satisfied with an upbeat EDM-esque song, she sat in the floor and began stretching, thankful for the song’s slow buildup.
With Utopia’s comeback around the corner, Theo found himself practically living and breathing dance practice. Usually, he was with his members or alone, the latter of which got boring, and made it difficult to stay motivated. He didn’t really need an excuse to hang out with Juniper—he’d gladly do so anywhere and anytime, but he supposed he felt good to be doing it under the guise of preparation.
Guise? Or would they really be practicing? Theo didn’t know which to expect, and he also didn’t know which he’d prefer. While practice was important, so was finding enjoyable time to spend with his girlfriend. He found it difficult to bring himself to practice, so it would be good to have Juni to push him... but at the same time, there are many things he’d rather do when they actually have time together.
Either way, he assured himself, at least he was going to be with her.
Theo slid into the practice room only a few minutes after she began her stretching, tossing his bag into a corner. 
“I’m not late, am I?” A grin spread across his face as he moved around Juni, sitting cross-legged across from her on the floor. He gave an exaggerated and fake pout—“You’re actually going to make me work, and you started without me; do I even get a hello kiss?” His expression faded into more of a grin.
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
It was actually really funny to hear the elder yell at him, telling him he could only hear hyung from him since according to age the other wasn’t too far ahead in the line of age. “But hey, you need some fresh air! when was the last time you saw trees?” Jaejin continued to excitedly pull his group member along. He wish he could have taken some of the other members with, but he really only could find one victim and it just so happened to be Theo. “Okay but hyung really when was the last time we got to stroll out by ourselves? don’t you miss walking around?”
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Theo gave a laugh at the younger’s excitement, shaking his head, though the smile remained. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s been ages since I’ve felt the sun. And I see you every day, but it’s never really hanging out per se.” He took his arm back from Jaejin, giving him a soft punch in the shoulder. “You could have warned me, though. Maybe I was doing something important. Have some respect.” His tone was humorous, and the smile on his face made it hard to take him seriously.
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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more jongup
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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uppie’s oscar-winning acting!
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
OOC !!
totally seperate from this muse; would anybody be interested in joining a discord based closed rp group? the concept being a genderswap au centered around yg entertainment, with a focus on epik high, bigbang, 2ne1, winner, ikon and blackpink? (other artists can be added if there’s interest in them?) 
if you are interested, there’s some information about the groups within the context of the au here. 
it would be a casual slice of life rp, with different channels within the rp server acting as different settings; literate interactions, for example, could be held in channels that represent the dorms, backstage areas, recording studios, the famous yg cafeteria, vlives. there could also be channels for sms based interactions; a family group chat, individual group gcs, a “twitter feed” so on and so forth. 
if you’d like to take part, please im me here or dm me on twitter at @ducksize !! and please spread this around, too !!
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
“If I’m going down then you’re going down with me.” Jaejin replied, already making his way out of the building, dragging his hyung along for an adventure. Being an idol meant that the boys didn’t have much free time but it also meant rules could be broken as long as no one got caught, so there they were making their way to a restaurant, any restaurant.
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“Hey!” Theo let himself be pulled along, though he offered protests as the younger tugged him. “You can’t do this to me. You’re the only one who calls me hyung; you have to treat me with respect!” He laughed as Jaejin pulled him, having no real complaints. He truly didn’t want to practice today; he was feeling particularly lazy, so he followed the maknae along.
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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It’s safe to say Jongup slayed this week!
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
@95theokim  (유)  hae speaks
“I know, I’m not the best rapper out there but at least I’m trying right?” He stares at the elder, upon closing the laptop that he was faced with, trying his best not to let tears pass by his own cheeks, hate emails, upon hate emails started to pour in. They weren’t so subtle anymore, his self-confidence kept on degrading. ‘If Only, I can make them stop hyung… I’m so tired, too.’
Theo shakes his head, sitting down next to the younger and bringing up a hand to his shoulder. “Hate is just... a part of this life.” He sighs. “It has nothing to do with your talent. You’re an incredible rapper. Even the best of the best would get shit like this.” A pause. “It’s easier said than done, but you just can’t let it get to you.”
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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Artist: Knockback Release: June 5th, 2017 Genre: Pop, Dance, Dubstep
#CONCEPT1:  A mixture of dubstep and dance music, with an addictive sound and eye-catching video, Knockback has released their very first possible concept. Showing off their talent with an impressive choreographed dance. The five boys show off their mature, classy yet modern side, combining aesthetic imagery with an addictive beat and remarkable dance moves. Although the dance is performed by only four members due to Keith’s knee injury during the filming of the MV. What do you say, would this be Knockback’s future concept? 
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
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                    Pink is not just a color, It’s an Attitude
Ming Xiao Yan, 96 liner, born in Changsha, China. Once a child superstar. Currently a soloist and a member of 2K Entertainment’s wacky and whimsical girl group: Aconite. Sweet charms, edgy charisma, acrobatic skills, and powerhouse vocals.                            
                                         REBLOG and FOLLOW
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
01: tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
02: what on your body is hurting or bothering you?
03: what was your last thought before going to bed last night?
04: what are you listening to?
05: what’s something you’re not looking forward to?
06: where do you think your best friend is right now?
07: have you kissed anybody in the last five days?
08: sex on the first date?
09: kiss on the first date?
10: is there one person you want to be with right now?
11: are you seriously happy with where you are in life?
12: is there something you would like to say to someone?
13: what are three things you did today?
14: would you rather sleep at a friend’s or have them over?
15: what is your favorite kind of gum?
16: are you friends with any of your ex boyfriends/ girlfriends?
17: what is on your wrists right now?
18: ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with?
19: does anyone have strong feelings for you?
20: are you slowly drifting away from someone?
21: have you ever wasted your time on someone?
22: can you do the alphabet in sign language?
23: how have you felt today?
24: you receive £60 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
25: what is wrong with you right now?
26: is there anyone you’re really disappointed in?
27: would you rather have starbucks or jamba juice right now?
28: why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex anymore?
29: how late did you stay up last night and why?
30: when was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?
31: what were you doing an hour ago?
32: what are you looking forward to in the next month?
33: are you wearing jeans right now?
34: are you a patient person?
35: do you think you can last in a relationship for three months?
36: favorite color?
37: did you have a dream last night?
38: are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
39: if someone could be cuddling you right now, who would you want it to be?
40: do you love anyone who is not related to you?
41: if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
42: do you like meeting new people?
43: are you afraid of falling in love?
44: ever self-harmed or starved yourself?
45: has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
46: have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough?
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
UTOPIA’s Sub Unit: Shangri La released their mv teaser for their title track “Color”
Shangri La have finally released an MV teaser for their upcoming unit debut “Color”!
This teaser shows scenes that is similar and visually pleasing like art films, including a scene on a gas station enveloped by smoke, the pool that is scattered with flower petals, and canvases that allude to the group’s album title.
Check out the teaser for yourself above, and of course, check back for the full release on May 23!
yumyum09: I love Shangri la, I love art. I can’t wait.
Planetutopia: YESS I’m so excited this is going to be good
cupcakez2323: WTH? this loooks gay!! ew
splatextra: YASSS meven if theyre soft in this, I’m still hard and want to mpreg them all!
clockmoo: OPpa$ wHY U aLL Cov3R3D?!!! grrrrrr! I wAnT ME OppA$ Nak3D aNd S33 D3m DIckzz!!!!!! UNffffff!!!!!   AnIYYAAA!!
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
{{ Please reblog this if you’re a mun who’s open for angst plotting. Death, pain, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, illness, misery, fighting, screaming, tears, hate, disgust, trauma, graphic gore, etc; I’m in need of threads. Thank you. }}
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95theokim-blog · 8 years ago
👀 + what concept would you never do, whatever the CEO says?
honestly, i’d like to think i don’t have any concepts i wouldn’t be willing to do. i’m pretty easygoing; i think i’d be able to do any concept, though there are many i prefer over others. i tend to enjoy darker/sexier concepts, but i still have fun with cutesy ones!
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