Your name is VRISKA SERKET, and you see nothing but darkness.[ a lot of trigger warnings apply to this blog. if i forget to tag one, tell me. mun phoneblogs a lot and can't always trim posts. ]
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its safe to say that my vriska muse has finally dissipated into virtually nothing.
i’m sorry, but just being on here seems strange. i may come back eventually, but… as of right now? vris is on an indefinite hiatus.
the above link is to my serena (pokemon xy)blog, which is where i spend most of my time. if you want to keep in contact with me or do a crossover rp… thats where to go.
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I've had an oddly exciting life l8ly. It's a new, pleasant change.
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I should 8log periodically 8ut I just.
Why should I.
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starting tomorrow i will be gone indefinitely
im being admitted to the hospital so i wont have access to tumblr
sorry for any inconveniences
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I want to talk to people and make friends 8ut it's just so hot.
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I was going to 8log more 8ut I think I hear thunder again so I'm just going to goooooooo...
#8ut uh if anyone wants to talk to me you can message me?#There are certain people I'd like to continue talking to 8ut#Hff.
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im taking a little hiatusish thing
like ill post once in a while but
yeah ive been really stressed lately so dont expect to see me around as often as i usually am
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Yeah, she's got one. She's asleep so I can just pop in and zap myself over.
I think I will go ahead and do that because I'm tired as hell and want to visit you already.
Be there in a few.
It’s just a dumb fight. I’ll probably be allowed back at some point. So uh. How exactly do I get to your place?
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It's just a dumb fight. I'll probably be allowed back at some point. So uh. How exactly do I get to your place?
She’s my matesprit, she’s not just “somebody". But… I do appreciate it. I’ve missed you.
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She's my matesprit, she's not just "somebody". But... I do appreciate it. I've missed you.
You sure? I think it would be nice to stay with you, at least for a while… I don’t want you to feel pressured to or anything.
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You sure? I think it would be nice to stay with you, at least for a while... I don't want you to feel pressured to or anything.
Well, I don’t really have a choice now. I’ve broken too many things for Terezi to be able to deal with it after coming hive from work and barely having the money to pay for any of it.
But I can stay out here if you think I’d get in the way or something.
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Well, I don't really have a choice now. I've broken too many things for Terezi to be able to deal with it after coming hive from work and barely having the money to pay for any of it.
But I can stay out here if you think I'd get in the way or something.
Yeah I can. I was going to let you know earlier but then I remembered you didn’t want me on your ship or anything and I couldn’t get onto Tumblr for a while anyway.
So I just put up with it, I guess. Sorry.
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I don't know. I don't blame her for kicking me out, though. Whenever I get freaked out by a storm or something, I always break a lot of things, and she doesn't have the money to pay for the damage I do.
I just told her about it and she literally said the same thing. I’m hoping to stay with her but I didn’t want to bug her about it.
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