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Mighty Hanks Monday . Thanks to @gtdunn for the great deal on the G2 @brianfellhoelter brass pen. 👊🏻 . #mightyhanks #mightyhanksmonday #fellhoelterpen #sebenza #sebenza21large #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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One of my favorite makers on here. Not only does he make the coolest panda dudes, but he takes some banger photos. Chris is easily one of my first influences with photography and is one of the first guys that really got me excited to take photos. . I’m trying something new these days and seeing if I can get away with using something other than Lightroom. This one was taken with my iPhone 7 and edited in Snapseed. Aside from not being able to really drill down into the granularity of editing I haven’t been as disappointed as I thought I would be. . #cahptools #pandaknuck #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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If you got in on the preorder of the #bwcoinholder then you should be receiving it very soon. I dropped them all off at the post office yesterday. Thank you guys for picking one up. I can’t wait to see them in your photos! . If you missed the preorder I have more on the way. Rick over at @zerofeud did an amazing job on these. They are far above and beyond what I was expecting. . #brasswerx #bwcoinholder #zerofeud #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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I’ve always regretted not knowing more about how cars work. I would love to work in a hot rod shop making high horsepower cars. As it stands, I can only do very basic stuff. . My AC completely died on me a while back so a buddy replaced the entire system for me. Everything from the compressor to the expansion valve to the condenser. I just got it back Friday and it’s idling weird now so I pulled all the coil packs off to check the spark plugs. That’s a heck of a job on this old car. They’re fine so more troubleshooting is needed for that. . The AC also isn’t blowing from the vents. It was Friday though. My buddy was busy this weekend so I worked on that also while I had the car apart. The blower is behind the glovebox so I took all that apart, dropped the blower, and found that the problem was the mechanical parts that directed the air to the vents had popped loose. I fixed those and it’s all back together like new. . It’s still idling weird though and the belts are still squealing pretty badly so I need to look at that this week. Since it has a new compressor which has a belt on it I’m thinking that could be a culprit but I really have no idea. My buddy is coming over tomorrow night to help me look at it. . I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to take a photo with my hands dirty, though. 😁 . Hope you guys had a killer weekend as well. 🤘🏼 . #sebenza #largesebenza21 #dirtyhands #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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❗️WINNERS❗️ . After about 5 hours I have found the winners! . @hotpixl is our international winner who will get prize pack #1 . @sheepdog_7 was the second winner (and his name came up a second time while I was searching for the third winner 😁) so he gets prize pack #2 . @toph_lucas is the third winner who will get prize pack #3 . I want to send a huge congrats to the winners who are going to get some amazing new gear. A MASSIVE thanks to everyone who contributed something, and I also want to thank everyone who entered and commented and participated in the hashtag photos. There were some just outstanding photos submitted along with a couple of funny ones (looking at you @burgercancook 😂). . I’ll describe my process of choosing the winner for those interested. I was going to film it but my daughter was texting about the keypad on her apartment not working so she couldn’t get in and and I also realized that finding a winner was going to take forever. . Step 1: scroll through all of the GAW comments until I got to the end, copy them all and paste into a text file. . Step 2: scroll through all the #875fps15kGAW photos and somehow document all of them. After an hour of trying different things to capture them all (parsing the html of the page didn’t work because even though you can see all of the photos IG limits each web request pull to 80 photos), I ended up just adding 247 lines to the end of my comments file (in batch that’s: for /l %a in (1,1,247) do @echo %a | clip) . Now that I have all of my comments and hashtag representations in a file, I used to pick a number between 1 and 1233 . For some of the guys picked, I pulled all of their following list and searched it for the contributors. For others who were following a ton of people I checked their names against the contributors’ followers. Out of 12 people I was able to find 4 that followed all the rules. 2 of the 4 were international so that left the 3 you see at the top. . I’m out of space for this post but I want to give another huge thanks to everyone who contributed. @usamadeblade sent in a Hinderer XM-18 of all things! I own a lot of knives from them and they are such great people. / on Instagram
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❗️OFFICIAL 15K GAW ENTRY POST❗️ . First and foremost, thank you guys for helping me celebrate. I couldn’t have done it without you supporting me by looking and commenting and buying my stuff. I sincerely appreciate it. . Also a huge thanks to everyone that contributed something to help me celebrate. I can’t thank you enough. . This is open to everyone in all countries. I will pick three winners and if one is international, they will win Prize Pack 1, which is a few posts back in my feed. . Unfortunately, due to the crazy knife laws out there, I can only have one non-US winner. Any additional international winners will be discarded and another name will be drawn. I feel bad about that but I think that’s the best and most fair way to do it. . ❗️RULES❗️ . ▪️Must be 18 to win ▪️No giveaway accounts are eligible ▪️ No private accounts ▪️You must tag 3 people per entry with unlimited entries but each tagged account must be someone that’s actually interested in EDC. Don’t tag your mom, don’t tag Obama, don’t tag Reese Witherspoon (all real entries from my last GAW 😂) ▪️ You must follow me and all of the makers that are mentioned in each GAW photo post. The previous 3 photos on my feed lists them all. Be careful, there are a lot of people to follow and following too many at once will flag you for spamming. Just take it easy. ▪️If you want additional entries, post your own EDC gear and use the hashtag #875fps15kGAW. Only one per day and please try to be creative. You are not allowed to go back and tag previous posts. ▪️I’ll end the giveaway on Friday 08/23. That’s in 2 weeks. . I reserve the right to alter the rules at any time. I’ll post something letting everyone know if I change anything. . The main goal is to have fun. . Thank guys and good luck! / on Instagram
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I tried something new with this one. @edc.alabama asked what editing apps everyone used in his photo today. I’m stuck at one of those trampoline places with time to kill so I decided to try the Lightroom mobile app. It’s not too bad. . I’m editing a raw photo from the DSLR so I’m cheating a bit. Still though, I’m not disappointed with the result. I’m not crazy about the composition but it is what it is. . Does anyone only use their phone? What apps do you use to take and/or edit your photos? . Also a side note, I’ve always used the Google keyboard on my iPhone so I could use the swipe feature. I have an Apple developer account so I can build an app to monitor my son’s blood sugar (he’s Type 1) ... anyway so I’m trying the new iOS13 beta which has the swipe feature and it’s not as good. I like how the google one gives you alternative words to pick when it doesn’t recognize what you wanted. Also you can’t touch text as easily anymore to move the cursor around. Instead, you have to long press the space bar on the keyboard which is not near as easy to use. . Anyway, rant over. Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend. 👊🏻 . Oh yeah, one more thing. When I first posted this Zippo from Jon, Sean over at @gorillaleatherwork had to get one of his own. He just posted it, too, and his photo is way better than mine. 😎 . #mrjonhayes #zippo #brasswerx #bwcenterbrass / on Instagram
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Something a little different from my normal style for this week's #muskandhustlemonday. . This specific bottle will belong to one of you soon. And on that note, I should be getting the very last item in on Wednesday for the giveaway. I hate it that the metal SAK patch from @the_sak_collector was lost in the mail but please go check him out anyway. Craig is a good dude and a huge part of our community here. . Hope you guys have been well. 🤘🏻 . #muskandhustle #muskandhustlemonday #musknation #downtown #murals / on Instagram
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My day job has blown up this week and I've been working 16-20 hour days but hopefully that's over now and I can get back to fun things like hanging out with you guys. . In case you guys have forgotten, I have some things to give away. Everything in this photo will belong to one or two of you guys very shortly. I'm waiting on a package from Keith at @combatbeads and Craig from @the_sak_collector sent his last metal SAK patch but it must have gotten lost in the mail. He was one of the first people to send me something and it's still floating around somewhere out there. He's doing a giveaway right now so definitely head over and give him some love. . @usamadeblade: Hinderer XM-18 . @prometheuslights: 2 Beta QRv2 and one Preon lights . @cruz_custom_tools: Custom made darkened brass driver . @edc.alabama: Modified Kizer Mini Sheepdog . @bigidesign: Ti Click EDC pen plus a whole bag of other goodies . @notoriousedc: patches and stickers and a SAK lapel pin . @blackcrowcarry: patches and stickers and a lapel pin . @bladerunnerssystems: The Vault EDC carrying case that a this is sitting on . And for those that are new, this isn't even half of what's being given away! . Please head over and show these guys some love. 🙏🏻 Take a second to look at their feed, check out their stores, maybe even buy something if you see something you like. 😁 . Hope you guys have been well. And hopefully I can start posting regularly again. I've missed being involved and looking forward to catching up. . #usamadeblade #xm18 #prometheuslights #betaqrv2 #cruzcustomtools #edcalabama #minisheepdog #bigidesign #notoriousedc #blackcrowcarry #bladerunnersystems #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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Another photo of this beautiful scrolling with that @bigdogcreations did for me. This was created to give to a guy's grandfather as a gift for his 90th birthday! If you look closely, you can see his initials hidden in the design. 🤯 . #brasswerx #bwsak #moddedsak #customsak #sakallday #sakarmy #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools #bigdogcreations / on Instagram
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When you need to up the ante. 👑 . For those that haven't seen, I have these coin holders available as a preorder on my website for maybe the next week or so. You can read more about them on my last post or also on my website. . And, as you can see, they make perfect holders for your favorite cologne. 😎 . Hope you guys are crushing your Monday! . #muskandhustle #muskandhustlemonday #brasswerx #bwcoinholder #poker #pokergame #pokernight / on Instagram
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One of the pieces in the 15k giveaway coming up. This is one of the leather wallets made by @gorillaleatherwork and it's pretty awesome. I haven't seen a leather wallet with the easy access window and it works really well. I'm honored to have him as part of the giveaway. 👊🏻 . Once I get everything in I'll post an official entry post. I'm hoping to make it fun like @sak_edc is doing with hers so get your cameras ready! . #gorillaleatherwork #leather #wallet #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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M&H Monday 🤘🏻🤘🏻 . #muskandhustle #muskandhustlemonday / on Instagram
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A beautiful Swiss Army knife for #saksaturday. Jeremy from @bigdogcreations nailed the laser work on this. This is going to be a gift for a guy's Grandfather's 90th birthday!! and is intended to be an heirloom that is passed down through the generations. It's a huge honor to be involved in such a special project. 🙏🏻 . #brasswerx #bwsak #moddedsak #customsak #sakallday #sakarmy #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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Triple Three Thursday . #whdg #333 #brnly #cypop #atroposknife #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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I'm never one to pass up getting a good bag of coffee. I missed out on @jamescoffeeco and @petermckinnon's first drop and was determined to get a bag the second time around! . If you guys don't know who Peter McKinnon is I highly recommend checking out his IG feed and ultimately his YouTube channel. That dude is full of energy and puts out some very fun to watch videos. If you like coffee, go find the one where he documented his trip to Kenya. It's really freaking good. . #coffee #petermckinnon #jamescoffee #jamescoffeeco #chemex #muskandhustle #goldenhourblend / on Instagram
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It has been a crazy day but at least I smelled good. 🤘🏻 I've been addicted to that @muskandhustle #291 lately. . The notes say vanilla, sugar, leather, and fresh grass and it is glorious! Gotta rep the musk and the hustle for #muskandhustlemonday, right? . Also for those few that saw my story asking if anyone had a @prometheuslights Beta QRv2, @alian_anjum came through clutch with a copper one and now I see why everyone likes these so much. Not only is it a great torch, look at how the light bounces off it for photos. 😍 Clearly that's an important feature of a tool we use, right? 😁 . @mutatioinfigura donated one of these modded Opinels for the 15k GAW so if you guys like this one, wait until you see what came in the mail today! 😮👌🏻 . #muskandhustle #opinel #opinelmod #mutatioinfigura #prometheuslights #betaqr #cahptools #pandaknuck #everydaycarry #everydaydump #everydaygear #edcpocketdump #knifecommunity #geardump #knifefanatics #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #pocketdump #whatsyouredc #everydaycarrycollective #edc_showcase #edctools / on Instagram
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