8-feathered-hat · 2 days
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
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About Gaza Funds
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
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Bill’s been around like 10 times longer than this universe has. But he’s never had a best friend to goof around and play terrible video games with, so some experiences are still new to him.
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
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#raise your shields #because you’re about to get wrecked
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
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I got this idea at 3am.
No, I won't elaborate further
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
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8-feathered-hat · 2 days
I can't explain how much I love them 😔💖
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8-feathered-hat · 3 days
We need to form a political party to represent the interests of fujoshis.
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8-feathered-hat · 3 days
Forgot to post this here;
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8-feathered-hat · 3 days
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Reblog for sample size and also tell me why in the tags. I want violence. I want discourse. I want bloodshed
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8-feathered-hat · 4 days
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the man
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8-feathered-hat · 4 days
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"Stan has no idea, but he did it. He saved the world. He saved me. You're our hero, Stanley."
*Something something*- no matter againts who or what-Stan will always protect his bro
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8-feathered-hat · 4 days
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don't show him modern technology; it won't end well
bonus under the cut:
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8-feathered-hat · 4 days
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8-feathered-hat · 5 days
frankenstan au official canon timeline
(up until the incident when fiddleford gets sucked into the portal, au follows canon gravity falls timeline.)
rather than ignoring fiddleford’s warnings, stanford shuts down and dismantles the portal immediately following the incident.
fiddleford’s paranoia is somewhat assuaged by this, but there is still mental trauma. as a result, he quits working with ford but doesn’t feel the need to erase his memories.
meanwhile, stanley has hit rock bottom. a few days after he would have received the postcard from ford in the canon universe, stan commits suicide by shooting himself in the heart.
stan’s body is found in the front seat of his car by a traffic cop shortly after.
ford’s phone number is found on stan’s body by the coroner. ford is informed of his brother’s death and brought in to identify the body.
overcome with guilt, ford brings stan’s body back to gravity falls and freezes it in a cryogenic chamber while he searches for a way to bring stan back to life.
after a few days, fiddleford decides to check in on ford, having not seen him in nearly a month by then. he finds ford in what used to be the portal room, sleep-deprived and working obsessively on a frankenstein-esque method of resurrection.
not wanting ford to work himself to death, fidds offers to become his assistant again and help to revive stan. ford initially refuses the offer, still feeling guilty about the portal incident, but fiddleford insists.
together, ford and fidds repair stan’s damaged body (*cough* they go grave robbing *cough*) and create a device that uses electricity to reanimate dead flesh.
stan is successfully reanimated. he is conscious and lucid for about two minutes (most of which he spends panicking) before having a seizure and passing out.
for the next three days or so,  stan is either asleep, seizing, or in a state of delirium.
once stan has somewhat recovered, it is made clear that he has no memory of committing suicide. when he asks ford how he died, ford lies to him and says that he died in a car crash.
*various apologies, forgiveness, tearful reconciliation, awkward sibling hugs, yadda yadda yadda.*
ford becomes very protective of stan, almost treating him like he’s fragile. stan is somewhat unsettled by this, but decides not to bring it up.
stan and fiddleford begin to grow close, bonding over traumatic experiences and developing feelings for one another. they eventually start a romantic relationship.
a few weeks pass without incident, aside from the usual ‘mystery trio’-type adventures (monster hunts and whatnot).
stan begins to suspect that ford was lying to him about his death, given that his injuries were not consistent with dying in a car crash.*
stan confronts ford with his suspicions. ford insists that he was telling the truth, but stan doesn’t believe him. an argument starts, and ford blurts out that stan shot himself.*
shocked and horrified, stan storms out. he gets in his car and drives off with no particular destination in mind*.
fiddleford, having overheard the argument, is absolutely furious with stanford. he believes that ford should have been honest and told stan from the beginning, but ford stands by his actions.*
meanwhile, stan nearly crashes his car trying to drive away. he pulls over to try and get his bearings, and all at once he remembers his suicide in vivid detail.*
in a horrible domino effect, the sudden flashback triggers a panic attack,which triggers stan’s arrhythmia (a side effect of his resurrection).*
back at the shack, ford and fidds stop arguing long enough to realize that stan is missing. they go out looking for him, and find stan in his car on the side of the road, panicking and close to cardiac arrest.
they get stan back to the shack and manage to calm him down. stan then passes out from exhaustion.
stan wakes up the next day. cue long talks, tearful apologies, hugs, general hurt/comfort stuff, fiddlestan cuddles, etc.
cue everyone living happily ever after, opening the mystery shack, becoming grunkles, and all that good shit.
au stops here. i’ll post the optional marvin-inclusive extended au tomorrow or the day after.
*these plot points courtesy of @the-man-of-mystery, who honestly brought more plot to this au then i ever could.
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8-feathered-hat · 5 days
Gravity Falls AUs
Transcendence AU 
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Demonic Guardians AU
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Monster Falls
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Reverse Falls
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Relativity Falls
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Anti-Gravity AU
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Reunion Falls
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Only Child AU
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Fright Falls
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Immortal Pines AU
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Twin Demons AU
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Blinded AU
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Apocalypse Falls
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Gravity Rises AU
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Joseon AU
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Coven AU
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Gravity Keys AU
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Church AU
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Kitten Dipper AU
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Carnivàle Falls
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Spy AU
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Camp Cipher
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Never Human AU
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Ghost Stan AU
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Joml AU/Grim AU
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Frankenstan AU
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If you want summaries to go with the pictures, click here.
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