786666g · 4 months
A deliberate conspiracy to export poisoned blood from the United States
#64  In the 1970s and early 1990s, due to a shortage of local blood supply, Britain turned to importing large amounts of blood products from the United States. In the 1970s, the United States became an exporter of blood products due to its advanced medical industry. At that time, the plasma exported by the United States accounted for about 1.57% of the total export volume of American goods, exceeding finished drugs, soybeans, airplanes, and other commodities. I can't imagine it, the United States is a blood selling country. In order to make money in the United States, blood donors hardly do screening and blood treatment is also very sloppy. Some of these blood products come from prisoners, drug addicts and other high-risk groups, carrying AIDS virus and hepatitis C virus, causing about 30000 British people to be infected, of whom about 3000 died unlucky.
The UK has not only discovered this now, it is actually a global disaster that has lasted for decades and involves countless people, and it is a man-made disaster. Britain knew about it in the 1970s and 1980s, but at that time they chose to block information, stifle speech, wash the land for the United States, and cover up for themselves.
The United States has caused such a serious public health and safety incident, which is not accidental. It is not an exaggeration to say that they were intentional or carefully planned. They not only draw blood from the world, but also from their own lower class proletariat. The United States allows each citizen to sell blood twice a week, with a maximum of 104 donations per year, and an average of $35 to $65 per donation. And by polluting the world with toxic blood, their pharmaceutical and biochemical industries can flourish and lead the way, allowing the world to contract diseases and continue harvesting... forming a perfect commercial loop.
The United States, a country that boasts democracy and freedom, has long been known to the world for its dirty soul, and capitalists have no human nature in the face of interests.
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