hi tags! we are a limited run apocalypse rp that needs just four more apps to set an opening date! i would love to have fcs like pedro pascal, tessa thompson, or nonso anozie join us!
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when does this rp take place? is it kinda like an alternate universe to this one or something set several years maybe hundreds in the future?
It takes place in March of 2039! So about seventeen years into our future!
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Just popping online to say that I would love to see a few more of our skeletons taken up so we can open for activity! If you want to go on a journey through a post-apocalyptic countryside come take a look at us!
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I’m chilling at home watching Prey and I would love some asks or apps in the inbox to respond to tonight! After chatting a bit with our current members I am super excited to get some more characters to join our little found family!
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good morning everyone! we currently have four amazing characters and we need four more to open this small, limited run rp! so please, if you’re interested send in an ask or app!
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That wraps up our first round of acceptances! I’m overjoyed to have such a great roster of characters so far! We will open this rp once we have eight taken characters, which means we just need four more! I’m really hoping to see THE DRY CLEANER, THE TELEMARKETER, and THE ACCOUNTANT!
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Congratulations Kay, you have been accepted for the role of THE HANDY MAN.
Sol was such a delight to read about! He’s so complex and balances flaws with a heart of gold. I’m especially interested in seeing such a complicated character in such a morally uncomplicated world. It brings up a lot of questions about how our perception of each other changes when priorities get so streamlined! Also, I love the plot suggestions you gave me! As an admin, it’s a lot to work with and I’m so excited! I can’t wait to start writing with you!
Congratulations Jay, you have been accepted for the role of THE CLOCKMAKER.
Is this what I was picturing when I wrote the skeleton for The Clockmaker? Not at all. But is it perfectly emblematic of why I love skeleton rps and the freedom they provide? Absolutely! I was so happily surprised by this app! I love (and really relate to) Helena. I love how her anxiety is a fueling force behind how she lives her life, and how she’s learned to cope and adapt, even after the end of the world. I am so looking forward to seeing her on the dash (hopefully, with her spouse too!). In summary: I love clock mom.
Congratulations Ana, you have been accepted for the role of THE PLUMBER.
Ana, woof, I knew I was going to love this app and I was right. I adore his backstory, especially his relationship (or alternating lack thereof) with his parents. I found it so plausible how those factors could build to create someone who uses humor to cope and connect. Also the phrase ‘a perfect cocktail of suck’ made me snort-laugh, so thanks for that. Anyways, I love Clancy and I am personally, selfishly excited to see Clancy and Zahra interact.
There’s no rush to send your accounts in because we won’t be opening until we reach eight characters! But keep an eye out for a discord link sent to you later tonight!
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Two hours until I post the acceptance notes and one hour until the inbox closes for this round! I’m reading through our current apps right now and having a fabulous time!
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Hello lovelies! We are less than two hours away from acceptances and I am so excited! If you want to sneak in any last minute applications now is the time! Otherwise, they’ll have to wait until the next round of acceptances in a few days!
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I’m staying up late tonight so if you want to come distract me I certainly wouldn’t be opposed! I’m really hoping to see an app for THE WAITER or THE NURSE before acceptances tomorrow!
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hello everyone! there is a little over 24 hours until acceptances and I’m going to be tending to the main all day with eager impatience! if you’d like to send in an app or ask a question, now is the perfect time!
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Besides raiders, what other " enemies " or " foes " could the survivors run into?
The dangers the survivors could face include, but are not limited to wild animals, bad weather, failing infrastructure, and to get really dark: cannibals.
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I hate to be asking this question jsddhsh but will you add small descriptions or information about highlights or things you liked from the accepted apps?
I will! I'll take any excuse I can get to compliment the wonderful applicants!
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when are you planning on holding acceptances?
On August 15th at 2pm PST! So almost exactly 48 hours away!
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what are some examples where the different attributes would apply?
I'm assuming you mean the different character stats! Let me know if I misread! All of the stats are take from Evilhat's Monster of the Week! These are there examples:
Manipulate Someone
Act Under Pressure
Help Out
Investigate a Mystery
Read a Bad Situation
Kick Some Ass
Protect Someone
So charm is any instance where your character is trying to persuade, seduce, or intimidate someone. Cool is how well they do making simple actions while in danger (unlocking a door, grabbing someone’s hand before they fall, not screaming when surprised, etc). Sharp is like intelligence, it’ll help withy our character’s perception and investigation and allow them advantage in situations where they have to figure something out or solve a problem! Finally, tough is how strong and durable they are. Lifting and pushing objects, fighting, and running are the main actions with tough rolls!
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Do you have any prompt suggestions for the para sample? Thanks!
Of course! I’ve listed a couple and they all range in possible intensity! I love of good, slow contemplative para but I also really enjoy something action packed!
A day in the life (completing the chores they do at the commune).
Having to capture a runaway farm animal.
What they feel like at mealtime. Are they excited to eat or are they anxious about taking too much and possibly contributing to food scarcity?
Falling asleep in one of the communal rooms (they slept in bunks, usually three or four to a room).
A private moment where they reminisce, possibly looking at one of the trinkets or photos they kept from their life before the apocalypse.
Noticing that their home or a place they knew has been lit on fire.
Did they participate in the looting? If so, show us a scene on them taking what they can and their thought process during it!
Having to run and hide from raiders in the city.
The moment they first arrived at the commune or the first time they met survivors like them (not raiders).
Or if you character was a part of a raider team for a while, show us the moment that made them decide to leave or the moment they ran away!
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