707hero · 4 years
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so you were the groom who took me away on Mount Yujun. Er
 I meant, you pretended to be the groom. I didn’t pretend to be the groom. Then how come you appeared on Mount Yujun? It has to be one of the two following reasons. First one, I went for you. Second, I have a lot of free time. Which one do you think it is?
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707hero · 4 years
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“There’s only one first place
             “E N D E A V O R. “
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707hero · 4 years
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“Make a Monster Out of Me”
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707hero · 4 years
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“I’ll sing to you softly sweet lullaby 
Let the moonlight be your guide as you drift away 
Perhaps we’ll meet again one day In the light of the sky 
as the sun rises But nothing in this cruel world has been promised to you.”
< Credit Lyrics from The Promised Neverland - “Isabella’s Lullaby” ORIGINAL LYRICS by Lizz Robinett ft.
Lullaby & Hug
not only Dabi but all Todorokis deserve a Hug. 
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707hero · 4 years
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The chaotic trio but I draw them as animal memes. 
Why? bc a bitch is tired, and I’m sick today. 
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707hero · 4 years
How do you think Diluc, Childe, and Kaeya would handle having a crush/SO who is very touchy; like hand on shoulder or elbow during discussions, leans on them when they laugh, or holds their hand while walking through a crowd?
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Diluc usually doesn’t like getting his personal space invaded but it was always different when it comes to you.
When he doesn’t pull away at the slightest touches, that’s when you know he’s smitten. He doesn’t mind your lingering hand on his shoulder and doesn’t move away when you lightly lean on him. In fact he loves the feel of your warmth.
Whenever someone points out —Kaeya teases— about how you’re leaning on his shoulder, or the way you’re casually holding his arm during discussions, he’d brush them off, acting like your actions don’t affect him. Truthfully even the slightest touches from you makes his heart flutter.
He doesn’t initiate physical affection often, moreover if you’ve both only started dating. So you being a bit on the touchy side helps him warm up to the idea.
He’s touch starved. Once he gets used to it, you’ll find him constantly seeking your touches. He doesn’t express it out loud and his actions are rather subtle but you’d know from the way he starts responding to your advances.
He’ll put his hand on yours whenever you hug him from behind, relaxes whenever you lean on him. He knows you’re fond of physical affection so perhaps you’ll even find him initiating things first.
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Kaeya is also rather touchy so he doesn’t mind your affectionate nature. In fact he mind as well finds it amusing.
It’ll start with light touches, a hand on the shoulder or just casually leaning against his arm but seeing as you seem to have no problem with his advances, he becomes a little more daring, perhaps a little suggestive.
His responses almost look like he’s challenging you. Put a hand on his shoulder and he’ll let his arm wander around your waist, lean against him and you’ll feel him stroking your head or casually placing a hand on your thigh, hold his hand and he’ll intertwine your fingers together.
Sometimes he’s so caught up in your little game, he forgets about his surroundings. Others have gotten so used to the view of you two being so physically affectionate they don’t even question it anymore.
You likely won’t be spared from his teasing though, he’ll definitely point out how you can’t resist him. While in reality, he’s the one who’s gotten completely enamored by you.
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Childe doesn’t really hestitate to touch you, especially if he considers you close. Though that doesn’t mean he’s completely used to physical affection.
He notices the way your hand wanders to his during walks and how you often casually rest your head against his shoulder. He was perplexed, amused but the gesture was not unwelcomed.
He’ll happily return the gesture. He might tease you about it but truthfully he finds your touches rather soothing. It might’ve been a while since he had someone so physically affectionate.
His reponses are also a tad playful. He knows it’s a natural tendency for you to be rather touchy. Sometimes he’ll ruffle your hair or put his arm around your shoulder to pull you closer.
Although he looks confident, it actually takes him quite a while to get used to your touchy nature. He hides it well but sometimes his heart quickens when he feels you take his hand, and he finds himself a little distracted when you lean on him.
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707hero · 4 years
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I've joined the simp for đŸ’«kaeyađŸ’« wagon đŸ˜©đŸ€™
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707hero · 4 years
could you possibly do how childe or kaeya would react to the fem!reader being pregnant/pregnancy scare? ty !! <3
Anon, this one hit me right in the feels and I surely hope it’s going to hit yours as well- ♄ I did it for both because I couldn’t choose. 
Childe Pregnancy Headcanons
Childe noticed the way your attitude slowly started to change around him, you were usually outgoing and a person who always wore a smile on your face but over the last days something had changed and he didn’t know what it was. You were acting and behaving different from your usual self, often lost in your thoughts while seemingly trying to avoid him. He didn’t know whether he did something wrong or what had happened but he knew that you would come and talk to him when you felt ready to. Many thoughts were crossing his mind, he knew that there was something bothering you and he decided to make it up to you again, even though he did not know what was really going on.
 You woke up early in the morning, the scent of freshly prepared breakfast filling the flat you were living in. A small smile crept up on your face as you made your way slowly to the kitchen, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes when you saw Childe cutting down vegetables. Carefully you moved closer to him, to hug him from behind while pressing your forehead against his firm back. He chuckled softly, placing one of his hands on top of yours while gently brushing with his thumb over the soft skin. The way you were approaching him soothed his nerves incredibly, knowing that he had not done anything wrong when you were still searching for his closeness like that. A small sigh escaped your lips before you spoke up, your arms around him tightening. “I have to talk to you about something.. But first you have to promise me not to get angry or mad.”
Childe put down the knife before turning around in your arms to face you, ocean blue eyes focusing on yours with a tint of confusion showing inside them. There was nothing you could possibly do to make him angry, as long as it is not putting your life on the line for a stupid reason and since you were standing in front of him, it surely wasn’t that. “What is it, my love?” He whispered, placing his index finger underneath your chin to make you look at him, the sorrow that was showing in your eyes sending a stinging pain through his heart. He cupped your cheeks in his hand before leaning down to press a tender kiss to your lips, his forehead leaning against yours. “Let me assure you, I promise not to be mad, how could I ever? Tell me what’s on your mind, please. I’m sure whatever it is, we can both handle it together. There’s nothing and no one who can stop us two..”
 You sighed softly while placing your hands on his chest, your lips carefully brushing against his once more. “.. us three.” You mumbled carefully, slightly afraid as Childe leaned back to look at you with widened eyes. “W-what do you mean?” He stuttered, slightly overwhelmed with the situation, his mind connecting the hints quickly but as long as you did not speak it out loud, there was still a low chance that he was making things up. His hands wandered slowly down your body, stopping at your tummy as his eyes glanced down as well, a small smile forming on his lips. His reaction made your heart fill with warmth as you slowly eased yourself, placing your hands on top of his. “Exactly what I said.. us three.. You, me and.. him or her.”
His arms wrap quickly around you to lift you up in his arms, swirling you around while laughing happily. The moment he put you back down to your feet he leaned in to catch your lips in a soft kiss, the smile not vanishing from his lips. “God, you can’t believe how happy you make me..” He whispered while holding you close.  “Thank you for giving me the most beautiful present ever. I will promise to always protect you both.. with all the love I hold within my heart.”
Over the next few months Childe is going to be more than sweet. He will make sure to stay at your side as much as he can and whenever he has to leave the city for a mission or something similar, he will assure you that it won’t take long and that he will be back as quick as possible. Whenever he is gone for a longer time he will send you lots of letters to let you know that he is okay and that hes hoping you’re doing good. He will always tell you how happy is to have you in his life in those letters and that he can’t wait for you both to finally become a full family. Sometimes he tries to come around to see you and to talk to you even when it’s only for a few minutes. He’s busy with something near the city? He will make sure to visit you at night, even when he only has time to kiss you shortly before leaving again.
Childe loves cuddling with you and he will try to make your days not as stressful as they would usually be. He will cook for you in the morning before waking you up with a few tender kisses, telling you that he had already prepared everything. He will ask you whether you need something or want to take a shower or a bath beforehand. Childe will be all over you, wanting nothing more than you to be relaxed and happy the whole time. Sometimes he might come off as overprotective but he only wants you and your unborn baby to be safe.  He will often place his hands on your stomach while you’re still in bed, pressing small kisses to the skin while whispering how much he already loves them and that he can’t wait to finally meet them.  He’s the happiest he could possibly be.
There are times where he might think that he is not going to be the best father, concerning his affiliations and the way he sees most things in life. He always tries to assure himself that everything is going to be okay and that he can provide safety for you and your baby at all costs. After all family has always been a big thing for him and he was used to protecting the ones the loved. He often has those days where he is conflicted with himself but returning home and seeing you smile while touching your tummy is the most beautiful sight he could possibly have. All his worries will be washed away and he will try to focus on the moment and only on you.
Kaeya Pregnancy Headcanons
It was almost some kind of ritual for Kaeya and you, going out to have a drink in the evening after returning from a successful mission, laughing and drinking all the ups and downs away, not sharing a thought about anything else. It was always nice to spend time with him at the tavern, it was relaxing and calming in its own way. Over the last few weeks you rarely joined him at the tavern anymore, often returning home early or telling him that you still had something else to do. He knew that there was something up with you, he just did not know what it was. Normally you weren’t avoiding him, you were talking to him at home, you weren’t mean or anything like that; telling him that there was something bothering you that had nothing to do with him. He knew that you would tell him about it when you wanted to, he would not force you to tell him what’s up, even though he would love to know.
 You woke up in the morning with your head placed on Kaeya’s chest, his arms loosely wrapped around your body while his lips pressed against your forehead. “Good morning my love..” He whispered softly, his hands caressing your bare back. You had fallen asleep before his arrival last night, leaving him to spend another lonely night after a glorious victory. “Why weren’t you there last night.. What is it that makes you despise going out so much?” He spoke calmly before kissing the tip of your nose, raising an eyebrow. “It’s not that I despise going out, I’m just not in the mood for any alcohol at the moment.” You replied sleepily, rubbing your cheek against his chest while humming softly. “At the moment? You haven’t been drinking anything for weeks..” You opened your eyes slowly to look up at him, a small smile on your lips. “Well prepare for me to not drink anything for a few more weeks, perhaps even months.” You rolled to the side, gently taking his hands in yours to lead them to your stomach. 
You could see the shock on his face upon you placing down his hands on your tummy, covering them with your own. “Are you serious..?” He mumbled, a bright smile slowly starting to form on his lips. He had expected a lot of things but never in the world thought of the possibility of you being pregnant. “For someone who’s as intelligent as you are it took quite some time to find out.. “ You laughed teasingly, leaning in to press a small kiss to his cheek. Kaeya was still focused on his hands, his thumbs gently brushing over the skin, trying to sort out his thoughts and get used to the fact that he was going to be a father. You knew about the sorrows he held, that he was worried about not being good enough or doing something wrong, yet you knew that he was going be the best father one could imagine. “I love you so much, I hope you know that.” He mumbled absentmindedly, the smile not leaving his lips as he leaned down to press a loving kiss against yours. “Thank you so much for everything, for being with me, for always staying by my side and especially for giving me the most beautiful gift there is.”
 Over the next couple weeks Kaeya will get you everything you need or might crave for, might it be some kinda of special dish or perhaps a bouquet of beautifully smelling flowers. He will leave  in the morning after eating some breakfast with you, pressing a small quick kiss to the side of your head while telling you how much he loves you before he leaves. He will often make sure to take a day off from his duties, perhaps even two, depending on your mood and your well being. Whenever you feel bad he will stay at home all day, trying to cheer you up and to brighten your mood. He will prepare a hot bath for you with rose petals in the water and some candles placed here and there, knowing that a surprise like this always makes you smile.
 You often go out to stroll around Mondstadt while Kaeya is busy being occupied with missions or his job as Cavalry Captain, often catching him talking to the locals about your pregnancy. When Kaeya is at home he always tries to stay calm about the fact that he will be a father but whenever he goes out and talks to someone else about it, he was more than happy and filled with joy to share the good news. That proud smile that he wore on his face while talking about your pregnancy made your heart jump with love, the way he was talking about soon being seen with a toddler making you grin like a little child. Whenever you asked him what gender he wished for when it came to his own baby he said that It would not matter since he would love them no matter what. Yet, you often noticed that he was telling the people around how he wished to have a daughter, talking about him being able to spoil a queen and a princess at the same time then.
 When your baby bum is starting to grow, Kaeya will slowly become more overprotective with time. He will stay by your side all day long, spending his mornings in bed with you while holding you close and telling you how much he loves you. He will take you out to get some nice dinner in the evening or perhaps even cook for you when you don’t feel like leaving the house, never thinking about his own good. The only person that currently mattered to him was you and your unborn baby. You often try to assure him that he does not need to make a big fuzz about your well being and that he should try to think about himself once as well, yet he will quickly tell you that everything is fine. He wants everything to be perfect and that also meant for you to be happy at all times, right?
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707hero · 4 years
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A/N: Edited; December 2020 Everything I’ve added to the Masterlist is marked with a (!!)
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Fluff Headcanons
Getting jealous because of reader’s old friend
Domestic Fluff Headcanons
Childe with a masochistic partner Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons (!!)
Taking care of their sick someone (!!)
Mistletoe Headcanons NSFWish (!!)
Confession Headcanons (!!)
NSFW Alphabet: A, A, I, K, O, P, T, U, W
Childe x Reader NSFW
Childe x Reader NSFW | Quickie in a dark alleyway
Fluff Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons (!!)
NSFW headcanons
With a partner who has a high sex drive
First Date Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: A, B, C, I, J, K, L, M, O, S, U, Y, X
Fluff Headcanons
Going on a date
Kissing Headcanons
Taking care of their sick someone (!!)
Confession Headcanons (!!)
Taking a shower with his partner HC (!!)
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: A, K, P, Y, U
With a partner who has a high sex drive
Taking care of their sick someone (!!)
Pregnancy Headcanons (!!)
NSFW Headcanons
Mistletoe Headcanons NSFWish (!!)
NSFW Alphabet: C, J, P, S,T, U, W, X
Friendship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: A, C,  I, K, O, S,  U
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet: P, S
General Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons (!!)
Mistletoe Headcanons NSFWish (!!)
NSFW Alphabet: C,M, P, S, U, W
Kissing Headcanons
General Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
How she handles a crush + confessing to them
First Date Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet:  P, S
NSFW Alphabet: A, K, Y
Cuddling Headcanons (!!)
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707hero · 4 years
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707hero · 4 years
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707hero · 4 years
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almond tofu luvr
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707hero · 4 years
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707hero · 4 years
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lonely whale
heavily inspired by @restlessfandoming‘s fic “starconch”. i had to draw it out the moment i read it i jst. LOVE IT SO MUCHHGHGHGG. u can read it here!!!
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707hero · 4 years
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just a little favour <3
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707hero · 4 years
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707hero · 4 years
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