69gangnamstylefan69-blog · 6 years ago
Brocronicle 19
“The Man himself.” “Mhm.” The Man replies.
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69gangnamstylefan69-blog · 6 years ago
Braddadington the 1st of the Bradington Heir and The Man sat down on top of Greg Falls, overlooking the magma falls as The Man opened their mini fridge picnic basket. “Wow, I’m really sitting here with
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69gangnamstylefan69-blog · 6 years ago
Kevinlevinqevinwevinrevintevinyevinpevinsevindevinfevingevinhevinjevinzevincevinvevinbevinnevinmevin takes a sip of his Kevin™ Brew and looks up to see a wild  Jabronistienienjandocinushinusdiniushendustanniangmanningainininginining dashing toward him at around 9000 miles per hour.  Kevinlevinqevinwevinrevintevinyevinpevinsevindevinfevingevinhevinjevinzevincevinvevinbevinnevinmevin is hit by the quickly appearing  Jabronistienienjandocinushinusdiniushendustanniangmanningainininginining, being completely knocked out. [1]
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69gangnamstylefan69-blog · 6 years ago
yo dude brooreinstein the third! it's good to see ya man! after the brohanimanium messed my arm up i really couldn’t go brofisting with you last week bud. i'll be looking forward to it this week. you wanna go see if we can catch some of the ancient jelly jelly fishes with brohanathan mctopher? wow, sure broenfelien broginon, i would absolutely love a break from all the fighting we do on a daily basis.
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69gangnamstylefan69-blog · 6 years ago
cum filling⁶⁹07/05/2019 Broenfelien Bronigon being blasted through a wall, by Brotonixengonian Broverneem. Agh! Brotonixengonian you’ll be court morshaled for this! We Bros don’t tolerate no chump βros, you are the robot version of us! You fought for peace! We gave it to you man! Brotonixengonian Broverneem simply hovers, sending his boot heel into his nose, breaking it and also sending him back around 30 feet. I’ve ascended, Broenfelien Bronigon. Now die, by the hands of your “inferior” experiment! Brotonixengonian Broverneem pulls out a Bromeliac Grenade, sticking it into Broenfelien Bronigon’s throat and pulling the pin off, kicking him up 30 feet into the air where Brotonixengonian Broveerneem flips his cape over, avoiding the majority of Broenfelien Bronigon’s  steel head as it exploded cum filling⁶⁹07/05/2019 Suddenly, Brotonixengonian Broverneem pulls a twerk maneuver!
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69gangnamstylefan69-blog · 6 years ago
Doucheingsonharrisongingbigbarringsongbarryingstongingtongarrygrongininggrongulatinggrogigrannyinghestebbingebbingbebbinganyinsgtan materialized onto the mortal plane once again, as bestowed in the Ancient Chinese Ritual Texts; Doucheingsonharrisongingbigbarringsongbarryingstongingtongarrygrongininggrongulatinggrogigrannyinghestebbingebbingbebbinganyinsgtan will appear every 10,000th year.Doucheingsonharrisongingbigbarringsongbarryingstongingtongarrygrongininggrongulatinggrogigrannyinghestebbingebbingbebbinganyinsgtan’s Doucheington Dash passive was extremely poisonous, it wafted off him like a scent in order to Doucheify other people.
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