5tef1 · 2 months
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5tef1 · 4 months
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AND THIS IS MY NEW OC. This is before time skip 😎💪💪
Name: Yuki D. Volisera
BOUNTY:pre-time skip $20,000
Devil fruit: Tsuyoi tsuyoi no mi ( Stong Stong fruit)Certainly! The **Strong-Strong Fruit** could be a fascinating addition to the One Piece universe. Here's a concept for it:
- **Type**: Paramecia
- **Ability**: The user gains immense physical strength, allowing them to lift and throw colossal objects with ease. Unlike the Riki Riki no Mi, which focuses on raw strength, the Strong-Strong Fruit enhances both strength and durability. The user's muscles become denser, granting them resistance to damage.
- **Weaknesses**: Standard Devil Fruit weaknesses apply, such as vulnerability to water and seastone.
- **User Example**: Let's imagine a burly pirate named Kenta who consumes the Strong-Strong Fruit. He can effortlessly lift entire ships, smash through fortress walls, and withstand cannon fire without flinching.
- **Unique Move**: "Titan's Grasp" – Kenta grabs an opponent, hoists them overhead, and hurls them like a projectile, creating shockwaves upon impact. And more
I hope you like it💪💪
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5tef1 · 4 months
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5 posts!
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5tef1 · 4 months
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NEW ARTTT🤚💥 i was thinking "yes the seraphines are Seven Warlords of the Sea BUT WHY NOT just make a exception 🙄🙄" so now I have Yuki my new one piece oc and she a seraphine test, but I hope tou like it
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5tef1 · 4 months
Take this
Part 1
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'Four men in uniform'
It was dark and rainy day. Four marines carried a small coffin on their shoulders, the coffin was light a little too light. Everyone in the funeral was wearing black with a few colors popping out mostly from a poppy flower
'To carry home...'
Few Marines had tears in their eyes with home down right crying and sobbing not caring who saw or heard. Why does it have to happen to an innocent child? Everyone thought of it but they have no answer
'My little soldier...'
As the four Marines comes closer the three Admirals could help but be filled with despair. Kizaru an admiral known from his bright yellow suit is now adorned with a black suit and a bright red poppy on his breast pocket
Kizaru never felt this way; atleast not in a long time. He never thought a sweet innocent girl who's always baking cookies and giving poppy flowers to everyone would die in such a cruel way
Aokiji never felt this angry in his life. Yes he experience anger before but not like this. He was angry at everyone. Angry at Marines. Angry at akainu. And angry at himself for not saving a charming and sweet girl who always gives and never except returns
Aokiji grips the frosted poppy flower at his hand, he remembers the first day he met her she was so so sweet, Full of love and life. But not anymore. Aokiji bitter said in his head while glaring at akainu
'What could she do? Should have been a rockstar'
Should could have been a rockstar. The girl already had a beautiful voice and a cute charm
'But she didn't have the money for a guitar'
The little girl asked her father for a small guitar but he just dissmissed the idea saying that it would just be a waste of time making the girl sad but nodded before walking away
'What could she do? Should have be a politician'
The girl was sighing as her private tutor went over some political subject making her instantly bored. The little girl never cared about politics but if that's want her father wants her to learn then so be it
'But she never had proper education'
The little girl was giggling was the tutor panic trying to find the girl. The said girl was hiding behind a bush in her small little garden filled with flowers and little insect and animals who keep her company besides the maids, Butler's, and other workers in the mansion
'What could she do? Should've been a mother'
It was late in the night the little girl was wondering inside the big mansion trying to find confront. The girl sigh as she wipes a few tears, the girl was visibly upset because her father is away for months. The girl huffed as she goes up and up towards the attic
The girl was banned from the attic from unknown reason by her father. The little girl curiousity got the better of her and opening the attic door. As soon as she opens the door she let out a cough as the attic was filled with dust and cobwebs but it didn't stop her
The girl looks around the room as she noticed a huge painting that was covered by a huge black piece of cloth making her interested. The girl walks towards the painting and grabbing the cloth before pulling it down gently revealing a woman with a huge smile
The girls eyes widen as she notice her father smiling then it clicks to her. It was her mother and father. She examines the painting, the woman was sitting down wearing a beautiful white dress with her hair tied in a bun with a veil behind her. Her father was surprisingly smiling wearing a white and red wedding suit and his arm around the woman shoulder
The girl couldn't help but feel saddened. Saddened that she never saw her mother. Saddened that her father never smiles. Saddened that she killed her mother
'But she never even made it to her twenties'
The four Marines reach the front of the funeral where a small hole was dug. One of the Marines bit his lip, it was koby trying not to cry but couldn't stop himself which made his friend helmeppo who just stayed unusually quiet as tears run down his long face
'What a waste'
A few Marines took off their hats and putting it to there chest and bowing there head out of respect, including akainu and Sengoku.
'Army dreamers'
"Any last words?" Sengoku ask his voice loud and clear but no one cares to speak; most Marines were glancing at akainu.
'Oh what a waste of'
Sengoku just sigh as he signals the four Marines to lower down the small coffin. The Marines then slowly lowers the coffin as a lot of people throws poppy flowers as they back away
The coffin was now officially lowered down and the Marines starts shoveling the dirt back as people more and more disaapear.
An hour pass as akainu was the only one left. He was staring down at the headstone
In golden fields, a child's laughter rang,
Life's vibrant song, forever she sang.
But fate's cruel twist took her away,
Leaving memories that forever stay.
A beloved friend and daughter'
Tears run down akainu- no sakazuki face as he falls to his knees and gripping the soft grass. The headstone staring back, the headstone as fillwed with Plushies, toys, sweets, candles, flowers and cards
'Army dreamers'
As sakazuki starts speaking saying all the things he wants to do and experience with her and never able to do. Telling her all his flaws and what he failed to do and what he should have done.
A few hours pass as sakazuki reluctantly left as it was getting dark, promising his daughter to return the very next day. He gave the headstone a Pat almost like he's patting his daughter head
As he left, a shadow appear with a mischievous and evil grin with a plan
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5tef1 · 5 months
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5tef1 · 5 months
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5tef1 · 3 years
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