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currently obsessed with five and maggie :) fav ships 5x9 7x8 | watch out for spoilers!!
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5s-missing-eye · 2 days ago
I bet James Frey pronounces it "Ee-nar".
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5s-missing-eye · 6 days ago
Me with every single piece of media I consume: how can I make this about Five
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5s-missing-eye · 8 days ago
Mydei x Phainon are what Nive could've been if the writers weren't cowards💔
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5s-missing-eye · 8 days ago
Mydei x Phainon are what Nive could've been if the writers weren't cowards💔
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5s-missing-eye · 9 days ago
The period they spent in the penthouse should've been extended to AT LEAST a few weeks with all of them.
Like, it was 3 or 4 days at first, then Five, Sam and Malcolm came, 2 days later all that shit went down. Like, why is Pittacus allergic to happiness 😭😭😭😭
penthouse AUs 🙂‍↕️
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5s-missing-eye · 9 days ago
For the ask game: number six for D1?
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she's trying so hard to be serioussssss
Expression meme! thank you for the suggestion :3
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
Nine being either half naked in a lot of penthouse scenes makes it a little easier at least🙏
I do not feel like rereading the books just to write down their outfits descriptions 😫😫😫 why can't they all wear Loric training suits and call it a day
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
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“You’re my species. That doesn’t make us friends.”
hi sorry im five posting again (very much self indulgent)
(headcanons and playlist under cut)
here's my five playlist for anyone interested !
and as for headcanons:
- he has a lot of moles from the time spent on islands
- piercings! so he could use his legacy with them at any time (also they look cool)
- his nose has been broken before
- scars from training/ fights
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
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early morning
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
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imagined the first three Garde if they survived
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
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imagined the first three Garde if they survived
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
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Also bringing this back bc he was so obviously joking omg obviously he doesn't think 10 people is an army dude come on
The writers were trying so hard to give us reasons to hate him (ig the reason here is bad jokes)
Adding to an old post from a while ago (I can't find it💔) where I talked ab John and Six judging Five for "standing around and casually chatting"
After the fight in Arkansas happened, John and Sam get reunited and it's a very cute scene but when you think ab it John is literally doing the same shit he criticised Five for doing a couple pages ago. Like yes they just finished fighting and the threat is over but they didn't know if the mogs had backups or if more of them were coming so it would've been in their best interest to leave as soon as possible. But instead they stand around talking to Sam and Malcolm.
Am I crazy or is this not the same thing Five was doing??? He just wanted to get to know them, the same way John wanted to get to know Malcolm. They only leave because they hear sirens in the distance.
I have an epub version of the book so when we compare the pages in my version: Five talking to John and Six is 4 pages and the convo with Sam and Malcolm is 6 pages, which I admit probably doesn't seem like that much of a difference but a big part of the scene with Five is John describing him and saying he seems casual.
In conclusion, the Garde had it out for Five since the moment they met him
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5s-missing-eye · 11 days ago
Adding to an old post from a while ago (I can't find it💔) where I talked ab John and Six judging Five for "standing around and casually chatting"
After the fight in Arkansas happened, John and Sam get reunited and it's a very cute scene but when you think ab it John is literally doing the same shit he criticised Five for doing a couple pages ago. Like yes they just finished fighting and the threat is over but they didn't know if the mogs had backups or if more of them were coming so it would've been in their best interest to leave as soon as possible. But instead they stand around talking to Sam and Malcolm.
Am I crazy or is this not the same thing Five was doing??? He just wanted to get to know them, the same way John wanted to get to know Malcolm. They only leave because they hear sirens in the distance.
I have an epub version of the book so when we compare the pages in my version: Five talking to John and Six is 4 pages and the convo with Sam and Malcolm is 6 pages, which I admit probably doesn't seem like that much of a difference but a big part of the scene with Five is John describing him and saying he seems casual.
In conclusion, the Garde had it out for Five since the moment they met him
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5s-missing-eye · 22 days ago
Mydei is so Nine to me I love them
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5s-missing-eye · 22 days ago
Maggie x Five x Nine is the shippiest ship to have ever shipped
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5s-missing-eye · 29 days ago
That's exactly what I was thinking omg except instead of the names being branded it would be their symbols
It would actually be so interesting to see the garde using their legacies to try to win/lose
Plus imagine if there were other alien species that the mogs conquered before the loric so now the garde have to compete against them first. Then in the finals it's always loric vs loric
I honestly think it would be most interesting to see characters who are very loyal to each other (John/Six, Nine/Ella, Marina/Eight) compete. I feel like John, Nine and Eight would just give up to let the other live but obviously their pair doesn't want them to die either so they pull an Ivan and turn the tide at the last moment to save them because "they're more important"
I'd love to do an actual au about this but I have no idea how I would write the singing scenes💔💔 I'll write a bigger rant later when I have more ideas
Alien stage LL au where the garde have to perform in front of the mogs🙏
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