5gn5 · 9 months
List of individual cats - Wikipedia
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5gn5 · 1 year
Святой Лазарь. Цветное травление.
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5gn5 · 1 year
Неопознанная святая женщина, апостол Павел, святая Мария Магдалина. Цветное травление с помощью ксилографии П.П.А. Роберт и Н. Ле Суер после Б. Раменги, иль Баньякавалло.
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5gn5 · 1 year
Святой Лазарь. Цветное травление.
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5gn5 · 1 year
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The Crucifixion, c.1340 (tempera on panel) by Paolo Veneziano, tempera on panel, 1340National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, USA
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Giovanni Bellini - Madonna and Child. 1435 - 1485
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Saint Mary Magdalene, 1644-1646
Carlo Dolci, 1616-1686
The, State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Saint Mary Magdalene and the Eucharistic Chalice, ca. 1650
Follower of Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652)
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Matteo di Giovanni - Saint Christopher. 1480
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Matteo di Giovanni - Madonna and Child with Saints. Detail. 1450 - 1490
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Matteo di Giovanni - Madonna and Child with Saints. 1450 - 1490
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5gn5 · 1 year
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MWW Artwork of the Day (7/19/23) Jacopo Torriti (Italian, c. 1270-1300) Detail: Coronation of the Virgin (1296) Mosaic detail Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
The Coronation of the Virgin had never before been pictured with such splendor. Against a gold ground a round slice of heaven in dark blue, set with the sun and moon and numerous stars in gold and silver, serves as a foil for the heavenly throne on which Christ welcomes the Virgin into the topmost sphere of heaven. Both are dressed in gold, and together they share the centre of the symmetrical composition. With his right hand Christ is placing a crown on her head, while Mary has turned toward him and raised her hands in the gesture of an intercessor. Throngs of adoring angels take an active interest in the ceremony.
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Saint John on Patmos
about 1480–1490
Georges Trubert (French, active Provence, France 1469 - 1508)
The J. Paul Getty Museum 
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Я отмечаю 1-й год своего блога Tumblr! 🥳
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5gn5 · 1 year
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Master of Citta di Castello - Madonna and Child. Detail. 1295
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5gn5 · 1 year
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Master of Citta di Castello - Madonna and Child. 1295
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