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59785 · 9 months ago
1. Regarder l’heure à laquelle vous faites l’amour donne à l’autre l’impression que vous perdez son temps !
2. Se montrer agacé lorsque l'autre partenaire met du temps à atteindre un orgasme. Aidez-les plutôt à y parvenir si vous l’avez déjà fait.
3. Avoir d'abord un orgasme, puis ne pas se soucier de savoir si votre partenaire doit avoir un orgasme ou non. C'est du pur égoïsme, faites quelque chose pour qu'ils y arrivent aussi !
4. Éternuements ou toux sur le visage du partenaire. S’il le faut, regardez de côté, inutile d’asperger quelqu’un de votre salive !
5. Faire référence à une technique utilisée par un ex pour vous faire du bien, c'est une comparaison malsaine et cela gâchera ce moment. SI vous sentez que quelqu'un ne vous donne pas le bien que vous souhaiteriez, adressez-vous à lui sans faire de références.
6. Faire semblant que vous appréciez le sexe, faire des mouvements dramatiques, des gémissements dramatiques, etc. jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un puisse voir que vous faites semblant.
7. Être trop silencieux jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un ait l'impression d'être un entrepreneur de pompes funèbres. Faites au moins du son quand ça fait du bien.
8. Être un participant passif et attendre de votre partenaire qu'il fasse tout pour vous. Donne à quelqu'un l'impression d'être un médecin opérant un patient à moitié mort !
9. Faire des grimaces de désapprobation lorsqu’on n’est pas satisfait. Vous feriez mieux de le dire puisque votre partenaire n'est pas un médium.
10. Ne pas dire à votre partenaire que vous souhaitez essayer quelque chose de nouveau, puis essayer quelque chose d'aussi étrange au lit. Rien n’irrite quelqu’un que de se sentir comme une expérience. Demandez l’approbation au préalable.
11. Citer un mauvais nom alors que le plaisir est à son paroxysme. C’est une rupture totale.
12. Ne pas embrasser. Embrasser est si intime qu’il faut l’ignorer.
13. Pousser la tête de quelqu'un vers vos organes sexuels afin de demander une relation sexuelle orale. Le sexe oral est une question sensible et si quelqu’un n’en a pas envie, ne le forcez pas.
14. Se précipiter dans les préliminaires, c'est totalement faux. Réchauffez le moment pour en profiter davantage.
15. Péter pendant les rapports sexuels et paraître comme si de rien n'était est normal et habituel. Ce n'est pas!
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59785 · 9 months ago
Le principal signe que vous êtes destiné à être pauvre est votre capacité à profiter du sexe lorsque vous êtes fauché.
Si même tu as envie de faire l'amour quand tu es fauché, oublie le futur, tu es déjà dans ton futur et c'est pour ça que tu es fait.
Pour quelqu'un qui a un avenir, le désir sexuel disparaît dès que les poches sont vides car la douceur du sexe part du cerveau pour se propager ensuite aux autres zones.
Un cerveau inquiétant ne peut pas apprécier le sexe, donc si vous êtes fauché et que vous appréciez le sexe, ma chère, félicitations, vous êtes arrivé à destination et là où vous en êtes maintenant, c'est votre avenir.
L’argent est en fait un stimulant sexuel.
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59785 · 9 months ago
Lawyers representing Trinidad and Tobago-based political analyst Derek Ramsamooj have written a letter to the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), indicating that their client intends to challenge the conduct of the State of Suriname “both regionally and internationally if necessary,” after his detention in the Dutch-speaking CARICOM country in 2020.
In a letter of May 15, 2024 to the Guyana-based CARICOM Secretariat and a copy to the Attorney General in Suriname and the Barbados-based Office of Trade Negotiations, the law firm Justin Phelps wrote about “the politically controlled persecution” of their client in Suriname “which brought serious violations of international law.”
The letter, a copy of which was obtained by the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC), noted that Ramsamooj’s departure from Suriname after a work visit in early 2020 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and that two days before he was expected to leave Suriname, he was detained at his hotel and told that he had been placed as a witness on a “no-fly” list in connection with fraud allegedly committed “by the previous government.”
The lawyers said their client, who has been advising political parties across the region for more than 25 years, “was questioned about the work he had done for the previous administration” and “then detained for 18 days without access to a court or counsel, and another 57 days without charge after access to a counsel was allowed.”
The lawyers said the “political persecution” of their client by the current government led by “Chan Santokhi, a former police chief and Minister of Justice, entailed serious violations” of their client’s fundamental human rights and international law.
“He has been denied counsel, good medical treatment, access to the courts and a fair and impartial judicial tribunal. He was forced to sign documents in the Dutch language (which he does not understand), was subjected to long-term detention without being brought to court or accused, was detained in circumstances that were even unsuitable for animals and subjected to long-term interrogations without the provision of basic human facilities such as food, medicine and sleep.
The letter notes that the ‘acts attributable to the State of Suriname involve inventing allegations’ against their client, ‘motivated by the fact that he had worked for a rival political party’.
The lawyers claim that the “authorities in Suriname have been in possession of evidence for more than two years” that “prove their client’s innocence without any doubt and expose the allegations as completely artificial and unfounded”.
The law firm said those documents were produced by Ramsamooj “immediately after his initial detention, that is, before he was sued.
“It is clear that the gross violations of international law committed to my client are motivated by the desire to use the criminal trial in Suriname to promote the political agenda of the Santokhi regime,” the letter said.
In the four-page letter, it was noted that ‘the undeniable influence of politics in this case is even more alarming because of the structural flaws that exist within the constitutional framework in Suriname’.
The letter also notes that the “legal system in Suriname is innately flawed,” and refers several times to a 2021 report on governance in Suriname, prepared by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in which “the judicial infrastructure in Suriname has been carefully considered.
“That report noted that the judiciary had little budgetary independence and that budgets for courts, prosecutors, police and prisons were under the control of the Department of Justice and Police.
“In short, the State of Suriname has a tradition of political control over the judiciary and the IDB has found that the intent,” according to the letter, adding, “there is therefore an independent and objective basis for the conclusion that, as the subject of a politically motivated persecution, it is impossible for (their) client to get a fair and impartial process in Suriname.”
The lawyers recalled that in 1997, CARICOM leaders at their summit adopted the Civil Society Charter, which claims to grant basic rights to Caribbean citizens.
But they said the facts of their client’s case “show that the criminalization of political differences can still take place within the Caribbean, despite the conditions of that Charter.
“In today’s international context, the deeds of the State of Suriname can only be described as the deeds of a rogue state that deals with primitive “mantle and dagger” politics and the persecution of political rivals to control the outcome of elections.”
The lawyers said their client “has medical evidence that his treatment in Suriname has led to an irreversible deterioration of his health.
“He had a stroke in Suriname that was not diagnosed. As I tried to explain above, it is impossible for him to get a fair trial in Suriname. His regional good reputation has been put at risk. In short, the unlawful action of the State of Suriname threatens to lead to the destruction of all facets of my client’s life.”
The lawyers request the CARICOM Secretariat to provide the “with a list and copies of all Community documents containing the policy direction(s) for the Community established and provided by the Conference of Heads of Government pursuant to Article 12(2) of the Revised Chaguaramas Convention.
Ramsamooj, 62, who has both a Trinidad and Tobago and a British passport, was detained in Paramaribo in October 2020 and was not allowed to leave the country until September 2022. He suffers from a range of medical problems, including diabetes, hypertension and severe coronary heart disease.”
A presiding judge had ordered the authorities in Suriname to return his passports, noting that Ramsamooj had at all times shown the willingness to support a fair trial and had consistently declared that he wanted to purify his name through the legal means.
The analyst, who has worked in several Caribbean countries, including Jamaica, Guyana, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Kitts and Nevis, was told by the Surinamese police on October 6, 2020 that they only wanted a statement in support of an investigation into the activities at the Surinamese Postspaarbank (SPSB).
Ramsamooj had conducted customer surveys for the SPSB, as well as surveys among bank employees, in addition to conducting two country risk assessments of Suriname in his capacity as analyst and researcher. The activities were paid for by the financial institution.
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59785 · 9 months ago
INTERPOL Vindicates Mr. Gillmore Hoefdraad as a Victim of Political Persecution,
Rejecting Suriname’s Request for a Red Notice
Mr. Gillmore Hoefdraad, former Minister of Finance (2015-2020) and president of the Central Bank of Suriname (2010-2015), has been the target of illegitimate, politically motivated charges since his party lost national elections in 2020. Mr. Hoefdraad left a career with the International Monetary Fund, assisting distressed economies around the world, to serve his home country. The government of Suriname wrongly criminalized good faith policy decisions made by Mr. Hoefdraad and the prior administration during a financial crisis that deepened with the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on charges that were previously rejected by the National Assembly, Mr. Hoefdraad was convicted in absentia, in a case lacking fundamental due process protections. In a decisive recognition of Suriname’s illegitimate prosecution of Mr. Hoefdraad, INTERPOL has rescinded the Red Notice requested by Suriname that sought his detention and extradition.
On April 14, 2022, INTERPOL issued a detailed, 11-page decision confirming that Suriname’s prosecution of Mr. Hoefdraad is politically motivated and in violation of INTERPOL’s Constitution. INTERPOL’s decision vindicates Mr. Hoefdraad as a victim of political persecution, whose human rights have been egregiously violated by Suriname’s government. This decision confirms that Suriname has no evidence of self-enrichment, yet still proceeded with embezzlement charges arguing that the State alone benefited from Mr. Hoefdraad’s actions as finance minister. INTERPOL found the charges against Mr. Hoefdraad seriously concerning and lacking in the clarity required by its Constitution and rules.
The decision by INTERPOL is a condemnation of the judicial system of Suriname, which has been exposed as lacking independence and failing to honor the fundamental rights of its people.
Mr. Hoefdraad, represented by Ms. Meg Hobbins, and her team at Grossman Young and Hammond, LLC based outside of Washington DC, and by Mr. Murwin Dubois in Suriname, has also filed claims before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Mr. Hoefdraad will continue these efforts to hold Surinamese authorities accountable for actions that have unjustly threatened his life and liberty.
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59785 · 9 months ago
Un homme qui peut contrôler ses pulsions sexuelles est un homme qui peut et
vécu de nombreuses années sur terre. Les hommes ne savent pas que certains d'entre eux
leurs échecs sont causés par plusieurs petites amies. Pas toutes les filles.
avoir un bon esprit. Certains sont des démons, d'autres ont du poison
entre leurs jambes.
Certaines femmes sont des destructrices de destin, méfiez-vous.
Faites attention:
1. Un vrai homme n’a besoin que d’une seule femme dans sa vie…
2. N'obéissez pas à tout moment à votre érection. La plupart des érections
te décevoir. Contrôlez votre érection si vous ne voulez pas l'avoir
Quelques jours sur terre avec beaucoup de pauvreté en vous.
3. Ne sortez pas avec une femme parce qu'elle a des courbes, des seins et un
forme sexy. Ces choses sont tout simplement trompeuses, évitez
Comme ça, ne tombez pas dans ce qu’on appelle l’ironie des médias sociaux.
4. Ce n’est pas tout ce que vous voyez sous votre jupe sur lequel vous devez travailler
mange, certaines jupes contiennent des serpents qui te mordent et te font
inconfortable. contrôlez votre libido
l'abstinence rapporte gros dans la plupart des cas.
5. Épouser une femme ne signifie pas qu’elle vous possède. Traiter
avec respect Faites-en votre reine, aimez-la, honorez-la et
Donnez-lui des raisons de vous traiter de la même manière.
6. Avoir beaucoup de copines ne fait pas de vous un homme. C'est tout seul
fait de vous un coureur de jupons, un tricheur et un garçon.
7. Ce n'est pas parce que tu es bon au lit que tu es un
Homme. Un vrai homme est un homme qui ne fuit pas son
responsabilité, mais faites-y face clairement.
8. Respectez chaque femme qui vous aime, oui, ce n'est pas facile pour une personne
dame pour vous jeter son amour et soutenir votre avenir.
9. Le monde célèbre les hommes qui réussissent. Personne ne fera ça.
vous faites la fête parce que vous avez beaucoup d'amis. Alors quel est le
point, n'est-ce pas ? Gaspillage d'énergie, d'argent et de sperme gaspillé.
N'oubliez pas qu'être honnête, loyal et fidèle est la
marque d'un vrai homme.
Rappelez-vous cela pour toujours…
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59785 · 9 months ago
Chers hommes, si votre femme organise une soirée entre filles, laissez-la sortir en paix.
1 : N’envoyez pas de SMS toute la journée.
2 : Ne demandez pas constamment où elle est.
3 : ne vous lancez pas soudainement dans cette danse.
4: Ne l'attendez pas et ne lui dites pas que vous l'attendez.
5 : va dormir.
Messieurs, si une femme veut faire quelque chose, elle le fera - que vous lui prêtiez attention ou non... (ne vous méprenez pas)...
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59785 · 9 months ago
Peu importe à quel point vous traitez une femme, si vous n'êtes pas l'homme pour lequel elle a des sentiments, elle n'appréciera jamais vos efforts.
Les femmes sont fidèles à leurs sentiments.
Ils ne se soucient pas de votre sacrifice.
Lisez ceci attentivement mon frère.
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59785 · 10 months ago
Nothing will destroy a great employee like watching your employer tolerate & reward the bad ones.
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59785 · 10 months ago
I recently had a question about joining a Bit-Coin adventure. I am naturally quite doubtful about things I don't know, and wisely (?) I have stayed away! and this despite the beautiful stories about people (whom I obviously don't know) who have made fortunes with it!. I suspect I'm not the only one who is being approached. Can someone please tell the truth about that and give it enough publicity to perhaps save people!
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59785 · 10 months ago
Prosecution in Surinam got allot of questions and answers are needed ?????
The triangular consultation (PG, Minister, Chief of Police) must be reintroduced. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) must lead investigations into crimes and collaborate with the heavy police and the penitentiary institutions. The Public Prosecution Service must be strengthened in both a qualitative and quantitative sense.
Judicial power
The judiciary in Suriname consists of judges and the Public Prosecution Service. The judges administer justice on the basis of laws, treaties, customs and previous judicial decisions (case law).
Judges judge whether citizens, companies and the government have complied with the country's legal regulations. They must do this completely independently, as should be the case in a democratic constitutional state.
The separation of powers is also called trias politica. This means that the legislative, executive and judicial powers in a country function as separate institutions. Sometimes the separation of powers is not so strictly regulated. Nowadays it is mainly about the distribution of legislative, executive and judicial power. They should then monitor and improve each other.
But with our recent government they trample on law and justice to protect themselves against corruption, especially...
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59785 · 10 months ago
Dear you! ❤️
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Love yourself more every day!
Always put yourself first!
Do what feels good for you and if you need time for yourself, take your time and I am aware that the right people will be patient with you and even lend a hand so that you can blossom like the most beautiful flower 🌺
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59785 · 10 months ago
Trinidad rejects IMF proposal to liberalize exchange rate
"We're not going down that path again."
▶️The Surinam President Chandrika Persad Santhokie-didn’t listen to his people or advise…◀️
PARAMARIBO - The Government of Trinidad is firmly opposing attempts by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to devalue its own currency. Finance Minister Colm Imbert makes it clear that the authorities fear a significant increase in inflation if this path is taken. Trinidad does not intend to cede the exchange rate determination to the free market, unlike Suriname, which was persuaded by the IMF. According to the Trinidadian Minister of Finance, this has caused enormous financial havoc on the island in the past.
A recent study of the
IMF concludes that the Tri-nidadian
dollar (TTD)
is overvalued against the US dollar (USD). The exchange rate is currently 6.7 TTD for the USD, but the IMF wants a rate adjustment of 20 percent. Prime Minister Keith Rowley's government says it will not be dictated to by the IMF as the country had done so in the past
from the table.
and there are disastrous economic
to appease the market.
the consequences.
"Nefarious commentators happy-
Just like Suriname, it is too
and pushing hard for devaluation. One commentator insinuates that the country floundered after we released the dollar in 1993. In reality, inflation rose from 6 to 11 percent in 1993, the economy deteriorated and unemployment stood at 20 percent. We will not go down that path again," Minister Imbert said this week about the unrest in Trinidadian finances
a few
lings submitted for a
to tackle the financial crisis. The country has followed up on some of these, including
increase in interest rates to discourage borrowing. Releasing the exchange rate is also one of the recommendations, but the government of Trinidad sweeps that recommendation in advance.
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59785 · 10 months ago
IMF made a huge error in assessing the exchange rate in Surinam.
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"It should never have happened"
PARAMARIBO - The International Monetary Fund (IME) has made a significant error of judgment in Suriname with regard to the demand that the Central Bank of Suriname (CBvS) had to surrender its authority on the exchange rate front. The condition to give the CBvS some control over the exchange rates through Open Market Operations (OMOs) has not had the desired result.
to her
According to the government, the IMF has made a significant error of judgment, with the result that society is now stuck with the consequences.
"I have
blamed the IMF
that it has put too much pressure on the Central Bank to regard this as the operation of the free market," says Finance and Planning Minister Stanley Raghoe-barsing.
The exchange rate cannot be brought under control solely through OMOs. Only the general banks have benefited from this, thanks to the high interest rates for term deposits. Society has not noticed anything, but has actually fallen deeper into the pit. The excess cash has not been removed from circulation. "That is why it is so important that consultation (between the monetary authorities... ed.). Because if you say that you are only going to organize a market with OMO operations and you do insufficiently on the budget side,
doing so, you are asking the Central Bank to achieve something that you know in advance is an extremely difficult task. And it's unfortunate the way it turned out. It shouldn't have happened the way it did. It shouldn't have happened. There was no reason for interest rates to go to 80% and higher*, says Rag-hoebarsing.
Suriname's comments have been brought to the attention of the IMF in a report. It would also have subtly indicated that it had taken the matter wrong. "You will see in at least two of those IMF comments, actually between the lines, an admission of guilt: yes, we should have prepared it better too."
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59785 · 10 months ago
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59785 · 10 months ago
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59785 · 11 months ago
I need answers to these questions
•1. The person who drew the maps of the world, where did he stand?
•2. The person who invented money, how much did he earn?
•3. The person who started teaching, who taught him?
•4 The first person to get a degree, who was his teacher?
•5. The person who designed the calendar, how did he know what date it was?
•6. The person who made the first clock, how did he know what time it was?
•If you don't know, feel free to ask someone else until we get the answer soon.
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59785 · 1 year ago
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10 posts!
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