57precepts · 1 year
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doodles for me to relearn how to draw on non-display tablet again ft. the nailmaster most normal sibling feud and Ah fuck if i throw him out I'll have wasted all that time and resources
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57precepts · 1 year
I went back to read the 57 precepts (which had slipped my mind for a while) and I was going to commit to reading them all but I got stopped by #2
"laughter spreads like a disease, and soon, everyone is laughing at you."
This line now has meta context 4 me, and it's sad.
Like. Ok so the story of how I got attached to Zote was that my best friend Kenny was like “hey I started playing this game called Hollow Knight and there’s this guy Zote I think you’d like”
So I watched Kenny play Hollow Knight and instantly I was like. Yeah! That’s a me character! I love this guy!
Which was followed by me going on a wiki dive to read all his dialogue and his full story and just sitting there like “oh no… Oh No… OH NO…. OH NO YOU’RE SAD” and that was that and now he’s the most important guy in the world to me and only I’m right about him
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57precepts · 1 year
Reclaiming my status as The Zote Guy
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57precepts · 1 year
In fact here it is! It… sorely needs some revision because I made it during a phase where I was sticking Every Song to him but 🤷 five hours of zote music
Be warned it contains themes of abuse though! Listen with caution
If I had the mental fortitude to put together a character analysis for Zote itd be all over for the hk fandom
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57precepts · 1 year
I already have one 😎
If I had the mental fortitude to put together a character analysis for Zote itd be all over for the hk fandom
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57precepts · 2 years
Grabs u by the arm. Listen to me. Read Zote’s dialogue. Read it again and again and then tell me about how hes sooooo funny and full of himself and a liar. Read his precept about always being honest and then tell me again he makes shit up. Do it (I will bite)
If I had the mental fortitude to put together a character analysis for Zote itd be all over for the hk fandom
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57precepts · 2 years
If I had the mental fortitude to put together a character analysis for Zote itd be all over for the hk fandom
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57precepts · 3 years
Its just my nature that I use this blog to zotepost then disappear from it for months and then come back to zotepost again
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57precepts · 3 years
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Its midnight and my fire alarms r going off babey
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57precepts · 3 years
I know everything about Zote. Team Cherry hire me
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57precepts · 3 years
This is just a personal theory but I'm like 99% sure ppl like tiso more than zote even tho they have very similar personalities is bc they can't draw zote as a hot twink
Not only that but the thing that strikes me is.... they aren’t as similar as people think. Yes, they’re both abrasive, but its like. How do I word it
Tiso is cocky, Zote is too confident. I know thats. Basically the same thing, but I cant figure out how to explain the difference better. Tiso thinks he’s hot shit, he thinks so for good reason too! (I mean the fandom forgets Tiso’s whole point is that even the best get cut down but thats a convo for another time) But overall that’s gone to his head and made him a cocky bastard. Like, one of the first things he says to you is an invitation to square up, and then he has dialogue about how itd be too pitiful of an end for you.
Zote, on the other hand, at least from his own perspective, has had to claw his way to where he is now from the bottom up. He thinks he’s all that because hes been the only one he can rely on, he’s very assured in his capabilities because of that. He just wants to be left alone like? He gets snappy and irritable but ultimately the only reason he threats is bc. Ghost is getting involved in his business and he doesnt like it. And its at this time I wanna point out, Zote lacks the knowledge that we players have that Ghost is a child. Given Zote’s implied history, I don’t believe he’d be as harsh if he knew.
I dont know how to explain it better rn but to me there is a very distinct difference between the two’s self-assuredness. People just like Tiso more because he’s commonly perceived as younger and ✨attractive✨
Basically. A majority of the hk fandom neglects these facts and while people are free to characterize how they want, it irks me to see two of my favorites twisted into characters they arent, and then see one made a punchline and hated because of traits he doesnt even HAVE while the other is loved for the same traits. I’m not saying people have to like Zote or hate Tiso, but... there’s a notable bias, I think.
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57precepts · 3 years
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a funny
based on this post
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57precepts · 3 years
wish people wouldn’t act like the vessels not being able to make noise or speak is the worst thing in the world
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57precepts · 3 years
Ill elaborate on this if I remember over the weekend but. Man. Xero should have gotten away with it he deserves it
Haha what about an au where Xero actually killed PK
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57precepts · 3 years
Haha what about an au where Xero actually killed PK
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57precepts · 3 years
I wanna make more hk friends but talking to people.....scary
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57precepts · 3 years
Happy pride Zote is transgender and pansexual
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