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50ltd · 3 years ago
plot call! i’m realizing i need more threads on yejun and, therefore, need to plot with more people... so please like this post if you want to plot out a connection/thread with yejun! 
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50ltd · 3 years ago
“noona, he’s going to think you’re being serious if you keep saying things like that,” he speaks pointedly, eyes lifting to settle on the already crabby look on their half brother’s face from where he lounges, lax on the couch. figures, of the three of them, his anger is the most justified—though, it isn’t as if jiahn’d stand for it.
“and let’s not start on defects.” jiahn’s eyes narrow, tapping his smart pen idly on the surface of his tablet. aren’t they all broken people here? still, he can’t help himself here. “it’s better than no mom at all, isn’t it? considering all the perks that you’ve reaped out of it, dongsaeng.”
(...) “sorry sorry, that was a bit inconsiderate but it’s just curious as to why she’s here during a family dinner, what does he need help with?”
she sighs — placing the book at the nearby coffee table, “pour me a glass too won’t you yejun?”
“you’re so smart jiahn,” the older woman coos, “no wonder you’re the favorite.” maybe a bit of bitterness seeps out but that’s merely a side effect of living within this castle. “let’s not point fingers — i’m sure father would be disappointed if we all were fighting before dinner.”
he figures that they’d resort to this (after all, when do they not?), their tragic take on cinderella: with them, the two biological-siblings, ganging up on their wretched half-brother—and all under the watchful eye of step-fuckin’-mother, too. it’s a tale yejun’s grown nothing but tired of retelling, not when he’s been so consistently cheated out of a happy ending.
so instead, he barks and reigns in his bite as a roll of his eyes suffices. a reluctant sigh precedes his free hand lazily pours another serving of whiskey, making a point to enunciate the twist! of the cap back on the bottle and thud! of his feet returning to rightful position—leaning against the credenza and staring back at sister dearest in honorable and pious challenge.
“what? you implied you didn’t have any hands of your own, but you never said anything about not having feet to get it yourself.”
there’s a sip of his own glass, before a snort follows their gingerly quips. “no, noona, he’s right. i should be grateful—father’s blood is the only reason why i’m here in the first place, and yet, i didn’t even have to endure all the genetic... disadvantages—” a pointed glance at his brother. “—that come with being a ‘full’ han, no?”
“but, like i said, jiahn-hyung’s right. let’s not get started on defects after all.”
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50ltd · 3 years ago
the winter palace
she sits in an armchair, tucked in the corner of the living room, her features mostly hidden behind the novel she ( her assistant ) had picked up from her the day before. but her attention is not on the words on the page, instead, brown eyes linger towards the hall, the lingering steps of a young woman in poorly made heels, and her father’s own footsteps passing through.  
jiae frowns — she turns the page already all too aware of the story unfolding before her. some young secretary dreaming of wealth and an older man with a black card — his father, wanting to the latest model while his wife spent her days in a haze of booze and heartbreak.
another pair of footsteps approach, the han siblings rarely spent time together outside of their old estate, but their father insisted on bi-weekly dinners. 
“do you think dad’s fucking his new secretary?” jiae questions, her voice frank as she placed down her book, “maybe we’ll get a new mommy for christmas.”
this house is not a home. for its eggshell whites read far too sterile (as it should when it’s so un-lived in); its marble countertops and mahogany floorboards fool that of an untrained eye, akin to that of yejun’s prepubescent boy-like wonder—the naivety of thinking he’d finally been granted his wish of growing up with a loving father. 
this house is not a home. in fact, it’s more a prison, really, one that prides itself in fake pleasantries and wasteful piety, and yejun’s just one of the sorry saps who’s one of its four (three, two, one, on a bad day) only prisoners.
(his main childhood tormenter seems to be absent, so he guesses it’ll just be the three of them today.)
greetings aren’t really in order, so instead, he makes a beeline for the room’s meant-for-decoration bottle of whiskey. a generous pour and a glare at sister dearest, before yejun sighs and starts with some (he hopes) of his only words of the night. 
“speak for your-fucking-self. i already got a new ‘mom’, and the store says she’s too defected for me to return.”
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50ltd · 3 years ago
HELLOOOOO HELLO! it’s me, kristin, back again with a second muse! please give a warm welcome to my son, son han yejun! he’s the paternal half-son of the han family in the harang house, and compared to seoyi, he’s a lot less crazy (but also probably cries a whole lot more). EITHER WAAAY! i love him, and i hope you love him, too, so take a gander at his biography and profile and as always, leave a like or a reply to plot! 
A QUICK OVERVIEW! my boi is han yejun, currently twenty-five, and the black sheep (?) of the han family
he was born and half-raised in daegu; was the product of a love affair between his mother and the han’s patriach who, you guessed it! didn’t even acknowledge his existence until yejun was twelve years old
mother passed away, and with the only legal guardian listed in her will being his biological father, he whisked away to the city of seoul to fit into a family that, quite literally, didn’t have space for him
half-siblings were terrible, and stepmother was even worse—playing the media into thinking that his absence from high-profile family affairs were the result of a “chronic illness” or “studying aboard”
so he worked really fucking hard to be recognized! no matter how much he struggled (and still is) with the world of high society
right now, his position in the family is shaky; as he has no plans to actually become a doctor like their father, the second-best choice is obtaining a mba in health administration to justify him potentially earning an executive position at naseul hospital
first end goal is to be rightfully named to the hospital’s board of directors, and second end goal is to, uuuhhhhh, sell his shares so he can finally get the fuck out of here
at the end of the day, all he wants is to be loved, especially since he hasn’t felt genuine care and affection since boyhood :sad_emoji:
A BIT OF HIS PERSONALITY! he’s a people pleaser, duuuh; with being the youngest *and* the half-son, he feels like he has a lot to compensate for (darn you chemistry for shattering his aspirations for med school *shakes fist*)
was pretty quiet growing up, but definitely came out of his shell after enlisting and attending college (and subsequently moving out of the house cough cough)
competitive in the sense that he doesn’t want to lose, but doesn’t necessarily need to win either
he’s pretty straight-laced—doesn’t smoke or do drugs, and really only drinks socially. a lowkey stickler for the rules, so is just a constant pikachu_face.jpeg whenever he sees the bullshit everyone else in this town gets into
he has abandonment issues 💔 and daddy issues 💔 and dead mommy issues 💔 just issues in general 💔
A FEW POTENTIAL CONNECTIONS! a childhood bully LMFAO someone who used to pick on his as “the other han” and other petty childlike reasons like that, but now he’s hot and a half-recognized member of the han family so eat shit!
additionally, anyone who knew him before as son yejun. maybe they’re trying to reconnect, or maybe they’re trying blackmail him and his family—either way, he finna deny it regardless!
exes..... yejun is starved for love, so he’s definitely more of a serial monogamist than a participant in hook-up culture
since he’s a grad student, he’s probably ta’ed for a lot of business classes at hanbit if your muse is currently an undergrad student there. alternatively, he’s been keeping up a consistent tutoring gig since high school for that side income outside of his “””allowance”””
best friends........ or any friends at this point.................... BAHAHAHA be the mansplain and the manipulate to his malewife 😘
all in all, yejun’s in his come-up era but still very insecure and unconfident. he’s a nice guy™ but is slowly realizing how corrupt and chaotic he lowkey needs to be to survive in cheongdam, so would love more complex plots surrounding that transition for him!
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50ltd · 3 years ago
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You’re home. (via pinterest)
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50ltd · 3 years ago
I simply do not vibe with my father
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