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50dreamdates · 1 month ago
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"Strangeview is a pleasant stopover town, but it also keeps its secrets. Why do people mysteriously dissapear here? Do aliens live among townspeople? Could it be just a coincidence? Stay for a bit and find out yourself."
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We're FINNALY back with the final version of the Strangeview - new playable neighborhood based on @budgieflitter crazy idea to mix Pleasantview and Strangeview into one.
UPDATE 1 (11.02.25 3p.m. CET): -fixed family ties so PT7 is NOT a sibling of Nestor Caliente (lmao) -added family flag for Alexander and Cassandra so they're recognized FULLY a family if You don't want to redownload whole hood, just "set (them) as siblings" in InSim, and it could be fine -Fixed description of neighborhood in both versions -Added missing neighborhood storytelling in "missingBella" version UPDATE 2 (11.02.25 9p.m. CET): Huge thanks to @grottydotty for checking out the neighborhood and letting us know about some oversights. We fixed a lot of "aesthetic" oversights, mostly in sims memories. UPDATE 3 (12.02.25 11a.m. CET): Fixed wrong townie genetics - originally made by EA - e.g Kaylynn Langerak have black hair, but in DNA she has blond hair. If IT IS a problem for You now You can: - redownload the neighborhood - change DNA Yourself (that's the 15min of work, in SimPe) here's a list of all townies with wrong DNA https://thesims2.livejournal.com/5126949.html You can also play the neighborhood as You were - just keep in mind that their children may have suprising hair color!
The neighborhood comes in two versions:
V1 With Bella as a townie as in Clean Pleasantview
V2 With missing Bella as in OG Pleasantview (based on April Black video, debunking how it's actually done, that Bella is missing)
The neighborhood is for UC or LC; it is a maxis match neighborhood, except few recommended mods/CC below.
The townies and sims have slightly updated looks to match the Strangetown vibe.
Almost every lot was build by @peanuttysims and I think he did an AMAZING job. He've got such a talent!!!
Every house is a combination of both family houses of OG sims.
The Neighborhood comes with a few new lots, every one of them is done in Strangetown vibe. There is crappy "Gas Station"; Trailer Park as a apartment lot; Club/Restaurant in the old factory; a Strangeview Cemetery with a few graves of the deceased; a Pleasantview park made into Strangetown climate.
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RECOMMENDED MODS & CUSTOM CONTENT: # Sims 2 Store content (Many sims have the hair and/or clothing) Everything from the post linked below https://www.tumblr.com/naterxandersims/95976036770/sims-2-bonus-items-master-post-ive-uploaded?source=share
# A mod "Watch TV from all chairs"
There could be problems with sims not-sitting while watching TV. This mod fixes it.
# Mirrored spiral stairs from AL
Just a mirrored version of Apartment Life spiral stairs, they're used in some of the houses.
# Conversion of female "MessyBob" to use also for men
# CREATURE FIXES by Pescado!!! http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?topic=1482.0 For Lilith and future sims with alien eyes so the eyes work properly.
# There MAY be problem with Lilith having a normal eyes, while she should have ALIEN eyes. EVEN with Pescado mod. Sometimes game bugs out like this when an alien is a teenager. For better immersion You can download Alien Contacts and give them to the bugged teenager from the makeup/accesories category. https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims2-body-makeup/title/alien-contacts/id/128166/
# Mod for sims with mannequin skin could have BABIES. Kaylynn have mannequin skin, so her babies also could have it, but without this mod the game WILL CRASH when she gives birth to the baby. With this mod she can actually give birth to the baby with mannequin skin <3 https://modthesims.info/d/292423
Once more I want to thank @peanuttysims for amazing collab, and also @sepomitiva , @dina-caliente and Flatera for testing the neighborhood before the release <3
DOWNLOAD V1 With Bella as a townie
DOWNLOAD V2 With OG missing Bella
Have a great time, xoxo
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50dreamdates · 1 month ago
4t2 Trillyke -Moonwalk Pajama 
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Hey guys! (´,,•ω•,,)♡ I found this pajama here and thought it was incredibly cute! Also, I was missing a pajama like this in my collection. :D I hope you like it just as much as I do! If you have any issues, please let me know. ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
I decided to make it a full outfit instead of separating it into a top and bottom. Somehow, I like it better this way. (=^‥^=)
4t2 Trillyke -Moonwalk Pajama  [Original Top + Bottom]
Age: Teen | Adult | Elder
Category: Sleepwear
Includes all morphs
15 colors 
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I hope you like it  :)
---- Download ----
Credit: @trillyke (Link)
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50dreamdates · 1 month ago
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TU - EU Valentine's EAxis Recolors 💘
Valentine's Day-themed recolors of EAxis meshes for teens, adults, and elders! 💕
I used the EAxis meshes tfbodyhipjacketwideflaredpants (BG), tfbodydresspuffskirt (GL), tmbodyclosedcoatlongpants (BG), afbodyshortdressboots (BG), afbodysuitplunge (GL), ambodyclosedcoatlongpants (BG), efbodyhandyman (BG), efbodyshortdressboots (BG), and embodyclosedcoatlongpants (BG).
"ShortDressBoots" and "BodyClosedCoatLongPants" are repositoried to the adult version, so the adult files are required to see the textures on the teen & elder versions.
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💝 DOWNLOAD: SFS | MF | Box 💝
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50dreamdates · 1 month ago
Moo Mini Set
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I made these conversions and decided to share :). Its a small set with three itens: an chair by pixel vibes (high poly) and the (very cute) suculent pot and rug by neriney
Download by simfile🐮Here🐮
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50dreamdates · 1 month ago
Welcome to Pleasantown !
People move to Pleasantown hoping to find peace and tranquility... and not knowing about the nice mess they just got themselves into. Rivalries, tension and strange events are a common sight in this town... is it true that aliens live among us? Did people really go missing? Can anything be done to get the neighborhood feeling good again, or will the drama drive all the inhabitants away?
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This was inspired by a post by @budgieflitter and I thought the idea was super cool. I added some townies, gave the lots a refresh, and here we are. Our favorite Sims from Strangetown, in an alternate timeline where they live in the Pleasantview setting and their lives took an entirely different direction. The only big difference between Budgie's Pleasantown and mine is that Ajay is deceased in this hood ; I tried to make the rest as faithful to their post as possible.
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 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS : • For the main hood, copy the PLST folder to your [Your Name] / Documents / EA GAMES / The Sims 2 / Neighborhoods folder. • For the subhood, copy the SPST folder to your C: / Program Files (x86) / EA GAMES / The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection / Best of Business / EP3 / TSData / Res / NeighborhoodTemplate folder. You will have to add it to your primary neighborhood as a business district.
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The hood has seven playable families, all the townies from Maxis Strangetown and the NPCs from the DS game. I rebuilt the Pink Flamingo with some pics I found as a reference, and it is owned by none other than Hoot Howell ! Yup, he's there.
The hood also comes with a French version, for those whose game is in that language (j'ai pensé à vous les mecs, j'ai même fait l'effort de faire des jeux de mots pourris avec les noms des ex-maris d'Olivia Chimère, ce que la VF originale n'avait pas fait).
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DOWNLOAD LINKS : MAIN HOOD : http://www.simfileshare.net/download/5269802/ SUBHOOD : http://www.simfileshare.net/download/5270110/ MTS :
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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Rockstars for GoS Monthly Theme!
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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Finally got around to doing something I’ve wanted to do forever! Here are addons for the Maxis pajamas, because I didn’t like how all colours weren’t available for all ages. I’ve made extra files to make up for the missing ones, and they’re all texture referenced, so they’ll work with whatever texture replacement you want. They are also compatible with mesh replacements. I’m using these for female Sims, but I suggest going to the Default Database to browse for options.
Specifically, I’ve added graysatin and purplesatin for TF, plaidsatin for TF and EF, aqua for TM and AM, and the Uni recolours for all ages of the corresponding gender. There are separate files enabling the Uni PJs for AF and AM, since some mesh/texture replacements already have them included.
Why would you want this? Well, look how many more sleepwear options there are for TF now, for example!
Download ufbodypajamasclassic addons!
Download umbodypajamas addons!
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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default replacements for uftoptshirts! I love this mesh, I love simple tshirts for my sims. also included my psd :3 make some recolors!
Recommended: CatOfEvilGenius’s Mesh replacement and Rudhira’s addons
Credits: @withlovefromsimtown again for the actions (I used the wacky named neural network ones) and cloud-pixel for some of the logos/graphics used. catofevilgenius for the base alphas and making them untuckable!
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
Hi hi this is @grilledcheese-aspiration (this is just my main)!! WCIF the skeleton/skull skin/details on your Nervous Subject sim pretty please! i gotta have themmmm
Heya :D I'm glad you like him!
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First, I gotta credit the inspo for my birthmark graphic, this awesome illustration by @xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx!
So I actually just replaced one of the overlays in A Measure of a Sim's Birthmark Overlay Box (the light red variant) so if you have that already or download it now, you can just let my file for Nervous' skin overwrite it!
Download Here (SFS) | Alt (MF)
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
Welcome to Gaudy Shore!
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Power, fame, wealth— for decades, Sims have come to Gaudy Shore seeking fortune. On the outside, the glitz and glamour are dazzling, but the dark, seedy underbelly of the city casts a long shadow. Will these families shine bright, or will the shadow swallow them up?
Featuring 12 households, Gaudy Shore sees the return of some much beloved and missed families from Sims 1! Set 25 years in the future, this hood can be played as a companion hood to Pleasantview, or on its own.
Every family has their own storytelling album so make sure to check them out!
Keeping reading to learn about the families in Gaudy Shore!
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Returning families:
The Mashuga Family
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Content to dance the night away, - every night, for decades, - Frankie and Sylvia Marie have taken a hands-off approach to raising their children. Now that they're in their twilight years, what are their kids willing to do to get what they believe is owed to them?
The Hick-Charming Family
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Elden only ever wanted what was best for his family, but somehow got himself involved in shady dealings. Charleigh is young and full of life, but will that get her into trouble with the boys? And will Clarke ever leave her bedroom?
The Jones-Smith Family
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The Jones-Smith family has been a pillar of the community for decades, and the death of Chris has sent everyone reeling. Nick has vowed to honor his mother by setting his career aside to focus on his family, but that's easier said than done.
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Michelle loves to dance, sing, and drink the night away, especially after the death of Mama Chris. Is her new interest in the town magnate genuine, or just another way to extend the party?
New Families:
The Banks Family
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Rich, powerful, beautiful— the Banks family is known throughout town for everything beauty-related. Obsessed with only herself, will Arie uncover her husband's secrets? Lux thinks of himself as a good man, but is he really? Will Benjamin choose to follow his heart or his mind?
The Ramoz Family
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Nora has always dreamt of being a famous movie star but has found mild success in the writing and voice acting world. Can that be enough for her, or will she strive for bigger and better things? Julien had his heart broken by his two best friends in the world. Can he ever forgive them? And will Carlos find himself involved in the shady underbelly of Gaudy Shore?
The Ermírio de Moraes Family
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Wealthy, powerful, lonely, José has it all… except love. Is he blind to reality, or is this new relationship the real deal?
The Jenkins Family
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Naive, sheltered Alyssa has lived her life under the strict thumb of her mother, Miriam. Will she be willing to ruin someone else's life to get the love and affection she's always desperately craved?
The Nelle Family
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Quiet and reclusive, only a few Sims in town really know the Nelle family, but it doesn't take a genius to notice that something isn't quite right with them.
The Waltzman Family
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Ever the partier, Wesley finally grew up and changed his outlook on life, but this has left him a little over protective of his sister, Wilma. Will he ruin her chances at happiness? And will he find love despite his ties to another?
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Heartbroken for years, Wilma has finally gotten over her first love… or has she? She just met Donovan, but will her wandering eye lead her to her family's demise?
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Four strangers living under one roof and a fresh divorce. Can Walda and Walter Waltzman get along after their divorce, or will they disrupt the perfect harmony Ines and Fernando Ermírio de Moraes have enjoyed for decades?
Gaudy Shore features 12 playable households, 20 community lots, 3 apartment buildings, and 10 empty houses all built by me , except for Cafe Petit, a lot bin cafe (I like to think of it as a chain). Terrain also made by me. The hood comes with its own unique townies and strays; a few townies even own and work at some of the business around town!
This hood is not CC free but it isn't a lot
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CC that I didn't use a lot of and the hood is fine without:
Wire Fencing by Cyclonesue on TSR
Stair Wall Fix by JRW on MTS
Photos & Plaques Hide with Walls Down by Numenor on MTS I used A LOT OF PICTURES taken with the career reward camera and the walls are very cluttered with photos, so I do recommend this mod.
Diagonal 3t2 Bungalow Windows by Nysha on MTS
Natural De Fences by Rosebine on MTS
CEP by Numenor on MTS
CC that will alter the hood significantly:
Bespoke Build Set by Bespoke on MTS
Shiftable Everything by Lamare on MTS
I've been working on this hood on and off for a long time now, and I'm so happy that it's finally finished. It is definitely a labor of love and I hope you enjoy it <3 While Gaudy Shore was originally intended to be a subhood to complement Pleasantview, there are no ties to PV at all and can be played on its own. Please make sure to check out all the story images I included, I had a lot of fun taking them! For those adding the hood as a subhood, José, Michelle, and the Waltzman kids have which apartments they are supposed to be in at the end of their bios. And for the retirement home, I left it as a normal residential lot, but can also be converted into an apartment lot, or you can maybe use dorm doors, or mods to set each apartment to the correct Sim.
I have also gone through every Sim to set their intended names across all languages, so if your game is not in English, the Sims should still have the names I gave them!
Thank you to everyone that helped me along the way and play tested the hood for me, I really appreciate you <3
Download Mainhood || Mediafire Box
Download Subhood || Mediafire Box
Terrain Only || Mediafire Box
If the names got scrambled, you can use this program from MTS to fix them, it's really easy! Can also be used to fix any other neighborhoods that get messed up :)
Please let me know if the subhood version works as intended and does not yeet itself out of the game, test on a testhood!
Edit: Only download ONE version at a time.
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
Sims 1 Alternative UI UPDATE
With this new-old The Sims 1 Legacy edition releasing, I decided to finalize this mod, and release an update that fixes a few things and adds a new resolution.
So, what is new/fixed?
Game Loading screen no longer has copyright text overlap the design border on resolutions 1920x1080 and up
Magic Town and Studio Town map UI no longer has visual glitches
Magic Town and Studio Town map UI now have deco plumbobs, like the rest of them
Added a new resolution, 2560x1080
And with that the mod now supports these resolutions:
Get the mod HERE!
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Read old text below:
Keep reading
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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Sims 1 Attraction modder
This is my contribution to pride month since I'm not happy with how my art is converting to the game.
This allows you to change your sim's attraction to male or female sims. This is how the game models attraction, so offering the player more direct control over the values is the best consolation, however it will allow you to model heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or asexual sims within the restrictions of the genders the game observes.
It also allows you to randomize the gender attraction of the townie/random sims you see when visiting locations who do not already have any particular feelings. You can randomize with a heterosexual bias (roughly 50% of sims should be heterosexual) an LGBA bias (roughly 30% Heterosexual) or an entirely random roll of the dice.
While I do like that the game is very permissive with how it handles gender attraction, I think there's a bit more 'realism' where the random sims come with their own ideas already. As if dating a townie needed to be any harder lol.
I have put in some biases based on harmful stock characters-- 'Somebody' sims in studio town are more likely to be homosexual or bisexual than heterosexual. Strange sims down magic town are more likely to be bisexual or asexual. As a bisexual myself, you can take from that what you will.
You can find this in with the magic prop items for a singluar simole.
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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Punk Top and Lumberjack Pants for Adult Females
The top was separated from this outfit by Ghanima Atreides. I made a second version free of jewelry. Beside Ghamina's plain corset texture, I painted over and recoloured the original University 'UrbanPrimitive' outfit's. The pants come from the BV lumberjack outfit, with added detail from the male 'UrbanPrimitive' shorts. Again, there are two versions with different footwear. The sneakers are my own creation. The boots are a conversion and retexture of PickyPikachu's TS3 'Scavenger Boots', now archived here. All have fat (sim on the right) and preg morphs. Swatches: -> Tops -> Pants Download (Box.com): -> Tops -> Pants Some of this was years in the making 😵‍ I have so many unfinished WiPs... Also ofc SimFileShare is being a fuck when I finally go to upload something -_-
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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Did somebody say freezerbunnies? No?
Just some more bunnies to NOT freeze.
showercurtain for colonial combo tub
mosaic bunnies in painting (bella squared)
I think it's all basegame?!
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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Went a little ham with the recolors of some TS4 L&D. On BV (because we don't have enough of those right?), Butterfly Crawler, B&W Collage, Corky Board, That Place Over There and some more misc. bits . Some previews below
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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K&B Stuff AU HairGelledRock DrPixelFan RCs
So I "made" this months ago, but I didn't think to share it before because it was just some file editing on my part. Like I didn't really create anything new lol.
Anyway DrPixelFan made these bleached streak recolors of the GelledRock hair from Kitchen & Bath Stuff, but they shared them as a brand new mesh, presumably for people who didn't have K&B Stuff? But I think we all have K&B Stuff at this point, so I made them into actual recolors.
Then I also wanted a female version, so I used Yuxi's conversion mesh. Mesh is also included!
All the colors are binned. I also merged all 4 colors into a single package file, so there's one file for all male colors & one file for all female colors. The female hair is repositoried to the male one, so you'll need the male file to see the colors on the female version.
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50dreamdates · 2 months ago
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guys, guuuuys, y'all won't believe what I have just found...
no more eternal waiting for the random call for the single and queer sims!
gosh, I am so excited!!!
testing it rn
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