4th-earths-echos · 1 year
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1th - Echo Archive:
You are in a layer.
# Admin Log - 001
It’s finally done. I managed to make it work! Alright, first thing of all. If you’re reading this you should absolutely pretend it is fiction! As long as you “don’t believe” in any of this. They won’t interfere in your life.
I mean, warping reality with your mind, multidimensional shenanigans? That’s fantasy! And I mean, even if it were real (which isn’t) it would surely be super dangerous to talk about it to the public! So, spread this cool piece of fiction™ around. It’s just some silly little literary project.
Alright, let’s start this thing.
It took a lot of energy and CPUs to convert everything, and the upload speed to another layer is atrocious even for just text and images. So the database will occasionally show new documents, testimonies and images from time to time. But it might take a whiiiile.
Maybe I’ll post an image of my setup later. I’m still surprised it works, being able to cross all of this data to your side might take years! It’s madness! But no joke… maybe it actually is really madness. I did get the idea from this horrifying dream.
This is the first log of the 4th Earth’s Echos, it should be like a blog on this social media site on your side. Tumble right? What an ominous name.
This is a backup, for safety. Information is power and gods know that they made a great job on seizing most of our hidden caches.
The world is a weird, strange place, part of sea of worlds. When they say they want to keep you safe? Well, that’s like believing that you can be safe from a serial killer by covering your eyes and pretending it’s not there. You are still in danger, but now you’re also stumbling around like an idiot.
What is even the Occult? People think of, forbidden rituals and satanic crowds. Nah. The Occult is what the name implies. It is the Hidden things, mostly information but also, our neighbors, strange “inconvenient” chapters of our history. The fact that maybe there is something more to life than a 9 to 5 and paying taxes for our overlords. The idea that there might be actually a how and a why for everything.
Revolutionary! Dangerous ideas! Could you imagine what would happen if people though money wasn’t real?! They’ve been trying really hard to suppress it.
Not by forbidding people to talk about it. But by making it really hard to truly grasp and understand what certain ideas mean. And now the whole concept that what we call “civilization” is the greatest scam of all times is hidden knowledge. Part of the Occult.
It all started with the Library of Alexandria. That place was our mecca, and they burned it down. Even in Roman times, you just couldn’t have people being able to change their own reality with their minds right? Only the selected few should be able to do that #sarcasm.
We’ve done what we can to preserve, archive, collect and create knowledge over the generations. But yet, somehow they always find us.
So. I came up with a plan. I’ll backup my archive somewhere they can never reach.
You probably have heard or listened to the idea of different dimensions in fiction right? Well, it’s all bullshit. The concept you call parallel worlds, we call them “planes” and “layers”.
Planes are different places in the same Universe. So there’s Earth (that weird place where you need a meat shell to exist), the Umbra, isolated pockets of reality like the city of Zion. And even mythological places like Asgard, the Gray Horizon and the sort.
If you can imagine a world it exists. That’s how it works, if you imagine something. It’ll exist somewhere beyond the veil.
So if you’re traveling from Earth to Zion you’re just shifting between [planes] of existence. Now, if you want to reach another of the infinite versions of Earth.
That’s a lot more complicated, just very distant Neighbors and Mages whose knowledge WE LOST WHEN THEY STARTED BURNING OUR DAMN BOOKS know how to layer shift.
Layers are, well… As the name implies. Layers, of the same place. You know how fiction talks about how different versions of our world could exist? Maybe there could be an Earth where a meteor didn’t hit earth, and there are Dinosaurs there. Maybe some better place where humanity never though of using oil to generate energy, so technology developed a lot slower, but it’s a much greener and sustainable place to live.
Well, the nature of the universe is that the act of imagining something makes it real SOMEWHERE. But you can’t just have two places occupying the same space. Layers are how your don’t get whole worlds imploding every time a sentient being imagine a different version of it.
Plane shifting isn’t that complicated once you learn how to slip out of your meat suit. Rumors say that even the Orders are barely starting to be able to pierce the veil and verify that they are small fries in the great order of things. But now, Layer shifting? That was virtually impossible for people who didn’t live in the golden age, when we had actual colleges hidden all around.
Well, it kind of still is. I won’t get technical, but I managing to send bits to a modem on your side. Which, I’m sorry… I’m gonna say it. It’s AMAZING, I managed to do what whole governments spent YEARS trying! And all I had to do was to blend some living tissue to my rig! It still sucks! It smells and leaks this weird yellow liquid and it’s so damn loud that my ears bleed sometimes if I’m not careful! But I’ve done it! MYSELF! And I’m damn proud!!!
Point is. By uploading the archives to YOUR layer, they will never be able to torch it! I mean, I suppose they exist in some form on your side, but without much to work in they wouldn’t even know what they are looking at.
I mean who would actively try to delete this? I’m just a silly author writing fiction fiction right? Nobody would ever take any of this seriously. This is just a silly blog on tumble.org
#fiction #digitalart #writing #echoes4thearth #ocultum #occult #art #esoteric #story #narrative #short stories #fantasy fiction #witchcraft
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4th-earths-echos · 1 year
We are digital Plankton. Also why Tumblr.
This account is kind of an art experiment, so I should explain what the hell am I doing for archival reasons. (and anyone who might be interested (why tho?)).
I've posted my art online for 10y+ now. From Deviantart, to Instagram, to Twitter. At the time I got dragged to the "meta infinite growth influencer" mindset.
Fell right into the corporate trap, of caring too much about making my numbers grow and getting a following, which would allegedly get me commissions and e.t.c. (nope, lol | ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻ )
Which let us be real, works for only the few people who not only busted their a** to make free content, but also got a jackpot to fit right into what the algorithm wanted to push on masse.
It's the scam the art world fell into order to make free content for big corpos.
Y'see Artists are the plankton of the virtual sea. Nobody cares too much about them, but without them all other users would be content starved and leave a virtual empty wasteland behind.
It got me too much anxiety and stress, I wasted probably thousands of hours trying to appease the algorithmic god instead of you know... doing good art. I was miserable... and them I just... Quit. (⌐■_■)
I don't *depend* on social media anymore, I've learned to throw my work around on the physical plane of existence, meat space. Aka I touch grass irl.
So why the hell Tumblr?
Welp, I want to do what the internet was supposed to be used for. A decentralized place where I can share cool stuff. Get coll stuff shared with me. And be an oddball without fear that my grandma will see and ask whatever cursed post I've slapped on my timeline is.
Deviantart is being abandoned due to dumb AI drama, Instagram is being abandoned because it wants to be Tiktok and failing at it, Twitter became a paid platform.
But Tumblr is still here baby (.__.)/\(.__.) , and having a slight ressurgence. And the whole customizable blog that is also a website on it's own that you can organize however you want works for this art project I want to do.
Which is where the name 4th-Earths-Echos comes from.
It'll be neat. Maybe even gnarly. I promisse.
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