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4ndreads · 8 months ago
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Illustration for Royal Literary Found.
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Editorial illustrations for @preventionmag based on the Mythbusters section. "5 Myths About Zero-Calorie Sweeteners" You stare at the vending machine. Diet soda or regular? There have been scary rumors about various no-cal sweeteners, but no one needs more sugar. Here, experts clear up some calorie-free-sweetener falsehoods so you can be smart about what you choose. Art direction: Jarred Ford . . . #science #illustration #mythbusters #drink #sparkle #sugar #health #sweet #sweetener #food #conceptual #colors https://www.instagram.com/p/BvtH6EgFSmT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16ydfn3uljbjv
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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I'm proud to be a contributor of this wonderful cover for Mondadori @mondadori_libri_ragazzi Art director: Fernando Ambrosi Graphic designer: Danielle Stern @mytype_stern Illustrations: Andrea De Santis . . . #cover #bookstagram #mondadori #book #train #orientexpress #thriller #reading #illustration https://www.instagram.com/p/BvjbLwKlW4T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=js17yxtalkyn
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Illustrations for Restart by Starpool. Thank you to Plusco agency! . . . #illustration #travel #holiday #trolley #trip #sky #stars #night #floating #water #relaxing #woman #conceptual #suitcase https://www.instagram.com/p/BvZsLD4FjvY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vwkem7e1xw73
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Thanks to @baskinthesun_clothing for this big gift!! Visit their shop online! #tshirt #suitcase #holiday #clothing #apparel #travel #cotton #illustration #water #conceptual #swimming (presso Biarritz, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQ4Ei9F-uQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pmrnon9lckfu
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Illustrations for Angelini S.p.A. commissioned by Spinosi Marketing @spinosimktg about: Procunity – The center of procurement. An innovative supply chain portal where the client can improve internal processes and better respond to the needs of suppliers and partners. Art direction: Lorenzo Spinosi - Francesca della Monica. . . . #supplychain #illustration #conceptual #computer #laptop #toys #logistic #collaboration #laptop https://www.instagram.com/p/BuTeG4ZlS9J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14dls2nqwo8mp
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Copertina per il libro intitolato "Gli errori delle donne (in amore)" scritto da Giorgio Nardone pubblicato da Ponte alle Grazie Salani editore @salani_editore Descrizione In queste pagine il ricercatore e lo psicoterapeuta lasciano il posto all'uomo che ogni giorno intrattiene relazioni con l'altro sesso, studiandone sul campo le logiche interiori e cercando di offrire loro gli strumenti per «guarire» il proprio tormentato rapporto con l'universo maschile. Gli errori delle donne nascono da quelli che Nardone chiama "copioni di relazione": sono le parti che le donne recitano nella coppia e con se stesse. Attenzione: nesuno di questi copioni è patologico di per sé: è la loro applicazione estremizzata e ripetuta che li rende tali. Per sfuggire al fallimento è importante diventare consapevoli, capire qual è il copione che sta interpretando, e... cambiare personaggio. Molti credono ancora nel mito secondo cui solo le donne possono capire le donne. Niente di più sbagliato, afferma l'autore di questo libro, lo psicoterapeuta Giorgio Nardone. In fatto di sentimenti, le donne riescono a costruirsi «sublimi autoinganni», prigioniere delle dinamiche che loro stesse hanno creato. Ciò non significa che l'altra metà del cielo sia l'«anello debole» della coppia, né che le vada attribuita alcuna colpa del fallimento amoroso: al contrario, la donna è il fulcro del potere relazionale, ed è qui che è possibile intervenire per ridefinire un «copione» disfunzionale, una parte, cioè, in cui rimaniamo intrappolati nostro malgrado. Il maschio, per parte sua, proprio perché «barbaro nei sentimenti» può offrire uno sguardo disincantato e obiettivo sull'universo amoroso femminile. La galleria di «tipi» amorosi descritti qui da Nardone non ha nulla di astratto o aridamente teorico, ma è puntualmente accompagnata da storie e casi reali: com'è nella tradizione del problem solving strategico, l'attenzione è rivolta soprattutto all'«agire» e alla soluzione dei problemi. . . . #cover #libri #pool #heart #love #donne #amore #bookstagram #book #reading #illustration #conceptual #water https://www.instagram.com/p/BtywfhmlJAC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3u429vb4kklg
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Editorial illustration for the New Scientist @newscientist based on the article titled: The baffling quantum maths solution it took 10 years to understand written by Benjamin Skuse A FEW corners of the internet still rock something of a 1998 vibe, and Princeton University’s server has one of them. The text is in Times New Roman and comes in clashing shades of red, blue, mauve and orange. Down the left side is a list of seemingly obscure phrases like “Impossibility theorems”, “Spin glass” and “Separatrix separation”. This is the website for Open Problems in Mathematical Physics, which, as the name suggests, is a list of the most mind-bending unsolved maths conundrums in physics. Crack any one of these beasts and you would probably earn yourself a Fields medal, the maths equivalent of a Nobel prize. That, and the editor of the website will post a cartoon explosion next to the problem bearing the word SOLVED! One of these problems has had mathematicians stumped for years, with legions of them having made only piecemeal progress. Few people outside physics have heard of the quantum Hall conductance problem, but it is intimately connected with experiments that get us closer than ever to harnessing the mysterious power of quantum technology. You can imagine the anticipation, then, when a newcomer named Spyridon Michalakis claimed he had the answer. Fittingly, however, his solution to this impossible problem was itself impossible to understand – or at least nearly impossible. Michalakis grew up in Greece, spending his summers on the island of Lesbos, playing beach volleyball in the sun with his two brothers. In the evenings, his siblings were glued to screens playing video games while he tinkered with maths puzzles. In 1994, when one older brother returned dejected from … Art direction: Ryan Wills #newscientist #labyrinth #math #problem #quantum #whiteboard #genius #equation #illustration #conceptual https://www.instagram.com/p/BtvQJSDFGtC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=skbpc7wgskog
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Two double pages for Prevention magazine @preventionmag based on the Mythbusters section of December issue about: "5 Myths About Chocolate” Let’s face it: There are times when you’d consider swapping your firstborn for a little brown bar of heaven. You’re not alone: Americans spent over $26 billion on chocolate last year. Since we’re eating so much of it, we asked the experts to explain what’s true about the treat-and what’s hype. Written by Kaitlin Pirie. Art direction Jarred Ford. . . . #chocolate #food #prevention #mythbusters #illustration #magazine #sweet #cacao #ciccolata #cake #dessert #manonthemoon #astronaut #space #love #conceptual https://www.instagram.com/p/BtgLHDNl41g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pc8gzm6zu41f
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Editorial illustration for FREUDE magazine that narrate the story of the phrase/saying: “Wer fliegen will, muss den Mut haben, den Boden zu verlassen.” (“Who wants to fly, must have the courage to leave the ground/floor.“) Art direction Verena Prinz. Thank you to my Agency @kombinatrotweiss_illustration . . . #illustration #saying #conceptual #flying #city #jump #fly #magazine #editorial #wings #buildings https://www.instagram.com/p/BtdP1d4FGwf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q6it3bmitnpk
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Editorial illustrations for Oprah magazine February issue based on the article titled "The Heart is a Lady Part” Simply being female can increase your risk for cardiovascular issues. Here’s what you need to know. Art direction: Alex Mooney @oprahmagazine . . . #hearth #health #oprah #illustration #conceptual #woman #magazine #lifestyle #editorial #pills #blister #swimmer #cardio #sport #tennis https://www.instagram.com/p/BtL_VAJFQSP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=77zozr64i35y
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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2 double pages for @preventionmag based on the section 5 Myths, this time about Detoxes. _________ If “New Year, New You” is your January slogan, you may be drawn to detox diets and cleanses that promise big results fast. Some tell you to drink nothing but juice for a week, while others suggest a concoction of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup for 10 days. The supposed payo ? More energy, a slim waistline, or a wellness boost. In the spirit of keeping everyone healthy and safe, we asked experts to debunk the biggest detox misconceptions out there. _________ Art direction Jarred Ford @jarred_ford :))🙌🏻 #magazine #detox #health #prevention #food #drink #illustration #article #conceptual #lifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/BtA9BofllaV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1akh2n58q9yh4
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Illustrated cover for the book titled “Bianca” published by DeA Planeta written by Francesca Pieri. _________________ Cover illustrata per il libro intitolato “Bianca” edito da DeA Planeta scritto da Francesca Pieri. __________________ La storia di due amiche unite dal desiderio di essere madri e messe alla prova dal destino Sinossi: Costanza e Silvia hanno vite molto diverse e si sono conosciute da poco, ma già le lega una grande complicità, una immediata e reciproca fiducia che le spinge a rivelarsi tutto di sé stesse, compresa la voglia di avere un figlio. A distanza di qualche mese, scoprono di essere incinte, entrambe di una femmina. Le loro vite prendono a scorrere parallele: per mesi respirano all’unisono, si nutrono della stessa felicità, sognano futuri identici. Fino a quando un destino crudele, ai limiti dell’assurdità, decide di spingere le due donne in direzioni opposte, costringendole a guardare le loro vite allo specchio. Ma si può attraversare la rabbia, il rimpianto, la solitudine, l’invidia e l’angoscia, senza perdere il coraggio di restare amiche? #book #libro #deaplaneta #cover #illustration #conceptual #mirror #friends #mom #pregnant #women #reading #donne #life https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6SkOjlBfM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12283rehresgy
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Illustrazione per la copertina di "Rosso Veneziano” edito da Fanucci Editore scritto da Guido Sgardoli. ----------------- Nella fiamma il tempo stesso si mette a vegliare. Sì, chi veglia davanti alla fiamma non legge più. Pensa alla vita. Pensa alla morte. La fiamma è precaria e vacillante. Questa luce basta un soffio ad annientarla, una scintilla a riaccenderla. (Gaston Bachelard) @eleonora_e_castore __________________ Sinossi: Venezia, 1509: Zorzo Cigna, detto Giorgione, trascorre il suo tempo creando quadri e affreschi in preda a un’euforia causata dalla dipendenza dall’oppio. Nutre un amore segreto per Cecilia, la tenutaria del più apprezzato bordello veneziano, che incontra di notte in gran segreto. Durante il Carnevale, viene svegliato in piena notte da una triste notizia: il suo amico fra’ Placidio è rimasto vittima delle fiamme che hanno colpito l’ospeal del bersaglio vicino alla chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. Accorre sul luogo dell’incendio e qualcosa non gli torna; potrebbe trattarsi di un atto doloso e fra’ Placidio potrebbe essere stato deliberatamente ucciso. E un uomo lì presente, che sembra guardarlo con interesse, non promette nulla di buono... Zorzo Cigna comincia a indagare e quando una serie di incendi colpisce la città e lui stesso si trova minacciato, capirà che la verità potrebbe cambiare per sempre il destino della Serenissima. Una Venezia rinascimentale inedita, violenta e segreta, fa da sfondo a una vicenda dai risvolti cupi, dove nulla e nessuno è mai come appare. . . . . #venezia #venice #Italy #conceptual #maschera #water #illustration #gondola #fire #cover #book #hat #thriller #bridge #fanucci #art #mask (presso Venice, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BssR4jal92k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bhj4pxsh15mj
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Two double pages for Prevention magazine based on the Mythbusters section of December issue about: "5 Myths About Nuts Not too long ago, nuts— and not just chocolate- covered ones—were considered a dieting vice. Now they’re everywhere, in the form of nut butters, nut milks, and nut crackers and cookies as well as end- less trail mix combos. So what gives— how nuts should you go with them, what are your best options, and how about allergies? Here, experts take a crack at providing answers" Art direction: Jarred Ford @preventionmag . . . #nuts #heath #peanuts #food #illustration #magazine #almonds #conceptual #wellness https://www.instagram.com/p/BrF-Uy1F7Z0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1669clbius8b
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Editorial illustration for Zeit Geld based on an article titled "how to sell a property” In order what topics have been treated: - 1st_pic) How valuable is my property? - 2nd_pic) How to find a buyer? - 3rd_pic) How to make an appointment to view an apartment? @diezeit Thanks to my agency @kombinatrotweiss_illustration . . . . #dieziet #illustration #conceptual #house #home #realestate #treasure #sea #snorkeling #value #economy #money #pin #clock #magazine https://www.instagram.com/p/BqxpYPgFTNr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tkrqqdlvwd8u
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4ndreads · 6 years ago
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Illustration for Teatro Metastasio about their training project. @teatrometastasio Art direction: Francesco Marini. #conceptual #illustration #instagram #icon #theater #surrealism #polaroid #entertainment #picture #photo #art #actor #stage (presso Prato, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqhae_FlNRy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h6uikmpl2hi2
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