4everenchanted 4 years
Exam tip: If you get stuck on a question, do. Not. Pause. Every minute you spend racking your brain because you know the answer, it's on the tip of your tongue, adds up.
I know that I do this a lot when answering exam questions, I'm pretty sure the answer is in my head somewhere, and I take a minute or two to try and remember details/key words to get the marks, but this means I almost always just finish in time, or even don't get to attempt the last few questions at the end.
If your brain does know the answer, the time it takes to recall the details should take only 10-15 seconds on average. Any longer than that, and there's only a 50/60% chance you'll remember more details.
My advice is to just move onto the next question and come back to the one you're stuck on later. I know it feels like you won't have time to go back to it, but if you don't do what I do and stare blankly at questions for a while, then I'm sure you'll have more than enough time to go back and think about it more.
Everyone is different, so you may already do/know this, but I didn't realise how much time I was wasting until I noticed the huge amount of time I took on smaller questions.
Thank you for reading this, I hope it helps!!
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4everenchanted 4 years
I'm a bit ashamed to say that, for me, the best thing about Joe Biden is that he's not Trump
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4everenchanted 4 years
I believe Trump's mental age is under 12, which is why he keeps throwing his toys out of his pram, honestly
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4everenchanted 4 years
As much as I believe the phrase ''Laughter is the best medicine'', I don't recommend cackling with a stomach ache, it hurts
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4everenchanted 4 years
I really want an off/on switch for my brain at this point in time
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4everenchanted 4 years
I don't know whether I love or hate waking up just before my alarm starts screeching
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4everenchanted 4 years
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Thoughts? I think I might redo the dragon shape and use different colours/add more detail, but any suggestions would be nice!! I love sketching mythical creatures, but anything (that isn't inappropriate) would be nice to try to draw!!!
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4everenchanted 4 years
If autocorrect became a person, they wouldn't last a day without being murdered
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