412teens · 4 years
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True conviction of sin in the heart is a devastating, loathsome understanding of our own sin. True conviction of sin is a recognition of how our sin dishonors God (Psalm 5:4). True conviction of sin is the experience of utter dread at how we have sinned. True conviction of sin intensely exposes the truth of how wretched our sin is before God (Romans 2:5). Our eyes are opened to the ugly truth of our sin: that it is despicable and destructive. https://412teens.org/qna/what-is-the-conviction-of-sin-from-the-holy-spirit.php . . . Find the link to this article in our bio! . . . . Have YOU ever felt a strong conviction against something that you knew was from the Holy Spirit? How did you respond to that conviction? Share your answer in the comments below! . . . . . . . . . . . #holyspirit #hearinggod #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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As believers of Christ, we should all be working toward glorifying the Lord with our words and actions. Lying is never something good or righteous and could lead to being known as a liar. God desires for us to be truth-tellers, and He will honor that—even if it ends up hurting the person we must tell the truth to. We all need to walk in the light, and lying would only prevent people from seeing Christ's glory in us. Lies can only mar the goodness the children of God should have (Philippians 2:15; Ephesians 5:8). https://412teens.org/qna/what-does-the-Bible-say-about-white-lies.php . Find the link to this article in our bio! . . . . How do YOU feel about "white" lies? Is there any time when you feel a lie is justified? Share your answer in the comments below! . . . . . . . . . #whitelies #sweetlittlelies #honesty #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Just as each person is different, each person is "relationship ready" at a different time in his or her life. So much depends on a person’s maturity, goals, and beliefs. https://412teens.org/qna/how-can-I-convince-my-parents-to-let-me-date.php . Find the link to this article in our bio! . . . Have YOU ever had that dating conversation with your parents? How did it go? Share your answer in the comments below! . . . . . . . #christiandating #teensdating #parentalcontrol #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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The Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:12) is our key to knowing and understanding God's wisdom. Those who believe in Jesus Christ have the Holy Spirit living within them (John 14:26; Acts 2:38). Without the Holy Spirit, the things of God will never make sense (1 Corinthians 2:14). And it's the Holy Spirit who helps us make the best possible choices that would be both pleasing to God and most beneficial to our lives. https://412teens.org/qna/how-can-I-get-better-at-spiritual-discernment.php . Find the link to this article in our bio! . . . . . . . . . #howdoIchoose #lifechoices2021 #makegoodchoices #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Repentance is not JUST about stopping or "turning away" from your sin. Repentance is actually a change of mind and heart. When we had once been set on rejecting Jesus, we change to recognizing and having faith in Christ. Every single one of us needs repentance in regards to salvation (Acts 2:38; Acts 11:18). You cannot have repentance without first changing your mind to believing that Jesus is God and the only path to salvation is what repentance is (Romans 10:9). Salvation is a free gift, and repentance is the act of accepting that gift. https://412teens.org/qna/what-is-repentance.php . . Find the link to this article in our bio! . #repentnow #whatisrepentance #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay . When was a time when YOU changed your mind about a sin in your life? How did the Holt Spirit convict you and how did you respond? Share your answer in the comments below!
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412teens · 4 years
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Why talk to strangers, enemies, or empty space when you could talk to the all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe? God prohibits prayers to the dead—period, full stop, no exceptions. He is more than able to hear and answer our prayers; we don't need intercessors who have gone to the grave. Those who try to pray to the dead, risk opening a line of communication with a demon or other being who isn’t going to be helpful. Even if someone means well, there's no biblical reason any Christian should ever pray to someone who has died (Deuteronomy 18:11). https://412teens.org/qna/what-does-the-Bible-say-about-praying-to-the-dead.php #prayersforthedead #questionsaboutprayer #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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The Bible can’t fully explain the Trinity because human beings can’t fully understand it. It’s a fundamental aspect of God, and God is WAY beyond us (Isaiah 55:8-9). What the Bible does tell us is that there is one God, a single being, in three persons. These persons have distinct roles, but they are all equally God. Analogies will never be perfect, so we can’t take any of them too far. Really “understanding” the Trinity starts with realizing that we’ll never perfectly understand it. https://412teens.org/qna/what-does-the-Bible-say-about-the-trinity.php #thetrinity #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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In Jude's doxology (v. 24-25), he praises God as the one who can keep us from stumbling (v. 24) and present us as blameless (v. 25). This is a reminder that righteousness and salvation do not come from our power but from God's. Yes, we all still sin (1 John 1:8-9), but that doesn't mean we can't still be steadfast in our efforts to live a holy life. God understands our struggle with sinful tendencies, but He will always hold us up in our faith (John 10:28-30; Romans 7-8; Philippians 1:6). https://412teens.org/qna/what-does-it-mean-that-God-is-able-to-keep-us-from-stumbling-Jude-24.php #doxology #godkeepsusfromfalling #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay .. Find the link to this article in our profile! ..
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412teens · 4 years
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Remember that we are earthly Ambassadors for Christ, and our outward appearance should reflect a godly heart attitude for the world to see (Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31). We should strive to love and honor God with everything we do, while also desiring the same thing for those around us. https://412teens.org/qna/what-does-the-Bible-say-about-modesty.php #christianmodesty #bemodest #whatismodesty #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay .. Find the link to this article in our profile! ..
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412teens · 4 years
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Even though the struggle against sin is real, 1 John 1:7 encourages us with hope. Your faith in Jesus Christ is what makes you "good enough" for God—not anything you can do (Ephesians 2:8-9). Because, let's be honest, none of us can do any works "good enough" to erase all the sins we have ever committed in our lifetimes. You are already acceptable to God. Don't weigh yourself down with self-judgment. You can't make God love you more. He already loves you more than you could possibly imagine! https://412teens.org/qna/why-do-I-feel-like-I-will-never-be-good-enough-for-God.php #neverenough #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Scripture says Jesus was sinless (2 Corinthians 5:21), so He never responded to anything in an immoral or unhealthy way. But He was also “tempted” in the same ways we are (Hebrews 4:15), and He experienced everything a physical, mortal person would (Mark 4:38; 11:12; John 11:36). In some ways, there are some human feelings which Jesus probably never felt, but those are ones rooted in having a sin nature. Awkwardness, shame, making mistakes, and the rest are not necessarily things He was free from. While it can be hard for us to relate to Jesus sometimes, it shouldn’t be hard to see how Jesus can relate to us due to His divine nature. We can trust He knows us well enough to have sympathy for us, understand us, and love us no matter what (Galatians 4:9; Hebrews 4:16; John 3:16). https://412teens.org/qna/how-can-Jesus-relate-to-me-if-he-was-sinless.php #canrelate #jesuschrist #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Holiness, as it relates to God, is basically defined as perfection. God's perfect holiness is undisputed (1 Samuel 2:2; Isaiah 6:3) and shapes and defines every aspect of Him. For human beings, holiness refers to being "set apart" and looks more like choosing to be dedicated to our holy God. Our holiness starts with accepting the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ (John 3). Holiness, in practice, means learning from God's Word, discussing your faith with other believers, and talking to God regularly. Our journey toward holiness is lifelong process that will constantly change and develop over time. No need to rush for the finish line; just keep striving and working toward holiness daily. https://412teens.org/qna/what-does-the-Bible-say-about-holiness.php #GodisHoly #GodsHoliness #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Since we're supposed to follow God's will, does that mean we shouldn't make plans for the future? Should Christians avoid making New Year's resolutions? Chris takes us through what the Bible says about making plans while also trusting in God's guidance. https://412teens.org/blog/2021/should-christians-make-new-years-resolutions.php #happynewyear #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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God is an eternal Being—not created by anything or anyone. God did not “come from somewhere” because God has always existed and always will (Isaiah 40:28). God is eternal and immortal, evidence that He has always existed (1 Timothy 1:17). There was never a time when God was not in existence because He has always been. God created everything out of nothing—from burning, faraway stars to uniquely-designed YOU (Genesis 1:27)! https://412teens.org/qna/was-God-created.php #toughquestions #whocreatedGod #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Yes, we have the freedom to talk to God about literally anything on our hearts or minds. It's okay to cry or vent to Him; He can handle it. God will always listen and answer, though He doesn't always answer how we want Him to. But you can be assured that He will always be honest, and He will always tell you what you need to hear when you need to hear it. Trust that His timing is right in how much He reveals to you (Hebrews 11:6). https://412teens.org/qna/is-it-okay-to-question-God.php #questioneverything #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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Parables are little stories used as teaching tools. Jesus used parables to present God's Truth and moral lessons in a way that only believers could understand. For those who want to see and hear, they will understand the Truth hidden within the parables; for those who cannot see or hear (or refuse to), the stories will remain a mystery (Matthew 13:10-17). Discerning the Truth from parables requires a willingness to learn from God. https://412teens.org/qna/what-is-a-parable.php #jesusparables #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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412teens · 4 years
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The Bible does not mention the precise date of Jesus' birth, so we can't know for sure if Jesus was born on December 25. Various historical records point to December 25 as a high possibility, but even the year of Christ's birth is still in question. The truth is, it doesn't really matter what DAY Jesus was born. What matters is that He was born at all, that He came into the world to pay the penalty we owe for our sins, that He was resurrected to eternal life, and that He's alive today. https://412teens.org/qna/was-Jesus-born-on-December-25.php #christmas2020 #merrychristmas #FaithJourney #BibleTeaching #TeensOfInstagram #TeensForChrist #BibleTalk #SpiritualThoughts #SpiritualVibes #SpiritualCommunity #MattersOfTheHeart #BibleStudyFellowship #BibleInspiration #AskMeQuestions #QuestionsThatNeedAnswers #QuestionsOfLife #StartsWithFaith #ChristianTeens #ChristiansOfInstagram #ChristianInspiration #EncouragementForTheDay
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