Where she says shit
107 posts
honestly just need to
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
holy shit y’all should watch this one, what an admirable person
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
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I couldn’t reboot it for some reason
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
since it’s a scary time to be trans: refuge restrooms is an app which maps gender-neutral/single-stall restrooms. it’s community-mapped, so it’s possible you might be the first person to log the restroom locations, but hopefully it’ll help some people.
please reblog this post if you’ve got trans followers. stay safe.
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
hey guys i know its a long shot
but I wanna make a thing but its a LOT of effort.
here is a little preview
thank youuuuu
I do have a lot of ideas for this but i feel like it wouldn't be worth the effort if I make a fully animated 2 minute video and it gets 2 notes
EDIT: you cannot just spam replies or reblogs, the whole point of this is I want it to reach a larger audience. I want more people to see it, not just up the number.
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
Every person need to be taught disability history
Not the “oh Einstein was probably autistic” or the sanitized Helen Keller story. but this history disabled people have made and has been made for us.
Teach them about Carrie Buck, who was sterilized against her will, sued in 1927, and lost because “Three generations of imbeciles [were] enough.” (A decision which still has not been reversed)
Teach them about Judith Heumann and her associates, who in 1977, held the longest sit in a government building for the enactment of 504 protection passed three years earlier.
Teach them about all the Baby Does, newborns in 1980s who were born disabled and who doctors and parents left to die without treatment, who’s deaths lead to the passing of The Baby Doe amendment to the child abuse law in 1984.
Teach them about the deaf students at Gallaudet University, a liberal arts school for the deaf, who in 1988, protested the appointment of yet another hearing president and successfully elected I. King Jordan as their first deaf president.
Teach them about Jim Sinclair, who at the 1993 international Autism Conference stood and said “don’t mourn for us. We are alive. We are real. And we’re here waiting for you.”
Teach about the disability activists who laid down in front of buses for accessible transit in 1978, crawled up the steps of congress in 1990 for the ADA, and fight against police brutality, poverty, restricted access to medical care, and abuse today.
Teach about us.
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
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3rdpersontoday · 1 month ago
"Your coverage of this event has been completely out of touch and an insult to the intelligence of the American people and their lived experience"
Being able to see the part that the media cut out in the beginning makes a huge difference in understanding the context and message luigi mangione was trying to get across. Media manipulation at its finest.
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3rdpersontoday · 2 months ago
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3rdpersontoday · 3 months ago
Assrael bombed another residential building
This post has been compiled in Record of Genocide.
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3rdpersontoday · 3 months ago
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83 deaths in Samoa. Thanks to RFK Jr.
Imagine what he’ll do to the US.
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3rdpersontoday · 3 months ago
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The Irgun was a Jewish Terror organization in Palestine that operated in the 30′s and 40′s, carrying out attacks and massacres against Palestinian civilians in their [successful] efforts to use terror to establish the state of Israel.
The Irgun was responsible for numerous shootings and bombings, from drive-bys, to planting bombs in crowded markets and cafes, to targeted assassinations, to full-on massacres. 
Two of the Irgun’s most notorious actions were that of the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 that killed 90 people, as the Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948 in which over 100 Palestinians were murdered.
The Deir Yassin Massacre was one of the worst massacres of the Palestinian Nakba, the campaign in which Jewish forces ethnically cleansed the native Palestinian Muslims and Christians from their land, creating over 750,000 refugees and destroying over 500 towns and cities in order to establish the state of Israel. 
During the massacre in their attempts to control the village, Jewish forces went door to door with TNT and blew up houses containing Palestinian civilians and those defending their village from the attack. Irgun forces would throw grenades in through the windows of houses they passed, killing those inside. To add to the atrocity, those taken as prisoners by the Irgun were lined up and systematically shot.
The images above represent the Irgun’s emblem, which features all of Palestine and Jordan. The Irgun believed that the entirety of both Palestine and Jordan belonged to the Jewish people, and their end-goal was to establish the Israeli state across the two of them. 
Palestinians are frequently demonized as refusing to accept peace or seeking more land for ourselves [despite the fact that the entirety of our land was stolen from us, and continues to be stolen from us by Israeli settlements], yet ignore the fact that one of the most prominent groups responsible for carrying out the ethnic cleansing of Palestine to establish Israel /themselves/ believed that both all of Palestine AND Jordan would be theres.
“Why is this relevant?” you might ask.
The answer is because leaders of the Irgun eventually went on to hold leadership positions within Israel, among them Menachem Begin, who lauded and celebrated the massacre of Deir Yassin as being vital for the establishment of Israel:
Arabs throughout the country, induced to believe wild tales of “Irgun butchery,” were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overestimated.
- Menachem Begin 
He also celebrated the massacre as a “splendid act of conquest” meant to serve as a model of the future:
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His violent and pervasive genocidal mentality followed him all the way to the positions of power within Israel, where he ruled during future massacres that I will come back to.
Begin, who was leader of the Irgun at the time of the Deir Yassin Massacre, eventually went on to serve as Prime Minister of Israel and found the “Herut” political party. For context, the Herut party went on to become the Likud party, the current party in control of Israel.
Begin, leader of a terrorist organization responsible for numerous civilian deaths through bombings, massacres, and shootings, who supported the idea that Israel should encompass all of both Palestine AND Jordan, who celebrated the massacre of Palestinians as important for the establishment of Israel, went on to become the head of the state, and he brought his ideology of terror to Israeli leadership.
Begin was a major proponent of Israeli Settlements, which are recognized internationally as illegal due to their construction on stolen Palestinian land and their segregational nature. His support of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory underlines his Irgun ideology - that ALL of Palestine and Jordan were to be Israeli territory.
Time and time again, Israel gives the world some sad story about how it’s the Palestinians who don’t want peace, how the Arabs refused to accept the partition plan, etc, etc. Yet, it’s clear to anyone familiar with history that the goal was always to control the entirety of Palestinian territory, and preferably have the Palestinians removed from it all. 
Begin was also Prime Minister of Israel during the Sabra and Shatila massacre of 1982, which left over 500 Palestinian refugees murdered by Lebanese Phalangists and Israeli forces.
So why is it that Israel, a country founded on terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and the massacres of civilians, headed by terrorists directly responsible for massacres who went on to carry out even worse while head of the state, continues to preach this double-standard and narrative of victimhood while those responsible for all the reprehensible actions mentioned above never faced justice and are instead lauded and celebrated?
Israel continuously asserts that Palestinians celebrate terrorists and murderers, yet Israel itself has been run on multiple occasions by terrorists and murderers responsible for the deaths of thousands, who are then hailed as heroes.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party is the successor of Begin’s Herut party, and as such, they follow the same ideology of conquest and ethnic cleansing.
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3rdpersontoday · 4 months ago
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3rdpersontoday · 7 months ago
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3rdpersontoday · 7 months ago
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full screen to see details
SecUnit watching media in company storage. Scale of slavery at corporation rim.
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3rdpersontoday · 8 months ago
They recorded tinnitus? It's a physical thing?????
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3rdpersontoday · 8 months ago
AO3 works being stolen and posted on rivd.net
What is happening, and what you can do.
We've posted these infos in our Discord server, but want to make them accessible for more of you AO3 anf fanfic folks out there. What is happening? A user called "Fanfic Books" on the site https://rivd.net is posting over a million of fanfics since May 18th, all of which seem to be stolen from AO3 users. You can check if your works were stolen by searching your AO3 username on that site. Reporting this on the site is tedious, and contains so much requested date about you that is just seems sketchy and like they want to grab your data to sell it off again. (See this for more on that.) Since the person posting the works is also listed as Moderator of the website, chances of successful reports are, by our estimation, very small. (As you can look up here.) Creating an account on that site is also tedious - after trying it, the feedback was that a moderator needs to approve of my account creation request. How long that is supposed to take is not known. What can you do? We deduced - through admittedly rushed, because we felt like time was of the essence, and and sparce, checks - that people who have their works locked on AO3 have not been affected. (At all/as much is not to say, it's our best hope and theory rn.) We advised our server members to lock their AO3 works for the time being, as currently seems like the only prevention method available. A great tutorial for that has been made here. Kudos to this X/Twitter post that seemed to have started the spread of information, and others relaying the infos (like e.g. r/AO3 on Reddit).
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3rdpersontoday · 9 months ago
I just wanted to know if you've ever heard about the manga Deadpool, from what I've seen he's very silly
i actually have both volumes! and it's true he is very silly
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i love him.
the japanese just really know how to do deadpool, they really know how to do my boy. he really just suits the the dramatic absurdity of the manga and anime mediums. he just suits it.
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he's the best. i love him. i wish western comics had this much fun with deadpool. the western comics are so ass. in japan they know how to have fun.
admittedly though a lot of it i've only skimmed because i just can't stand those cutesy girls. i just immediately lose interest any time they're on the page.
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