my pan feel2 liike iit2 2pliittiing down the miiddle.
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Magic anons I guess?? Same s)(it t)(at always messes with me. I’m )(aving a 8last t)(ough
magiic anon2?
iim getiing 2ome miixed 2iignal2 here. you’re chokiing on 2eawater becau2e you don’t know how two do 2omethiing a2 2iimple a2 breathiing and you’re haviing a bla2t?
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I am usually a oxygen-only lady!!!!!!!!
I woke up a couple )(ours ago and I was a seadweller. Gotta learn this s)(it at my own pace here ::::/
Anyway I’m Nix, nice to meet you
that 2ound2 liike 2ome bad 2cii fii 2hiit two me. how diid that even happen?
niix. okay. iim 2ollux. a plea2ure.
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treacherouselegance replied to your post: what’2 everyone el2e up two twoliight? ii’ve been...
Currently learning to use gills and also coug)(ing seawater out of my lungs ✌��
con2iider not breathiing wiith the wrong tract for 2tarter2.
how are you ju2t now learniing how two do thii2? have you been liiviing under an oxygen 2u2taiiniing rock?
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what’2 everyone el2e up two twoliight? ii’ve been 2potty. ii’d apologiize but iif you’re new around here you’re ju2t goiing two have two get u2ed two iit. iit happen2 a lot.
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2hout out two the nook2taiin who traded me a card for gobbler chee2e and 2kank eye2 for a liike 2iix card2 of clopper miint2.
who the fuck eat2 clopper miint2?
pan 2ludged a22hole2 ii2 who.
and gobbler chee2e? the 2oup came out good and ii 2ent hiim 2ome wiith 2ome bread but 2tiill!
2hiit dude 2hiit ta2te2 ehehehehe.
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why the hell diid ii ever thiink the 2hade ii had the wall2 before wa2 a good 2hade. iit2 not complementary at all. had to fiix iit.
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iive been repaiintiing my hiive. what diid ii mii22?
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open timeline
Okay so idk what I’m doing with this post, I’ve never made a timeline post before, but I still wanted to make a note that sollux’s timeline is open to members.
the au is canon divergent and relies a good deal on the dynamics of alternian culture. there’s a few things already set, and we’re always open to new cool ideas for how things run. for example, this timeline works on a system of ration cards divvied out by the empire, less for lowbloods, more for highbloods, and the bartering for goods interpersonally and given to quadmates.
helm hunters, specialized drones meant to find any psionics worthy of life as a helmsman, are more of a threat, as it’s not just yellowbloods who are at risk, but rather anyone with a certain threshold of power. for example, aradia needs to be careful of helm hunters, as well as vriska. the empire has adapted better methods for using specific psi to pilot, and a good lot of capable psionics are at risk.
we’re always open to other members, canon blood colors please.
the two taken slots are myself, here at @2wordfii2hme, and our equius at @equueleus
we’d love to have other members and a lot of collaborative ideas, so if any of that interests you, feel free to hit me up!
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quxxnofthieves replied to your post: human2 2ound liike a liightmare. no thank2.
I know right?
why are they liike that?
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human2 2ound liike a liightmare.
no thank2.
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open timeline
Okay so idk what I’m doing with this post, I’ve never made a timeline post before, but I still wanted to make a note that sollux’s timeline is open to members.
the au is canon divergent and relies a good deal on the dynamics of alternian culture. there’s a few things already set, and we’re always open to new cool ideas for how things run. for example, this timeline works on a system of ration cards divvied out by the empire, less for lowbloods, more for highbloods, and the bartering for goods interpersonally and given to quadmates.
helm hunters, specialized drones meant to find any psionics worthy of life as a helmsman, are more of a threat, as it’s not just yellowbloods who are at risk, but rather anyone with a certain threshold of power. for example, aradia needs to be careful of helm hunters, as well as vriska. the empire has adapted better methods for using specific psi to pilot, and a good lot of capable psionics are at risk.
we’re always open to other members, canon blood colors please.
the two taken slots are myself, here at @2wordfii2hme, and our equius at @equueleus
we’d love to have other members and a lot of collaborative ideas, so if any of that interests you, feel free to hit me up!
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Concept: My arms, covered on molten gold. A crown, long and thorned, upon my head. My eyes sparkle with jewels. I am known, I am feared.
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