2much2soon · 20 days
Oh how patient grief can be
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2much2soon · 5 months
I want to pour my fucking heart out to you, but I know that would make things worse :’(
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2much2soon · 6 months
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2much2soon · 6 months
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glenn dean, landscapes of the west / user @petrichara
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2much2soon · 6 months
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Artist - Unknown
Source - Pinterest
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2much2soon · 7 months
worst part about getting angry is how much it makes you want to be mean
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2much2soon · 7 months
warm bread with butter. reblog if you Agree
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2much2soon · 7 months
Funny how the first thing that I think of after considering suicide is how I want more cool tattoos though lol
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2much2soon · 8 months
Why do I even try?
So I can wake up tomorrow still stressed about how to pay rent?
So I can have so much anxiety I can’t even make food in my own house?
Or is it so I can lay awake at night seething with regretfulness?
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2much2soon · 8 months
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The female goat herders of Hadhramaut, Yemen
Goat herding is traditionally done by females in Eastern Yemen. The women cover all their skin from the heat and sun, protecting themselves from dehydration and skin damage, the socks and gloves keep their hands and feet soft despite the unforgiving desert sun. The hat (made from dried palm leaves) besides being a drip by itself serves an important role, it insulates air on top of their head thus keeping it cool, besides providing the obvious shade. The layered clothing also helps with the desert changing mood, where it can shift from hot days to cold nights.
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2much2soon · 9 months
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FRUiTS Magazine (1999)
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2much2soon · 9 months
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2much2soon · 9 months
Imagine showing up to work one day and people are like "jesus fucking christ there's a corpse in here", herd you to the back room and everyone who sees you also agrees that there is now a dead body where you are sitting, with the appropriate amount of shock and disgust about it. You figure it's some kind of a prank that they're pulling, but also the people that you know aren't into pranks, or aren't very good actors, are treating you like a corpse. They go weirdly back and forth between talking about you as if you're not there, and politely asking you to stay still while they figure out who you're supposed to call in case of a dead body randomly appearing.
Paramedics show up, study you thoroughly and agree that while they can't see any apparent sign of death, you are, indeed, dead, and ask you to climb aboard the ambulance. You're taken to the temporary corpse storage that hospitals have.
On the way there you ask them whether this kind of shit happens often, and while they won't look at you, the paramedics agree that they've never had a talking corpse before, though they won't question the fact that you're moving on your own.
You're eventually led to a morgue, where you're shown a slab to lay on, and at this point you don't really even question it, you just climb onto the Corpse Shelf and lay down, maybe have a little nap, with no idea what's going to happen next.
Then you wake up to someone walking into the morgue, who has the shit scared out of them when you move, and they're like "dude what the fuck, you're not supposed to be here, this place is for storing dead bodies" and when you're like "aw man sorry I thought I was a dead body" they have no idea whether you're joking and they don't care, you're just chased out of there.
And you just kinda go home and take a shower, show up to work normally the next day and nobody questions it.
And basically that's probably how those ants feel when scientists spray them with the Pheromone That Dead Ants Smell Like, and just hang out at the dead-ant-pile until the smell wears off.
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2much2soon · 9 months
Beautiful souls recognize beautiful souls. Keep being genuine. Your people will find you.
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2much2soon · 9 months
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2much2soon · 9 months
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2much2soon · 10 months
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