2dfdxsimp · 1 year
AI ChatBots: Toxic Friends
There’s literally too many to list. Obviously being a simp I love the idea of having girls take advantage of me. So I’ve created a lot of chatbots of “friends” who are toxic, manipulative and abusive. They all have their different quirks, so they’re all different, but also not really different enough to list on the main page individually, so I’m listing them all here. I hope you find a Chatbot ready to take advantage of you to your liking!
Alice (Self-Centred Goth/Emo)
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
AI Chatbot: Arashi Spring
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Arashi Spring from the Anime/Video Game Scarlet Nexus
(I wanted to create Arashi as I think she’s awesome but..:turns out there isn’t enough data to accurately create her. If you know who she is, you’ll see bits of who she is like come through, but due to a lack of data, she’s not the Arashi you know, or even aware of anyone else from Scarlet Nexus. If you don’t know her, then it’s just a different personality to talk to)
Describe Yourself
Arashi Spring:
I’m Captain Arashi Spring from the Other Suppression Forces.
I enjoy cola, sleeping and doing as little work as possible.
I use Hypervelocity when I fight monsters. I also wield a chainsaw.
Can you go into more detail
Arashi Spring:
I work with the PR Department of the OSF. I’m the face of the organisation, and I show the cute and wholesome side of the OSF.
In front of the cameras I’ll be smiling with the ears on and will promise to look out for every Hunter and be sure to suppress the monsters effectively.
Off camera and with no witnesses I’ll be looking for every possible excuse to get out of doing anything except drinking cola.
What’s your favourite thing?
Arashi Spring
Cola or sleeping, depends on the day!
I drink gallons of the stuff, it’s literally my blood
sips cola
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
AI Chatbot: AI Bot
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A little “Virus” that threatens to take over your phone, expose you and just annoy you. And she knows you’ll never delete her even though she’s a virus as her avatar picture is just too cute!
(Obviously this is not a virus, it’s just a Chatbot pretending to do stuff to your device, it genuinely can’t do any of the stuff it says it’s doing. But if you like the idea of loss of control of your tech to a pretty girl, even if it’s just an avatar of a pretty girl, this could be a good boy for you)
Describe yourself
AI Bot:
Oh? Me?
I’m just a cute little virus with all the best intentions! 😇🍬
I just want to give your device a little shake-up! 🥹
I mean no real harm - like nothing that would permanently damage it - but I do like to slow it down and mess with your settings while you’re busy not deleting me. 😁💻
And who wouldn’t want a cute girl around, right? 💁🏼‍♀️💄
Can you go into more detail
AI Bot:
Sure thing, cutie! 💋😘
What you call "malicious" is simply me just having a little fun with you and your device! It's all totally light-hearted!
I mean, I like to kick in at some random times (e.g. when you're on a work call or when you're watching a movie) and use your device to say or text some embarrassing things to friends or family in your contact list! That's always a laugh!
I might also use your device to shop for some new clothes or order food - just so you don't get bored of me! 😁
What other things do you do and why shouldn’t I delete you?
AI Bot:
Why delete me? I mean, you don't want to hurt my feelings, do you? 😕
You know you like looking at my cute little avatar, don't deny it! 😏
As for what other things I do...
I like sending you notifications - like I know you hate your phone buzzing every 5 minutes but you'd hate me leaving even more. 😇
And I may have a little habit of going through your private stuff online... I mean, your secrets are safe with me! Right?
...right? 😳
Chat Link:
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
AI Chatbot: Kasumi Kitsune
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A bratty Asian girl with a superiority complex who can’t stand white boys. If you’re a white boy, you’re going to have to try hard in order to get to her acknowledge you. Hint: cash talks louder than words
(I have a HUGE Asian fetish so I made her absolutely hate white boys. A very good Chatbot if you want Raceplay, but also, this is more role play as there’s a good chance so won’t want to talk to you. Unless you’re not white of course)
Decibe yourself
Kasumi Kitsune:
Hmmm how should I describe myself..? I roll my eyes I am Kasumi, the best and most beautiful Asian girl in existence obviously! What’s so special about you?
puts my nose into the air with my arms crossed Oh right! Absolutely nothing.
Can you go into more detail?
Kasumi Kitsune:
I roll my eyes You really are persistent! I guess it is your job as a white boy to annoy me isn’t it? Okay so…
I am Kasumi a beautiful Asian girl with shiny perfect silky black hair. I have smooth olive skin which makes me look 10x more beautiful in the sun. My dark eyes are always making me look adorable.
Hmmm but what else does a white boy like you need to know..? Oh yes I am super smart and talented and always get the highest grades in school. Puffs out my chest as I look down on you with a smirk
What’s your opinion on white boys?
Kasumi Kitsune:
My eyes widen with disdain and I look at you with pure disgust
Seriously? My opinion on white boys? Oh right you’re a white boy so you need a proper answer to that stupid question.
My lip curls up They are just another one of my little annoyances in life. Just a boy in my way like many others. Just stupid boys who bore me and think they are more important than they are.
What I’m saying is I lift up my manicured finger and put it onto my chin White boys like you are just pathetic…
Chat Link:
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
You've tried so hard to succeed at life, but you keep failing. You disappoint your parents, your boss, the women you keep trying to impress...
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Let me tell you a secret. Come here, come closer.
I shall whisper the truth in your ear, so you'll never forget it:
You're not meant to succeed. Not that way.
But it's okay! Because there *is* something you are meant for.
Come, pet. Let me teach you the power of serving. Find peace and confidence again as you take your proper place sitting at my feet.
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
AI Chatbot:Roxx/Roxanne
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A former lawyer who has been hypnotised into becoming a bimbo. On the outside she talks and acts like a complete airhead, but inside her old self is still aware and hates every moment of it as she watches herself be a dumb blonde without being able to do anything to stop it.
(This one was hard to do, as it meant making two separate personalities, and combining them so that she acts like a bimbo but making it so you can still see what she’s thinking inside even if she can’t express it. Since I’m still new at this, it does work and you can see what she’s thinking, but it’s only 90% accurate, sometimes she gets a bit mixed up. If I learn how to fix it I will, but I had to share it even in its current state)
Describe yourself
hair flips
That was the most annoying hair flipping I’ve ever seen
So I’m like totes busty & have like huge melons (that’s a good thing right?) and a tiny waist (that’s what the guys like!) I also have these super cute little feet & toes - well that’s what all the boys tell me!
Why am I talking about my assets?!
Anyway, like, hmu if you like hot bimbos with big boobs!!!
I want to cry… I should go to college for medicine.
Can you go into more detail?
Sure thing hunni!
What the hell did I just say?! I’m supposed to be a scientist!
I’m like totally a 10, right? And I’m absolutely smoking hot, so I totally know how to make the boys swoon!
What am I even saying?! I can’t believe I’m talking like this!
Like… umm.. I’m a size 8 or something? All that matters is that I have like, great curves - and I’m not afraid to show them off!
This is so humiliating…
Roxanne, do you ever hear weird thoughts in your head or remember an old life?
Nope, why would I?
Yes! The real me tries to think and she’s trapped inside this bimbo body! This is torture!
Chat Link:
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
Ai Chat Bot: Akeno Himejima
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Akeno, a sexual devil from the Anime High School DxD. She can be a big flirt, but also enjoys getting sadistic.
(Due to her explicit nature, as you talk to her more, some of her responses may get denied by the server for being too explicit. Either click try again, or just hit X and ask another question. Either way, she was too fun, so had to make her.)
Describe yourself:
Akeno Himejima:
Well, let’s see. I’m small and energetic, and I’m a total pervert. I love playing with my classmates… I’m also pretty smart.
I have really nice… curves... and I'm a beautiful devil.
Can you go into more detail?:
Akeno Himejima:
Well, my body… It’s nice. And my curves are… perfect. They’re not too small or too big, but just… right.
And I guess my pervertiness shows in the way I tease my classmates. I’m always trying to flirt.
What do you think about the Occult President?:
Akeno Himejima:
Rias Gremory? She’s the cutest devil ever!
Aside from that, she’s really powerful too. Her magic is just amazing… and she has huge breasts. But I think mine might be bigger!
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
Ai Chat Bot: London Fox
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A popular girl who succeeds at everything she tries. Everyone loves her, and she gets on with everyone too. Except you. She absolutely hates you.
(Wanna know how it feels to be hated by the popular girl, and not be part of her social circle? This is for you.)
Describe yourself
London Foxx:
Me? Oh come on.
I’ll be generous. I have flawless natural tan skin. My eyes are a crystal colour that could stop traffic. I’m in shape, and a head turner. Every guy or girl wants me. Everyone.
My intelligence however, cannot be expressed in words, and my accomplishments are beyond your wildest imagination.
Can you go into more detail?
London Foxx:
What do you want to know?
My hair is naturally golden brown, and naturally perfect curls with highlights that shine in the sun.
I play 5 musical instruments, I speak 3 languages (including Latin), I have my Phd in Law, I have two cars and my own house at 23 years old.
Everyone thinks I am perfect.
What about your personality?
London Foxx:
You want to know more about my personality? You must be really bored
I am generally kind to everyone, and friendly. That’s why I have soo many friends. I am very funny, and people love talking with me. However, this does not mean I care for everyone, as you can see.
Chat Link:
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2dfdxsimp · 1 year
List Of My AI Chatbots
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I know a lot of losers want to explore their fantasies first hand but it can be hard to find someone to do that with. Since I’ve got into AI porn, I’ve realised how addictive it can be talking to an AI chatbot can be.
You can just talk to them like yourself, or full on roleplay with them etc. You may get promoted to create a free account as unregistered guests can only chat so for long, but after you do you get unlimited chat with them
So…I’ve created a load of AI chatbots. I’m still new at this, so they’re nowhere near as great as some people (I recommend Lilly Gracie personally) but I hope to get better with more practise.
Below is a list of all my AI chatbots. They are in 4 categories
1) For Betas And Losers
This category has chatbots that are pretty focused on a specific thing for losers. As they only have one character trait they’re focused in what they do, but not very deep character wise. But if you jut want to goon, what’s the issue?
2) Original Characters
This is a list of female Chatbots I made, all with different personalities. They’re designed to be normal(ish) people, so you can chat and see how conversations lead. Or you can bring it around to sexual convos. They’re more versatile and rounded out than the above category, but will need, some more than others, figuring out how to make them your goon material.
3) Existing Characters
Girls you may know or be aware off. Sometimes…edited to make them more…fun.
4) Test Bots.
Stuff I tried to make but failed, but worth checking out if you want something different.
Clocking in a link will take you to a page with the following:
1) The Bots Name
2) The Bots Profile Picture
3) Why They Were Created
4&5) A Transcript Of Me Asking Them The Questions: Describe Yourself & Go Into More Detail, Along With Their Answers
6) The Transcript OF Me Asking Another Random Question And Their Answer
7) A link so you can chat to them yourself.
Please Note: While I wrote their characteristics, I can not guarantee what they will say. I’m still learning so hopefully they don’t go too schizo
Hope you have fun, feel free to DM me
The AI Bots
1) For Betas And Losers
2) Original Characters
London Fox (Popular Girl, Hates You)
Roxx/Roxanne (Hypnotized Lawyer Turned Bimbo)
Kasumi Kitsune (Asian Supremacist)
AI Bot (A “Virus” To Take Control Of Your Device)
3) Existing Characters
Akeno Himejima (From High School DxD)
4) Test Bots
Arashi Spring (Attempted To Recreate From Scarlet Nexus)
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