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For my second video animation I wanted to show off the different weights of Bodoni* I start the animation with a proclamation of 12 weights with both the 12 and the word weight appearing from each other then disappearing. I then zoom in on a four quadrant animation, each quadrant has text scrolling in a different direction the top two quadrants establish the name of the typeface and the bottom two show the range of roman and italic weights. This animation is then closed off with blue rectangles that follow the movement of each quadrant. For the next animation I just really like the form of the lower case g in the black weight. This was another part of my specimen book that I wanted to bring into my animation and achieved this by scrolling the text that made up the fill. This then fades out leaving an indelible image of the lowercase g.
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For my first video animation I wanted to convey that this version of Bodoni has been updated for modern display. The background has been created to resemble parchment paper with a creamy colour. Italic text appears like it is being typed, I went with an italic as this is a closer approximation to handwriting, this was created by using a mask and then changing its position. The last line is no compromises so I wanted to highlight some characteristics of original Bodoni that are intact for Bodoni*. Thick and thin stokes are a hallmark of Bodoni and some of the other modern refreshes lose this quality, so I highlighted this with the words thick and thin appearing from an ampersand with the word stroke appearing below it. Another quality of Bodoni it the flat unbracketed serifs I have highlighted this with a red lines that trace the form showing this quality. My sparing use of colour really makes this red stand out. A square then grows from the centre of the page to loop the animation back to the start.
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Frame x Frame final gifs and reflection
The animation starts cycling though scaled up letters that spell out the name of the typeface. This allows for a good look at the form of individual letters and leads into a nice transition with the last star character being scaled up. The animation then lists some qualities of the typeface elegant, refined, classic. I chose to have these appear through a reveal or fade, at first I had them moving into place but I thought this dynamic movement did not suit the words I was using and what I was trying to convey. Owen Earls name then drops from the top of the screen as a wipe transition, Owen Earl was the designer of the typeface. I then use four squares to create a transition that closes the screen back to blue. The squares have now been established so I use them as quadrants to show off some glyphs and their different weights, cycling through from regular to black and back down to regular. After this animation is complete the word Bodoni appears over the top of the star and the date the typeface was designed in the bottom right. I then close this off with squares to loop the animation back to the start.
For my second Frame x frame I start with a curtain. This was chosen as I felt the grandeur of a theatre matches the aesthetic qualities of Bodoni and its association with classic cinema. I then have the name of the typeface being displayed like an actor coming out for a standing ovation, the star element repeats for a transition evoking the roses thrown onstage after a grand performance. I wanted to then highlight the contrasting strokes drawing attention to the thick and thin strokes of the W with colours alternating. This then leads into the numbers being counted in. The fill has been removed so you can get a detailed look at the outline of the numbers. I thought it was a really successful part of my specimen book that I wanted to include in my animation. The curtain then closes drawing the performance to a end and looping back to the start.
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Frame X Frame animation two
Experimentation with the word contrast scrolling across the screen, this is too fast and illegible.
Changed the word contrast to be smaller and scroll across from either side of the screen in the opposite colours. Timeless and robust text has been omitted for time constraints. This version will be submitted.
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Updated animation with timing issues fixed, especially around the unbracketed serif animation. There is also now a transition created with a growing square that envelops the screen to reloop to the start.
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Transition in four quadrant animation has been sped up and alignment of G cutout has been fixed so you cannot see the animation bleeding from the side. Happy with this animation now and will be submitted
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colour variation of video timline animation. Still prefer the blue colour.
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Text at start of animation indicates number of available weights for the typeface. End of animation now fades out so it can loop with the start, like the way it leaves an impression of the lowercase g. Transition of four quadrant element needs to be sped up.
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Draft two for my video timeline animation. I have created a four quadrent animation that highlights the different available weights of the typeface. this then transitions into the lowercase g in the black weight. I really like the form of this letter in particular and highlight this by having the name of the typeface scroll as a fill. Still have to have an appropriate start for the animation but I like the idea of the quadrant animation scaling up from the centre so I will probably be zooming in from some text as a transition.
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Draft one video timeline animation. This is starting to come together. I wanted to have a slower paced animation. The background has been recreated to resemble a textured paper. The animation informs of the function of the typeface being a modern update for modern display, the animation then indicates some of the key characteristics of the typeface the thick and thin contrasting strokes and the unbracketed serifs. This needs tightening up, a slightly quicker pace and a way to loop back to the start.
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Two frame x frame gif animation for assignment draft versions
This one Is almost finished, there might be a few tweaks to be made to make sure it is hitting the 15 second mark. Really happy with this one. Lists some qualities of the typeface, has the name of the designer of the typeface, year it was established and has a good range of characters and at different scale.
There is still more work to be done on this one. I am not happy with some of the transitions. Its has some good ideas I really think the numbers are working well. The “timeless and robust” text is lifeless so I have to add some movement to it.
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Bodoni Refreshes
Bodoni was first created by Giambattista Bodoni in the late 18th century. over the years the typeface has seen many refreshes, starting with the ATF (American Type Founders) version of Bodoni in 1909. This was a revival of the historic typeface for use with modern printing technology. These many refreshes show the endearing qualities of Bodoni
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Further experimentation with video animation
This is running way too fast, but I really think this is a good idea and expresses the purpose of the typeface, for use on computers without having to compromise the contrasting strokes. Slow this down and it will be a excellent for part of one of my video timeline gifs.
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Practicing a zoom in on my four quadrant animation.
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Further experimentation that expresses some of the qualities of the typeface. I like the idea but it needs more refinement.
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Four quadrants that show off the range of weights available for the typeface. I really like this there are still some weird hitches in the animation. The star quadrant need to be moved closer to the centre line.
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Having a play with timeline animation in Photoshop. Some timing issues to be worked out and there will be additional scrolling text added with different weights.
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