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2020hqs 5 years ago
my聽聽 internet聽聽 is聽聽 glitchy聽聽 but聽聽 i聽聽 can聽聽 announce聽聽 that聽聽 we聽聽 are聽聽 now聽聽 open聽聽 for聽聽 both聽聽 plotting聽聽 and聽聽 interactions .聽聽 please聽聽 follow聽聽 everyone聽聽 here聽 ;聽聽 if聽聽 anything聽聽 is聽聽 missing ,聽聽 please聽聽 let聽聽 me聽聽 know.聽聽 i聽聽 will聽聽 be聽聽 on聽聽 shortly聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
apologies for not making it on last night. as voted, we will be opening for plotting/interactions at 10pm gmt ! thank you everyone who has been with us so far!
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2020hqs 5 years ago
please聽聽 vote聽聽 on聽聽 opening聽聽 times /聽 dates聽聽 here聽聽 !聽聽 we聽聽 will聽聽 be聽聽 opening聽聽 for聽聽 plotting聽聽 and聽聽 interactions聽聽 simultaneously .聽聽 this聽聽 poll聽聽 will聽聽 close聽聽 at聽聽 8am聽 gmt聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
( muse 9 joseph fiennes, forty-nine, he/him ) that鈥檚 ( clayton rutherford ), the ( cis male ) from ( manhattan, new york ) who has announced that they will be running for the ( republican ) presidential nomination ! they were previously a ( senator ) and were nominated because of their ( noble, tenacious & visionary ) personality but their ( deceptive, reticent and volatile ) attitude may be their downfall. will they be president in 2020 ? [ penned by sam, 24, gmt, she/her ]
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you 聽have 聽been 聽accepted,聽 sam聽 !聽 clayton聽 rutherford聽 has 聽announced 聽that 聽he is 聽a聽 republican聽 presidential 聽candidate . 聽make 聽sure 聽to 聽turn 聽his 聽account 聽in 聽within 聽twenty 聽four 聽hours 聽+ read 聽our 聽debrief. 聽thank 聽you 聽for 聽applying 聽for 聽2020hqs. 聽JOSEPH聽 FIENNES is 聽now 聽taken !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
wow i REALLY want to join this great rp but i'm having a hard time figuring out where to fit in. any suggestions? what archetypes or positions would you like to see more of?
please聽聽 can聽聽 you聽聽 give聽聽 me聽聽 an聽聽 age聽 range聽 /聽聽 personality聽聽 type聽聽聽 to聽聽 work聽聽 with聽聽 ?
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2020hqs 5 years ago
is the followlist up already?
no,聽聽 we聽聽 have聽聽 yet聽聽 to聽聽 open聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
all聽聽 the聽聽 pages聽聽 should聽聽 be聽聽 up聽聽 to聽聽 date聽聽 but聽聽 please聽聽 say聽聽 if聽聽 something聽聽 is聽聽 missing聽聽 !聽聽聽 it鈥檚聽聽 too聽聽 short聽聽聽 notice聽聽 to聽聽聽 open聽聽 today聽聽 so聽聽聽 i聽聽聽 will聽聽 be聽聽聽 putting聽聽聽 up聽 聽 a聽聽聽 poll聽聽 for聽聽 you聽聽聽 all聽聽聽 to聽聽聽 help聽聽聽 decide聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
1聽聽 wanted 聽 connection 聽 has 聽 been 聽 added 聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
Hello! I can鈥檛 find where the list of muses (like description of Muse _, I can find the characters) are on mobile. Could you point me to it? Thanks!
i鈥檓聽聽 confused聽聽 as聽聽 to聽聽 what聽聽 page聽 you鈥檙e聽聽 referring聽聽 to聽聽 as聽聽 we聽聽 only聽聽 have聽聽 them聽聽 on聽聽 the聽聽 character聽聽 page聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
with聽聽 my聽聽 internet聽聽 connection聽聽 back ,聽聽 i聽聽 will聽聽 be聽聽 updating聽聽 the聽聽 main.聽聽 we聽聽 now聽聽 have聽聽 enough聽聽 accounts聽聽 to聽聽 open !聽聽 how聽聽 does聽聽 everyone聽聽 feel聽聽 about聽聽 opening聽聽 tomorrow聽聽 for聽聽 both聽聽 ic聽 +聽聽 plotting聽聽 ?
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2020hqs 5 years ago
does anyone would like a connection with dan stevens fc?
members聽 ?
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2020hqs 5 years ago
( cierra ramirez, twenty-two, she/her ) that鈥檚 ( sabrina harrison ), the ( cisfemale ) from ( los angeles, california ) ! they were previously a ( student ) and has joined ( muse 2 )鈥檚 political campaign as a ( daughter of the candidate ). i hear that their ( protective, spontaneous & personable ) personality stands out on the job but their ( reckless, guarded & stubborn ) attitude may get in the way of success. will they help elect the next president ? [ penned by kaela, 20, est, she/her ]
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you 聽have 聽been 聽accepted,聽 kaela聽 ! 聽 sabrina聽 harrison聽 has 聽announced 聽that 聽she 聽is聽 family聽 in 聽the 聽race . 聽make 聽sure 聽to 聽turn 聽her 聽account 聽in 聽within 聽twenty 聽four 聽hours 聽+ read 聽our 聽debrief. 聽thank 聽you 聽for 聽applying 聽for 聽2020hqs.聽 CIARA聽 RAMIREZ聽 is 聽now 聽taken 聽!
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2020hqs 5 years ago
( lalisa manoban, nineteen, she/her ) that鈥檚 ( arisara harrison ), the ( cisfemale ) from ( rochester, ny ) ! they are a ( student ) and have joined ( MUSE 2 )鈥檚 political campaign as an ( adopted daughter of candidate ). i hear that their ( humorous, independent & charismatic ) personality stands out on the job but their ( rebellious, abrupt & self-indulgent ) attitude may get in the way of success. will they help elect the next president ? [ penned by mina, 21, gmt, she/her ] * valerie's wc
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you 聽have 聽been 聽accepted,聽 mina聽 ! 聽 arisara 聽 harrison聽 has 聽announced 聽that 聽she 聽is聽 family聽 in 聽the 聽race . 聽make 聽sure 聽to 聽turn 聽her 聽account 聽in 聽within 聽twenty 聽four 聽hours 聽+ read 聽our 聽debrief. 聽thank 聽you 聽for 聽applying 聽for 聽2020hqs. 聽LALISA聽 MANOBAN聽 is 聽now 聽taken 聽!
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2020hqs 5 years ago
my internet has been so bad but hopefully it鈥檒l be back online by tonight !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
is there a maximum age for them?
i鈥檓聽聽 unsure聽聽 -聽聽 you鈥檒l聽聽 have聽聽 to聽聽 speak聽聽 to聽聽 the聽聽 mun聽 (聽 @valerieharriscn聽 ).聽聽 i聽聽 imagine聽聽 the聽聽 roles聽聽 are聽聽 for聽聽 younger聽聽 muses聽聽 though聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
would Kate Beckinsale work for Rosalinds sister wc?
i聽聽 can鈥檛聽聽 see聽聽 why聽聽 not聽聽 !
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2020hqs 5 years ago
hey! if you don't mind me asking, how old would the audra mcdonald children wc be?
not at all! sorry for mobile posting but all three of them would be at least eighteen as that鈥檚 the minimum age for muses
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