15 Minute Manifestation Program E-BOOK Eddie Sergey PDF Download
15 Minute Manifestation is a product created by Eddie Sergey. It is a breakthrough personal development product that allows you to literarily reprogram your subconscious mind to allow you to manifest the life of your dreams. The 15-Minute Manifestation program is based on scientific research and brain science. The Theta frequencies used in the program have been shown to help change the brain's frequencies and create a positive mindset. This means that the program is not just based on theory but is also backed by scientific evidence. The program is designed to help individuals change limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. Doing so opens up a whole new world of opportunities, making achieving goals more accessible. One of the best things about this program is that it uses brain science to help one achieve their desired outcomes. This system will routinely appeal to what you want, but you must follow it. This program will make you work hard towards your dreams and make them a reality. You can live your life the way you want to have an unlimited abundance of anything you want.
The goal of the program is to use the science of the brain to manifest everything you desire.  As per the official webpage, it works neurologically and based on the neurological concept of neuro-feedback and sound waves it positively influences your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and decision-making capacity.  It has been scientifically confirmed that delta and theta mind waves can change the way you truly think and believe. The idea that Eddie Sergey applies here is pretty simple. He applies his program to get into your subconscious mind and alter the way you think and believe without moving through your conscious mind. It uses subliminal programming and theta sound waves, combined with relaxing sounds from nature to help rewire your subconscious thoughts. When we start implementing the qualities in action it will become firm and it will become a natural part of the thought process. We cannot live in the past and we cannot live in the future. The more we are fully present IN the present moment, the clearer our insights are and the more-suitable our decisions will be. And the more we open fully TO the moment (both externally and internally), the more vibrant and rich life becomes. Countless people have used it to reduce years of negative thinking, wiping the slate clean and allowing them to live a life that they could only previously dream about. The process is so effortless that you simply won't believe it!
It’s different for everyone. It can change what you think about your thoughts, and how you react to your own thoughts. Personally I’d believe that Exposure to subliminal messages can over time change your subconscious mind, which can and will boost your self confidence so that when you look in the mirror you see your positives, you will start to feel more confident, happier, etc. Thus you become more attractive to other people. Who doesn’t find someone confident and happy attractive? Again this is just how I find they work.  I recommend the practice to be regular. With interest and intense practice the words of affirmations will naturally become part of your thoughts. This program helps you create a manifestation of your goal, thereby making you feel safe and secure. Meditation helps us to step into reality, rather than living in the fantasy of our minds. The program is guaranteed to have no hazardous effects. However, to make sure complete safety, you are encouraged not to use this program while driving. 
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