
Really excited to have finished this Ibanez RG7421 conversion for a friend of ours!! This is an early 2000 RG7421 (made with a carry over single piece maple neck from the 1999 7621’s). The 7421 from the factory is a dual humbucker guitar with no pickguard, 5 way switch, volume and tone controls. I converted it to a straightforward single pickup shred monster. -Removed existing Pickups, components, and wiring. -Installed Single Humbucker / Single Volume control pickguard on face of instrument. -Fully copper shielded all instrument cavities. -Installed new tailpiece ground wire. -Installed Hipshot 7 String Ibanez FP Guitar Bridge in black (4IBF07B). -Re-Installed original Ibanez V77 pickup in bridge position. -Re-used original Ibanez 500K volume potentiometer -Installed Treble Bleed circuit on volume control. -Wired instrument with Gavitt 22ga cloth covered wiring, used central star grounding point. -Cleaned and setup instrument in Drop G# tuning (G# D# G# C# F# A# D#) 📷 by @majorawardphotography #1428guitars #ibanezrg #customguitars #guitarsofinstagram #guitarrepair #ctsmallbusiness #grotonct #rg7421 (at 1428 Guitars)
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This is a 2007-2010 Fender Aerodyne Jazz Bass that we just finished overhauling for a good friend of ours. -Fully copper shielded all cavities -Installed 500K CTS Pots -Installed CTS Push / Pull Pot on P bass volume control for Series / Parallel pickup selection… wihen pushed in, both pickups are in parallel and have independent volume control.. when pulled up, both pickups are wired in series and the P bass volume is the master volume control. -Orange Drop Tone Capacitor -Installed Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder PJ Pickup Set -Installed Switchcraft ¼" output jack -Shrinkwrapped all connections -wired with 22ga Gavitt cloth covered wire -Cleaned and setup bass, and polished frets -Custom Cut “Charlie Sad Eyes” logo decal 📷: @majorawardphotography #luthier #guitarsofinstagram #1428guitars #customguitar #custombass #guitarrepairshop #guitarrepairs #fenderbass #fenderaerodyne #seymourduncan (at 1428 Guitars)
#luthier#guitarsofinstagram#1428guitars#guitarsoftumblr#customguitar#custombass#guitarrepair#guitarrepairshop#guitarrepairs#fender bass#fenderbass#fenderaerodyne#seymourduncan
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Merry Christmas from our home to yours! Wishing you a warm, safe and happy day! 🌲⛄️❄️🎁 #guitar #custom #customguitar #luthier #guitarrepair #guitarrepairshop #guitarbuild #guitarrestoration #instrumentrepair #groton #grotonct #1428guitars #ctguitarmodification #ctguitarrepair #guitarmodification #bassrepair #guitarwiring #smallbusiness #custombuilt #luthiery #guitarmods #guitarsofinstagram #guitarshop #guitartech #christmas #yule #holidays #merrychristmas #christmas2018 #hailsanta #merrymetalchristmas
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Just a quick one for today, installing a new Switchcraft output jack on a clients 1986 B.C Rich Warlock. #guitar #guitarsofinstagram #bcrich #switchcraft #guitarmods #guitarrepair #guitarshop #guitartech #classaxe #bernierico #bcrichguitars #warlock #warlockguitar
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Just finished up repairing the battery box on this clients Jackson Pro RR24.
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Installing a new Callaham Guitars main string shaft on a clients Bigsby.
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