13's Lovergirl
5 posts
||She/Her 🇿🇦🇲🇽🇲🇾 Asexual Lesbian||
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13slovergirl · 3 years ago
Class 1-A's Nicknames Pt. 2
  I was planning on posting a different fanfic between this post and part 1 but it deleted itself 2 times already sorry about taking a good month to post something :]
  Also the text coloring thing isn’t working for this post idk why just ignore that
Part 1
Summary: Their nicknames for you. ft. Jirou, Sero, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Bakugou, Midoriya, Momo, and Aizawa
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Kyouka Jirou
She doesn't always use nicknames, usually just your regular name
But when he feels jealous, protective, or upset she uses "Babe", when she's tired and just wants affection already she uses the "Baby"
When she gets flustered she pulls out the tsundere side of herself and your nicknames are "Idiot" and "Dumbass", how cute <3
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Hanta Sero
I know some people don't like Latin!Sero but I feel like if done correctly it's amazing
I love the idea of Latin!Sero honestly
He wouldn't use only Spanish endearments, but they're definitely used
God I can imagine him calling you "Mamacita" when you guys are with his friends just to embarrass you.
He’s in for a ride if you tease him back though, he will immediately break
Probably gives Denki the horrible advice of calling girls Mamacita to flirt
"Babe" is popular with him too, especially at the beginning of your relationship
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Fumikage Tokoyami
He's a nervous bb, he's too anxious to call you any nicknames
He might eventually bring out some kind of bird-related petname. Just don’t expect it anytime at the beginning of your relationship.
If you're next to him and he wants your attention you best believe his going to nudge you (VERY softly) with his beak instead of calling your name.
He might pull an Amajiki and use you as a wall to try and get your attention.
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Shoto Todoroki
Another one that usually just uses your name endearingly or a shortened version.
But he might bring himself to use the traditional stuff like “Love” or “Honey”
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Katsuki Bakugou
You do not have special privilege. He has some nickname meant to bully you and does call you it. The difference is that if it's something you really don’t like he'll stop... And then find a different one to call you.  
But when there aren't people around, or there are just people you guys are super comfortable with, he does get a little more sappy.
And by sappy I mean “Babe”, that’s all you get
.... Maybe “Princess” if he’s feeling really nice
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Izuku Midoriya
He literally dies inside whenever he calls you any nickname, not just when you refer to him with one.
The first one he ever uses is “Honey” and it’s when he’s not paying full attention so it just kinda slips
But when he’s comfortable he’ll allow himself to say a few “Baby”s
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Momo Yaoyorozu
No thoughts, just Momo leaning over to you to ask you something and starting with a soft “My love,” UGH I WANT TO BE HAPPY 😭
She’s a traditional girl, she uses traditional nicknames. <333333
She’s such a romantic too, I love her
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Shota Aizawa
I can vaguely imagine him sleepily calling you “Sunshine”
Maybe even- 🤢 Ki- 🤢 Kitt- 🤮
Probably brat too. Only if you’re being a brat though, and never to be confused with the school brats. It’s a good thing when he calls you a brat :)
However in front of his students and most his coworkers you are just his your last name, must suck.
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If you liked this and didn't read part 1, please do!
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13slovergirl · 3 years ago
Class 1-A's Nicknames Pt. 1
ft. Aoyama, Mina, Tsuyu, Iida, Ochako, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Shouji. Their nicknames for you.
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Yuga Aoyama
This dramatic bitch
I think at some point he will have called you literally possible nickname
But he still has favorites so lets list those:
"Mon Amour"
"Mon Chou"
"Mon Chéri"
And a bunch of stupid attractive French shit like that, but those are his favorite.
He does put "My" in front of every nickname so have fun
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Mina Ashido
"Queen". Even if you aren't a girl, it's just constantly "YAAS QUEEN" whenever you do anything.
If you're a guy she does sometimes call you "King", just not as much as she says "Queen".
However if you are a girl she will call you "Mommy". In public. She has no shame.
Besides that she probably comes up with some weird ass nicknames that are endearing, but strange? Get used to it because you're getting a new one at least every month.
But back to regular nicknames, probably loves "Babe" and "Sweets"
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Tsuyu Asui
I don't feel like she'd particularly enjoy calling people pet names?
She'd probably just use your name, maybe a shortened version of your name
But you can tell there's love behind it so it's fine
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Tenya Iida
"Dear/Darling" are big ones
The very occasional "Prince/Princess"
He also uses "Love"
And the farther along your relationship the two of you are, the more comfortable he is with adding "my" in front of nicknames.
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Ochako Uraraka
She loves the nickname "Sweetcheeks" for both of you. You swap it like a child who's parents are divorced with split custody.
But when she doesn't have custody of "Sweetcheeks" she settles for "Sweetheart". She just loves talking about how sweet you are <3
And when he's feeling extra protective and ready to kill someone flirting with you she'll pull out the "Baby"
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Mashirao Ojiro
He's cute but probably doesn't use nicknames that much smh 🙄
But when he feels extra flustered, loving, or comfortable that's when he pulls out the nicknames
I asked some friends for their opinions for all of these and we mostly agreed on everyone but Ojiro was the first rift
They said he seems like a "Sweetie" guy but I hate that nickname so our middle ground is "Sweetheart"
He also likes "Love" n "My Love" which I am super on board with
I love him, he makes me doubt my lesbianism. Look at his cute lil smile and his big bonkers ugh I wish he was real
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Denki Kaminari
Has he forgotten your name? It sure feels like it sometimes.
You don't remember the last time he's said your name
Mina's nicknames are endearing and a little weird, his nicknames are either very endearing or VERY weird. No in between.
But in situations where he's nervous or a bit uncomfortable he just sticks to "Babe", he doesn't use the weird nicknames.
Probably gets you guys matching couples shit to wear or just use in day-to-day life. It's so cringe but he finds joy in it so just deal with it ig
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Eijiro Kirishima
100% a "Babe" man.
The other characters here use multiple nicknames but I feel like he just sticks to "Babe" no matter what. As much as I enjoy "Pebble" I just don't see him saying it for some reason. "Babe" just feels perfect for him and nothing else, just like you <3 Aww anyways
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Mezou Shouji
He's usually too nervous to call you buy any nicknames when you're near other people, maybe just a shortened version of your name
But in private I can imagine him saying "Thank you dear" to you at any chance.
Maybe even, dare I say it, "Love"
I really like the nickname "Love" lmao
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If you liked this, maybe try my last post, featuring Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou, and Aizawa! :]
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13slovergirl · 3 years ago
Hello :D! would you ever make a masterlist for all of your posts once there are more created?
Thank you for asking, yes, I will make a masterlist! I currently only have one post of an actual fanfiction but once I post some more I'll be making my masterlist :]
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13slovergirl · 3 years ago
ft. Catsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todorokitty, Kittentoshi Shinso, Shota Aizawa
Summary: S/O gets a cat that suspiciously resembles them.
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A 'small angry ball of adorableness' was the very first words you used to describe the new addition to the family. He caught on pretty quickly.
The light orange fluff ball hated you until you came home with some cat treats and toys that you patiently waited for him to take. Meanwhile, Katsuki was watching angrily as you sang compliments to the scared kitten.
"C'mere Cat-suki, it's okay!!!"
Yeah, he caught on.
Imagine how surprised he was when he gave in to your begging for him to give it a try and the kitty accepted the treat from his hand with barely any problem. And then the immediate 'annoyance' when he catches the smug look on your face.
You guys would have to give the cat over to his parents, but they don't mind too much.
He lays down in bed and the cute kitten jumps up onto him and lays on his stomach, head on his nice rack. After a few seconds of processing, he starts gently petting it. It's a bit awkward but the cat purrs nonetheless. The soft noise and repetitive movement starts slowly lulling him to sleep....
And then his mom walks in.
She never lets him live it down.
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When you found an adorable and elegant long haired calico cat that had a gorgeous pattern vaguely resembling your lover's half n half, how could you not adopt it on the spot?
His first words when he sees it? "How are we going to keep it?"
I mean, yeah, it's valid. Very valid. Oh god how are you guys gonna keep it. Pets aren't allowed in the dorms and you don't think Principal Nezu is going to accept 'But Tokoyami lives in the dorms' as an excuse.
Eventually the two of you come up with a way to safely keep the cat outside of the school. It's a bit upsetting that you can't keep it in your dorm, but it's safer outside the school than inside.
Anyways, for a cat who YOU adopted, it really likes Todoroki. Cats just love him. I mean same but still.
If Todoroki wasn't a busy guy that cat would never move off his lap.
It probably would like to lay on his boobies when he's trying to sleep. And I bet you wish that was you.
I think that instead of getting therapy or 'bothering' you with his problems, he just talks to the cat. The cat doesn't care, more time with their favorite person in the world I guess.
"Have you decided on a name yet?" "What about Roki :D" ".....No." "Why not D:" "...That's my nickname :("
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You did not make the choice to have this cat. Neither of you did, the cat chose you. The cute little Siamese cat laying on your porch was a manipulative bastard but the two of you had no option other to take care of it for the rest of your lives like a spoiled child.
He loves being able to sleep with the cat next to him while you're training/studying. He'd rather be doing what you're doing or cuddling with you, but you're insistent that he gets some much needed rest and ever since you started being with him while sleeping it's gotten harder to sleep without you.
The brat doesn't usually allow cuddling though, so he just has to settle for sleeping next to it.
Like Bakugou he figures out pretty quickly that you think him and the cat are very similar and he loves to tease you with it a bit.
He sees the cat curl up in your lap for a nice pillow? He rests his head in your lap in as similar of a place as the cat did. You mention how adorable it is when the cat rubs against you? He does the same. You coo at the cat when it headbutts your hand? He kisses the same spot.
If you don't catch on to his little hints he might just go out and buy some cat ears and a human-sized collar :]]]
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It just so happened that a slightly older black cat with unkempt fur 'snuck' into Aizawa's classroom the same day that you planned on dropping some stuff off straight to his classroom. What a strange coincidence. None of the kids are able to keep the kitten in their dorms so I guess you two just have to keep it.
'Shota the Cat' became the class mascot and Aizawa hated it. Not the cat, just the fact the kids asked you if you could name the cat after him and you agreed. He hates hearing his name and turning to look at the person who said it, only for them to be talking about the cat.
But it's all worth it every morning and night when he sees you sleeping with the usually grumpy cat, knowing that he doesn't need to worry about you being lonely when he has to work. He doesn't admit it but he gets why you guys see him in the cat so much. He'd love nothing more than to be where the cat is.
No one's surprised anymore when he rolls up to school with the cat in his sleeping bag. However, after the first villain invasion he stopped. It's for the best that he stays home with you.
When the two of you get into a fight he likes letting you take Shota the Cat to bed and just get all your emotions out like that. The first time you did it was just a joke of 'I'm taking our child, I expect child support' but it turned into a simple way of calming down and resolving the issue faster. It also makes him feel better that you have a source of comfort.
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13slovergirl · 3 years ago
*:・゚Rules for Requesting Here*:・゚
Some people are hooligans, so here are the rules that must be followed in order for me to comfortably write what you want. Keep in mind that anonymity is a privilege that I can and will take away if I find the need to :]
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No: -Yandere -Large age gap -P* doph* lia -Ins* ct -Murd* r -Actual Suic* de -Intense NSFW, all NSFW will be short and non descriptive
I will write for: All of class 1-A (Minus Mineta, Hagakura, Koda, and Sato. Sorry!) Nieto Monoma Itsuka Kendo Hitoshi Shinsou Tamaki Amajiki No. 13 (Anan Kurose) Eraserhead (Shota Aizawa) Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada) Mirko (Rumi Usagiyama) Tomura Shigaraki Dabi Mr. Compress Himiko Toga I can write other characters, but they will only be included as side characters.
Please only ask for a maximum of 5 characters per request!
Although I write for the listed students above, I will not write any NSFW of them. Stories may include slightly suggestive topics, but not actual smut because they are still minors. If you want NSFW, please only request of the listed adults (Adults are colored in red.)
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Please keep in mind that I have a job and a family that require quite a bit of my time, and soon I'll have school to deal with as well. Please be patient with me and I will try to get to every request as soon as possible :]
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