12tribesoflesbians · 1 month
i feel like a lot of people misunderstand the idea of religious trauma from christianity and think its like. 'wasnt allowed to be gay' or 'heard that evolution was fake'. stuff that you can tease away from christianity as a religion. like as if you can have a religious upbringing more serious than going to church on christmas and easter without suffering religious trauma if your parents are Sufficiently Leftist. the source of religious trauma is shit thats integral to christianity as a whole. the idea that god demands perfection or he'll throw you into hell. the idea that you by nature are evil. the idea that even unclean thoughts are punishable by death. the idea that there is no difference between the crime of stealing a candy bar and committing mass murder because 'sin is sin.' the equation of love with fear. you cant touch the religion without coming away stained pitch black. and conversely, if youre raising your children in christianity and theyre not coming away traumatised, youre raising them in something thats not christianity.
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12tribesoflesbians · 1 month
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12tribesoflesbians · 2 months
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Yet another comic about leaving the Mormon church that can be applied to a variety of things.
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12tribesoflesbians · 2 months
tl;dr i made a youtube video, got doxxed, and got outed to my unsupportive parents. i am safe for the moment but i have a time limit in this house.
i dont have time to make a long post abt it, maybe later, but this is my ko-fi. you are not obligated to donate, anything helps. thanks for reading.
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12tribesoflesbians · 3 months
👏 APOSTASY is the rejection of a faith after having professed it;
👏 HERESY is selective belief in only some of the tenets of a faith one professes, or belief in tenets contrary to those of a faith one professes;
👏 BLASPHEMY is derogation of the honour due to God.
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12tribesoflesbians · 4 months
just found out i've been abandoned by god which means he's not watching anything i do anymore. you should come over.
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12tribesoflesbians · 4 months
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Madonna by Lee Friedlander
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12tribesoflesbians · 5 months
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12tribesoflesbians · 5 months
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12tribesoflesbians · 5 months
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12tribesoflesbians · 5 months
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12tribesoflesbians · 5 months
is there anything more pathetic than a christian who's sensitive about it
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12tribesoflesbians · 6 months
So I heard there was a new video with "new light" for the JWs, decided to see what was going on reddit and read some crazy shit so I want to see it for myself and I'm live tumblring it right now
The video is titled "2024 Governing Body Update #2"
Ok first of all, Mark Sanderson with a beard, I know the beards are allowed now but it feels weird lol, all these years without and now..? WAIT people from before the Flood and the ones died at Sodome and Gomorrah + the ones who repent during the Great Tribulation could potentially be saved?????? Ok it's too slow let's go for 2x Please can he get to the point Wait so there can be more than 1 judicial meetings for someone?? And a minor can do a serious misconduct and not be automaticaly disfellowshipped?? and the have to face only 2 elders??? So they're less about judging and more about helping people to repent??? Omg they're going to go visit the people who got disfellowshipped a long time ago to get them back THEY CAN SAY HELLO TO DISFELLOWSHIPPED PEOPLE COMING TO THE MEETINGS?????? (except if they are apostates) SISTERS CAN WEARS PANTS???????????????????????? BROTHERS AREN'T OBLIGATED WEAR THEIR JACKETS OR TIES ANYMORE?????
ok finished WTFFF???
Please it's so crazy idk what to say
The other day I was talking to my jw dad about the beards and I was like "haha finally, what about the pants for sisters??" and we talked about the suits the men have to wear and I was like "it's too much, nobody dresses in full suits like that except banks managers".
And now....?? What it's going on?
You know what, I think since they moved out Tony "thights pants" Morris from the governing body they can now do all these changes now.
Idk what to think right now, after ALL these years, in 2024 sisters can wear pants.
My post must sound insane for someone who is a never-jw but all of these are big deal for us.
I don't feel comfortable wearing any dresses or skirts and part of it is because it reminds me too much of the meetings where I had to wear one.
Ok now, when are they going to drop the shunning, no sex before marriage and blood transfusions pls?
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12tribesoflesbians · 7 months
i refuse to bow down to your god. the almighty being that watches us all suffer. if 'he' had a face i'd spit in it. if 'he' had eyes i'd stick a fork in one of them. if 'he' had a soul i'd be sure its damned
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12tribesoflesbians · 7 months
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12tribesoflesbians · 9 months
I just realized that homeschooled evangelical christian kids aren't allowed to have a dinosaur phase and made myself sad
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12tribesoflesbians · 9 months
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i have so much rage in me one day i think i will explode. i dont think i know how to forgive as much as i know how to forget
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