100 Days, 100 Hours, 100 Walks
25 posts
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day 16 - 4 January 2014
Yeni yılın ilk yürüyüşü bir yürüyüşten çok rekor denemesi gibi oldu.  Her konuda olduğu gibi bu konuyu da abarttık.  Bebek'den Sarıyer'e diye düşünülen parkuru Bebek'den Rumelifenerindeki Kahraman Balıkçısı'ylabir anlam kazandırmış olduk.
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Yürüyüş 4 saat 10 dakika sürdü, ve tam tamına 20km uzunluğundaydı.  2 tane 15'şer dakikalık çay ve su molası verdik.  Molaların birinin Sarıyer Börekçisinde olması tezattı.
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Ekip 5 kişi başladı, arada birileri ayrıldı, yeni birileri katılarak toplamda 9 kişinin katılımıyla 6 kişi olarak tamamlandı.  Bebek'den son nokta Kahraman'a kadar ulaşan 4 kişi vardı.
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Ödülümüz ise muhteşemdi.
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Uzun süren bir serüvendi ama bitkinlik veya çöküntü yaşanmadı.  Akşam dışarı çıkanlarımız bile oldu.  Bu güzel gün için katılan ve emeği geçen herkese (başta Selin, Ela, Gogo, Serra, Seda, Alp, Müge ve Teuta) çok teşekkürler.  Uzun süre bir aradan sonra açığı kapatacak çok keyifli bir yürüyüş oldu.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Road Accident
A little road accident happened.  My Kayano 19's lace hole was torn.
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 I called ASICS Turkey for help.  They did not take responsibility because I bought my shoes online from amazon.  What a shame!  I then sent an email to ASICS USA, and a few days later I received a heart warming email from them.  Although they can only ship it within US, it is still something.  
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I am still waiting for an outcome of their analysis, but if accepted then I will receive a brand new pair of Kayano 20s. 
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
I needed to give a short break to my runs due to some seasonal health problems, and also interrupted by new year events.  We are now back to normal.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #15
An early morning run alone.  
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I can't believe it is still December.  The weather is freezing but still lovely.  It looks like it will be a sunny day.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #13
A very short and easy paced hang-over run.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #12
A longer than expected run is quite normal when it is with the little guy 'Bobby'.
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When you see this cute face I always think that it's worth it.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #11
First time the wifey joined me as well.  I am flattered to have the support as well.  
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She is a great lingerie designer and has her own brand that sells mostly in US.  Check out ELSE Lingerie.  
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A 45er on a cold friday night followed by a nice movie.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #10
A night run around 10km on the 10th day.  Back to normal after a day of laziness.
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Another fisherman.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Week 1 Results
By the end of the first week I walked 38km and 200meters in 6 hours and 57 minutes.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Due to the travel the day before and a beautiful new year’s dinner party that a friend has thrown I had to skip the 9th day walk.  I am feeling guilty as well, but my tiredness has suppressed my guilt, I must admit.
Day #9
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #9
Due to the travel the day before and a beautiful new year's dinner party that a friend has thrown I had to skip the 9th day walk.  I am feeling guilty as well, but my tiredness has suppressed my guilt, I must admit.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #8
A different part of the world today.  It was not the most efficient walk but it was still a performance.  I walked in Maastricht with my father where I was on business there.
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Maastricht is a beautiful city with around 150 thousand inhabitants, but its history, beauty and university makes the city more important than expected.  
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Very recently, Maastricht set the beginning of the European Union and the Euro currency with the famous Maastrict treaty in 1992.  The city has a long history that goes back to Paleolithic era.  During the middle ages the city has been an important place for trade and manufacturing and it always managed to keep this importance until today.
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Maastricht is also the home town of the infamous orchestra of "Limburg Symphony Orchestra" or "LSO". 
A remarkable LNG river tanker or a liquid tanker took my attention as well.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
An early walk in the morning before I depart for Maastricht on business.  I started at 6am in Yenikoy.  I hope I can keep up in Maastricht as well.  
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A lovely colour in the sky when the sun was setting.
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Day #7
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
Day #6
A beautiful Sunday morning in Istanbul.  Today, I took a different path, started off with Bobby and I literally ditched him to home and continued alone.  My track was around the "Yenikoy Korusu", which is an old, beautiful small forestish place.  It involved a nice climbing in the beginning which  boosts your heart beat as well.  I did three laps of 1.5km each.
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The old school building was worth to photograph today.  I don't know the history of the building and it stays there somehow abandoned.  From time to time I see some people coming in and out.  I guess some people are living in it.  I'll tell more when I find out more about the history.
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On the track list today I have had the Daft Punk's amazing song from their last album, which is composed for the Italian composer Giovanni Giorgio.  If you want to find out more about him you can follow the link;  Giovanni Giorgio
Enjoy Giorgio!
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
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Bobby joined me on my walk. We made a stop at his new friend "Pomak"s place, and played with his toys and ate his food as well. Pomak is another rescued golden retriever who has amazing manner and a beautiful, reddish golden fur.
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100walks-blog · 11 years ago
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Day 5 performance; a longer but slower walk.
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