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10 more #makevember ideas
1. Make an idol to worship. I mean, why not. It can be anything really.
2. Set up a twitter account that isn’t you, but is more like you on a good day or the person you hoped you’d be or worse the person you thought you might become. Go troll the trolls. Like a vigilante superhero only on twitter.
3. Do a performance art. It can be literally anything, anywhere, but it should be purely for no other reason than to do it for your own entertainment. Tie a ribbon on something, deface something public but nasty with a marker pen, put googly eyes on a poster, Plant a shrub in a public space, put a hat on the floor and play a tune on a penny whistle.
4. Spend 15 minutes learning to juggle. You won’t get anywhere very much. But imagine if you did that every day for a month, what would be the outcome?
6. Do something you’ve been putting off. Was it really that bad?
7. Fix something broken in your home. If you’ve “fixed” it a dozen times, try fixing it differently this time.
8. Take all the stuff out of one draw in your house. Sort it by stuff you use and stuff you occasionally use and stuff you never use and stuff you hope you use (some category like that) maybe throw some of it away (or take it to the charity shop or whatever) maybe use something you’ve been saving for just the proper occasion that eludes you right now.
9. Look out the window. Find one thing in the view that resonates with you the most. Go and photograph it, share it and try and express what it means to you but only in a few words.
10. Think of 10 uses for a toothbrush that aren’t brushing teeth. Write them down, maybe try the daftest.
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10 ideas of 10 things to do for Makevember
1. Write a blog post everyday, limit your time or the length of the post to just 150 words.
2. Take a photo every day on a theme and post it online. Take several photos of the thing you want it to be about and pick the best picture. Note what it is about the picture that made you pick it over a different on and then apply that thinking the next time you take a picture, and improve as a photographer.
3. Draw circles freehand, spend 2 minutes every day drawing freehand circles and see if you improve your technique, try it fast and slow and left handed and right handed, with one eye open or both eyes closed.
4. Make a stop motion animation (there are apps for this).
5. draw a picture.
6. Make something out of string.
7. Do an origami.
8. Make a paper aeroplane.
7. Do some graffiti
8. Think of a joke you like then make a 4 panel comic to tell the joke in picture form.
9. Turn an item of clothing you don’t wear any more into something else, like a rag, a hat, a towel, a bandana, a pocket for something special.
10. Collect some nuts or seeds from a tree and make them into a sculpture.
11. Make something arty out of food.
12. Put an LED somewhere that is dark and you need to see better.
13. Make a MEME using MEME generator
14. Stick googly eyes on something in a public place. Photograph it, deny all knowledge of the act.
15. Make something out of paper clips.
16. Petition Parliament
17. Make a shadow play and film it.
18. Make a blanket or pillow fort.
19. Go to work in a subtle cosplay as someone that might just be someone at work, but is really one of your idols from popular culture (Tintin, Adam Savage, Where’s Wally? Wall-E, Arthur Dent etc).
20. Design a logo for a company that doesn’t exist but that you always wanted to work for.
21. Buy a silly domain name and fill it with frivolous stuff that someone one day might stumble on.
22. Do a photoshop type edit, you can get ideas or even try on or just for fun on twitter do something silly with a straight face.
23. Make a sticker that expresses your catch phrase.
24. Make a hat for your pet.
25. Make Play Dough
26. Make ooblect (p.s. corn starch is just corn flour)
27. Make a tiny explosion (not a big one, thats naughty, just a little one that no one will mind, like popping an alka seltzer into a film canister with a pop lid with a little water) and film it in slo-mo with your phone.
28. Make something out of matches.
29. Make something out of wax.
30. Make a meal with a major ingredient you’ve never used before.
31. Make something from
32. Write an instructable.
33. FIx something with tape/Sugru/wood/glue.
34. Draw something using CAD software (try a free software on your phone, delete it after if you hate it).
35. Make a 3D object in Sketchup or similar, or download something from the “Warehouse” and do a mashup.
36. Put something inside a book that you or someone else will find years later, like a small personal note, or a £5iver or a rail ticket.
37. Spray paint something in a crazy colour or any colour... have you ever done it before?
38. Make a cup of tea or coffee or whatever, a different way than usual, do you usually milk first? Try milk last.
39. Make a big sculpture out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks.
40. Make a GIF (with a guh not a juh)
41. Make a 5 minute podcast of yourself and put it on Soundcloud
42. Do a TimTamSlam (use a biscuit as a drink straw) film it.
43. Make a mask and wear it for the evening.
44. Make some jewellery.
45. Draw a map of your neighbourhood, but from your perspective with the nicknames and special info that you care about.
46. Write a poem about your pet.
47. Make a projectile weapon (a legal one like a pea shooter).
48. Invent a sport. Don’t overthink it.
49. Dramatically light a lego minifig, do a minifig fashion shoot.
50. Find the oldest thing in your freezer. Cook it. Write a review (on twitter or whatever).
51. Open a draw in your house at random (you know which draw is best) pick 5 things and make something out of them, no matter how abstract or useful. Set yourself a time limit.
52. Pair some of your socks, but as odd socks, making the perfect mismatched pairs!
53. Post something on Reddit. Anything, in any sub.
54. Stack some rocks up, ideally balance them like a zen master.
55. Learn how to say one phrase in a foreign language. Record yourself saying it and post it online. Ask someone who speaks that language how you did.
56. Instead of writing a YouTube or Instagram comment, make a video or take a picture as a response instead.
57. Use “Your Story” on Instagram if you never have before.
58. Go magnet fishing, arrange the objects (the rusty nails and bottle caps) you find and take a photo.
59. Use a whiteboard marker on the window, can you make a weird scene like a giant walking through your neighbourhood or a UFO invasion?!
60. What's in the recycling bin... can you make something useful out of an old plastic bottle or unwanted packaging?
61. Use your soldering iron to do some pyrography, don’t have a soldering iron? Heat up a screw driver in a candle flame.
62. Spend half an hour to (start to) learn a simple coin trick here’s one how good can you get in half an hour?
63. Put your shoelaces in your shoes in a new way. there are hundreds.
64. Make an LED thowie and see how high you can get it.
65. Make a string telephone.
66. Draw on your hands.
67. Paint your nails with a design or add NFC LEDs or just in a single colour, whatever is a bit “out-there” for you.
68. Plait your hair, or comb it differently, or dye it a different colour or put on a wig or wear a hat you’d never wear. Take a selfie, post without comment and see what people say.
69. Make a musical instrument out of junk.
70. Carve a potato stamp (especially if you are an adult).
71. Put your hands and/or feet into paint and make a print of them on paper.
72. Find a picture of someone you admire and aspire to be more like. Put it up on your wall. Put a quote from them with it if it inspires you. (if you can’t find a quote from them put a quote from someone else pretend like they did say it, quotes are misattributed all the time and in the end who cares).
73. Take a sticker from some fruit, wear it like a badge of honour for the day.
74. Contribute to a trending hashtag, do not only consume. Don’t know what’s trending? On twitter and instagram click the search function. The stuff it shows you is trending.
75. Restore an old tool. Metal and wood are very forgiving.
76. Put EL Wire on an item of clothing and wear it outside in the dark.
77. Make a homopolar motor with a battery and some wire.
78. Make a presentation using no more than 20 images, with 20 seconds per image of talking, so you have a perfect pesha kusha talk ready. Being able to get an idea over in 6.666 minutes is a useful skill.
79. Make a drum out of a tin and some chopsticks.
80. Make a cardboard loom (and then next day do some weaving I guess).
81. Make a fortune teller that has nice compliments or science facts written inside it.
82. Make a hexaflexagon.
83. Dismantle something, knoll the parts out on a table. Photograph it, post it to Reddit. (Knolling is laying thing out nicely at right angles to each other in a pleasing arrangement).
84. Plant something, like some bulbs that will grow in the spring and brighten your day. (yes you can plant for spring in November)
85. Do a random act of public service. See something in the neighbourhood that needs sorting and can be sorted easily by you? Do it. Branch in the road? Move it. Litter bin left open? Close it. Street light gone out? Report it on the council website. Lots of litter on your street? Fill a bin bag.
86. Draw a tattoo on your arm.
87. Make a maracas out of a tin and some rice.
88. Take a pun too far. Yes Richard. I’m looking at you. Make a spoon out of soup or a bowl out of cereal. If you can’t do that, think of something that could be made and that would be funny. Golf Club, a club made out of a VW Golf?
89. Write a program in BASIC there are online emulators.
90. Freeze something inside an ice cube.
91. Make something out of rubber bands.
92. Make ranger bands out of an old inner tube.
93. Put useful things in an old tin. Call it a survival kit.
94. Make Paracord zipper pulls.
95. Screen print using a picture frame, net curtains, fabric paint and PVC glue.
96. Get a cake kit or baking kit (like cookies) from the shop and make a cake. Especially if you never have done this before.
97. Make shrinky dinks.
98. Learn to tie a bowline knot, try to teach someone else how to do it too.
99. Make your own Zine. (Do it super quick and dirty)
100. Make a list of 10 ideas and share it with us.
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10 Ideas for EMF Projects
1. Mobile Tea Ceremony (after Sachs)
2. Boiled Egg Vending Station
3. Koyannisquatsi but done on Smartphones of EMF
4. #DoneFu Challenge Workstation
5. Indoctrination Hardware Sorting Workstation (after Sachs) spacecamp-training
6. Espresso Outreach Project (an espresso machine etc on a vendors trolley)
7. Mobile Boot-Camp Keep Fit Training Station (weights/boxing gloves etc)
8. Laser Engraving Station (Engraver on a trolley, get a souvenir of camp)
9. Board Games Outreach Project (games of chance or skill on a cart)
10. Instagram Mobile Assistance Station (to get your perfect grams made in camp)
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10 Ideas different segments in a maker podcast
1. Interview a Maker
2. Panel discussion with some Makers
3. Tell a Maker or Making story in the documentary style with voice over
4. Project-Exploder, where a project is taken and its conception and execution is broken down in detail with interviews and other relevant content
5. Spotlight - Featured organisation or community with interviews & stories etc.
6. Debugging, a section (not unlike Reply All’s Yes Yes No) where a new maker thing, idea or whatever is discussed to achieve understanding of what it is or why it is.
7. Maker Connections (a bit like a BBC show I once saw called comedy connections) where the sort of family tree of different makers or groups is explored... i.e. this happened and these people were influnced by it so that happened and then this, but then that.
8. Bikeshedding, where an ideas is explored and then discussed until its is ludicrously absurd because of feature creep and what ifs.
9. Recommendations and Reviews or stuff, YouTube channels, events etc
10. Live Shows with Q & A and guests?
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In no particular order to name just 10.
1. Solder Something, a weekely electronics kit based meetup and business where I’d run workshops to make kits and people would discuss them, hack them and help each other out.
2. OSV Open Source Vending Machine a group to look into and develop a kit of parts, web resources and such for an Open Source vending machine.
3. vanillabox OS laser cutter is a failed project to build a sub £1k laser cutter in the UK for the Hacker and Maker market.
4. MKRBX.UK a never realised subscription monthly box service to bring handpicked and curated maker related products to you by post (like graze or lootcrate or whatever).
5. Maker Faire Sheffield & Mini Maker Faire Nottingham both events entered the early planning stage and are unlikely to occur (I could add London Maker Faire to this list).
6. Hack ALL the Spaces Podcast and other unstarted or unrealised ventures that ran out of steam, never quite saw the light of day or just no longer exist.
7. a webshop for the UK to bring you the finest and the hardest items from the USA market to the UK to help build projects to their original specification (such as Make or Instructables projects with parts that are unavailable or difficult to substitue or find in Europe).
8. Failed to get jobs at SUGRU, Make: and Institute of Making reaching various stages of seriousness or commitment to these organisation or simply not getting past the application stages.
9. Hackspace quitting due to emotional strain (sometimes trollishly called “rage quitting”) on several occasions to the point where I can’t really rejoin in and quit again.
10. Tool of the Day & various Blogging projects
Many of the above it could be argued are not FAILS at all. I am aware of this. It’s odd though about perception. Where do you mark the end point and how do you declare a victory?
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10 Types of Communal or Community Workshop Space (taxonomy of hackerspaces & makerspaces etc)
1. Hackspace (British) or Hackerspace (generic USA, Germany etc) usually a flat or no hierarchic member run workspace with emphasis on community, projects, hobbyist makers, embedded electronics, 3D printing, crafts and internet culture among other maker disciplines. Sometimes also called Makerspaces. &
2. FabLab (USA & Worldwide) is a trademarked (in Europe) organisation originating at MIT of a workshop stocked with a prescriptive list of tooling and activity generally run to a specific set of rules and instructions. They are usually funded through a combination of funding, usage fees or as part of another organisation. Notable players include FabLab Barcelona, holders of the European Trademark. &
3. Makerspaces (USA) are often smaller work spaces in a school, library or company that offer rapid prototyping, creative making, tools and workspace often for use outside of or in harmony with curricular activities as a form of STEM or STEAM learning.
See Laura Fleming & Nicolas Provenzano et al
4. Men in Sheds (British) is a movement by AgeUK (and others) to provide older men who might otherwise be “shut ins” with an outlet for their knowledge and passion for woodworking and other workshop disciplines.
Men in Sheds Age UK
5. Artists Collectives (generic worldwide) are individual groups of artists who form a collective or manage a work space either for profit or as a funded not for profit to provide artists and sometimes artisans or others with the right approach with studio or workshop space for both practice and exhibition, sometimes with shared tools and communal space sometimes not.
6. Co-Working Space (generic worldwide) usually desk space for rental sometimes with communal or rent-able work or storage space, communal tools and resources. Sometimes run not for profit, for profit or funded as incubator spaces.
7. Bike Co-Operative (generic worldwide) sometimes bike kitchen an organised often community space provided for the repair and/or building of bicycles.
8. Incubator Space (generic worldwide) work spaces provided for small enterprise/startups or artisans to develop their business or practice usually run for profit or as a development agency initiative or with funding or by local authority or a university. Sometimes run for a % take of the developing business.
9. TechShop (USA & Worldwide) was a for profit work space with membership fees and a program of educational classes and assisted learning in making primarily aimed at entrepreneurs and startup businesses with an emphasis on small scale production and prototyping. Now defunct.
10. Other my reasons for writing this list is because of the confusion I think I and many others have over these terms. Most of the terms are generic and widely open to interpretation, I’ve visited near identical work spaces that call themselves Makerspaces or Hackerspaces and wish to tell me they are different from each other in some major or subtle way. You may disagree with my definitions, I’ willing to be convinced and corrected. Let me know!
Very occasionally I write about them all on my blog here
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10 things about Superheros & their so called powers. Nature Vs Nurture (short cuts Vs long cuts) it IS sort of about making too, okay?
1. Superman - Source of power “Kryptonian heritage” either due to gravity of advanced evolution or both. Nature: 10 Nurture: 0 Effort: 0
2. Spider-Man - Source of power “Radio active spider bite” & “interllectually gifted” or “intellect at genious levels” Nature: 7 Nurture: 7 Effort: 7
3. Wonder Woman - “Amazon Training” & supernatural training, supernatural equipment. Nature: 2 Nurture: 10 Effort: 10
4. Batman - "his own scientific knowledge, detective skills, and athletic prowess" also lots of inherited money. Nature: 0 Nurture: 10 Effort: 8
5. Iron Man - “ inventive genius whose expertise in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science” also pretty much anyone who wears the suit. Also a boat load of money. Nature: 0 Nurture: 8 Effort: 8
6. Wolverine - Mutations Nature: 10 Nurture: 0 Effort: 0
7. Kick-Ass - Immunity to pain due to accident whilst trying to become a superhero. Nature: 3 Nurture: 6 Effort: 10
8. Hong Kong Phooey - He has a sort of karate suit. Nature: 0 Nurture: 2 Effort: 10
9. Thor - Basically a god, check your privilege dude. Didn’t even make that hammer. Nature: 10 Nurture: 0 Effort: 0
10. Black Widow - is a world class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats, expert martial artist marksman (sic) and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training.[65] She is also an accomplished ballerina. Nature: 0 Nurture: 10 Effort: 10
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10 randomly-chosen types of FAIL in making
1 - I loved the idea so I bought the bits, but I didn’t love it enough to find the time to do it.
2 - I loved the idea of having made it, but I was daunted by the process somehow so I never started.
3 - I started down what turned out to be a bad road, and I couldn’t bear to go backwards.
4 - It just wasn’t a good idea, but I didn’t realise till too late.
5 - I thought about the thing, but not about the experience of people using the thing.
6 - I just didn’t get round to it for a year. Or five. Who knows why ?
7 - I couldn’t find the determination to make it as well/laboriously as it needed in order to succeed, so I made it badly and it did not succeed.
8 - Overcommitment.
9 - Got v0.9 done, never proceeded to a v1.0 that would be worth more attention
10 - It was a good idea, but I never worked out a user / audience so never saw the point.
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10 Types of FAIL in making (AKA let’s see if there are 10 types of FAIL)
1. OUTCOME FAIL - You made the thing but it didn’t do, act, look or come out like what you meant it too.
2. PLANNING FAIL - You didn’t make or follow your plan and you didn’t get anywhere.
3. TIME FAIL - You decided you didn’t have enough time or you didn’t think it’d take so long to do or you just coudn’t be bothered with the time you had or at the time you thought you’d do it but you didn’t.
4. STUFF FAIL - You just couldn’t put your hands on the stuff you wanted to use to do the making with.
5. DUCKS IN A ROW FAIL - You either thought you needed to get certain ducks in a row but didn’t, so you didn’t start or you did need to get them in a row but didn’t so couldn’t start.
6. DUNNING-KRUGER FAIL - You either thought you knew more than you did know, or you knew you didnt know squat, eitherway it resulted in a FAIL.
7. PLACE FAIL - You felt the place you were wasn’t quite right or it really wasn’t quite right so you done FAIL.
8. LAUGHINGSTOCK FAIL - You actually didn’t FAIL at all but you thought others would say you did and laugh at you.
9. FEATURE CREEP FAIL - You don’t think its done because you can add this other better feature using this new shiny thing you heard about.
10. GLORIOUS FAIL - You FAIL so excellently that you invented PostIt notes or Penicillin.
I hate you tumblr. Note, these need snappier names and also may be a tweek to define types.
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10 things to do with Dominion CompliMints Tins from Aldi for Mark @HelloSitDown
1. Make a survival kit (bandaids, zip ties, safetypins, lighter, LED, Battery, ranger band, toothpicks, sanitary wipes, £5 note, sachet of sunscreen, whistle).
2. Make a backup battery for your phone and pop it in.
3. Flatten out the metal and make it into a spork.
4. Half fill with rice to make a precision instrument.
5. First Aid Kit (pain killers, bandaids (again)).
6. Flash light
7. Use it as a cache for Geocaching (or a deadletter box for spy business).
8. Use it to hide a key, with a magnet attached and something to keep it all dry/non rusty (spray of oil or something).
9. Emergency Beard Grooming Kit containing beard oil, comb (small), moustache wax and mirror.
10. Put some different mints in it.
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10 Things that are (currently) readily available at the Boot sale. (Nov 2017)
1. Nerf Guns
2. Men in Black II on DVD
3. Cookery Books circa 1970s
4. Rusty Spanners of all sizes
5. IKEA pictures circa 2000s
6. Royal Wedding(s) Memorabilia & Souvenirs
7. Part used toiletries in outdated packaging
8. Poundland/Poundshop quality household goods
9. Shoes and boots all sizes and conditions
10. Baby clothes
and @ddiascos #Haunteddollwatch
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10 lists of ideas to make
1 - 10 ways to induce a feeling of dread
2 - 10 ways to deploy the cyanotype process
3 - 10 unusual things to pleat
4 - 10 reasons why coffee is the best
5 - 10 toys for pets that should be available for humans
6 - 10 things that are wrong with pockets
7 - 10 novel snack-bars
8 - 10 ways we spend energy that could be better-managed
9 - 10 megacorps that will be left when the Great Monopolisation is over
10 - 10 flavours of robot experience
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10 kinds of scales (for makers)
1 - Practise inventing new ideas
2 - Practise doing new things with an old material
3 - Get familiar with a new material
4 - Practise one basic skill to polish it
5 - Play with new mechanisms
6 - Play with new geometries
7 - Play with use cases, possible things people might like to do in some space
8 - Practise co-design, maybe with a new collaborator
9 - Work with a wilfully restricted set of materials
10 - Reproduce someone else’s project, to see how it works
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10 ways to make new ideas
1 - Go for a long walk while pondering your problem/competition/favourite technology.
2 - Take a single object/material you think you might use, and list 10 things to make from it.
3 - Look at 10 products/projects that are close to your space, and list the things they are missing.
4 - Take one whim in your space, and list 10 ways you can push it - make it extra-big, extra-cheap, and so on.
5 - List 10 whims or half-arsed ideas, then pick 2 that can be jammed together to make a marvellous hybrid.
6 - List 10 reasons why there couldn’t possibly be a new thing to make in your target space.
7 - Take the last thing you made, and list 10 projects that would be the opposite in some way or other.
8 - Ask a random person to .list 10 of their problems, see if you can help with one of them.
9 - Make storyboards for your before and after. Now you just need to fill in the middle bit.
10 - When all else fails, Oblique Strategies.
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10 Ideas about Self-Help* for Makers
1. How to manage and think about ones time
2. How to manage and think about ones health
3. How to approach the way we distribute our attention
4. Ways in which we can play to our strengths
5. Methods for exploring and improving our weaknesses
6. Methodology for approaching projects
7. Setting deadlines and goals (when/How/What/Why)
8. Understanding how to interact with others, how and when to collaborate and why others think the way they do and where you fit into it
9. The story we tell ourselves about money
10. The story we tell ourselves about time
* started out as daily-practice for makers or part of my Maker-Monk Philosophy or something...sounds a bit woo when its laid out on the page.
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10 kinds of ideas for #Makevember
1 - a testpiece for a possible mechanism
2 - a testpiece for a possible geometry
3 - a testpiece for a possible user interaction
4 - a demo of a new (to me) material
5 - a demo of a new (to me) component
6 - an entertaining conjunction of existing objects
7 - a chance to practice inventiveness when supplies are limited (eg, hotel-room makes)
8 - taking a silly idea seriously till a thing comes out
9 - what’s the easiest way to make a [insert noun here] ? No, easier than that.
10 - a joke made physical
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10 ideas for Makevember
1 - Infinite-folding-card
2 - Use the doppler-radar module and neopixel square from DMMF to make a speed-sensitive flashy thing
3 - Make propellers from copper tape
4 - More elaborate cardboard mechanisms
5 - Rifle the recycling bin
6 - Rifle a yoghurt pot with helical strakes, see if it will make a helicopter. Maybe rubber-band drive ?
7 - Harmonica bags
8 - Invisible Clock - put heaters on clock hands, hide behind a panel, read with FLIR camera
9 - String. Must be a thing to do with string.
10 - Percussion. And mechanical patterns,somehow.
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