1-whitemanswhore · 16 days
More of me fucking around on character ai
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1-whitemanswhore · 21 days
This is what happens when I get stoned and get on character ai
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1-whitemanswhore · 4 years
Hey all 👋🏼 Things have been super crazy in the world and my personal life lately, so sorry I havent posted anything. While the world is still insane my personal issues have calmed down so there will be a new fic coming probably at an ungodly hour tonight. I haven’t seen any fics where the reader smokes with Jake so I took matters into my own hands. Hope y’all will like it
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1-whitemanswhore · 4 years
Who’s Your Daddy
Summary: You’re promoting your new sexy film with costar Tom Holland while your boyfriend, Jake Gyllenhaal, promotes his own film on the same talk show
Warnings: Some cursing, daddy kink mention, implied smut
A/N: First fic ever. Needed more Jake G content. Sorry it’s longer than intended. Hope someone out there enjoys it <3
You found yourself strategically placed on Graham Norton’s couch between your costar Tom Holland and your boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal. The show’s producers knew exactly what they were doing sitting the three of you together. In their minds it would be comedy gold. Tom and you had been on the road promoting your new film. It was a smaller and more adult project than Tom had done as of late, since he mostly spent the past few years consumed with the MCU. Meanwhile your career had been on the rise. You had made the transition from stage to the big screen. Well, the kinda big screen. Mostly indie films like this one. In this movie you played a college student in the 90’s majoring in Psychology and minoring in women’s studies. Your character came from a conservative family and had a backstory that made the way she viewed and experienced sex...complicated. After leaving her family behind to go to college she aspires to pursue a career in sex therapy to help others and also find herself...sexually. She meets up with Tom’s character and lots of sex, feelings, and emotional healing follow. 
The time on the road promoting the film had been fun, but you had really been missing Jake who was out promoting his own movie. You didn’t know how you would survive another 3 weeks without seeing him in person, but as luck would have it, someone had to cancel their spot on The Graham Norton Show the night you were going to be on. Jake who was also doing press was only a train ride away and was asked to fill the spot. So now there you were on sitting with Jake to your left, Tom to your right, and Ewan McGregor to the right of Tom. All of you with your alcoholic drink of choice sitting in front of you.
“Hello everyone, welcome,” Graham began. “And I feel like we should get this out of the way now. Jake is this a bit awkward for you?”
Jake scrunched his face, feigning confusion. “I don’t know what you mean. Are you talking about you singling me out first? Cuz, yeah, I'm a little uncomfortable,” he said letting out a small chuckle.
Graham smirked as he attempted to stir up some trouble. “I only ask because as we all know, you and Tom had quite the broman-excuse me- romance while filming Spider-Man. And a few months ago we found out you’ve been dating (Y/N) for the past year. And now (Y/N) and Tom are promoting a film where they’re engaging in a lot of...”
“Physical activity,” you interject while raising your left eyebrow with a smirk.
“Sure,” graham said. “Let’s stick with that.”
“You know this isn’t American television. You’re free to say ‘Fuck’” Ewan chimed in and the audience began to laugh. “The characters fuck.”
“Actually it wasn’t uncomfortable until this conversation began,” Jake laughed.
“I’m a little hurt you’re only asking about Jake’s feelings and not ours,” Tom added.
“(Y/N), nothing to add?” Graham inquired.
“I mean, I’ve gotten to make out with both of them, so I don’t really have any complaints. I consider myself to be pretty lucky in this situation.” Jake and Tom both chuckled along with the audience.
“Kind of making Tom seem like a side piece here.” Ewan said while giving Tom a sympathetic look.
“No I would say we’re more of a throuple.” You surprised yourself by saying it so deadpan. Tom sheepishly smiled. Jake choked on his drink but quickly recovered.
“True love.” Jake took another sip of his drink and looked directly at the camera before rolling his eyes.
“Must admit I’m feeling quiet excluded up here with them,” Ewan laughed.
“Tom you’ve had trouble in the past with breaking during scenes,” Graham stated. Jake laughed as he remembered trying to shoot a scene where he and Tom merely had to shake hands. Take, after take, after take, they could never get it down. “Did you have trouble with this movie as well?”
“To be fair, Jake and (Y/N) are both very funny people. I think that’s one thing that makes them such great scene partners, but...I think....well it’s also what makes them such terrible scene partners. It’s torture. I just can’t help myself sometimes.”
“Is there one particular scene that gave you trouble with (Y/N)?” 
The smile on your face grew as Tom tried to figure out how to navigate his way through this question without embarrassing himself, you, and Jake too much. You on the other hand, were loving this moment. Jake was cool with the somewhat awkward situation of his girlfriend filming sex scenes with a close friend of his. It was work and he was a sweet, supportive, and loving boyfriend. He was absolutely perfect, but he was also a little shit. Before the show you met up for a, not as silent as you intended, quickie in your dressing room. Then he proceeded to tease you about the staff knowing what y’all did. But you enjoyed teasing each other and boy was this a great chance for you to get him good. And shit, you hadn’t eaten all day, so the alcohol was going to your head.
“I can think of a scene,” you said boldly. “Tom and I were shooting one of the sex scenes...” you paused as everyone around you snickered. You turned to glance at Jake to see his reaction. He was smirking back at you. He was curious to see where you were going to take this. “And during this scene I had to,” you couldn’t help but laugh at your own story, “I had to call Tom’s character ‘Daddy.’” 
Jakes eyes widened as he leaned back on the couch and touched his beard. That’s not what he was expecting to hear. He let out a quick chuckle before making his face as serious as possible and sitting up straight. You were trying to get the words out but your own small laughs kept interrupting you. 
“And I was having a hard enough time getting through the scene because I felt kinda ridiculous. Like no judgement, that’s some people’s thing but I was having a hard time keeping a straight face while doing it and...” 
“‘Doing it.’” Ewan looked up at the audience giving them a funny look.
“She’s the one that usually prefers to be called daddy so it was a weird situation.” Jake interrupted with a deadpan delivery which only made you laugh at his joke harder. Your plan was beginning to backfire. You had been so ready to fluster him, but it was you and Tom who were now blushing and laughing uncomfortably.  
You regained your poise and continued with your story. “So I’m having a hard time but I’m pushing through it and Tom was on the verge of losing it, probably, oh I don’t know...about every take.”
“Ok but you would change up the way you said it every single time! And you’d say it funny on purpose. How am I supposed to keep up with that?” Tom gestured to the audience looking for support.
“It’s called acting, Thomas,” Jake said with an eye roll.
“So we do a couple takes and Tom just keeps laughing. And I feel like I should mention that when I have to call him ‘daddy’ our characters are, well, they’re in the middle of fucking.” Your voice raised in pitch as you rushed through saying the word “fucking.” You took a moment to turn to Jake once again. The smirk reappeared on his face. He was leaning forward, waiting for you to continue your anecdote. 
“So Tom’s on top of me and our bodies are pressed together so even when I can’t hear him laughing I can feel it. Eventually he decides that he should bury his face in my neck when I say the line so we can finally wrap up the scene. So we’re...going at it... I get to my line and before I can say ‘Daddy’ he pushes his face into my neck, and when I say finally said it he laughed,” the memory was make you crack up. Tom sat there slightly embarrassed as Jake continuously shook his head. “But this time his mouth was against my neck when he laughed and he just went ‘pfffffffft’ and basically blew a raspberry into my neck and spit on me and oh my god I fucking lost it. The whole crew lost it.” 
With that the audience, Graham, and the entire couch busted out laughing. Tom put his face in his hands while you and Jake turned to each other laughing. Jake leaned forward so he could see Tom. “I see right through you, man. ‘Oh I just can’t seem to make it through this sex scene. Guess we’ll have to do it again and again.’ Is that why you and I couldn’t film a scene shaking hands? You just wanted to hold my hand for the day?”
You put your left hand on Jakes chest just under his gold chain. Your right hand finds itself on Tom’s shoulder. “Boys. Boys, please. Remember we are a throuple now. There’s no room for jealousy anymore.” You were joking, but also thought maybe if you innocently joked about it enough it might plant a seed you could harvest one day. 
“Can I just promote my movie now?” Jake put his face in his hands to act annoyed and embarrassed, but was really just trying to hide his giggles.
Graham took back control over the interview asking Ewan about the upcoming Obi Wan show. You moved your hand to rest on Jake’s thigh as you thought about fucking him later in your hotel room and making him call you ‘Daddy.’
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1-whitemanswhore · 4 years
So this is a side blog mostly for Jake Gyllenhaal. Quarantine has made me decide to attempt to write some fan fics so if any of that interests you, cool. Also looking for blogs to follow so if you love that crackhead too give this a like and I’ll follow you back.
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