0megasquadveigar · 5 years
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0megasquadveigar · 5 years
Yeah this is it.
Discord Server Here
I'm done with tumblr. There are too many toxic people I have to leave behind on here, and being on here makes me consrantly go back and check on them because I want to see them do well, but I only hurt myself in the process.
Im thankful for the friends ive made and lost, as this has been a wonderful opportunity for me to grow, but we all must move on eventually.
I will have a discord Server at the top of this post for anybody who wants to come join me, but just try to keep beef out of it. This is just for people who want to remain in touch/play some games/relax with no drama. Thanks in advance! It's been real.
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
//oh my goodness how cute is this im screaming
 ♡ //if they're still going-
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Hopefully this little guy will only play with those glasses and never need to use them c:
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
Vei tries to sneak around, but the sound of his asscheeks clapping keep alerting the guards.
"Hrrrng... im dummy thicc"
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
Glad to know I don't get a fucking explanation, assholes.
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
The yordle frowns, wrapping the pink fish in a hug. "I'm sorry you went through that. I would be devastated too." He murmurs, his ears flicking softly before letting go. "I think you and I will get along well!" His eyes glow a soft gold.
Iddian bleps at the pink atlantean, his golden eyes bright with happiness.
The fish bleped back, his big, green eyes having a shine on them from the sun. Having a smile and enjoying the company.
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
I’ll admit to sending the *ominous quack* but I don’t know the others I swear.
//send help xD
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
"Hello Hello~" He begins to purr, much like a cat would. He continues to pap the fish softly, finally pulling back his tongue. "Why are there only a few of your kind?" He asks curiously, tilting his head. "I never really got to ask Fizz."
Iddian bleps at the pink atlantean, his golden eyes bright with happiness.
The fish bleped back, his big, green eyes having a shine on them from the sun. Having a smile and enjoying the company.
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
His ears twitch and his paw reaches out, curiously papping the fish on the head. His tongue remained blepped out. This was still a rather new species to him, as he's only met his Fizz before, and brushed paths with another atlantean.
Iddian bleps at the pink atlantean, his golden eyes bright with happiness.
The fish bleped back, his big, green eyes having a shine on them from the sun. Having a smile and enjoying the company.
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
Literally what
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
*ominius dabbing*
"What the hell is a 'dab?'"
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
*ominous t-poseing*
"W-Who are you people-"
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
*ominous fapping*
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
*ominous quacking*
Iddian jumps and his fur bristles, looking around nervously. "W-Whoever you are you better cu-cut that out-"
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
Iddian is fiercely loyal, and will die for what he believes in if it comes down to it. Especially somebody.
Mun is also extremely loyal, and will do almost anything for people close to herself. She has a hard time knowing when to stop being so selfless to somebody.
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0megasquadveigar · 6 years
Iddian has a fear of ducks
Mun has a crippling fear of clowns
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