Say no to productivity
Well, the third day of writing the diary. Scare a bit that soon there will be nothing to write.
Yesterday I tracked 25 minutes for the design task. And came to the idea don't track hours at all. At least for a while, since I try to beat my addictions. The fact that I'm doing a healthy routine is already good enough.
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The second day of writing dairy. I'm pro-active, but not productive.
For example, that's how looked yesterday:
woke up
shaved face and head (yeah, I'm bold)
took a shower
putted moister on my face
cleaned an apartment
accidentally removed paint from a fridge with a sponge and next 3 terrible hours spent on fixing the problem, successfully.
made a chicken soup, ate
read book 'Deep work'
played board game Go, won
talked with my brother
read another book 'Rabbit' in Russian (motherland language)
fall asleep.
As you can see, there weren't TV series, video games, or other shallow activities. But there weren't any job tasks. I was too busy to work, haha.
Today, at 5 p.m. I just prepared for work. I'm going to work around 3-4 hours. At the beginning, to catch a wave.
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Here we go. It's the first post from the series 'Daily writing to study English'.
Jordan Peterson noted that the way we write is the way we think. I agree with it because I see an example on one's myself. As a designer, I have to write copies for websites' or apps' interfaces. It's difficult, words just don't come up in my mind, and worries about mistakes paralyze creativity. Ultimately, I steel from competitors. I hate it but don't see any solutions, since task have to be done, and I don't have enough money to hire someone else. Hope, it's for a while.
Frankly, to say, I'm unemployed already 10 months. It's even more shameful because I live with my brother and I'm already 31 years old. Even putting it on the screen makes me uncomfortable. Tomorrow I'll explain, how I've got where I am now, and how it will change.
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