whatthehellami · 14 days
The villain, in their free time, ran a meme page.
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whatthehellami · 3 months
Something happened in my English class that I think perfectly sums up how so many people don't understand feminism.
At the beginning of each class, we have to talk about something in english for two minutes. This woman decided to talk about radical feminism in South Korea. She explained how feminists there decide not to date men, have sex with men, marry men and have kids with men anymore. It was very interesting and well explained, and I was happy to see another woman from my uni talking about feminism. From what I understood, she's not Korean but goes to Korea often and has a lot of radical feminists friends there.
Then another woman raises her hand and asks "don't you think these rules are a little bit tough?". I roll my eyes, but the other woman is confused. She frowns. "What rules? What are you talking about?". "I mean, the not dating men rule. Isn’t it a bit too tough?". "Well of course it's tough for the men but that's the goal isn’t? Feminism has to be a bit tough to men in order to work". She really didn't seem to understand what that other woman meant, and the other was apparently confused about it. "I mean for the women... for the Korean women. Aren't these rules too tough for Korean feminists? Isn’t there a way to help women without giving them such hard rules to follow?".
I was very annoyed (so was the woman who talked about this movement in the first place) because how can you miss the point so badly? How does she think feminism works? Does she believe some sort of higher power gives Korean women rules to follow and that they get thrown in jail if they date a man? How can you describe this movement as "rules"? They aren't rules. They would be rules if Korean women were forced to obey them, if they were punished for dating men. That's not the case. What's happening is that some women decide of their own free will to stop dating men (among other things). They don't follow any rules, they freely chose to do what they do. It's about women's freedom, about women deciding what they do with their life and body. But I guess people nowadays use this concept only to defend prostitution and makeup, without understanding it in reality, when it comes to women doing things that go against what the patriarchy wants them to do.
Anyway, I find it interesting that this woman's first conclusion was that these were rules rather than free choices. This is why many people see radical feminism as a cult; they can't understand the idea of women making their own choices if those choices defy patriarchy. They think we must be some kind of cult that brainwashes them and forces them to obey and follow complicated rules, because how else can a woman decide to stop fucking men? A free woman would never do that.
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whatthehellami · 4 months
I'd give my life for you.
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whatthehellami · 4 months
Do you not think that the lover saw God when his love smiled at him? Did the hungry kitten not see God in the little boy with busted knees who came to feed him pieces of his own food? Does the parched soil not think of the first shower as a visit from God?
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whatthehellami · 4 months
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whatthehellami · 4 months
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whatthehellami · 4 months
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whatthehellami · 4 months
This is probably the nicest thing someone has said to me.
I feel like the sun sometimes. Always in the background but never noticed; definitely never worthy of admiration. If I try to make myself known I'm just bothersome.
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whatthehellami · 4 months
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whatthehellami · 4 months
I feel like the sun sometimes. Always in the background but never noticed; definitely never worthy of admiration. If I try to make myself known I'm just bothersome.
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whatthehellami · 4 months
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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whatthehellami · 4 months
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whatthehellami · 4 months
Studio Ghibli will be like. what if you had no control in the adventure you were forced on. what if it was up to you to stumble blindly through the world your ancestor failed to balance. what if he tried to force the responsibility of balancing it onto you. what if you were made to let go of you mother (again. you didn’t get to say goodbye this time either). what if you remembered everything you were meant to forget.
and what if joe hisaishi went all out on the soundtrack
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whatthehellami · 4 months
Why don't you just go and fuck yourself instead of making everyone suffer like this?
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whatthehellami · 4 months
Torn between 'Don't you dare touch me and pity me. I don't need your sympathy and I despise the way you look at me like I'm a wounded animal in the rain' and 'Please hold me, hold me the closest you can to your heart so that the sound of your heartbeat silences the raging storms within me'.
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whatthehellami · 4 months
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whatthehellami · 4 months
Laughing like idiots in bed together is a love language
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