Anyone got a screenshot of Leona tsum going > < please send if so thank u
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Anyone got a screenshot of Leona tsum going > < please send if so thank u
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I’m gonna lose it his hand on the tsums back……. Gotta make sure the lil guy doesn’t fall…….
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Hi I saw the Tsum request you made and it was super cute! I was wondering if you could do the same one but with Idia/Jack/Vil/Leona please?
Idia Shroud:
You had never been more surprised than seeing the shaking tsum outside your door, its intrusion into your room immediate when you opened the door wide enough for its body to hop inside. It made itself comfortable under a desk in the corner, wanting an enclosed area where it would feel safe; you pouted a little as you had hoped to cuddle, but just like Idia, you knew it’d take a little work. You pulled up a video on your phone, music from a game that Idia loved, and you’d never seen something so small move so quickly. It hopped right onto the bed with you, settled and cuddling on your shoulder as it danced along to the song happily with you. Idia wanted to lock himself in a closet, and maybe lock the tsum in a separate one, and never have to think about being upstaged again.
Jack Howl:
You have to admit you’re surprised when Jack’s tsum doesn’t play its cards close to its chest; Jack did it poorly but there was still an attempt, yet the tsum lit up as soon as it saw you. It protectively took a seat on your shoulder and only separated with Jack’s insistence, which is why when it goes missing he knows exactly where it is. Seeing you cuddle starts a staring contest that has you sweating, as if Jack tsum is daring Jack to take him away from his happy place. You settle them both down with pats on the head, saying to relax and offering to go wherever Jack needed to be so you could spend more time with the tsum.
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona is actively trying to not be annoyed but keeping the irritation off his face was a challenge the second prince simply couldn’t overcome. His glare is briefly directed at the tsum who might seem expressionless at first, but he could tell it was celebrating inside for getting under his skin. Your lap had always been Leona’s napping spot, soft thighs working as perfect pillows, and it seemed the tsum had the same idea. He supposed he should’ve seen this outcome approaching since the tsum seemed to mirror him in many aspects but this was one betrayal that Leona hadn’t seen coming, from you or the tsum. He’s rarely this petty towards you so you can’t help but tease him when the opportunity approached, asking if he was really getting territorial because you wanted to cuddle with a tsum that greatly resembled him.
Vil Schoenheit:
You are the honored one, blessed to hold Vil tsum in your loving arms. Your immediate affection for the tsum was felt and reciprocated, allowing you to admire them up close and personal. It felt like good fortune shining down on you when the tsum took it upon itself to sit comfortably in your arms, allowing you to snuggle closer without complaint. Vil is annoyed that the tsum didn’t attempt to play hard to get at all. He had to bite his tongue to not reveal too much about your own relationship, though he feels some envy as it must be nice to just be held by you like that.
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I just thought of a cute scenerio !
Malleus/Jamil/Azul/Duece/Silver are trying to find thier tsum who ran off , only to find that they were "kidnpaed" by their girlfriend for cuddles ( they find them cuddled up in her room )
(i'm so surprised that someone hadn't requested something with the tsums so far! bless u for being the first to do so~)
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul goes through several stages of grief all at once. Competing with this little creature for your affection had never been on his to-do list but he found himself annoyed at the sight for some reason. He became even more annoyed that he was annoyed because it meant nothing – just because it resembled him didn’t mean you held them both in the same regard. Yet at the same time you looked so happy cuddling with it, and the tsum itself looked quite content, eyes closed as it rested in your arms. Azul knows that’s exactly what he felt when you were together, a sense of peace that scared him but he couldn’t ignore, and he doesn’t like how similar he and the tsum really are.
Deuce Spade:
Deuce really hoped his tsum wasn’t causing trouble somewhere. They got lost so easily he’s not surprised when he doesn’t see his anywhere, asking Ace, and then an annoyed Riddle who had told him to watch his tsum much more closely. He asked whoever he saw if they knew where it was but when he approached you he noticed it settled on your shoulder, its head nudging against your cheek to beg for your attention. You nuzzled it back though you stayed focused on your task, and it seemed content enough to watch what you were doing while Deuce wondered how he could be jealous of something like a tsum.
Jamil Viper:
Jamil wants to know why he was forsaken to watch after energetic little things that only made his life more difficult. He almost felt like a glorified babysitter at first, and when the tsum disappeared he considered how lucky those who could retire are. He would get a serious case of whiplash when he realized the location of his tsum after countless hours of searching, fighting to keep the grimace off his face. Jamil himself could hardly admit how much he cared for you and yet here the tsum was, doing none of the work and getting all of the reward by cuddling with you so peacefully! He’s irritated and hid it poorly, with you worried he was mad at you while the tsum seemed quite smug (in Jamil’s opinion).
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus’ tsum had been quite insistent on staying by your side, even when it was told to stay put with him. It seemed he disappeared in a moment’s notice but he suspected he knew where it had gone, and instantly sought you out. You seemed quite happy to have the tsum resting on your lap, telling Malleus it had been standing guard by your door until you had opened up to let it in. It seemed content to sit with you and displeased when Malleus attempted to take it away, leading him to seat himself comfortably in your room to spend some time together… for the sake of the tsum, of course.
Silver has an unreadable expression on his face. There’s a rarely seen pout that hints at jealousy, but he had never been the type to be jealous before. His tsum stayed snoozing in your arms, snuggled up comfortably against your chest like it had no worries in the world. He apologized for it intruding in your routine but you told him it was no big deal, remarking how it was just as cute as he is so you didn’t mind spending time with it. Some color dusted Silver’s cheeks at your comment before he stated he’ll keep a closer eye on the tsum from now on.
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Posted this before but add me on HSR (618699590) and WuWa (500816381) !!
-Pomefiore Admin
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Hello 👋 could I maybe request Idia, Trey, and maybe Vil with a reader who asks them to hold something for them then takes the characters hand.
Idia Shroud:
Idia takes one business day to process what you’re doing, the warmth of your hand against his immediately making him sweat. You’ll never get over the stunned look on his face when you show him any form of intimacy, no matter how often you did it, it seemed he could never get used to it. He’s at his cutest with pink streaks in his hair, his cheeks a similar color as his hand gripped yours back and he begged the god of fate to not make his palms sweat like the rest of him.
Trey Clover:
Trey can’t say that he expected this turn of events but he didn’t exactly mind it either. It always took some pressure off when he didn’t have to make the first move, and the way you laced your fingers with his with zero hesitation gave him a little more confidence. His thumb stroked over the back of your hand as he asked if you needed anything else from him, as he was in the giving mood and might have some more time to fulfill your desires.
Vil Schoenheit:
Vil’s had less smooth ways of people attempting to grab at him, so he could rate this one a little higher than average. He doesn’t miss a beat, fingers locking with yours as he pulled you in close and asked what your intentions were with him. He gave a heart-wrenching smile as the tables are turned in his favor yet again, bringing his hand close to your face so you’d kiss it as you intended to do from the start. Vil could read you like a book at this point but it didn’t mean he enjoyed your affection any less.
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Hi!! This isn't a request or anything, but I just have to say that I love your writing!! Keep up the amazing work! ✨ ^w^
Aw thank you darling! You're very sweet and I'm happy to hear that!~
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Hiii, how are you? Just want to let you know that I love your fics, they're so so good! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ~
Could I request Rook with an cuddlier Mc? Like any free time they have, Mc is cuddling with him, kissing his cheeks and face and the such. They just really feel comfortable cuddling and like the domesticy feelings, I hope I worded everything alright. English isn't my first language hehe
Thanks for reading this and all good if you don't want to write! :)
Rook Hunt:
Rook felt like he was in heaven.
To have his treasure cuddled up in his arms at every chance they got made him the luckiest man in the world, as there was nothing greater than getting to observe you up close. The way your body would relax against his when he wrapped his arms around you, the sweet scent of your skin invading his senses as you beckoned him closer with a mumbled plea that he couldn’t deny. You would bare your neck to him and he would submit to your whims, allowing your lips to grace him with a thousand loving kisses before he felt content.
He thinks he might be driven insane if you denied him this pleasure, the pleasure of being loved by you with an intensity that rivaled his own. You held him close each night like you feared he might disappear and perhaps that was his own fault, with his whimsical personality and the careful distance he placed despite worshipping the ground you walked on. Rook hardly allowed people to be close to him, emotionally not physically, and this relationship was one of the things that instilled a fear like no other. How was he to get close to another person if you left him? If this love proved false?
Rook would rather not think of it.
When he laid like this with you, the only think he should think about was the bright future ahead.  
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MC uses magic for the first time and is so happy! It's nothing big, just a small spark, but MC is overjoyed with how cool it is. How would their friends react? Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek?
Ace Trappola:
Ace is in disbelief, uttering an insensitive ‘wow I didn’t think you could do that’. You’re too overjoyed to take offense from his comment but he does backpedal as it wasn’t quite what he meant. He’d just seen you try for so long he didn’t know if you would be able to perform magic since there were plenty of people who couldn’t, but he’s glad that you’re tapping into your real magical power. He tells you that you did a good job but you still had a long way to catch up to him.
Deuce Spade:
Deuce is excited for you! He’d seen the way you struggled and how hard you continued to work, knowing there had been many nights of disappointment. Now that you’re finally seeing success he hoped you continued striving for more, for bigger sparks and perhaps even a whole fire with some practice. Deuce is always in your corner so you know his enthusiasm is genuine and not making fun of your excitement.
Epel Felmier:
Epel felt relieved that your training had amounted to something, knowing how it felt when countless hours ended with seemingly no change. He congratulates you on a good job with a smile, asking what your next step was going to be. Were you going to try a different spell, or expand your knowledge of this one? He doesn’t have a reason to be invested in your training but he still found himself wanting to watch over you.
Jack Howl:
It puts some things into perspective for Jack. While it is overall unimpressive as a feat of magic, for you who has never successfully cast magic, it’s the most exciting thing on the planet. All magic starts from a small spark, and the only way to improve was continuing to encourage you to keep it up. He applauded your hard work and congratulated you on your new achievement, embarrassed afterwards as he wondered if he went a little too far or if he laid it on too thick.
Sebek Zigvolt:
Sebek will applaud a job well done, but he makes it known there’s still much you have to do to excel at magic. You’ve managed to hit the first step, with a taste for how magic flows through your body, and now it was time to see what else you could do. It might seem abrasive but it’s coming from a good place, as Sebek had always believed in your ability to perform magic even if it took you longer than normal. He didn’t want you to stop as you now had momentum, and he’d make sure you stayed focused so you could reach your true potential.
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Epel w/ Gardenia!
Epel Felmier:
Gardenia - the love of a friend who doesn’t want to just be friends.
“Why are you staring so hard?”
You never had anyone study your beauty routine as intensely as Epel was now, not even Vil who wanted to check every ingredient in the products you used. At first you didn’t know why he followed you to your room, having just confessed to having a first date in just a few hours and that you needed to start getting ready; you wondered if he was worried about you or about this other person, as Epel had always proven to be a good friend to you. You don’t think he’s quite experienced enough to point out any improvements in your make-up or flex knowledge like Vil or Rook could do but you didn’t mind the company, smiling away as the question went unanswered for another few minutes.
“…It’s because you’re beautiful.” You make eye contact with him in the mirror, amused when his eyes darted away to look at anything but you. You were used to more brazen behavior from your fellow Pomefiore student but this seemed to be the most brazen thing of all, yet he didn’t fully commit to it.
“I have another question.” You tried to keep the laughter from your tone but it hit you all at once why he had attached himself to your side; just to be sure, you moved your mirror to get a full reflection of his face, knowing he wouldn’t notice, “Why did you come get ready with me? Are you going on the date, too?”
Epel’s eyebrows twitched at the mention of a date, the frown on his face apparent. You knew he was being more honest because he didn’t realize it was your turn to study him, seeing the way he reacted to the thought of you with another person. This had just been a distraction date, a nice enough person but not someone you imagined would last longer than the night. Epel, however, had proven himself both earnest and interesting, certainly a person who captured interest. He was also ridiculously cute, pretty even, though you knew he’d hate it if you voiced your thoughts on it.
“You shouldn’t go on that date,” Epel finally stated, voice quieter than normal. His eyebrow was still twitching but he had wiped the frown off his face, his arms now crossed.
“Why?” You ask again, your favorite question of the night it seemed. It was like plucking hairs but the pain would be worth it if you could finally get some form of a confession out of him. His cheeks bloomed a beautiful pink that went perfectly with his hair, a true masterpiece that you could sit and admire all night. You’re already drafting the message in your head to apologize for canceling the date, but Epel was being too cute for you to concentrate for long.
“You know why.” Epel’s scowl is more of a pout and you tried not to give yourself away by fawning over it, taking a little breath before turning in your seat to face him head on. Epel is surprised by your sudden move, looking at you like he was prepared to fight to not get thrown out of your room.
“I want you to say it.”
Epel seemed to think for a moment before his leg shot out, hooking around the leg of your chair and suddenly pulling you closer to him. It was a shocking move and one that displayed some strength, your heart fluttering more by the minute. Who taught him that? He wore such a serious look on his face you thought you might get a scolding first before a confession, but what you got was even better.
“I want you to stay here… with me.”
 “Oh, but I’m practically all done up with nowhere to go! It’d be a crime not to go out tonight.”
“Th-then I’ll take you out!” Epel’s response was the boldness you had been waiting for, your eyes lighting up as you leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Doesn’t it feel good being honest~? Now get lost so I can get ready for our date, I can at least surprise you with a nice outfit, right?” You ushered him from your room with a playful ‘shoo, shoo!’ while he was still reeling from the feeling of your lips on his skin, standing frozen in front of your door even after you had closed it.
He didn’t even notice when Rook walked by, singing about how love was in the air.
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-Pomefiore Admin
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I’ve been thinking about this request, what is their S/O’s ex tried to fight them for their affection 😳, how would they react? Use any characters you want
Floyd Leech:
This was the worst fight your ex could’ve started. You tried to remain civil which meant keeping Floyd out of it for the time being, trying to convince them to just back off if they knew what was good for them. They didn’t seem to believe you when you told them your actual boyfriend was quite possessive, and while you get that it was a normal tactic, they should’ve just taken your resounding ‘no’ as an answer the first time around. You couldn’t hide this from Floyd forever as then you’d be on the other end of a harsh squeezing if you betrayed his trust, but you were hoping your ex might show some sense. The true answer to you getting peace was clearly violence as your ex made a move in person, with Floyd right within earshot; you let out a deep sigh and tried not to think about the headache this would give you, knowing Floyd was stalking over to see exactly what was going on. There’s a childish glee on his face when he’s told this is your ex and you knew in that instant he stopped seeing them as a person, they were now simply prey waltzing right into the predator’s mouth.
Leona Kingscholar:
You were used to confiding your problems in Leona. He’d either offer a solution, or he’d simply listen and nod along to allow you to get your feelings out. There were times where you did so when he was lounging, eyes closed, potentially asleep, but it still felt good to tell him even if he wasn’t hearing you. But he always listened, his ears turned in your direction, and he had noted the problem of your ex from the very beginning of your relationship. They didn’t bother him because he was secure in what choice you’d make, if it ever came to you making one, but this ex still felt like a thorn in his paw. He wished they’d take a hint and even considered saying something himself, but you hadn’t seemed fond of the idea and he wasn’t going to fight you over it. Leona would, however, take the opportunity to showboat if your ex was ever around the two of you, a protective arm wrapped around your waist as he surveyed the room. His smug smirk is enough to set your ex off but Leona doesn’t bother indulging him in a fight, faking a yawn as he tells the little herbivore to start a fight somewhere else where he could actually win.
Sebek Zigvolt:
Sebek will, as he does with most things, take this declaration from your ex very seriously. There’s a fire in his eyes when the challenge is first presented to him with you insisting it wasn’t an actual challenge, just your ex being annoying and nosy about your relationship. Still, Sebek couldn’t let it stand, saying he was fighting for your honor and your hand (despite the fact you had already chosen who has your hand). You don’t mind watching him show off and he’s surprisingly intimidating when he wants to be; the loud booming voice, his height and strength, Sebek had many positives in his corner to back him up. While you already knew who’d win the fight you enjoyed seeing Sebek display just how much he cared for you, unwilling to let your ex talk to you however he wanted and even flaying him alive when speaking of why you broke up to begin with. He has no mercy in this battle, as his grandfather had taught him, and he seemed quite proud at the end of the day when your ex finally had to admit defeat.
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My hot take is that anyone complaining about how long its been since the twst anime announcement and "are we still getting it" and "its a lost cause"
babe it has been not even three years
I waited 11 years for Tiger & Bunny S2 and even longer for Black Butler S3, I'd say 3 years is about appropriate especially if they made the anime announcement RIGHT after they decided to make it and no development had started
a lot of you whine a lot
-Pomefiore Admin
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Hi, there (again) :D
Second and last request, if it is not too much trouble I can request:
Can I request a "A kiss stemmed from jealousy" trope? with Silver, Malleus and Jade?💕
If I exceeded my number of orders, you can discard it but if not, take your time and without pressure. Thank you <3
Jade Leech:
Jade was always watching. It was ominous yet comforting at the same time, knowing he was observing you from afar whenever he could; you had joked he was like a hero who could swoop in to save you, while he chuckled and said it’d be much more fun to watch you independently solve whichever problem was plaguing you in the moment. This moment, however, required his direct interference and there’s a dark aura rolling off him in waves that has bystanders scattering. You can sense him coming up from behind you before he arrived, his shadow looming over you and you conversation partner; when his hand rested on your arm you turned back to greet him, surprised to see a cold glint in his mismatched eyes. You’re left speechless when he introduced himself as your boyfriend without even giving his name, the smile on his face giving away just how irritated he was with this situation. While the other person is thinking of a way to save their skin Jade leaned down to press his lips against yours, a hand on the back of your head to keep you glued to him until he was truly ready to let you go. If this didn’t get his point across, then nothing short of violence would.
Malleus Draconia:
There’s a sudden electricity in the air, the little hairs on your arms and legs standing on end; your conversation partner seemed unaware, and when you rubbed your arm they reached out to touch you, teasingly asking if you were cold. Lightning struck suddenly which caused you to jump apart, confusion written all over your face as you looked up at the sky that had seconds ago been clear and blue. There’s a dark shadow that casts over you but before you can feel alarmed, you made out the familiar shape of horns. You whipped around to greet Malleus with a smile on your face, with him wearing a smile of his own, but you sensed something was different about him, as though he were standing taller than normal. You’re even more shocked when he leaded down to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, his gaze becoming much colder when they slid over to acknowledge your companion. The storm clouds seemed to intensify the longer you stood there but now that the conversation was stilted, there wasn’t much of a reason to stay. Malleus quickly escorted you away, saying he wouldn’t want you to catch if it started to rain.
Silver wasn’t used to feeling this way. He had no doubt about your loyalty to him and your relationship, and he could recognize that the other person was the one being overly friendly with you. You had been the one to explain what flirty behavior looked like as he seemed lost, nodding his head along with your words before thanking you for enlightening him. But now that he did understand it he saw how much attention people would invest in you, the way they’d looking at you with hungry eyes clearly not knowing you were spoken for. You’re shocked that Silver of all people showed this brief sign of possession, surprised by the hand on your waist before gasping as he leaned it to press a kiss to the corner of your lips. He didn’t speak a word to the other person, his attention solely on you as he asked if you wanted to get lunch together and then led the way without giving you a chance to respond.  
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Hi I see your requests are open (btw love ur blog) could I possibly request Rook, Idia, Azul, and Floyd falling for the “my boyfriend left you can come over” text prank? Pls pls pls 🥺
Azul Ashengrotto:
Not that it’s a great prank to play on anyone, but Azul who is already riddled with trust issues would especially not appreciate it. He doesn’t address it immediately but it’s due to his internal panic over the situation, thinking you wouldn’t be so stupid as to text him something meant for another person and that if you had, you would’ve tried to cover for yourself at least. But there’s always a part of his brain that’s ready for disaster, that activates the second something potentially devastating lined itself up to happen and it completely throws Azul off his normal logical conclusions. You do notice he’s a little more emotional than normal, getting snippy with you and refusing to look at you; it doesn’t get better when you tell him it was just a prank, wondering why you had entirely ruined his day just to get a laugh.
Idia Shroud:
Can one person be double cursed? Because Idia felt double cursed. He stared at the text, trying to pick it apart, analyze different meanings, figure out what you were trying to actually say but was instead autocorrected to this extremely unsettling text. His logic skill wasn’t high enough to figure out this minigame and he almost texted you to ask what you meant but paused, realizing his social skill wasn’t high enough for him to send one out about the topic of you potentially cheating on him. He would normally torture newbies online to get out his feelings but he doesn’t feel like doing much of anything, sitting with his knees brought up to his chest and lamenting his inability to recognize that your relationship points had fallen so low. There’s relief that comes with knowing it was just a prank, proven by Ortho doing a quick internet search, but you see the tiniest tinge of red flutter through his hair even as he tells you he’s fine.
Floyd Leech:
Floyd had never whipped around so quick in his entire life, kicking the door to your room in and glaring at you with a knowing look. You’re unable to stop your giggling though some of it might be from nerves, as dealing with a grumpy eel was never the most fun. He whined at you for trying to play a mean trick on him, asking if you wanted to be squeezed that bad; you knew exactly what he was like when he was jealous and you couldn’t help but want to see a little more. There weren’t many people stupid enough to flirt with you when they knew who you were dating so you had to make your own fun, but having Floyd wrapped around you and refusing to leave your side until this potential ‘other person’ showed up was making you think twice about any future pranks.
Rook Hunt:
Rook doesn’t fall for it. He knows you’re just teasing in your normal playful way, trying to pull a reaction out of him which made him chuckle. You kept his daily life interesting so he couldn’t take your little prank personally, but he knew you inside and out. He would hold your face with his hand, delicately caressing your skin as he talked about your scent, one that he had memorized as he held you close each night. The only man he had ever smelled on you was himself, and since he didn’t pick up on anything unfamiliar, he concluded right in front of you that you couldn’t possibly be cheating on him. He pressed his nose into your neck, whispering against your skin that if you didn’t want him to go you just had to say as such.  
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