#Idia Shroud
poritora · 3 days
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veilofthorns · 2 days
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suntails · 2 days
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kamapon · 2 days
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full set done!!! The seven Eepy Boys themselves 💕💕💕
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cloudcountry · 3 days
SUMMARY: you and idia prepare for a fun day at the beach!
COMMENTS: this is my entry for my own event, sweet shroud summer 2024!! be sure to check it out here!! (shameless self promotion)
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If you asked Idia, today would have been a perfect day to stay inside. The air was warm, the sun was out, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. That was the perfect weather to sit in with the air conditioning and a tub of ice cream, munching on some instant ramen noodles and binge watching one of his favorite anime or absolutely wiping the floor with some idiots in his new favorite game.
If you asked Idia’s partner of two years now, they would disagree.
They came knocking on his door late in the morning, calling his name through the door. Idia, still in his pajamas, scrambles to put a hoodie over his head to at least look somewhat presentable. He briefly checks his appearance in his computer monitor, and once deciding that you’ve definitely seen him looking worse, he cracks open the door.
He knows why he’s been so self conscious around you lately, the "summer body" season in full swing. He doesn’t like thinking about it. Regardless of his appearance though, you beam as if seeing him is the best thing that could have happened to you today.
“Hi.” you breathe, pupils blown as you take him in.
Idia scratches his arm awkwardly, shuffling his feet from behind the door.
“Um, yeah. Hi.”
You giggle, placing a hand on the door.
“May I come in?”
He lets you in, hurrying to clean up extra wrappers and misplaced mangas as you step into his room, eyes following his every move. He’s so cute when he gets nervous around you, shoving things into the various corners of his room to make it look cleaner even though you know his room has always been messy. He’s still in his pajama shorts and his fiery hair is even more untamed than usual.
It makes your heart flutter.
There’s a sweet sense of domesticity that bubbles up in your heart as you take in a sight nobody else has ever seen, the bare skin of his legs and the rolled up sleeves of his hoodie as he throws what looks like five instant ramen cups into a trash can by his desk.
His face is bright pink, and so are the tips of his beautiful beautiful hair.
You part your lips as he turns towards you, bashful and unsure, ducking his head before his hair. You giggle again and his heart picks up in his chest, sharp teeth gnawing at his lower lips. They’re chapped because he has yet to moisturize, and his heart jolts for an entirely different reason when he realizes you might be looking.
Why is he such a mess!?
“Idia, stop getting in your head, okay? Here.” you  dig through your unusually large bag and pull out some chapstick.
Idia flushes pink as you cup your hand in front of him. He places his chin in your palm obediently, and averts his eyes as you apply chapstick to his lips. He rubs them together when you pull away and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Cmere.” you gesture him forward, closer to you again, and Idia feels himself get even warmer.
You lean in and give him a quick peck, murmuring “sharing is caring” against his lips. He snorts at the cheesiness and you can tell his nose is crinkling in half fake half very real disgust. It’s okay—he can take the cringeworthy couple things if it's with you.
“So...um, what do you want to do today?” Idia asks, eyeing the giant bag you have slung over your shoulder. He knows you have a plan, but he doesn’t know if he’d call it a good one.
“I’m so glad you asked!” you beam, setting your bag on the ground and rummaging through it, “I was thinking we could take a trip to the beach! When we were watching that anime last night, you said you wanted to try out some of the things they were doing and I knew I had to take you!”
Idia freezes, the scratching of his arm ramping up in intensity as you riffle through the bag. He hadn’t been expecting you to be paying attention to anything he said during that marathon, much less plan anything like this for today. 
“So I got us matching swimsuits, plus swim socks so we don’t poke our feet on anything.” you look up from your bag at him, smiling so brightly, “I wouldn’t want my baby getting hurt.”
Idia flushes even brighter at the pet name and you laugh, handing him a pair of swim shorts and a shirt. He silently thanks you for the cover up, and you two turn away from each other to change into your swim suits. He knows you won’t look at him when he’s changing but he can’t deny the anxiety that comes with being in the same room as you while he’s vulnerable, and so he changes as fast as he possibly can and tells you he’s done.
You take a little bit longer to change, but it isn’t long before you tell him he can turn around too.
He turns, and sure enough, you’re matching. He thinks you look so nice in that shade of blue, and little does he know you think very much the same.
“Can I help apply your sunscreen?” you ask, dangling a neon yellow bottle between your thumb and index finger.
“Are...are you sure?” he winces, “You don’t have to touch me.”
“Idia...I want to if you’ll let me. I don’t want you to burn.” you say softly, eyebrows furrowed.
It's like talking about himself like that hurts you.
“If...you wouldn’t mind...I’d like that.” he slumps down to the floor and tucks his head in between his knees, the tips of his hair turning bright pink again.
“Okay. Can you relax for me?” you ask gently, kneeling by his side.
He takes a few breaths before sitting up, turning to look at you. You beam as his eyes lock onto yours, and you pop the cap open. He holds out his hand to get his legs, and you squirt some into your palm to do his arms.
His arm hair is soft under your fingers as you rub the sunscreen in, making sure to hit every spot that the sun could possibly touch. You can feel his skin warming under your palms, and it makes a soft smile bloom across your face. You run your thumb over the inside of his wrist, and the pad of your finger catches on the tough tissues of his tendons. His fingers twitch at the contact, and you briefly find yourself fascinated by just how boney his wrists are. You sigh softly, your breath hitting his skin. He shudders, and you giggle.
“You know Idia...” you murmur, resting your chin on his shoulder, “You’re very soft. And warm.”
He huffs in annoyance, but the sound is empty of animosity. His red face tells you everything.
When it’s time to move to his other arm, you scoot over to Idia’s other side and press a kiss to the top of his head as you pass. It flusters him to no end, but it's so important to you that he knows how much you love him. That you don’t think he’s filthy and full of sin, for one reason or another.
“Are you done with your legs?” you ask, rubbing the last bit of the cream into his upper arm.
He nods in affirmation, wrinkling his nose.
“I don’t like the way it feels on my skin at all.” he groans, rubbing his fingers together and wincing, “Especially my hands. Gross.”
“Then let’s get your hands washed, honey.” you set the sunscreen on the ground before getting up, offering him a hand when you’re steady on your feet.
He tries not to think about the pet name as he stumbles after you, letting you lead him down the hallway and into Ignihyde’s bathroom. There's another student in there washing their hands, and they gawk when they lay eyes on their Housewarden in a bathing suit.
“Hey there!” you greet cheerfully, dragging Idia past him, “Don’t mind us!”
Apparently seeing Idia like that and with another person was shocking enough that he just listened. Stumbling out of the bathroom like he’d seen a ghost, the door swinging shut behind him.
Silence. Then, you chuckle.
“Wow Idia, your dorm members do not grasp the concept of subtly at all.” you joke, bumping hips with him, “Now come on, let’s get the gross sunscreen feeling off our hands!”
You two wash your hands in silence, only broken by the occasional humming from you or him.
“Is that any better?” you ask once you two are done, and Idia nods slowly.
You take his hands again and lead him out of the bathroom, picking up the pace to make sure you make it to his room before he runs into anybody else. That one encounter was probably more enough for Idia today, especially when you’d insisted the two of you wear matching bathing suits.
“You look cute in it, by the way.” you mention, turning to look over at him, “I don’t think I said it before, but you look cute.”
He squeaks and hides behind his free hand, muttering the fastest “thankyou” you have ever had the pleasure of hearing.
Once you’re both settled back in his room, you sit with your legs criss crossed on his floor, and Idia sits beside you. Your knees are touching as you take out your phone, calling your transportation so you can Idia can arrive at the beach safely. He busies himself with picking up the sunscreen bottle from the floor and folding your clothes, placing them on his bed. The sheets are wrinkled and he tries to smooth them out, cheeks pink as he sets your clothes down next to his. You confirm the ride and put your phone away, standing up and catching his attention.
“While we’re waiting for the ride I figured we could go on a snack run. Would you mind going with me?” you ask, eyes searching his for any apprehension.
“Um...there’s going to be people there, right?” he murmurs, grasping at a chunk of his hair and running his fingers through the strands nervously, “I, um...I don’t want to go, if that’s okay.”
“Honey, of course it’s okay. I’ll be right back.” you reach out and take his hand, planting a kiss in the middle of his sweaty palm before pulling away.
“Ack—! Um, why did you do that? My hands are really sweaty and—”
“And I love you, that's why. Sweaty hands and all.” you interrupt, reaching for his other hand and peppering kisses all over it, “I’ll see you later, love.”
You smile and wave as you leave, shutting the door securely behind you. Idia stands awkwardly in the center of his room for a short while, unsure of what to do with himself now that you’re gone. He finds himself lowering himself to the floor once again, next to your bag. The top is open and next to the sunscreen he threw in there earlier is the scrunchie you always put in his hair. Next to that is a small journal, the blank cover giving it an air of mystery.
He shouldn’t look why would he look he should leave it alone—
He grabs the notebook and cracks open the first page.
The words date plan are scribbled out in your all too familiar handwriting at the top of a lined page. You used your favorite colors of ink, doodling hearts in the margins and using little blue flames as your bullet points.
Invite Idia to the beach to get him outside for once! Pamper him so he doesn’t feel too uncomfortable.
He expressed a lot of discomfort with unfamiliar sensations. Offer to apply sunscreen for him so he doesn’t have to get any of his hands. (Note: he does not like his legs being touched. If he holds out his hand to get his legs just give him some.)
Make sure to give him plenty of kisses and buy him ice cream. They have a limited edition Premo ice cream stand set up by the beach today.
His eyes fly over the page, heart fluttering in his chest. It’s so silly but it’s so you, putting so much effort into a guy like him. The absolute bottom of the barrel.
It’s like his favorite character’s SSR card just came home.
It’s like his favorite anime just got a beach episode.
It’s like you’re everything he’ll ever look forward to, all at once.
If Idia gets burned, make sure you take care of him later.
If Idia wants you to stay over afterwards, stay over with him and do whatever he wants for the night.
If Idia says ANYTHING bad about himself, make sure he knows that it's not true at all!
His face must be bright red right now, the tips of his hair hot pink. You have such a visible effect on him, no matter what you were doing but especially when you were praising him so sweetly. Making up cute dating plans like he's seen in anime, Giving him his own beach episode experience. Taking note of that new Premo ice cream that he knew was only at a few select beaches, and you picked a beach that had one just for him.
And Idia, if you find this and end up reading it, whether I showed it to you or you just got curious, I hope this shows how much I love you. I want you to know that no matter what, I’m always going to be in your corner, even if you shove me out I’ll come back, because I know you want me there. Maybe not forever, maybe not always, but so long as you let me come back to you and chip away at your walls, I’ll be there.
I love how pretty your hair is. It moves so gracefully, like an actual fire. I love how warm you are, and I love how careful your hands are. I love how small your wrists are and the curve of your elbows, I love your teeth and your lips and your eyes, I love how you shine when you talk about the things you love and I love how you look in black. I love how your face twists up when you’re annoyed and I love how you look when you get your favorite character in a gacha. I love how you’re always so dedicated to improving yourself and your craft, I love how sweet you are to me even though you think you’re being slick. I love how smug you get when you win and I love how you lean over and teach me how to play video games when I’m confused. I love how you let me learn on my own but still give me guidance when we have game nights. I love how you let me drag you places sometimes, I hope you know I’m so so thankful you let me. It will forever be special to me that you trust me to take you to my favorite places, and I hope soon we can go to a Premo concert together one of these days
 I’m sure I’ll love the way you swing your glow stick around, I’m sure I’ll love the way you’ll pass out on your bed after everything is over, I’m sure I’ll love the way you hold me as you sleep.
And if you let me,  I’ll love the way wrinkles form in your features, I’ll love your stretch marks, I’ll love the way your joints creak, I’ll love the way your hair turns gray. I’ll love the way you grow older and wiser but the way you’ll still be the same Idia.
If you let me, I’ll make silly little date plans every single outing we have. I’ll tell your mother all about them years from now and we’ll laugh, and I’ll debrief her on my next one. I’ll get your favorite colored pens and use them until I’m sure they’re dead, I’ll decorate my heart and my life with you because I don’t want anybody else.
If you let me, I’ll love you forever. My sweet boyfriend. You’re the smartest, most talented, kindest soul I have ever met. I want to treasure you for as long as I live, if you let me.
A gargled squeak escapes his lips as he sinks even deeper into the floor, falling over in the fetal position. His eyes are full of tears and his bottom lip is wobbling—argh, he has such an ugly crying face—and he knows he looks like a mess but after everything he just read his heart and mind are full of love, love, love.
You see a future with him. You actually do. You seriously, seriously do. Even after everything that happened at STYX. Even after everything he’s told you about himself and his family.
You’re just so impossible. How is he supposed to deal with so much affection at once!?
A knock on the door and a soft announcement of your presence is the only warning he gets before you enter his room, turning to shut the door behind you.
“So you’ll never guess what happened, Sam had a sale on ramune soda so I picked up a few—!” you finally turn around, freezing when you see your boyfriend on the ground, curled up around a familiar notebook.
“Um...I love you.” he chokes out, so quiet you barely hear it.
He turns over completely, eyes puffy and red and watery, and mouths it again, like no noise could come out of his throat even if he wanted it to.
Your eyes go wide at his quiet, tearful declaration. He must be overwhelmed.
You set down all the snacks before you take him into your arms, rubbing his back as he clings to you. It’s rare to see him like this, all vulnerable, but your expression goes soft when you think about that note you wrote for him.
You were vulnerable, and it hit him right in the heart.
He trusts you so much.
“I love you too. I love you so much.” you whisper against his forehead, pressing kisses to every inch of exposed skin you can find. His hair tickles your cheeks, brushing against your skin like individual caresses, like each and every part of his body loves and adores you.
Like every atom of him yearns for you.
“Let’s go get some Premo ice cream.” he sniffles, leaning into your touch as you wipe away his tears.
“Alright.” you smile affectionately, pulling the two of you up from your crumpled positions on the floor, “Our ride is probably going to arrive soon anyways.”
Idia helps you pack all of the snacks into your bag, but not before giving the journal one last hug when your back is turned.
He’s so lucky. It’s not just that letter that shows it either, he thinks. It’s the shiny ramune bottles and his favorite chips, it’s the candy you picked up and the fruit salad full of sweet, bright colored fruits. It’s the way you kissed his sweaty palms and applied sunscreen to his arms, it's the way you respected that he didn’t want his legs being touched, it’s the way you wrote down all of the things he knows you would have done anyway because you’re you and you’re wonderful.
He zips up the bag for you and slings it over his shoulder, shielding it with his body when you try to grab it. You roll your eyes playfully, getting the message. You go to open his bedroom door and Idia is right behind you, stomach twisting in anticipation. There’s a fair share of nerves, sure, but you’re right in front of him, shielding him like you always have, and when the hallway comes into view he lets you grab his hand and pull him outside.
The pair of you walk down the hallway and outside the building together, hand in hand. You only run into a few students, all of which are too occupied with their own things to gawk at Idia. It makes him feel less nervous and makes you feel better for him.
Sure enough, your ride arrives a little while after you reach the meetup spot, and before he knows it, he’s off on a beach episode adventure with you.
He hopes you won’t change your mind, and that it won’t be the last one you have.
But when he looks over at you and sees you already looking at him with a look that screams love, love, love, he knows for sure there will be more days like this one in his future.
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Hi I saw the Tsum request you made and it was super cute! I was wondering if you could do the same one but with Idia/Jack/Vil/Leona please?
Idia Shroud:
You had never been more surprised than seeing the shaking tsum outside your door, its intrusion into your room immediate when you opened the door wide enough for its body to hop inside. It made itself comfortable under a desk in the corner, wanting an enclosed area where it would feel safe; you pouted a little as you had hoped to cuddle, but just like Idia, you knew it’d take a little work. You pulled up a video on your phone, music from a game that Idia loved, and you’d never seen something so small move so quickly. It hopped right onto the bed with you, settled and cuddling on your shoulder as it danced along to the song happily with you. Idia wanted to lock himself in a closet, and maybe lock the tsum in a separate one, and never have to think about being upstaged again.
Jack Howl:
You have to admit you’re surprised when Jack’s tsum doesn’t play its cards close to its chest; Jack did it poorly but there was still an attempt, yet the tsum lit up as soon as it saw you. It protectively took a seat on your shoulder and only separated with Jack’s insistence, which is why when it goes missing he knows exactly where it is. Seeing you cuddle starts a staring contest that has you sweating, as if Jack tsum is daring Jack to take him away from his happy place. You settle them both down with pats on the head, saying to relax and offering to go wherever Jack needed to be so you could spend more time with the tsum.
Leona Kingscholar:
Leona is actively trying to not be annoyed but keeping the irritation off his face was a challenge the second prince simply couldn’t overcome. His glare is briefly directed at the tsum who might seem expressionless at first, but he could tell it was celebrating inside for getting under his skin. Your lap had always been Leona’s napping spot, soft thighs working as perfect pillows, and it seemed the tsum had the same idea. He supposed he should’ve seen this outcome approaching since the tsum seemed to mirror him in many aspects but this was one betrayal that Leona hadn’t seen coming, from you or the tsum. He’s rarely this petty towards you so you can’t help but tease him when the opportunity approached, asking if he was really getting territorial because you wanted to cuddle with a tsum that greatly resembled him.
Vil Schoenheit:
You are the honored one, blessed to hold Vil tsum in your loving arms. Your immediate affection for the tsum was felt and reciprocated, allowing you to admire them up close and personal. It felt like good fortune shining down on you when the tsum took it upon itself to sit comfortably in your arms, allowing you to snuggle closer without complaint. Vil is annoyed that the tsum didn’t attempt to play hard to get at all. He had to bite his tongue to not reveal too much about your own relationship, though he feels some envy as it must be nice to just be held by you like that.
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moonlit-midnight · 2 days
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Idia: What’s with the pretty smile? Does it feel nice to be loved?
Yuu, looking up from their phone: Bold of you to assume that I’m dating someone 
Idia: Then why do you smile like a fool whenever you’re on your phone?
Yuu, chuckling: Oh, I often look at the pictures of the stray cats that I play with outside 
Idia, failing to suppress a big smile: You like cats?
Yuu, nodding and showing off the adorable cats on their lockscreen:
Yuu: They’re such silly little creatures, but their existence makes my heart light
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syun0acute · 3 days
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The whole gang is here! So cute! ✨️
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cocoon0v0 · 2 days
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moon-mage · 2 days
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🏳️‍🌈The Four Horsemen of the Gay Apocalypse🏳️‍⚧️
Happy pride to all my fellow alphabet mafia out there. I see you and I love you and I hope you one day get the peace of mind, body, soul and heart you absolutely fucking deserve. Even these four obvious queers. 🥰
I am a lesbian demisexual hopelesslyromantic demigirl so I got a few flags under my belt 😌✌🏽. Here’s the original meme. Yes, I flipped Azul’s because I wanted to draw his good side with his mole and swirly. Art by me.
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thegoldencontracts · 2 days
Overblotters When A Guy Flirts With You
Imagine, if you will, a guy approaches you with ... Romantic, shall we say, intentions in mind. He compliments your looks, gets weirdly touchy, and, well, you get the idea.
You're annoyed, not only because this dude can't seem to take the hint that you're uncomfortable, but also because you have a lovely boyfriend, who is watching all of this go down.
Now, hopefully you can get the guy to leave you be yourself. But if you can't, your boyfriend's more than willing to intervene.
Riddle approaches the man pointedly, telling him to leave you be. Depending on his mood, he'll either make up an excuse to avoid risking this oddly flirtatious man taking his anger out on you, or he'll simply collar the man. Afterwards, he'll ask if you're alright, and if he's accidentally misstepped. He'll still report the guy for sexual harassment, though.
Leona approaches you two, slinging an arm around you and making it quite obvious the two of you are together as he tells you you ought to leave. After, he won't say much other than making an inquiry if that guy left you too rattled.
Azul immediately approaches the man with his best business smile, asking if he requires anything from you. When the guy says no, he replies that, sadly then, you'll have to go now. He acts entirely inconspicuous afterwards, but don't let that fool you. He definitely roped that guy into some sort of contract.
Jamil is all too used to hiding his displeasure. Before his overblot, he'll just try to appease the man and find an excuse to leave with you. After, though? He's sure to make it clear you're taken. After you two leave, he looks for information on the guy, and reports the guy, of course.
Vil straight-up tells the guy he's causing you discomfort, and to leave you be. Afterwards, he'll ask if he can help you somehow. Definitely reports the guy.
Idia's too awkward to do it himself, but worry not, he'll send Ortho to intervene if you're having trouble. Afterwards, though he doesn't file a report, he does partake in some... Shall we say, vigilante justice utilizing hacking.
Malleus immediately feels an odd sense of rage. It's noticeable from the thunderlouds forming outside. He doesn't even get the chance to actually intervene, just the realization the guy has that he's incurring Malleus Draconia's Wrath scares him off. Afterwards? Well, that guy is definitely screwed.
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random-twst-things · 3 days
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Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Idia, headset on, slowly turning to you: 😐
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: c'mon, humor me for a bit?
Idia: 😐
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: 😐
Idia: ...why?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: to go to the idiot's house
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Knock knock
Idia: No
Idia: 😒
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Okay, we all know you wouldn't open the door or ask who it was but c'mon!!
Idia: Who is it?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: The Chicken!
Idia: Your jokes are terrible
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: are not!
Idia: are too
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: it would've had a better execution if you just went along with it like a normal person 😒
Idia: You mean like a normie?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: sure, a normie
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Imma tell this joke to Ace instead, maybe he'll like my joke better!!
Idia: Ya really think he's gonna understand the joke? 🤨
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: He's a dummy, but he can't be that much of a dummy
Idia: suuuure
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Dividers by/from @/cafekitsune
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marigoldendragon · 21 hours
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Anyone else have the same specific intersection of interests as me?
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he's holding it like a baby
so does...
does this mean Idia likes being held.
would he be the little spoon in a snuggle
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cloudcountry · 1 day
HI HI AUBURN!!! can i request a reader who asks "do you like me or something?" with deuce, ace and any other characters you like...? 🩷🩷
SUMMARY: you call them out on their bullshit (lovingly <3)
COMMENTS: rubbing my hands together this is going to be so much fun.
update after i finished writing: this was fun. trey clover i love you please kiss me.
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Deuce nearly hits his head on a doorway when you ask him that question on your way to your next class. His face is a bright flaming red, which you both know is an answer all on its own. He visibly panics, spewing jumbled sentences that sounds suspiciously like:
“Who told you,”
“No I don’t!”
“I mean, well, yeah I do, but only if you do,”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“Okay bye!”
You grab him before he can sprint off, holding back giggles as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“It’s okay Deuce. I like you. I was just wondering if you felt the same.”
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Ace nearly does a spit take before forcing out the fakest laugh you’ve ever heard.
“I’m sorry, what? Who would ever like you!? I mean, you’re the worst Prefect this campus has ever seen and you don’t even use magic!”
Ace can babble all he wants but ultimately, when your feelings are hurt by his verbal assault, he backtracks real fast. He didn’t know you were being serious and that you like him—now he feels like such an ass. He shouldn’t have done that during such a vulnerable moment and argh, Prefect just come over here. He’ll take you out to ice cream and do this right.
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“What?” Idia shrieks, almost cracking his neck with how fast he whips around to face you.
His gaming chair squeaks as he spins, facing you sitting on his bed. You look curious, head slightly tilted and gaze imploring. His head is spinning with questions and denial, and they only get more frantic as you get up and walk over to him.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” you reassure him, a hesitant smile on your face, “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
He doesn’t know how to tell you that he’s anything but.
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Trey laughs, dragging a palm down his face in exasperation.
“Alright, who told you?” he turns to look at you, raising a suspicious eyebrow, “I didn’t think my friends could hold a secret for long, but I didn’t expect it to come out this fast.”
You open and close your mouth a few times before speaking.
“Nobody told me anything.”
You and Trey stare at each other as a few beats pass before he laughs again, harder this time, cheeks rapidly turning pink.
“Ah, I should have seen that coming.” he mumbles, shaking his head, “Well, uh...do you like me?”
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aaaaaaaaand my 4th entry for @cloudcountry's sweet shroud summer 2024 is finally done!!!!
azul lost in monopoly :)
(ft. mooties' ocs for shenanigans)
do i tag? yes, i do. my main idia likers: @edith-is-a-cat @identity-theft-101, others: @jaylleoo14 @xen-blank @twistwonderlanddevotee @loser-jpg @lemonchuu @escha-evenstar @dove-da-birb @taruruchi @aqua-beam @axvwriter
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