#yandere regina mills
bloody-cupcakes · 1 year
dark Regina/evil queen who kidnaps the reader to keep as a cute little pet, and punishes you when she finds you're trying to escape~
Tw: yandere/dark content, kidnapping, noncon/dubcon, nsfw/smut, mean fem dom, gender neutral/genitalia not specified
You'd been taken by Regina one day after she saw you taking a walk in the forest near your home. You hated having to stay with her, so everyday you did your best to escape from her palace, the prison she insisted you call 'home'.
She thought it was adorable how often you'd try to escape, honest. Never once did she consider the possibility that you might actually get away, and even if you did, she wasn't that worried. Between her magic and the several guards she had under her employ, nothing and no one would keep you away from her.
So imagine her frustration and disbelief when one day you did manage to escape, having gotten help from one of the kinder guards who hated having to see you locked up like that. To say she was furious was an understatement, as she had the guard in question tortured until they finally gave up your last known location: the woods near the palace.
She immediately set off after you, wanting to be the one to find you herself so she could have the pleasure of punishing you for your misdeeds, and once she did, let's just say she wasn't too kind.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." You freeze, having been caught by Regina trying to climb up a tree as a means of escape. Before you could say anything, the branches from that very tree latched itself around your torso and limbs, bringing you down to face the Evil Queen herself. "So, you think you can run away with the help from one of your little friends, and I won't notice? You think I wouldn't find you, hm? Think I'm too stupid to know where to look?" "I- n- no, that's not it at all- please, please just let me go-" you begged, tears forming in your eyes as you wondered what sort of things she had in store for you. "Let you go?" She tilted her head while staring at you menacingly. "Now, why on earth would I ever do that?" As she's speaking, you can feel one of the branches from the tree start to rub against your crotch, and you let out a surprised gasp, flailing around as you tried to break free from its hold, but it was no use. It fact, the more you tried to escape it, the more it tightened its grip, clearly under one of the queen's powerful spells. "N- no, no- I- I don't want this- please, free me-" Tears began streaming down your face as you pleaded with Regina, and she stepped towards you, a fake pout on her face. "Aw, you don't want this, my pet?" She asked in a mocking tone. "Well, that's too bad, because I do." The branch between your legs began rubbing against you in a much harsher way when Regina took another step closer, grabbing your chin roughly as she smirked at you. "Oh, you poor thing. Look at you, so pathetic," she cooed, her gentle tone an obvious contrast from everything else that was happening to you in the moment. "Please- pl- please-" you begged once more, but at this point you were unsure of what you wanted, a fire lit deep within you as you began moving your hips against the branch, trying to keep in time with its thrusts. "'Please', what, sweetheart?" She asked in a teasing way, her hand moving from your chin down to your neck before resting on your breastbone. "It sounds to me like you're enjoying what's happening to you." "N- no, I'm not, I- I just-" You felt something other than a branch move against you, something that felt like, for lack of better words, pure magic. It teased your needy hole before plunging up in you, causing you to let out a sound that was something between a shriek and a moan. Regina was relentless with her magic, using it to (pretty roughly) get you off, her eyes never once leaving your face, which you felt burning up from the embarrassment of both what was happening and how much you were enjoying it. Due to the fast and harsh pace of the thrusting, from both her magic and the tree's branch, you came rather quick, your already heightened senses being overstimulated when neither one stopped, even after you'd already cum. Finally, after what felt like decades later, both came to a halt, and you were let go of completely, the physical magic exiting your aching hole as you were unpromptedly dropped by the branches, landing on the dirty ground beneath you. You were exhausted from being overworked sexually, and the fall from the tree to the forest floor certainly didn't help. What made it even worse was when you remembered why you were there in the first place, a sadistic laugh piercing the otherwise quiet forest from the queen above you. "Oh, I wouldn't spend a long time resting down there, pet. After all, we're just getting started. And if you think that was all it took to satisfy my anger, you're dead wrong."
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multifandomfix · 1 year
Regina Mills Yandere Alphabet
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A = Attachment (How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?)
She’ll show affection in spades, but she won’t call it love. But her displays of affection can become quite intense, going so far as to scare you on occasion.
B = Blood (How messy are they willing to get when it comes to you?)
She’ll get messy if she has to, no doubt. But she’ll use it as a warning to you to stay in line.
C = Clingy (Do they require your attention at all times? How do they act when you ignore them?)
She will quickly anger if she doesn’t have your attention when she wants it. She hates when you ignore her.
D = Dependent (Are they codependent? Do they want you to rely solely on them for your care/protection?)
She definitely wants to be your only source of protection. If you turn to anyone else, you’re putting their life on the line.
E = Excess (Would they spoil or pamper you? To what extent?)
She would spoil you for sure. As long as you’ve been good for her that is.
F = Fatal (Would they kill you? Kill for you?)
Regina would almost certainly kill for you, and she’d go as far as to threaten to kill you, with your heart in her hand, but it’s unlikely that she’d go through with it.
G = Give Up (What are they willing to sacrifice for you?)
Nothing. Even if you beg, she won’t give up any of her goals for you. At best she’ll sacrifice a bit of her time to keep you company.
H = Harsh (How do they take to you mouthing off to them or saying something they don’t want to hear?)
She will get right in your face and yell until she forces you to take back whatever you said that angered her. She won’t stand for being sassed.
I = Inseparable (What are they like when you’re not with them? Do they check in on you constantly, or feel lost without you?)
You’re almost always within her reach, so to speak, and she’ll use her mirror to keep tabs on you when you’re not.
J = Jilted (How do they act when met with rejection from you?)
Not well. She’ll just double down her efforts to get you to stop rejecting her.
K = Kidnap (Would they ever abduct you just to have you to themselves for a while?)
Of course. She basically keeps you prisoner in her castle. She’d easily take you away from your normal life just so she had easier access to you.
L = Lines (Do they cross lines with you? What ones? Is it something they know they’re doing?)
Probably, but she never really realizes it, because she doesn’t give you much of a day in boundaries. She just assumes and does what she wants.
M = Manipulation (Would they manipulate you? How? And would you realize that’s what was happening?)
She would, and you would know that’s what’s happening because she uses her sweet voice to get what she wants from you. It’s best for you to listen before it turns to anger.
N = Naive (Do they like you pliant or do they prefer you to challenge them?)
She prefers you pliant, but she isn’t above taming the fight out of you if she has to.
O = Ownership (Do they feel possessive of you? How do they act when you’re around others?)
She’s extremely possessive of you. She hardly lets you around anyone else and when she does, she still keeps a tight leash, so to speak.
P = Petulant (Are they moody? Easy to anger? Or are they patient and forgiving around you?)
She is very easy to anger. She tries to be a bit softer around you, at least to start with, but if you disobey, it doesn’t take much for her to snap.
Q = Quit (Would they quit any of their behaviors for you if you asked?)
Most likely not, unless you were really sweet about it and then maybe she’d make an effort.
R = Rules (Would they have rules for you? Brainwash you? Teach you the right way to be theirs?)
Her primary rule is that you stay in the castle and by her side. She won’t brainwash you. She has enough mindless slaves/servants.
S = Stalker (Would they stalk you? How far would it go?)
She would stalk you, but mainly through her mirror. She’d use a spell to have it track you so she could see you any time she wanted to.
T = Target (What do they wish to do to you? How twisted are their ideals?)
She just wishes to possess you, really. To have you as hers to indulge her wants and needs.
U = Utopia (How much effort do they put into making you happy?)
She has to put in some effort to keep you happy, in order for you not to leave her, so she’ll keep you as content as she can manage.
V = Violence (Would they ever be violent with you?)
Yes. Disobey and she won’t be shy about putting her hand around your neck to give you a warning. She never hits you or anything, but she isn’t afraid of giving you a little scare to keep you in your place.
W = Will (Would they ever do anything against your will?)
Yeah, she would. I mean, she practically keeps you as a pet, not letting you leave the castle.
X = Xoanon (Would they revere or worship you? To what length would they go to win you over?)
She’d definitely want to win you over in the end. If you were head over heels for her, then she’d accomplished her mission, even if she swears she could never feel the same for you.
Y = Yowl (Do they ever make you cry? Do they enjoy your tears?)
She doesn’t enjoy your tears, but she has been known to be the cause of them from time to time.
Z = Zenith (Would they ever break you just so you’d stay with them?)
She’d prefer not to. She doesn’t like to break her toys.
For anon
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Regina Mills: @dancingwith-sunflowers, @riveranddoctorsong123, @the-disorderly-writer, @ladysc, @reginassecretlover, @sarah-paulsons-bottom-lip, @ejcoolgirl, @xscarlettxbelovax, @jona-lea, @iciclesandsnow, @the-bearr, @akeldamasemele, @annalestern, @geekyandgay98, @yetanotherattemptatanaccount, @academiagaymess, @lady-darkswan3
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buttercandy16 · 2 months
Characters I'd write for: (Send in Requests)
Rebecca Ferguson
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Lady Jessica
Rose the Hat
Jenny Lind
Gwendoline Christie
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Larissa Weems
Lucifer Morningstar
Sarah Paulson
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Cordelia Goode
Diane Sherman
Mildred Ratched
Wilhemina Venable
Sally McKenna
Lana Winters
Cate Blanchett
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Lady Galadriel
Lou Miller
Carol Aird
Lydia Tar
Lana Parrilla
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Regina Mills
Rita Castillo
Trina Decker
RE Women
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Lady Alcine Dimitrescu
Mother Miranda
Donna Beneviento
Jessica Lange
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Fiona Goode
Sister Jude
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psapphic95 · 1 year
"Indeed, Regina herself hadn’t even really contemplated what she would have done if Emma had put her in a similar position with an ex of hers, but she knew her response wouldn’t be as tame as her little girl’s tantrum. Emma would never react as Regina would in the same situation; with all guns blazing, weapons, and murderous intent" If possible I would love love love to see a scenario where Regina is like this.
You may need to read You're Mine Now and I'm Yours, Mommy to understand this snippet.
“Mommy, you’re being silly,” Emma scolded lightly, walking into the bedroom with Regina closely behind her. “It’ll just be dinner, it’s not like we’re doing anything untoward.” 
Hot on Emma’s heels, Regina clarified carefully, “You’re going back to Storybrooke for the weekend to meet up for dinner with your old fuck buddy, and I’m the one being silly, Emma?” 
It was almost as though she couldn’t really believe what she was hearing. Had Emma gone mad? Regina was so confused by the news that they were going to be meeting up with Graham when they went back home to Storybrooke for the weekend, which Emma had just casually slipped into conversation during their post-dinner snuggles. In fact, the woman couldn’t even find the mental space to be upset by the fact that Emma was being utterly dismissive and rude by waving her off and walking away in the middle of a conversation. Her mind was too busy trying to comprehend the rather idiotic things that were coming out of her baby’s mouth. 
“Both of us are going back to Storybrooke, first of all,” Emma corrected, as if she had a leg to stand on. “My mom just thinks Graham and I were good friends, he mentioned to her that he hadn’t seen me in a while.” 
Flopping down on their bed and closing her eyes, it was clear that the blonde didn’t want to have an argument with Regina. Emma knew she’d react poorly. It was the reason why she thought she could just drop it into their after-dinner conversation, whilst she was cuddled on the sofa, in the arms of her half-asleep Mommy. 
However, Graham was way more than a sore spot for Regina. He was like an open bullet wound. He was Emma’s first everything; the first one to kiss her beautiful lips, touch her gorgeous body, taste her sweet little cunt…
Regina found that she couldn’t think about those facts for too long without sending herself into psychosis. So of course, when her little girl brought up that man’s name, it was like a shot of adrenaline straight into her veins - it woke her up from her post-dinner slump almost immediately. 
The woman climbed on the bed after the stroppy girl, her own anger building steadily as Emma began acting as if she was the one being irrational. 
Straddling Emma’s hips, Regina successfully pinned the baby girl to their bed. She wasn’t going to allow her to walk away from this conversation. 
“So he asked you to dinner, through your mother, and she agreed on your behalf?” 
Opening her eyes to observe the utterly stormy, unimpressed look that Regina wore as she loomed above her, Emma knew she had to diffuse the situation quickly. Slim hands moved up to rub gently over Mommy’s thighs, slipping under her silk pyjama shorts. Normally, physical contact would calm her Mommy down, but it didn’t seem like it was working this time. 
“He asked both of us to dinner, Mommy,” Emma sighed, like she was exhausted from repeating herself. “I don’t really want to go either, but mom likes to keep literally everyone who holds any type of public office in Storybrooke close and on her side. She’s a people-pleaser.” 
Regina’s hands came down to clasp around Emma’s wrists that rested on her thighs as she fumed, “So, I’m just expected to have wine and polite conversation with the man you opened your slutty little legs for and gave my pussy to after you ran away from me the first time?” 
“Gosh, Mommy stop. It’s not like that—” Emma blushed. 
“With the man who stole your virginity from me?” the unimpressed woman interrupted, lifting Emma’s hands and pinning them above her head. 
“I didn’t know you then!” Emma tried to deflect, but Regina was not having any of it. 
“If you don’t call your mother and tell her that dinner is canceled, you will find yourself with your ankle chained to a bed in Granny’s BnB with my cock stuffing all of your holes for the entire weekend. Do not test me on this,” Regina’s grip around her baby’s wrists tightened. 
“But my mom will just bitch and moan at me if we don’t go for dinner with him,” the little girl whined. “I don’t want to hear her bullshit–” 
“Well, tell your mother that my mother is the fucking Mayor and Graham will find himself out of a job if he even so much as mentions your name again,” Regina’s growled, her nose pressing threateningly close to Emma’s. “And once my mother becomes Senator I’ll have Graham blacklisted from any law enforcement or public sector roles in Maine. Your family isn’t the only one with leverage here, little girl.” 
The blonde squirmed, her pussy becoming slick in her panties as Mommy overpowered her and pinned her down. She knew Regina was in the right - her Mommy’s wishes were more important than her family’s silly networking needs. 
“Okay, Mommy. I’m sorry,” Emma whimpered. “I’ll tell her that dinner is off tomorrow morning.” 
Moving the little girl’s wrists so that she was pinning them both down with only one of her hands, Regina’s free hand began sliding down Emma’s torso to the waistband of her panties. 
“Good girl,” the older woman gave her obedient baby a little peck on her lips, as her fingers slipped into the girl’s cotton panties. “Now, I think Mommy needs to give you a little reminder of who owns this little pussy…”
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bees-writting · 5 months
HIIII- I’m Bee, he/him pronouns and I write for funsies, feel free to ask me anything that doesn’t disrespect the guidelines :)
Here’s the masterlist, it will stay updated : MASTERLIST
This will be updated as I see fit
Here’s the writting run down yall
Homophobia (may be written for storyline purposes but don’t blatantly request it bc you don’t like the gays)
Transphobia (same as above)
Racism (same as above)
Irl serial killers (I knew a girl don’t ask)
Illegal sexual stuff (I’ll write stealing and shit but not the nasty bad stuff like that yk)
No discrimination
No actors themselves (sorry it makes me uncomfy, but you can do characters, or characters played by a specific actor)
No OCs written by other people (I may write one of my OCs occasionally)
I refuse to straightify gay characters (I write mostly mxm anyways, I will gayify straight characters- might be controversial but idc)
No like little minors if that makes sense- like no young Percy Jackson but like teens I’ll write for since most characters are teens
MaleXFemale (Occasionally, mostly a mxm blog)
FemaleXFemale (occasionally, mostly a mxm blog)
Gay characters- (like me)
Trans characters (also like me)
AUs (depending on the AU)
Poly (depending on the characters)
Idk request it and I’ll let you know ig
That’s the basic guidelines both for writting and in general, if you have any questions feel free to ask :)
Here are some current characters I’m willing to write for! - if you want someone from another fandom or a unlisted character feel free to ask if I’ll add them to my list!
Harry Potter Universe
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Barry Crouch Jr (PLEASE I LOVE HIM)
Evan Rosier
Sirius Black
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy
Young Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Jr
Matteo Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Theodore Nott
Teddy Lupin
Newt Scammander
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland- I have a Vendetta against Mr. Maguire)
The Winter Soldier
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Black widow
Peter Maximoff
Young Charles Xavier
There are so many of them so if the person isn’t listed just ask if I’ll do them and I’ll let you know
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Ruby(Red riding hood)
Peter Pan(but not canon like not the whole weird family thing they’ve got goin on)
Tinker bell
Jekyll and Hyde
Knave of hearts
Once Upon A Time (Wonderland)
Knave of hearts
Red Queen
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson- teen version
Nico Di Angelo
Luke Castellian
Leo Valdez
Annabeth Chase
Clarisse La Rue
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Peeta Malark
Johanna Mason
Lucy Gray
Sejanus Plinth
Effie Trincket
Haymitch Abbernathy(?)
The Owl House
Luz Noceda
Amity Blight (only fem.)
Edalyn Clawthorne
Lilith Clawthorne (only platonic she’s AroAce)
Raine Whispers
Emira Blight
Edric Blight
Gus Porter
Night At The Museum
The Flash
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Hartley Rathaway (Male only)
School Bus Graveyard
Aiden Clark
Ben Clark
Five Hargreaves (The Umbrella Academy)
Klaus Hargreaves (The Umbrella Academy)
Willy Wonka (Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, or from Wonka)
Meeks (Dead Poets Society)
Gabriel Boutin (The Bastard Son And The Devil Himself show)
Nathan Byrn (The Bastard Son And The Devil Himself show)
Mike Schmidt (FNAF Movie)
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zamoimagines · 1 year
Cordelia Goode x Reader - next door neighbors plot, fluff (series)
Ally Mayfair Richards x Reader - post breakup plot, angst (oneshot)
Sally McKenna x Reader - breakup plot, angst (oneshot, potential series)
Sally McKenna x Reader - last great american dynasty inspired plot (taylor swift's folklore series)
Someone Else's Baby - Sally McKenna x Billie Dean Howard x Reader (chapter 3)
There's Your Trouble - Wilhemina Venable x Reader (chapter 3)
Nadja x Reader - being hired as nadja's new act, potential smut (oneshot, possible series)
Nadja x Reader - taking care of blood drunk Nadja, fluff/smut (oneshot)
Regina Mills x Reader - arranged marriage plot, angst/fluff/smut (series)
Overall HCs for the women of OUAT (let me know if there are any characters ya'll want me to specifically include!)
Lilith x Reader - being the queen of hell's new pet, heavy smut (oneshot, potential series)
Lilith x Reader - sex dream plot, smut/fluff (oneshot)
Zelda Spellman x Reader - earworm plot, smut/fluff (oneshot)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - yandere plot, smut/angst (potential series)
Ava Coleman x Reader - flirting with the new girl, fluff/flirtation heavy (oneshot, potential series)
Melissa Schemmenti x Reader - having a crush, fluff/smut mentioned (headcanons)
Overall HCS of the women of Abbott
Overall HCS of the women of Ocean's 8
Lou Miller x Reader content (TBD)
Eda Clawthorne x Reader content (TBD)
Diane Sherman x Reader - greta (2018) inspired plot, dark!fic/angst (series)
Wednesday Addams x Reader content (TBD)
Morticia Addams x Reader content (TBD)
Billie Pearce x Reader content (TBD)
Overall HCs of the women of NTEOF
Phillipa Georgiou x Reader content (TBD)
Overall HCs of the women of Discovery (any in particular that ya'll want me to include, please let me know!) DESCENDANTS:
Overall content (TBD)
Disney's ZOMBIES:
Overall content (TBD)
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weemsicallygay · 1 year
get to know the user + writing info
please read. i beg of you, before you request or shit on my profile /pos
first of all, helloOoOo!! so if you're here in my profile, you've probably read my fics about principal larissa weems, or even regina mills (and some other milfs/characters i forgot i wrote for), and y'know, i don't blame you for falling down in this rabbit hole.
my name is nina, short for aranina! it's not my real/legal name (of course) but i do like the name and i'm more comfortable going by it. my pronouns are she/they, but i use them interchangeably! i'm a filipino queer woman who likes to write about women for women (mostly).
now when i say i write about women, i definitely mean *about* women. most of my x-reader fics are written with y/n as a female at default or at least feminine in nature, hence why i use she/her pronouns, because i am more comfortable that way and that's just how i write. i'm not saying that i'm not open to writing using they/them since i've done it before, but until then, i'll need to get used to writing using the latter.
i also do tend to create original characters based on the fandoms i'm in (example: edith sinclair for wednesday, lilith morningstar for ahs, evonne irving for ouat and more that are on my ao3) so hehe.
most of my recent writings are intentionally written in lowercase, i don't really proofread my works that much because i'm lazy as fuck (really that's all there is to it.)
writing info
ah, so you've found my fics. like in any other platforms i write in (wattpad and ao3), i do take requests when i can. granted, i won't be able to finish them soon as they're sent in bc i prefer daydreaming the prompts rather than writing.
i mainly write domestic and fluff since those are my favorites to read about, but i'm also open to other genres and tropes like: - friends to lovers - fake dating - (consensual!!) forced proximity - coffee shop/bookstore aus - high school aus (granted that BOTH the reader and character/s are students or teachers) - royalty aus - age difference (no minors.) - jealousy tropes - enemies/friends with benefits to lovers - hurt/comfort fics
please note that i'm also very open to writing smut, just no degradation. :)
what i am NOT open to write about are the following: - miscommunication trope - cheating tropes - major character death with no happy ending (all good vibes here please) - yandere behavior/stalking tropes - incest - unresolved conflict - de-aged character - any kind of dead dove fics. i just can't.
writing is an outlet for me, writing stuff is just as imaginative and creative for me just as how it is for you reading it. i'm a fellow reader of fanfics of the characters that i write too, so please if you don't like what i write, please just scroll away or some other stuff.
anyway, here's a list of all the people i write for (currently) and plan on making a masterlist for all my fics for: - gwendoline christie and characters - lana parrilla and characters - cate blanchett and characters - miranda otto and characters - michelle gomez and characters
last disclaimer/warning: if you see any of my fics/headcanons on wattpad or archive of our own under the username "deliasgaelle", that's me too LOL. please don't report them or this account for plagiarism 😭 it's been done to me before, so please 😭😭😭
okay that's all <3
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woodandwaxwings · 1 year
Once Upon A Time
Peter Pan
Storytelling (insinuated)
yandere req
Henry Mills
Storytelling (platonic)
Glimpse Of Us
yandere req
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
killian jones request
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We Belong Together
by reginamwandam
Reader is now settling in her new life without Regina and Emma… for a moment.
This story is part of a series, don’t forget to check our Page 23 Plus Me first.
Words: 7617, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Yandere Regina
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), WandaVision (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F
Characters: Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Emma Swan, Wanda Maximoff, Reader
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Reader, Emma Swan/Reader, Wanda Maximoff/Reader, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff/Emma Swan, Emma Swan & Original Female Character(s), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Original Female Character(s), Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood, Wanda Maximoff/Vision
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Drinking, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Lesbian Sex, Lesbian Character, Bisexual Female Character, Cheating, Mental Health Issues, Mental Instability, Mommy Issues, Mommy Kink, yandere regina mills, Yandere, Breeding Kink, Breeding, cum kink, Praise Kink, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Obsession, Stalking, Obsessive Behavior
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/0EQMp6v via IFTTT
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peoplesgraves · 2 years
Can I please request Yandere!Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time) headcanons, please? Thank you!
Yandere Regina Mills Headcanons
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Pre evil queen
•Would be a very easygoing and unassuming yandere. Like she’d never try to lock you up or hurt you. She’d also be very insecure with your relationship, like terrified that her mom will find out and hurt you.
•she really just wants her freedom and to escape her arranged marriage and live happily ever after with you. She spends a lot of time day dreaming about your future. Some take place in a castle bustling with life or a tiny cabin, totally secluded. The only constant is that the two of you are together.
•eventually she’ll do anything to be with the one she truly loves. She learns magic for you, kills the king for you. Regina blackened her heart for you so it’s only fair that you stay with her forever right?
Evil queen
•very different from how she was before. She knows she’s hated and has a lot of enemies so where as before you had all the freedom in the world, now you’re totally locked up. She doesn’t even trust her guards with you so the only people you see would likely be her and her father.
•if you had been her darling before she turned into the evil queen then she’d be a lot kinder. Like you’ve already seen how vulnerable and hurt and kind she truly is so she wouldn’t feel the need to hide it as much. If she met you after becoming the evil queen then it’d be harder. She’d be quicker to anger and more likely to punish you when you’ve tried to escape or something.
•Regina tries very hard to make sure you’re never in the path of her rage. Like even if she’s angry with you or because of you she tries to hold it in and not let you see her in that way. She may be evil but she does love you in her own broken way, she doesn’t want to hurt you.
•Of course Regina makes sure you’d come to storybrook with her. For the most part she’d give you whatever fate you wanted. As long as at the end of the day she gets to come home to you. She feels comfortable giving you your freedom once again because the town is hers, no one is going to save you now.
•I don’t think she’d be cruel enough to leave you aware of what she’s done. Maybe some small, dark part of her wants you to know, to know that you’re trapped and anyone who could help you is gone but she wouldn’t go through with it. She’d make sure you’re happy, that you don’t remember a thing before storybrook.
•She’s perfectly content to live forever in this never changing town. Regina likes the domestic routine that she forced you into. Eventually though she’ll want a little more with you. That’s always been her downfall, her insatiable hunger for more. So she’ll adopt a baby with you and finally she’ll get that happy family she’s always wanted. She won’t let anything take her happy ending from her this time.
“We’ll be together forever…I swear.”
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bloody-cupcakes · 1 year
I could be a better boyfriend than him..
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Kate Bishop
Kate Bishop x yandere/dark reader scenario: you express your displeasure to her laughing at your love letters
Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore x yandere/dark reader scenario: he finds out who you really are
Regina Mills
Yandere/dark Regina Mills x reader scenario: her catching you trying to escape and punishing you for it
Eleventh Doctor
Dark Eleventh Doctor x reader scenario: he scares you into a fit of hysteria by yelling at you
Twelfth Doctor
Yandere/dark! Twelfth Doctor x reader scenario: he visits you in the vault
Thirteenth Doctor
Yandere/dark! Thirteenth Doctor x reader scenario: she force-feeds you when you refuse to eat
Martha Jones
Martha Jones x yandere/dark! Timelord! reader
Missy/Gomez! Master
Yandere/dark Missy/Gomez! Master x reader scenario: she fingers you while you're trying to sleep
Whittaker! Master
Yandere/dark Whittaker! Master x reader scenario: you get caught trying to escape
Yandere/dark Whittaker! Master x reader scenario: after trying to escape, you're forced to make it up to her to avoid punishment
I could do the shit that he never did..
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multiversewrites · 3 years
Yandere Once Upon A Time Masterlist
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♕︎ Yandere Regina Mills / The Evil Queen
🐉 Yandere Maleficent
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yanderewriter · 3 years
Hi, welcome to my blog ! This is going to be a writing blog, mainly yandere stories but not exclusively, and I’ll write both reader inserts and ships. Feel free to give me asks ! Here are the fandoms and characters/ships I’m writing for currently, to be updated later (canonically underage characters are always aged up, unless specified otherwise, but I'll make sure to tag any and all potentially triggering content appropriately) :
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia :
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Shigaraki Tomura
Midoriya Izuku
Shinsou Hitoshi
Todoroki Shouto
Kaminari Denki
Bakugou Katsuki
Yaoyorozu Momo
Erasermic (Aizawa/Hizashi)
Eraserdust (Aizawa/Shigaraki)
Aizawa/Shinsou (Honestly pretty much Aizawa/everyone)
Death Note :
Jennifer’s Body :
Jennifer Check
Victorious :
Jade West
Hazbin Hotel :
Descendants :
Once Upon A Time :
Mad Hatter/Jefferson
Evil Queen/Regina Mills
Captain Hook/Killian Hook
The Umbrella Academy :
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Overwatch :
Soldier 76/Jack Morrison
Jesse McCree
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes
Moira O’Deorain
Widowmaker/Amélie Lacroix
True Education/Get Schooled (manhwa) :
Hwa-Jin Na
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psapphic95 · 2 years
How would Regina react to Emma getting hurt? Just in general (car accident, fall down the steps, stuff like that). I’m just curious if she would be able to reign in her overprotective doting mommy side or if it would be like x1000
Good question! I think the way Regina reacts to Emma hurting herself depends on the situation and Emma’s own reaction to being hurt. If you’ve read ‘I’m Fine, I Promise’ in Mine Forever, you can see that if Regina can see that Emma is mostly okay, she doesn’t feel the need to be too serious and protective.
For minor bumps and injuries, like if Emma cuts herself while chopping vegetables or stubs her toe, she always becomes really over dramatic and overly whiny and demands that Regina kiss whichever body part she has injured.
Regina finds it funny and so very cute, especially when Emma tells her, “stop laughing, it hurts!”
Regina will, of course, kiss the injury but she’ll also give Emma a quick spank and tell her to “get over it, princess,” which Emma does begrudgingly with a grumpy little expression.
The strange thing about Emma is that when she has a minor injury she is so theatrical and wants all of her Mommy’s attention. However, when she’s actually injured, like something is seriously wrong, she normally wants to keep it quiet and sometimes doesn’t even want to tell Regina because she knows that she will just worry herself to death. A couple of times Emma has been seriously hurt or her health is declining due to not eating enough, stress etc, Regina becomes super serious protective Mama Bear. We’ll see more of this in a chapter's time.
Not long after You're Mine Too, Mommy, Emma fell off her bike because she cycled home drunk. She broke her little finger, and the bruises on her face and body made her look like she'd been jumped by Mike Tyson. When Regina got a call from the ER, her heart nearly collapsed in her chest. The fact that Emma didn't think it was a big deal made it even worse. Regina didn't know whether she was more furious at Emma's irresponsible behaviour or relieved that her baby was mostly okay. It scared her to be confronted with even the potential that her Emma could be taken away from her by some act of fate.
Needless to say, whenever Emma would try to make light of the situation, she'd receive the most severe glare from her Mommy that made her mouth immediately clamp shut. There was nothing that Regina found remotely funny about the situation. She was quiet as they waited for Emma to be discharged, considering how long she could viably lock Emma in their house without being arrested for false imprisonment.
As soon as they arrived home, and Regina was able to undress Emma and see the extent of the bruising, she was livid.
Positioning Emma in front of the mirror so the blonde could understand the damage she had done to herself, Regina stood behind the naked, broken girl. Running her hands all over her, taking stock of where Emma would hiss in pain after Mommy touched a certain body part.
Regina despised it.
“This body is not yours to destroy Emma,” Mommy whispered into Emma’s ear, her voice low and menacing. “You will take care of my property, am I understood?”
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multifandomfix · 6 years
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Archie Hopper
Having Magic And Dating Archie Hopper Would Include
Imagine Archie waking you up from a sleeping curse.
Imagine being a dog walker and bumping into Archie Hopper while he’s walking Pongo.
Cora Mills
Cruella DeVil
Killian Jones
Being A Fairy And Having A Relationship With Killian Jones Would Include
Maleficent Being Protective Of You Would Include
Imagine Maleficent catching you trying to flee your castle.
Regina Mills
Regina Mills Angst Alphabet
Regina Mills Smut Alphabet
Regina Mills Yandere Alphabet
Jealous Regina Mills Would Include
Imagine coming to the Evil Queen when you’ve been outcasted by your village because your feelings for her had been found out.
Imagine fainting in Regina's arms.
Imagine trying to get Regina into the holiday spirit.
Imagine getting kidnapped when trying to help Regina save Henry.
Victoria Belfrey
Zelena Mills
Zelena Mills Yandere Alphabet
Being Cursed As An Ogre And Falling In Love With Zelena Would Include
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Regina/Maleficent/Reader (DragonQueen x Reader)
Regina/Regina/Reader (MayorQueen x Reader)
Regina/Zelena/Reader (WickedQueen x Reader)
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How They React To You Getting Hurt
How They React When You Tell Them You Love Them
The Moment They Knew You Were Their Happy Ending
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a-mcnarchparty · 5 years
Mobile Muse List
For Mobile users! [ Updated ] 
            *C/D Means Canon Divergent 
Milo Murphy’s Law
Milo Murphy 
Melissa Chase
Zack Underwood 
Vinnie Dakota
Camp Camp
Tangled: The Series
Miraculous Ladybug 
Marinette Dupain Cheng
Lila Rossi/Volpina
Nino Lahiffe
Alya Cesaire
C/D Adrien Agreste
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Chloe Bourgeois
          (Both sides of these characters are on this blog!)
Peter Pan
Merida DunBroch
Elsa of Arendelle 
Belle French
Emma Swan
Killian “Roger” Jones (Nook)
Queen Regina
Henry Mills
Jim Hawkins
Marco Diaz
C/D Connor Murphy
Jeremy Heere
Trolls: The Beat Goes On
Archer / Kaboom
Steven Universe 
Steven Universe
Pink Diamond
Stella/S/Mystery Girl
Lars Barriga
Ever After High
Darling Charming
Alistair Wonderland
Apple White
Video Games
Inigo (Skyrim)
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
Gregg Lee (Night in the Woods)
Ayano Aishi (Yandere Simulator)
Kara (Detroit)
Alice (Detroit)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ty Lee
Smeller Bee
Jack Frost
C/D Pidge Holt
Norman Babcock
Coraline Jones
Jack and The Cuckoo Clock Heart
Jack Madelene
Into the SpiderVerse
Miles Morales
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