#ouat fic
bloody-cupcakes · 1 year
dark Regina/evil queen who kidnaps the reader to keep as a cute little pet, and punishes you when she finds you're trying to escape~
Tw: yandere/dark content, kidnapping, noncon/dubcon, nsfw/smut, mean fem dom, gender neutral/genitalia not specified
You'd been taken by Regina one day after she saw you taking a walk in the forest near your home. You hated having to stay with her, so everyday you did your best to escape from her palace, the prison she insisted you call 'home'.
She thought it was adorable how often you'd try to escape, honest. Never once did she consider the possibility that you might actually get away, and even if you did, she wasn't that worried. Between her magic and the several guards she had under her employ, nothing and no one would keep you away from her.
So imagine her frustration and disbelief when one day you did manage to escape, having gotten help from one of the kinder guards who hated having to see you locked up like that. To say she was furious was an understatement, as she had the guard in question tortured until they finally gave up your last known location: the woods near the palace.
She immediately set off after you, wanting to be the one to find you herself so she could have the pleasure of punishing you for your misdeeds, and once she did, let's just say she wasn't too kind.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." You freeze, having been caught by Regina trying to climb up a tree as a means of escape. Before you could say anything, the branches from that very tree latched itself around your torso and limbs, bringing you down to face the Evil Queen herself. "So, you think you can run away with the help from one of your little friends, and I won't notice? You think I wouldn't find you, hm? Think I'm too stupid to know where to look?" "I- n- no, that's not it at all- please, please just let me go-" you begged, tears forming in your eyes as you wondered what sort of things she had in store for you. "Let you go?" She tilted her head while staring at you menacingly. "Now, why on earth would I ever do that?" As she's speaking, you can feel one of the branches from the tree start to rub against your crotch, and you let out a surprised gasp, flailing around as you tried to break free from its hold, but it was no use. It fact, the more you tried to escape it, the more it tightened its grip, clearly under one of the queen's powerful spells. "N- no, no- I- I don't want this- please, free me-" Tears began streaming down your face as you pleaded with Regina, and she stepped towards you, a fake pout on her face. "Aw, you don't want this, my pet?" She asked in a mocking tone. "Well, that's too bad, because I do." The branch between your legs began rubbing against you in a much harsher way when Regina took another step closer, grabbing your chin roughly as she smirked at you. "Oh, you poor thing. Look at you, so pathetic," she cooed, her gentle tone an obvious contrast from everything else that was happening to you in the moment. "Please- pl- please-" you begged once more, but at this point you were unsure of what you wanted, a fire lit deep within you as you began moving your hips against the branch, trying to keep in time with its thrusts. "'Please', what, sweetheart?" She asked in a teasing way, her hand moving from your chin down to your neck before resting on your breastbone. "It sounds to me like you're enjoying what's happening to you." "N- no, I'm not, I- I just-" You felt something other than a branch move against you, something that felt like, for lack of better words, pure magic. It teased your needy hole before plunging up in you, causing you to let out a sound that was something between a shriek and a moan. Regina was relentless with her magic, using it to (pretty roughly) get you off, her eyes never once leaving your face, which you felt burning up from the embarrassment of both what was happening and how much you were enjoying it. Due to the fast and harsh pace of the thrusting, from both her magic and the tree's branch, you came rather quick, your already heightened senses being overstimulated when neither one stopped, even after you'd already cum. Finally, after what felt like decades later, both came to a halt, and you were let go of completely, the physical magic exiting your aching hole as you were unpromptedly dropped by the branches, landing on the dirty ground beneath you. You were exhausted from being overworked sexually, and the fall from the tree to the forest floor certainly didn't help. What made it even worse was when you remembered why you were there in the first place, a sadistic laugh piercing the otherwise quiet forest from the queen above you. "Oh, I wouldn't spend a long time resting down there, pet. After all, we're just getting started. And if you think that was all it took to satisfy my anger, you're dead wrong."
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mx-loar-tev · 4 months
Okay, I'm back after all, I had to share that scene I had in my head.
So there was that post I reblogged and I couldn't help but turn it into swanqueen.
I just can't help seeing Emma and Regina making out in the kitchen. They hear the door open, and they panic because they are not out, not even to Henry.
Regina shoves Emma into the nearest hiding place, the pantry. Henry enters the kitchen and greats her mom. Small talks ensue.
Henry goes to the pantry to grab a snack. Regina can't find a excuse quickly enough to stop him. He opens the door and peeks inside.
"Hi Ma."
"Hi Henry."
He rummaged through the shelves for his favorite snack.
"You're not too cramped in here?" asks Henry.
"Nah. It's roomy. I think I gonna move in."
Henry beams, but it's not clear if it's about the idea of his birth mother living under the same roof or if it's because he finally found the right snack.
"Got lots of homework to do, gotta go. Bye Ma!"
"Bye Henry?"
Henry emerges of the pantry at last. Regina is still stock-still in the middle of the kitchen. She can't even warn her son against putting crumbs everywhere.
After a minute, Regina finally gains back the controle of her own body and goes into the pantry.
"So... He knows. He must know, right?"
"I thought he would be more surprised."
"Maybe we should still sit him down and talk to him about... Us."
"Yes, we should do that before I move in."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"You didn't hear? This pantry is roomy and confy, I think I'll be fine here."
"Why live in this shoe box of a pantry when I have a queen sized bed?"
"Is it an invitation, Madam Mayor?"
"The requirement for being a denizen of my bedroom is a kiss every morning. Starting now."
"I think I can manage that."
"Welcome home, Emma."
I think the same setting would be fun at the loft with Snow. Would Snow would be shell-shocked or would she act like it was a long time coming?
I like the idea of her going "Hi Regina, bye Regina!... Wait..."
The closet is such an underrated trope tbh.
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bytherosebushlaughing · 2 months
one fine star away (2/?)
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PAIRING: Swanqueen
The relationship between Emma Swan and Regina Mills has been subject of much speculation since hit television series "Once Upon A Time" ended abruptly in the 80s. No one knows for certain what happened between the two actresses. Rookie journalist and writer Henry has loved "Once Upon A Time" for years, and like the rest of the world, has been dying to know the truth behind the end of his favorite show. With rumors of a cast reunion for the first time in decades circulating, Henry is thrust into the opportunity of a lifetime—a chance to write an exclusive tell-all article about Emma's time on the show and the truth about her relationship with Regina.
NOTES: Loosely based on "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid.
They’d both had some great success after the shows end, becoming A-listers in their own rite, but Regina had taken a step back from the spotlight at the end of the nineties to focus more on producing and directing, following in the footsteps of her mother. Emma was still acting, but her roles seemed to have slowed in recent years. 
One thing’s for certain—there was so much behind-the-scenes drama from the cast, that this reunion was bound to be interesting and revealing in many ways. While subsets of the cast had remained close over the years, all of the drama between them had certainly tarnished some relationships. And here Henry was, about to be at the center of it all.
I’m really going to have my work cut out for me.
Read more on AO3!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 8 months
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kazzy's fanfic moodboards: open to interpretation
emma swan is appalled at works by modern artist killian jones- until a handsome stranger convinces her otherwise- and after introducing himself as the artist in question, he invites her out on a date. as their relationship develops, they find that they might not be as different from each other as originally thought.
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pirateswhore · 9 months
In the aftermath, I'll hold you
in the aftermath of Emma taking on the darkness, Killian is the only one to comfort Henry.
Aka, these two just want their family back together
+ a little post s5 finale comfort to finish it off
Read on ao3 || Read below the line:
"What do you mean she's gone?" Henry grit his teeth, eyes darting across the adults standing in a circle around him.
He was told to go back to the apartment. That they would sort everything out and be home for hot cocoa.
The group did come home, his mum noticeably missing, everyone's heads hung low. Everyone avoided looking him in the eyes, even Hook. Eventually, his other mother had explained what happened.
"Henry..." his grandmother pleaded, reaching for his hand. Henry flinched, taking a step away from her.
"Answer me! What do you mean she's gone!"
"We told you, Henry, the darkness took her," his mother repeated her earlier words.
"Took her where!?" he snapped at her, eyes blown wide with tears stinging at the corners.
A moment of silence fell upon the apartment as everyone, once again, averted their eyes from Henry.
"Why won't no one tell me what happened to my mum?" he choked out, turning to Killian. The man was standing slightly behind Henry, off to David's side. His hook was dropped to the side, arm holding loosely to his belt. He lifted his head and looked at Henry. Brown locked with blue, and Henry saw his emotions reflected on Killian's face - fear, trepidation, agony.
Regina walked towards him, extending her arms out, to hug or otherwise hold him, but Henry slapped them away and cried out at her.
"Don't touch me right now!"
"Henry! Do not talk to your mother like that!" David cut in, fist slamming on the counter. Everyone in the room jumped, and Henry choked up a sob.
"Aye! Stop it, everyone!" Killian laid his hand on the prince's shoulder, trying to ease the storm currently brewing in the room. "We're all stressed and yelling won't help anyone." He turned to Henry, eyes weighed with unshed tears. He took a step towards Henry and the boy didn't move back.
"Lad, your mother took on the darkness, and it engulfed her. When the smoke subsided, she was gone, and all that was left was the dagger with her name on it. That's all we know."
Henry sniffled.
"Have you tried using the dagger to call her?" he asked, ashamed that he even thought of controlling his mother like that.
"Hook tried. She's not in this realm, as it didn't work." Regina stated. A muscle in Henry's jaw clenched.
"So he's the only one that even tried looking for her?"
"Henry!" his grandmother jumped, clearly offended at his statement.
"Don't Henry me! You should be out there looking for her! She's probably scared and alone, but none of you care!"
Mary Margaret glanced over at Regina, but said nothing.
"You never cared about her! You sent her away and I had to find her! When Pan's curse separated us, you didn't come looking, you went about your lives as if we didn't exist. It was Hook who came for us, and it wasn't even you who sent him!"
"I don't think Hook is a role-model for good behaviour." David sneered, shaking the pirate's hand off of his shoulder. Henry grit his teeth at the statement.
"At least he cares about her. You named your second kid after the man that hurt her! Do you even know what he did to her? And now she has to hear his name every day?"
His chest was heaving, angry tears rolling down his cheeks. He took a deep breath to steady himself.
"You never cared. She keeps breaking her back to help everyone else, but no one has ever tried to help her. She was left alone."
Regina shot him a glare. "Need I remind you that she left you as well?"
"She was a kid! Did you forget she was almost my age when she had me? She didn't have her mother there for comfort." Henry sniffed again, the words burning his throat. "And now neither do I."
He turned and buried himself in Hook's arms, head pressed into his chest as he let the sobs break from his own.
"Henry Daniel Mills!" Regina moved towards the two of them, brows furrowed in rage, but Hook shook his head and extended his namesake to stop her.
He turned him and Henry around, his back to the rest of the group. His arms came around the boy, hand stroking his soft brown hair. He held him for several long moments, until Henry's breathing evened out and his shaking sobs subsided. His arms were still gripping tightly to the lapels of Hook's jacket. Hook kissed the top of his head and whispered slowly.
"I know you miss your mother. I do too. But we won't do her any good if we run around town until we drop from exhaustion. We need rest," he tipped the lad's head up with his hook, "you need rest. We can make a plan in the morning and set right on finding her. Alright?"
Henry nodded, sighed, and rested his head back against his chest.
After a few more moments of silence, Regina spoke again.
"Well. The pirate's right with one thing, we should go to sleep now." She picked up her coat from the rack and looked over at Henry. "Coming?"
He shook his head. "I'm staying here."
Regina whispered "Suit yourself," and bid the others goodnight before leaving with Robin.
Henry stayed in Hook's arms for a little while longer, holding onto him as the rest of the world fell apart around him. His head was spinning, his legs and arms felt heavy, and there was a growing pit in his stomach. Eventually, Hook took a step back, arm and hook braced on Henry's shoulders.
"Let's get you to bed, lad. You're tired."
Henry just nodded, not wanting to fight back, and made his way upstairs. He changed into his pyjamas and crawled into the twin bed that was shoved into the corner of the room. He knew he wouldn't get much sleep, as tired as he was. He heard hushed whispers coming from below, but could only make out a few words.
"Let the boy be," Hook said, "he just lost his mother."
"That doesn't give him the right to speak to us like that." David pushed back, annoyance clear in his voice.
A moment passed.
"He was right, you know. About everything." Mary Margaret finally joined in. "Emma was alone all her life. We never made an effort to make up for that, we thought it was clear we were sorry, but now I know she needed more from us."
They continued their conversation, but Henry couldn't make out anything coherent past that. Eventually, someone stood up and made their way to the front door.
"I best be on my way," Hook said, "it's getting rather late."
"You should stay. Emma wouldn't want you alone on your ship"
Another moment of silence passed. Henry heard movement down stairs, and soon Hook was making his way up the stairs.
"Lad?" he whispered out once he reached the landing.
"I'm awake."
Hook sighed, and made his way to the main bed. He didn't say anything else, but Henry could tell he wasn't asleep. His breathing was too quick and shallow, uneven at times.
Hook taught him how to tell the difference between awake and asleep breathing. "Useful for checking if an enemy is open to a sneak attack," he'd said.
Henry stood and made his way to the corner of his mum's bed.
"Killian?" he called. Killian turned his head, eyebrow quirked up. Henry shuffled his feet. "Can I sleep with you tonight? While in New York, whenever I was upset, she'd let me cuddle with her."
Killian said nothing, simply pulled back the comforter and patted the bed next to him. Henry crawled in, laying face to face with him. They stayed like that for some time, neither speaking.
He liked Killian. He liked how relaxed he was around him, and often it seemed he was the only one that didn't baby Henry. And he tried to build a relationship with him, even outside his relationship with his mum. Killian was fun, he made his mum happy and he was always kind to Henry. The trio's weekly lunches at Granny's were one of the things Henry looked forward to the most. It felt right, the three of them together.
Henry didn't understand why everyone was so dismissive of Killian all the time. Yes, he'd done some bad things, but so did his other mother? And everyone seemed to forgive her easily. He was trying, but no-one except Emma ever supported him.
"We'll find her," Killian said eventually, "I promise you, lad.
Henry shifted, closer to Killian. He rolled onto his back and Henry set his head on his chest, knees tucked up to his chest. Killian's arm came around Henry, resting on the back of his head.
"I know, I know, I'm just..." Henry took a breath to steady himself. "I'm sorry about earlier, a lot of what I said was uncalled for."
"It's okay, lad. It's a stressful situation. I don't think anyone will hold it over you," Killian comforted.
"Thank you for being here. I know you and I can find her. We found her once already, in the alternate storybook. We can do it again."
"Aye. The three of us make quite the team, you know." He threaded his fingers through Henry's hair, in the same soothing motion his mother often used.
"Like a real family does." Henry couldn't see Killian's face, but he knew that the word had prompted a wide smile on it. Family. The three of them, together, against the world. He wasn't opposed to Killian being his step-dad. He's been acting like one already, picking him up from school when neither of his mums could, helping with homework, taking care of him. Henry has never had a father figure before, and Killian was as close as he'd ever get.
"Henry?" he whispered after a while. Henry hummed in response.
"I've been thinking. Well, your mother and I had been talking. We want to find a place for us." He looked down at Henry. "All three of us."
"Like an apartment?"
"Like a house. Maybe we could... Maybe we could find one she'd like? So we can surprise her when this mess is sorted?"
Henry propped himself up on his elbows. His face lit up. "Yes! It could be an operation!" He thought about a name for a moment. "Operation: Light Swan?"
Killian chuckled. "Sounds perfect."
They laid back down, snuggled more closely together now. They listed the features they would look for in their future home. It had to be near the ocean, have a big yard, and an open floor plan.
"How many bedrooms?" Killian's cheek and ear tips burned at the question.
"We, uh. Your mother and I never discussed that topic."
"I'm sure she'd be open to the idea."
"Mhm. I can see how she looks at you when you're around me or baby Neal."
Killian smiled at that. "Well I'm sure that a few extra bedrooms wouldn't hurt."
The conversation continued, the excitement over the future easing the pain they both felt. Henry soon felt his eyelids drop, the drum of Killian's heart a low, steady rhythm under his ear. He was stroking his shoulder, drawing nonsense shapes into it with his fingers. Henry drifted off to sleep in Killian's arms, certain that the two of them would take the Darkness out of Emma.
And then they could finally be a family.
"It's rather late," Emma yawned out, "we should go to bed.
They were sitting on the couch, all next to one another. The couch had more than enough room for them to sprawl out, but they all snuggled into the corner, Emma's back to Killian's chest, arms wrapped around Henry.
They came home from Granny's hours ago, having bid goodbye to the rest of the group. There was so much to be said between them, so much had happened, and none of them wanted to move on without addressing it properly.
Emma's Darkness. What she did to Henry and Killian. Why she pushed them away. Killian's Darkness. The betrayal he felt when no one believed he could fight it. His sacrifice. The race to get him back. The heartbreak Emma and Henry felt when he couldn't come with them. Henry's trip to New York and why he wanted to destroy magic.
They talked for hours, breaking down each and every wall that was still standing between them. Lots of emotions followed with tears, apologies, and hugs.
Henry stretched out, yawning. "Uh-huh. I'm sleepy."
They made their way upstairs, staying close together. They were reluctant to take their eyes off of each other, after being separated so many times already.
The master bedroom was the first bedroom to the left of the stair landing, and Henry's was across the hallway. He stopped, halfway in between the two bedroom doors, and turned to his mum and Killian.
"Hey," he said before they could even open the door. "Can I, can I sleep with you two?"
The two adults shared a confused look between them.
"I know, I'm 13 now, and I should sleep on my own, but..." he shook his head as memories of the past couple of months came flooding back once again. "Mum, I almost lost you to the darkness. And we just barely managed to drag Killian back from the dead. Surely I should be allowed to be a little clingy?"
Emma smiled at him. "After what we've been through, we're allowed to be as clingy as we want to be."
They went about their regular sleep time routine. Changing into pyjamas, brushing their teeth, the usual. Emma went to fetch an extra pillow for Henry, and Killian fiddled nervously with the brace in his arm.
"You can take it off. I don't mind." Henry had never actually seen Killian's scar, and a part of him was curious as to what it looked like. The one time they shared a bed before, after mum was taken, it was dark and Killian had kept the arm tucked under the pillow. He didn't see Killian any differently because of it - the teenager in him saw the hook as completely badass - but he knew that was a sensitive topic for him, so he never pressed him on it.
Killian looked at him, and his features softened. He undid the straps keeping the brace tight, and slid it off of his forearm.
Henry didn't stare much, not wanting to make Killian uncomfortable. The scar was mostly faded, and apart from it, his lower arm was devoid of any other distinguishing markings, including tattoos. A stark contrast compared to the rest of his body. Henry wanted to ask about the tattoos and the scars, the stories behind them, what they meant, and how he got them. Another time, he thought, there's no rush now.
Emma came back with the pillow, and the three of them climbed into bed. Killian was on the right side of the bed, leaning partially on his side. Henry cuddled into him, head tucked into the crook of his neck. Emma threw her arm around him, pulling herself close. Killian's scarred arm was wound beneath the two of them, the fingers of his other arm tangled with Emma's.
"Everyone comfy?" she asked.
"What if I told you I need to relieve myself, love?" Killian teased.
"Then I would send you right back to Hell."
"Underworld, technically." Henry and Killian corrected in unison, and the three of them burst out laughing.
This is good. This is how it was always meant to be. The three of them, together, happy, with their whole future in front of them. Henry sighed.
"You good, kiddo?"
"I'm happy."
Sleep took them swiftly, the last few weeks (months, really) having left their bodies desperate for rest.
Nothing would separate the Saviour, her pirate, and their son ever again.
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shady-swan-jones · 2 months
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Untie Me | captain swan fic | office romance | mature | 1/5 | 1.3k | in progress
“How about italian?” And thus it begins, without ceremony or preamble. The work day ends, dragging the last poor souls into overstaffed trains and bouncy buses and Killian swings by her office waiting for her to gather her things and they go to dinner.
It becomes their unspoken tradition. Until he leaves.
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thewxtchwhowrites · 9 months
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Hi 💖✨
I'm back after a long time of being a silent reader of one-shots and fics (I have some of them that I would love to recommend), and also thanks to those authors for making wonderful works.
That led me to the conclusion of making my own Masterlist of my one-shots and fics, mainly to have more order in my blog and because I really want to write again because I LOVE to write.
🔥 = smut
(ES) = español
(EN) = english
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Dean Winchester
Don't Boss me around - 1 & 2
Hold On
Sam Winchester
Positions - Old and New version
Lucid Dreaming - One Shot
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Bucky Barnes
Bus Stop (EN)
The winner takes it all
Healed (requested)
Loki Laufeyson (soon)
Steven Grant (soon)
Marc Spector (soon)
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Eddie Munson
Hit the Pedal, Heavy Metal - 1 & 2
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Lee Bodecker (soon)
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Charles Blackwood (soon)
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Jefferson Hatter (soon)
Graham (soon)
Hook / Killian Jones (soon)
August Booth / Pinocchio (soon)
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Nick Fowler
Dangerous Woman
PD: I'll probably re-write some one-shots (improve grammar and even plot, so stay tuned), but don't worry, I won't delete the original.
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ask-missparker · 4 months
Nice to meet you, where’ve you been? / Once Upon A Time AU fic ⚔️
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—> Inspired by the Pilot episode of the series to give a quick glimpse of our characters, well some of them.
Summary: In Fighter-Town, Maine everyone is cursed to believe they are normal people. However there are certain things that are left unclear and to be discussed. So Riley and Belladonna, are on the case suggesting if a change would start to stir things up?
Context: Riley is the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood (Rick Banner) and Belladonna is the biological daughter of Ethan & adopted daughter of Liane
Pairings: Snow!Amelia x Charming!Nikolai, Prince of Hearts!Ethan x Maleficent!Liane, Red!Rick x Huntress!Luna
Note: I changed some last names cause of the curse lol
It was the late afternoon in Boston, as the dimly lit apartment shined with beer bottles and the sound GTA video game playing in the background, as Ethan lay across the couch. He had a week off from work and wanted to enjoy it when suddenly there was a knock on his door, as he stood up to answer it.
Once he opened it, he was met with a short tan Latina with bangs and a black coat. She held a serious face, raising an eyebrow as she held her hands behind her back and asked, “Are you Ethan Long?
“Yes? Are you here for something?” He replies, holding the doorknob.
“You’re smarter than you look. I’m Belladonna, you’re daughter.”
She didn’t give him a moment to collect his thoughts as she walked inside the apartment hearing him saying a couple of things. She sighed and turned around to ask, “More than a few years ago you gave up a baby girl for adoption and that was me. And no, I’m not here for money. It’s not worth it.”
“So why are you here? Where are your parents?” He asked narrowing his eyes, picking up his cell phone.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’ll tell them you kidnapped me if you call the cops.”
“And they’ll believe you cause I’m your birth father. Clever. What do you want?”
“I need you to take me downtown to an address, to pick someone, and then I want you to come home with me.”
“You’re good, real good. Look you’re not going anywhere expect the police station because I can tell your lying.”
“I ain’t. Don’t call the police, just come home with me and then you’ll never want to leave.”
“Why’s that?”
“My town has one of the best diners in Maine.”
“Alright let’s go.”
After a short ride downtown, Ethan stopped at a apartment building and watched his daughter get out of the car. Belladonna looked at her watch, as she knocked at the door of the apartment knowing time was ticking and Riley wouldn’t hold them occupied forever. She sighed and waited to notice a tall teenager around 2 years old than her opened the door.
He raised an eyebrow and looked around the hallway for a moment before facing her. He was confused not recognizing her from anywhere as a shiver of fear came into his spine, he’s been on the run for a few months now trying to lay low wondering if the agency sent her here.
“Hey eyes over here, dude.” Said Belleadonna with a short half smile, trying to be kind here.
“Look, I uh, don’t want to cause an trouble here..” He replied, as he tried to regain his composure quickly.
“Good to here. I just want to give you something and then ask you a few questions.”
“Are they drugs?”
“No. Do I look like a pothead to you?”
She opened her black bag and handed him a note. It said ‘Baby boy left the doorstep of a adoption house. I know who you are but you need to trust me.’, referring to Joshua Nolan’s small new article within the small note. He awkwardly stood there eyeing the young girl who seemed to know more than she lead on.
“What is going on?” He asked, leading her inside his small rental apartment that belonged to a friend of his.
She glanced over the place and responded, “Do you believe in fairytales Mr. Nolan?”
“I read my fair share of them. Why?”
“What if I told you there is more to the tales.”
“Okay I’ll bite. I spend my life watching tv and movies, anything to escape reality.”
“Then you’re coming with me.”
He raised an eyebrow, “I’m sorry?”
“You’re living on your own and you just said, you rather escape this time. So either you come with me or you’ll regret it.” She commented with a serious tone, “Names Belladonna, and your Joshua Nolan. We’re very different yet but somehow alike. There’s a place called Fighter-Town, in Maine, where I’m from and you’re welcome to come with me on the fact that you’re from there.”
“From there how?”
“Our parents used to be friends but then some stuff happened and well..here we are.”
“My parents are gone.”
“That’s what they want you to believe. Eh, well not all parents are the best..but do you believe in the case of hope in what I’m saying?”
“…yes? Don’t take this for granted, Belladonna, but, you’ll always want your parents around even if they aren’t the best..”
They were silent for a moment. Belladonna wasn’t one for sympathy but she could tell he was alone for a good part of his life, as she stayed nodding. Telling him to grab his coat as she explained along the way down to her birth father’s car a few of things as the young teen just hummed in response.
Ethan was a little more than surprised that he had 2 teenagers in his car, driving them to Maine but he just shrugged what else could he lose? To be honest, it wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to him that week. Belladonna held onto a copy of her book, as Ethan asked what is it in her hand as she bluntly that they are fairytale. It may sound stupid but it’s true, the whole town where they are going to is unlike any other because of the secrets they hold. Joshua heard her the whole time and wondered a few things but stayed silent.
“You got problems kid.” Ethan said driving with a small chuckle.
She nods and adds, “Yeah, well, we all do. And you’re gonna fix ‘em.”
Meanwhile in Fighter-Town, Liane was pacing back and forth between the front yard of her home. Rick was watching her, sitting on the couch with his daughter who was pretending to mind her own business but he knew Riley was covering for Belladonna. The town sheriff, Erik, was trying to calm her down asking for answers but got nothing in return.
“How could she do that? Just run off and not say anything!” Liane said stopped in her tracks when the sheiff put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a mini glare, “..sorry. Where could she have gone?”
Erik rolled his eyes and scoffed, “She’s a teenager, Felton. They rebel more than most.”
Riley was playing with her nails and shrugged, “..maybe she’s at the library. We all know she loves to read.”
Rick scoffed with a half hearted comment, “Sweetie, your not helping. You kids are always up to something, for the 8th time where is Belladonna?”
“I’m right here..” They all turned around hearing the young brunette voice, being accompanied by Ethan standing on the sidewalk with Joshua who was playing with the pieces of paper in his pockets.
Liane ran up to them, almost breaking her kitten heel and pulled her daughter into a hug as the young brunette have her a pat on the back calling her mother dramatic. Liane asked, “What happened?! Where did you go? I was worried sick..”
“I found my birth father..and a uh, pen pal.” Belladonna repiled, glances over her shoulder to look at Joshua and then nods at Riley.
“Y-your Bella’s birth father?”
Ethan half smiled and shrugged sheepishly, “Hi.”
Rick was looking at the young boy who was mentioned to be a pen pal raising an eyebrow. Erik looked at Ethan and felt something striking familiar wash over him but couldn’t place it as he said, “Hey. Uh, how about I take Belladonna inside then go about my rounds? I’m Erik Lawson by the way.”
Ethan nodded, “Ethan Long sir, nice to meet ya. And this is uh, Joshua.”
Liane eyed the guy for a moment, something shifted in the way he presented himself as she smiled, “Well thank you for bringing her back, I guess. Would you like to come inside? Get a drink?”
The two eyes met as the man nodded following her and the sheriff inside the the house.
However. Joshua waved shyly with a grin, he bounced around foster home to foster home before meeting a lot of people but his confidence wasn’t ever this low, he was mainly trying to take it all in. He glanced at Rick who was eyeing him for a long moment, as if he was suspicious of the young boy.
The young brunette straighten up and gave a small smile, “Hey. She came all this way to meet me I guess..I thought it was best Belladonna went home..”
Rick could tell he was being somewhat honest and asked, “You agreed to come along to see her come home? What’s in it for you kid?”
“N-no, nothing sir..I have nowhere else to go and she uh kinda invited me..”
“I have a bit of a superpower, we can call it that, I can tell when a kid is lying. Why are you really here?”
“Like I said, I have nowhere else to go, living on my own with a old friend..and it’s been a weird night.”
Rick wasn’t just a father but a teacher, he has seen students of all kind walk in and out his doorstep to his classroom. By the look in the young brunette’s eyes and how odd his daughter has been acting, he could tell they wanted to be cautious yet kind to him. This kid was alone but yet he doesn’t seem to want to go back home anytime soon, maybe make a friend.
“Okay.” The blonde simply said, “I don’t trust anyone and I know for a fact you ain’t Belladonna’s boyfriend.”
“No sir i uhm. I ain’t that..” The brunettes said, fixing his backpack and then noticed the young blonde girl eyeing him as well.
The blonde had a tiny smirk on her face and asked, “He can stay at Grandpa’s diner, right? The bed and breakfast.”
Rick nodded and lightly pushed the young boy into the direction of the diner, telling him to stay out of trouble or else. Rick walked walked away with Riley, passing by the record store to notice his favorite short pink headed girl who shyly waved at him. And her son who was playing with the record in hand. Riley just grinned to herself.
As Ethan and Liane were chatting at her house that night, Joshua found himself wondering the town as he lead to the direction of the diner. There was something cozy but chilling about the town so late in the evening, he has been on the run for a few years now never staying for too long or just not finding anything that called him name.
And here is he is, wearing a coat and carrying his backpack being invited to visit a new place. Never done better. He had nothing going on for him back in Boston, he was never once to stay in school too often. It was new and freshly made but he didn’t want to get his hopes up just yet.
As he walked into the warm Diner also known as The Bed & Breakfast, he sat down pulling out the piece of paper left by Belladonna eariler and silently smiled softly seeing she left a phone number just in case. He quietly asked for a room and then went downstairs to get something to eat from the diner, hearing the plenty of people talk.
One of the workers there, Melissa smiled asking, “What can I get you kid?”
“Uh, um..a glass of water and um what do you got?” Joshua asked back with a kind smile.
“Hm it’s a school night and on Thursday’s our meals are half off for teen, how about some fries?”
“And a milkshake to dip it in?”
Melissa was entertained by his response with that being a classic move and chuckled, “My kind of kid! Coming right up, uh..?”
“Joe.” He answered, giving her his nickname growing up instead of his real one.
“Joe. Short, sweet and quick to say.”
“Yeah something like that..”
She returned with his milkshake and smile, returning back to the counter to toss some M&Ms into her mouth. She looked at the kid noticing that he might be new, she did see a dark navy brown car drive into the town earlier but didn’t suspect he drove it. She shrugged.
The next day at the sheriff station, in came a blonde followed by the blonde from last night, Liane, shouting that Belladonna left again as Erik tried to calm her down again.
“She left again! Cassie tell him! Oh god—” Liane yelled then stopped noticing Ethan standing there behind a cell door and she gasped, “Oh my what happened to you?”
“It was raining, I hit the side of the road..and saw a wolf. Yet, you’re Sheriff thinks I was drunk.” Ethan explained, leaning against the bar and sighed, “..where did the kid go?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing. I swear it’s hard raising a teenager. I thought she was in school! Did you have something to do with it?”
“Me?! Honey, I have not seen or heard of her since I dropped her off at your place. Not even her little friend. But I can help you find her.”
Erik looked back at Ethan and furrow his brows, “You’re gonna help find her?”
“Uh yeah, I was an officer for a while. I track people down for a living and used to bring them back to the building.”
“She was probably with her little friends or her favorite place. You can look there if she’s not at school.”
Cassie was watching Ethan for a few short second then spoke up, “You can try the library..if students aren’t volunteering or hanging out at the mall, some at the library or the park.”
After a few moment of strong brickering between Erik and Ethan, he let the man go find the kid as Cassie went to bring Liane over to her flower shop for some tea to calm the nerves. Ethan went to the park first and didn’t find anything then decided to take a look at the library which was hugely interesting to him. He was always a bit of a bookworm and guessed Belladonna was the same way.
He looked over to notice a young man sitting at the front set of tables reading, who looked annoyed to be distracted from his book. Ethan noticed the man just pointed to the 5th row of books in the corner as that’s where he found his daughter.
Belladonna was reading a text and looked up to notice her birth father and groaned, “Can’t I have 5 minutes of silence please?”
“And here I thought you were happy to see me.” Ethan responded, taking a seat behind her, “Why aren’t you in school?”
“Because it’s boring, the teachers are decently nice but it’s not as interesting..you stayed?”
“Yeah, well, I was knocked out cold last night and woke up in a cell. Go figure. Why do you keep running away? You’re mother, despite her dramatic flares of action, seems pretty nice.”
“…she tries. She’s busy with work at the jewelry store and uh, she’s not who she says she is.”
“Who is she then?”
“…uh, Maleficent. She’s alright. Kinda strict and drama, uh she can be happy at time but always on edge other.”
“Because you can away.”
“No one gets it.”
Ethan paused taking a moment to think and looked directly at her, “I do, believe it or not. When your young, you feel like you alone and no one completely understands it, but yourself so you tend to stay in your own lane instead, parents can be tough at times may not always make the right decisions..so, as bad as you think she may be, she’s trying her best here, she wants you. That’s all anyone could ever ask for. You get where I’m getting?”
She thought she could ease him into the fairytale thing as she nodded, “..yeah. I do, i see what your saying. In the book, she’s a hardass but sorta nice when you get to know her. You know her.”
“I just met her.”
“Yeah, you just met her..but sometimes you meet someone you feel like you know ‘em.”
“Whatever, kiddo. I just met her and yes she’s seems like a piece of work but give her a break her.”
They decided to back to Liane’s place to smooth things over. Belladonna picked out a couple of books aside the women she already carried with her, going to the front desk with Ethan. The same guy from earlier, was at the checkout process, who they found out was named Cole stood there. Ethan decided to buy a couple of books for her.
As he was ringing him up, the guy Cole, asked, “Name?”
“Uh, Ethan Long and Belladonna.” He repiled with a nod handing his card as he looked around the room.
Cole blinked and paused for a slight moment, taking a peek of a breather as he smiled, “Ethan and Belladonna. I heard of her..but you, are you new?”
“Yeah, uh I’m new. Just here for her.”
“Alright good. Enjoy your stay.”
The father and daughter walked out of the library as Cole waited to stumbled into his chair, almost letting out a cough at the wave of realization hit him. That was his brother. A couple of memories came flowing back as he did as he took another breath. He remembered his father pushing his brother into a wardrobe, well hearing about it, as he was confused and slightly worried. Which is rare cause he was never worried for his brother.
Then it clicked for him what Erik did back then and the fact that he had a daughter.
He remembered that he casted a memory tickling curse on him to snap him out of it if and when he heard one of the children’s name. But, what he didn’t expect was it to be his own freaking niece?! Oh god—he’s related to Maleficent legally! Cole thanked the fact that he owned half of the town’s library because then he was able to slip out of there and go to his shop to pour himself a long ass couple of drinks.
He was gonna need all that information to sit in for a while.
Joshua was on his own at the park, watching a couple of kids after school play as he snacked on bag of blueberries when he felt a pair of eyes spot him. He looked up from his phone and almost jumped out of his pants as the same pair of eyes from the night before was staring at him.
This time she was alone, a part of him thanked god because he was kinda scared of her father but won’t admit it. She sat down on the park bench beside her, wearing her school uniform as her feet dangled above the ground. She must’ve been 8 years old, maybe even 10 because she looked kinda older. But he could be wrong. He noticed she was holding a stuff rabbit in one hand and a book in the other.
“Uh..hi?” Joshua asked, giving her a tiny smile as he eyed her movements.
“Hi! You are welcome.” She replied with a soft little grin, “..for recommending Grandpa’s diner, i mean.”
“Oh right, thanks for that. I would’ve just slept anywhere but thank you..whatcha got there?”
“Oh! My storybook! D-did Bella tell you?”
Riley held it up with a smile that made her look younger than most that moment, almost full of sweet memories and spirt, holding up the front page with such determination. She explained how theses stories are real, well they feel very real to her, especially the ones about her parents. She said her daddy was little red riding hood.
He stopped her for a moment, “You’re father is little red..riding hood? Like with the red cape, the grandparents and big bad wolf?”
“Yup!” She replies like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “..well um..Bella is better at this than i am..”
“Try to explain it to me then..in your own way, of course.”
“Well she says that the stories here are very different from the movies. Not very simple or tr-trad-traditional..they have twists to them..like Red Riding Hood is a guy and he has a grandpa who is very sweet!”
“Uh honey, how do you know Red is your father?”
“I just do. I believe it.”
“Red Riding Hood is very kind, strong, cool and protective of everyone. Like he knows a lot. But a little silly and goofy! Just like my daddy.”
What Riley said all was true, she just believes it to be true. One of the sweetest and most beautiful gifts children of all ages have is this sense of hope, of belief in something, a strong feeling in their heart. You can’t always take it away from that but it will come back no matter what.
Joshua kinda wanted to believe what she did and he didn’t have the heart to break her spirt, seeing how much her eyes sparkled with pride. So he simply nodded, “Hm, alright I’ll humor you sweetie, anything else about your book?”
“Well I’m in it. Cause he is my father..” She said with a smile, confidence laced in her movements and continued, “A lot of people are in it..like you! You’re in this book.”
“Yeah right. I don’t think I’m in a fairytale sweetie, i think i would know that.”
“Well duh! You don’t remember cause you were a baby.”
“I think time in this town is frozen for some people here. It’s why everyone looks so young, they all age slower.”
“Hmm..let’s say i am in this book, who am i?”
“You’re parents are Snow White and Prince Charming.”
Joshua snorted and his body softly shake with laughter but noticed Riley was serious, a look similar to her father but her eyes were of someone else. Possibly her mother, who he doesn’t know about yet.
“O-oh you’re serious?” He asked, as he stopped laughing as he started to grow curious.
“Mhm!” She replies with a loud hum.
“But I’m not as white as snow or have jet back hair..?”
“Duh! Different types of story, it does look like the normal thing.”
“I’ll see it when I believe it, sweetie. But I’ll keep an open mind.”
“Good! I gotta go we are have chicken fingers tonight.”
Before he could ask anything else, she was off the bench and running away to say goodbye to her friends, being a set of redhead twins, as she went on her merry way. He chuckled seeing her and the other kids, he then realized he hasn’t had anything to properly eat yet then rushed off to Grandpa’s diner for lunch.
As he made his way to the center of the town, passing the streets and stories buzzing with children, teens and adults, he realized he stepped on something. He picked it up, realizing it was an earbud. A set of blackberry colored earbuds, as if the someone was rushing off and it fell out of their pocket. He looked up to see someone a few feet away from him jogging, as if he was late for something.
He called out to them, jogging up to the guys at a similar pace calling out him again, until he turned around to face realizing he was talking to him. The moment he turned around he was met a brunette with short styled curls, a jean jacket, black jeans and a white sweater underneath. His brown eyes were dark yet rich with color, as he pulled down his hoodie a hint of a tattoo could be seen. He was holding a stake of paperwork underneath his armpit and a coffee in the other, as a backpack swinging over one side.
“Yeah?” He asked breathless from his running, a soft smile on his cheeks.
Joshua could help but return the soft smile, “You dropped this? Your headphones.”
“Oh shit. I didn’t even realize it, thanks man.”
“No problem. You should be lucky I didn’t break them with my boot.”
“Yeah, well it’s not the first time i lost theses headphones and won’t be the last.”
“That I can relate to. When you headed off to in such a hurry..? Don’t mind to ask.”
The young man huffed and gave a slight crooked smile, “Errands to run. I have to drop stuff off at town hall, then pick up some food and uh, buy some more gasoline.”
“Yikes, tough break. Sorry about that.” Joshua replied offering him a kind smile, understanding he must be busy.
“Yeah well, gotta make a living somehow. Shouldn’t you be in school or something?”
“Uhh yeah, not a student—here. Not a student here, kinda out of town.”
“Out of town, that’s odd…ohh, you’re the one kid i heard Melissa was telling me about.”
“Come again?”
“Don’t worry, she’s a waitress who is very observant, she likes to gossip a tiny bit.”
He felt a little at least with that part, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself. The guy smiled, something about this kid made him not feel uncomfortable or anything, like a familiar feeling. But then the thought quickly rushed away, as he noticed something in his eyes.
He spoke up, “Oh hey, like i said don’t worry about her. She’s all good! If your not at school, are you here with your parents or something?”
“Nope. I’ve been on my own, it’s cool.” He repiled with a shrug feeling at ease with him for a moment, “Just staying for a while.”
“Well if you do, then you will love our record store and bakery.”
“Duly noted.”
The man was about to say something else when he got a text message on his phone that he ignored for a second and looked back at him with a apologetic smile. The teen seemed to get the sign and nodded with understanding. He apologized betting they might cross paths again, just as he was about to walk away he realized something. It was silly but still.
The older brunette softly shouted, “Hey?”
“Hm?” Hummed the younger brunette in response.
“What’s your name?”
“Um, Joshua Nolan.”
“Nikolai. Nikolai Hawkins.”
Joshua smiled, “Nice to meet you, Nikolai.”
“Nice to meet you too, Joshua.” He replied before running off to answer the message he got a couple of minutes ago.
—> Sooo I may or may not gotta a little carried away with the fic (sorry if it’s a little all over the place oops 😅 ). What did you think?
=> I really wanna do some inspired by moments from episodes like ‘Snow Falls’ and ‘Red-Handed’, idk just trying to remember my favorite episodes. Idk yet let’s see how fics I will roll out 🤷‍♀️
—> Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife and etc
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chippedcupwrites · 5 months
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Giftee: @notalwayslate Merry Christmas, dearie! I have had the most fun being your Santa. I've seen many years of RSS come and go, but this is my first year participating and I couldn't have asked for a better giftee and prompt. Writing this fic has brought a lot of joy to my holiday season and I can only hope that it brings a little bit to yours too ♥ | AO3 LINK |
Prompt: "her picture in a locket"
Summary: Rumplestiltskin's heart beats with a singular purpose – to reunite with his lost son. But his heart only has so many beats left before it fully gives into the Darkness. An enchanted locket known as "The Heart's Caretaker" may be his only chance to save what little light still burns within him. He just needs it to reveal the one person in the realm destined to banish his shadows and bring love back into his world.
| 'Skin Deep' prologue, very Rumple centric, character studies, canon divergence, verbal sparring, Marchlands world-building, Jefferson & Rumple friendship, background Papafire, hyper-fluffy epilogue |
"Portrait of the Heart" | (5/5) | (12.7k) | AO3 LINK | 🎄🎁🎄🎁🎄🎁🎄
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sentenceme-leni · 1 month
Saturday. Minimum 6 sentences.
Rumpelstiltskin himself had needed to shed a few layers during their first visit to Agrabah. The hot, relentless sun wasn't friendly to his favorite leathers.
Apparently even the Dark One's constitution would swelter into the indignity of sweaty discomfort.
He fingered the looser clothing that had been offered by their host. Having seen the fashion of men in the court, the shabby result on his person was a delicate insult.
Rumpelstiltskin was almost impressed.
Even if he called attention on the problem, the Sultan could easily claim the tailors had made a mistake. No slight meant, of course not.
Rumpelstiltskin decided he wanted that glimpse into the mysterious Cave of Wonders enough to pretend along.
After some quick magic fixed the garments, of course.
Once satisfied, he wandered to Belle's chamber. "Sweetheart," he called through the door, ignoring the scandalized glares of the servants, "please make sure your outfit is up to scratch. Mine needed a few tweaks."
"Oh!" came her voice, sounding relieved to his ears. "Yes, Rumple. No wonder this didn't seem right."
Rumpelstiltskin grumbled. He was used to little digs and insults, but Belle was too trusting.
"Let me see, dear."
"I'm not sure..."
He rolled his eyes. Belle wasn't usually a vain person. The outfit must be dreadful indeed.
With a quick snap of his fingers, he magicked himself inside, thinking only to abbreviate the task.
And all but swallowed his tongue at the sight of his maid in typical Agrabah garb.
She gave him an embarrassed grimace. "See, this cannot be right."
Rumpelstiltskin gulped. He gave a thoughtless nod, more a reaction to the sound of her voice than her meaning, and tore his undeserving eyes from the wide strip of exposed skin at her midriff.
"I'll talk to the tailors," he offered in a choked whisper.
And hurried out of her room.
The End
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mx-loar-tev · 6 months
Okay but imagine, Regina waking up one morning to a baby crying.
She's confused, why is there a baby in her house? She should be alone, Henry had left months ago.
She investigates the noise and finds the child in Henry's old room, now back to the state his nursery was when Henry was an infant.
She then realises the baby IS Henry. Somehow she got back in time.
After taking care of baby Henry, she goes on research mode, pouring over old grimoires all day.
Around midnight, someone rings at the door.
It's Emma. She looks so young, she's only eighteen after all. She looks harried and can't seem to utter a word. Speech seems to have deserted Regina as well. They look at each other like deers stuck in headlights.
All the tension seems to leave her at once. "Please tell me that means you remember too."
"You means the futur?"
"Yes I remember. Come on, you look like you could use a drink."
"You have no idea. I woke up this morning in a fricking cell. Good thing it was my last day behind bars and that I had the car. Spent all the money I had in gas."
Regina serves her a drink but Emma just fidgets with the glass.
"You want to see Henry?"
Emma looks terrified but nods anyway.
Regina leads her to the nursery where the baby is sound asleep. Emma is transfixed.
"God he's so small. I missed so much of his life."
Regina knows Emma would like to stay here and live the life she missed, just like Regina would like a do-over and have the chance to correct all her mistakes. But she knows they can't stay here, there could be too many consequences. They need to go back.
Emma stays in the house while they search for a way to undo whatever happened. She stays inside, not wanting to risk changing the past by interacting with the denizens of Storybrook. But staying inside means staying with Henry. Each passing day the thought of leaving the past (and the son she gave up once) is more and more painful.
"How are we even supposed to go back to our time without magic? It's not like we could steal the bottle of love or whatever it is that is inside Maleficent without changing the future."
"You managed to break the curse without magic the first time. We just need to figure out how you did that."
In the end they get nowhere. They resolve to ask for help the last person they want to speak too. After all Rumplestillskin from that time is certainly not the friendliest of man.
"I can't help you to go back to the future. You see, the curse that sent you back in time had a purpose. You need to find what it was to be able to go home."
Emma isn't having any of this crap. "Look Gold. I know you and you're hidden agenda. You're always hiding something. So tell us what it is already."
"Oh you're a feisty one aren't you? Just like your mother. Let me tell you, dearie, magic always comes with a price. What the price would be, I can't decide. Those laws can't be broken, only sometimes bent. I don't make them. You're here to find something and until you do, you're stuck here. If you're not willing to play by the rules, maybe you should make yourself comfortable then."
They go back to the mansion on Milffin feeling dejected. Gold's riddle is not helping. How are you supposed to find something when you don't know what to look for or where to start searching?
Two weeks pass and there's nothing new. Emma has decided she'll enjoy every stollen moment with her son. One afternoon, she's lounging on the sofa, thumbing an old spell book absentmindedly while keeping an eye on Henry squirming on his play mat.
Regina comes home from city hall and goes to pick up the baby for a quick cuddle.
Barely a second later, the ceiling lights come crashing down on the ground where Henry was a moment ago.
Both mothers are in shock and Henry is wailing.
Regina comes to her sense first and starts humming and rocking Henry to calm him down.
Emma is not moving, she's just staring to mother and son and to the shattered lights on the floor.
"I remember that," she says faintly.
"What do you mean?"
"I remember that. When I left Storybrook and you gave me these memories... This, this... I remember that. It was real?"
"Of course it was real. Where do you think those memories came from? It takes a really powerful curse to make up whole backstories. I barely had a minute to give you a past with Henry, so I used my own memories."
"So it was real, all of it?"
"Most of it, yes. I just had to tweak it a little. Your mind adjusted it itself mostly on its own."
Emma cries.
Later that day, they're finishing eating dinner.
"You know, it gives me a different perspective, those memories. I dismissed them back then to the point I've barely been remembering them, but now it's coming back. Parenting, it's hard. I know you probably gave me the good stuff, but the hard times are there too. I think I understand how you two ended up at odds to the point he came looking for me."
"I felt like I was doing everything wrong back then. Well, I did do a lot of things wrong."
"I don't think it was all on you. It was the situation too, you know. The adoption. I remember when I was a kid wondering why I've been abandoned. I remember those not-so-fake memories when Henry had found out I almost gave him up and was mad at me, or when he was asking questions about his dad. You just do your best, but sometimes it's impossible to make things perfect, because that's life and life is not perfect. So yeah, I get it. I get you and Henry."
Regina cries.
Two nights later Emma can't sleep. She tosses and turns but can't find sleep. She gets up and leaves the guestroom to go to the bathroom. She stops short when she hears Regina. She shared a room for enough years to recognise the noises someone makes when they're having a nightmare.
She enters Regina's room, trying to decide if she should try to calm her or wake her up instead. The choice is taken from her when Regina jerks awake, panting and crying.
"Hey, it's Emma. It's okay. You're safe. You're in your room."
She keeps reassuring her and reminding her where she is until Regina's breathing has returned to a normal rhythm.
She asks what she needs, if she wants to go back to sleep of if she wants hot chocolate.
That's how they end up in the couch at three am with steaming mugs of hot chocolate warming their hands.
Regina opens to her that night. It's unexpected for both of them but it feels right somehow.
Regina tells of her childhood, growing under the care of a loving father that was still too weak to protect her from an abusive heartless mother that she still couldn't help but love anyway. She tells of her first love, of the grief of losing him in such a terrible way, how she still see the life leaving his face every time she closes her eyes. She tells of being trapped in a loveless marriage with an indifferent man so old he could have been her father, of the horror of her wedding night with a spouse that believed a wife should submit to her husband in the marital bed. She tells of a girl that felt trapped in a never-ending nightmare, that didn't find another coping mechanism other than making other as miserable as she was feeling. She tells about a strange little man whose offer to help was too good to be true and sincere. She tells of how destruction felt like salvation for a girl that had never known anything but the cold pain of abuse and manipulation.
And Emma is listening. And she understands. She always had an intuition of what Regina's life must have been like, but hearing it is different. This is the cold reality, and Emma knows she was right when she decided to give Regina a second chance all those years ago, when she fought for her happiness because this woman deserves to experience it at least once in her life. She's also proud of Regina for everything she accomplished since they both met.
Emma tells her all of this.
They wake up on the couch the next morning with crooked neck and stiff limbs.
Emma goes to make coffee while Regina checks on Henry. When she's back with the baby, they starts preparing breakfast, they move around the kitchen with enough ease until they both reach for the fridge at the same time. They're so close, faces almost touching. They can't help but stare at the other while a strange electric feeling passes between them.
Then Henry gurgles and the moment is broken. They are awkward around each other now. They eat in silence barely broken by everyday talks, requests of syrup or jam, asks about which one should wash the dish while the other dry them.
Then Regina has to leave for work and Emma is left alone with Henry and her own toughts.
She's feeling bereft.
What happened earlier means something, she's sure of it. She tries to be honnest with herself, to admit what she might have known for a while but ignored. What she feels for Regina is not strictly platonic. The last few weeks spent living with her in the same house, taking care of baby Henry, only confirms that. She dreads going back to the future not only because of loosing this chance to experience Henry's early childhood, but also because she'll miss this domesticity with Regina. They won't keep playing house in the future, they'll go back to their own separate life. Well, not that separate, they'll still be friend, they'll still orbit around each other, but since Henry is grown up, they have less reasons to see each other.
So Emma will go back to a cold appartement, alone since the break up with Killian. She will mourn the loss of what she thought was her happy ending. She doubts those actually exist. Magic, dragons, fairytale characters, sure, it's normal for her now. But happily ever afters? They're myths, hopeful nonsense.
Unless she goes for it. Unless she risks everything and confesses her feelings to Regina. Before this trip through time she wouldn't have thought for a second these feelings might be reciprocated, but after these last few weeks? After whatever it was in the kitchen earlier? Maybe there is hope here.
Emma devises a plan then.
Regina comes home earlier than Emma has planned. The mayor seems eager to be back home. Emma hopes it's a good sign for them, but Regina might have just missed Henry. Baby cuddles are addictive after all, and they both knows the are on borrowed time and soon they'll be back to their time.
"What are you up to?" Regina asked curiously.
Emma has been in the middle of her preparations. She has pushed the coffee table away and spread a thick blanket on the floor with a assortment of throw pillows over it.
She has been in the process of arranging decorations on the coffee table that serves as a sort of buffet table. The plates, glasses, silverware and foods were still waiting in the kitchen.
"Hum, we're having an indoor picnic?"
The surprised smile that graces Regina's face tells Emma that the idea was a good one after all. She was starting to feel anxious about it.
"What have you prepared?"
"Tacos. And there's apple cheesecake from your favorite bakery. Also sparkling wine."
Regina looks at her strangely for a moment. Finally she thanks her, her voice suspiciously hoarse. "Thank you, that seems wondeful."
Regina dismisses Emma's complaints that she is the one making this for her so that the mayor shouldn't helping with the preparations. A few minutes later they are lounging on the blanket, sipping the wine while Henry is napping in his basket a few paces away.
They are mostly silent, both of them sensing the charged atmosphere between them.
Finally, Emma breaks the silence. "Am I imagining things? About you? About us?"
"You mean..."
Regina sighs. "I thought I had no chance in that department. So I kept it to myself."
"How long? How long have you known?"
"For sure? When you became the dark one. But before that... Before Robin."
Emma gapes. So long? There could have been something between them for this long? Her head spins.
There has been Killian though. Emma feels stupid going for him while Regina was right there all this time.
"Do you, do you want... This?"
"Yes. Do you?"
"God, yes."
Tentatively Emma reaches for Regina, caresses her cheek with a gentle hand. Regina closes her eyes, overcome with anticipation. And finally, finally, their lips meet.
Regina opens her eyes.
She's in her bed. Her lips are tingling.
Was it all a dream?
No, it can't be. It was all too real.
In a frenzy, she gets dressed and in minutes she's driving through town. Halfway through the drive to Emma's place she spots the yellow bug.
Both of them stop in the middle of the lane, get out of the cars and rush toward each other.
When they meet, they are breathless.
"You remember?" they both say at the same time.
"Yes, yes, I remember."
They are laughing with relief now, uncaring of the curious looks of passing people.
Wiping tears, Regina is the one offering they go back to the mansion.
They push the coffee table away, throw an afghan on the floor with a few pillows and resume what has been their first date, even if it's now seven am.
"I miss Henry already," admits Emma.
"I miss him too. Both as a baby and as a grown-up."
"I'm glad I had those few weeks. Even if there's nothing left of it."
"Not quite." Emma looks at her, confused. "Let me show you."
Regina opens the ventilation grating in the corner of the room. She plunges her arm deep, looking for something. She takes out an envelope from the opening and offers it to Emma.
Emma takes it with trembling hands.
Inside are a dozen Polaroids. Pictures of her with baby Henry, taken apparently without her noticing.
Emma can't help the tears falling as she looks at each picture with delight.
"Thank you. Thank you."
Emma surges forwards and kisses Regina as if it was the last thing she would do.
"I can't wait for Henry to visit. He needs to see these pictures."
"He always cringes when he sees himself as a baby," Regina laughs. "He started saying he's like fine wine, getting better with time, when he was only six. I don't think he knew what that means then."
"I remember that too," Emma realises. "It's strange, I had almost forgot all of these memories and now they're back in full details. As if experiencing some of them myself made them real and tangible."
She sniffs and shakes her head.
"Maybe that's what I need to find in the past."
"Or maybe it was the magic of the kiss."
"Maybe it was all of it. Everything that happened back then."
"Maybe. Where do we go from here?"
"Forwards sounds good."
And they lived happily ever afters.
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rockonlavender · 3 months
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pairing: Regina Mills x Emma Swan l Emma Swan x Megara (Hercules) rating: Teen summary: After Emma abruptly ended their two-year relationship, leaving Regina adrift in a sea of unanswered questions and shattered illusions. Emma sought comfort in the oblivion of a solo night out, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. In a haze of drunken desperation, she stumbled upon a clearing and attempted the impossible, opening a portal to who knows where. warnings/tags: alcohol use, self doubt, jealously, heartbreak, loneliness, ex-lovers, angst, confrontation, reunited. word count: 18,464 chapters: 4/10 read here cover by: @anahilation
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queennomnom · 2 years
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Young Regina x Dark Swan AU anyone?
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exhaustedpirate · 10 months
parent for hire
As mentioned in the prologue post, let me know if you'd like to be included in the tag list for this project! From this post on, I will be uploading moodboards made by me. This project will have a constant "THANK YOU" to @kmomof4 for making this whole thing possible!
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Chapter One - The Rescue
word count: 2772 words 
rating: Teen and Up
tag list: @cocohook38
read on AO3 | prologue
Killian Jones always got his bounty. 
Since he began his solo career as a bounty hunter, he could count on one hand the ones that had escaped him. His successes had helped his reputation soar and had given him a name of his own. Hook.
And with a name of his own, he gained some competition, and some enemies.
One of them was Blackbeard - a ruthless man without a shred of honour.
Killian tried to make his coin in a way his former Captain would be proud of, honorably. He would accept bounties to capture criminals, to help people. There were times he would slip - innocent people were sometimes worth a lot of gold - but those were few and far between. 
He wasn't sure where his most recent bounty fit. His employer had been vague - a large sum of gold to capture a wizard. No indication as to why or what they intended to do with him. Killian's history with wizards made him uninterested in asking those questions. As far as he was concerned, he would be quite happy to rid the world of another one. 
His heart stuttered as he thought of what he lost, the hook on his left hand feeling heavier than before, the weight on his chest suffocating. He heard her pleas, his own cries of pain. Magic served only to destroy. 
He shook his head, wanting out of the memory, returning his focus to the present. He urged Roger forward, matching his heart rate to the horse's foot falls. Seemingly understanding his mood, Roger's path veered towards the beach, keeping close to the water.
Luckily, Glowerhaven was a coastal kingdom. It was also where Killian knew Blackbeard’s lair was located.
According to his employer, Blackbeard had been hired to bring in the bounty but was now refusing to deliver, making the wizard's retrieval much more difficult for his employer than necessary. That had earned Killian a far bigger reward.
He wasn't surprised to find out that the old pirate was the one that had his bounty. Nor was he surprised that he was giving their employer trouble. Blackbeard was as greedy as he was despicable, and he undoubtedly thought there was more gold to be had by spreading  the story of his exploits in capturing the bounty and then handing it off to the one with the deepest pockets rather than delivering it to their employer. But Blackbeard’s stories, Killian had learned, should always be taken with a grain of salt. He may have heard the bounty was dangerous, but… well, he’d see when he got there. Right now though, those stories weren’t even close to Killian’s greatest concern. 
Killian's only worry as he stood hidden near the entrance of the cave where Blackbeard had his hideout was the fact that, for once, it wasn't a fair fight - there seemed to be at least 5 other pirates huddled inside. He counted his bullets, confirmed that his sword and daggers were still in place, employed his signature swagger and bravado, and made his way to the entrance.
Two pirates standing guard held him at sword and gun point while Killian pretended to simply be there to talk to their boss. They seemed confident; that was good. Confident meant sloppy. They obviously believed that the close proximity of their sword and gun to his neck and gut, respectively, would keep him in line.
Blackbeard sat with his smug, golden-toothed smile welcoming him like an old friend. Anyone could see the glint of murder in his eye, however, and Killian knew that one wrong move could send him to an early grave.
Thankfully for him, his past encounters with Blackbeard had given him a tried and true technique to victory. The old pirate may be ruthless, but he was defeatable.
"I thought I smelled you in town," Killian said jovially with a wide grin, holding out his arms as far as he could with the other two henchmen at his side.
"And I should have known that you wouldn't miss out on the gold." Blackbeard seemed to be playing the same game as he - fake pleasantries over an underlying tone of menace.
"The stories I’ve been hearing,” Killian shrugged before he continued, “I thought you'd be willing to share if I helped you bring it in." He wasn't even trying to hide the lie. It didn't matter.
He wasn't surprised when the captain and his crew burst out laughing at his words. He was counting on it, in fact - an over the top suggestion to distract them enough for him to grab hold of the dagger literally hidden up his sleeve.
"Thank you, Hook, I needed a laugh," Blackbeard said breathlessly as he wiped an imaginary tear. "As if I would ever need your help… or another pocket to share my gold."
"It was worth a try, don't you think? I heard the job was dangerous. And let's be honest, mate, the members of your crew are not exactly the sharpest." Killian grinned as he clicked his hook against the sword against his neck. He also took this moment to take a closer look at the crew and assess his situation. 
There was only one gun among the 5 crew members and none on Blackbeard. The bastard wasn't exactly reserved in his use of arms, shooting his guns at anyone who crossed his path. He seemed to forget that acquiring bullets was expensive and Killian could only conclude he didn’t have the gold to spend on acquiring more.
He could see a cutlass on each pirate. Which of course did not include the numerous - he was sure - daggers hidden on their collective persons. They were pirates after all.
"Dangerous…" Blackbeard chuckled. "Well, that’s not exactly true…” he shrugged. “Had to make the story a little more interesting, you know.” Blackbeard pulled on a chain as the pirates holding their weapons against him turned Killian towards the person at the end of said chains.
It was a boy.  
"What is this?!" His surprised shout echoed in the cave.
"This, my friend," Blackbeard began, pulling the chains so that the boy awoke from his slumber. "is the bounty. As you can see, it wasn't as difficult to acquire as you heard."
It had to be a trick. Powerful mages were known to hide their true appearance, trick their attackers - that had to be what was happening here.
The bounty, now fully awake, sat up with effort, his wrists chained up. He was pale, as if his life had been sucked from him. The child's eyes landed on him - such despair, such fear contained within. Killian caught his breath, and for a moment, it was as if he was looking in the mirror.
Blackbeard seemed unaware of Killian's inner turmoil, however. With another tug, he sent the boy sprawling on the floor and Killian took an instinctive step towards them only to stop when he felt the cold metal still held at his throat. The boy whined, clearly weak.
"It was like taking candy from a babe,” Blackbeard gloated. “He was so scared, he didn't even put up a fight."
Similar statements echoed in his head, a hint of the panic he had felt - what seemed like centuries ago - constricting his chest. Where that sentence gave Blackbeard an obvious and deep satisfaction, it caused sympathy to rise up in Killian. With a heave, Blackbeard held the chains up, forcing the boy to his feet. With his other hand, he grabbed the boy's face in his. "Isn't that right, brat? You even begged."
The boy's fear was like a physical thing, a weight in Killian's gut. Had he, so long ago, been that different from this child?
Making a split second decision, Killian used his hook to push the sword away from his neck while with his other hand holding the dagger, he slashed the gun-wielding pirate in his stomach. At the same time, knowing he would pull the trigger, Killian took a step back - the expected shot hitting the other pirate instead of him. 
Two down, four to go. 
"Get him!" Blackbeard shouted, once he realized what was happening. The boy, no longer being held, fell in a heap on the floor. 
The dagger still in his hand was thrown at another pirate’s chest. Moving quickly, Killian removed a dagger from his right boot. Ducking to avoid an opposing dagger, he sunk his into the approaching pirate’s side.
Four down, two to go. 
The last pirate approached him fast. Killian kicked him away, giving himself time to unsheathe his sword. Blackbeard wasn’t known to employ the smartest of men - you didn’t need smart, you needed a body able to follow orders and withstand the rough life at sea. Killian had training and his wits, his adversary didn’t. Brute force was nothing without accuracy. Killian’s sword slashing his enemy's thigh as his hook sank into his shoulder was enough to bring the man down.
“Useless rats!” Blackbeard raged, wielding his sword. “It won’t be so easy to get through me, boy!”
He was right. Killian had had enough run-ins with Blackbeard to know that he was indeed a much more formidable swordsman than his crew. Not enough to worry him, however. 
It might be extremely arrogant of him to think that way with a very real enemy eager to end his life standing in front of him, but Killian knew his own strengths and he knew how to win.
Movement to the side drew his attention. As he stopped Blackbeard’s strike to his head with his sword and hook, he could see the boy shuffle to a sitting position. Blackbeard’s hold on the boy’s face had left a mark. There were two deep red marks on his cheeks, a stark contrast against the paleness of his face.
A grunt from his rival drew his concentration back, he ought to be paying attention to the danger in front of him. The fight was taking too long. Killian needed to end it before any other pirates showed up. 
Summoning his strength, Killian pushed the sword away from his face, forcing it to the side. Dropping his own sword, Killian threw a mighty punch to the pirate’s face. With a quick glance towards the boy, he kicked Blackbeard away. With the boy pulling the chains taught, Blackbeard tripped, sending him falling back and hitting his head on the wall.
Only waiting a second to guarantee the unconsciousness of his rival and to grab his dropped sword, Killian made his way to the boy.
How could a boy so small be considered such a threat? A threat worth such a high bounty? Perhaps he was more dangerous than they all thought.
As he reconsidered his decision to free him, the child looked at him.
He had heard of spells cast with only a look. But what he felt wasn’t magic, it was recognition. He saw himself in the boy. He looked at him with fear but with an underlying feeling of hope. There was stubborn determination hidden in his thinned lips. The mirror staring back at him.
He hadn't asked what they wanted to do with him. He hadn't cared. Was he just as bad a man as his own father willing to lead a child to an uncertain future? No child deserved such a fate. 
In an impulsive move, Killian brought his hook down on the chains. He heard the child’s breath catch as he surely expected a mortal strike. Luckily, the chains broke immediately. They locked eyes once more. Surprise took the place of fear and Killian couldn’t help but notice how the child’s face slowly gained color, seeming more alive.
Magic chains, no doubt.
With a centering breath, Killian held out his hand to the child.
“What do you say we get out of here, lad?”
The child seemed to look for something in his gaze. Killian expected to feel the invasive nature of magic searching his soul, his intentions. But there was nothing.
But when the boy - having found whatever he was looking for - took his hand, he felt warmth. Magic or not, it felt good. Magic had never felt good before. 
He wasn’t aware of his held breath until he released it. Giving his head a slight shake, - he needed to focus - he looked around. The room they were in was still full of dead pirates and one unconscious captain, but he could hear others farther back in the cave. 
The boy's hand was limp in his grasp and he noticed his difficulty in standing up, his body weak. The cuffs that had been on his wrists had obviously drained him, exhausted him.
“Let’s go,” Killian tugged the boy's hand, his left shoulder carefully placed on his midsection. Standing up, the boy rested comfortably on Killian's shoulder. "Try to hold on, lad. It's going to be a bumpy ride."
He felt the boy's grip on his vest, strong enough to urge him into a run. It wasn’t long, unfortunately, until he heard thundering steps behind them. The other pirates were gaining on them, fast.
The child’s weight on his shoulder slowed Killian's rushed steps. Killian could hear the horse outside the cave guiding them in the right direction, the night’s full moon thankfully lighting their way. 
"Look out!" The boy's croaky warning rang out as Killian heard the whizzing of a dagger thrown at them, cutting his cheek but sinking into a nearby tree just outside the mouth of the cave. 
Daggers. Of course, he should have expected it. 
With a groan, Killian pulled the child to his arms. The horse was close, he needed to get the boy on it as fast as possible if they were going to escape.
He felt the boy's eyes on him, more specifically on the cut on his cheek.
"We're almost out of here, lad," Killian reassured, thinking the boy's gaze was of apprehension.
It seemed Killian Jones was in for a few more surprises.
It was as if time slowed down as the child wriggled out of his hold, landing on his hands and knees on the ground. Not wasting another moment, he watched as the child closed his eyes and held out his hands. A wave of energy, like a summer wind, burst from the child. When he looked at the previously-approaching pirates, they were all sprawled on the ground, unconscious.
Killian stared at the boy. He had known - had been told and feared - that he was a powerful mage, but seeing such a small child produce such impressive magic was both astounding and terrifying. 
“My name is Henry, by the way,” he said as he sat back on his heels and turned to Killian with a genial smile.
Before Killian could respond, they were interrupted by a whooshing sound and an orange light in front of them. That old bastard had been hiding a magic bean. It had likely been dislodged in the blast of Henry’s magic and activated. It was their best chance of escape.
"We have to go."
Rushing to the horse and untangling its leash from the tree, Killian mounted the animal. He and Roger moved quickly towards Henry, Killian reaching out a hand for the boy who seemed more interested in looking into the horse’s eyes. He raised his eyebrow at the boy, apprehensively glancing at the portal.
"What's his name?" Henry asked, keeping his gaze on the beast.
Safe to say, the question caught him off guard. "What?"
"The horse, what's his name?"
"You are seriously asking me this now?" Killian balked, pointing at the portal in front of them. "We have to go!" "It's rude not to ask for his name if I'm going to ride on him." Henry looked at him with clear and innocent eyes.
Killian sighed, looking up at the sky for a moment. "It's Roger. Happy?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.
Henry smiled brightly, holding up his hand. Killian pulled him up and deposited him behind him on Roger’s back. He rushed him forward as fast as he could, not wanting to let the portal go to waste.
“I’m Killian, by the way. Killian Jones,” he said as the boy wrapped his arms around his torso, his hold stronger than before.
He thought he could feel the boy's bright smile once again at his back. “Thank you, Killian Jones.” Henry’s words were the last thing he heard before the deafening sound of the portal took over as they approached and crossed.
He tried not to let his thundering heart and conflicting thoughts distract him from the sweltering heat and spice smell of Agrabah.
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pirateswhore · 8 months
You're enough - comfort one-shot
It's never easy to have your disability be made into a joke - to be reminded every day that you're not good enough or deserving of love & for it to be your defining trait. Killian has learnt to live with it. That doesn't mean Emma can't remind him from time to time.
Read on ao3 || Read below:
"Mum, could you help me with an art project tonight?"
"Sure, Hook's staying over so we'll help you."
"I think the pirate's going to be more a hindrance than help."
"The one-handed wonder is only good for pillaging and plundering. It honestly surprises me how he can do anything."
"Maybe it's time we replace the missing dwarf. I'm thinking - Stumpy?"
"Shut the fuck up already!"
The dinner falls silent, heads turning towards him. He stands, chair creaking against the floor. His eyes flash across the people sitting at the table with him. A muscle in his jaw twitched and he turns, making haste towards his bedroom in the inn. He can hear the hushed murmur of comments behind him, but his mind is too hazy to actually focus on what they're saying.
He pushes past a confused and worried Ruby and makes it to his room. Shutting the door behind him, he slumps against it. His chest is tight, his breath uneven and strained and his knees give out as he slides down to the floor. His head falls back, a low thud against the wood. His eyes glaze over as tears pool down his cheeks. He swallows, pushing the lump caught in his throat deeper down.
Hook. Pirate. One-handed wonder. Stumpy.
Through his sobs, he can hear a gentle knock on the door. He steadies his breath enough to grunt a "Go away," but it comes out a lot less demanding than he intended.
"Killian, it's me. Please let me in?"
He stands, wiping his face with his hand. He shakes his head, wipes the tears and opens the door. Emma's standing in front of him, hands trembling and anger on her face. She softens and smiles at him, but he doesn't return it.
"What, no comment on how I can unlock the door with one hand?" he grits out, trying his best to sound angry, but his voice cracks and he sounds more pathetic than anything.
"Killian..." she sighs, shaking her head. "Can I come in?"
He rolls his eyes but steps aside so she can enter the room. He closes the door behind her but doesn't turn to face her.
"I told Regina and my parents off for the comments. Henry's pretty disappointed with them too."
He doesn't reply, standing still with his eyes fixed on the floor.
"I'm sorry for what they said, I promise not to-"
"You promise not to do what?" He snaps around, catching her off guard. "Not to comment? Not to insult? Not to stare and laugh? You're a few months late to that party, Swan."
She swallows and steps forward. "I'm sorry for not saying anything sooner. You're usually good at standing up for yourself, and you said nothing so I assumed it was all in good fun." Her hand reaches out, stroking his cheek and his facade breaks. A cry breaks from his chest and he closes his eyes, leaning into her touch.
She leads him to the bed and sits them down, never taking her hands off of him. One hand holds his cheek as the other strokes through his hair.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
He swallows, fingers playing with the zipper of her jacket.
"I didn't want to put a strain on your relationship with your parents. I knew you would get upset with them and I didn't want you arguing with them over me."
She pulls away, worry etched into her features. "Babe... if they're hurting you, you should've said something. I would have told them off earlier."
"I'm not worth the trouble, love."
"To me you are."
He scoffs and shakes his head. She holds him closer, pressing him into her chest.
"I hope you know I don't see you that way. The hook doesn't bother me," she whispers into his hair.
"You deserve better."
"And what could be better than you?"
He straightens, deliberately avoiding her gaze. She tilts his head up and meets his eyes with a soft, encouraging smile. He sighs.
"Someone you won't be ashamed of. Someone who's not broken and ruined. Someone you won't have to explain what you see in him, you won't have to justify your choice to people. Someone who will be able to hold you and touch you with both hands. Someone you wo-"
She cuts him off with her fingers to his lips, a gentle chorus of "shush" on her own.
"Killian, listen to me. I don't care about any of that. I'm not ashamed of you. You may not be perfect, but neither am I, and I refuse to believe either of us is ruined beyond repair. You've helped piece my heart together, and I hope I'm doing the same to you. I don't care about what people think of us, and I don't owe an explanation for my choices to anyone. If they can't see what I see in you, well. Their loss, really." She took his hook and hand in hers and placed it on her sides. "And you can hold me very well, thank you very much. If anyone, anyone, dares to object to that, to us, I have no problem setting them straight. I'll stand up to whoever has a problem with it."
"It's rotten work."
"Not to me. Not if it's us."
His mouth hangs open, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. He lets out a shaky breath. Her hands rest on his chest, anchoring him to her. He drops his head and smiles, a breathy "I don't deserve you" on his lips. She leans in and kisses him, soft and sweet, pouring all her unspoken feelings into it.
Their foreheads rest against one another and they hold each other close.
"You're enough. You'll always be enough. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise."
She takes his hook, carresing it gently, fingers wrapped around its curve. She presses it against her chest, the coolness of the metal causing her skin to prickle. She smiles at him. "This? This makes no difference to me. It doesn't change how I see you, nor does it make me think less of you."
She leans forward to whisper into his ear. "And while I'm being honest, it's unbelievably attractive."
He laughs. Finally, he laughs, happy and hearty and she can feel the rumble in his vest through her palm. He reaches up, running his fingers across her cheek. There's a tenderness in his eyes, and she's certain no one has ever looked at her like that, not before him. Tenderness, utter devotion, lo-
Her thoughts are derailed when he lunges forward, kissing her and pinning her to the bed. She reciprocates in a second, pulling him into her.
"Does Henry still need help with his school project?" he murmurs between kisses.
"Not for a few hours."
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shady-swan-jones · 21 days
Untie Me (5/7) - A CS architects fic
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Untie Me | captain swan fic | office romance | mature | 5/7 | 11.8k | in progress
No matter how secure a man is, his fiancee wouldn’t be having dinner with another man every night. He doesn’t want to lose these evenings with her. Maybe that’s a selfish reason, for a selfish man. 
@caught-in-the-filter @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @the-darkdaughter-blog @teamhook @justanother-unluckysoul @karlyfr13s   @snowbellewells @xarandomdreamx @klynn-stormz @omninerdgirl   @facesiousbutton82 @finmnsoh56  @followbatb @killianxswan @booksteaandtoomuchtv @exhaustedpirate @anmylica @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @undercaffinatednightmare @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @stahlords @darkshadow7 @fleurdepetite @captainswan-kellie @motherkatereloyshipper @soniccat @jonesfandomfanatic @zaharadessert @bluewildcatfanatic @once-upon-a-happy-end @ultraluckycatnd
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