#women in business leadership
indialeaders · 27 days
Emerging Women’s Leadership Program - ILSS - What is EWLP?
The Emerging Women’s Leadership Program (EWLP) is an intensive 11-week program (with 4 days of in-person boot camp in Delhi NCR) designed to support the leadership development journeys of emerging women leaders in the social sector. The Program equips leaders with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to advance their leadership journey, and create impact in the sector.
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mcmadcanvas · 11 months
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womeninleadership · 2 months
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Women in Leadership on Amazon & Kindle, Author: Diane Edwards-PMP, I will be a Best Selling Author, I will NOT stop
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gottabegoodlife · 2 years
Random 51: To My Purpose
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Hampir seminggu ini pikiran saya tertuju pada buku-buku Harvard Business Review. Mungkin saya sedang ingin rehat sejenak setelah hampir sebulan mengejar setoran tengah tahun untuk menyelesaikan courses dari MetEd Ucar bagi weather forecaster. Setelah gagal membeli di online store dan offline store dekat rumah (alasannya adalah mahal, menunggu lama, atau tidak tersedia). Walau ada akses memperoleh bukunya melalui platform ilegal, saya tolak opsi tersebut dan teringat bahwa saya bisa membaca sampelnya lewat e-reader.
Dari sejumlah topik menarik yang ada, saya pilih topik on managing yourself volume 1 (2010) sebagai bacaan pertama. Tidak salah. Artikel pembukanya sungguh relatable dengan kondisi saya saat ini, dulu, maupun nanti (cielah!), berjudul "How Will You Measure Your Life?" oleh Clayton M. Christensen. Inti dari artikel ini adalah tujuan hidup yang jelas akan menjadikan hidup kita lebih baik dan membantu kita mencurahkan energi pada hal-hal prioritas yang mampu membuat kita bahagia. Untuk sampai dapat pemahaman mengenai tujuan hidup (yang membuat kita bahagia), diperlukan komitmen dalam pencariannya, lalu demi mencapainya diperlukan integritas, kerendahan hati, dan investasi energi/sumberdaya yang tepat.
Sehubungan dengan buku ini terbitan Harvard Business School, tentu saja dikaitkan dengan urusan bisnis dan perusahaan. Pada setiap ide bahasan diberikan contoh kasus kehidupan sehari-sehari dalam lingkup organisasi, keluarga, dan individu. Ada beberapa pernyataan yang mengena hati karena sejalan dengan pemikiran saya dan juga sebagai pengingat. Berikut beberapa kutipannya:
"The choice and successful pursuit of a profession is but one tool for achieving your purpose. But without a purpose, life can become hollow."
"You've got to define for yourself what you stand for and draw the line in a safe place".
Pada akhirnya ukuran hidup kita adalah besar dampak baik yang kita berikan kepada lingkungan sekitar, bukan besar material. "Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life will be judged a success."
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femalelifecoach25 · 11 days
Unleash Your Leadership Potential with Mina Satori: Your Trusted Women's Leadership Coach in Orange County
In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of the business world, effective leadership skills are indispensable for success. For women aspiring to lead with confidence and influence, Mina Satori stands out as a beacon of guidance and empowerment. As a seasoned women's leadership coach based in Orange County, Mina brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help women unlock their full potential.
With a deep understanding of the unique challenges that women face in leadership roles, Mina offers personalized coaching programs designed to address each client's specific needs and goals. Whether you're a seasoned executive looking to enhance your leadership style or a budding entrepreneur seeking to establish yourself in the business world, Mina provides the tools and strategies needed to thrive.
As a business coach, Mina goes beyond traditional leadership training to offer holistic support that encompasses both professional and personal development. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and seminars, she helps women cultivate essential skills such as communication, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence.
Mina's approach is rooted in empowerment, encouraging women to embrace their strengths and overcome any obstacles standing in their way. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, she creates a space where women can confidently explore their potential and take bold steps towards their goals.
One of the key benefits of working with Mina is her deep understanding of the Orange County business landscape. With her extensive network of contacts and firsthand knowledge of local industries, she provides invaluable insights and connections that can help propel her clients to new heights of success.
Whether you're aiming for a leadership position within your organization or striving to launch your own business venture, Mina Satori is committed to helping you achieve your dreams. Her passion for empowering women shines through in everything she does, inspiring her clients to reach for greatness and make a lasting impact in their fields.
In addition to her role as a women's leadership coach, Mina is also a respected mentor and advocate for gender equality in the workplace. Through her thought leadership and advocacy efforts, she continues to champion the advancement of women in business and pave the way for future generations of female leaders.
For women in Orange County seeking to unlock their leadership potential and make their mark in the business world, Mina Satori is the ultimate partner in success. With her guidance, support, and unwavering dedication, she helps women navigate the path to leadership with confidence, purpose, and grace.
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shreeisspecial · 11 days
In the intricate landscape of the corporate world, women often find themselves facing unique challenges and opportunities. From breaking through the glass ceiling to navigating office politics, the journey can be both daunting and exhilarating. However, armed with the right strategies and mindset, women can not only survive but thrive in this dynamic environment. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the essential aspects of a woman’s journey in the corporate realm, offering insights, tips, and inspiration for success.
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adorned-by-julie · 27 days
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🌟 Curious about the qualities of a successful female leader? Join us today to explore this topic further! Click the link - https://conta.cc/4a377P7 - to access our newest newsletter. Let's empower more women in leadership roles!
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coachdrherbert · 1 month
Global Perspectives on Gender Equity in Leadership and Decision Making
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citinstitute · 1 month
Effective Communication Strategies for Leaders
This fast-paced dynamic business environment requires effective communication for successful leadership. Leaders who excel in communication foster trust, inspire motivation and drive organizational success. Here are some essential communication strategies for leaders to enhance their effectiveness:
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Be Clear and Concise: Leaders should strive to communicate their messages clearly and concisely, ensuring that their intentions are easily understood.
Active Listening: Effective leaders actively listen to their team members, acknowledging their perspectives and concerns. This fosters a culture of open communication and builds trust within the team.
Provide Constructive Feedback: Leaders should offer constructive feedback in a respectful and supportive manner. This helps team members understand areas for improvement and encourages growth.
Use Non-Verbal Cues: Non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, plays a crucial role in conveying messages. Leaders should be mindful of their non-verbal cues to ensure alignment with their verbal communication.
Emotional Intelligence: Effective leaders possess high emotional intelligence, allowing them to understand and manage their own emotions while empathizing with others. This enables them to navigate challenging situations with tact and diplomacy.
Leadership Management Courses: Enrolling in leadership management courses can significantly benefit leaders in honing their communication skills and overall leadership abilities. These courses provide insights into effective communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and team management skills.
Effective leadership relies heavily on the ability to communicate effectively. By employing these strategies and investing in leadership management courses, leaders can enhance their communication skills, build stronger relationships with their teams, and drive organizational success. To gain effective leadership skills, you can enroll in a leadership management course by the Confederation of International Talents (CIT)
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theleadersglobe · 2 months
Canada is Reportedly Joining Women’s Pro Sports as it is Becoming a Global Phenomenon
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Women’s sports is taking center stage all around the world and Canada is also increasingly and enthusiastically joining in. 
This year’s Professional Women’s Hockey League commenced with three of the total six teams from the Canadian cities and another six Canadian women’s teams have also reportedly applied to join a new National Division 1 Women’s soccer league in the country. 
Named Project 8, it will be the first domestic professional women’s soccer league Canada has ever seen and is said to be a huge deal and has been claimed by women’s sports. 
Read More:(https://theleadersglobe.com/life-interest/sports/canada-is-reportedly-joining-womens-pro-sports-as-it-is-becoming-a-global-phenomenon/)
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indialeaders · 27 days
Emerging Women’s Leadership Program - ILSS - Why We Need Women Leaders
The Emerging Women’s Leadership Program (EWLP) is an intensive 7-week program designed to support the leadership development journeys of emerging women leaders in the social sector. The Program equips leaders with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to advance their leadership journey, and create impact in the sector.
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loptrlab · 2 months
2 a #badboy WILLINGLY trying to take the FALL 4 _______. Parent 2 Parent U can NOT PAY 💰 4 YOUR “CHILD’S” #karma
Children are a REWARD. Period. #bibleverse They STILL have their own path 2 walk. The choice YOU have now is …
Heavy is the head who WEARS 👑
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womeninleadership · 1 month
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Read on Medium.com
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digitaleraa · 2 months
Empowering Women in Business: Australia's Dynamic Landscape
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Encouraging Women in Business: Australia's Changing Environment The Number of Women in Australia's Workforce Is Rising Australia's corporate environment now has a much higher percentage of female employees, which has changed the nation's economic structure. Become a Business Women Member is a diverse network of professionals, entrepreneurs, and executives that is promoting growth, accelerating innovation, and having a big influence on a range of industries. Melbourne's Businesswomen: Succeeding in the City Core Melbourne is a great choice for businesswomen looking for connections and possibilities because of its dynamic culture and thriving economy. Melbourne's business sector is being shaped by the vibrant group of women professionals and entrepreneurs known as Join Business Women Australia. Regardless of whether they are leading start-ups or well-established companies, Melbourne's businesswomen are creating waves with their inventiveness, tenacity, and willpower. Ladies' Business Events: Encouraging Development and Collaboration Among All Women's business events significantly improve networking, cooperation, and professional advancement in Australia. These gatherings give female professionals and business owners a forum to connect, exchange stories, and get advice from notable industry experts. Women's business events provide a range of programs, such as conferences, workshops, seminars, and networking opportunities. These programs provide opportunities for growth, empowerment, and training. Australian Women Entrepreneurs: Changing Success and Innovation Through the creation of jobs for all, Australian women entrepreneurs are fostering innovation and bolstering the nation's economy. Female entrepreneurs are disrupting a variety of industries and breaking assumptions and conventions in anything from software companies to social ventures. Australian women entrepreneurs are revolutionising the commercial landscape both domestically and globally, owing to their vision, tenacity, and entrepreneurial spirit. To sum up Turning on Women Will Lead the Change In conclusion, Women The vibrant and growing Business Australia community recognises and celebrates the achievements and contributions of women in the business world. From the vibrant metropolitan landscape of Melbourne to the nation's Melbourne Business Women Australian women entrepreneurs are making waves, fostering creativity, and igniting change wherever they go. A more varied, inclusive, and prosperous future for everybody is possible when we support and empower women in business.
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kamariarichmondmedia · 3 months
The Stroke Diva Fabulous Show with Sharrarne Morton, SiriusXM Radio On-Air Host & Producer, Founder & CEO of Morton Media, and Founder & First President of Black Door Society LLC.
Tune in to The Stroke Diva Fabulous Show on Tuesday, March 19th at 2:00 PM EST for an unforgettable episode featuring the dynamic Sharrarne Morton. As a SiriusXM radio on-air host and producer, and the founder and CEO of Morton Media, along with being the President and first founder of Black Door Society LLC, Sharrarne brings an unparalleled energy to the airwaves. Don’t miss out on this…
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femalelifecoach25 · 18 days
Empowering Women in Business: The Journey with Mina Satori, a Trusted Women's Leadership Coach
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, women are increasingly stepping into leadership roles and driving innovation across industries. Yet, navigating the complexities of the corporate world or entrepreneurial ventures can pose unique challenges. This is where Mina Satori steps in as a beacon of guidance and empowerment for women seeking to excel in their careers or businesses.
As a seasoned business coach for women and women's leadership advocate, Mina Satori brings a wealth of experience and insight to her clients. With a deep understanding of the barriers women often face in male-dominated industries or corporate environments, Mina provides tailored coaching and mentorship to help women overcome obstacles and thrive professionally.
Mina's approach is rooted in empowerment, focusing on helping women cultivate confidence, assertiveness, and strategic thinking skills essential for success in leadership roles. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and seminars, Mina equips her clients with practical tools and strategies to enhance their leadership capabilities and advance their careers.
One of the key pillars of Mina's coaching philosophy is fostering a supportive and inclusive community where women can connect, collaborate, and uplift each other. Through networking events and online communities, Mina creates opportunities for women to share experiences, learn from each other, and build valuable professional relationships.
Moreover, Mina's expertise extends beyond traditional corporate settings to encompass entrepreneurship and business ownership. As a women's leadership coach, she guides aspiring female entrepreneurs in launching and scaling their ventures, providing invaluable insights into business strategy, branding, and market positioning.
What sets Mina Satori apart as a business coach for women is her unwavering dedication to her clients' success and her genuine passion for advancing women's leadership. Whether it's breaking through the glass ceiling in corporate environments or shattering the barriers to entrepreneurship, Mina empowers women to dream big and achieve their goals.
Testimonials from Mina's clients speak volumes about the impact of her coaching. Many attribute their professional growth, career advancements, and business successes to Mina's guidance and support. Her ability to inspire confidence, foster resilience, and instill a sense of empowerment resonates deeply with women from diverse backgrounds and industries.
Mina Satori stands as a shining example of a business coach for women who is committed to championing women's leadership and fostering a culture of empowerment. Through her transformative coaching approach, Mina is not only helping women excel in their careers and businesses but also driving positive change in the landscape of gender equality and diversity in the workplace.
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