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While I think both Gale and Peri would be fine adopting (and do, both officially & unofficially), I also think that in their efforts to figure out how to do magical IVF for their friends who can't have biological kids but want them, they accidentally make one of their own
Not sure if she inherits Peri's shapeshifting but there's no way she doesn't end up a sorcerer with all the weird bullshit her dads ran into
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wizeband · 1 year
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Apple Watch Silicone Bands - WizBand
Bring some color to your Apple Watch with our Classic Apple Watch Silicone Bands. Practical, fashionable, and affordable! With more than 30 designs to choose from, you can’t go wrong with choosing this watch band for your collection. At WizeBand, we believe that comfort and fashion should go hand in hand. That's why we've designed our apple watch silicone bands to be sleek, elegant, and comfortable enough to wear all day, every day. And with our 12 month warranty and 100-day return and refund policy, you can shop with confidence. Upgrade your wrist and wardrobe with a stylish and comfortable WizeBand!
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keysszz · 4 years
Tales of the Hidden City: Part Two
Next on the list is:
Raph’s Ride-Along
We start off the episode with Raph wanting to go on a ride-along with the Hidden City police.
A few seconds into the episode, we see that there is this villain going around by the name of Heinous Green. 
He doesn’t look that similar to Raph besides the head shape, but of course everyone is stupid and they think that our hero is actually the criminal they’re looking for (I’ll get more into the policemen later).
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Also, what is Heinous Green? Is he a turtle (maybe not a turtle, he doesn’t have a shell...)? A yokai? Hopefully we learn more about his character as the season progresses.
The police man take Raph and put them in their police car (saying that Heinous Green is more ‘brawn than brains’), which is when we see...
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Voiced by the actors from the 2012 series.
Man, to hear their voices again was just amazing.
Raph starts to freak out, and that’s when we see Mind Raph appear. It seems that Mind Raph appears when Raph starts to go crazy, but if that’s the case then why haven’t we seen him in Man v.s. Sewers?
It wasn’t like Mind Raph wasn’t a thing when that episode aired, we’ve seen Mikey talk to Mind Raph before (Nothing but Truffles).
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Then again, maybe Raph’s anxiety attacks were too much to deal with at the moment. So Mind Raph was out of the question when it came to him freaking out. Since Mind Raph is like another part of Raph, it’s possible that he was freaking out too.
Malicious Mickey and Dastardly Danny both vote to make Raph their leader (they’re names are amazing, I’m assuming they chose the name Mickey since the amount of times people have misspelled Mikey’s name).
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What?! Blue guy is always the leader!
Ok, that line was great. They addressed the hate from the beginning of the show from when Raph was proclaimed the leader.
Side note, what kind of animal is Loathsome Leonard?! Like I’ve been trying to figure that out for a while now. I know that Malicious Mickey is an electric eel and Dastardly Danny is a rat, but what in the world is Loathsome Leonard?! Does anybody know?
Raph tries to make them act nice and sensible, but they don’t listen to him.
Poor Raph, all he wanted was to go on a ride-along. 
They all take his words and twist them into saying that they should bust out of the car, and they do just that.
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Ok, when they say “with his muscles on our side, we can break out”, I expected anything but this...
Poor dude just wants to be left alone.
They eventually break out of the car and start running, and Raph tries to tell the cops that there’s a big misunderstanding. Of course, they don’t listen to him. They attack him and put him in some kind of blue orb.
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Huh, it’s almost like they were referencing the cops in real life... Hm...
I love how they name themselves the Mud Dogs. They really are the evil version of the turtles.
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Oh cool, it’s the monster from Donnie’s episode!
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I know they referenced Raph’s episode in Donnie v.s. Witchtown, and I forgot to mention that in my last analysis. I love how you can see each turtle in all of the episodes (just a cool little easter egg I wanted to mention, and Mikey also appears later in this episode).
What do I do Mind Raph? I’m a good guy with a strong moral compass but I’m caught up in a live of crime!
I love how he talks to Mind Raph like he’s another person. It seems to be another way for Raph to cope, and since his brothers also use Mind Raph as well, this can be used as a way to show how much they look up to him. Or it could be a way of saying that they all can mind meld together, which is also cool.
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So Raph creates a plan so that the Mud Dogs can get caught, deciding on making them rob a police station.
At first, this is a weird plan to hear. But he’ll do anything to get them arrested and off his back.
But this is actually a good plan. They rob a police station, admit to a crime they’ve committed and boom! They’ll be caught in no time, right?
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It works out perfectly for the Mud Dogs... Of course it does.
So now Raph is stuck with a bunch of loot that is stolen and the Mad Dogs are still following him around. So he makes another plan: break into the prison.
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Also, the currency the yokai use is weird. We’ve already seen the unicorns used as money before (You Got Served), so what else do the yokai use as money?
The plan ends up working again, and Raph is starting to get frustrated.
You know at first I felt you were put in charge just for change, which actually hurt my feelings. But, here you have a real knack for crime!
I love that the crew just threw in these lines. It shows that change can be good, especially since the show got a lot of hate in the beginning for Raph being the leader.
It’s revealed that the Mud Dogs work / serve for Big Mama, so this means that we’ll see more of them in the future. They also have to give Big Mama part of their cut, so does this mean that they’re serving her for a short time? Are they in debt to her? Hopefully we’ll get more answers later in the season.
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It’s mentioned briefly, but this is the key to the Battle Nexus Wizband. What potential does this orb hold? Is it where the people getting sucked up are held?
So the Mud Dogs tell Big Mama they’ve been working with Heinous Green, and she shuts them down in the most calm way possible. She snitched on Raph so quick!
The real Heinous Green is then shown, and he’s huge! Well, not that much bigger than Raph, but when he gets mad, he grows in size.
If Heinous Green can grow, how big can he get? Is the height we saw him in his final form, or can he get bigger than that?
Raph runs away from Heinous Green, and barely escapes. But then he gets kicked off of the horse (or whatever that yokai was) he was riding.
He spots the police and tells them that the real Heinous Green is attacking, and they don’t believe at first. They’re ready to attack him.
Then Heinous Green shows up and that’s when they believe Raph. 
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Raph’s mystic form can also get pretty big. There’s so much their weapons can do, and I can’t wait to see the potential they hold.
Raph defeats Heinous and the police apologize. But then they think that Raph is this other criminal and they lock him up anyway...
Hm... Its like the show is referencing real life.
Ok, now to talk about those policemen.
First off, fuck the police. Rise basically said that in this episode. 
Raph was brought down just because of his appearance, and they referenced that from what is going on in the world at the moment. Raph’s trying to be the hero and do the right thing, but just because of the way he looks (similar to Heinous), they don’t trust him enough to listen to him. They attack and lock him up, something was to similar to the real world at the moment.
I love how they addressed this in the show. Kids and adults need to know what’s going on, and the crew did just that in this episode.
All in all, this is definitely one of my favorite episodes. I can’t wait to see what that orb can do for the Wizband.
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Some cute screenshots of varying quality in honor of valentine's day ✨✨
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@grapecaseschoices asked for number 19 for all tavs & durges for this ask game:
I posted too soon and couldn't edit it for some reason? So I deleted it and then couldn't get the ask back ;-; but here it is!!
19: Can their love interest(s) answer the questions? Why or why not?
- Peregrine (Gale): I think he can answer them all pretty accurately! They would have talked a lot and many of the questions are the sort of thing that would have come up in late night discussions, especially with how different some of their beliefs are. For example, while Peri wants to explore, seeks out knowledge, etc (he is a planeswalker after all), he has very strong feelings about where the line is and doesn't want to become well-known. They're both pretty straight-forward and like the sounds of their own voices, so I don't think any of the questions wouldn't have come up by the time they get to the circus.
- Corentin (durge) (Wyll): for sure. Corentin's excruciatingly blunt and Wyll would be the first one they tell whenever they have a realization or remember something. They probably discovered some of the answers during their travels tbh ("idk what my favorite food was before but that hog stew we had that one time was the shit "). There are likely some things they're still keeping close to their chest out of shame/fear of rejection, though, especially as they're remembering more about who they are and what they'd done pre-tadpole, that could interfere with Wyll being able to give accurate answers.
- Diodore (Astarion): Probably, but maybe not with the most accurate answers. While Dora doesn't overshare, she's more open than he is (albeit more on the "if you ask, I'll tell" side of things than some of my other tavs). Even if the topics didn't come up between the two of them specifically, he would have heard enough to know the answers for most of them. They're over the Act II hump, but I imagine Astarion can't just turn off his "tell people what they want to hear" instinct immediately; even if he knows the answer, he might try to go for a more flattering one. Dora can smell that shit a mile away, though, so she's more likely to get frustrated with him than anything else if he goes that route.
- Candor (Shadowheart): they're still in Act I so probably not? Candor's a member of the Guild so he's not super intent on just giving away information about himself, and Shadowheart's only just starting to open up herself. I think she'd be able to answer the most surface-level questions, and things that relate to his childhood, but they haven't dug in super deep yet.
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