#when an elbow in the face is considered a gift
jmdbjk · 15 days
It's coming.
"Elbowing him in the face while sleeping was a gift?" HAHAHAHAHA
"Us? We did something fun."
"Everyone! You can really look forward to it!"
They created something as a gift to Army. They look excited about it. They had fun. And they are going to share their fun with us.
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It might be months before we see what great fun they had but these are now great memories of their lives together for them. That's the best thing about all of it.
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moonstruckme · 10 days
Hey queen what about a lil fic of reader with one of the boys (u can pick whoever!!) where it's her first healthy relationship and May be she thanks them for being nice and he's just like ummm I don't wanna be mean to u
Thanks for requesting lovely!
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 1k words
You have a habit of complaining into the void. It’s not the first text you send James griping about your day at work and it likely won’t be the last, but you’re surprised when the result is him turning up at your desk with flowers and a coffee. 
“James,” you say dumbly, looking up in absolute astoundment as he sets the flowers carefully by your keyboard and bends down for a kiss. 
“Hi, angel.” James presses the coffee into your hand. Spots the empty desk next to yours and, with a quick glance around, steals the chair, sitting beside you. “Are you still on your lunch break?” 
“I—yeah.” Your brain can’t quite make sense of him at your work. It’s like being a kid and seeing your teacher at the store. James, with his casual clothes and easy smile, doesn’t belong in this place. “I’ve got twenty minutes left. What are you doing here?” 
“You seemed like you were having a rough morning,” he says simply. “I thought I might see if I could come and make you feel a bit better—don’t worry, I brought supplies.” 
He shrugs out of one strap of his backpack, swinging it around onto his lap and pulling out a small vase. James seems too distracted to have noticed your stupefaction. 
“Do you have a sink around here?” 
You point him towards the break room and he hurries off, returning a minute later to arrange your flowers in the vase. 
“I know it might be silly,” he says, as he works with a care that belies his words, “but I was thinking that if I was stuck in one place all day, it might help me to have something nice to look at. I considered getting you a mirror, but I thought you may have grown used to that particular sight so I ought to mix it up.”
James glances up to catch your reaction to the last bit, dimples appearing when you fluster. As he sits back down, his gaze roams your workspace, largely empty as most of your coworkers have gone to lunch. He swivels the chair from side to side absentmindedly, his knees brushing yours with each pass. It feels like someone striking a match. 
“I didn’t know you had so few windows in here.” He blows out a breath. “We should hit a park or something after you’re off tonight, get you some time in the sun.” 
“That sounds nice,” you say, lifting the coffee in your hand to your lips reflexively. 
It’s not until you register the taste that you think to look at the logo on the cup. It’s from your favorite coffee shop, the one with only one location, which you almost never go to because it’s so far from where you work and live. 
“James,” you say, voice soft with wonder, “did you go all the way across town to get this?” 
“Yeah.” He smiles, tilting his head sideways to rest it on his palm. “That’s the one you like, right?” 
“Yeah, but…” You shake your head, grinning. “You’re crazy,” you say, when you mean to say You’re incredible. 
“Crazy for you.” He makes a disgusted face as he says it, laughing at himself. You can’t bring yourself to do the same. 
You remember a time, not so long ago, when you would have felt lucky if the person you were dating responded to your texts at all. James has responded in person, with kind words and gifts and a thoughtfulness that’s going to brighten not just the rest of your day but your week. You’ve no idea what to do with this much sweetness. 
You shake your head again. “Thank you. Seriously, I—this is too nice. You’re so—” You lean forward, running your forefinger over the stubble on his jaw as you peck him on the lips. His smile leaps up on his face. “You’re so sweet to me, Jamie. Thank you.” 
“I don’t mind, sweetheart, really.” James palms the back of your elbow, his touch trailing down to your wrist as you pull away. “I like doing things for you. You deserve it.” 
You smile at him, letting the sincerity in his voice warm your chest. “Nobody’s ever been this nice to me before,” you admit. 
James’ expression heavies slightly, a divot forming in between his brows. You feel embarrassed for having said it. You don’t mean to sound self-pitying, you only want James to understand how much you appreciate him, how unprecedented he is for you. 
He smooths his thumb over the hairs on your arm. “I want you to be happy,” he says, a carefulness to his words that’s so unlike his usual quick, energetic way of speaking. “Angel, I’ve got no reason to be anything but nice to you, because it makes me happy to see you happy. It’s like—” He glances away from your face for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek as he thinks. “Like I’m getting to see you the way you’re supposed to be, does that make sense?”
He looks to you for confirmation. You can only stare back at him in stunned silence, horrendously in love and falling deeper by the second. James must find whatever he’s looking for in your expression, though, because he gives your wrist a friendly squeeze and goes on. 
“You’re supposed to be happy. You’re supposed to be treated nicely, no matter who you’re with, but I’m happy to be the person who gets to treat you that way.” He lifts his eyebrows as though to be sure you’re listening, lips quirking slightly. “And you’re nicer than nice to me, so I don’t want to hear any of this crap about bringing you flowers and a coffee being too nice. Got it?” 
Your face is a furnace. You don’t know how to respond. 
James grins, looking ten percent smug and ninety percent smitten. “Say okay, sweetheart.” 
“Okay,” you echo, unable to help breaking into a smile of your own. “Thanks.” 
James groans. He grabs the seat of your chair, rolling you closer to him until your knees are on either side of his. “Enough with the thanks,” he chides, more laughter than irritation in his tone. “Those other people sound like assholes, lovely. We’ve gotta up your standards.” 
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volensnolenss · 6 months
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𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: Only your charms can melt his heart and remove the influence of jealousy; 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽: sfw! fluff, he calls you ‘my love’, ‘sweetheart’, mention of a possible child
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“My love, meet me!”
Gojo burst into the warm house with a noise and a bright flame of fun, but he did not receive your usual hug and kiss. He threw off his coat in confusion, listening to the silence and looking for at least someone's presence in it.
“Satoru, we're here.” Your gentle voice came from the living room, and he immediately went to you when he saw your sleeping cat on you. Gojo narrowed his eyes and approached you with a drop of contempt, asking a question with his eyes.
“That is, because of her, I lost everything.”
Approaching the cat, Gojo wrinkled his nose and sneezed, making her jump in fear.
With one hand you gently removed the fluff from his face, with the other you stroked the cat with soothing movements, but suddenly she jumped off and ran into another room.
“She's finally gone.” Gojo sits on the edge of the sofa, swinging one leg over the other, grinning at the cat.
You giggled watching his reaction.
“Are you jealous?”
“Of course I'm jealous. I should be in her place!” Gojo crossed his arms and turned away from you like a stubborn child who has been deprived of a gift.
“Come here.”
“Come on.”
You gestured at him with your arms and reached out to him, to which he proudly raised his head without turning to you.
Because of his waywardness and character, he behaved like a teenager who doesn't really know anything and understands everything, but at the same time he longed for your touch, your stroking on the head and lily kisses.
“My darling, my best man, let me show you a sign that you are the only one in my heart.”
The only thing Satoru was guided by was your words, the way you skillfully use them.
He turned his head exactly 90 degrees, looking at you out of the corner of his eye.
“I'll think about it.”
Of course, he will not think, he will wait for you to take the initiative first.
“Satoru...” You called him flirtatiously.
You crawled up to him from behind and gently, lightly touching his shoulders with your fingers, brushed his neck with your lips, causing goosebumps all over his body.
“How long are you going to sulk?” You buried your forehead in the back of his head, wrapping your arms around him from behind.
You inhaled the remaining smell of rain and coolness, in which there was a subtle note of something sweet.
“Where have you been, Satoru?”
He was silent, there was a short circuit in his head from all your actions. You didn't see it, but he was smiling broadly, which made his cheekbones ache.
“How can I resent you, sweetheart?”
“Because you're like a child.”
You grunted and he threw you on your back, putting his head on you.
“Better stroke me. Since I'm a child, I want love and attention.”
“And you're a demanding child.”
You chuckled and began to run your palm smoothly down his back, moving to his head, starting to scratch it in a relaxed way, passing your thin fingers through his snow-white and soft hair.
He is always surprised at how you manage to influence him in such a way: as if at the click of a finger he fell and is ready to give himself up to the love that you reward him with.
“If you knew how nice it is to be in your arms after the rain.”
“I've heard that if it rains, it's for something good.”
You cupped Satoru's face in your hands as he propped himself up on his elbows.
He stared suspiciously at your stomach, examining it with a malicious smile. You tilted your head to the side, not understanding his behavior.
“And I heard that if a cat is lying on a girl's stomach, then she will soon have a child.”
You clicked, rolling your eyes and immediately shook your head, considering his answer a joke.
“Satoru, don’t be ridiculous!”
“Hey! Imagine how your mini copy will run around the house.”
“Thank you, I have enough of your mini fluffy copy.” You pointed out to him the cat that was sitting on the carpet, looking at you both with interest.
His brows became furrowed again; he wanted to say something, but you interrupted him, leaving a small kiss on his cheek.
“Okay, I'm at your mercy.”
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heesdreamer · 1 year
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PAIRING ➩ heeseung x reader
SUMMARY ➩ your bestfriend dyes his hair blonde and old feelings start to surface.
WC ➩ 6.7k
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ I recommended listening to I know by Faye Webster Short and simple but I’ve had writers block and just wanted to try to work through it with something easy and comfortable. Thank you for your patience and support NOT PROOFREAD
“Woah? What kind of reaction is that?” The boy in you doorway had completed deflated after hearing your lifeless exclamation, shoulders dropping in a small sigh as his eyebrows turned downwards on his tired face to glare at you.
It wasn’t a strange sight to see Lee Heeseung standing in the hallway outside of your apartments doorway, even less strange that he was carrying two convenience store slushees, one in his hand and the other tucked neatly into the crease of his elbow. His free hand had just fallen to his side from pushing his hoodie off his head and revealing the only strange thing about this scene.
“When did you do that?” You were instinctively moving your arm up to reach out and touch his hair that he had freshly bleached blonde apparently, shocking you for just a second when he showcased it with an expectant look on his face.
You caught yourself before touching him but he didn’t seem to notice anyways, pushing past you with another sigh and dramatically flopping onto your couch with a grouchy expression.
“It looks nice Hee, just took me by surprise.” You were following behind him and sitting on the couch with a bit of distance between the two of you, watching him curiously and taking note of the ways his features changed underneath the new hair color.
Heeseung had been your best friend ever since you moved into the city a few years ago, frequently stopping at the comic book store he worked at to pick up gifts to send back home to your little brother and eventually, once he had quit for a better opportunity, he had rushed out of the store one day and asked if you wanted to exchange numbers so you didn’t lose touch.
It had become such a casual routine for you to see him, holding small conversations that over time turned into lengthy talks that accidentally held up the stores lines sometimes.
A handful of days contained you stopping by during your lunch break and eating with him behind the register. Heeseung made you laugh harder than anyone you’d ever met and you found that to be even more true once you started seeing him outside of his work.
Two years passed since he quit his job and you’d almost forgotten what it was like to not know him, easily blending into your life and becoming the first person on your call list at all times. Hence why it wasn’t exactly strange for him to be pouting on your couch, disappointed you hadn’t reacted more to the sudden change of his hair.
Heeseung was always the more impulsive one out of the two of you and he constantly seemed to be jumping from hobby to hobby, the perfectionist side of him never letting him stick to learning just one thing. His style and aesthetic had switched about a dozen times since you’d met him and he was never quite satisfied with the posters hanging in his apartment but the hair was definitely a big change, even for him.
“You think it looks nice?” He was looking at you from the side of his eye carefully, still fully attempting to keep up his upset facade but you didn’t miss the fact he was fishing for compliments.
You sighed and shifted on your knees so you were a touch closer to him on the couch, used to his dramatics by now but you figured you’d humor him slightly since he could be sensitive at times.
He didn’t say anything when you moved forward but he tensed a bit when your hand was coming up to touch the brightly dyed hair, your eyes widening in slight surprise considering it didn’t feel completely dead. You were running your hand through his thick hair and trying not to think about how unusual it was for you to be so touchy with him, never really being the type of friends who were overly affectionate with each other.
He hugged you on your birthdays and occasionally touched the small of your back when guiding you through a crowded party or event and you were extremely grateful for his lack of contact considering you definitely weren’t oblivious to how attractive your best friend was.
You’d even eventually came to terms with the fact you positively had a crush on him when you’d first met, something you denied to your friends and family back home whenever they picked up on the smile in your voice at the mention of your new friend and inquired for details.
Being friends with Heeseung was more important to you and it was easy to forget how much you had originally liked him if it meant keeping him in your life, even easier considering he never seemed to toe that line that you nearly crossed occasionally the first year or two.
The line you were carefully skating towards right now with your hand in his hair, close enough on the couch to where your knee touched his thigh for just a second before you were scooting your lower half away a bit to avoid the contact. You didn’t take your hand away however but it moved down to his eyebrows instead, smoothing them down with your thumb and remembering he had asked a question when it quirked up as he waited for a response.
“It makes you look more serious.” You mumbled and he still had an expectant look on his face, like he wasn’t quite satisfied with your answer. “Your eyes look more intense now with your dark eyebrows. It’s sort of sexy.”
He snorted a laugh at that and shook his head in denial, realizing you were teasing him and giving him the answers you figured he was looking for.
“Okay but I am serious about it looking nice.” You were smiling as you spoke and he was watching you closely considering you were still gently rubbing his eyebrow with your thumb, retracting your hand after a few seconds and clearing your throat before changing the topic.
The rest of the hangout went as usual, the two of you sitting on your comfortable couch and watching romance movies that were almost comedies when they got too cringy.
You didn’t notice anything different and Heeseung definitely didn’t offer up anymore surprises as big as his bleached hair but something subtly shifted after he left. It took you a few more times seeing him before you noticed he was acting different, lingering around you closer than normal and reaching out to touch the back of your arm whenever he needed to get your attention.
It was so small you barely registered he was doing it until he was back at your apartment the next weekend, coming in with his spare key like normal but instead of going over to your couch and playing on his phone, he was approaching you in the kitchen and watching you for a few seconds silently.
You raised an eyebrow in his direction when you noticed him staring, rolling up your sleeves midway on your arms before going back to cutting up the fruits you’d pulled out for a snack. “What’s up?”
He shrugged at your question and didn’t immediately answer, leaving a weird feeling of confusion in your chest when he was coming closer and touching his arm against yours from how close he was standing. It was much more difficult to ignore than his small casual touching he’d been increasing recently, a lot more intimate than tapping your knee or moving your hair out of your face.
You hurried up to finish cutting before he could do anything weirder and he still wasn’t speaking even when you were shoving the cut up fruits into a bowl and abandoning him near the counter, hurrying onto the couch and glancing back just in time to see him following behind you into the living room.
It was silent for a few more minutes as you started to flip through the explore page of Netflix and you were just starting to relax after his weird demeanor before he was fixing his position on the couch.
You tensed up when he flipped around so he was spread across the expanse of it, moving his body so his head was resting on your thigh and his arm was dangling off the sofa, fingers grazing the carpet gently as he turned to look up at you. “Can you touch my hair again?”
“What?” It slipped from your mouth faster than you even processed his question and he tensed a bit at the harshness of your tone, almost sounding disgusted underneath all of your shock. You felt a wave of guilt for accidentally being rude, taken completely off guard by his request and the fact he was casually laying on you like it was something the two of you did all the time. You relaxed your shoulders to try and show him you weren’t upset and just confused.
“It felt kind of nice when you touched it the other day… I don’t know you don’t have to never mind, forget it.” He was avoiding looking at you now but not taking his head off your lap, most likely too embarrassed to sit back up and rearrange himself again after just doing it a few seconds ago.
His cheek was pressed on your thigh as he stared at the TV despite the fact you weren’t scrolling down the options anymore and there was nothing for him to be looking at. You watched the side of his face for a few moments, following down his sharp jaw and the way the nearly white hairs fell almost over his eyes.
You were sucking in a breath and touching his hair before you could think about it any longer, feeling the way he tensed underneath your sudden touch before immediately relaxing and practically melting into your lap. You started to pick a movie again despite being completely distracted by how much the two of you were touching and if he noticed you were mindlessly clicking things, he didn’t say anything about it.
“Wait… he asked you to pet him?” Sunoo was jaw dropped from where he sat on your bed, watching you rummage through your closet as you ranted to him about the weird moments with Heeseung.
You sighed and shot him a glare because of his weird wording, not responding for a few seconds and squeezing your eyes shut tight when he was letting out a small gasp of shock and scooting forward on his knees.
Three days had passed since you’d last saw your best friend and you had done everything in your power to ignore your growing confusion about the situation, including not telling anybody about it or worsening the situation by getting a second opinion. That only lasted until you opened your front door to see Sunoo’s smiling face, immediately bursting out into confession and asking him for help.
“Okay not to freak you out but this is totally weird.” He was shaking his head now and watching you intensely, opening your eyes to see his equally perplexed expression. “I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen you guys high five before and how he’s practically a dog on your lap?”
“Can you cut that out?” You aggressively threw a shirt in his direction with furrowed eyebrows after his second rude joke slipped from his mouth. He caught the piece of clothing and raised his hands in surrender but you could tell he wasn’t sorry judging by the mischievous look on his face.
You didn’t say anything after that and you felt a deep disappointment in your chest considering Sunoo had left you feeling even more confused about the situation, confirming the fact that it was definitely strange and out of the ordinary.
It didn’t help that the two of you weren’t just looking through your clothes for fun but you were picking out outfits for a small party at a mutual friends house, a party that Heeseung would definitely be attending and looking for you at considering he’d been texting you all afternoon to check in and make sure you were still planning on being there.
Sunoo did his best to lighten the mood but dolling you up and being overly nice the entire way out of your apartment, taking selfies with you in the back of the Uber and purposely avoiding mentioning anything about your best friend.
He was following close behind you once you actually entered the party, feeling slightly anxious considering it was a bigger turn out than what you had been promised over text by the two boys throwing it. You let out a small sigh and scanned through the crowd, habitually looking for Heeseung even though you were still overthinking everything.
It didn’t take you long to find him considering he was one of the taller people there, laughing near the kitchen with some of your friends but you watched as he continuously spared looks towards the doorway like he was waiting for something. A weird warmth washed over you knowing that it was you he was looking for like always, missing you when you’d entered just a few minutes ago.
You tried to ignore the fact that it was completely normal for the two of you to instinctively find each other so there was no reason for the butterflies in your stomach at his attentiveness. Nothing had changed despite the addition of the small touches and you weren’t going to unbury any old feelings for him just because he was acting a bit clingier than usual.
Still, you made your way over to him swiftly, at some point losing Sunoo in the crowd. You weren’t too concerned considering he was the more social out of the two of you, grateful he had at least stuck with you long enough for you to find Heeseung.
You were approaching him and the other boys and they noticed you before he did, smiles on their faces as they started to greet you casually. This caught Heeseung’s attention and he was spinning around quickly to see you, eyes widened in relief and yours opened similarly in surprise when he hands were falling down onto your waist and squeezing softly.
“There you are, I was getting worried.” His words were casual and he didn’t seem to realize the fact you were completely frozen under his touch.
Sunoo had chosen an outfit that left your waist completely bare and although you were growing use to his simple and fleeting touches, you definitely weren’t prepared to feel his warm hands completely covering the expanse of your bare skin. He either didn’t think it was a big deal or he was doing a very good job at pretending, pulling you closer to him so you were standing in front and he was still holding onto you.
You could feel his chest rumbling against your back as he continued to talk with your friends, thumbs absentmindedly stroking your bare sides and squeezing occasionally whenever you slightly shifted.
You were starting to feel slightly crazy and dramatic, like you were the only one making a big deal out of nothing and overthinking stuff that had no meaning behind it. It wasn’t until you were meeting eyes with one of your friends Jake that you considered the opposite, seeing the way he was looking at curiously before his eyes were dropping down to the big hands holding onto you borderline possessively.
He met your gaze again before quirking up an eyebrow in question, eyes creasing into a small chuckle when you were shrugging and giving him a bewildered look to showcase you also thought it was strange.
Heeseung must have noticed the silent exchange because he was faltering in his words for a second before tugging you back tighter against his chest, clearing his throat over the surprised sound you let out at the sudden jerking movement.
You froze for a few seconds before you were taking a step or two out of his embrace. “I need to go to the bathroom really quick.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” He was rushing it out before he even seemed to realize he was saying it and the rest of the group paused awkwardly at the random offer, completely out of character for him.
You froze with them before quickly gathering yourself and shaking your head in denial, starting to stutter out a reason before giving up and turning around so you could rush away from the awkward situation.
Thankfully the bathroom down the hallway wasn’t occupied and you quickly entered it and locked the door, placing your hands on the cold countertop and taking deep breaths to try and calm your nerves down. You’d already been overthinking the situation and having it confirmed that it wasn’t just you noticing things were changing was positively freaking you out, wondering if he had somehow found out about your feelings for him.
You were glancing up at yourself in the mirror and sighing at the stressed out look on your face, splashing some cold water on your cheeks to bring you back to your senses before you were fixing your hair and opening the door.
You were stopped in your tracks considering somebody was standing directly outside of it, peering down at you with a slightly surprised expression because of the speed in which you swung the door open. He was taking a step back with a small smirk when he steadied himself, letting you pass but not making any moves to head into the bathroom himself.
“Is there a reason you followed me over here Jake or were you just creepily standing outside the door.” Your tone was exhausted when you turned back to look at him and he didn’t seem at all shocked that you spoke to him rather than walking away.
“Just wondering what’s going on with you and Heeseung.” He was shrugging casually but he had a mischievous look in his eyes that you didn’t really trust.
Being friends with Jake was fun and casual, he showed up to events and made them louder and looser but he’d also been there for you countless times when you needed help and weren’t sure who to call, not wanting to constantly bother Heeseung with your problems. Jake was particularly useful when your problems were about Heeseung, letting you drunkenly rant a handful of times about your past feelings for him.
But that didn’t make it any less annoying that he was clearly trying to meddle with the situation, whatever it was. You sighed and took a few steps in his direction, pointing a finger onto his chest and giving him your best attempt at a glare.
“Don’t say anything to him about it, whatever it is will pass and we will all forget about it.” You were trying to sound stern and intimidating but he was still looking down at you with slight amusement, eyes dropping down to your finger on his chest for a second before meeting your eyes again.
“If I told you that I knew, would you want to know?” He was saying suddenly with a raised eyebrow and you froze in place.
“Are you implying that you know why Heeseung is acting so weird towards me?” Your eyes turned down into a glare but he didn’t seem at all intimidated by the threatening tone you’d taken on, smiling down at you and shrugging again like he wasn’t holding crucial information to the most important friendship in your life.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” He was clearly teasing you and your frustration grew, making a small angry noise and pushing your palm against his chest instead of just the tip of your finger. “Okay okay fine. All I can say is maybe think about something you did that might have made him realize he-“
Your eyes were widening as you listened to him intensely, nodding to try and encourage him to continue once he slowly trailed off in his sentence. You weren’t sure why he stopped talking until you heard a throat clearing from the end of the hallway, turning your head swiftly to see Heeseung standing there and looking at the two of you.
He had a strange expression on his face, one you weren’t quite used to seeing and it took you a few seconds to realize it was anger. He rarely ever was angry, especially around you and you were completely thrown off by the dark way he was looking at you.
Jake seemed to understand the reason for it faster than you and he shifted back awkwardly, getting impossibly closer to the wall. He couldn’t really move away from you much but the slight movement was enough for you to realize what a compromise position the two of you looked like you were in. Your hand was still on his chest from your anger earlier and you were unusually close to him, staring up at him encouragingly.
Your mouth was parting to try and explain that it wasn’t what it looked like but there was no point considering Heeseung was shaking his head and turning to leave, the flashing lights of the party in the living room behind him illuminated his face just enough for you to see the upset clenching of his jaw.
You didn’t bother saying goodbye to Jake, following after your friend quickly even when he was pushing through the crowd and heading back outside.
By the time you managed to get out there he was stuffing his phone into his pocket and standing on the sidewalk near the road, shiny now from the rain that had fallen during the party. He was crossing his arms and you frowned slightly at how cold and annoyed he looked before you were taking a small breath and approaching him.
“Did you get a ride?” You asked him softly and he didn’t seem at all startled by the sound of your voice, barely sparing you a glance out of the side of his eye before giving a curt nod.
You mirrored the movement of his head in understanding awkwardly but you had a small pit in your stomach considering he wasn’t even looking at you, obviously upset about something you didn’t quite understand. It was rare you and Heeseung fought and even more rare that he was genuinely mad at you and not just bickering about something stupid.
He was keeping up his stony demeanor even when you sniffled slightly from the cold and rubbed your hands on your bare arms to try and warm them up a bit.
Eventually you were wobbling sideways while trying to adjust your standing position and you leaned onto him slightly for support, your skin brushing his for a few seconds before you were quickly standing upright and mumbling an apology into the tensed silence. He didn’t say anything still but you spared him another glance and tensed up seeing he was staring at you now, a weird expression on his face.
You were thinking about asking him if he was feeling okay until he was reaching over and touching your arm softly, ignoring the small surprised noise you made and tugging you over so you were stood in front of him again, the same position he had put you in back in the kitchen.
“What are you…” You trailed off when he was caging his arms around you and rubbing softly on your bare skin like you had been a few moments ago, warming you up immediately but also pressing you entirely against him.
Your next few breaths came out shaky and if he noticed he didn’t say anything, standing there like that with you held against him until the car was pulling up. He held the door open for you and scooted inside next to you until his thigh was pressed against yours, taking up the middle seat despite having plenty of room to sit on his own.
A guilty feeling was eating at you again for being so hyper aware of everything he was doing lately. Maybe he had always been this touchy and you just didn’t notice it because you were so preoccupied with denying your feelings for him and keeping your friendship as a priority.
You were watching the side of his face and thinking about this when you started to change your mind. He wasn’t exactly acting normal either despite being the one to start casually touching you.
Heeseung was avoiding looking at you most the time, almost like he knew you’d be giving him that confused stare you’d carried consistently the last few days. It didn’t help that your friend group had also seemed completely thrown off by the way he was acting and that wasn’t nearly as intimate as the way he treated you when you were alone together. He cleared his throat and snapped you out of your daze, diverting your eyes off of him and opting to stare out the front window instead.
You hoped your face didn’t flush too noticeably when he started to stare at you instead, feeling his gaze just as prominent as his leg pressed against yours.
It wasn’t unusual for Heeseung to follow you out of the Uber, it wasn’t out of place for him to be standing behind you silently while you nervously dug your keys out of your bag and unlocked your front door.
All these typical things were only unnerving you because of the new added factor, the heavy tension sitting between the two of you now. You glanced behind you right before you turned the doorknob and met eyes with him for a few seconds, knowing he felt it too for sure now and having no more doubts about if he was purposefully acting different.
You pushed the door open and kicked off your shoes, the two of you going about your usual routine of changing into more comfortable clothes, him having his own section in your closest and drawer in your dresser. It was the same as always except for the thick silence, replacing the usual laughter and banter that filled the rooms.
You took a deep breath before leaving your room in shorts and one of Heeseung’s shirts now, pausing in the doorway when he left the bathroom across the hall at the exact same time.
“Are you-“
The two of you froze up when you started to speak together. You gave him a small awkward smile before gesturing your hand in his direction to indicate you wanted him to go first, hugging your arms across your stomach when he nodded to try and calm down your nerves.
“Are you and Jake a thing now?” He was asking in a flat tone but you could tell he was still upset from the party, avoiding looking at you directly and clenching his jaw again.
“You’re seriously asking me that right now?” A disbelieving laugh slipped from your mouth at the end of the sentence and this seemed to frustrate him even more, looking at you finally with heat behind his eyes. You shook your head and touched your mouth softly in shock, realizing he genuinely thought that’s what he had seen.
You turned around to go back into your bedroom, assuming he’d follow even though you were clearly thrown off by what he was saying.
He did exactly that and he stood near your desk when you sat down on the bed carefully, watching you and waiting for you to offer an explanation. You didn’t like how intimidating he looked, something you’d never thought about him before, and you slightly felt like you were being interrogated even though he was the one being weird.
“Of course I’m not dating Jake.” You really stressed the words to make him understand but he gave you a disbelieving look, causing a scoff to be pulled from your lips. “I was only in the hallway with him because he was wondering why you were acting so weird.”
It slipped out before you even realized you were saying it and he tensed up at the same time you paused. His eyebrow quirked up in question and you stared at him in embarrassment, knowing you’d have no choice to explain what you had been noticing.
“How am I acting weird?” He proved you right by asking you that but his tone was stiff and it sounded like he already knew the answer without you even needing to say it.
“I don’t know you’re just…. you’re just being different.” You were playing with your hands anxiously and trying to avoid looking at him.
It didn’t help that he was still standing over you and seemed completely thrown off and distant now that you’d brought attention to his behavior. He must have figured you didn’t notice and he was getting away with it, letting out a deep sigh and shaking his head softly.
You stared at him now despite feeling overly awkward, watching the way his movement caused his bright bleached hair to fall into his face and cover his eyes again. Your mouth pulled into a frown softly and you were standing up before he had time to process it, reaching over and pushing his hair back with your hand.
He didn’t say anything as you touched him gently, revealing his forehead again and making sure he didn’t poke himself in the eyes with the ends of his hair.
It was making the situation ten times more confusing for the both of you but you’d already crossed those invisible boundaries multiple times already and you were sick of how high the frustrated tension was, figuring you might as well take this opportunity to be close to him in ways you hadn’t gotten a chance to before.
“I don’t want to fight with you.” He was whispering and your eyes fell from his hair down to hold his gaze, seeing how his hardened expression had practically melted into one of guilt and regret. “It makes me feel terrible, I hate it so much.”
“Then let’s not fight.” You mumbled back to him, keeping your volume low in the delicate air. Your hand was still touching his hair and you softly put some of the longer pieces behind his ear, letting it drop afterwards to land on his shoulder for a few seconds. You gave it a gentle reassuring squeeze before you were stepping away from him again in preparation to sit back on the bed.
His body automatically followed yours like you had a magnet connected to you, taking a step forward to match the one you took back. He didn’t even seem to realize he was doing it, just naturally trying to keep close to you.
You watched him for a few beats to see if he was going to back away and apologize, realize that he was acting strange considering you’d just had a conversation about it. Strangely, he seemed completely clueless to why you had paused and cocked his head to the side like he was asking for an explanation. You waited for a bit more, deciding between two ways you could handle this and eventually landing on the one that caused you to take a deep breath before speaking.
“Did you want to lay with me?” Your voice was coming out fast and strong but your stomach was almost hurting with how nervous you felt, not sure at all where the line had moved to and how far was too far.
His eyes widened at your question and for a moment he seemed to realize how close you were standing for no reason, weird enough that you were even standing in your room in the first place instead of casually lounging around your apartment.
“Like.. in your bed?” He was finally responding after what felt like ten years and you nodded before you changed your mind, shrugging bashfully after like it wasn’t a big deal to you despite the fact you felt almost dizzy at the idea of laying with him.
You took a step to the side so you could move without bumping into him and he watched as you climbed onto your bed awkwardly, scooting to the far left so the side closest to him was available and tucking yourself underneath your big blanket. He was just watching you in bewilderment and you felt a bit stupid suddenly, having just assumed he’d want to lay with you because how touchy he’d been.
“You don’t have to never mind, it’s stupid anyways.” You laughed softly at the end of your mumbled sentence but it didn’t come across as genuine at all, scooting awkwardly on your side more so you didn’t have to face him directly.
Before you were able to look away from him he was quickly snapping out of it at the sound of your retraction, shaking his head quickly and landing on the bed with his knees before you could shut him out further. You tensed as he climbed into the bed next to you and pulled the blanket up so he could get underneath, avoiding looking at your bare legs for the few seconds they were visible before he was lowering it.
The two of you laid side by side for a few minutes in silence and you were quickly regretting asking him to join you considering how awkward it was.
You could hear him breathing, heavily at first almost like he was winded and then calmer the longer you stayed like that. You’d rolled back over fully onto your back eventually and your shoulder bumped into his, settling down into a position that made it so your arms were touching.
It was hard not to wonder what he was thinking about, if he was thinking about anything. Your mind was overflowing with too much confusion but it was completely possible that he was just laying next to you because you had asked and he wasn’t putting as much meaning behind it as you did so instinctively.
Then you felt something pressing against your wrist, flinching away for a second thinking it was a bug or something before your brain registered the warmth of Heeseung’s fingers pressing against your skin softly. You lowered your arm back onto the bed and thankfully he didn’t seem to be deterred by your sudden movement, sliding his hand down your wrist until he could lace his fingers with yours.
A wave of relief washed over you suddenly, silent confirmation that this wasn’t just two friends laying in bed together.
You felt like your breath had caught in your throat and you absentmindedly squeezed his hand, a sigh of relief being heard from beside you. His thumb was rubbing over the back of your palm and you were fighting the urge to look over at him and see what his expression was like.
“You can say no but..” His voice was coming out low and your head snapped in his direction at the sound of it. He wasn’t looking at you, staring straight up at the ceiling with an almost pained expression. “Would it be weird if.. could I hold you maybe?”
His words lingered in the air and your mouth parted in shock, something he must’ve sensed considering his hand tensed in yours and immediate regret passed over his face.
You didn’t want him to pull away from you just yet so you were acting quickly before you’d fully processed what he was asking and how strange it was. You rolled back onto your side, facing completely away from him and for a second you wondered if his heart dropped thinning you were upset with him for asking you.
Then you were scooting backwards in his direction and glancing over your shoulder waiting for him to take the hint, meeting his gaze finally and watching as understanding passed through his eyes. You quickly looked away, face flushing almost uncomfortably hot and it only worsened when his arm was hesitantly draping over your waist.
He was slow at first, like he was testing to see if you’d push him off or change your mind but when he seemingly decided it was safe he got bolder.
A small surprised noise slipped out of you when he was tugging you back tighter against him, his front completely against you and you felt him tucking his head into the crook of your neck. He breathed in a low sigh of relief and tightened his arm that was around you, instinctively squeezing like he’d finally gotten a breath of fresh air.
You were thinking back to what Jake had said now for the first time since it had happen just a few hours ago, the boy hinting that you had done something that awoken a new side of your best friend.
You wrestled with the idea that Heeseung was potentially touched starved before you ran your fingers through his newly bleached hair so softly, recalling the way his eyes had widened as he absentmindedly leaned into your touched like he was mesmerized by it. It made more sense to you with every passing second now considering the way he was holding onto you so tightly, like he was afraid you’d slip away from him.
“Is it too weird?” He was muttering from behind you and you shivered at the feeling of his breath on your neck.
You were shaking your head and trying to clear your throat to respond to him but you found yourself unable to form any words, overly aware of how close you were and the fact his hand was fanned out against your side.
To make matters worse he started to move again, clearly not content with just holding you against him. His hand was shifting against you and pulling at the large tshirt you were wearing, pausing for a second when he realized it was his but not saying anything about it. At first you were confused with what he was attempting to do but he pulled it up so it was resting near your ribs, leaving your stomach exposed.
You could tell he was propping himself up slightly behind you considering his face wasn’t tucked into your neck anymore and you felt overwhelmingly shy knowing he was looking at your bare skin, his large hand tracing down the dip of your waist and watching the way goosebumps rose to the surface.
Heeseung had seen you in lots of states of undress, walking in on you changing a dozen times and seeing you in bathing suits more than you could count but it felt miles more intimate in your current situation.
You glanced behind your shoulder again at him to find him already looking at you, a look in his eyes that was too loaded for you to want to unpack it right now.
Thankfully he laid back down and shifted his position, tapping you so you could lift your body off the bed a bit and he could slide his arm underneath you. This made it so he was completely hugging you around the middle and because he had tugged your shirt up his hands were left resting on your bare stomach.
Despite the heavy touching and the way he was watching you a few seconds ago, it didn’t feel sexual at all. If anything you almost felt like you could cry from how innocent and intimate the whole situation was. You realized you’d been just as desperate to touch him despite instinctively running from him in fear of what it meant.
Or more realistically, what it didn’t mean for him.
Regardless if he felt the same way as you did, if his heart was beating out of his chest with love and longing that had been buried down deep since you’d first heard him laugh, it definitely meant something important to the both of you.
He was tucking his face back into your neck, moving your hair to the side so he could hook his chin over your shoulder and you could feel his heart beat against your back, anything but still. You placed your hands shakily over his that remained still and warm on your stomach, stroking his knuckles softly and letting yourself stop thinking just for a moment.
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tripleyeeet · 9 months
SUMMARY: You and Astarion finally have the conversation. Among other things.
PAIRING: Astarion & Female Reader
WARNINGS: 18+ sexual content, teasing, little bit of hand stuff, vaginal sex, CONSENT IS SEXY, mentions of past sexual/physical trauma, potential spoilers for acts 1/2.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Say thank you to the 2 bottles of Corona and the tequila shot I took to loosen up my brain enough to write this smut. I couldn't have done it without them. (And also my bardic inspiration @imgoingtofreakoutnow)
The weeks following feel like an uphill battle —a never-ending course of constant information and action all tied into one long work month. Without warning, you find yourself overwhelmingly annoyed with the pace of it all. Not to mention the unwavering guilt, knowing that if you’re not fighting hordes of Absolute cultists or doing research on how to rip the Illithid out of your head, your time is essentially wasted.
Or at least, that’s what it feels like. 
Considering the severity of everything, even when you’re resting from a long day's work, you always find your mind wandering. Picking apart texts from old books you’ve found during infiltration missions. Oftentimes late at night when Astarion’s come back from feeding, you spend a lot of your time together relaying said thoughts. Using the late-night silence to fuel the drive that’s been missing throughout the day. 
By the time you get to the Inn within the Shadowlands, you’re surprised he’s not sick of you for it. Nowadays, just the mere thought of your own voice makes you want to rip off your ears, and although you know it’s crucial that you discuss things like this, you know there are other things that are important too. 
Like your shared confession. And your promise to talk of the past when you were both ready. 
Since that night you haven’t asked him about it. With everything happening so quick, it’s been pushed to the back of your mind —lost amongst the clutter of thoughts that you’re often forced to leave behind. Deep down, you imagine he’s somewhat in the same boat but still, there’s even more guilt that surfaces. Filling both sides of the spectrum like an overflowing glass of water —so much so that by the time you’re gifted a proper night’s rest in an actual bed you’re already too tired to care. 
As soon as you enter the Inn after your journey through the cursed shadows of the forest you head straight to the bar, barely batting an eye at the barkeep who looks you up and down, horrified by the state of your dress.
“Whiskey, please.”
“And… whatever else you got back there that doesn’t taste of fermentation.” 
You turn to see Astarion already standing beside you, moving his hand to the small of your back to usher you into one of the stools. Immediately, you oblige with a sigh, blinking back sleep as you rest your bloodied elbows on the countertop, earning yourself a look of annoyance that Astarion squashes with an unfriendly scowl, showcasing his canine teeth. 
If you weren’t so exhausted you probably would’ve laughed at such a sight, but considering you are, you instead let out a soft hum and down your whiskey when it’s placed in front of you, signalling for another. 
“I see you’ve already decided how you’re going to spend your night off.” 
Nodding your head, you barely register his words, slumping your damp forehead down against the counter with a groan. “How the fuck are we even alive?” 
It’s a fair question when you take into account all that you’ve been through. All the puzzles and battles and endless expectations to now save all of Baldur’s Gate just to get these damned Illithids out of your head. 
At this rate, you and everyone else should’ve been dead ages ago. Either murdered and looted for your tadpoles and their powers or already turned into tentacle-faced beasts. Not sitting next to Astarion, covered in blood, sweat and tears, wondering how the hell you’re supposed to keep going. How you’re meant to keep this unrealistic momentum of burnout over and over and—
He runs his palm along the base of your spine, drawing his fingers up and down as he takes a sip of his drink. “Hells if I know, darling.”
Feeling a bit delirious, you laugh and raise your head to look between him and the new drink in front of you. “We should’ve been dead by now.” 
“You? Perhaps. Me?” He pauses to dig his digits into your aching neck, making your head fall forward again in delight. “Well, I have far too much to do after all of this is over.” 
“Yeah, like what?”
When he doesn’t answer right away you remember the conversation. That moment by the fire where you kissed and confessed and told each other you’d talk about it. Immediately it fills you with anxiety, clouding your features with a worried brow and frowning lips as you crane your neck to the side. 
When you look at him you notice he’s not really there. His eyes sit in their normal position, staring back but there’s nothing. Not a thought or feeling; just two empty voids surrounded by bloodied dissociation. 
It pulls at your heartstrings far too much —makes you let out a breath and raise your frame to slip off the stool and move to hug him. Despite the lack of attention, he manages to follow suit as it happens, wrapping his arms around your neck as you burrow into his chest, once again sighing, wondering if you should apologize and offer your ear or merely forget the exchange entirely. 
Before you can even think to do either he’s standing up, keeping his hold as he grabs your other whiskey and proceeds to drink it down, barely batting an eye. 
Raising your brow at him, you feel his fingers dig into your neck again, rubbing rough circles that have you resting your forehead against his chest, trying to form any semblance of a thought. 
It makes him laugh and raise his hand to your hair, running his fingers through the roots. “Let’s get cleaned up.” 
You’re already off and climbing the stairs before you’re able to answer. Pushing through the pain that radiates through your calves with every step. Leaning against him with tired eyes that eventually open up when the door creaks open in front you of. 
Somehow you managed to earn yourself a private room. One that’s actually clean with a real bed and a tub —all of which almost have you in tears. 
“Nice of them to give us some privacy, hm?” Astarion smirks down at you as he speaks, watching as you roll your eyes and finally pull yourself away, reaching for the clasps of your leather vest. Like the rest of you, it’s coated in a thick layer of dirt and blood. All of it dried and coming off in disgusting clumps that have you scrunching up your face. Brushing off the top few clasps, you try not to focus on the way it feels against your fingers. How it collects under your nails as you narrow your eyes, struggling to get the damned thing off.
It makes him scoff and pull you back in, pushing your hands aside to undo the first clasp. “I feel as though I recall a time where you claimed to be patient?” 
As he moves down to the next one you shake your head and look away. “Emotionally, yes. Physically I—“
“I’d say you’re far more patient in that regard, actually.”
For a second you’re not sure what he means but then it hits you. He means sex. Physical intimacy. A line of which you hadn’t yet crossed due to several things. The main being your lack of conversation —your lack of focus to a promise you both said you wouldn't break. 
Obviously, the lack of time hasn’t helped either, but as you stand there, watching his fingers pull apart your top layer, you find yourself visibly frustrated. Angry at yourself for not taking the time to offer the piece of yourself you desperately want. 
After that night it was always your intention to go first. To tell him all about your past in order to open the floodgates. You figured if you were brave enough to do it —to be the one to bite the bullet— maybe he’d inevitably follow. 
But then life got in the way and now nearly five weeks later it suddenly feels like you’re stuck in this limbo. One where you’re dancing on the edge, teetering with bated breath. Wondering if maybe the time is right. 
As his hands move further and further you find yourself fighting your imagination. Brushing off the feelings that start to surface as you stare down at his hands, watching their delicate ministrations. 
It’s apparent then that he's no stranger to the art of undress. As his fingers twist and turn to work the clasps apart, you have to stop yourself from giving in to temptation, knowing that it’s wrong. Remembering the promise you made.
Moving your hand to stop him, you clear your throat and watch his eyes. Noticing the way they filter through the air to eventually focus on you, blinking as if he wasn’t there to begin with. 
“Can we talk now? Maybe?”
His hands sit against your leathers, gripping the metal with tightened fingers that still somehow manage to pale from their hold despite his complexion. “Course.”
Running your fingers along his knuckles, you slowly wrap your fists around them, bringing them up toward your mouth to place soft kisses despite the mess of battle that lingers. Then you drag him further into the room, placing him on the edge of the bed. 
“Do you know who Beshaba is?” you ask, plain and simple, unsure how else to start the conversation of your past as you sit beside him.
“The deity?”
You nod, slowly, letting your gaze anxiously fall to your lap. “I grew up in one of her churches after my parents died. Learned everything I know about the world from a priestess named Hessa.”
As you try your best to further collect your thoughts, Astarion leans in, narrowing his eyes at the way your hands start to shake against your thigh.
“Is she the one in your dream?” he asks.  
Without hesitation, you nod. “They thrive on infliction,” you explain after, watching him frown. Taking in the way his demeanour changes without warning to become something you’re not quite sure you've seen before. “Their doctrine revolves around fear. If you don’t participate you’re expected to endure only pain and misfortune.”
You remember growing up underneath all these women, listening to their cautionary tales of Beshaba’s terror. It instilled fear in you from the get-go —taught you that the only way to endure the horrors of this life was to devote yourself to her. To offer everything you could in exchange for peace, so you did. Unwaveringly so. 
“As a child, I grew up listening to these women scare everyone for the sake of their goddess.” You pause to swallow, feeling the memories of Hessa’s knife each time you later disobeyed, slice across your skin. “Then, as an adult, I followed the cycle.”
You shrug your shoulders. “At first.” 
You remember as soon as you were old enough you were sent out to recruit. To trick the minds of all the simple folk, weaving fabricated tales of disasters that were carried out by Beshaba’s hand. It was difficult to do. Seeing all those ruined minds come crawling to you for salvation —begging for forgiveness in the form of eternal loyalty. 
Thankfully though, it grew old pretty quickly. The formula of travelling Faerûn, following the endless calamity and blaming it on the lack of faith was enough to pull you out of the fog. As each day passed, it became increasingly hard to pretend your faith was still intact, so you formulated a plan. 
“When we arrived in Baldur’s Gate I tried to leave. In the middle of the night I abandoned my sisters —tried to run and never look back but…”
There’s a moment where your mouth just closes, trailing from the memories of your story; straying solely to the image of Hessa. To her hands and face each time she broke you apart and put you back together. 
Without even trying you can feel her next to you, whispering her teachings in your ear —touching your scars with calloused hands. Her voice still has that icy hold on you even when you’re far away, keeping you still as she forces you down to kneel on the stone floor and await your punishment. 
A punishment you’ll always feel you deserve. Even now that you’ve well and truly denounced the faith. Deep down you still feel the guilt of your exit. The pain of having to carry the trauma of an existence you never had the choice of living. To this day, it still eats away through the scars that line your stomach. Boring lines of betrayal across your skin.
The last thing you want to do is cry, but as the reminder of such abuse continues to penetrate your mind you find the tears falling anyway. Collecting at the edges of your eyes so quickly that you’re forced to close them in order to reset your vision.
As you do you feel Astarion wrapping himself completely around you. Pulling you into his chest with heavy hands that feel nothing like hers. Reminding you that you’re safe. That you’re here with him and nobody else. 
“Is this wretched woman still stationed in Baldur’s?” 
You feel his fingers on your chin, pulling your face up so that he can see you when you nod, holding back tears. 
“Good. Then our destinations align.” 
His voice sounds different. Instead of the usual softness or flirtation, it’s spoken through clenched teeth that strain against his throat, somehow feeling almost like a threat. An unspoken but well-articulated phrase of warning that has you sniffing and wiping your eyes. “What do you mean?” 
At first, you figure he’s talking about the Illithid. The urgent need to get to Baldur’s Gate before time runs out. But then you’re ripped back to reality —to the moments where he’s briefly mentioned his desire to return home. To finish whatever business he has after this timely journey is over. 
“The person who sent the hunter—“
He practically spits out his name. Cazador Szarr. A man you’re unfortunately well aware of given his reputation. 
After arriving in Baldur’s Gate it was common knowledge to avoid him and his property. As awful as your church was about promoting the misfortunes of others, they made it very clear not to get involved. According to them, he was an unholy man —one that could never fully be understood due to the obvious seclusion of his person.
To this day, you've always wondered what lies behind those doors of his. What sinister things he was up to throughout the years. 
However, when you look at Astarion —when you see the way his rage suddenly seems to know no bounds, you know it’s bad. Worse than bad considering Astarion hardly ever gets angry. Sure, annoyance and frustration often come out but anger —real anger— never does.  
“When you told me that you wished I didn’t know what it felt like, I didn’t realize how similar our experiences were.” His fingers rub rough circles into your flesh, distracting his mind as he lets out a breath and continues. “I didn’t know the level of your pain.”
“I didn’t tell you.”
“I know.”
His voice cracks. Your heart breaks. Then, both of you sit in another wave of silence, letting the words previously spoken sit at your feet as you stare at one another, trying to gauge what happens next.
You don’t anticipate his hands moving to his armour. Nor do you retain any sense of restraint when you reach to follow them, both of you working to pry it off before he pulls his tunic over his head. 
Despite being on the road together for so long you’ve never seen him bare like this. So open and willing to prove to you that he's here. With you, here’s here and ready to share whatever you think you need. 
Embarrassingly, it makes you want to cry all over again, reaching for his face. Feeling that familiar coolness beneath your touch as he turns to rest both hands on your hips again.
“It’s been so long since I’ve willingly wanted this.”
“This?” You look at him confused.
“To be intimate.” His fingers tighten around your flesh, digging into the plush ever so slightly. “To share the act of sex with another rather than exploit it.”
There’s a small smile that creeps through then. An inkling of hope for the vampire’s happiness as you inch in closer, placing the softest kiss you can muster to his cheek. “But you’re nervous?”
“Terribly,” he admits with a heavy breath. “In the span of 200 years I’ve bed countless men and women —all of them willing. All of them happy to have enjoyed my body only to end up at death’s door.”
It’s a lot to take in —the admittance of his faults. As soon as the first detail is uttered it’s as if the floodgates open and he’s telling you everything. From the moment he was turned and forced to crawl from his grave to the years that followed luring person after person into the Szarr home for a master so cruel you immediately wish to kill him. 
“I spent so long under that bastard’s thumb that… I don’t even know who I am anymore. How I’m meant to be now that I’ve attained even the slightest bit of freedom.” 
You understand how he feels. Perhaps the levels are different but deep within there’s always been this nagging feeling of how you’re supposed to live your life. How you feel as though you should be travelling the world in search of a new purpose rather than once again fulfilling someone else’s. 
But then you remember what’s at stake. And how even someone else’s fate can affect your livelihood. Then it’s as if the cycle repeats itself, constantly reminding you that if you don’t participate then that’s the end. Your freedom is null just as Astarion’s, leaving you to wonder what’s the point of it all.
“I think people like you and I are just meant to live.” Your hands move up to touch his hair. Carefully, you grip his curls between your fingers, pressing the pads into his skull as you run them down, hearing him sigh. “To enjoy what little time we have.”
“Little?” He raises his brow with a smirk. “Darling, I’m immortal.”
“True but you could still become a Mind-flayer like the rest of us.”
“Fair point.”
He seems calmer now. The usual persona of his overbearing personality coming through, making you grin. 
Instead of tightly wound he’s relaxed under your hold, practically melting against your touch as he lowers himself to rest on your shoulder. As he does, you end up catching a glimpse of his back, fully seeing Cazador’s work in the form of rough, red etchings that coat his entire spine. 
You have to force yourself not to ask about them until he’s ready, tightening the hold you have around his head as you riddle his face in kisses, letting your lips linger against his temple as you close your eyes. 
“They’re not as bad as they look,” he says then, somehow reading your mind. 
As painful as it is to admit, you know he’s right. Compared to other scars you’ve seen his look undeniably perfect. The way they paint the image of what looks to be some sort of sigil against his pale flesh. Despite the violence endured to create such a piece, it’s obvious that there was care put in too. A meticulous hand working away with the precision of someone borderline obsessed. 
If it wasn’t the result of abuse you could even call it beautiful. But since it’s not, you only continue to hold him, gripping his face for dear life, wondering what kind of pain he had to suffer to earn such a massive reminder of his ownership. 
“Do you know what it is?”
He lifts his head, looking at you like he’s seeking the answer himself. “A brand I’m guessing. Not that I can tell. Unlike you I can’t use a mirror. Nor can I very well reach to trace the damned thing myself.” 
Your fingers twitch at his words, feeling the temptation to touch them grow as you remember your own scars. In terms of appearance, they’re much more rigid. Three jagged lines that cover the middle of your stomach, making sure you remember. Ensuring your mind that every day you live on this earth —every new moment spent thinking that you’re worthy of whatever this is between you— that you’ll never be normal. 
The moment they dug that first knife into your gut you were marked for life. Branded just like him. 
Swallowing hard you force yourself to slip away from his grasp, watching the confusion that erupts before the understanding starts as you shakily discard your leather layer and throw your tunic over your head. 
It takes everything in you not to put it back on when you see the look on Astarion’s face. How it studies you with knitted brows and a clenched jaw that makes you want to hold him again.
“Mine are just… lines. They don’t mean anything.” As you motion to the thick slashes that have been carved over countless times you catch his gaze twitching upward, taking in the exhaustion.
“She did this?”
After you nod you feel his hand move forward, ever so gently grazing the top of the centre line with curiosity. “How many times?”
“I don’t remember.”
“But you remember how it felt?”
You press your lips together, breathing through your nose. Sucking in the Inn’s dusty air before blowing it out as you nod, forcing back the memory. Pushing through the pain as your tadpole squirms, asking to let him in. 
Like all the other feelings you’ve shared as of late, it’s been so long since you’ve felt his presence like this. Even with the Illithid’s constant use outside of each other, when he calls out to you it’s completely different. The movement behind your eye doesn’t feel like an annoyance. It feels like a call. A tingle of hope that has you answering before you can even question what it is he might want. 
When you answer there’s a warmth that hits your skin. Enveloping you completely, you feel the aching of the heat carry through your extremities, cascading down in anxious pools that have you breathing rather hard. Closing your eyes, you see the image of Astarion’s hands in front of you. Slowly he wiggles his fingers and turns his palms, taking in the fact that he’s safely under the sun, despite what he is. 
You realize then that this is the first memory he has of freedom. Of a life where he truly believes the tether’s been severed. All the thoughts inside his mind are full of nerves. Building anxieties of the past and the future being interrupted by a present he never thought was possible. 
It’s a memory that stirs you to move. To guide his hands to your waist as you crawl into his lap and grab his chin. 
Touching his skin you feel that same warmth flow through to your core. Letting it take over all the thoughts of scarring and owners and the lives you’ve both lived to get to this point, it takes away your breath. Pulls from you the needs of anything but him. 
In this moment, none of it matters anymore. Every experience is nothing more than a dimming shadow compared to the sensation of his breath wafting over your face as you angle your head down to look at him.
“Do you want this?”
His tongue darts out to line his lips. His hunger growing at the sight of you —at the feeling of you moulded to him like melting wax just cool enough to touch. “Yes.”
“So it’s okay if I—“
There’s a hand in your hair before you can finish, forcing you down to his mouth. It’s rough at first but quickly softens once he’s got you where he wants you. Firmly set atop his thighs and in his grasp. Allowing him enough access to reach up and touch the edge of your neck, his thumb lingering towards the centre to press a soft touch —reminding you that you have to breathe. That the usage of your lungs is no longer second nature but something you actively have to think about through the open-mouthed kisses that work to take it all away. 
Your head dizzies at the feeling. All at once your vision blurs while your hands begin to roam, stretching over skin and bone, eventually hitting raised scars that make you kiss him even harder, knowing it’s what he needs. What he deserves after countless years of loveless encounters. After touches, empty of anything resembling the adoration you wish to offer him.  
While laying waste to his bruising lips, you clumsily slide down his lap so that you’re standing on the ground, tucked between his open legs and bending forward. 
Confused, you feel his face twist against your own, prompting you to pull away and lower yourself further, letting your knees gently come in contact with the floor. 
“I was enjoying you where you were,” he muses then, cocking his head to focus on the way your hands begin to slide up over his knees, resting on each outer thigh. 
“And now you’ll enjoy me over here.” You smirk.
“Cheeky pup.” 
“The cheekiest.” 
After that, you shuffle closer and reach for his belt, keeping eye contact every step of the way to make sure you aren’t stepping over any boundaries. 
The last thing you’d want is to make him feel uncomfortable —to feel used in all the ways he used to experience. So you combat all that by checking in; offering him subtle glances every time you take the next step. 
You can tell immediately that he’s appreciative. Whenever he nods there’s a faint smile that sits across his lips, offering you approval as your fingers knock against the metal clasp of his belt, shakily moving to open it up.
At some point he ends up doing it himself, leaning forward to kiss your forehead and laugh at the nerves that render your fingers useless. Nerves that only spread when you stare up at his face while his hands busily move the strap aside.
After tossing his belt aside he doesn’t let you go further. Instead, he drags you further between his legs, leaning down to cup your cheeks and kiss you all over again.
It’s distracting, to say the least. The feeling of his lips moving in tandem with your own as he reaches around to rid you of your bra with two quick swipes, leaving you just as bare as him. 
It sends a shiver down your spine that makes him smirk, his upper lip quirking against yours before he gently bites down making you groan. 
“Can’t let you be the only one with a view,” he mutters against you, making you awkwardly laugh as you watch his gaze lower to your naked chest. “Can I, pet?”
“No, I suppose not.” 
Your voice sounds anything but confident as his hands continue their descent, matching your previous desires when they linger at your belt, waiting for you to give him the okay. 
When you do he makes quick work, unclasping the belt with skillful hands before lightly smacking your ass, signalling you to stand before he carefully slides the rest of it down, thumbing the edges of your legs. 
You have to force yourself not to cry out right then and there, feeling overwhelmed by the soft touch of his fingers. How they barely graze the outer parts of your already parting thighs, stopping at your knees when he looks up at you with a smirk.
“You seem nervous, darling.” 
Rolling your eyes, you shove an open palm to his chest, pushing him back against the bed with a scoff. One that makes him laugh and watch as you kick off the remainder of the fabric, trying to appear brave. Something that proves to be harder than you anticipate when he swiftly follows suit, giving you a show of your own in the form of freshly exposed skin you’ve only ever imagined in the deepest corners of your mind. 
In almost an instant, the fabric slips away, revealing more of him than you possibly could’ve expected, making your mind wander as the building arousal between your thighs twitches with desire. Telling you that you need this. 
You open your mouth to ask for more only to be yanked upon his lap causing a yelp to fall from your lips that makes you both laugh. 
“You really are a marvel, aren’t you?”
With a smile, his eyes scan your naked frame. Up and down and back, they linger at every part as if he’s studying you for future use. Taking mental notes with each passing freckle or scar that lines the length of bare skin. “I mean truly, look at you.” 
As he speaks, one hand runs along your neck —over your shoulder and down your arm until it’s resting at your thigh, gripping you tight. “I’m not sure what God out there decided to make you but remind me to give them my utmost thanks after this is over.”
When he leans in you have to force yourself not to nervously laugh at his praise, once again feeling his lips find refuge on your own, driving you to take things further. Encouraging you to make him feel as good as he deserves. 
This time though, instead of asking for approval with a glance you do so with a touch, reaching down to grip the end of his length with gentle hands that make him moan. Ever so quietly, the second you hear it you immediately strengthen your hold, using your free hand to grip his shoulder as you work him slowly, noticing him push. Feeling the subtle arc of his hips buck against your hand, wanting more.
For a moment you think about doing it. Letting your hand tighten further while you pick up the pace. It’d be easy. Nothing more than a simple readjustment but something mischievous stops you from doing it. 
Remembering that night at the grove —the one where he relentlessly teased just to get a rise out of you— you find yourself smirking and pulling away, gripping his shoulder even tighter to keep him in place.
Almost immediately, he knows exactly what you’re doing. He can feel it in the way you languidly pull at his cock, barely holding on with each stroke. 
“You think you’re clever, do you?”
You quirk your brow and bite your lip, massaging the apex of his shoulder. “I have to be if I’m going to be hanging around you.”
Furthering his torment, you then tighten your grip for a couple more pumps before returning to your previous pace, eliciting a hiss of disapproval that has him gripping both your hips and maneuvering you to sit against his right thigh. 
“Oh really?” 
Pushing up into your core, Astarion shifts you back and forth with his hands, making your breath catch inside your throat once you realize what you’ve done. How you’ve instantly set yourself up for a failure you know he’ll only revel in winning.
Considering he’s more than capable of making you fluster solely with words, you should’ve expected this —saw it coming from a mile away. 
Continuing your ministrations as lazily as possible, he barely registers them as he glides your folds against his leg. Holding you down, he manages to apply the perfect amount of pressure to build the tension, making you press your lips tightly together, forcing back any sound that might be deemed a loss. 
Even though it’s anything but a competition. A detail that’s reminded once he maneuvers one of his hands to cup your sex, rubbing rough circles into your clit. 
It makes you lose all semblance of thought, forgetting the hold you have on his cock as you shakily reach for his other shoulder, steadying yourself against him. 
“Doesn’t it feel nice when you give in?” 
Despite the context, there’s surprisingly no snark to his words. No sarcasm or bite —just genuine thought. A question so true to its word that all you can do is pant through the building pleasure and nod; letting him raise you off his leg and station himself at your entrance. 
It fills your mind to the brim with needs and wants you never thought you’d feel again. Having been subjected to abuse and then forced upon a journey you’re still not sure you’re ready for, the thought of attachments like this never once crossed your mind. 
Even after everything you’d been through, you never thought Astarion was capable of such tenderness —of loving care and safekeeping. Of gentle touches that run across your aching skin as he looks at you and you at him, both of you deciding it’s okay. 
As soon as it’s given, he’s sliding into you. Painfully slow, he uses the approval to grant you access to your shared pleasure, pushing through the tightness just as you open your mouth.
“Feel alright?”
Your fingers press against his neck as they slide up to cup his chin so you can pull your foreheads together. “More than alright.”
Through an unsteady breath, he laughs and guides you further down, allowing you both to savour the sensation for a moment before pulling back out again. 
As soon as he’s missing you’re already longing for more. Desperate for the fill of his cock, prompting a whine to escape; earning yourself a tut. 
“Remember patience?”
You do. More than anything in this moment you remember your claim and how foolish it was to think he wouldn’t forget it. 
“I recall you saying—"
“Astarion, please.” 
You’re not sure if it’s the anguish in your voice or the squirming of your hips that does it, but almost instantly he’s giving in. Once again offering you exactly what you need in the form of a push and pull so viscerally satisfying you’re left slumped against his chest, keeping hold of his neck. Forcing his hand to grip the back of your head to see the way he ruts inside of you. 
It’s a sight that’s almost too much. One that makes you moan and close your eyes, allowing him to move your face to his. At which point you’re on the precipice of ruin. Both body and mind becoming a mess of everything and nothing, forcing your breath to falter. 
You can tell Astarion’s in the same boat, struggling to maintain his starting pace the longer you mindlessly grind against him, unable to contribute much of anything else.
Together, the two of you try to move in unison, pushing and pushing —inhaling and exhaling. Anything you can do to share the burden of the building pleasure that grows and grows until—
When it hits, it feels better than you imagined. Deep within there’s a blooming that unfolds, petal by petal, opening to reveal unholy tremors that make you release a heavy plume of air through your closed lips. 
Gripping you close, you can feel Astarion follow quickly behind, twitching inside before he inevitably spills out, making both of you groan and fall back onto the bed in a fit of nervous laughter before he cheekily suggests you make use of the tub. 
TAGLIST: @poohxlove @gaiasmight @sassy-stupid @novarex @v-gremlin @sapphiccloud @lipstickghoulie @kuroitsukyo@jjfchk@idiotsatan@bluestuesday@bloopthebat@art-by-greenie@heneralmoon@sukunababe@dreamingaboutyousworld@ranfithegood@haniscrying@liadamerondjarin@the-lake-is-calling@marina-and-the-memes@rookieoftheyear@zraloci-cpr@kaetmo@snickerdoodle-daydream@wowowwild@d1anna@raswiet@conniesbbymama@venus-wrts@demonicthorns@kihten@deadglamsheep@sanscas@spammypasta@leighsartworks216@rose-gold-blue@p1ssmagg0t@hellish-writes@ghostinvenus@otayz@sexysquatch@sleepyeclair@colorful-anxieties@alina-exe@ilana-the-lasagna@lillifer@girlwiththepapatattoo@y2cade@acelin-ginsberg@pinkuranium@catrad0rable@scarletrosesposts@qwnamidala@itsrosebabe@bunnyperi@queenofcarrotflowers-s@tatumadams20@spkyxszn@chlort@f3v3rs@awkwardwookie@joy-the-reader@warm-milk-with-honey-blog@vertigocrime@iyis@wildpiper@pebblethestone@tillywasneverhere@bex-03@kaetmo@revemiya@staticspouse@itzagothamcitysiren@djarinsmixtape@when-the-night-came@epicy0n@bababahannah@sleepyred1703@lotus-99@lofcompass@r4d10h34d5@vampninjaz@itsmekalou@offbrandhand@yikes-buddy@konenichi
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
gojo x f!reader. reader is referred to as my girl. a little fluffy christmas moment bc i will give the me whatever she wants. wc 989
divider thanks to @/saradika-graphics
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“I told you not to get me anything,” you whine with a pout when Satoru passes you a wrapped gift box.
Sitting cross legged in front of the tree the two of you decorated together, he has just finished opening the things you gifted him. Weeks ago, you vowed to keep it simple this year but then you sat down and started purchasing and the history is now unwrapped and sitting in his lap. A new scarf in a lovely light purple you will love seeing him wear and a handmade book you drew the illustrations for yourself to match the others you’ve given him over the years are the two hits this Christmas but he thanked you exuberantly for every other gift in the pile surrounding him with a kiss each time.
Now he lays on his belly on the ground and cups his face in his palms, staring up at you with furrowed brows. You’re gazing at the box so tenderly he wonders if you think that it’s the gift itself and he sighs.
“Just open it, you’re killing me here.”
The paper is so intricate and beautiful you feel bad even considering ripping into it, pink with delicate white and gold glitter snowflakes and a matching white ribbon. Thumbing at the tape keeping the edge closed, he groans and moves to grab it out of your lap but you pluck it from atop your thigh and whine. Patience has never been his strong suit, it is why there is paper strewn across the floor around the two of you, but he can wait given you didn’t ask for anything to open in the first place.
“It’s my gift! Let me open it at my own pace.”
Gently tugging the tape away from the paper, you stick your tongue out of the corner of your mouth while lifting each of the paper flaps and a box slides out. It’s white, nondescript, something you could get anywhere. A childlike urge in you makes you want to shake it to hear what’s inside but you refrain. You take your time opening the box while Satoru kicks his legs out impatiently behind him.
“Now you’re doing it on purpose.”
You giggle because you are, it’s always a pleasure to make him wait given how overindulged he is, but you are just as eager to see what’s inside as he is for your reaction. Opening the box, you furrow your brows and gasp when the shiny glass dome of a snow globe comes into view. They’re your favorite of all the holiday decorations and he knows it just as he knows everything else about you. There’s no hiding anything from him.
“Oh baby,” you coo and he beams, grin as sparkly as the snowflakes on the wrapping paper shedding glitter into your lap. Pulling the globe out you grunt dramatically over the weight of the thing and gasp again when it’s in your full view.
The two of you, a pair of tiny ice skaters, permanently encased in a globe depicting a scene of a frozen pond. The base of the globe is silver and heavy and there’s an engraving in the metal your eyes are too blurry to read, tears filling them while capturing the small details of the little couple inside the bubble.
“Why did you do this?”
Your beloved shimmies across the floor on his elbows to deposit his head in your lap and you carefully stroke his hair with your free hand. Looking up at you, his cheeks pink and warm from the heat in your living room, your heart stills for a moment. He is your everything and not just on Christmas. Sniffling, you continue petting his soft white strands and set the snow globe down on the floor by the two of you.
“Because I love you, obviously.” You grin down at him and giggle. “And I got a little jealous of the way you looked at the guy in the snow globe on the dresser. Is there something I should know?”
Your giggle becomes a full blown laugh and you lean down to kiss him, cupping his face in your hands like always.
“The way I look at Santa?”
“Yeah. What’s that all about?”
Shaking your head, you kiss him again and a satisfied sigh leaves him. Santa is surely not any competitor he needs to plan to get rid of but at least you can replace that old bag with someone a lot more handsome who is holding your little sculpted hand on glistening ice.
“Turn the knob, play the song too.”
You tip your head to the side quizzically and he reaches to turn the key himself, the notes of your holiday favorite song playing while the two of you turn around and around inside a world of his own making. Sniffling, you lean down to kiss him again and he stops you before you can adjust yourself to sitting upward.
“You like it?”
“I love it.”
He smiles and smacks his lips.
“Not as much as I love you.”
Leaning back down, you pepper his face with kisses and he considers it your attempt to get the last word, something he simply cannot allow.
“Merry Christmas, my girl.”
A wet snack on his cheek from your lips.
Another kiss on the tip of his nose.
And finally, blissfully, a kiss to his forehead straight from the one he loves the most.
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lovings4turn · 28 days
— or, lando wants to make your birthday special from the start
+ aka. some short and sweet fluff about lando celebrating your birthday with you . considering this a little gift to the absolutely wonderful @wintfleur who turned twenty today !!!! happiest of birthdays bestie ,, i love you so much !!!
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you're unsure of the time as your eyes slowly blink open, heavy with a good night of sleep. birthdays, you believe, are the perfect excuse to wake up whenever you feel like it, no alarms necessary.
just as you push yourself up onto your elbows, a loud yawn escaping your lips, the bedroom door moves ajar to reveal a smiling lando, hair still messy and tousled like it normally is in the mornings.
"ah, so you're finally awake," he teases, wasting no time in making his way over to your side of the bed. "i've been popping in and out every ten minutes for like, the past hour."
lando stoops down to press a gentle kiss to your lips, pushing your hair away from your face as he pulls back with a fond smile. as he takes in your barely awake form, you swear you can see the amount of love radiating from his features; it's damn near golden, and you bask in his glow. 
"happy birthday baby."
"thank you," you smile, puckering your lips up for one more kiss. lando would have to be heartless to deny the birthday girl, after all, and so he grants your wishes instantly. 
"as much as i'd love to stand here 'nd keep kissing you, i have something i need to do. someone's special day, apparently."
lando’s expression is mischievous, and he wiggles his eyebrows at you as he slowly backs towards the door. 
over the course of your relationship with lando, you’ve learnt one very crucial lesson: never question him. especially not in moments like these, when he clearly has a trick or two hidden up his sleeve. and so you allow him to slink away, your curiosity piqued as to what he could have planned for you.
gentle clattering and a few mumbled curse words provide background noise as you slowly wake up further, the haze of sleepiness lifting the longer you sit upright. phone in hand, you scroll through the barrage of birthday texts and messages from your friends and family. a wide smile tugs at your lips as you allow the excitement of the day to bubble below your skin, electric and bright.
you sniff once, then once again, as a sugary, warm scent floats through the half-open doorway. you can hear lando hiss a little as the sound of a pan clashing into the sink prompts a laugh to escape you.
it doesn’t take a genius to work it out: he’s cooking. what he’s making, though, is still to be revealed. it’s far too late for him to think about baking a cake for you, yet the scent is no where similar to his usual breakfast of eggs or toast.
“you okay?” you call out, mirth lacing your tone.
“perfect!” comes lando’s response. “just stay put, gorgeous, i won’t be long!”
convinced, you do as told. and god, is it worth the wait.
lando swiftly reappears, an adorably out of tune ‘happy birthday’ accompanying his arrival. a large gift bag hangs from his wrist, and balancing precariously in his hand is a plate of pancakes.
they’re quite clearly homemade, a little uneven in size and shape, and topped with copious amounts of fruit and cream. baby blue candles are stuck into the top of the stack, the flames flickering mildly, and you think you could cry.
lando has never made you feel anything less than the luckiest girl in the world, but in this moment, you truly have no idea what you’ve done to deserve him.
he places one foot in front of the other, all of his focus directed to delivering your birthday breakfast to your lap safely. as his song comes to an end, lando presents you with your pancakes, his bright grin another sweet side.
the gift bag is placed onto the ground, and lando perches next to you on your bed, hand resting on your knee above the bedsheets.
“happy birthday, baby,” lando says, voice sincere. “make a wish.”
and when you blow out the candles, you don’t even need to make a wish; all you could ever want is right in front of you.
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dyaz-stories · 25 days
too many beds || ft. gojo satoru x reader
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title is self-explanatory
word count: 1.8k
cw: canon compliant, implied fwb, kissing, suggestive & implied sex, crack treated seriously, fluff, just written for fun honestly
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There is no reason that you should be stuck in the Japanese countryside in the middle of the night. You’d planned for this trip, as you do for everything. You had plenty of time, and for the worst case scenario you had checked out nearby hotels you could reach.
The one thing you hadn’t accounted for enough was, of course, Satoru Gojo.
Which means you have no one to blame but yourself because, by now, you should know that that man will not let himself be part of any of your thoughtfully prepared plans. It also means that you’re now following him up the stairs to a tiny inn, lips pressed tightly together as you’re doing your very best to remain calm. It doesn’t help that Gojo looks so pleased with himself, with a little spring to his step as he slides open the door to the inn.
The very old woman who’s sitting behind the counter looks startled, seeing him come in, eyes darting towards his white hair and the bandages that cover half his face, and you pray the ground would open under your feet.
Well, Gojo would catch you anyway, if that did happen.
“Hello ma’am,” he says, leaning on the counter and shooting her his best, brightest smile. “My wife here and I have tragically gotten ourselves lost in this beautiful region of yours.” He elbows you when you choke at the word ‘wife’. “We know it’s quite late, but we were hoping you’d have a room for us.”
“Or two,” you pipe up, and he pouts at you.
“Ah, darling, don’t tell me you’re still mad at me for misreading the map?”
You glare at him, refusing to play his game, but he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you against his chest, and even if you are mad at him, even if you know better, his antics always, always get to you.
“It’s fine,” you mumble finally, knowing that even if you added a biting ‘honey’ at the end of the sentence it would only delight him more.
“Um,” the old woman says, looking up at the both of you with knitted eyebrows behind her round glasses, “I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid we don’t have any rooms left.”
“Oh,” Gojo says, turning to face her. “None at all? We’ll make sure to take as little space as possible, you have my word.” Then he leans closer to add, “and I assure you, I pay very well.”
“Well,” the woman considers slowly, “we might have something, but…”
“Amazing! We’ll take it. Don’t worry if it’s the size of closet, I’m sure we’ll make do!”
You roll your eyes, but as she gets up slowly and grabs a key from behind the counter and he turns around to give you a triumphant grin, you still follow.
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And man were you right to do that.
Because the way he freezes when she opens the door to a twenty-beds dormitory is absolutely priceless. Nothing could have made up for that — best thing you’ve seen all year, probably.
The twin-sized beds are lined up on either side of the room, facing each other in perfect symmetry, and you have to bite your lip not to laugh immediately. Not only is this the exact opposite of what he was hoping for, you’re pretty sure these beds are too small for him. Oh, this is so good. You’ll need to sneak a picture of him with his feet sticking out for Nanami.
“There you are,” the old woman says, fidgeting with her keys. “I know it’s not ideal for youth like you, but I’m afraid that’s all I have left.”
“Er,” Gojo says, rendered speechless for maybe the first time since you’ve met him. “Are you sure you don’t—”
“Oh, darling, we really cannot look a gift horse in the mouse,” you chime, as sweet as you can manage, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you so much, ma’am, this is absolutely perfect. You must be our guardian angel, because without you we’d be left to sleep in our car!”
A light pink dusts the woman cheekbones, but she scoffs and waves your thanks away with a gesture of her hand.
“That was nothing, that was nothing,” she says under her breath. “I hope you’ll be comfortable here. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning, yes?”
“Sure, we’d be so thankful for that,” you hum, since Gojo still hasn’t gotten his words back.
“You’re an evil, evil person,” he comments once she’s left the room.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell him, sounding way too cheerful for his taste, as you drop your bags in front of one of the beds. “You’re the one who found us this little gem of a place. Thank you for that, babe.”
He lets out a groan as you fall on the bed you’ve chosen, and he watches how your feet almost reach the end of it.
Yeah, he’s not sleeping in that.
You push yourself back on your elbows when you hear him ruffling around the room.
“What are you— Gojo!”
“Now we’re talking,” he grins as he throws two mattresses in the space between the beds, then two more, for good measure.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you hiss at him, glancing at the door to make sure your hostess won’t barge in on him in his bizarre rearranging of the room.
“I’m sure someone as smart as you can figure it out,” he answers as four blankets land on the mattresses, followed by the pillows.
Yes. And you could also figure out how to murder him, if given enough time and enough of reason.
“You’re not going to sleep there, are you?”
He turns to face you, with the cockiest expression known to man — something he excels at, as you must regretfully admit.
“No, we’re going to sleep here.”
“I’ll take the bed, thank you very much,” you deadpan. “It would be rude not to use what’s been prepared for us.”
“Aw,” he teases, walking towards you until you’re right in front of him, and he puts his thumb under your chin to gently tilt your face up. “Come on, you can’t be that mad at me. What would you be doing if we were back in Tokyo anyways? Grading papers?”
He leans forward and even if you are mad, you don’t do anything to push him away when he presses a hot kiss against your jaw.
“We’re supposed to help each other blow off steam, aren’t we?” he asks, breath warm against your skin.
That’s true. It’s what your relationship was supposed to be, strictly about relief, even if it has since very obviously devolved into something that neither of you are willing to address. You let him make his way down your jaw, to your neck, as he wraps an arm tightly around your waist, pressing your body against his.
“I’m not going to forgive you that easily,” you mumble, and it would be a lot more believable if your hand wasn’t already in his hair.
Between two kisses, he lets out a soft laugh, but doesn’t answer you. Instead, he treacherously pushes his thigh between your legs, and keeps a hand on the small of your back to make sure he has you right where he wants you.
Not that you’re going anywhere. It’s not every day you get to have his undivided attention, not every day the two of you get time, instead of fifteen minutes between two classes or before he’s shipped off wherever by the higher-ups. On the rare occasions when you get to spend a night together, you wake up alone more often than not, learning where he’s gone through a note, if he’s left one, or through Yaga, if he didn’t get the time.
So, really, is there this much harm in enjoying what you have…?
He pulls away from your neck, one of his hands shooting up to trace the sensitive skin, as he admires his own work.
“You’re going to have to cover that up,” he says, not sounding sorry at all, “or the students are going to be asking questions.”
Ugh. You’ll deal with that in the morning, like you’ll deal with the fallout of all the other obligations you’re not fulfilling by being here with him. Instead, you grab the collar of his jacket, and pull him down against your mouth.
You get to enjoy a small whimper of surprise, one you receive as a badge of honor — it’s not everyone that can catch the great Satoru Gojo off-guard. It only lasts a second then, and then his grip tightens on your waist, bringing you closer as he flexes his thigh so it rubs against your core just right. You’re about to abandon yourself wholly into the kiss, because what point is there in pretending when your body is molding itself into his so perfectly, when your hips are already rocking back and forth into him, when your lips are parting to welcome his tongue, when you realize you’re losing your balance.
A second later, you’re both landing exactly where he’d meant to get you all along.
On the damn mattresses he’s gathered on the floor.
Above you, with one hand next to your head so that his body doesn’t crush yours, he has the nerve to smile.
“See, it wasn’t such a bad idea after all,” he says as he reaches up to get rid of the bandages. There’s his usual nonchalance in his tone, but it’s undercut by a certain urgency, which you think has something to do with the fact that you feel how hard he is against your thigh right now.
Even if there wasn’t, you see how wide his pupils are when the bandages fall. By now, you know him well enough to be aware that he only removes them when he’s truly riled up and wants to see all of you.
“Fine,” you relent, “I’ll stay here, but on two conditions.”
He tilts his head to the side, amused. You both know that you’ve already given in anyway, but he’ll let you pretend that you still get to make the calls.
“What are they?”
“Number one, you’re not going to let that sweet old lady walk in on us here in the morning. I don’t care if you wake me up at dawn, she’s not seeing that mess or— or anything else when she walks in here.”
He laughs. He wouldn’t care, that’s for sure, but it’s kinda sweet that you would.
“Done. What’s number two?”
Your cheeks burn, but you refuse to avert your eyes. Instead, you stare directly in his.
“Make this worth my while.”
His eyes widen, and for a second his smile falls as he just stares at you, all sweet and bashful under him, for him. When the smile reappears, it’s hungry and wolfish.
“Oh, trust me. I’m planning on it.”
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hope you enjoyed this silly little thing lol. i want to write a 'there was only one bed' piece for nanami, but this trope was too much fun with gojo, sooo, there you have it! please reblog and comment my work to support me and let me know if you'd like to see more of it! i appreciate any and all feedback, and comments are what keeps me motivated and writing
you can find more of my gojo x reader here if you're interested
this reader is the same as in open the blinds, let me see your face (angst) and say my name and everything just stops (smut)
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luvjunie · 8 months
i was wondering if you can do some miles earth 1610 and earth 42 miles head canons if they were your older brother??
btw I love ur work <333
in which miles is your older brother and your favorite hobby is annoying the shit out of him
the brief mention of Jeff can be present or past, meaning this can be interpreted as 1610 or 42. don’t think it needs to be mentioned but y’all are siblings in this au so it’s obviously platonic lmfao
“Miles!” you sang delightfully on your way to his room, nearly skipping with the excitement of aggravating your older sibling. “Dear, sweet ‘ole brother of mine~”
“Nope, leave me alone.”
His voice, sounding just a tad deeper than it did last week, echoed from down the hall as you approached.
Miles was already up from his bed and on the way to close his door, but you somehow beat him there and leaned your shoulder against the frame. A proposition was eminent in your demeanor, and it made his top lip turn up in distaste.
“Hey Milesy. What’s up?”
He crossed his arms. “You stopped calling me that when you were six.”
Perhaps you were laying it on a little thick, but you’d already gotten this far, so you played on.
“And? Maybe… I’m feeling… nostalgic.” you shrugged.
“Spell nostalgic.” He challenged smugly.
“Anyways!” You abruptly changed the subject with a cheeky grin, the dissimilarity in your expressions comical. “Wanna do me a teeny-tiny favor?”
He couldn’t have shot you down faster.
“Absolutely not. I’d rather use the bathroom after Dad.”
You cringed at the thought. Was he that unwilling?
“Why not?”
“Are you crazy?” Miles gawked. “I got my door taken off the hinges the last time you asked for a ‘teeny-tiny favor’,” he quoted the words with his fingers. “Get somebody else to do it—“
“Wait!” You foiled his sudden attempt to shut his door by using your right foot to stop it— the foot in question, currently clad in a fuzzy, christmas themed sock.
It was the middle of April. But that wasn’t important.
Miles’ hazel eyes agitatedly narrowed at you between the small gap you’d managed to keep open. You both knew he could easily close his door if he really tried, but he didn’t want to hurt you. Though he was considering it.
“Pleaaaseee?” Hands clasped to accompany your begging, you whined at him in a tone that made him grimace.
“Y/n, what did I just say?” He grumbled. “No escuchas. (you don’t listen). It’s like you were born without ears or something.”
“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask you for!”
He shook his head, “I don’t need to!Knowing you, it’s something stupid.”
Making his way to the kitchen, Miles immediately recognized the scent on the hoodie you were wearing when he brushed past your shoulder.
It was the one you’d bought him last year as a birthday gift. He hadn’t noticed it was missing until now, and after it being in your possession for God knows how long, the remnants of his cologne were now drowned out by some tooty-fruity ass body spritz that had his head hurting.
“And stop wearing my clothes, dude. You always give ‘em back smelling like Victoria Body Works and argon oil. That’s if you even give them back.”
Yeah, ‘Victoria Body Works’ was definitely not a thing.
Hot on his heels like a cold that medicine just couldn’t kick, your brows pinched together while you accompanied him through the empty apartment on what you assumed was a search for food.
“It’s Victoria’s secret, dumbass. This how I know you ain’t got hoes.”
“Who?” Miles quirked a brow as he sifted through the snack cupboard for a box of something to demolish in an hour.
“—Asked. Bozo.”
“Wow,” you scoffed, a deadpan look on your face when you went to rest your elbows on the granite counter top. “You’re actually ancient.”
Miles was only two years your senior, but he acted like an old head, and that was probably the fault of your Uncle Aaron. He’d spent more time with that man than he did in his own room, which was shocking to say the least.
Miles’ eyes lit up when he discovered a hidden gem tucked into a back corner. “Yo, you gonna eat these honeybuns?”
“You gonna do me a favor?” you shot back, head tilted with the confidence of your incredible advantage over him.
Miles kissed his teeth. He had an immense sweet tooth, and you of all people knew he could never deny sugar.
“Dude, this same box has been sitting in here since last month. Which I know personally, because mom sent me out to get them. Meaning your tubby-ass forgot about these at least two weeks ago!”
Your jaw dropped in shock. “I am not tubby!”
“Tubby is a mindset. Now can I have ‘em or nah?”
You paused to think. “Depends.”
“On?” he encouraged impatiently as you toyed with the hemming of your sleeve.
“When asked where I’m at, around…Let’s say,” you chewed on your thoughts. “Six pm tomorrow— and I know you’ll be asked— say I’m at Isabella’s.”
Miles gave you a skeptical look. “And where are you really gonna be?”
He doubted he wanted to know the specifics on why he needed to lie for you, but he thought to ask anyway. You were his little sister after all, at least one person needed to know where you were.
“Nunya.” you mumbled.
“It’s a boy, isn’t it?” Miles squinted, fingers pinching either side of the honey bun’s plastic in preparation to open it.
Rolling your lips under your teeth, you awkwardly shifted your position so your back was leaned on the counter instead, and spoke cautiously as you ogled the lifting of a few floorboards.
“Maybe… But we’re just gonna-“
“Alright, alright. I got you. I’on need details.” Miles scooped the entire box of his well-earned treats into the cradle of his arm, then reached the other over your head to close all the cupboards he’d previously opened.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You stole the opportunity to trap Miles in a quick hug, tightly squeezing your arms around his torso on purpose because you knew how much it annoyed him. He never did grow out of being ticklish.
“Yeah, yeah. Move,” voice muffled as he was mid-bite, Miles separated you from him with two, rudely-stiff fingers to the middle of your forehead, then started back to the room he rarely left, somehow grabbing the entire jug of apple juice off the counter on his way.
He called out to you without turning back around.
“But if you not back by 9, I swear I’m snitching. I need my door, trust.”
Your face screwed into one of disgust at the implication. “Ewww bro, you’re gross!”
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preciouslandmermaid · 2 months
nothing’s gonna hurt you baby (carmy x f!reader) - bonus post-epilogue chapter
Note:  I randomly wanted to write a wedding, but I don't actually include the ceremony, so this is more like a "pre-wedding/post-wedding" story if we're being honest ! Also it takes place about 2 years after the epilogue :)
Warnings/Tags: 18+ Content! (Explicit Language/Sexual Content).
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(Read on Ao3) /// (Masterpost)    
Sydney held the wooden spoon toward you and the scent of the honey and ginger glaze tickled your nostrils. Earlier in the afternoon, she rolled the sleeves of her dark green sweater to her elbows and the beaded bracelet (a gift from Richie’s daughter, Eva) slid partway down her wrist.
“Alright, it’s your entree. You get to try it first.”
“I thought that was the chef’s honor?”
“Yeah, well, you’re the bride so…” she trailed off, shrugging. “I think that superimposes chef’s honor.”
You smiled and raised both eyebrows at Syd. She didn’t have to help, especially considering how busy The Bear is nowadays, but she offered and you gratefully accepted. Wedding planning – as it turned out – was a stressful affair. You and Carmy had your location set, but the guest list, wedding registry, and menu were woefully incomplete. You tangled yourselves into knots over the planning, but the goal remained firm in your mind; a celebration with Carmy and your friends mixed with the legality of marriage. You would overcome any hurdles you needed to cross because all of it would be worth it in the end.
Wordlessly, you closed your mouth over the spoon. Your lips puckered and your tongue recoiled to the safety of your back molars.
“Oh, oh shit,” Sydney said emphatically, “you hate it.”
“N-no!” You coughed, swallowing, and grabbing your glass of water. “The acidity is just a little...strong. It needs to be adjusted, that’s all.”
“Fuck,” she said, slapping her palm on the wooden countertop. “Okay – uh – that’s okay. We can – I can totally fix this. No biggie.” When she tasted the glaze, her expression pinched before she stuck out her tongue and gagged. “Yeah, nope.” She released a forced, short laugh. “There’s no saving that one.”
You loved Syd’s earnest, anxious awkwardness. Her blunt nature had been the first foundational stone of your friendship. You liked that she didn’t let Carmy off the hook, regardless of his experience and talent, and their partnership was an integral component to the Bear’s continued success.
“Back to the drawing board,” you said, drumming your fingers on the countertop. “Maybe ginger is too sharp? Do we lean more savory?”
“Interesting idea coming from the baker,” she teased.
“Hey!” You pretended to be offended and infused your tone with as much indignation as you could. “Just because I run a bakery doesn’t mean I have a sweet tooth.”
Syd laughed. “There is literally a bowl of candy by the entryway.”
“It’s for Halloween.” You crossed your arms and said, “There are a ton of families in this building.” In truth, your lack of nicotine intake after quitting smoking had manifested into a ravenous sweet tooth and, the lollipops – although bad for your teeth – were monumentally healthier than cigarettes.
“Dude, Halloween is seven months away.”
“We’re prepared.”
“What for like kids who don’t know how to like tell time and show up a few months early?”
She finished scraping the glaze into the trash. “You’re fucking ridiculous.” Her bright smile faded and the light entered her dark eyes. You recognized it as her ‘I have an idea face’ and your mood lifted—the overly sour glaze quickly forgotten. When Carmy said he wanted The Bear to cater your wedding, you had been shocked, and concerned about the additional stress it would add to your lives. However, with Syd in your kitchen, the pan gripped in her hand and her expression rapt with wonder, you realized that you had nothing to worry about. The wedding’s menu and food preparation were in the best hands.
“Do you have any soy sauce?” she asked, “Worcestershire sauce will work too, or liquid aminos if we’re desperate.”
Carmy watched as your fingers held aloft over the keyboard and the spreadsheet glared menacingly in a harsh blue-white glow. The guest list had been easy to start. The obvious ones were Syd, Natalie, Peter, Richie and Eva, and your best friend, Taylor. The harder choices were family and how to arrange the tables. Your eyebrows angled in confusion and you drew your hands away.
“I’m not inviting my dad,” you said after a moment’s pause.
Carmy nodded. “Okay.”
His neck prickled uncomfortably. It wasn’t the flushed heat that arrived when he felt embarrassed. No. This discomfort traveled from his neck to his fingers. It raked across his skin like a thousand needles, pricking every nerve, and drawing blood. He thought about going to his coat pocket and withdrawing a crumpled pack of cigarettes. The quick, cold rush of nicotine would ease his headache and calm his nerves. But, if he smoked, then he’d need to walk downstairs and into the blustery sharp gray wind of March. And he didn’t want to bail on you. The puzzle of who to invite and who to sit with whom was a project for the both of you to untangle.
“I dunno if I should…” He cleared his throat and looked away when your eyes met his over the laptop screen. “I dunno.”
“Your mom?” you correctly guessed.
Carmy sniffed, scratched the side of his nose, and nodded. His heart thumped into his ribs. Maybe he should take a walk. Maybe the March air would clear this dreadful feeling from his skull. His stomach hardened into a pit at the idea of his mom coming to his wedding. But, at the same time, his dread and fear congealed into a sharp guilt that curdled his stomach acid. His mom was a force to be reckoned with. A hurricane of a woman. He loved her. He didn’t know if he wanted her at the wedding. He knew she’d be upset if she weren’t invited. But, both of you decided to keep the guest list small. The careful cuts were necessary, and not just due to the frugality aspect, but in terms of everyone’s enjoyment.
“She’d make it about her,” he said, “remember Sophia’s second birthday?”
You placed your hand on the middle of Carmy’s back, right between his tense shoulder blades, and he forced a harsh exhale through his teeth. They almost called the police, Carmy thought with a frown. His mom showed up and seemed fine, and then shortly before cake and presents, she buckled little Sophia into her car and claimed that Natalie hated her and didn’t want Sophia to have a relationship with her grandmother. His niece, at the age when separation anxiety often occurred, cried so much that she threw up on her special birthday dress.
“I do,” you said and your eyes softened.
“I’m a terrible son,” Carmy said, “I’m a fucking asshole. We have to invite her, don’t we? She deserves to be there.”
“Carmy, you’re not.” You rubbed his back. “Do you think I’m an asshole for not inviting my dad?”
He quickly said, “No.” The pit in his stomach gnawed at his smoke-deprived lungs. “It’s different.”
“How so?”
“He has another family.” Carmy stood, raking his hand through his hair. “My mom only has Nat and me.”
“So you have to sacrifice your happiness and comfort for hers?”
“Yes!” he said immediately followed by a quick, “No. I don’t know.” He reached into his coat pocket hanging by the door and fished out the squashed packet of cigarettes.
You trailed after him and wound your arms around him, pressing your face into his back, your hands coming to rest over his heart. Carmy froze. The pressure of your hands on his chest made him realize how fast his heart was beating. He squeezed the cigarette packet and it crinkled beneath his clammy fingers.
“Remind me,” you said, voice faintly muffled by his t-shirt, “what was the possible diagnosis your therapist gave her?”
“Borderline personality disorder.” His therapist also said his mom could have narcissistic personality disorder, but BPD was more likely, based on his descriptions of childhood. It helped to have a name for it. It gave him a better understanding of everything he went through.
“Which defines her behavior but doesn’t excuse it,” you said as you circled around him to face him. “Carmy, I love you.” You cupped his face in your hands. “I will support you if you want to invite Donna and I’ll weather any storms she brings with her. Who knows...maybe it’ll be a good day for her.” Your tone toward the end of your sentence became dubious.
Carmy sighed. “I don’t think I want to invite her, but I feel like I should.” He frowned. “That doesn’t make sense, does it?”
“No, it does. You feel an obligation as her son to share this big moment with her. I get it.”
“Do you feel guilty about not inviting your dad?”
“A little.” Your lips pursed. “But, if I visualize our wedding, the thought of my dad standing beside me doesn’t make me happy. I don’t feel excited about it. I just feel…”
“Dread?” he guessed.
You smiled faintly. “It’s more annoyance and anger for me.”
“Mm, yeah. Makes sense.” He leaned his forehead and touched it to yours. How did he get so lucky? He imagined the wedding. He imagined seeing you across from him, sliding the ring on your finger, and stuttering through his vows. The usual nervousness bubbled up inside his chest, but it was smothered by the overwhelming warmth and affection he felt for you that bled across his skin like thick honey.
“I don’t think I can invite her,” he whispered.
“That’s okay, Carm.” You kissed him softly. “That’s okay.” You repeated against his mouth. A sensation of cool and blissful relief extinguished the last lingering remnants of his dread.
“Something is weird,” you said, leaning forward in the passenger seat. “Why are there two florist vans? Did we accidentally get two?” You didn’t recognize the name on the second van either. Must be a local shop, you thought, although that doesn’t explain why they’re here.
“I don’t think so,” Carmy said.
As everyone poured out of their cars, their garment bags slung over their arms or over their shoulders, a sharply dressed black woman emerged from the entrance and strode purposefully toward you and Carmy.
“You must be the Berzattos,” she said breathlessly as she shook your hands. “It’s good to meet you. My name is Vivienne and I’m afraid I have bad news.”
“What sort of bad news?” Richie said, “The kind that gets us a discount?” He grinned at Carmy and your husband-to-be rolled his eyes.
Richie whispered, “Oh shit.”
“We’ve had some technical issues with our new scheduling program.” She wrung her hands together. “The venue has been double-booked.”
“Okay,” you said slowly, noticing all the additional staff buzzing to and fro across the manicured lawn.
Vivienne said, “I’m so sorry for the mistake. If you’d like, we can reschedule you.”
Your stomach dropped into your shoes.
“Absolutely not,” you said, “people flew out to be here. We can’t reimburse flights and accommodations, and nor should we have to considering this is your error.” You sighed, feeling a headache press into your temples. “Why didn’t you notify us?”
“How about a discount and you can split the venue?” she offered, “we only realized the mistake when the two catering companies showed up.”
“Well, that’s convenient,” said Richie.
“Fuck,” Syd said.
Natalie crossed her arms. “I’m sorry did they say double-booked?”
“Mommy!” Sophia pulled at Natalie’s pant leg. “Mommy, look! Sunflowers!” She pointed at the floral van carrying out their arrangements.
You shared a glance with Carmy. “Can we have a minute?”
“Of course. Again, we’re so sorry.”
You and Carmy broke away from the group of your closest friends and family. You rubbed your hands down the length of your face.
“We can’t reschedule,” you said, “but how the hell are we going to share the venue? They have one kitchen and we paid for our guests to stay the night.”
“Maybe the timing works out,” Carmy said, taking your hand in his. “You want to stay here?”
“Then fuck it. We stay.”
“Okay, fuck it.” You smiled. “Let’s negotiate a good discount.”
“Say the word and I’ll send Pete in,” Carmy joked.
You laughed. “God, we might need him.”
The organization was a cluster-fuck. The venue manager, Vivienne, assured and promised that the space was large enough and that the other party – the Carmichael's – were having a noon wedding with a 2 PM reception and everything would be cleaned up for your 4 PM wedding and 5 PM reception. But, you noticed the proverbial cracks in the foundation. The necessary kitchen prep work, the clashing decorations, the intermingling guests, and the underlying stress and confusion permeated every interaction. You practiced intentional breathing and hoped you’d make it through the day without bursting into stress-induced tears.
The zipper was halfway up when it broke. You felt the snag, then the tug and pull, and the abrupt separation. You pressed your hand to your mouth and muffled the noise of discontent and frustration that threatened to break free.
Taylor pushed her long, thick dark braid over her shoulder and pursed her red lips at you. “We can work with this,” she said after a long moment of contemplation. “We can fix it.”
You released a strangled, “can we?” You blinked back your burning tears—you didn’t want to ruin your makeup.
“Yeah, most of these places have emergency sewing kits,” your best friend said while digging through the drawers, “also, this might be a bad time, but is the chef single?”
Despite everything, you laughed. “Which chef?”
“The tall blonde one with the accent.”
Taylor’s eyes brightened. “Yes!”
“I’ll find out for you,” you said while reaching for your phone. You smiled at the sight of your phone background, a black and white photo of you and Carmy, and Taylor snickered.
“I remember when you told me about him,” she said.
“You do?”
“Yeah, you were all tied into knots about it...and now look at you! Tying the knot.” She winked. “I’m glad you guys figured it out.”
Your chest warmed with pleasure. “Me too.”
“Aha!” She held the little sewing kit aloft. It had the venue's name printed on the front of the bag. “Do you think they write this so nobody steals it?” She asked while tapping the swooping decal.
Before you could answer, your mom bustled into the room, her billowing lilac sleeves trailing after her arms.
“Oh! Look at you!” She grabbed your chin and kissed your cheek. “I’ve got something for you. A little tradition.”
“Mom, I don’t know if I can stomach any more surprises.” Taylor began to fix your zipper and the cold metal teeth periodically kissed your skin.
“You’ll like this surprise.”
Your mom removed a potted plant from her purse. The dark soil clung to her fingertips, the plant likely got knocked around more than once, as she set it down on the vanity. You recognized the wide, verdant leaves.
“A basil plant?”
“Normally, we give a flower of some type, but I chose a basil plant instead.” She smiled, pleased. “Nurture the plant as you nurture your future and it’ll thrive.”
Your throat tightened. “Thanks, Mom.” Your shoulders jerked as Taylor finished zipping and she whooped in triumphant delight.
“There we go, crisis averted,” said Taylor, “now we don’t have to worry about walking down the aisle naked.”
You rubbed your fingertips along the basil leaf and smiled at them.
“God,” Richie said, fixing his tie, “I can’t believe you’re getting fucking married, cousin.”
“Yeah, me either.” Carmy scratched the side of his nose.
“I always thought Mikey’d get married before you,” he said, “he was just more charmin’, you know? He had a way with people, women especially, God…” Richie shook his head. “He couldn’t walk down the street without getting some chick’s phone number.”
Carmy stared sullenly at his reflection. “Yeah, well, maybe it’s a good thing he didn’t? ‘Cause then he’d have an ex-wife, or a widow, or a kid or somethin, I dunno.”
Carmy wondered if he’d forever be in rooms with Mikey’s shadow stuck to the corners. It didn’t suffocate him as much anymore. Mikey’s memory lurked within every conversation – like slivers of light through the paneled window shades. Today of all days though, Carmy suspected those slivers would blind him. Mikey should’ve been here, could’ve been, and he wasn’t.
“Yeah, good point.” Richie turned the side and smoothed his lapels. “Still, it should be him.”
Carmy’s neck flushed with indignation. Did Richie seriously have to be such an asshole? His brow furrowed. It was his fucking wedding day for fuck’s sake!
“Cousin—” Carmy began.
“Standing here, I mean, as your best man,” said Richie. “Look, there’s no takebacks and this would be a hell of a time to change your mind but it should’ve been Mikey. Not me. I get that, okay? That’s all I’m trying to say…” He fixed his tie again. “And I’m gonna do everything to make sure that this day doesn’t go to shit. I can promise you that, alright?”
Carmy blinked, at a loss for words at Richie’s admission. It had been six years and counting since Mikey’s death and Richie had been with him for every one. If he was being honest with himself and not caught up on nostalgia, if Mikey was here, then Carmy wasn’t sure he would have trusted him with all the responsibility. Hell, Richie organized a pizza-making bachelor party for him. He offered to trash the other couple’s wedding.
“Who else would it be?” he asked softly, “you’re family, Richie.”
Richie sniffed, nodded, and clapped his hand on Carmy’s shoulder, jostling him. When Carmy met his eyes, they were glassy and bright.
“I know.” His lips twitched up into a grin. “Let’s get you fucking married!” He pulled Carmy in a one-armed, half-hug and shook him. “Put a fucking smile on that face, Carm. Come on! Come on!”
He affectionately pinched Carmy’s face in one hand, squishing his mouth, and Carmy shoved Richie away, annoyed, but laughing—in the same way he’d get annoyed and laugh whenever Mikey goofed around with him.
“Fuck off,” said Carmy, without any heat.
“Hey,” Syd poked her head into the doorway, “you ready? The photographer wants to see all of the groomsmen.”
“Shouldn’t you say grooms-people? To be like politically correct or whatever,” Richie asked, “or groomsmen and women considering you’re among us.”
Syd made a face. “Richie shut up and come pose with us.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to be inclusive,” he said loudly.
If someone asked you to recount all the details of your wedding—you didn’t think you could. It was the busiest and most stressful day of your life. You’d always remember the finer details like Carmy’s thoughtful, flustered vows, Richie starting a limbo competition, or Syd’s dad dancing with Taylor—at least for a while until she disappeared with Luca in tow. Good for you, you remembered thinking as you watched her form retreat down the hall.
But the rest of the day was an exuberant blur. It had been long and you were grateful to relax into the lush pillowcases with your short silk gown kissing your skin.
Carmy climbed into bed after showering and peppered kisses along your nose and jaw, his hands finding your hips beneath the covers and holding them.
“I can’t believe you’re my husband,” you said with soft laughter before chasing his lips with yours.
“And you’re my wife,” he said, lifting your wrists and placing them over your head, “keep those there.”
You said, “We’ve been married less than twelve hours and you’re already bossing me around?”
Carmy chuckled and his breath puffed over your peaked nipples. His tongue laved over the silk, and moistened it before he drew your nipple between his lips. The soft silk and warmth of Carmy’s tongue was a heady, back-arching mixture.
“Oh, fuck,” you whispered, plunging your hands into his damp curls and scraping your nails over his scalp.
“Yeah?” His calloused palm felt its way down your thigh, “Are you wet for me already?”
“A little,” you admitted as you parted your legs for him.
“God,” he muttered before mouthing along your breasts and wetting the silk with his tongue and lips. He held one of your breasts in his hand and squeezed, pushing the mound into his mouth again and sucking your hard nipple. The sensation turned to liquid, sticky heat between your legs. You moaned, pushing upward into his grasp and gyrating your hips in askance. His hand was frustratingly close to your cunt, but not close enough. He rubbed up and down your inner thigh from knee to apex, letting his knuckles occasionally brush your pussy, before drawing away without adding any pressure. The fucking nerve of him!
“My wife is so fucking hot,” Carmy said, and hearing the words sent a hot, fresh thrill trembling through you.
“And my husband is a fucking tease,” you said, digging your fingertips into his hard, sculpted shoulders.
Carmy pulled his mouth away from your wet breasts. The silk had darkened where his mouth had been and you could faintly see your nipples through the semi-translucent fabric.
“Am I?” He drew his hands away from you and grabbed your wrists again, pinning them above your head, “I thought I said to keep these here.”
You snorted. “When have I ever listened?”
“You’re a great listener,” he said honestly.
“I want to touch you, Carmy,” you said, matching his honesty with your own, even as his praise sang through your ears and warmed your skin.
He softened. “Okay.” He pulled your wedding ring-adorned hand to his mouth and kissed your knuckles. The moment he released your hand, you slid your fingers down his chest, smiling at the way his eyelashes fluttered and his cheeks darkened. You wiggled your fingers beneath the tight waistband of his boxer shorts and found him hard and pulsing within your grasp.
“Fuck.” He shuddered. “I feel like I could come just by looking at you.”
He jerked his hips into your touch as your fingers encircled him. You craned your neck upward and kissed him, finding the familiar rhythm of tongue and teeth, and moaning wantonly into his mouth when his hand cupped your wet folds. He hissed when his index finger pledged into you and your mind went white-hot and blank.
“Do you think the stress of the day has manifested into being super horny for each other?” You asked, your other hand cupping the back of Carmy’s neck, pinning his face close to yours so you could kiss him. His pretty blue eyes blinked at you.
“Maybe. But, I think I just want to fuck my wife.” His cock twitched in your hand and you grinned.
“It turns you on to call me your wife, doesn’t it?”
“It does.”
His admission made your walls clench around his index finger. Maybe you liked it too. Maybe. You felt Carmy smile against your lips. “Can’t wait to be inside you,” he muttered, “filling you, listening to you moan.”
You gasped and your eyes rolled back into your skull. It wasn’t often that Carmy engaged in dirty talk, so when he did, it was a rare and special treat that never failed to drench your core. Carmy ran his tongue along your neck, tasting your sweat before a second finger speared between your folds and coaxed that inner fire.
“Keep this on,” he said, dragging his teeth across the strap of your gown, “when I fuck you.”
“Mm – fuck. Okay,” you groaned.
“Actually, I—” his words were suddenly lost to a moan as you adjusted your grip on his cock, your fingers slicked with pre-cum. “Fuck, baby. I need you on top of me.”
Carmy rolled onto his back, yanking his shorts down, and you smiled at the sight of him – as desperate as you were with his chest heaving and his wet curls falling onto his forehead. Your walls clenched in anticipation as you hiked the hem of the dress over your hips. Carmy’s hands settled on your thighs and he watched hungrily as you held the base of his cock and slowly lowered yourself onto him. Your spine convulsed and the sensation of him stretching you and filling you wiped out every lingering thought in your mind.
“God,” his voice was strangled, “you feel so fucking amazing.”
You cupped his face, resting your forehead on his as you rode him, and said, “so do you.”
“I love you so much,” Carmy said reverently, “so goddamn much.”
Your heart threatened to break and regrow the from sheer tenderness of his words. Carmy, you learned over the years, expressed his love with acts of service and he said ‘I love you’ most often while having sex. However, something about this ‘I love you’ was different. It was more intense on your post-wedding night. You buried your face into his sweaty neck, your bodies and hearts joined, your futures intrinsically linked.
“I love you too.”
You tilted the watering can over the thriving basil plant and smiled.
“Auntie.” Sophia, freshly eight years old, held something in her hands. “I found a worm.”
You blinked at her. “Put it back?”
“Okay!” She replied cheerily and dropped the worm back into the potted rosemary. She spun when the balcony door slid open. “Hi Uncle Carmy! Do you want to see the worm?” She pointed.
Carmy smiled, first at his niece, and then at you. “Let me see,” he said, crouching. He balanced his wrists on his knees and the sunlight gleamed off his wedding band. Your heart skipped. My husband. You wondered what your grandfather would say if you could tell him that his death led you to your soulmate, a second family, and a range of new friends. Knowing him he’d tell me that he would’ve died sooner if he knew how happy it’d make me. Your grandfather had had a wry sense of humor.
Carmy stood and put his arm around you. “We’re going to need to re-pot the basil if it keeps growing like this,” he said absentmindedly.
You leaned into him and kissed his cheek.
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angel-of-the-moons · 4 months
Alone Time
Moon Knight System (Marc, Steven, Jake) x Fem! Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, Fluff, smut, oral (m + f! receiving), protected sex, PiV sex, Jake has a certain kink, unprotected sex, every good mama deserves to have a train run on her, body insecurities, affirmations, porn with a big heaping slice of life, could this be considered cucking? Or voyeurism/exhibitionism?, broken condom
This fic is connected to "Small Surprises" Pt. 1 and Pt. 2.
A/N: I had to do it lmao.
Taglist: @simp4-fictional-men @autismsupermusicalassassin @princessakirika @mochimoqa @pimosworld
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Your life was a strange one, now. You'd gotten used to the looming, musty-smelling god that lingered in your apartment and spent time with your daughter; you'd gotten so used to having the man--er, men--in your life at your side when you wake up in the morning.
You'd especially gotten attached to their little fishy friends!
But, hey, you wouldn't change it for the world. Hanukkah and Christmas came and went, so did New years. Poor Victoria, she was hiccuping and crying because the fireworks were too loud and terrified her, prompting Jake to immediately cradle her, and even Khonshu moved to slam your windows closed to muffle the sounds. (Although you lectured him about cracking one of the panes in his haste.)
And now, Valentine's Day was coming up, and you weren't entirely sure what to get for your boys.
Victoria, bless her tiny, sweet, adorable little heart, cut out some messy, colorful, and craft-herpes (glitter) covered hearts to each of them, doodling various things each man liked. Steven's heart was brown with gold glitter and had little Egyptian designs scribbled here and there, Marc had a few sports items drawn on his white and blue-glitter heart, Jake had a bright yellow and white heart, a crude scribble of his car drawn on next to his name.
She even made one for Khonshu. It was gaudy. Bright, neon pink, purple and blue glitter all over, and had small drawings of birds on it, with a crescent moon with a smiley face in the middle. His face couldn't emote, but you couldn't help but grin like an idiot (and had to elbow Steven in the gut to keep him quiet) as your innocent daughter handed her little art project to her "Cranky Bird Grandpa 'Shu". You were positive his pride took a blow when he accepted it in front of the two of you, but the way he gingerly held the little gift silently told you that he did, infact, like it.
Why Khonshu's personality seemed to shift around you and Victoria, you were unsure. You'd never asked, and to be honest you kinda didn't wanna know. You just chocked it up to, hopefully, Khonshu realized his existence didn't have to solely revolve around justice and violence. That some of his more forgotten attributes could be indulged in; such as him being a protector and a healer.
One time, Victoria fell and scraped her knee at the park, bawling as blood trickled down her delicate little leg. Before you or Marc could leap to your feet, Khonshu was there (invisible to others, of course) and whispered something to her. She repeated it, and by the time you two got there, Khonshu was gone, disappeared into a puff of mist, and Victoria was no longer injured.
Marc had asked her, worried, about what Khonshu said to her, the moment you got into the car. You were vaguely paying attention, at first, distracted at how his beard had come in, and he'd stopped being so meticulous about his appearance that his usually raven locks and beard (the one Jake insisted they grow out) were peppered with silver.
"What did he say, Vicky?" Marc asked.
"Jus' said that I had to say the words." Victoria answered vaguely, playing with her little scarab plushie in the back seat.
"What words, baby?" Marc asked, feeling a nervous sweat break out on his neck. You had to place your hand on his thigh to snap him back to reality.
"The words!" Victoria said, pursing her cute little face, her nose all scrunched up at his lack of automatically knowing what she meant. "He said, I gotta say the words to ask for help, so he can fix me!"
"...Wait." You turned in your seat to look back at her as you approached a red light, Marc watching her warily through the rear-view.
"Honey, do you mean a prayer?"
"Duh!" She scoffed, like it was obvious. "'Shu used to fix people all the time, he says. But nobody says the words no more so he can't. I had to say em so he could do it!"
You and Marc blink at each other, mulling over what your daughter just told you, a thick silence hanging in the air that was only cut through by her munching on some veggie sticks (all carefully arranged by color, of course. The red ones tasted the best, so they went first!).
"....I forgot he could do that." Marc murmured softly, looking back at the road as the light turned green.
"Yeah!" Victoria peeped. "'Shu says he can't do it no more cause it's hard. It's easier to find bad guys than fix people 'cuz they don't him ask for it no more."
You watch as Marc's jaw tenses and a look of confliction creases his brow.
Living under basically forced servitude tends to blind one to any benevolence their "benefactor" may have possessed at one point.
...And apparently still possessed. He'd never thought--none of them had--to consider that Khonshu never dispatched them to heal anyone, because A.) Nobody prayed to him for that anymore. B.) It wasn't in Moon Knight's abilities to heal anyone. And C.) Evil was just so much easier to root out.
The rest of the ride home was quiet; Marc, Jake, and Steven's headspace abuzz with this revelation.
You, meanwhile, still stressed out over what to get Marc, Steven, and Jake.
"I still don't trust him." Marc muttered stubbornly.
"I understand why, and you have your rights to." You sigh softly, kneading the muscles in his shoulders. You were sitting behind him on the bed, his legs draped over the edge. "But you have to admit, he's strangely... sweet to Victoria."
"I don't trust it." He huffs again, his eyes closing as your thumbs work a particularly stiff knot between his shoulders.
"I know. But believe me, if he tries anything..." You mutter as your brow creases and you apply just a bit more pressure, earning a groan and a strained chuckle from Marc.
"Shit, I think the old man is more scared of you than what the Ennead might do to him if he fucks with the sky again." He says. "You and that broom."
You grin and press yourself against his back, resting your cheek on his shoulder as you slip your arms around his midsection, feeling the mix of softness and muscle, there.
"Well... me and my broom are fearless companions." You chuckle.
Marc stutters out a short huff as your fingers brush the trail of hair running beneath waistband of his sweatpants. They were doing very little to conceal the growing erection that throbbed against his thigh.
Marc tipped his head and looked at the monitor next to the bed, showing that Victoria was happily snuggled in bed, curled up with her arms squeezing Digger the scarab plush and snoozing peacefully.
Thank god that little girl usually slept like the dead...
"So..." You say, leaning in to nip at his ear as you comb your fingers through his curls, small water droplets clinging to the strands. Your nails scraping against his scalp, he groaned.
"You don't gotta work for the old man tonight." You say, kissing down his neck and to his shoulder, feeling how goosebumps formed beneath your soft lips; your hand slowly sliding up from his happy trail to his chest.
"Ay, hermano, you don't say yes I'll fuck her for you." Jake's voice rang out.
Marc grunted at his unwanted offer and demand; usually when it came to being intimate with you, the two of you worked out a system, setting up times, etcetera. And when spontaneous things like this happened, Jake and Steven would leave you and Marc alone, and the other ways around.
But of course Jake would occasionally peek in to tell Marc different things to do to you to get the best reaction, or hell, sometimes he'd cheer Marc on like a weird perverted, one-man cheerleader.
"Hmmm... Jake?" You chuckle, taking a small bit of his muscle in between your teeth playfully.
"Fuck. Yeah." Marc gasped, your palm sliding slowly back down until it was all the way under his sweats, stroking his throbbing cock leisurely. He could feel Jake linger, just barely... he would be a spectator tonight, it seemed.
"Ah, should've known. Steven's a good boy and tends to leave everyone alone when it comes to one-on-one time." You chuckle, placing a small kiss to your bite mark. They'd be gone by the time he suited up next, but you knew all the boys had preferred little "badges" to wear.
With Marc, he liked your bite marks, your hand occasionally tugging on his hair. With Steven, it was hickeys and lipstick stains. With Jake, it was scratches on his chest and back, maybe a bitten lip.
However you were all careful not to make them too obvious. The one time Victoria brought up a hickey she spotted on Steven's throat, you swore you saw steam puff out of his ears and his brain explode.
"A-A bug bit me, poppet, th-that's all!" He told her.
"Oh! Okay." She replied to him, not questioning it further, content to go back to playing with her dolls. (She had mummified one of them while you two were making lunch, which concerned you because Khonshu helped so it was as frighteningly accurate as it could get on a chunk of plastic...)
Marc groaned and he bucked his hips up into your touch, his hand falling to where he felt yours beneath his pants, encouraging you.
"Damn, baby." He huffed, already feeling beads of precum begin to drop from the tip of his dick.
You tug his head to the side and kiss him hungrily, your lips connecting as your tongues sloppily danced with one another.
"Your mouth?" Marc hissed.
You nod with a hum slipping around him and to your knees on the soft carpet at his feet, your eyes dark and hungry as he lifted his hips, letting your soft, delicate hands pull his sweats all the way down.
"We honestly may as well stop getting dressed right out of the shower." You chuckle, biting your lip as you pump his cock with your hand, your cheek resting on his thick thigh while you give him a teasing look.
You press your thumb against the weeping head of his dick, sighing. "....because either way, one of you boys get wound up and we wind up naked again."
"Can't help it around you." Marc groaned as you ran your tongue up the underside of his length, tracing the pulsing vein there.
"Clothes just fly off on their own when you're around us, baby."
You snort and roll your eyes, giving his tip a little love nip before licking the large drop of sweet-salty fluid off it, and popping it in between your lips and swallowing him down.
"Fuck." He growled as you bobbed your head, sucking tight and hollowing your cheeks while he petted your damp hair shakily.
"So fucking good, baby."
You moan appreciatively, squirming as you feel your panties start to squish, your clit throbbing almost in tune with his pulse as you take him deeper.
You gag a bit when he gets a little overzealous, and he pulls you back, panting and brows pinched up in concern. "Shit, you okay?"
"Yeah, I just need a teeny bit of a warning next time, honey." You giggled before pulling him back into the hot wet cavern of your mouth.
Marc's eyes rolled back in bliss as your tongue stroked him, his lips snagging his teeth beautifully as his eyes drift to the monitor again to check on Victoria.
Dead asleep, but this time with a little foot poking out from her blankets.
He made a soft whine as the plush of your lips squeezed his sensitivity flesh, your teeth grazing just after, providing a singular myriad of sensations.
Gods, your mouth was downright sinful. The first time you gave him a blowjob, he thought he died again, his orgasm slamming into him like a runaway train.
Afterwards, you sheepishly admitted that sometimes, the only way your ex would get intimate with you while you were pregnant was oral, because he said the sight of your stretch marks made him uncomfortable, and he had his concern for "the kid".
Yeah, it was more likely because he was already having sex with your friend on the side by that point.
But with your boys? They loved whatever they could get, and treasured every millisecond of it. Sometimes a little too much; Steven had a habit of cumming before he even properly fucked you, especially while spending time between your legs with his tongue to the point you were worried he smothered between your thighs.
So many times he'd stain the insides of his boxers and pants, just from eating you out.
Marc groaned, his cock jerking in your mouth to signal you he was going to cum; and you hummed around him greedily, sucking harder to milk him of whatever he could give you.
"Fuuuuck--" He breathed hard, the first spurt of cum shooting out and coating your tongue; his taste heavy and thick and oh-so addicting as you happily drank him down, swirling your tongue around as you pulled off.
Marc chuckled breathlessly and collapsed onto the bed, his arm resting over his face, "Shit... I swear you could suck the soul outta one of us."
You slowly crawl up his body, looking down at him as you support yourself with your hands and knees with a cheeky grin. "That good, huh?"
Marc leaned up and kissed you softly on the lips. "That good."
His hands find their way up your thighs to cup your ass, kneading the soft flesh as he bunched your microfiber sleep shorts beneath his fingers. "Now lemme return the favor."
You squeaked and laughed as he flipped you on your back, his hands almost ripping your buttons on your shirt open to get to the skin beneath, licking and placing open mouth kisses as he moved down to your breasts, his tongue flattening over your perked nipples as his hand slides down to your tummy.
You squirmed a bit, you always do when he palms your squishy lower half. After having Victoria, you didn't "bounce back" like those gorgeous mothers online always seemed to. Your belly was stretched, visible purple marks that faded to an almost silvery sheen over time, but you just couldn't lose the weight that came with your pregnancy.
Your ex didn't like your obvious signs of your growing child within your womb, but your boys? Gods, they adored it. Because it was proof you carried that sweet, adorable, curious little girl that you all loved so much; your body keeping her safe and warm until she was ready to greet the world for the first time.
"Baby." Marc said, looking at you, his dark eyes soft and loving as his flattened his calloused palm over your squishy tummy.
"C'mon... I know that look."
"I... I can't help it." You mumble as he plants feather-soft kisses over your eyelids.
"You need to stay off those mom forums." He joked. "They're full of photoshopped women, or women who can afford surgery to hide a previous pregnancy."
"I know..."
Marc leaned down, kissing his way down your tummy, planting more and more kisses over each and every stretch mark, until his lips reached the waistband of your shorts.
"You're fucking gorgeous, baby. Every scar and bit of baby fat included."
His fingers tapped your hips and you lifted them so he could all but rip them down your legs, practically licking his chops as his eyes landed on your soaked and puffy folds, a soft patch of hair on your mons.
He kissed his way down, further, his thumb spreading your lips and labia, smearing your slick around as his lips formed an "o" around your clit.
You moaned deeply, hand tangling in his mass of untamed curls as his fingers toy with your entrance; tracing it but not sliding inside.
"Marc!" You bucked impatiently.
"So greedy." He chuckled, the vibrations from his voice sending jolts through your clit, making you jump and yelp.
The way his beard tickled and scraped your cunt and thighs had your head swimming, your slick soaking the salt and pepper hairs on his face.
When his fingers finally plunged in, your toes curled and your hands gripped your blankets tight.
"Marc." You mewled.
Marc used his thumb to pull the hood of your clit back as his index and middle fingers curled inside your tight, gummy walls; giving his tongue unfettered access to wrap around the sensitive nub.
You hips tilted and your back arched, and you had to bite down on your lip to stifle the cries that wanted to come from your mouth. Your clit was sensitive, it always was; but god forbid your baby daddy ever give a fuck about that.
Marc and the boys? Oh, they loved to abuse that knowledge every time you two were intimate. Especially when they were using their mouths on you.
"Shit, we need to find a babysitter Vicky's comfortable with." Marc growled in between open mouth kisses to your sweet lips, his fingers curling in the most devilish way.
"Wanna hear how loud we can get ya."
You hiccuped softly in an effort to control your breathing and stuttering voice as your orgasm started to creep up on you. All you could do was blabber out a short "yes" when Marc nipped at your clit again, pressing his fingers up at juuuuust the right angle, sending your eyes rolling so far back into your head you swore you could probably see your own brain for a split second as those wonderful waves of ecstasy beat away at the shores of your sanity.
Marc continued to thrust and curl his fingers, slowing down to stretch out your orgasm until you were ready, your poor hungry hole fluttering and clenching around his digits for more.
Marc, the cheeky little shit, made a lewd display of licking his fingers clean, spreading them into a wide "v" as he wrapped his tongue around each one, licking you completely clean.
You growled playfully and pulled him down to you, slipping your tongue past his lips, tasting a little of yourself in his mouth as your kiss turned sloppy and very messy; his beard soaked all the way through from how much you had gushed onto his tongue and mouth.
When you parted (because your brains finally told you that you needed oxygen to keep living) you were both flushed and hungry for more, and Marc reached down, squeezing your baby fat softly.
"All this is ours, and we aren't trading it for anything."
And damn, did he spend the rest of the night proving it to you.
"Aunt Layla!" Victoria squealed, running and practically leaping into the woman's arms.
"'Tawar." She giggled, waving excitedly at the hippo-woman trailing just behind.
Layla laughed loudly and you grinned as she and your daughter brushed noses. It was weird, at first, meeting Marc's ex-wife (and Steven's ex-girlfriend) but you were happy they were still on friendly terms, friendly enough, that Layla wanted to meet you and your little girl.
Victoria latched onto her immediately, the moment she sat down in your living room, the curious girl pattered up to her after waking up from her nap, still drowsy as she clambered onto the sofa, and curled up in Layla's nap, resting her head on her chest.
It was so cute you almost started crying. Even the goddess, Taweret, squealed and wiggled her feet at the sight. Given she was the goddess of mothers, children, and other related things, it made sense that she adored your daughter (like Khonshu, but the old pigeon would never admit to it.)
Taweret tagged along on most visits because she wanted to meet the woman and child responsible for gaining so much trust and love from the boys to ease their pain and loneliness. She also just wanted to meet your daughter because, c'mon. Victoria was adorable and everyone so far loved her. Even the "bloody old pigeon" as she and Steven were so fond of calling Khonshu.
Layla settled and hefted your child onto her hips, walking over to give you a side hug and you two exchanged cheek kisses in greeting.
"Hey, love!" Layla said to you both. "How have things been!"
"Oh, wonderful. Victoria's started reading multi-chapter books already." You sigh, smiling in wonder at your daughter.
Victoria giggled bashfully and started rubbing her cheek onto Layla's, reaching out to touch Taweret's outstretched palm.
"Really? So soon?" Layla blinked in amazement.
"Yeah, the doctor said it's not entirely uncommon that some autistic children develop certain skills quicker. She's already reading some of Steven's textbooks to him!" You reply.
"Damn, give her a few weeks and I'd wager this little ankle-nipper will be able to put any of those scholars at the museum to shame." She snorted.
"Steven said the same thing." You chuckled. "Even joked that they could probably go into Uni together."
"Oh gods, that's cute." Layla giggled as Victoria dug her fingers into her curly hair to play with the silky mass.
"Steven had a meeting at the museum today, he'll feel so sad for not saying bye." You say wistfully.
"Eh, it's one night. He will survive." Layla scoffed playfully.
"...Thank you so much for agreeing to take her." You sighed at her.
"Hey, hey, no problem. It's Valentine's and you two have been so wound up lately you need some alone time." She winked at you not-so-subtly.
You blushed a bit at her implication and laughed nervously as you reached for Victoria's overnight bag.
"Oh--her favorite blanket and toys are in there. Her shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, Digger is in there, too, because you know how she gets without him--"
"Relax, I know this'll be her first time away from you." Layla smiled warmly. "But she'll be fine. The hotel is just a block away, and plus, nothing will happen to her. Not with a goddess and her Avatar looking out for her, eh?"
Your shoulders dropped with a heavy sigh. "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. It's just..."
"No, no I get it." Layla's eyes twinkled. "...So how many squishmallow things has Steven and Victoria accumulated?"
You laugh out loud and point behind her, the corner of your living room where you'd had your Christmas tree was now stacked with several plushies, mostly squishmallows of various kinds, including a very large pineapple named "Maui" that Steven and Victoria loved curling up against to read together.
Layla snorted when she looked, shaking her head. "Well, could collect worse things, I s'pose."
"Like taxidermied bugs and animals?" You joke.
"Oh that's a horrible thought!" She grinned.
"Yeah, well, like you said..."
Layla laughed again and moved so Victoria could lean up to you and rub noses, and you could pepper her soft little face with plenty of kisses.
"Be good for your Aunt Layla and Taweret, okay?" You ask her gently.
"I will, mommy!" Victoria chirped, rubbing her face onto yours lovingly, breathing in your perfume.
You waved as they all left, feeling almost bereft and out of place in your suddenly too quiet flat.
You decided, after a few moments of nervous lip chewing, to walk back to your bedroom.
You walked to your closet and moved aside an old suitcase, revealing a long black box wrapped in hot pink ribbons.
After that night with Marc, something clicked inside your brain and you knew what to get for the boys.
Or rather, what to get yourself for the boys.
You set the box on the bed and looked at the article of "clothing" sitting inside the box. You'd ordered this set of lingerie after Jake and Victoria snuggled on the couch after watching Zootopia together.
You made sure to have it delivered "accidentally" to your neighbor's flat, and she handed it over to you like you two were smuggling contraband into a prison.
After all, you didn't want the boys to find your surprise, now did you?
It took a bit, but you'd stripped down and hastily pulled on your new set. All straps, the fabric was easy on your hands, so you knew Steven wouldn't be overwhelmed by the texture when he touched you.
And boy... would he want to touch you.
The straps covered up nothing and so much at the same time, leaving nothing to the imagination while still, leaving so much.
Looking into the mirror, you swallowed thickly. It looked nothing like it did on the models on the site. Where they had flat, toned bodies and perfect figures...
You had soft, rounded out features, stretch marks and of course, the baby fat.
You chewed your bottom lip hesitantly, your first instinct to take it all off and shove it back into he closet when you saw what you didn't like.
But... you knew that Marc, Jake, and Steven loved you. And that they would go feral if they saw you in it.
For added measure, you slid on the sheer, white stockings up to your thighs, the soft material squishing the plushest parts of your legs.
You had to shove the second one up hastily when you heard the front door unlock, and Steven's voice.
"Ey, love?" Steven called out.
"Uh--egh--fuck--hold on a minute!" You say, scrambling for your fluffy bathrobe. It concealed enough that they wouldn't see much... save for if they looked at your feet.
Steven had walked into the bedroom just barely after you'd tossed the box back into the closet and the door clicked shut, you awkwardly smiling and standing with your hands clasped in front of you.
"Heeeyyy... You!" You tried pitifully.
A thick brow raised behind those dark-rimmed glasses of his. Gods, he looked gorgeous. Dressed in a nice smooth button-up, his blazer buttoned halfway up and his curls falling into his face? His sweet, boyish curiosity had you already blushing.
He looked every bit like the kind of professor many college students would fantasize about taking "extra credit" with...
"What's got you in a tizzy?" Steven chuckled, walking over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist to kiss the tip of your nose.
"Oh uhm.... Ah." You squirm, giggling at his kisses.
"Is it because Victoria is out?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like a curious pup.
"Well, uh, eh... Uhm." You cough awkwardly. Oh, this was a horrible idea. So stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
"Oh! Actually, hold that bubble." Steven chirped, fishing out a small paper bag out of his back pocket.
Inside the bag, was a small box. A jewelry box.
Your hand goes to your mouth as he opens it up and grins sheepishly. "Took us forever to agree on something. Marc was being a real bellend about it, y'know?"
He frowns over at your mirror, his brows creasing as he scowls at his reflection.
"What! You were!" He snapped.
Inside the box was a silver pendant, cut in the shape of the crescent moon, with engraving on it.
"We love you, to the moon and back."
"A bit cheesey, innit?" He mumbled, pulling at his sleeves as his hands darted all over your face, his teeth snagging his lip.
You honestly felt like tearing up. It was so... so cheesey, and so romantic. Very much a Steven thing to do. But you could tell even Marc and Jake had a hand in it, too. It was a united effort.
"Steven...." You begin, lifting your eyes to lock with his doe-like brown ones.
He tosses a nervous, awkward smile.
"I love it. It's gorgeous." You say, your thumb brushing over the shiny material.
"Let me put it on you?" Steven asked you hesitantly, as if worried you'd say no.
"Sure." You smile warmly at him, noticing how his demeanor lights up and he cheerfully brings the chain around your neck as he moves to stand behind you, carefully locking the clasp so the moon hung just beneath your collarbone.
You hear Steven go "huh" under his breath as his fingers brush beneath your bathrobe, touching the straps of the lingerie you were concealing.
"What's this, love?" He asked you, and you jolted slightly.
Oh, shit. Right. The lingerie. You'd almost forgotten it!
"Uh.... It's.... Eh...." You stammer out awkwardly, stepping away to fiddle with the sash of your robe.
Steven watches, curiously and patiently waiting for you to speak, his head tilted to the side.
"So, I've been trying to figure out what to get you guys for Valentine's day, y'know? I was stumped, trying to think on what I could do, so... I... Um."
You looked at Steven, his curls flopped over his head, his tongue darting out to lick at his lips as he nods, urging you on.
'Damn it, now or never...'
Your fingers undo the knot of the robe and let the fluffy material slip down to hang from your forearms, your face erupting in a heated flush as you feel his eyes rake slowly up and down your body and hear him gasp just barely audibly.
"Oh, love." He breathed. "You... That looks--"
He snapped his head to the mirror, his face scarlet red. "Sh-shut it! I was--no! You just shut it!"
You watch as he looks at you again, bashfully as your eyes reconnect. He rubbed the back of his head and said sheepishly, "S-Sorry.... Jake just won't... Stop being Jake right now."
"Oh..." You reply, licking your plush lips anxiously as Steven walks closer to you, his hand reaching out to brush the various straps, moving to delicately cup one breast, his thumb brushing over the strap that covered your nipple as he continued to look at you and that silver pendant that hung from your neck.
You really completed a gorgeous image; like a swan perched elegantly on a lake's smooth surface.
Sometimes, Steven felt like a clumsy and loud goose next to you. He knew it was a poor comparison, that you would never look at him or Jake or Marc that way, but he had his own insecurities as much as you did...
"Do... you like it?" You ask slowly as his other hand, warm and more than a little sweaty rests on your hip.
"We love it." He replied, leaning in to kiss you softly on the lips. As he pulled away, you noticed his dark eyes become almost smoky--heavy.
"We.... Wouldn't mind seeing this on you more often."
"Well... Hm." You say, feeling his hands encircle you, moving down to cup your ass as his mouth kissed your jaw.
His calloused fingers squished and rolled your cheeks beneath his palms, pulling you closer to his own body, allowing to feel his hardening cock press against your thigh while his knee parted your legs and your back connected with the cold plaster of your bedroom wall.
The chill made your nipples harden, poking through the fabric of your lingerie and you yelped at the sensation.
"Hell.... You 'right, love?" Steven asked, his curls falling over his forehead as he looked at you with wide eyes.
"Yeah." You chuckle, goosebumps erupting on your body. "The wall's a little cold."
"Oh...." Steven says, his lips brushing your ear.
"Then... we best move to the bed, yeah?"
You were positive there were going to be bruises on your hips from how desperately Steven had gripped them, rabbiting into you, his cock sliding in and out of you effortlessly, the sound of slapping skin sinfully loud inside your bedroom.
"S-Steven!" You squeaked, your poor cunt abused and sensitive as he fucked you, the texture of the condom he wore sending little shocks through your body with each drag of his hips.
You had already cum--twice--once from Steven's hands and mouth, and once more from how he'd fucked into you.
Steven had cum while his face was buried between your legs, rutting his clothed hips hard against your mattress as you squirmed and writhed against him. The way he looked when he pulled back, lips swollen, face flushed; his beard wet from your juices, his hair tousled and hanging over his brow. He looked utterly fucked out and he hadn't even been inside of you yet.
"....k-know, love." Steven whimpered, rutting into you a bit more, practically bent in half over you as he kneeled between your legs, his cock angled at an eye-rolling tilt so it slammed once more against your g-spot.
"Almost--almost--" He panted hard, his grip on your hips slipping a little because of how sweaty you both were, so instead he hooked his hands through the straps that still adorned you and used them for leverage as he relentlessly pounded into you.
You dug your nails into his shoulders as you pulled him down, mouthing at the apple of his throat as it bobbed, tasting the thin layer of sweat that dewed his skin, sucking a bruise onto the skin, there.
"L-Love!" Steven whimpered, his pace stuttering as you feel him twitch inside of you, the condom beginning to swell a bit as he pumped his load into the safe cocoon of latex.
His hips slowed into languid rolls, prolonging his orgasm just by a tiny bit as he came down from his high.
You kissed his temple softly, petting his sweat-damp curls as his breathing began to even out. You feel him slump against against you and his arms lock.
You feel a shuddered breath escape him before his breathing finally became steady.
"Steven?" You ask him softly, running your fingers through his hair again.
He lifted back and supported himself on his forearms, looking down at you with a grin, his eyes twinkling.
"Think again, cariño."
"Jake." You breathed, already feeling a thrill creep up your spine as his lips traced your jawline.
"Steven got to have you all dressed up," His fingers playfully snapped one of the straps on you, making you squeak softly. "Now it's my turn. Can't let such a nice, pretty present go unwrapped."
"Oh.... So you're gonna take it off me, now?" You asked, shuddering as he pulled out, still rock hard.
"Nah." His hands went to your hips and with a jerk, flipped you onto your belly, pulling your ass up, his hand kneading the soft flesh as he looked down at you.
He moved the panties to the side to see your red, puffy cunt. "Coño más bonita que he visto."
He didn't change the condom; instead, he pushed right back into your pussy, groaning deep in his chest as he felt your heat grip and squeeze him invitingly.
"Nice..." Jake hissed through his teeth, pulling back slowly before sinking back in, relishing in how your body so eagerly welcomed him back inside of you; your thighs glistening so beautifully, wetting his own, dripping down his shaft to coat his balls as he started fucking you into a steady rhythm.
He winced himself, feeling tense as the body had cum while Steven was in control, so his nerves were still highly sensitive to everything right now. He wasn't going to last long, he knew and it frustrated him. He made a mental note to remind the other two to leave him alone with you for a day or so at some point, wanting to be able to ravish and ravage you properly.
He leaned over, kissing the skin between your shoulder blades as he muttered against you.
"Touch yourself for me, mamí. Want to feel you choke my cock." Jake rasped.
You moan weakly, complying with his request as your fingers slide down beneath you, grazing circles over your engorged clit, choked-out whimpers coming from you as Jake began thrusting into you hard and rough, his skin slapping you so hard you thought there would be red marks from the sheer ferocity of it.
"Oh, god--Jake--" You wail into the pillow, your fingers swiping and circling more and more, trying desperately to match his pace as your squishy, wet walls crushed his cock beneath their fluttering onslaught.
He growled and fisted a large bit of the straps in one hand, pulling your ass back against him, watching as your skin rippled and jiggled with every slap as he fucked into you over and over.
"Fuck, yes. Just. Like. That." He hissed, each word punctuated by a slam of his hips into yours.
You could feel another orgasm just about to burst, your head swimming in that blissful haze as Jake plowed into you at a bruising, aching pace.
"Such a gorgeous mamí." Jake said to you, his voice was heady with arousal.
"So fucking pretty, such a good fucking mamí. Sabes lo bonita que eres, ¿no?"
Your mind was turned to mush as your orgasm washed over you, filling every pore with a dizzying pleasure, rendering you barely aware of what he was saying, let alone to translate it as his hips snapped into you one final time.
However... You felt a new sensation inside of you, and with a few jagged, harsh thrusts, you felt Jake cum inside of you, flooding your deepest reaches with his thick load, making your eyes snap open.
"Shit." He groaned, pulling out of you, watching as the ripped condom clung to his cock, a thick ring of white at the base as he ran a shaky hand through his hair.
"Well, now. This is a pickle." He laughed.
"Jake, you--you know that--" You sputter, groaning as you roll over to look at him.
The bastard didn't seem upset in the slightest; that cheeky little shit!
"Yeah, yeah, mamí." Jake smirked at you as he pulled the ruined condom off of his cock as he caressed one of your spread thighs idly.
"Then why aren't you--FUCK!" You wail, feeling him bottom back out in one deep thrust, your nails scraping his skin at the blinding sensation.
Jake grinned as he nipped at your throat, "Baby, whatever happens, we aren't going anywhere. Even if that means I stuff you so full--or Steven or Marc--that your belly gets all cute and round."
You whimpered and gripped at the meat of his shoulders as he started fucking into you again, blood once more rushing straight through his dick, renewing him with more energy and drive.
"I think Vicky would love a baby brother or sister, no?" He muttered out, his tongue dragging over your fluttering pulse as it hammered against your skin. "So... Why don't we give 'er one?"
"D-did y-you even a-ask M-Marc or St-Steven?!" You cried, bouncing and pushing against your pillows and blankets as he fucked you.
"Don't have to... They've fantasized about it enough already." He laughed.
His lips kiss and glide over your skin as he rips the upper part of your ensemble down, freeing your breasts to bounce free from their strappy confines as Jake whispers in your ear.
"And believe me... Marc definitely wants to fill you up, now, bebita."
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jishyucks · 4 months
Baby, Please Come Home – ldh
‣ pairing: lee donghyuck x reader
‣ genre: fluff !!!, established relationship
‣ wc: 2.0k
‣ summary: They weren’t lying when they said that the holiday season was the busiest time of year. With finals rolling around, gift shopping for your family, and keeping yourself in check, you barely have time to give your boyfriend the attention he wants. Donghyuck, however, has a way to work around this; alternatively, in which Donghyuck just wants one kiss and you think it’ll be funny not to give it to him
‣ warnings: clingy!hyuck (so it’s just hyuck being his normal self) and reader's a menace for not giving him the kisses (he deserves),, I tried to make it tooth-rottingly cute,,, keyword is tried
‣ an: honestly did this for me, I really needed something disgustingly cute with hyuck okay? (im serious, i was giggling writing this),,, this is lowkey so different from everything i’ve written which was why I was excited to write it >ᴗ< pls enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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It’s 8 in the morning and you wake up before your alarm.
That alarm was your boyfriend. 
Typically, your beauty sleep would be disrupted by Donghyuck bearing all of his weight on you, smothering you against the mattress. He’d pepper your face with kisses, whispering a short ‘good morning’ in between each of them. Then, he’d press his cheek right up to yours before he sighed at the warmth. 
He’d always be the first one to wake up given that he made the dumb ass mistake of scheduling 8AMs for two semesters straight (only tolerating it because he could end the school day sooner), but the past week was different.
Donghyuck had finished his exams two weeks earlier than you—each one of them being planned back-to-back by the university—while your exams were spread apart, reaching right until the school closed for the holidays. 
Sure, you preferred Donghyuck’s exam schedule, considering you had far more things to check off your list than you could keep track of, but it was just something you had to accept. You were going to be booked and busy for the days leading up to Christmas and you couldn’t do shit about it. 
A guttural groan bubbles out from your chest as you go to roll out of bed, eyes still half-lidded. You’re already mentally preparing yourself for your day, listing and prioritizing everything you had to do and setting small goals you wanted to complete before dinner. 
Yet, before you can leave the warmth of your bed, you find yourself restrained by two arms, tugging you backward and snugly pressed against the owner's body. 
“Don’t go.” 
“Hyuck, I have so much shit to do.” You try to escape Donghyuck’s hold, but when you struggle, you realize that he’s fixed you in his arms by interlocking his fingers. 
He pulls you in closer, “Just for longer, please?” 
You’re positioned so that Donghyuck was able to nestle his head in the crook of your neck, and you wanted nothing else than to just stay here for a little while longer. The room was chilly and the feeling of your boyfriend’s warmth made his touch a lot more alluring than it would usually be at such an ugly hour. 
You shake your head. “Hyuck, you’re acting like we never cuddle.” 
Donghyuck lets out a groan and you feel the vibrations of his throat against your shoulder, “I know, but you’ve been sooo busy lately and I never get to actually cuddle with you.” He presses his lips against your shoulder, kissing it before he buries his head deeper where it had been. 
“Shut up, you big baby,” you snort. You elbow him softly in hopes that he’ll let you go, but he only does the opposite. And he doesn’t respond, simply settling with the wordless act of pulling you in even closer, “I need to go, babe.”
He says nothing and you’re convinced that he’s drifted back to sleep, breath steady and his hot breath brushing against your exposed skin. You take this as your sign to free yourself, nimbly prying his joined fingers open before barely slipping out of his arms. 
“Sunshine~” Donghyuck murmurs into his pillow, his arms going limp. 
“Later. I promise.”
You leave him be to get ready, shaking your head as you laugh at his behaviour. Donghyuck was and is clingy—and not in the irritating, almost toxic way. He was the endearing type of clingy, always finding ways to engage in skinship between the two of you. It's his love language, after all, so you’ve grown to learn to love it. You’re honestly surprised that the man hasn’t gone crazy with how scarce the physical touch has been lately, being that you weren’t home for the majority of the day.
Once you’ve gotten changed, you finish getting ready in the bathroom, not quite caring to put effort into the look for the day because you know you’re going to end up all haggard by the end of it. 
Entering the kitchen, where your school materials were still scattered from the night before, you're met with the sight of Donghyuck sitting in the chair next to what will be your chair. Two mugs, both filled to the brim with hot coffee, were placed in front of the boy, who had his hands distinguishably crossed on his lap and posture being the straightest it's been since birth. 
“I made us coffee.” 
There’s a comically u-shaped grin placed on his lips and you want to laugh out loud. 
“Thanks, Hyuckie.” You pull your chair back and sit in it, crossing your legs (criss-cross applesauce) before you go to turn your laptop on. 
He waits for you to say or do something more, sitting in silence as he takes tiny sips from his coffee. His gaze feels intense as if he's trying to read your thoughts or burn holes through the sides of your face, and he hardly blinks, keeping his eyes focused on you with unwavering intensity.
“Lee Donghyuck quit staring at me.” You don’t lift your attention from your computer, bringing your mug up to your lips. 
“Aren’t you going to give me a ‘thank you’ kiss?” From how he's talking, you just know he’s pouting, but you don’t want to look at him, knowing that one look at your boyfriend would send you down a spiral of distractions—and frankly, you really couldn’t afford any distractions right now. 
“Even just one little peck on the cheek?” An ugly sound comes out from underneath you, coming straight from Donghyuck moving his chair along the hardwood floors. “Please?”
“Nope.” Donghyuck angles his head so that he is almost blocking the view of your computer, “Please? Just one on my cheek, or on my forehead—”
“I said later, remember, babe?” Your eyes flicker to meet his own and then you look away, “I promised, too.”
You’re a bit relieved when he says nothing. Instead, he stands up and heads to the living room. Although there was a tiny part of you worried that you might have upset him, you know Donghyuck, and he rarely lets small things bother him. 
If anything, he was likely just scheming up another way to persuade you into giving him a kiss.
Pushing through a few more topics, you almost forget that Donghyuck was still in the apartment with you. That is until he starts whistling aloud as if trying to create the illusion of being occupied.
Unbeknownst to you, he’s making his merry way over to you, concealing something small behind his back. Once he's right behind you, he reveals it, holding it up for both of you to see.
His shuffling pulls you out of your state of focus, “Yes, Hyuck?” 
“Look up.”
You’re not sure what to expect when it comes to Donghyuck, but you look up nonetheless, deciding to take a break and actually follow his wishes. You let your head fall back to look at whatever the hell this boy was up to now. 
“Mistletoe~” Donghyuck sings. He smiles, the chub at the top of his cheeks covering the bottom half of his eyes. 
You glare at him, “Babe, that’s a random leaf.” 
Maybe Donghyuck has gone crazy. 
He pouts, “Can’t you pretend?”
“No,” you attempt to refocus on your work, trying to block out the fact that Donghyuck was waving a leaf in front of your face as if it would genuinely convince you to give him a kiss. 
Honestly, at this point, it would’ve been easier for you to simply give your boyfriend a peck on the lips and have him leave you alone, but you’re honestly not hating the attention he’s giving you. That, and you wanted to see if he’d do anything else to earn your affection. 
You continued on with your day as usual, scanning through familiar topics and thoroughly rereading your weaker ones. Surprisingly, Donghyuck’s chance of receiving a kiss from you relied on the scruffed-up leaf he had probably plucked from one of your house plants, and he hadn’t chosen to switch up his strategy. 
“I thought you liked Christmas and the holiday season and winter,” Donghyuck lists, following you around the apartment. You’ve now checked your study session off of your list and you were preparing to go out for errands and brief Christmas shopping. (Spoiler alert: you weren’t dragging your boyfriend along with you). 
“I do.”
He frowns, “Then why aren’t you upholding the mistletoe rule? We’ve been under it a million times today and I got no kisses from you.” 
“That’s because it’s not mistletoe, Hyuck.” You slip your puffer on before forcefully pushing your feet into your sneakers. Donghyuck follows you to the door, leaf still in hand the same way a kid holds their stuffed animal. “I’ll see you later, okay? If you need anything while I’m out just text me.” 
“No goodbye kiss?” 
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
Your phone buzzes while you’re in line for checkout. 
Loml ‹𝟹
just remembered what I needed
Loml ‹𝟹
a kiss from u :(
You (lovingly) roll your eyes and respond. 
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ ⁺₊❆⋆
You were exhausted and starving, the arches of your feet aching from taking you from one place to another. You’d say today was a success, having checked off all of your to-do’s for the day. 
You’re out of breath from lugging the bags down the hall and you’re not sure whether your fingertips felt cold because of Jack Frost or from the weight of the bags cutting circulation. But at this point, after you’ve finally managed to turn the key with your knuckles, it was a reward simply being able to drop the bags by the door. 
“Babe, I’m home!” It’s odd when you’re returned with no greeting at the door, something you’ve grown used to ever since you moved in together. “Babe?” 
You move deeper into your home, the fatigue momentarily forgotten. The absence of the familiar sounds—no running shower, no clicking of Donghyuck's keyboard, no loud singing—piqued your curiosity. 
Your gaze scans the main area of your home. The dining table lights were on, a pot of kimchi jjigae sitting on the stove, the hallway to the bedroom was off, no lights leaking through any door cracks… where the hell was he?
Heading to the living room, you finally catch sight of your boyfriend knocked out on the couch. It's a downright adorable scene—knees pulled up to his chest, hair sticking out in different directions, and his arms dangling off the sofa. You wonder how long he’s been there for. 
When you round the couch to get to him, you almost laugh out loud at the sight of that damn leaf still clutched in his hand. It was sitting in his loosening grip, creased and worn out from the way it's been handled. Donghyuck was committed to getting a kiss from you. And now you almost feel bad that you’ve left him hanging for the whole day. 
You kneel down so that your face is right in front of Donghyuck’s, “Hyuck.” 
He doesn’t stir until sink your index finger into his cheek.
“Sunshine?” He calls, eyes still closed. 
“Did you eat?” 
Donghyuck’s eyes open in the slightest before he shakes his head, “I was waiting for you.” 
Your heart melts. 
You’ll never get used to that.
“Let’s eat, then.” You bring your hand up to brush his hair out of his face before tracing your thumb over his moles, “I’m starving.” 
He shakes his head and whines, “Not before I get my kiss.” 
“My kisses before kimchi jjigae?” You say, feigning shock. You bring a hand up to your chest and let your mouth fall open for effect. 
Donghyuck doesn’t give you a verbal reply. Instead, he looks back at you with the look he knows damn well you couldn’t resist, pout on his lips and everything. 
You sigh, “Just one.”
That was a joke—you weren’t the only one here dying for a kiss (or rather, give kisses). 
Bringing your lips up to his face, you pepper the man’s face in kisses, making sure that there is not one spot that you’ve missed. Donghyuck’s face melts into a soft smile, eyes closing as he lets you move his head around so that you can plant your lips wherever you want.
Before you could pull away, Donghyuck reaches up to cradle your cheek, urging you to come back down to press his lips onto yours. 
“Just one.” Donghyuck echoes before he pushes himself to sit up, hair still a mess. 
“You’re crazy if you think I prefer kimchi jjigae over your kisses.”
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taglist: @tytrackfebreze @lovesuhng @hoonieji @niinjo @dinonuguaegi @reignessance
an: hyuck looks like he has the most kissable cheeks ever im sorry,, i just had to put that out there
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ddejavvu · 10 months
mv Monday!!!!
Do you think you could write a mall!au where reader works at like a women’s store (think Victoria’s Secret or aerie type) but mall employee!sirius/remus come in all the time to flirt with her? I don’t have a pref for either boy, whatever you feel like!!! 🫶🫶🫶
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
this post is 18+, minors dni.
It's 1 PM on a Thursday, so you're not surprised that the only people in your store are Lupin and Black. They come more often than you do, you're fairly certain, and they don't work with you.
"Boys," You drawl, watching their pathetic attempt to seem casual wandering amongst, "If you're not here to buy something, you know I have to ask you to leave."
Both men turn, once more feigning coy. Remus reaches for a pair of panties beside him without looking, and Sirius brings up the rear as he approaches your counter.
"Just these," Sirius grins, and Remus sets the lacy underwear in front of you, price tag facing up and ready to be scanned.
You chew the inside of your cheek; you should challenge them. You should stop them in their tracks, refuse to sell them the underwear, because you know they're only buying it to stay in the store. They're relentless, and although their persistence pleases you, you're determined to get them to crack. They won't admit that they're pursuing you, but you're tired of the game they're playing; you want to win.
Unfortunately, you can't just deny them the sale. You don't have good reason, not reason enough for corporate, and their rules are that you're allowed to refuse service only on pre-approved grounds.
Horniness is not one of them, so you scan the panties with a tinny beep.
"$18.39." You wait for them to blanch, to back down because they hadn't expected to get this far, and $20 is more than they're willing to pay to flirt.
Instead, "Can we have that gift-wrapped, dove?"
You try to tamp down the burning of your cheeks at Remus's words, watching as he swipes his card when prompted. The payment goes through, and you snag tissue paper from under the counter, carefully folding the panties in on themselves until you can package them in a neat square. You set them gently into a pink striped bag, one that holds its stiff shape as you tug at the black strings, and pass it over the counter, letting Lupin take it from your outstretched fingers.
"Thanks." Sirius grins, and Remus pawns the bag off onto him. You wait for them to leave, to take their daily dose of teasing and head back to their record store, but instead Sirius reaches out, setting the bag back onto the counter.
"Gotta present for you, angel." Sirius grins, "Wanna try 'em on? Just to make sure they fit, and all."
Your stomach tries migrating to your feet. You're surprised by their bold moves, they're usually more lazily flirtatious. Now they're outright brazen, and you're at a loss for words.
Remus sees your brain malfunctioning, and he considers that it might be for the wrong reasons. He grabs hold of Sirius's elbow, "If you're uncomfortable-"
But you don't let him finish, quickly shaking off your momentary shock.
"Come on, you two," You hop the counter, landing tantalizingly close to them before they have the chance to stumble backwards. You take a hold of each of their hands, motioning for Sirius to grab the gift bag with a tilt of your chin towards the pink plastic.
"Dressing rooms are vacant. I can manage a fifteen minute break," You start towards the stalls on the opposite wall of the store, "That's seven minutes for each of you, and one for cleanup. Don't be loud." You round on them just before you reach the dressing rooms, narrowing your eyes at their pleasantly surprised expressions, "If you get me fired we can't ever do this again."
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brabblesblog · 5 months
Ch 18: — and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
Astarion has ascended, and she has stayed with him. Life in the Crimson Palace isn’t as idyllic as it seems. Is there a chance for their relationship to go back to how it was? Or is it too late for the Ascendant and his consort?
This series is about Ban, my Tav, and the Vampire Ascendant. Will be angst and smut, with sprinkles of fluff.
This fic is a softer take on Ascendant!Astarion and of the changes he undergoes after the rite. Can Ban handle the change, and if a chance came, would she choose to run? And can the Ascendant win her back in time? Inspired by the concept of vampire wives and that IGN interview with Larian that discussed the ascension.
Professionally edited by @editing-by-night
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Halsin's gift gets put to use.
Read on AO3.
Together with Halsin’s gift there was a leatherwork harness and a bottle of oil. Ban bit her lip, holding the items in her hands as Astarion stripped off the rest of his clothing.
“I did bathe in the hope you’d be agreeable to this,” he said excitedly, tossing his underwear onto the pile with the rest of his clothes. He scanned her face, saw her nervousness, and frowned.
“We don’t have to,” Astarion ventured, “If this isn’t something you want, then just say the word.”
“Have you ever done - what am I saying? Of course you have.” Ban fidgeted. “Is this… is this something you think you might like?” she asked instead.
His ears reddened again. “Yes. It could be enjoyable, in theory, but I haven’t done it with anyone I genuinely wanted. It will be as new for me as it is for you, in the ways that matter most.”
“Then why not bring it up before?” She looked at the wooden cock on the bed. It wasn’t too large, but Halsin had made the phallus curved.
“Ban.” Another look of impatience crossed Astarion’s features. “I know you’re flustered, but think a little. When in the last, gods, year, have we had time to consider things like this? Half the time we were trying to survive out there, and the other half we-”
Another sigh. “You know.”
She nodded. Fair enough. Ban set the bottle down, picking up the cock instead. She silently threaded it through the harness, careful not to scratch the protective coating on the wood, then looked back to her husband.
“I don’t know how to do this. Don’t be disappointed if I don’t perform well.” Ban held the cock gingerly in her hands, nervousness evident in her face.
“I have enough experience for the both of us, trust me,” Astarion said, eyes softening, “And it’s you. You never have to do anything as a performance to make me feel good. You just have to be you.”
Astarion’s pulse thrummed with excitement as he sat on the edge of the bed, watching Ban peel off her clothes and step into the harness, securing it around her hips. “Grab that chair, love, and bring it here.” He gestured in front of him.
She did as asked then sat down, fidgeting a little apprehensively. They faced each other, knees touching. The bottle of oil sat beside Astarion, unstoppered and ready for use.
He drew his legs up, the soles of his feet flat on the bed, offering his backside to her. He leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows to watch her, torn between equal parts anticipation and worry.
Will she be alright, doing this for me? What if she doesn’t really want to do this-
That line of thought evaporated as firm, strong hands wrapped around each ass cheek, spreading him open.
“Pretty,” Ban crooned, her tone perfectly even. He was a perfect shade of pink, clean and begging to be fucked.
Astarion raised an eyebrow at her. “Is that all you’re going to s-”
His remark cut off in a choked moan as she leaned forward and her tongue made contact with his entrance. Her first lick was hesitant, but hearing his response gave her more courage. The next passes of her tongue were more insistent, tracing slow, drawn out circles.
“Gods, Ban. That’s wonderful, but ah- you could go faster.”
Astarion stared at Ban unblinkingly; the sight was one he thought he’d remember for the rest of eternity. His hands dug into the sheets, cock twitching in anticipation.
“I could,” she conceded, lifting her head to meet his gaze, “But do I want to?”
He looked delectable, spread open for her like this. His ears were the pinkest she’d ever seen them, his cock already beginning to moisten at the tip.
“Ban.” He glowered. “I thought you said you had no experience in this. You ought to let me lead.”
Even as the words left him he knew he was powerless. He’d do anything to feel her tongue again.
“No experience at all,” she agreed, “But when it comes to you? I’m a quick study. Now, stay still.” With that she leaned back in, tongue laving all over his entrance enthusiastically. She traced another slow, firm circle, then plunged her tongue inside.
The moan that escaped him was exquisite, high-pitched and dripping with need.
Ban smirked, her fingers digging into the flesh of his ass to spread his cheeks further apart. Pressing her face flush against his entrance, she thrust her tongue in and out before retreating to lavish him with languid laps. She could feel him trying to rock his hips against her mouth, and she pulled away.
“I’m warning you, Astarion. Behave.”
He whimpered, forcing himself to still. He watched his cock throb, watched the drop of precum glint with the movement.
She resumed her ministrations, her tongue slowly spreading him open. Satisfied, she drew back.
“Perfect,” she cooed at him, “You know that, don’t you?” She reached for the bottle of oil, pouring some onto her palm.
It took him a moment to register her words; he opened his mouth to reply, but all that came out was a strangled gasp as her oiled finger slowly slipped inside of him.
She was enjoying exploring a new part of his body, enjoyed even more how much he was enjoying it. The tightness and gentle suction tugging on her index finger was oddly arousing. She pressed carefully on, watching him intently for signs of distress. She could see his cockhead gleaming with precum, his thighs twitching, his chest heaving. He was so responsive, so beautiful.
His eyes locked onto her face “More,” Astarion gasped out, his voice heavy with need, “Please.”
She smiled softly at him, slowly adding a second finger. She gently stretched him, moving deeper with a slow, measured pace she knew would drive him near to madness.
“Faster,” he hissed, “I’m not some godsdamned virgin-”
The fingers inside him curled, and he lost what little coherence he had left. His face went blank in shock as he realized she’d found his spot, and then the pleasure of it overtook him. He moaned so desperately it was nearly a sob. His back arched as his head fell back and his grip on the sheets tightened so suddenly he nearly tore through them.
Ban couldn’t remember a time he’d ever looked more lovely. She curled her fingers again, pleased with the sight of him writhing under her touch, his cock twitching, sweat beginning to bead on his pearlescent skin. She paused for a moment, hesitating.
“Was that okay, Astarion? Tell me what you want.”
He lifted his head to look at her, nodding fervently, not trusting himself to speak.
He took a deep breath to steady himself. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready. Just keep… keep doing that for now.”
She nodded, giving him a soft kiss on his inner thigh. “You’re so beautiful like this.”
A quiet whimper was his only reply.
Her fingers resumed, working him open with a gentleness that set his heart ablaze with love. It took a little longer than it could have, but he wasn’t complaining. He savored the feel of her inside him, stretching him open, making sure he was ready and not in pain. Loving him.
Astarion enjoyed her exploration with a patience he didn’t normally possess, unwilling to hurry her along, no matter how eager he was for the next step. He could feel the tenderness in her touch, her concern for his pleasure, and that was everything. He relaxed further, his tightness slowly ebbing with the overwhelming buildup of pleasure and desire.
Finally, he was so keen to be filled he couldn’t stand it.
“Ban. It’s time.”
A soft chuckle escaped Ban as she drew her fingers out, kissing his thigh again. She watched as he reached for the prestidigitation scroll Halsin had included with his gift, casting it over her while she repositioned herself. She leaned back on the chair, feeling cleaner than she had since they’d left the palace, waiting until his eyes were on her. Pouring more oil into her palms, she made a show of generously spreading the oil over the shaft of the wooden cock, eyes locked onto his.
“Come ride me then, Astarion,” she crooned, her lips curving in a teasing smile.
He got up a little clumsily, cock bobbing as he straddled her lap. She grasped his hips, guiding him while he slowly lowered himself onto her.
As he sank down, his weight pressed the base of the wooden cock harder against her; she instinctively rolled her hips up to meet him, earning his grunt of pleasure.
Astarion settled, shifting a little to get comfortable. The cock spreading him felt pleasant, the feeling of being full almost too much, but oh so welcome. He rested his hands on her shoulders, meeting her gaze. His eyes were lust-blown, curls sweat-damp and glued to his forehead.
Ban’s grip on his waist tightened, holding him firmly in place. Slowly, methodically, she began to thrust, fucking him gently.
The mewl that escaped him was completely involuntary. He wanted more, needed more, and so he began to move his hips, angling himself into her thrusts. With every movement the cock inside him hit his spot; he pleasured himself on it eagerly, rocking back and forth. His untouched cock shone, twitching, begging for stimulation, the ache only adding to his pleasure. His gliding sped up, his heart racing, his arousal slowly approaching its peak.
Ban leaned forward to press her forehead against his. She could feel his breaths as he panted, desperately chasing his release.
“Close?” she murmured, her hands moving from his waist to his thighs, massaging lightly.
He nodded, his hips rocking faster; she closed the gap between them to kiss him.
He took her hand and placed it over his chest. “Feel,” he whispered, “For you. Only you.”
As delirious with lust as he was, the love he felt for her was even more overwhelming, each emotion feeding and intensifying the other in a dizzying spiral that left him breathless.
Ban felt the frantic beating of his heart as his hips rocked again and again. His rhythm slowly became erratic, and his eyes closed.
She considered how to heighten his pleasure further, then softly caressed the head of his cock.
Astarion whined, his body writhing at the bolt of pleasure that shot through him, the sensation almost pushing him over the edge.
“Not yet,” she warned, “You’ll have to beg me for it.” She ran her finger over his tip, spreading his precum in slow circles, but doing nothing more.
She could feel him throbbing, wonderfully hard and hot against her fingers; she knew it wouldn’t be long at all.
He attempted to glare at her, but only managed a pout. He gave up, expression changing to one of wanton, desperate need.
“Please, Ban. Let me come.”
She didn’t need to be asked twice. Ban captured his lips, wrapping her hand around his neglected, aching cock.
It did, indeed, not take long at all. She stroked him a few times and he plummeted over the edge into bliss. He shivered head to toe, lips opening in a noiseless gasp; his head flew back and he arched into her. His legs spasmed; she quickly steadied him with her free hand, gently holding his back as he came undone.
She continued stroking him, milking every drop of come until it was just shy of too much and he shuddered.
When he finally opened his eyes again, she lifted her stained hand to her mouth, sucking each finger methodically, gazing at him adoringly.
“You…” Astarion shook his head. He looked down; seeing both their bodies streaked with his spend sent another shiver of satisfaction racing through him. After such an intense experience, he didn’t quite have his vocabulary back yet. Instead he gave her a quick kiss.
He slowly raised himself up off the wooden cock, gingerly taking a seat on the bed. Ban stood, removing the harness before joining him.
The moment she was in bed he pulled her close.
“Would you want something for yourself too?” he asked. He would gladly reciprocate, but he was feeling exhausted.
She shook her head, smiling softly at him. “Tonight was for you and I enjoyed giving it to you. That’s enough for me.”
He planted a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered, “It… it helped.”
He felt valued, knowing that she did this for his pleasure; that she cared enough to attempt it for him. She had been so gentle and attentive. It was exactly what he’d needed.
Ban hummed, her own eyes drifting shut. “I love you.”
As challenging as things had been, she was grateful to be here with him; to be trusted with this side of him. Being given that trust…it aided in assuaging her lingering doubts.
“I love you too,” he mumbled as he slipped into trance.
She stayed conscious for a few more moments more, her head on his chest, listening to his heart slow as he rested.
Forever, she mused, wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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qtkarma · 9 months
you and nanami fuck in the back of his very expensive orange bentley.
tw ; f!reader, smut, age difference, teacher x student
a/n it’s not specified how much, but the characters are aged up in this! ( 18 and up ) I wrote this while listening to Glory Box, hence the title, and Million Dollar Man. Stan Nanami Kento!!
You had been in Nanami Kento’s car a total of three times ;
One, when you had been severely injured after taking down a curse, and the only saviour that wasn’t hours away was Nanami. Even in your delirious state, all you could worry about was your blood being all over the expensive leather seats. Nanami had scooped you up off the ground, ignoring the blood staining his suit, and slipped you into the passenger side. As he reached over you, buckling you in, he insisted that cleaning them would be no problem ; you were the priority.
Two, when you had went out clubbing with Jujutsu Tech’s first and second years. ( chaperoned by Gojo, of course. But could you really consider him a chaperone if he was the one who dragged you all out to celebrate you becoming a special grade? ) Not even a drink nor an hour in, the heels you had bought specially for tonight had broken, a light-weight Megumi split a drink onto the very expensive Gucci dress that had been an anonymous gift, and a very drunk passerby of the expensive club elbowed you right in the face on the dance floor. You weren’t having it, and already being in a bad mood, wanted to leave. So, Gojo called up Nanami to take you home, insisting an Uber wasn’t very safe. ( You argued you were a sorcerer, of course you knew basic self defence. ) but yet, you found yourself letting Nanami open his passenger side door for you, taking your hand and guiding you in. You really hoped you didn’t accidentally flash him a peak of your panties, the ones that bared a resemblance to that tie you had always wanted wrapped around your hands.
Three, when Nanami had somehow been assigned to take you to a mission. ( you never would know that Nanami insisted he take you himself. ) You were nervous the whole car ride ; this was an especially dangerous one, more dangerous than the previous one where you had bled all over the very same passenger side seat. Your usually radiant confidence was non-existent, replaced by a quiet demeanour with eyes cast down at your fiddling hands the whole time. Eventually, the clacking of your acrylic nails must have annoyed Nanami, to where he pulled the car over. He rounded the car, opened your door, and pulled you out and sat yourself on the hood of the burnt orange Bentley, then sat next to you. The area was deserted, the only thing around was a beautiful sunset, casting you and Nanami in stunning oranges and reds. You had opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off.
“You know how strong you are, right? A hell of a lot stronger than I was when I was your age. Satoru raves about you and Itadori ; how the both of you are a new age of jujutsu, how you have the potential to be as strong as him one day. Even the elders are scared of your strength; they’re worried you’re too strong for your own good. One botched mission shouldn’t change anything. I… I should have accompanied you to it.” The blond turned towards you and wiped away the stray tears running down your face.
You returned to the Bentley after the mission, a smile brighter than the stars that lit up the night sky painting your face. Not even a singular scratch laid on your skin. You would never forget the smile and pat on the head Nanami gave you, nor the way your thighs rubbed together as your cunt throbbed.
Today, you found yourself in Nanami’s car for the fourth time. Except, you weren’t in the passenger seat.
You were in the back.
Not bleeding,
and certainly not dressed.
Nanami hovered over you, his glasses discarded somewhere on the car floor and his lust filled brown eyes hungrily eyeing your white lacey bra and panties, the only things that remained on you.
You burned under his gaze, nervously casting your gaze to the back of the passenger seat to avoid the eye contact that only made slick pool in your panties even more.
“Look at me,” his voice broke through the combined sounds of both your heavy breathing. Licking your lips, you complied. “You’re so…” Nanami trailed off, one of his huge hands coming to caress the side of your waist.
The leather seats were surprisingly comfy, minus the seatbelt buckles digging into your side. Reaching your hand up, you trailed your acrylics down the side of his neck, stopping to loosen his tie and swiftly unbutton the top two buttons of his work shirt, revealing a peak of his tanned built skin.
“Off… please… ‘M the only one naked.” You murmured, letting your hand fall back down to its original position beside your head.
Nanami let out a low whispery laugh, reaching down to one handedly undo his belt. Your stomach churned at the sight, squirming in anticipation.
He let his belt fall to the car’s floor, alongside your jujutsu tech uniform. He reached down to unzip his slacks, but you reached out, slapping his hand away to do it yourself.
“Needy, are you?” Nanami smirked, letting you work. With a roll of your eyes, you unzipped his work slacks before pausing.
He wore black boxer briefs, straining against his obvious erection. If you looked hard enough, you could see a small, dark spot of precum staining the front of them. With shaking hands, you let your fingers break the waistband, slowly pulling them down.
His cock was beautiful, to say the least. It was probably a tad bit over the average length, but what it lacked in length, it made up for in width. An angry, red tip with precum beading at the top practically glared at you. A prominent vein ran up the side, and at the base, neatly trimmed blond pubes.
To say you were scared of it hurting was an understatement. Nanami Kento’s painfully pretty cock was going to split you into two.
With a shaky breath, you trailed your index finger up the side, biting your lip when it twitched at the touch, and up the tip, collecting the pre on your finger. You brought it up to your mouth, kitten licking it right off.
“Fuck… please…” Nanami growled, moving his hand from the place beside your head and slipping his slacks and boxers all the way off. He reached for your underwear, thumb caressing the skin just above the band.
“You’re sure about this? I don’t want you to regret anything, darling.”
With a huff, you answered. “Nanami, I wouldn’t regret this in a million years. Now please,” grabbing his hand, your forced it down, taking your panties with it. “Fuck me.”
“Kento. Call me Kento.” Kento pulled your panties down the rest of the way, using the utmost care to gently pull them from your ankles, making quick work to reach down and stuff them into the pockets of his slacks.
Turning his attention back to you, he watched as you reached around to unclasp your bra, throwing it to the side. Your half lidded eyes, the ones that had Kento wrapped around your finger since the first day you met, beckoned him to your pussy.
Kento grabbed on of your legs, throwing it over his shoulder, mouth watering at the sight of your pretty little cunt. He stroked himself a few times before resting his bulbous head in between your slick folds, guiding it up and down. Every bump of it on your puffy clit had you gasping, impatience growing.
“Kento…” you spread your legs wider, letting him see how your hole squeezed around nothing, begging to be filled.
“You kill me, you know that?” Kento lined himself up with your slick hole, glancing up at you. You looked out of it. Your tousled hair splayed across the seats, body twitching and your face… Kento would do anything to make sure you always had that needy look on it
“Please…” you begged. “Fuck me, Kento.”
It’s a plead that made his balls heavy as he pushed into you. He really was going to tear you in two, you worried. You wouldn’t really mind dying like this ; squished into Nanami Kento’s backseat of his very expensive car, his dick inside you and body all over you.
Leaning down, he nipped and bit at your skin, leaving a trail of hickeys and bite marks from your neck to your breasts. Turning attention to your breasts, he lapped and swirled his tongue around nipple, paying attention to your neglected breast with his hand, massaging and pinching. You arched your back, desperate to get even closer.
“Please, Kento.. Fuck me like you mean it, please!” You begged, mind and body to full to do anything other than to plea. Kento, ever the gentlemen, complied.
He pounded into you at a ruthless pace, splitting you into two right in the backseat of his Bentley. The leather is cool on your hot skin, covered in a mix of sweat and slick.
“You’re so pretty. Such a pretty little thing…” Kento huffed, leaning back down to start to nip at the other side of your neck. “You parade around in those little skirts, and never notice all the boys staring at you. How they talk about you.” Kento growled.
“They wouldn’t know how to please you, is that why you decided to chase after me? Hm?”
“Yes! Yes!” You cried, desperate for more. Every drag and push of his cock in your cunt left you begging for more, tears beginning to pool in the corner of your eyes. One hand clutching onto his arm and the other clawing at his toned back, freshly done acrylics leaving angry red marks up and down his back.
Kento glanced down at where the two of you met, a ring of slick collecting at the base of his dick. And is that… blood?
You were a virgin.
You were a virgin and hadn’t mentioned it. You were a virgin and here Kento was fucking you like a whore in the back of his car. Here Kento was, a man twice your age, taking all your innocence and maidenhood.
And here Kento was, dick twitching inside you and growing even harder at the realization.
“Please, inside! Can’t, can’t take it anymore…” you babbled, fat crocodile tears streaming down your face, mascara clumping together and framing your captivating eyes.
“Of course, baby. ‘M gonna give you whatever you want…” Kento grunted, grasping onto your hips, one hand finding purchase on your puffy clit. The rubber band forming inside your stomach is drawing impossibly tight, and there’s nothing you want more than for Nanami Kento to fill you up and make you his.
All it takes it for him to call out your name is that husky voice of his for it to snap. A searing explosion of pleasure rips through you, toes curling and mind shattered. Your entire body shakes, burning with electricity. An orgasm only Kento could give you ; not your fingers, not the orange dildo you had hidden in your bedside drawer, and certainly not any of your little male classmates that always seemed to perk up when your around.
Kento follows not even seconds after you, driving his cock as far as he can into your pretty little cunt, tip nuzzled up against your cervix. His thick cock fills you up with ropes of cum, and you can’t help but watch as the way his abs contract and body tenses. Your vice like squeeze on his cock milks every single drop out of him, filling you up to the brim. Kento can’t help but let out a quiet moan as some of it spills from around his dick, leaking onto the leather seats.
That, though… that was gonna be annoying to clean.
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anjaelle · 11 months
Hello darling 💙
Would you consider writing for Count Vronsky from Anna Karenina?
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Pairing: Count Alexei Vronsky x Foreign Socialite!Reader Warnings: Borderline Toxic Infatuation, Vintage Slow Burn, (almost) Infidelity Summary: A foreign born socialite/heiress visits a friend in Russia and meets a straight up demon. For @bettytaylorversion (AU where Anna doesn't go back to Vronsky and chooses to stay with Karenin.) Word Count: 2.3K a/n: I remember that Tolstoy made this character so straightforward that you can kind of play around with him as much as you like without changing much about who he is at his core. I can't be left to my own devices. That being said, I don't want purists yelling at me. So I hope everyone takes some of my choices here with a grain of salt.
Everything about Russia felt intimidating to you: the language, the size of the country, the power of its military, and the show of their aristocratic wealth. You were wealthy. But this was a different kind of wealth. You came to visit your close friend who was another socialite that you met through overlapping inner circles. It'd taken you a while to accept the invitation as you weren't sure how kindly they'd take to a foreigner.
You understood some of the language based on what your friend taught you, but you still weren't confident enough to converse in just Russian. Instead you opted for French, which seemed to work well enough. You knew your native language was a lost cause. While some people in the parlor were polite, others had no interest in speaking with you. A small number seemed interested in you and your home country. Or maybe they just noticed your Very New and Very Parisian wardrobe with your collection of gifted jewels. They decided you were important enough to talk to.
When she introduced you to Count Alexei Vronsky, an officer in the army, you felt her grip on your elbow tighten just the slightest bit. You knew about him. She told you all about his affair with the married woman from Saint Petersburg. You weren't sure how you pictured the man. She said he was handsome, but you lived in a world full of beautiful people. How much different could he be?
That was a terrible miscalculation. The minute he met you, he watched you with the intense interest of a fox stalking its prey. You felt your cheeks warm and your heart thud when he pressed his lips to your gloved knuckle. You averted your eyes when he rose from his bow, not really wanting to convey anything uncouth about the interaction.
The first time he found you alone, you were in your friend's library looking at a map pinned to the wall. He told you about every country he'd lived in, every country he'd traveled through, and which ones he'd be eager to see soon. When you pointed out your country on the map, he licked his lips and an easy smile graced his beautiful face.
"I suppose I have no choice but to come see you now." He said in his thick accent.
You realized, then, that he reminded you of angels you'd see painted on the walls of grand, gilded churches. You told him that you and your fiance would be happy to invite him to your engagement party.
"Hmm." he said, eyeing the map. "Fiancés..." he finished the statement in Russian, so you couldn't understand him.
Before you excused yourself to go find your friend, his fingertips gently grazed the back of your hand, stopping you in your tracks. "Your fiancé is incredibly lucky to have such a beautiful, clever woman."
The second time he found you alone, you'd been exploring the estate and decided to rest in the garden among the wildflowers. As you raised your face to the summer sun, he made his presence known by clearing his throat, causing you to jump to your feet in surprise.
"Good afternoon, startled rabbit." He chuckled, and you rolled your eyes at him.
"How long have you been standing there?" You warily asked, anxiously adjusting your skirts and brushing the grass from your hair. He cocked his head, studying you, "Long enough to notice that your beauty in parlor candlelight cannot compare to how alluring you are in the light of day."
It was interesting to see him dressed so casually compared to the night before. You wondered what he was still doing at your friend's estate when you knew he had a home of his own. You quickly glanced at her window to see the curtains still closed.
When you boldly asked him if he'd been watching you, something akin to amusement danced across his face, "You like the idea of that? Me watching you?"
"I have a fiancé."
He took a step closer, "That doesn't answer my question."
“You didn’t answer mine.” You countered, looking him square in the eye.
That wasn’t particularly ladylike, and you weren’t sure how anyone would react if they happened upon you and Vronsky standing so close in the garden without a chaperone.
As if reading your mind, he glanced down at your lips, then his eyes fell lower to your bodice. Your engraved gold locket rested on the top of one breast, with your fiancé’s initials glittering under the sun.
“I wasn’t watching you. I was…preoccupied.” His eyes met yours again and you felt like you’d been splashed with icy water. “Your husband—my apologies—your fiancé…he is a man of means? That necklace of yours is exquisite.”
You weren’t stupid. He didn’t care about the necklace. “That is a very inappropriate question to ask.”
“So he is not a man of means.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Who gave you that necklace?”
“Why does it trouble you to know?”
“You deserve a better one.” He murmured. You were unsure if he was still speaking about the jewelry. His fingers ghosted over the exposed skin of your forearm, "I could do that for you. If you wish." You took one large step back and glanced again at your friend’s window to find her watching you both suspiciously.
For the remainder of your stay in Russia, your friend treated you coolly. Though she was kind in private, she wasn't as warm in the company of others. Specifically, in the presence of Count Vronsky who seemed eager to appear more often during your stay and even more eager to get you alone. You reminded yourself that it was a temporary trip, and that you'd be back at your father's estate--and back in your kind fiancé's arms--in no time.
"It's truly fortunate that you're betrothed," your friend said as you gathered your belongings to meet the carriage in the courtyard, "or it'd be a shame to see your name added to the Count's incredibly long list of jilted lovers." There was an edge of bitterness to her tone, but you chose not to bring it up. Instead you marked it as an incredibly odd ending to an otherwise enjoyable trip.
A month later, you nearly fell down the stairs when your father called you down to the foyer to greet his newest client who arrived that morning from Russia. Count Alexei Vronsky bowed as you descended, but you could see the mirth dancing behind his eyes when he righted his posture behind your father's back.
"He says you spoke extensively about my craftsmanship. He felt compelled to come by the shop for his own fitting while he was visiting!" Your father exclaimed merrily, pulling you in for a kiss on the forehead, "My brilliant girl. This will do wonders for us. I knew I could count on you."
Sure, you had spoken highly of you father's tailoring and shoemaking, because as popular as your father was it never hurt to expand the reach of his influence.
That being said, you were sure Vronsky wasn't there for that conversation, and you never continued any form of contact after you departed Russia. You assumed he learned about where you lived through mutual friends. You swore under your breath when your father left you alone to get his sketches from his workshop in the east wing of the estate. Vronsky eyed you briefly, then redirected his interest to the art and artifacts decorating your home. Ever the son born of Russian ice and stoicism, he looked out of place in the warm atmosphere of the home you grew up in.
"Your country is beautiful," he said, arching a dark brow, "a bit too hot for my liking. Though, it is nice to see you in your natural element. I don't think wildflowers like you belong in the comparative cold of a Russian summer."
You felt like you were being tested, but you decided that there wasn't much he could do in the confines of your home. He was, after all, in your territory. Your shoulders relaxed and you chanced a small smile his way, "You'd be surprised to know how resilient I can be."
Surprisingly, he laughed, "I don't think I'd be surprised at all. I know you better than you think I do."
You felt like you'd regret it, but you decided to ask anyway.
"What do you mean by that?"
He began to stroll through the hall of your foyer, pausing every so often to examine a portrait or vase as you trailed behind him.
"You attended your fiancé's nameday feast a few years ago. Of course, he was not your fiancé, then. He was merely your father's apprentice and a quite talented shoemaker from my country who moved and quickly fell in love with...your country." He chuckled to himself at a joke only he seemed to know. "I remember you. I remember that you were an absolute vision in white, and you danced with everyone in the room. Though you were incredibly quiet when you weren't wrapped up in the melody of the orchestra." He glanced over at your confused expression, fighting a small smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, "Like I said: startled rabbit. Always quiet. Always watching. I remember the way your dress hugged the delicate slope of your shoulders, and the way your necklace caressed your neck. That may have been the first time I craved to exist within the confines of a jeweled pendant. And though I was otherwise...occupied with someone...I do remember the way you consistently laughed when he whispered things to you. A kind gesture, as he's never been that funny."
"So you know him. You were there that night." You whispered, feeling chills running up your arm.
"I was," he shrugged, stopping again at a more recent portrait of you and your father, "as was my duty as his elder brother."
You felt your heart stop in your chest and your brain short circuited. Your fiancé never told you about any siblings, let alone an elder brother. You knew your fiance's father was possibly dead, and that his mother raised him alone in Russia. Was he lying about his life? You weren't sure what was conveyed on your face, but Count Vronsky turned to address you directly.
"My father was not an honorable man. He forbade us from speaking to my half-brother or acknowledging him. Of course, Father is dead now, and God hasn't struck me down for disrespecting the wishes of a dead man. This also isn't the first time I've ever sinned." He grinned widely at you and took a step closer, though you were too shocked to move. "From the minute I saw you, I knew I had to have you. And every time I've seen you since, I regretted not stealing you away for myself."
"That doesn't make any sense..." you murmured, hiding your anxious hands behind your back, "I've never met you before. I'd know. I'd remember."
"You make your presence known at those silly little soirées the ladies have. I never stay for very long, but I've always..." he took another step closer and you realized you'd been backed against a pillar, "I've always noticed you. Dancing. Laughing. Drinking. Sometimes smoking. Does your father know you smoke?"
You glanced down the hall over his shoulder, and in a small voice that surprised you, you whispered, "I don't always do that."
"Mhmm." He reached out to run his warm, slightly calloused fingers along the chain of your necklace, stopping just before the pendant that rested in the valley of your cleavage. Your chest involuntarily heaved, and your knees felt weak, "What other bad things do you 'not always' do?"
You parted your lips to attempt something sharp, but instead you swallowed hard and said, "I'm to be married."
"But you are not married." He was so close, "Do you know how badly I've wanted to come see you since you left?" You could smell the sweet wine of your country on his tongue as he whispered lowly to you, "The thought of his hands on you made me want to abandon all of my obligations to cross the sea. Did you think of me?"
Your gaze fell to his lips, slightly stained red, and then back up into his piercing blue eyes. God, he was beautiful. He caught the action.
"You did."
"I didn't."
"Your eyes betray you, wildflower." His hand grazed your hip above your skirt, and his lips ghosted over your own, "I thought about you every night. I think about how you'd look spread out for me on those expensive sheets your father bought you. Waiting for me. And you're wearing that charming necklace my brother gave you while my tongue is deep in that sweet little--"
Footsteps echoed down the hall, and Vronsky swiftly turned away from you to examine the nearest vase again, as if nothing happened. You hadn't realized that your hands were grasping your skirt in your fists and that you were squeezing your thighs together.
You realized then that it'd been so long since you were last touched.
When your father entered the hall, he shot you a curious look before handing Vronsky his latest sketches.
"Here you go, young man. Let me know if these are to your liking. We can begin as early as tomorrow afternoon."
The blond shot your father a charming smile and bowed graciously, "Thank you for taking the time to help a stranger on such short notice."
The conversation sounded like white noise in your ears as you willed your heart to slow down. Even as you composed yourself and released your skirt from your hands, you still felt out of sorts.
When he turned to you and bowed again, he rose and allowed his eyes to trail down the length of your body.
"Always a pleasure to see you again."
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