#jikook is coming
jmdbjk · 27 days
Jimin and Jungkook spoiler.
Drinking. Camping. <Elbowing him in his sleep>... I think I can assume the latter is the thing everyone wants to see.
They had so much fun!
Jimin & Jungkook, coming soon!
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The anticipation! I know it will be funny, heartwarming, maybe we'll get some philosophical reflections from them. MAYBE WE'LL GET A REAL OST SONG!
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What I do know is we'll get to see their great chemistry up close again!
Jimin and Jungkook will not cancel this special thing they did for us. They were so excited about it.
If you are angry, sad, aggravated by the people who wish the Jimin and Jungkook travel thing to be cancelled, it's simple. Block those people and you don't have to see that. I know seeing it makes you emotional and your impulse is to angrily lash out at them to "fight back" or to "correct" the injustice. Ignore them. Block them. You can do it. Life is much better without trash cluttering up the view. Life is also too short to waste energy on people who take away your joy.
My advice to you for the long run though, you gotta learn not to let others control your happiness. Only you control your own happiness. Trust me on this one.
To those who don’t want this show, just shut up and go. We don't care.
Jimin and Jungkook will remain unbothered and they'll be seeing the rest of us love what they did.
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userjiminie · 6 months
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jungkook vs jimin's room: a story in three acts cr. moreloveforhobi
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moonchild1 · 9 months
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minieggukie · 6 months
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Gonna stare at this and cry until 2025
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drawballa · 1 month
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Shield & Shelter - Chapter 11 (5/6)
Read Full: HERE
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always-is-always · 6 months
Jimin & Jungkook- seeing is Believing 💜
The Vlive was far more helpful than I could have ever imagined. It was like good Medicine for the Heart..... you know?
To see Jiminie and Jungkookie, to see their energy, to hear the laughter, and to bear witness to their bond was all that many of us needed today. And, it is a clear message that they are okay, and that everything will be okay while they do their service in the military.
Good Medicine, indeed. 💜
That innate urge to touch will definitely be something that they will probably continue to have to curb. lol... It's like attempting to control the beat of one's Heart. Not easy to do.
Like many ARMYs, I feel much better at this point, after seeing and hearing them (all 4 of them, actually). Yes, it will be hard to move through the months, while we wait for them to return. Somehow it won't be quite so hard knowing that Jimin and Jungkook will navigate the experience together. How perfect is that?
I'm grateful that they all came together to go live, to say goodbye. It was a typical chaotic yet bittersweet time with them. Some how, it was not nearly as sad as I thought it would be.
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We have been blessed. Haven't we?
Yeah...... on the other side of 2025, I do believe that the best is yet to come. 💜
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This video of Jungkook showed up on my TL again, the one where he keeps talking about going to Jimin's place and how he can take a shower there.
Bro, the desperation. And I mean this in the most endearing, loving way. Dude had it bad, I can't believe he actually went there. It's one thing to insist once or twice, but he wasn't stopping. At seven in the morning. Go to sleep, like...
I would really want to know how Jimin uses the power he holds over Jungkook. He obviously has it and probably uses it wisely 🤭
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK's live 30 June 2023 12:38 am KST
30.6.2023 12:38 or 00:38 KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
Before I start talking about the live itself and Seven, of course, let's look for just a second, again, for the fun of it, at the numbers.
12:38 or 00:38 is the time JK started the live.
Do you see what those 2 numbers give us? Side by side?
1 2 3 and 8 and then 3 and 8. Does that help?
Do I think he did this on purpose? The 123 yeah, I see that. But the other part, nah? Just a usual lovely stars aligning Jikook coincidence I guess, lol.
Oh, and we also have 12:38 that gives us a 2+8=10 and the 1 and 3 that give us the 13, so:
So, not too too much happened during the live. JK came, talked a little tiny bit about his upcoming single, working on an album and a little more too, worked out, was his own cute self and dipped.
That was that in a nutshell.
Now let's dive in a little deeper.
JK talked about Seven. Well, telling us it's coming out on the 14 July and that he's excited about it.
There is an album in the works, but not finalized just yet.
Oh, and the MV, it's a wrap, and was fun. Now I'm truly curious.
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I did talk about the song not being written by him in my previous post. He heard it with BPD and said he wants to do it a lot. His words.
He heard it, he liked it, he wanted to do it. Not personal, not a life story.
Doesn't mean the lyrics didn't 'speak' to him in a sense. Didn't mean something to him. You can feel connected to a song that isn't written by yourself. But it is something to keep in mind when we hear the song, watch the MV and see the lyrics, lol.
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Just side tracking here for a sec to this:
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CP says it's sooooo good. I'm gonna trust him on this.
Question I have right now is: Is JM becoming JK's spoiler king?
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JK misses Jin and Hobi.
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He got a new lip piercing.
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What I love about that man is that he's so aware. He knows there are those that do not approve (you know, those idiots that think they have ownership over him or a right to tell him what to do). And yet, he doesn't give a shit. He wanted it, he did it. If they want to accept it they will, if they don't sucks for them. And the thing is that when he says it, he does it so nicely and respectfully. I LOVE IT!!!
He told us he's taking English lessons.
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As a matter of fact, he had one just before starting the live.
Funny how both JK and JM seem to be studying English at night.
Remember this?
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You know, must be one of those Jikook coincidences.
Nah. Fuck that. They are studying English together. Period.
JK talks about doing intermittent dieting, so he bought snacks but can't eat them just yet.
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JK wanting to share but blanking out, lol.
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Well, he didn't give us a spoiler, but we did get the next best thing, lol.
We get full JK workout.
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Gotta love army edits (some at least, lol)
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Poor baby hurt himself.
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That was quite a workout.
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Well, working out can be alone or together. There are many forms of working out... Does he really want us to wonder all of that?
The duality of this man.
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And then.
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I absolutely adore that JK has no problem what so ever that we see him like this. No makeup, every hair possible out of place, tired, sleepy, drunk, sad, happy, just bare.
He trusts us to see him bare.
Writing those lines, that sentence, idk why, it brings tears to my eyes.
He's not afraid to be himself. Take it or leave it. Yes, he plays the part of the idol, but he isn't afraid to show us him, a real human being just like us (just way prettier and sexier and more talented and more intelligent and in better shape), as much as he can under the circumstances of being an idol and a celebrity.
How can we not LOVE this young man?
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JK ending the live.
So, not so much going on during this live.
I wrote this post based on the translations available. Of course I will watch the live translated and come back with corrections if be needed.
This to me felt more like a scheduled live for him, less one he just wanted to do, to keep connected with us or to convey a message that doesn't have to do with his own promotions (you get what I'm saying). And it makes sense it was pretty much scheduled, given the announcement of his single release. But who cares? We got us some cute ass JK. Just seeing him warms my heart. I assume it has the same effect on you.
I'll leave you with an amusing take on JK's live.
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jinv · 2 years
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some vmin hugs | for @jimimn​ (cr. namuspromised, miintae)
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myobsessionsspace · 21 days
Can jikook pull at my heart strings any harder? I don’t think so. Jungkook was so endeared by how animated jimin was because of his nerves he started to copy him in the cutest and most bratty way. He left himself with a love sick smile afterwards too
Why can’t they come back to me?
Helllooooo Lovely!
Talk about stabbing me in the chest with cuteness and longing at the same time! Is this what Jungkook felt when Jimin was super busy at the beginning of 2023?? Do I need to start regular lives to fill the void? I already watch all Jimin content and look at him whenever I need my fix, so I’m halfway there I guess. But I’m way more down and out than Jungkook, because he gets to get his refill now, whilst I’m still on tether hooks waiting for a ‘지민🌟’ notification 😩😩😩
Why are they so cute?! Even when not together 😭
This is what we love about them! Their pure adoration of each other, how they light up at anything the other does
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Down bad! I get it Jungkook, I do
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How apt we have a song from the leader
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RM - Come back to me
Jikook we miss you 🎵come back to meeee🎶
@ilovejimin-jungkook we’re in the 300’s in our countdown now.
We got this 💪
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jmdbjk · 15 days
It's coming.
"Elbowing him in the face while sleeping was a gift?" HAHAHAHAHA
"Us? We did something fun."
"Everyone! You can really look forward to it!"
They created something as a gift to Army. They look excited about it. They had fun. And they are going to share their fun with us.
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It might be months before we see what great fun they had but these are now great memories of their lives together for them. That's the best thing about all of it.
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floradinterlunium · 11 months
Just a Reminder
Just because Jungkook didn’t write the song doesn’t mean he didn’t personalize it. He’s the one that heard the song and begged to sing it! Meaning he chose a song that already resonated with him! 
An example of how artist do this, Jimin didn’t write Serendipity but there’s no doubt  that Jimin personalized it....making “I am you, you are me” a Jikook mantra.  
And Seven has a crap ton of similarities to Jikook. So many that it can’t be a coincidence--> Just a few similarities:
Jungkook for months looked miserable with JM’s absence so he went on live consistently and uwued about JM and became gitty when Jimin messaged
Jungkook and JM talked about the rainy day fight...and how they made up in the rain
The MV
The whole song is about wanting to be with the person you love 7 days a week!
Couple arguing and JK chasing Sohee who was walking away upset
Couple ends up reconciling their fight in the rain
Not to mention the stylistic choices
Promo photos are not just similar to Jimin’s they are virtual replicas
Jungkook’s hair cut in the music video was exactly like JM’s hair cut
Then JM showing up in NYC possibly just to support JK and being spotted out and about together on a couples holiday sporting a similar fit!???!?!?! Also, reserving an entire restaurant!!!!
Like guys!!! Come on...too many coincidences to be coincidences. Don’t come with “why would the company allow it!” Because they did!! They aren’t stupid...they can see how JK’s styling and concept are incredibly similar to JM’s...they allowed JM to fly to NYC...so that’s a silly question to ask because the simple fact of the matter is they did allow it! And I’m living for it!!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
are we really getting a song about the jibooty?
Fucking finally
has there ever been an ass more worthy? The Jibooty is fucking incredible
I would like to see it in motion more often too, *sigh* 😔.
And even if it’s a lady jiggling butt in the MV we all know the butt of JK’s life is Jimin’s.
Jungkook’s been talking about that ass for years.
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Pining after it with his mouth open.
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He tried to be subtle...
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But he's experienced the jibooty first hand.
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(Do you see that shameless wide af smile on his face? His life was forever changed since that day)
You see, he knows it's firm, soft, and of a sizable proportion.
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Sometimes the poor lad just can't help himself but it's okay cause Jimin can handle him
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How can you possibly expect any red blooded man to move on from this?
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I really don't blame Jungkook tbh... Jimin is a formidable man. And the jibooty is an ass like no other.
It requires a good deal of thought, time, patience, planning to give the jibooty its full due.
But I'm certain Jungkook is up to the task.
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Godspeed to him and us all.
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mariajmajesty · 2 months
This was crazy😆
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always-is-always · 7 months
What Kook and Jimin filled together back in the summer (NY & CT) would be coming soon!!!!!!!
For real.
I can’t wait!!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Shazzz!!!! Loooook!!!!
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Well, shit
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I.... did not expect this.
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What amazing news to wake up to! Wasn't V supposed to be next??? Hope he didn't throw his songs in the bin again otherwise why is JK next? I mean I'm hella ecstatic but what?!!?!?!?!!
Anyone else shocked by this?
Umm.. wow.
I need a minute because this is fucking A!!!!!!
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I'm cool. I'm chill.
I know this is incredible news y'all, but we must address the bad that's about to happen. Y'all know what's coming, right?
JK is gonna get pushed, hard. He's gonna get all the promotions, all the time in the world for said promotions, he's gonna get everything he asked for. He will get pushed internationally as well as locally. Best believe everything you wanted for Jimin, JK is getting. No doubt about it. And for this, Jimin solos are about to get hella nasty.
It's not going to be pretty. So we have to do what we need to do to counteract the amount of fuckery that's coming our way.
You know, and I know, it isn't JK's fault that the company is the way they are with Jimin. And JK is their golden goose who was going to get the best out of all from jump anyway. So Jimin solos will be bitter. A true Jikooker can lament about the unfair treatment but shouldn't at any one point feel some type of way about JK.
It's important to remember this isn't his fault. The man knows the company doesn't treat Jimin right. It's why he's been promoting Jimin on his own, in his own way. He's done nothing but support Jimin from day fucking one. Y'all be good to remember that.
Speaking of promotions, much like JK wasn't allowed to show up for Jimin, I think the same will apply to Jimin. So I'm curious to see how Jimin will be there for JK publicly. He is not JK who goes live and sings Jimin's songs so what will Jimin do?
Oh. Another thing to prepare yourself for. If Jimin isn't allowed to go to JK's shit, chances are V will step up. C'mon, you know he will show up. So we have Jimin solos and the vermin to worry about.
But fuck it. Idgaf rn! JJK1 is coming y'all!!!!!!
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Oh! One more thing. Incase no one else had thought about this, my theory about them enlisting together, just got stronger. If JK is dropping his album now. He can do his promotions and whatever he needs to do now, and by the end of the year he'll be done. They'll both be done.
Omg guys. Omg!!!
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