envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
Sun Eats Moon
Dark!Gojo Satoru x reader
Word count: 9.1k
Part two: Earth Kills Moon
Synopsis: Your boss takes on Gojo Satoru as his newest client. Much to your relief, he doesn't seem to recognize you.
(Warnings: noncon, dubcon, rough sex, oral sex, bullying, harassment, one mention of choking, penetrative sex, afab!reader, coercion, forced relationships, implied baby trapping attempt, hint of pregnancy kink)
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You wanted to quit the second you read the name. 
You should have. It would have been so easy to hand in your two weeks, tell your boss that you just couldn't. Or maybe you could have convinced one of the other paralegals to take your place. 
It's pathetic. Almost a decade had passed and you still felt yourself slink into the girl you once were, rolling under his thumb, utterly helpless. You should be better than that. You worked so hard to reach where you are now. 
You were different now, you told yourself over and over again. You were older, smarter. Besides, it'd been a decade, would he even remember you?
It's Higuruma who notices your restless fingers. You shouldn't have underestimated him, despite how exhausted he looks, nothing goes past your boss. He asks about it when you two are seated in a beige room, waiting for the client. 
"Is everything alright?" 
You're still staring out the window. How high were you? 16 stories, maybe even higher. Resentment, you can feel it rise up your throat, build throughout your body. Of course, he has fancy cars, pretty buildings, and limitless money. Men like him will never know what it's like to have nothing. All men were born equal. What a fucking joke. 
Higuruma shifts, and you jolt out of your thoughts. "Yes," you console, "apologies, I'm just tired." 
The lawyer hums, and you're not sure if he believes you or not. Before he can say anything, the frosted doors open. The rest of the legal team comes in, sitting at the long table you and Higuruma inhabited. 
He comes in last. He'd always had a liking for theatrics. 
Not much had changed within a decade. He was taller, bigger. He'd switched out of his high school uniform, opting for something more business-friendly. He still made heads turn. Became the center of attention. 
It's his smile that throws you. Sincere, real. Lingering on his face like extravagant jewelry. Hard not to notice. 
You react better than you anticipated. You don't shake or tremble or cry when he passes you. You just squeeze your fists, bunching your skirt in your palm. It helps. 
He sits down, right at the end, so everyone can see him. One foot elegantly crossed over the other. When he tilts his head, his soft white hair threatens to shift over brilliant blue eyes. 
"Well, I'm sure you don't need me to explain why we're all here." A few chuckles resonate from the small group. "Let's just do our best and hope nothing gets too out of hand."
His eyes slide over to meet yours, and you steel yourself for his eyes to widen. For something wicked and cruel and nasty to sink into his face. 
Gojo Satoru maintains that same smile. The blaring sun. Painfully innocent. His gaze lasts barely a second before moving to the next face, and the next, and the next. 
"I look forward to working with all of you."                                     
If you could describe Gojo Satoru in one word, it would be: celestial. 
He's like a shining star. Brighter than the sun. Everywhere he went, he was bound to attract attention. Much like how the Earth is drawn towards the sun, people are drawn towards Gojo Satoru. It's the natural order. 
But, if an insignificant planet resists the Sun's gravitational force, it'll get crushed. You learned this the hard way. 
Gojo had always been in your class for years. The third year was no different. Despite the commonality, you two never talked to each other. You had no reason to. Until the vending machine gave you two cartons, and you suddenly remembered from an overheard conversation that Gojo liked chocolate milk too. 
"Want it?" You hold it out to him during lunch break. He was in the middle of a boisterous conversation with his friend. They did intimidate you, but you had no reason to be scared. It's not like they were bullies.
Gojo's sunglasses dip down. He eyes what you're holding in your hand, before his gaze drifts back up to you. 
"The machine gave me extra," you supply, "do you want it?" 
"Oh, sure," he says after a moment. Your hands brush. "Thanks." 
You nod, and then you walk back to the cafeteria. It was meaningless. A favor between acquaintances. He was helping you more than you helped him. You didn't want to carry chocolate milk around in your backpack. You forgot about the interaction within a few hours. 
The meeting ends hours later. When you stumble home, it's barely evening but you can still feel the stress creeping through your legs and arms. 
You go straight to your laptop. Fumbling through the keyboard, desperate, searching. 
He's famous. Of course, he is. In his mid-twenties, but already a multi-millionaire. The head of an extremely elite family. Your eyes scan picture after picture after picture. Photos of him drinking with models in skimpy bikinis. Fancy cars. Huge houses. Private jets. Gojo Satoru: the man behind Gojo Co., Gojo Satoru and supermodel Menza hinted at relationship, Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru. 
You pull away when it starts to burn, when the rage and sorrow become too much. He has everything. Everything he could want. He made you go through hell for months, and yet he never got punished for it. The universe rewards him with lavishness you'd never be able to touch. 
It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fucking fair. 
Through your blinds, the sun happily shines. 
You don't notice it until it becomes painfully unbearing.
Gojo calls you by your name now (until that day you bet he didn't even know you existed). He's like a ghost, constantly appearing out of nowhere to sling an arm around your shoulder, eager to chase off any of your friends to talk to you about things that don't matter.
He constantly offers to walk you home (and then Gojo ignores your refusals and does it anyway). It stays like that for a few days, never bordering beyond friendliness. You think he's harmless. Maybe he just hasn't had someone genuinely do a nice favor for him. Besides, you're flattered by the attention. Even you can be swayed by the pull of Gojo Satoru. It feels nice to be wanted. 
You reason it'll just be for another week. A week later, you two will be nothing but acquaintances, sometimes exchanging quick smiles during class. 
It doesn't truly dawn on you as to what he's doing until he comes out and says it. 
"What?" Because you must have misheard him. 
"We should," he says, not even bothering to repeat himself, "I mean, we're practically dating already. Let's just make it official." 
You stare at him. As always, he's utterly beautiful. The light of the setting sun makes his skin glow gold. Whenever he's walking you home is one of the rare times he removes those sunglasses. His eyes are like jewels, pretty things that you wish were yours. 
You laugh. It's high and panicky because you still think he's joking. He doesn't laugh with you. You stop. 
"Oh-oh, I'm sorry Gojo-I wasn't-I didn't think. I'm just not...interested in dating anyone right now. It's not you! I think-I think you're great, but it's just the wrong time, and school is getting so much busier and-" you keep rambling, coming up with excuse after excuse because you're convinced Gojo would cut you off with an awkward laugh, tell you it's fine. 
He doesn't do either, letting your flounderings get more and more pathetic. His smile had dropped. You can't read his expression anymore. 
Eventually, you grow quiet, standing with him in that silence. When that gets too much, you timidly tell him to have a goodnight and walk home. He doesn't follow, staying rooted to the sidewalk where you left him. You're not running away, you tell yourself over and over again. And yet, you can't help but feel relief as soon as you can't feel his eyes. 
Don't resist the Sun. It'll crush you. 
It was something minuscule. 
Barely considered legal work. The case would most likely be finished in a couple of weeks. The defendant had nothing on Gojo Satoru, at least from what you and the other paralegals could see. You highly doubted it would even go to court. Higuruma always had a knack for bringing anyone to the table. Gojo would be let off from whatever he did without a hitch. No punishment. Just like always. 
"Word of advice, don't think about what happens in the private sector," Higuruma says, over whiskey. 
The firm was celebrating another victory at a fancy bar. You were still stewing over the face of that young woman's face when the judge ruled in your client's favor. She looked heartbroken. You can still remember the sleazy smile your client had given her. 
"It's a job," he says, "do it. Boost your resume, and get out." 
He takes another dainty sip of his glass. Tonight, the circles underneath his eyes seem even darker. "You're a young kid. Do something else with your life." 
When he offers to buy you a round, you accept. You think about that night sometimes, and you wonder if Higuruma wished someone else would have given him that advice when he was younger. 
Do the job, and get out. Easier said than done. Especially when the job involved Gojo Satoru. 
Associating with him was dangerous, you knew that firsthand, especially when he was interested in something you had. You'd left, but that wouldn't save you. The space of decades would not help. 
Burn Gojo once, he won't forgive you. Burn Gojo twice? You don't think there's anyone alive who did that. 
Over the coming days, you expect something from him. It's a nagging feeling in your stomach. The delayed response to a gunshot. Dread. You expect him to snap. Push. Break. 
He never does. Gojo remains pliant, the same to you as he remains to your boss. There's no additional touching, no disgusting nicknames, no scathing looks. Nothing. 
You don't get the confirmation until a week later, when Gojo stops you near the elevator. 
"Higuruma's...assistant, right? Sorry, never got your name," he says, and you steel yourself because the two of you are alone and here it comes but if you yell loudly enough maybe-
"He asked for some paperwork, and I finally found it for him." Gojo hands you a stack of sheets with a cheery smile. "You won't mind giving that to him, will ya? Thanks!" 
Just as quickly as he arrives, he leaves, shoes clicking down the hall as he goes. You can only stare at his rescinding back, the palpable feeling of relief nearly making your knees buckle. 
The best news you could have possibly received. Gojo Satoru had completely forgotten about you. 
When you got home later that evening, the rain was heavy, and the sun was nowhere to be seen. 
You don't have proof it was him. 
It's unjust to accuse people of things they didn't do. You lack any evidence. It could have easily started by itself. You'd always been meek and timid. People were bound to take advantage of that. 
But the timing was just too perfect for it to not be caused by him. 
In the weeks following the incident with Gojo, school went from tolerant to hell. It started small, at first. Tiny. Unoticable. Insignificant. Some people (Gojo's lackeys, you'd later realize), would nudge you as they passed you by the halls. They apologized, mid-laugh, and in the beginning, you truly thought they were sincere. Then, the nudges turned into pushes, then shoves. That's when you knew you had a target on your back. 
At first, you found it kind of hard to believe. Bullying? It sounded so childish. Something reserved for petty middle schoolers. You were in your final year of high school. You were already an adult. You laughed it off, for a bit. Mostly because it was so ridiculous. Only when it starts becoming more severe, more apparent that you were his target, do you start taking things more seriously.
There was no proof, but everyone knew it was Gojo. And being on Gojo's bad side wasn't something people were willing to risk. One by one, your friends started to disappear, reducing their involvement by sending strained smiles during passing period. The more stubborn ones who were more adamant about staying by your side were chased away too. They'd skip school for a few days, before coming back and completely ignoring you.
Teachers and staff were no help either. Why would they? Gojo's family held them in the palm of their hand. The most your homeroom teacher would do was avert his eyes whenever something was thrown at you for the third time in class, and quietly remind students to settle down. 
You fell on the ground with an embarrassing thump. A chorus of laughter, and a mocking 'sorry' is all you hear from the crowd. Other students step over your scattered papers, giving you looks of sympathy but never bothering to help. You'd call them cowards, but you know you'd do the same.
Instead, you focus on collecting your papers. You avoid the lump in your throat. The tears that threaten to break over your waterline. It's humiliating, being stuck on the floor like this. It's only Wednesday, but you already feel like breaking.
Hands, scarred, move past you, collecting the rest of the sheets. His face is carefully blank as Geto Suguru neatly tucks his share all in one piece before handing it to you. You give your thanks. He ignores it. 
“Are you hurt?” Geto asks, his voice barely loud enough to hear.
You think you scrapped your knee during the fall, but other than your pride, you're fine. You shake your head. Geto sighs. It's not out of relief.
“That's good,” he says anyway.
You found it ironic that Gojo's best friend is the only one who bothers to help you these days. It makes sense, in a way. It's not like he'll send his goons to Geto, instead. In this solar system, Geto Suguru is the only person unaffected by Gojo's solar flares. 
You work in relative silence, collecting the mess that fell out of your bag. Geto hands you the last of the supplies, idly watching as you tuck them away.
“Take my advice,” he says just before he leaves, “give in.”
He stands up. Geto Suguru has always been taller than you, but now the difference feels even worse. When he looks down at you, a flicker of pity lingers in his eyes. It's gone before it can mean anything. 
“It'll only get worse from here if you don't.”
Worse, he had said. God, what could be worse? You were already at rock bottom. All you have left is your dignity. Something you intend on gritting your teeth to keep.
You quickly learned something about Geto Suguru: he knew his best friend. 
Friday. The end of the worst week of your life has finally arrived. The week after is break, and then maybe Gojo will move onto some other hyperfixation, and finally leave you alone.
Classes were out. You were done, free to run home and cry the entire week away. And then, you noticed, your locker was open.
Smashed in, was a better term. Completely, irrevocably, destroyed. It looked like someone had taken a wooden bat to repeatedly smash in the metal until it cracked open like an egg. 
You don't want to look, but you have to. The busted door is barely hanging on its hinges when you push it open. 
It's worse than anything you could think of. 
Your books, textbooks, journals, are all torn apart and written on. All the contents of your bag have been thrown around. Your assignments, your notes, your pens and pencils. But it's your laptop that makes your throat stop. Smashed, broken without any hope of being salvageable. Your everything was in there. Why why why would he do this to you? 
This wasn't bullying. 
This was abuse. 
Fuck pride. Fuck dignity.
You were so tired. 
Despite the hell his lackeys put you through. Gojo Satoru himself never bothered you. In fact, you hadn't seen him all week. He doesn't make himself impossible to find. You know where his group hangs out after school. You're barely holding yourself together when you hear his voice. His pretty laugh. You don't care about how you look, close to breaking, your voice high-pitched and shaky. 
Your voice catches his attention. He falls into silence, just like the rest of the group. Gojo surveys you for a moment. There's a scoff, a hint of amusement before he waves off the rest of the group. 
"Get lost." 
They comply, dispersing in multiple directions. For the first time, in a long while, you and Gojo are left alone. You and Gojo are left, alone. 
"Well?" he tilts his head, completely bored. 
"What do I have to do?" You ask desperately, "What-what do I have to do to make this all stop? Please I'll-I'll do anything, just-just make it-" 
It's all too much. You can't hold your sobs in, bursting into tears as you fumble through your words. He tuts in mock pity. You flinch when you feel his hand against your cheek, but he doesn't let you shy away. 
"Anything?" He asks when your sobs simmer into hushed whimpers, "Really? Anything?" 
You blink, looking up at him with rough teary eyes. He's grinning, wide and manic. Your heart drops when he lowers himself to whisper in your ear. 
"Anything, right?" 
You nod once. He sighs in pure delight. His breath tickles your cheek. 
"Get on your knees." 
You jerk back, but Gojo doesn't let you go far, a hand on your shoulder, keeping you rooted on the spot. At your look of pure panic, he only laughs a little. 
"I-I-Gojo you-" 
"And call me Satoru now. Since we're gonna get to know each other a lot better," he interrupts with a chiding grin, ignoring your wide eyes. "What? I thought you said anything, right?" 
He's asking, but it's clear you don't get a choice anymore. His grip on your shoulder is tight, close to crushing skin and bone. You're trapped. No, you were trapped the moment you talked to Gojo Satoru. 
To think this all started because of two cartons of chocolate milk. 
You relent when his grip gets too painful, sinking down to your knees. The grass is cool, and you know it will leave damp spots on your skirt, letting everyone know what you did for him. 
"Good girl," he coos, and you shudder at his hand petting your hair. Like you're some precious pet. To him, maybe you are. How could anyone think of treating a human like this? You should be grateful he does it for you, instead of demanding you to pull him out. Still, the jiggle of his belt makes you wince. You turn away, not being able to bring yourself to look. Only when the tip of his cock reaches your peripheral, do you look back. It's big. You should have expected it, considering his height. It's already leaking, a bead of precum that makes you shudder. He moves forward and you instinctively grip his thigh. 
"Gojo I-" 
"Nuh-uh. Satoru," he ununciates, "Satoru. You gotta' start listening to me baby, or else we're gonna have problems." 
You look down at the grass. Green, soft. 
His eyes flash in satisfaction. 
"Open up, pretty girl." 
The last of your fight disappears, sinks into the soft grass. You swallow, once, before you take him. It's a slow, torturous process. He's too big, your jaw is already starting to ache. Satoru barely notices your discomfort, sighing in contentment when you start to gag on his cock, reaching down to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. 
You make a muffled gurgle and he tilts his head down. His sunglasses fall forward, two pretty eyes stare at you. 
"What? Don't act like this is your first time-" he stops himself, mid-thought. 
"Wait...this can't be your first time, right?" 
If you weren't humiliated enough. You can't even lie, averting your eyes to avoid any further shame. 
"Poor baby," Satoru says, all too delighted, "lemme' walk you through it. Gotta' suck on it, just like a lollipop-that's it-use your tongue," he encourages, still gripping his cock in his hand, like he was feeding it to you. 
You can feel your mouth open wider. Tears stream down your face, not just from your pride, but also from pain. Satoru lets you take him in like this for a few more moments, just enjoying your warm mouth. 
"There we go," he breathes, "take-fuck-take all of me." 
But Satoru isn't known for his patience. You've barely taken all of him in yet before he grabs your hair to fuck your throat properly. You choke, sputtering all over his cock. He barely pays you any mind, his head thrown back as he rams himself down your mouth without a care in the world. 
"Y'know, our first time together could-could have been nicer," he says through gritted teeth, the heat was starting to get to him, "but you just had to go and mess it up, huh?" 
If you were stronger. If you were braver. You would have rejected it. Screamed. Fought. At the very least, you would have denied his delusions. But you weren't strong. You weren't brave. You were weak. Stupid. This was all your fault. Had you just given in the moment he asked, this wouldn't be happening to you. Or maybe, he'd be a bit nicer about it. 
He hisses, gripping the back of your head before something warm and disgusting fills your mouth. Above you, Satoru lets out a shameless groan, a mix of your name as well as a curse. He releases you then, finally letting you sink to the floor. You fall forward, resting on your hands and knees, panting, trying to regain your breath, some semblance of sanity. You can still taste him. It's salty, a sickly tang. You spit as much as you can on the grass. It doesn't help. 
He kneels, getting down to your level. With the way he's silently watching you, you know he's waiting for the right answer this time. 
Don't resist the Sun. It'll crush you. 
So, you drop your gaze down. You take in a deep long stilted breath. 
"Yes, Satoru," you say, voice quiet, pliant, "I'll go out with you." 
His demeanor drops in just a second. He smiles, painfully innocent, like you hadn't spent the last few moments choking on his cock. He cups your face with both hands and you wonder how he could look at you like that, gently, as though you weren't covered in tears and his cum. 
(You still feel it drip down your mouth. Tonight, when he finally lets you go home you'll cry for hours in the shower, hoping the water will wash away all the shame you feel. It won't.)
"Finally!" He exclaims, laughing, light, happy, elated, "I'm so glad you finally came around. I was starting to think I was ugly or something." 
 You stay like that for a while. Underneath him. You let his hands run up and down your body, like he's feeling the space that makes up you. Soon, you'd realize Gojo Satoru liked to touch things that were beneath him. A thought muddles it's way through your numb brain. You bring yourself to look at him. 
"Satoru?" you ask. He sighs in satisfaction, stroking your hair. 
"My laptop...it's broken." 
You didn't know what else to say. It sounded accusatory, even to your ears. Righteous. You wondered if he heard it too, if he'd do something about it. 
Satoru only scoffs.
“that old thing?” You flinch. It was a gift from your aunt, you highly doubted he cared enough about the sentimental. He hugs you closer, almost like a snake, constricting you within its scales before it devours you. 
(You think the worst part is that he didn't even deny it.)
“I'll just get you a new one, baby.”
He walks you home later that evening. When he demands a kiss, you comply, numbly pressing your aching lips to his. 
The sunset is pretty today. 
It's not a particularly hard case, but Gojo has a knack for keeping those who work for him busy. Higuruma had asked you to stay behind, once again. The two of you were stuck alone in the office building, a room that Gojo had graciously supplied. 
You were milling through a stack of papers when someone new walked in. You didn't recognize her. She was tall, pretty, sparkling jewelry littered her neck and wrists. Your eyes drifted up and down her outfit, something that definitely wasn't business-appropriate. A part of you wants to ask where she got that lipgloss from. 
"Oh," she tilts her head, surveying the two of you with pretty eyes, "is Sato not here?" 
You inwardly cringe at the nickname, but choose not to show it. Higuruma is the one who saves you, in the end. He speaks on both of your behalf. 
"Mr. Gojo isn't here at the moment," he says, "feel free to wait." 
She does as she's told, plopping down on a seat right next to her. Higuruma goes back to ignoring her, dutiful in everything like he always is. You, on the other hand, don't like the way some of the other associates eye her legs. When you wordlessly hand her your jacket, she gratefully accepts. 
"Thanks. I love your bag, by the way," she cheerily says and a part of you feels bad for her. 
Minutes pass. She crosses her legs and then uncrosses them. When she crosses them again, you have to look up from your paperwork and ask if she's feeling alright. 
"Just nervous," she admits, "I-I haven't seen Sato since our...last meeting." 
Everyone in the vicinity knows this wasn't a casual business meeting, you don't get why she's avoiding the elephant like that. Probably to save face. It's clear from her behavior that she wasn't expecting so many visitors, so perhaps this situation is new for her. You found it strange that a booty call would be called up to an office building, especially when people were clearly watching, but you doubted Mr. Gojo cared about that. He was always shameless in that regard, uncaring about anyone's reputation, even his own. That's why he's in this legal mess in the first place. Besides, you were part of Gojo's Satoru's legal team. Part of your job is to be discreet about his extracurricular affairs. 
Gojo Satoru hadn't changed at all since high school. Why would he? His personality has gotten him this far, after all. The Sun would never change, it's a constant sphere of fire. You wouldn't want him to change. You were banking on his stagnant nature to slip by. You couldn't imagine if he did change, improve himself, and realize how horrible he'd been to you. How would you be able to keep yourself together if he pulled you aside one day and tried to apologize? You'd break. Things are better the way they are now. Let Gojo Satoru indulge himself in all this lavishness, forgetting about the people he's tortured. It's better this way. 
You glance over at the girl. She's young, maybe a couple of years younger than you. You can see the flush on her cheeks. The clear swooning. A part of you wonders what she'd think about that man if you ever told her what he did to you. What a monster he is-
"There you are!" Mr. Gojo strides in, just as silent as always, making himself known when he wants to. 
The girl jumps up, her eyes lighting up in pure excitement as she practically drags herself into Mr. Gojo's arms. He places an arm on the small of her back, scarily close to touching somewhere inappropriate as she chatters away. They disappear off to wherever rich men like him go. 
It's so quick. You must have imagined it because, for a second, you were sure he'd glanced back at you. 
By now, everyone knows you're Satoru's. That means, like him, you're untouchable. 
You're not celestial. If Satoru was a star, then you were a stray meteor he'd found hurtling through space, and he couldn't resist forcing it to revolve around him. In exchange for suffering through his solar flares and radiation, he protects you from bigger planets that are all too eager to smash into you. The one relief is that no one seems to bother you anymore. You haven't been shoved around, pushed, or prodded. Sometimes, you receive glares from Satoru's old ex's, but it's more tolerable than burnt homework. 
Satoru has officially chased away all your friends, but he's more than happy to keep you company. You sit next to him in lunch now, quietly listening as he prattles on to the rest of his friends (you recognize some of them, the ones who messed with you, they never seem to hold your gaze for long). You used to study on campus alone, right after school let out. Now, you still do it, but with Satoru watching. It's hard to concentrate with his wandering fingers and wet lips. 
He takes all of your firsts. You don't give them to him, much less, he demanded it of you. The first time he fully takes you is far less romantic than you'd ever hoped. It was on his bed after he'd practically dragged you over to his house that night. You went home the next day covered in marks that took nearly a week to heal. A little while after that, Geto came to talk to you again. For the second time ever. 
"Here." He offers you a packet. Pills. You're confused for a moment until you realize Satoru didn't wear a condom. 
"Don't," he cuts you off, "Don't thank me." 
He says it with so much hate that you think it's directed at you. It isn't until years later that you realize the disgust was towards himself. 
There are theories that the Moon once had color. 
It wasn't just white. It was green and blue, and red. 70 million years ago, it could have been much like the Earth. It didn't have a strong atmosphere, however. The gaseous layer was slowly stripped away. The sun didn't help. With no atmosphere, the unfiltered solar radiation slowly began to bleach the once colorful celestial body a dull white. Before long, the sun had created the moon to be its image. Now, the only color the moon has to offer is the sun's reflection. 
When the moon was out, you often stared at it, reveling in its beauty. Now, trapped in between Satoru's arms, you find its skeleton a bit too haunting to look at. 
Three more weeks. Just three more weeks. 
Graduation is coming up soon. You already had your college picked out, far far away from this backward town. From his conversations, Satoru was planning on going to some high-end college in Tokyo. With the way he kept looking back at you, you had a feeling he was planning on dragging you there too. 
You were intelligent enough to keep your mouth shut about your plans. Satoru never asked, so you guessed he assumed you would let him bully you into whatever he wanted. He was right, so far. It's not like you'd ever argued with him. 
Your parents were the only people who knew about your plan. They were excited, albeit for the wrong reasons. 
"I'm so glad to see you're this interested in higher education," your mother beamed, "why the sudden change?" 
You look at your mother's face. People have told you that you share the same smile. You wonder if she'd keep smiling if you ever told her about what Satoru's been doing to you, the bullying, the harassment. 
You can't. You won't, because you can't bear to see her give you the same pitiful look your classmates give-the one Geto gives. You don't want her to see you as something broken. 
"I'm just starting to think I might go into law," you finally say, "definitely need college for that."
On Thursdays, you have to sit inside the gym during Satoru's basketball practice. You wait on the bleachers, reviewing notes, and listening to the squeaking of sneakers. Satoru's good at the sport. You know last year they won a few tournaments. Whenever he scores a point, he gives a cheer, turning back to see if you saw it too. In those moments, you remember he's just a kid. He's your age. You can feel the envy. There, but too insignificant to do anything. He pleasantly lives his childhood, even after he stole yours. 
Practice ends, always a little later than it's officially supposed to. Coach gives the final whistle and then Satoru is jogging back to you. Your things are already neatly packed into your bag. His breath is barely ragged, you can smell the hint of sweat as he kisses you on the lips. You can feel eyes on you, same as always. It's getting easier to ignore the gawking. After all, you're Satoru's now. 
"Miss me?" he asks when he pulls away. He grabs your stuff before you can, hauling your backpack away. To others, it may look like he's being a sweet boyfriend. To you, it's another leash, tugging you to where he wants to go. You're not sure how Satoru sees the action. 
You clamber out of the bleachers, following him without a word. Usually, Satoru would walk you home. You'd share a kiss with him on the front porch. And for the rest of the day, he'd finally leave you alone. 
He grabs your hand, shooting you a wink when you lightly jostle into his body. Instead of heading out the door, Satoru turns his gaze towards the empty locker rooms. The light's automated. It flickers an unsettling white, casting a sick glow along the tiles. You are barely through the door before Satoru's pinning you against the lockers, kissing you as aggressively as he can. 
Your hands immediately find their way to his shoulders, squeezing. It's not enough to hurt him, but it grabs his attention anyway. He lets up a little, relaxing into your touch. 
"Sorry, baby," he says not sounding apologetic at all, "just be good f'me, okay? Need you." 
He's pent up, you realize and you look at the door. School's out. The campus is nearly empty. But people are still around. And the door he just shoved you through doesn't have a lock- 
Oh, wait. Would it even matter if someone came in and saw you? Everyone knew you were Satoru's. 
Three more weeks. Just three more weeks. 
He's trailing down, dropping to his knees. He flips up your skirt, pushing aside your panties, and attaches his hot mouth to your pussy. He's ravenous, today. Sucking on your clit like he can't bear to do anything else. You gasp, immediately assaulted by the shocks of pleasure running up and down your back.
You press against the wall, arching your back, giving him even more to suck on. He hums in approval, his voice getting lost in your wet folds. You're practically dripping now, and Satoru, with all his debauchery, gladly licks it all up as you writhe and whimper above him. Your thighs grow tighter around him, threatening to crush his skull if both his hands weren't carved into the fat of your thighs, squeezing. 
Your initial panic is washed away, crumbled by his insistent tongue and fingers. You whimper out his name again as his tongue circles your clit and two fingers continue to move in and out of your sopping pussy. You're crying now, tears of pleasure and brokenness floating down your cheeks. Despite how blurry your vision is, you can see Satoru looking up at you. 
"Getting close?" he's breathless, but there's still a hint of playfulness in his voice, "gonna sing, pretty girl?" 
He gives a particularly hard suck on your clit and you're gone. You seize, throwing your head back as your legs shake from the force of your orgasm. It's a scream, so loud and shameless. Satoru gives a groaned pant, lapping up your aftertaste, making you jolt from the overstimulation before he finally gets to his feet. You watch as he haphazardly wipes the remnants of you with his sleeve before he's kissing you again. 
"Always so sweet f'me," he purrs, biting at your lips before he fumbles with his belt. His cock is already red and strained. He pants, head shifting to fall at the crook of your neck as he lines himself up and sinks into you with one full thrust. 
You whine a mix of a sob and a hissed moan. He hushes you with a stilted breath, barely keeping himself together as he pumps himself into you. Both of you are sweating now. You can feel the beads draw down your neck. He licks at your clavicle, biting when he starts to get more aggressive. When it's too less, he hikes your thigh over his waist, keeping it there so he can go even deeper. 
"Fuck, I'm crazy for you," he slurs against your skin. You can barely pay attention to his words, barely keeping your own voice in check, "’would do anything for you, pretty girl." 
He raises his head, looking you in the eye. His sunglasses have been tossed on the floor. You can his beautiful eyes, two cosmic galaxies of blue. You could stare at them for hours, discovering each variant of cerulean, naming each one. You bet each day you look, you'll find another shade. They're so pretty.
You wonder how pretty those eyes would look floating in a jar. 
"'Toru-!" you gasp when Satoru rocks himself into again, even faster. The name you accidentally gave him when you're too fucked out to comprehend language makes him laugh in pure delight, his smile uncontrolled, delirious. 
"Right here, baby," he moans into your sweaty skin, hand reaching down to rub your clit, "your ‘Toru's right here. Just where you need him." 
His fingers move under your shirt, squeezing at your tits, exploring, roughly grabbing at your chest. The sensation makes you wince. Your walls draw even tighter, choking his cock. 
"Too-too much, 'Toru, p-please." He growls at your begging, burying his face in your neck again. He nips at your damp skin, you flinch. 
"I gotcha' baby," he breathes, "just-just lemme-" He presses on your clit. It's all you need. 
You come with a sob, your pussy squeezing, milking Satoru for all he's worth. He's not too far behind, hips stuttering before he whines in your ear. Something warm fills your cunt. 
You flounder, sagging against the wall. Satoru's the only thing that keeps you upright as you fight to catch your breath. He isn't in any better shape, panting just as hard as you are. He lifts his head, pressing his damp forehead onto yours. There's a dreamy smile on his lips. A look of absolute adoration. 
"I love you." 
You look at him. There's nowhere else to look.
"I love you," he repeats, leaning forward to kiss the corner of your lips. His lips trail down, caressing your cheek, your jaw, your neck. It would almost feel nice, but you can only stare straight ahead. You can see the dull green lockers in the distance. You can smell the mold in the damp locker room. You can feel Satoru's cum slowly seep out of you, trailing down your thigh. 
Fuck three weeks. 
You needed to get out, now. 
The only reason you went is because you were told Gojo Satoru wouldn't be there. 
His assistant had off-handily mentioned that he had a meeting on the other side of town. Very last minute. The building as a whole would be empty, just a skeleton crew and a couple of security guards to keep the place running. It made sense, it was 8 pm- long past any proper business hours. 
Higuruma could have easily gone, but it's clear the sleepless nights have been getting to him, or the stress. His paralegal is more than qualified to act like a middleman between him and Mr.Gojo's associates. It's an easy mission. Just grab a few things, and get out. 
Gojo Satoru wasn't supposed to be there. 
And yet, there he was, leaning against the door, blocking you into the room. 
His assistant had always been a mousey thing. Tonight, however, he'd been extra ansty, looking around the room. Babbling out excuses as to what was taking him so long. Now, when he can barely even look at you, you realize he was just a distraction. 
"You're off the clock, Ijichi," Gojo finally breaks the silence, "take tomorrow off too, okay?" 
His assistant quickly nods, keeping his head down to flit out the door. You can't even bring yourself to be mad at him. Gojo always had a habit of singling out the weakest, crushing them within his fist, unless they bent or broke. 
The door shuts with a click. 
"You know, I didn't even recognize you at first," he starts. He takes a small step forward. 
You take one back. He puts his hands up. 
"Okay, don't be like that," he sighs, exasperated, "It's been what, 10 years? How you've been?" 
He steps around you, barely brushing against your shoulder to get to his desk. He reaches down, grabbing a wine bottle and two glasses from a cabinet, setting both down on mahogany wood. 
"Wanna drink? Technically, it's against company policy to serve alcohol in the building but I won't tell if you don't." He grins. It looks bloody. 
He looks so casual, the man who's haunted your nightmares, leaning against a desk in a building he owns. Your heart's beating in your chest. It's so loud. You wonder if he can hear it too. 
When you don't respond, he rolls his eyes. 
"Figures." He pops the cork. "You were always such a stickler for the rules." 
"What do you want?" You ask, your tone weaker than you'd liked. 
"What? Don't you wanna catch up? I missed you." You flinch at his words, looking away. "A paralegal, huh? Gotta' say, wasn't what I expected, but it fits you." It sounds condescending, but you don't poke the bear, opting to stay silent. 
He seems to take an issue with that, regardless. 
"Are you mad? If anything, I should be the one upset at how you just ran off like that. After all that time we spent together too. I didn't even get a breakup text." 
 His last words, send a chill up your spine. A warning. Staying here any longer would be a mistake. 
You go to move. 
Satoru's faster. 
Your head slams against the wall. Hard. Enough to hurt. You struggle anyway, clawing at the hand that's gripping your throat, the body pinning you down. Above you (he's gotten so much taller now), Gojo tuts in disappointment. 
"I tried to be nice and look where that got me. You tried to run again," he muses, like he's disappointed, "I shouldn't be surprised. You've always needed something with a bit more teeth." At his threat, his hand on your throat tightens. You freeze. 
It's barely choking you, but it's enough of a warning. His other hand is playing with the end of your blouse, feeling the fabric. You can feel the tears start. They're a familiar taste. Only this time, they're twinged with bitterness. 
"Don't do this," you whisper, "Don't-don't-" 
"Yeah, I don't think you're in any position to make demands right now." He's grinning, but when you look into his eyes, you can see the anger. A fire that has burned for a decade. At that moment, you realized Gojo Satoru had changed. Now, he was better at hiding how he truly felt. 
You should have quit the moment Higurama got him as a client. 
Gojo's dragging you over to the desk, haphazardly pushing away the stuff already on it. The computer, the bottle, the wine glasses all fall to the floor with a deafening crash as he shoves you down, splaying you across the table. He follows you down, leaning to meet your lips in a frenzied kiss. It's different than all the other times he'd kissed you. He'd lost all the inexperience, more keen on making you stay put and bleed. When you try to turn your face, pushing at his chest, he only growls. A large hand grabs your chin, keeping you in place for him. 
When he pulls away, there's a hint of blood on his plush lips. It's not his. He licks it up regardless. 
You're full-on sobbing now; barely in sucking air as your body shudders and jolts. You don't expect comfort, least of all from him, but he's cooing, wiping away your tears. 
"Missed this," he purrs, ignoring the way you weakly push at him, "'guess that was my mistake. I was expecting you to be different. Nah, you'll be the same crybaby you always were. That's how you managed to slip under my radar." 
He buries his face into your hair, sighing in contentment as you shiver underneath him. His lips graze the crown of your head, a complete juxtaposition to his words. 
"Scream all you want. No one's here, baby." No one's gonna save you from me.
 Still, you try anyway. Your hands grip his broad shoulders, digging in your nails until he hisses. 
"Fuck maybe you have changed." He rasps, fiddling with his belt. "You're bitchier now." 
"Gojo-Gojo what are you-" He bites on your bare clavicle. You squeal, stilling underneath him again. 
"Satoru," he insists. You slump over the desk as he takes both your hands, wrapping his leather belt around your delicate wrists. You wince when he twists it into a knot. The leather bites into your skin. The fight dissolves just as rapidly as it arrived. He hadn't even lifted a finger against you. You were just that pathetic. 
"Satoru," you breathe, waving your flag of defeat. He hums, licking at the bitemark. You can feel the heat bloom on your skin. They'll be a mark tomorrow, and much like Satoru, it would go away so easily. 
"There's my good girl," he groans, cold hands fiddling with the buttons on your blouse, opening it up until your bra pops out, "I know I should be more mad, but I've always had a soft spot for you. Guess things will never change, hm?" 
His mouth dips down, tracing your collarbone to your breasts. He wiggles down your bra, letting your tits spill out and into his hands. He squeezes one while taking another in his mouth, swirling the bud with his tongue before devouring. His moan is barely muffled by your tits. Yours is clear, high-pitched and breathy. Satoru always had no problem being shameless. And he often dragged it out of you too. 
He's mouthing something against your skin, but you're too distracted by his other hand, slinking down your waist, pushing up your pencil skirt, letting it bunch around your hips. In the moment, you chastised yourself for wearing something so easy to get rid of, but it wasn't like you were expecting for him to be here, to bring you down just like he did when you were in high school. It's not like you were expecting to fall. 
Satoru feels around your pantyhose, running up and down your thigh, searching. He squeezes the sheer fabric, before he rips a hole into it. You gasp, jerking at the action. 
"I'll buy you new ones," he says, voice muffled by your tits. The conversation feels familiar. 
He bypasses your panties immediately, finding your pussy with practiced ease. You're already soaking. At this, he raises to look at you. You can't keep eye contact, timidly looking away. He laughs. It sounds sickenly affectionate. 
"You're so cute." He purrs just as he leaves another mark on your chest. Your tits bounce under his attention as he pushes two fingers into your tight sopping hole. Your back curls, arching off the desk as he starts pumping his fingers in and out of you. Disgust grows within you, not at him, but at yourself, for letting yourself get this low. This desperate. 
It doesn't stay for long. He's cruel like that, moving in a way that makes you forget your humanity. His fingers get even faster, digging into your cunt and curling somewhere deep inside, hitting a spot that makes you gasp. You're reduced to whimpering moans by the time he finally stops, fingers exiting your pussy with a wet noise. He brings them to his mouth, sucking on his fingers, eyes rolling to the back of his head at your taste. 
"Fuckin' sweet," he moans, taking his fingers out with a sickening pop before wiping the drool on your heaving tits. 
Your eyes float to the window. The moon is out, you blearily realize. It's a blood moon, a rusty red. Once every 3 months, it'll lose its heavenly glow. The innocent milky white will get shadowed by the Earth's rusty atmosphere. It'll regain its color eventually. The Sun doesn't like to be overshadowed. 
Something hard and blunt slides between your legs. You're barely given a second to comprehend it before Satoru grabs you by the hips, filling you up with one thrust. You yelp, a semblance of his name on your lips, but it's shrouded by the moan you give out. 
He stays like that for a bit. You should be grateful he is letting you adjust to him. His cock is sickenly familiar to your walls. Satoru's hair brushes your cheek as he leans up to whisper in your ear. 
"How many?" he sounds like he's gritting his teeth, barely in control, "how many guys have you let fuck you since you ran?" 
You blink, wondering if he's seriously asking, but you can hear the seriousness in his tone. Even now, he's concerned with the wrong things. He's always been petty like that. 
"You," you say because there's no point in lying, "it's only ever been you." 
You say it like it's a curse, because to you, Satoru had cursed you. He'd stolen something you'd never be able to enjoy, devouring it, keeping it for himself. A part of you will always hate yourself for letting him do that, just like a part of you will always be his. 
Satoru deflates, as if he's relieved, easing his face into the crook of your neck, placing an almost loving kiss on your shoulder. He starts slow, slowly drawing his cock out, just until his tip is barely still in, before he pushes himself back into your hole. His pace is slow, controlled. It's different than when he was younger, more eager to get himself off more than anything. Now, it's like he's enjoying the intimacy, the feeling of your walls squeezing him. The wet noises. He's barely affected. Unlike you, writhing underneath him, close to falling apart. It's his length that gets you, forcing your pussy to stretch just to fit him. His cock hits everywhere, all at once, an endless torture of pleasure. 
It takes you a while to get your brain back together, to collect the mush, and realize that Gojo isn't wearing a condom. 
"S-Sato-" You try, just when he spreads your thighs apart, pushing them close to your chest so he can get deeper and kiss you at the same time. His hand slips down to your swollen clit, rubbing tight circles and you feel yourself getting even closer. You squeeze your eyes shut at the onslaught. 
"Try again," Satoru huffs, "What's my name? I know you know it, pretty girl." 
"'Toru," you beg because it's all you have left. Your breathless gasps make you sound even more unconvincing but you still manage to stutter out, "I'm-I'm not on anything, so-so please-" 
"That's okay," he mutters, though it's clear he's half-listening, "I'll take care of you and the baby."
He drops his leisure pace in exchange of shorter, faster thrusts. His cock barely leaves your pussy, grinding in your hole as his breathing starts to get a little less controlled. 
"I'll make sure it takes this time too." 
Your eyes open, and you forget your panic to stare at him. You think back to the pills 18-year-old Geto had handed you. Always discreet. You'd...you'd always thought they were Satoru's idea. 
He hits something inside you, right then. You implode, crashing and burning as you gush around his dick. He's not kind enough to ease you through it, ramming his cock even harder inside your battered pussy until he's hunching over you with a shudder. You can feel his cum settle deep inside your womb. 
You stay like that for a few moments, not saying anything. It feels like hours before Satoru is moving again, drawing his softened cock out of your overstimulated pussy. You can feel the cum drip out of you too, spilling onto the desk, but you don't think Satoru's too mad about that. He flicks your clit a few times, watching your hips jerk and you give an exhausted whine. 
He kisses your breasts. He kisses up your jaw, before finding your lips. Dazed, you find yourself kissing back in reluctant acceptance, your body aching for any semblance of gentleness. 
"I love you." 
You look into his eyes, and you realize he's right. Gojo Satoru loves you, and this is how a man like him loves. He meant it, all those years ago, just like how he does now.
Satoru loves like the Sun. Too bright. With enough heat to burn your soul away. It's why you ran. 
"I love you," he repeats like the phrase doesn't kill you each time he says it, "so you're never leaving me." 
"Not ever again."
There are theories that the Moon once had color. 
It wasn't just white. It was green and blue, and red. 70 million years ago, it could have been much like the Earth. It didn't have a strong atmosphere, however. The gaseous layer was slowly stripped away. The Sun had eaten it. With no atmosphere, the unfiltered solar radiation slowly began to bleach the once colorful celestial body a dull white. Before long, the sun had created the moon to be its image. Now, the only color the moon has to offer is the sun's reflection. 
If Satoru was the Sun, then perhaps, you were the Moon. Stripped of your color. Unable to create light of your own. Reflecting only what you're given. 
How foolish of you to think you could ever escape his radiation. 
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itsmearia01 · 3 months
Past Love || Chapter 1
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Various! Yandere! Jujutsu kaisen x Sukuna's past wife! Yuji's best friend! F! Reader
A/N : English is not my first language, sorry if there are some wrong words. This is the chapter 1, you can read the prologue and Chapter 2. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Prolog | Chapter 2
Series summary : You always get the same nightmare over and over every night. You feel annoyed but can't do anything about it. On the other hand, your best friend who suddenly becomes the vessel of a cursed king brings your nightmares to reality. I don't know what happened but the people around you started acting strangely.
Series warnings : Non-con, dub-con, yandere, stalking, kinks, gaslighting, blackmail, overtism, smut, NSFW, Minors DNI, all character 18+ (but first years still first year, try to make sense), sex, rough sex, oral sex, dom/sub dynamics, blood, manipulation, corruption, mind break, forced relationship, yandere character being their own warning, mind control, possessive, kidnapping. ⚠️Jujutsu kaisen character was not my original, credit to Gege Akutami as original author! There's a few OC as my originally made character. If you don't like/ you hate this kind of story, please go.
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You are grateful because last night you prepared bento and breakfast you made by yourself for your father and your brothers. And even though you're in a rush, you don't forget to bring your lunch.
And you brought 2 bento. One for you and one for your best friend, Yuji Itadori. Yes, you are itadori's best friend or what you usually call Yuu. How are you not attracted to him? He's totally your type. He is gentle, kind, compassionate, and patient.
During lunch time, you visit his class. But did not find him. Someone from his class said he was on the field with the sports club members.
"Yuu!" You scream his name and he looks up.
He smiled and ran towards you. "(Y/N) Sorry I didn't tell you I was here."
Yuuji approached you. he explains his paranormal club is about to be disbanded and he needs to win the bet so that doesn't happen. "Really? You ask, with a worried face. "yeah, but don't worry bun. I win it!" He said with big smile on his face. You both sigh together and you both chuckling and laughing together.
It doesn't feel like you have arrived at the paranormal club room. There are also your two senpais. You all eat your bento together and you fall asleep.
"HAH-HAH-HAH- That dream again! W-wait where is Yuu and everyone else?" You woke realizing you're the only person there. And it's late, the sun replaced by the moon. You quickly grabbed your bag and rushed out. You searched the corridor hoping to find Yuuji. You think, why didn't Yuu wake you up and instead leave you? It's already night and the atmosphere is very quiet...
You can't help but get goosebumps.
You suddenly hear a loud sound. What's that? It comes from above. You see someone you don't know black hair boy. Suddenly something hit that person...
"YUU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING." you run towards your boyfriend but soon stopped when he looked at you. “T-that mark!”
That's Sukuna's mark! The one who's always on your dream.
"(Y/N)? You-Y-you (Y/N)(L/N)?!"
He approached you and you slowly back off to the edge of the building, you looked down and just swallowed done. "DON'T HURT HER!" say a boy behind Sukuna. Sukuna heeded the remark and Pressed your cheek with his hand. "Do you remember me, my dear (Y/N)?"
Suddenly someone kicks Sukuna from the side and pulls you in his arms when you almost fell off building. "Didn't I say to protect civilians, Megumi?” said that person. It turns out a black hair boy named Megumi.
You continue to see the person who is still hug you. Tight. White hair...
"Y-you're a member of the Gojo clan?" that person looking back at you. "How do you know, Princess?"
"We don't have much white hair in this country." You say. And he hummed. I don't know why you feel nervous to see, his smile more feels like a smirk.
"Hmm, interesting... What's your name beautiful princess?" he asked.
"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N) (L/N)"
When you say that he's a little surprised… Then his grin grew wider, wider than before as if he had just heard the most heartbreaking news his life.
"(L/N) huh? Is this fate? The Gojo family and (L/N) are business partners and establish close relationship." You freak out a little as he grabs your chin and gets closer to your face.
"So (Y/N), my name is Gojo Satoru. I was a jujutsu high tokyo teacher. Nice to meet you, Princess."
His face is getting closer and your lips almost touching, but prevented by black-haired boy around your age that you know his name is Megumi. "S-sensei..." he said while walking away balance towards you. he held stomach and as if awakening from hypnosis, You remember Yuji.
"YUU!" You screamed approaching Yuji releasing yourself from the young Gojo's arms. You approached Yuji's body that was lying down unaware. You see the wounds all over his body.
You took your hands out and placed them on Yuji's stomach. Light goes out from your hand and slowly closes and heal the wounds on his body. Megumi and Gojo looked at that with impressed. well, there are who have similar power, but nothing that really looks like a naked eye light produce.
You keep pacing back and forth in front of the room... You've already healed Megumi and are now waiting for Gojo and Yuji who are in the room.
"why are you so worried?" You were awakened by Megumi's voice. "I don't know... I'm just worried about Yujl..." You saw his expression soften and he smiled. Somehow you feel that's not a face he usually shows to other people.
"As long as there is Gojo Sensei, we will be safe... After all, we haven't met yet. My name is Megumi Fushiguro, what's your name?"
You're reminded of something... "Fushiguro-san? Have we met before?"
"Hmm? I do not think so? Why do you think so?"
"The only Megumi I've ever known in my life was from the Zenin clan..."
He flinched at your words and seemed to be trying to remember something.
"Could it be you... (Y/N)(L/N)?!"
You look at him confused when he suddenly looks at you with surprise. "Um... Yeah? Do you remember anything?"
"That's right, it's me! Megumi Zenin... I left Zenin and became Fushiguro... Do you remember when the Zenin family and (L/N) had a meeting? We always played together."
You look surprised, a happy childhood memory... "You're a Gumi?!"
"Shhh... Slow down, that call is a little embarrassing..." He said while his hand covered your mouth. He let go of his gag. He looks so cute with his blushing face, you think he's so embarrassed by that nickname.
"I think we meet again, (N/N)..." Megumi said. When you heard the call you chuckled. It was a call from megumi for you first.
"Hmm? What do we have here? You guys knew each other before?" The young Gojo comes out of the room where you guys are waiting, along with Yuji of course. You with teary eyes lunged at Yuu, hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Yuu! You don't know how worried I was!" You started crying while hugging Yuu. He hugs you back. Megumi and Gojo find the two of you a little displeased.
You two... are too close to be called friends. "I'm fine (Y/N)! Did the creature hurt you?" He kissed your cheek back making the two people watching you bend their faces even more.
"You mean Sukuna? No! He didn't hurt me. But..." You remember when Sukuna held your face. It feels weird, like deja vu.
"Megumi, did you tell Sukuna's name to (Y/N)-chan?" Gojo asked, caught your attention and Yuji. "No... I didn't tell her." After Megumi said that, Gojo who had been sullen smirk widely. "Then I think, not only Yuji who will move to high jujutsu."
After that you and Yuji visited your senpais to say goodbye. gojo-sensei already spoke with your Papa that you're moving to jujutsu high.
Your papa is worried about you because all this time he has been trying to hide you from becoming a jujutsu wizard which is a dangerous job. But yeah, maybe it's about time.
At the end of the day you and Yuji visit Yuji's grandfather's grave to ask for blessings. Next will be fun right?
To be continued
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Tags : @loaves4me @carminhadaavenidabrasil
A/N : hello everyone! thank you for all your excitement for my series! i'm working on the third chapter rn and i expecting this series would be 15 chapter? im still not sure, it can be change. but since i have other things to do in my life i would post the next chapter if i finish all of it till epilog. So, while you all waiting. Since i also read manhwa, playing hoyoverse games, and watching other anime, i'm gonna post short scenarios of those (mostly yandere tho hahahaha)
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inkykeiji · 2 months
⋆₊˚⊹♡ touya-nii + his nasty habit of sneaking into your bedroom
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character: todoroki touya | dabi warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, pseudocest, noncon, a slight bit of degradation, implied size difference words: 1.2k
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he’s always careful when he starts. careful when he creeps into your room in the middle of the night, sock clad feet quiet against the hardwood; careful to keep the doorhandles latch from catching on the strike plate as he closes it behind him; careful not to wake you as he slinks into your frilly little bed, knocking stuffed animals and extra pillows onto the floor, as he worms his way beneath your pink-piped comforter and slithers his hand between your silky thighs—ah, good girl, you’re not wearing those pesky sleep shorts, just like he told you not to (good little sisters only wear panties to bed; and sometimes, they don’t even wear those, he had informed you)—and then wiggles his fingers under your lacy undies.
that’s when he stops being careful. 
because he loves that sharp gasp of surprise, that sheer unadulterated bolt that courses through your body—shock in the purest, prettiest form—that jolts you from your blissful slumber almost violently; skin shuddering, eyes snapping open, when he shoves two dirty fingers into your ill-prepped cunt. 
it’s his favourite sound in the world, he swears it is, swears he would bottle it up and keep it close to his heart if he could, swears he would wear it around his neck like the cutest, daintiest little noose, tethering him to you. 
but this is the next best thing, he supposes. 
your eyes slip shut again, so tightly they crinkle the corners and furrow your brow, and a whine of his name spills from your lips; first in frustration, then again all wispy and dumb when he curls his knuckles against that plush spot buried deep inside of you—that spot he knows so well, that spot he discovered, then claimed as his own. 
yeah, not so irritated now, are ya, y’little brat. 
no, you’re not. you’re sighing out his name in time with the pumps of his fingers, all melty and stupid and oh-so-cute, knotted with his honorific and seeping into your lace-trimmed pillows in little threads of drool. you’re grinding your ass back against his hard cock as you pathetically hump his palm, indulging him as his hips rut into your plush flesh, pre-cum steadily leaking through his thin pyjama pants, staining plaid in dark wet patches.
“touya-nii,” you whimper, back arching a little, nipples peaked through the thin cotton of your camisole. “stop, stop.” 
this is the routine almost every time, practiced and perfected through night after night of rehearsals, and you play your part flawlessly; effortless and enticing and full of emphasis, because you know he gets off on it—the no!s and wait!s and don’t!s, sometimes spit from your lips, sometimes dribbling out the corner of your mouth, only heightening the whole sordid affair.
because you’re just as fucking sick as your big brother is. 
he can’t stop, don’t you know?
it’s all your fault, he’s telling you, voice caught somewhere between accusatory and mocking. if you weren’t such a slutty little tease, nii-chan wouldn’t have to do this. 
but it’s all just a game; he knows you love it just as much as he does, knows you’re just as depraved as he is, because your actions don’t match your words, you bad girl, the rolling of your hips encouraging the rocking of his own, one of your free hands threading itself over his and guiding it to your breast, bony knuckles pressing into a soft palm as his fingers flex around supple flesh.
if you didn’t love it, if you didn’t want it, then why would you prance around the house in those short, short little dresses? the ones that fan out when you twirl to your music in the living room or ride up when you bend over while cooking in the kitchen, gifting anyone within the immediate vicinity (your vile siblings and their prying eyes) a coveted glimpse of the silk and lace clinging delicately to your cheeks; the ones that are an inch or two too short to be considered wholly decent, and the ones Daddy has repeatedly told you to stop wearing around your big brothers—especially the eldest. 
“m’sorry, touya-nii, m’sorry, m’sorry.”
no, you’re not, but that’s okay. he isn’t, either. 
at least you have each other.
your other hand snakes between your tensing thighs, cupping his own, little fingers layering larger ones as they try to speed up his motions, push his digits deeper, fuck you harder, give you more. 
these trysts never last long enough, though; no matter how hard he tries to lengthen them, to savour them, you’re both too eager, too hungry for one another, cumming too quickly in the dead of night as your bodies tremble together, as names shatter on tongues in sharp whispers and limbs seize and tangle and fuse into one.
it’s always so fucking messy, your cunt clenching around your conjoined fingers, slick dribbling down his knuckles in thick dollops to pool in his hand, to settle in the lines of his palm and streak his inner wrist in pretty shimmering streams.
it’s always so fucking messy, his grunts hot and humid against the nape of your neck, forehead pressed to the crown of your head as his cock throbs, filling flannel with copious amounts of burning, sticky cum—so much it seeps through the material to soak your scrunched panties, so much it dries in a hard glaze, welding lace to your ass. 
you don’t ever dare to wash it off, clean it away, eradicate the evidence, instead allowing each other’s pleasure to stain your skins, wearing it like a mark of honour, a claim of ownership, barely visible when it dries into something firm and translucent, but there nonetheless. 
his fingertips continue to flutter against that swollen spot until ripples of overstimulation are shuddering through your flesh, until your little hand is wreathing around his syrupy wrist and nails are biting into his flesh and tugging, tears beginning to bead your lashes.
only then does he chuckle and pull his hand free, knuckles hooking in an attempt to scrape your walls, a heavy coat of your arousal glistening on his fingers. 
“you cum so fucking much for your big brother,” he growls in your ear, lips wet against the cartilage, voice tapering off into a whine. “look at how wet you get for me.” 
two of his fingers flatten against your cheek and then swipe, slow and hard and thorough, smearing a thick film of your slick across your face, from the tip of your temple to the corner of your mouth, back and forth and back and forth until it’s been rubbed into your skin. 
callused fingertips push past your parted lips, weighing down on your tongue and cramming themselves into your throat, forcing you to taste yourself—to taste him, painted in you; spicy nicotine and heady salt.
“you’re fucking disgusting,” he pants out, but his pupils are gaping, watching as your gorge yourself on your big brother’s flesh, lips puckering and cheeks hollowing as your tongue curls around his knuckles and tries to siphon him further down your throat. 
a whine splinters in his chest as he pulls his extremities free from your voracious grip, slathered in spit, viscous cords strung between his knuckles as he spreads them apart. 
“yeah, you’re real fucking sick, y’know that?” 
“you made me like this, nii-chan,” you breathe out dreamily, already drifting back into sleep’s welcoming embrace, body going lax in his arms and snuggling back against his chest. 
yeah, he fucking did. 
and neither of you would have it any other way. 
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mamayan · 7 months
🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃
Shigaraki Tomura x Fem! Reader
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Good girls should just stay home, lest something goes bump in the night.
cw: NSFW • Implied Murder • Implied Serial Killer • Consensual Non-Consent turned Non-Consensual • Noncon • Dubcon • Abuse • Fingering (F) • Oral (M) • Deep Throating • Rough Sex • Attempted Murder • Hair Pulling • Degradation/Slight Humiliation • Dacryphilia • Yandere Themes • Kidnapping • a little OOC • This story possessed me and basically wrote itself • Barely proof read tbh
wc: 7k+
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Something must be wrong with you.
Or at least, that’s what you imagine the world would think if anyone knew what you were doing.
The room was dark aside from the blue glow of your computer screen. The black web browser with red lettering almost ominous as your eyes scanned the consent form again. It was a consent form just to access the full website, on the surface serving only as a dating type of situation for the BDSM community. Beneath it though were layers deeper than what the simple description actually provided. You only found out about it through a deep dive into multiple sub-threads of Reddit. It was a basket case of crazy, the majority of information or advice, but you managed to dig up one reliable looking source.
This website you were currently on. L@ce&R0pe.com happened to provide a wide variety of goodies, from sex toys to actual published books on shibari, there wasn’t much you couldn’t find. Except like all websites not swallowed up by the deep web, there was never any section like the one you wanted so desperately.
Except this one, because your mouse didn’t hesitate to shift and hover over the drop down section for MEET, where you could link up with real people for whatever your heart desired really. You trailed down to NEW FRIEND, and clicked. A new tab opened, this one themed differently than the main website. It was light blue and pink, almost like a baby shower, except the only thing on the page was a single drop down menu, and clicking it made your head ache. There were thousands of options, but thankfully it was organized alphabetically, so you could easily scroll mindlessly until you hit the C section.
You found what you wanted, clicking it as your chosen option and hitting GO.
The screen changed, this time it looked similar to a dating profile fillable. You worked quickly, efficiently even, as you typed all your information in.
Not your name or address, nothing silly like that. Just your measurements, your favorite foods or beverages, the color of your eyes, your hair color, your height, and even the style of your nails. It asked if you liked to brush your hair everyday, how often you showered, what shampoo or body wash you like. You answered them all, as invasive as they soon became, you never wavered. What brand of deodorant do you use? How often do you clip or file your nails? To what length? Do you shave your pubic area? How often? What style? How many sexual partners have you had? Where have you had sex? Which hole do you prefer? Are you a crier or a screamer? Does blood turn you on? Do you like physical or mental pain more? Have you ever been raped before?
They got more personal and physiological as you answered. You felt hot and stuffy despite the window being open and the cool autumn air blowing in. You kept answering even as your throat got tighter and unease nestled into your clavicle.
Do you want to know who your new friend will be?
This time you do hesitate. Knowing would make it feel safer. Knowing would give you some semblance of control. Knowing would be the smart choice.
You clicked “no” and submitted the form, sealing your fate as your hands shook and adrenaline pumped through your veins.
You set the date for October 31st. Now all you had to do was wait and show up.
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A notification hit his phone, lighting up the screen as cigarette smoke billowed around him in the back alley. A quick glance was all he needed to unlock and fully see the entire screen. The leather of his jacket rubbed against the brick he leaned against.
Halloween was probably the best time for such fun, crime rates skyrocketing and parties being loud and wild really left a big gaping hole for any type of heinous activity to occur. He grinned as the information poured onto his screen. His dick already becoming painfully hard as he read all your supplied information. You liked breath play, having someone spit in your mouth, even being slapped around. He was always amazed by the lack of shortage for sick freaks like you, but then again, he was one of them too. Licking his top lip, tongue piercing flicking out to rub against his cupid’s bow, he clicked “ACCEPT” on the notification. He had all your information, the when and where, and your adorable little comment of “Please don’t degrade me.” What more could he ask for? His smile is sinister in the low light off the neon sign of the bar, casting a purplish hue on his skin as he chuckles and shoves his phone away. Flicking his cigarette butt onto the dirty ground, he cracked his neck and knuckles before going back inside to finish his beer and round of pool with his friends.
He’ll see you on Halloween. He might even dress up a little for the occasion.
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It’s cold.
It’s nearly November so you hadn’t expected warm weather necessarily, but it seemed chillier than usual despite your fairly insulated dress.
You dressed up as an angel, the irony not lost on you at all but it felt fitting almost for the occasion. The pristine white looked off in your surroundings. It was nearly midnight, but despite that the sidewalk of the park was filled with a fairly regular crowd of people passing through, on to the next party or home to sleep off all the alcohol. Really, you weren’t too out of place, in your white stockings and black heeled boots, the fluffy ruffled white babydoll dress that barely covered your ass or tits and the wings which were strapped around your shoulders and jutted out behind you. On your head was a slim clip which was attached to a white shiny halo that seemed to float above you, only a thin wire keeping it up. You’d at first felt a little exposed passing children going home for the night after trick or treating, eyes of judgemental families which you ignored boring into you, but now it was time for the adults to have fun. You’d already passed a plethora of college students or older dressed even more scantily than you, making you feel better, safer, out in the park you’d chosen. You’d chosen 0300 as your designated meetup time, but specified you’d be early in case they wanted to start sooner. So here you stood, under a streetlamp that illuminated you in a yellow glow, making you seem even more angelic despite the ominous darkness surrounding you. You were busy playing on your phone, scrolling mindlessly and trying not to appear too excited. Or scared. You figured it was a combination of both, the arousal and fear bleeding into one very specific but unnamed emotion. Tapping your boot to a rhythm only you could hear, the night drew on and another hour passed. The droves of people passing didn’t dwindle, but it was always a group, never a single individual which you hoped was your new friend. It was almost 0130 when you felt watched, goosebumps rising on your skin as you realized someone must be looking at you. A quick glance around showed no one though, and after ten minutes your hope dissolved into disappointment. It seemed your friend wasn’t an early bird.
“Hey,” a raspy, deep voice speaking almost directly into your ear, startling you enough to elicit a yelp. You turned, eyes landing on a dark clothed chest and trailing up to a hooded face you could barely make out through a mess of blue hair. His lips look a bit chapped, a small scar decorating a corner, but his teeth are white and straight as he smiles a grin that causes shivers to shoot down your spine.
…maybe your friend was an early bird, just not as much as you.
You take a step back, stuttering stupidly due to your overactive nerves and the earlier shock of his sudden appearance. “H-hi…um,” the stranger tilts his head, eyes still not visible, dark hoodie baggy on his frame. He looks a bit thin, like he wouldn’t have a lot of strength, his jeans having some strange splattering of fake blood or something on them. You lick your lips, heart ready to leap from your chest but not quite ready for the events to unfold.
Or maybe you were very ready.
“You’ve been standing here for hours,” he comments nonchalantly, hands moving to shove inside the large inner pocket on his hoodie, “Aren’t ya tired of waiting for your boyfriend?” His question is a bit confusing, and when you glance around you, it dawns that there’s no one out right now. When had the crowds dwindled to nothing? “I don’t… have a boyfriend…” you had clearly stated that online too, so he already knew the answer to your relationship status. Was he just teasing? Keeping this as realistic as possible? It made you a bit pleased. You fiddled with the ends of your cute frilly dress, exposing a small portion of your skin and garter belt which kept your thigh high socks up. His eyes tracked the motion, lips pulling up even higher making his smile menacing. Dangerous. “That so?” He asks, but it doesn’t seem like he’s too interested in a reply as he steps closer, his beat up sneakers so silent on the ground it’s a little unnerving. Since he’s playing along so much, it feels wrong for you to not reciprocate.
“What do you think you’re doing, creep? Stay back,” You hope he’s not offended by the name, figuring it wasn’t too mean or odd of a thing to call him. Your firm stance and defiant gaze make him pause, head tilting again but he’s quick to recover and laugh. It’s less of a sexy and deep chuckle like you expected, and more pitched and giggly. It’s almost creepy to hear from a grown man. Like a child from a horror movie laughing. “Creep? Yeah? Guess I am, but you know what?” His head lifts, and since he’s more centered under the tall street lamp, when he looks straight at you, two red eyes flash. “I’m a lot fucking worse than your average dumbass creep,” you jolt when he lunges at you, hand outstretched to grab you. It’s instinctive how quickly you turn and run, adrenaline helping you shoot off into the park where no light but the moon shined down. This is what you wanted, you chant to yourself to stay level headed enough to not truly panic. This was staged and as safe as possible. He’s not actually going to hurt you. You’d be fine, albeit maybe a little sore tomorrow morning. You shut your mind off and focus on running, though your speed wasn’t great in such cheap and unstable boots, roots and random objects on the ground constantly tripping you up.
You looked like the dumb girl in the horror movies, tits practically out of your low cut revealing white dress, strapless white bra damn useless and more for show than any real support or push-up. You huffed, digging in your heels when you heard a few twigs snap behind you, feet carrying you faster as you realized he was gaining on you quickly. He didn’t shout and you didn’t scream. The chase was exhilarating, your mind becoming fuzzy as your lungs burned for more oxygen. You hadn’t planned a chase, really leaving it all up to fate and your new friend, but this was perfect.
Until fingers tangled tight in your hair and yanked you completely off your feet, your shoes and legs going out in front of you as you landed gracelessly on your ass. Then an intense burning in your scalp erupts, a hiss of pain and a whine escaping as you slide over cool damp foliage, senseless grumbling coming from the stranger as he drags you into a deeper more secluded section of the park, away from any and all prying eyes. Not like anyone gave a damn. “I-it hurts!” You feel childish for crying, tears pricking your eyes but the burn was worse than you imagined truly, soft hands coming up to try and pry his fingers off.
He has a grip of iron apparently, not the least bit phased as he sighs, hauling you up and tossing you in front of him. You land weirdly on your left shoulder, a shock of pain numbing your mind as you heave for air and roll over. When you open your eyes, you’re face to face with him. His hood pulled off, shoulder length blue hair now tied back and up into a little bun while some stray pieces frame his face and forehead. Your eyes adjust to the darkness as they take him in.
He’s young, maybe early twenties, with pale skin and dark bags hugging beneath his scarlet eyes. He’s got a beauty mark just below his lip on the right side, the scar you saw earlier on the other. He’s not hard on the eyes, cute even, but the strange air around him makes the close proximity fill you with anxiety. His eyebrows are thin and sparse, but he cocks one with a smirk. “Not gonna scream for help, crybaby?” The nickname makes you realize tears are streaming down your cheeks, you blink them away quickly, shaking your head and trying to find your words again. “I—uh, do you want me to?” Wouldn't screaming just make it more likely for someone to call the police? You figured a little noise was fine, but screaming seemed counter productive.
His eyes widened a bit, confusion painting his features as he crouched down more comfortably on his haunches to get a better look at you.
He’d been watching you since you got to the park. A single party in this sort of place always sticks out like a sore thumb. You looked more ready for a porno than a costume party, from behind the view of your ass indescribably arousing in your short little dress. It was both a slutty and innocent look you pulled off well, at least enough to make him riled up, cock twitching in agreement within his pants. He shamelessly rubbed it through his jeans, caressing the hardening length and letting you watch with glee. Your face made him snort, amusement evident as he chuckles and squints. “You like this, little freak?” You looked like you did, he notes. Your wide pretty eyes, still a little teary and red at the ends, showed your blown out pupils. You looked to be more star struck, not terrified like any normal girl chased through a park and dragged into a little corner between some trees to be out of sight. He watches you swallow hard, lips parting before closing as if you aren’t sure what to say to that question. “Fuck, you’re cute,” he grins, “a cute little slut who stood out at night all alone as if begging for someone to come along and do something nasty.” You release a tiny yelp as he meanly shoves you back, straddling your upper chest with his thighs as he hunches over you, looming ominously above with wild eyes screaming for chaos. “Good thing that I came along, huh? Make all your nasty little fantasies come true.” He watches you gasp as he presses his fingers against your lips, confusion evident on your face but you aren’t really putting up much of a fight as you open and let him slide two in. “Nasty fucking girl, look at you, when you don’t even fucking know me.” He chuckles, and while he’s teasing you mostly, he is amazed. You looked erotic as hell right now, little angel costume all wrinkled and a bit dirty from the earth below, pretty face a bit stained with mascara that had run a little from your earlier tears. You weren’t wearing the waterproof kind it seemed. Lips bitten and chewed on, plump and glossy from whatever glittery shit you swiped on them earlier now wrapped around his digits as he dug around in your warm wet mouth. “Suck on them, slut,” he orders, his smile dropping and face becoming more serious as you hurry to obey, a strange trepidation building in your gut. He groans as he feels your tongue wiggle and swirl, pumping his fingers a bit now and enjoying the little bleats you release when he chokes you a bit with them. “Wonder if you’re soaked down here~” he hums, leaning back a bit and yanking his fingers from your lips, wiping the excess saliva across your cheek and huffing a laugh as your features wrinkle in distaste. His hand moves behind him, easy access to your cunt due to the frilly dress hiked up almost around your waist, revealing cute soaked white cotton panties he growls at the sight of. “You really suck at putting up a fight, crybaby, but I think I heard somewhere that girls get wet when scared too…” those red eyes flick back to your own, "You scared?” He asks, almost softly. He watches you breathe, chest struggling a bit under his weight but your hands curled into the fabric of his hoodie, not pushing him away. “A little…?” Is your shaky response, and he wonders silently if you’re an idiot or just a pervert. You might be both, because when he lets his thumb dig into where your pussy lay poorly hidden, you moan for him and spread your legs wider. You make it even easier to search for his desired location, your swollen bundle of nerves. “O-oh—!” Your head falls back, little halo becoming a bit misshapen as it gets flattened to the ground, he tsks, fixing it with his free hand as he thumbs your little clit and watches you mewl and writhe beneath him, pleasure clearly visible on your face. Your hips buck and wiggle, body pinned beneath his and unable to get away or closer like you desperately want for more friction than he’s providing. “P-please,” you can’t help but beg, hoping your new friend is merciful enough to make you cum and not simply edge you all night.
It’s the pouty expression which makes him nearly feral, his grin spreading wide again as he keeps working his finger on your clit but his face closes the distance between your own. His lips just barely graze yours, and you are all too happy to part your lips and give him a sloppy kiss back, his own tongue finally slipping into your mouth where you suck. The smooth muscle in your mouth and the saliva dripping from it drive you wild, hands now dragging him closer and trying to make him do more for you. The heat spreads slowly however, his pace not changing, and despite his slim build he’s much stronger than you. You aren’t able to take any more than what is given, huffing in exasperation and groaning when he places more force before easing off. “S-stop teasing…” you whine against his lips, which were much softer than they look. He smirks, airy chuckle felt more than heard as he shakes with a silent laugh, “how can I not, you’re such a rare find, I plan to take my time with you.” He kisses you hard to silence whatever whines you planned to release to make him give you more. Instead he forces you into a slow building orgasm that leaves him having to pin your wrists above your head lest your clawing rip his skin open. He works you gently and cruelly into it, loving how you gasp and choke for him, eyes rolling back while you shake almost like you’re possessed and soak through your panties. “There you go, heh, normally I wouldn’t bother to take my time with whiny bitches, but you’re more obedient and sweet than I first assumed.” He whispers into your ear as you come down from the mind blowing high, body limp and pliant like dough now. The insult from him brings out a little whine of protest, teary eyes looking at him with almost something akin to betrayal.
“I-I don’t like being called mean names…I said so online too,” he pulls up finally, the chill of the night attacking full force on your now exposed cunt as he brings your panties up to his nose to inhale. His eyes narrow, almost into slits as he pulls them back and shoves them into his hoodie pocket. “Oh yeah? You post that shit on your social media or something? Sorry, I don’t really use those trash platforms. I have a Twitch stream though,” he acts like this is the time for a regular conversation, even as he unbuttons and unzips his jeans, yanking them down his hips to pull his cock free. Your eyes go wide, mind a bit blank and missing something, in favor of looking at him pump his length lazily. A trail of blue curls like on his head travel from his navel to his groin where it spreads out a little, the color a bit darker as it goes lower. He’s not one to shave it seems, but your eyes focus on his cock, average in length but girthy with a tip that curves up almost perfectly. It looks like a cock someone would sell as a dildo at a sex store. It was pretty, admittedly, as a few pearls of pre-cum dotted the tip and spilled over as he slowly worked it above you. “Hungry?” He jokes, but when you nod he grits his teeth and bites back a moan, the night truly more unexpected than he thought. “Open up then, crybaby.” He thankfully didn’t call you a bitch again, crybaby the less of the evils and more acceptable of a petname for your preference as you open your lips and awkwardly lean your head forward. “No need to lean up,” he mumbles, shifting until his knees now rested by your shoulders, tip just in your mouth and his forearms on the earth above your head. He’s looking down at you, and you lay back down as he works his cock in your mouth. He’s going to fuck your mouth, you realize a bit late, the position so easy for him to hit balls deep in your throat and prevent you from running just from his weight alone. You’re pinned to earth, the scent of crisp autumn becoming mingled with the musky masculine odor the stranger had clinging to him. Something smelled of iron too, but it was fainter and didn’t bother you too much, not when he seemed determined to suffocate you with his cock. You jerk a little, teeth accidentally grazing his cock and his hiss of pain alerts you that you’ve hurt him. He pulls up and out of your mouth, glaring ferociously as he looks down at you with contemplation. “Sorry—! I’m not used—,” the words leaving you mouth go unfinished as you’re suddenly looking away and down, confusion wracking your mind before white hot pain erupts across your face and you cry out in agony.
He watches with a cool nonchalance as you whimper and cry, holding your inflamed cheek and looking at him with teary eyes filled with questions. The sight doesn’t help his hardness, your face swelling a bit from the force of the blow already, but it was still arousing how you cried for him so easily. “Don’t bite my fucking dick and I won’t hit you, clear?” He’s grabbing you roughly by the hair again, yanking you up and no longer in the mood for that awkward position as he stands and pulls you to your knees. This position at least gives him a good eye full of your tits, shaking from your little trembling as you’re made to look up at him. His angry reddened cock next to your injured cheek is a sight for him, his hand gripping his shaft and slapping you lightly on the cheek with it, his hand in your hair preventing you from turning away even as you whimper in pain. “Okay, we’ll try this again, crybaby. Open.” You do, even as tears run like waterfalls down your face, mascara smeared and making a pathetic sight for sore eyes of you, you let his cock enter your mouth once more.
Because you’ve never been more aroused.
Your stranger isn’t nice, pushing hard and deep into your throat immediately and gagging you. You’re careful with your teeth, jaw already burning and aching as he locks his arm and hand, strands of hair tearing out as he works his hips into your face at an uneven pace. “Stop fucking moving,” he growls, stepping even closer, blocking any and all exits and forcing you to take it. His cock didn’t seem so scary when he’d pulled it out, but in your throat it was a plug to your oxygen and felt too big for your poor mouth. It hurt, feeling him go too deep and leaving you coughing and sputtering and even still he wouldn’t pull out, groaning and pressing impossibly deep like he truly means to suffocate you. “You got a good little mouth pussy, crybaby. Fuck—take my cock, just like that.” He moans, watching as you struggle on his dick to breathe or swallow, slobber and tears coating his cock as he makes a mess of your pretty face. He doesn’t care that your eyes are starting to roll back, hands which had previously been clawing at his legs going limp at your sides. You acted more like a hole for him to fuck when you were limp like this, and it drove him wild as he grunted like an animal and rutted into your mouth like he held a grudge against you. Both hands dug into your hair, hands pulling you back onto his cock when his hips bucked you away. “Never fucked a—holy shit—ah, mouth so damn good before—, ah fuck, fuck,” he’s getting breathier as time ticks by, his own eyes rolling back as his balls draw up tight. “I’m going to cum, ready for me crybaby? Want it in your tummy or on your face?” He’s being condescending on purpose, but it’s a bit useless considering he’s rendered you nearly unconscious on his dick. He shrugs your lack of response off, pumping his cock down your throat until he sees stars and yanks himself free just before the first spurt misses and hits the grass below, he grips the base, pumping and shooting his next shot right onto your face. He yanks your head against his thigh, delirious face dazed and coughing softly as he finishes on your glitter and mascara run cheeks, using the tip to smear it well into your ruined makeup as he sneers at you from above.
“Hah…” he catches his breath, sucking in oxygen along with you as his gaze turns calculated.
“Wake up, I’m not done with you yet.” He’s more gentle now that he's cum at least once, tapping your uninjured cheek with two fingers as your eyes roll around before opening and looking at him.
He swears, your face making him hard again instantly, blood pooling to his groin at the messy sight of you in your white ruined angel costume. “You really are unlucky I was out tonight, I don’t think I’m gonna let you go.” His dead serious comment caused something cold to hit your veins, chills running through you as you gape in shock.
“W-what…?” He reaches into his hoodie pocket, pulling out what looked like a foot long serrated hunting blade. He snickers at the blank look of shock on your features.
“What’s wrong, crybaby? No tears for me right now?” You’re shaking, getting paler by the second as you realize no, it’s not a costume, and yes, there is still dried blood on the blade. There’s dried blood all over him, his spree tonight ridiculously fruitful and his body still high on the thrill. Imagine his luck finding you. “T-this wasn’t in my profile, wh-what are you doing?” Now you look alert, now you act like a regular civilian, he notes cooly. “I only con-consented to the sex and stuff, I said I didn’t like—like blades or blood play.” Your eyes are wide as saucers and you have a cold sweat now forming and dotting your skin, shaky like on too much caffeine as your body dumped chemicals to help you run.
His head tilts, a few more strands of hair coming loose from his tie as those red eyes watch you without any emotion in their depths.
“Ah~ I get it now. Are you some kind of freak who links up with people online for this kind of shit?” He laughs, eyes not matching the manic toothy grin. “Sorry to disappoint slut, I ain’t your tinder or whatever match. Did you do it anonymously?” He’s beyond amused, thrilled by the horror dawning on your face as reality sets in. “You’re a fucking idiot.” He sneers, but he’s joyful when you book it, heeled boots caked in mud as they dig into the ground and you take off for real. True intent to get away now because he’s not your new friend, he’s a real stranger and his energy is nothing but malevolent.
You’re going to die.
It’s a sick thought that twists inside you as you push the hardest you’ve ever, scream bubbling up and out as you cry for help now. “HELP! Please! Someone! Anyone!” It’s more broken and hoarse than you want, his earlier abuse to your throat having taken a number on your ability to vocalize.
It’s empty. This damn park is empty.
Not a soul around and you can’t hear him coming for you anymore, and it only makes the tears fall harder as you drive your body to a breaking point. If no one is around you can at least aim for your car, your phone will take too much time to look at and dial the police, you’d be too open and that would mean—
Something—someone—smashes into you, your body thrown sideways by the brute force and flung roughly to the ground where you roll several feet.
It hurts—!
Your body and mind scream as pain lights up your shoulder, a previously dull ache now hounding for your attention so much it left you lightheaded. You twisted your ankle too or maybe broke it, already so regretful for the evening and your life choices that your shoes hardly broke the bank. It all hurt, and yet you still tried to crawl to get away, still eager for another deep breath of air in your lungs even if it hurt to do that too.
“Hck, please, please—help—!,” you’re a sobbing pathetic mess, and he couldn’t be more turned on by the sight. He dusts himself off like he hadn’t tackled you like a linebacker for a major league football team, his lanky form sinewy with muscle and his agility nothing to scoff at. He swirls the enormous daunting blade with a whistle, smiling more genuinely as he strolls towards your shaking form crawling away.
“Where do you think you’re going, crybaby? I said I wasn’t done with you,” he lands a solid hit to your middle, dirty sneaker smearing mud on your cute little dress, looking less and less white as the night wears on. The blow is not hard enough to damage anything, he’s sure, but you act as if you’ve been disemboweled by how you howl and heave. He rolls his eyes at the dramatics, settling one foot between your shoulder blades and pressing down until you’re left immobilized.
Your vision is blurry, going in and out of focus as you try, and try, and try to get away, cute nail polish chipped and ruined as you claw at the dirt floor for leverage.
He admires your tenacity. “You think you can get away? That anyone is coming to save you?” He brushes a few stray hairs out of his face as he laughs, the urge to gut you strong as he savors your useless little struggle. “Crybaby, look around! No one is coming! I said look,” he grinds out, dropping to one knee while his other leg remains planted on your back, his hand gripping your hair and yanking your head up to see what he meant.
There’s a fence. A metal chain link fence, and it had a sign your vision was too blurry to read through your tears.
“You ran yourself straight into the worst possible area, this is sort of your game over,” He leans down to look at you, yanking your head back and forcing you into an uncomfortable arch. He raises up the blade, fully intending to slit your pretty throat and watch your eyes as the light fades, but you blubber out a sentence which halts him.
“Y-you didn’t finish! E-earlier, hck, earlier you didn’t finish—!” Your eyes squeeze closed in pain as he yanks your head to the side. Confusion burned in him, and curiosity kept you breathing for now.
“Didn’t finish what, crybaby? Fairly certain I finished all over your face, if I remember correctly.” He has a sharp edge in his tone, something metallic fills your mouth and you realize you’ve bitten through your tongue in your panic. A few drops spill past your lips, catching his attention.
“S-shouldn’t you also f-fuck me too? I-it’s why I came out tonight, wh-why I, ah, d-did this,” it’s a long shot by any means, and he’s no fool, but you did make a good point.
He was still hard.
“Smart little crybaby, aren’t you?” He mutters darkly, setting aside his blade in favor of smashing your face into the dirt, keeping your head down as he presses against your back and yanks your hips up. Your knees are skinned from the rough handling, socks torn open and stained with blood and dirt while his calloused hands slip beneath your dress. Your breath hitches. You needed to think of some way out of this, some kind of plan to escape or incapacitate him.
He’s busied himself with your still dripping cunt. Two fingers roughly filling your hole and uncaringly stretching your tight entrance. “You really are a freak, wet even though you’re going to die, crybaby.” He felt a bit strange as you whimper and mewl below, hand slowing as he tried to place the feeling.
He shrugs it off, instead easily yanking down his jeans which were still unbuttoned and pulling out his cock once more, stroking his shaft a few times before he lined himself up with your puffy lips. “Fuck—,” he swears, eyes seeing stars as he pushes just his tip past the tight ring of muscle at your entrance, mouth opening as licks his lips and stares down at you. “Never had pussy so good…” he giggles darkly, cracking his neck as he pushes each inch inside of you, stretching you out deliciously until you’re speared on his cock with his hips flush with your ass. “Who knew you’d be the best, crybaby.” He muses, fingers digging into the fat of your hips, your little dress flipped up and over your ass so he can watch it bounce as he leans back on his knees to fuck you deeper. You need to think straight but it’s difficult with how good your body feels, the pain from earlier seeming to go away with a numb buzz as he fills your pussy, hitting perfectly against a spot that has you arching harder for more.
You really are a freak like he says.
You can’t help relaxing further, eyes dumbly looking to the side where your head rests as he pounds into you from behind, the coil in your gut growing tighter by the minute.
The clouds blocking the moon seem to part just for you, the full moon’s light no longer blocked and illuminating the little patch of grass he’d tackled you into. Something gleams, in perfect reach too as your eyes widen.
His knife.
He’d already proven you can’t outrun him, but what if he was injured? There’s a major artery in the thigh, if you hit that, wouldn’t you be able to get away?
He yanks back roughly, moaning as he feels you squeeze even tighter around him, velvet walls massaging his dick while he tries to fuck himself as deep as possible inside of you.
It hit you despite all your intentions not to, because this wasn’t safe and he wants to end your life and everything is wrong, but your body doesn’t listen. You cum with a shaky cry, and with an awkward turn of your head you watch as his head goes back and he moans, eyes closed in bliss as you coat his cock in even more slick.
You’re louder than you intended to be, but your fingers close around the hilt nonetheless, trembling with the heavy weight in your grasp, you use every ounce of energy inside you to swing it back into his thigh.
“Cute,” you scream as he catches your wrist, hand clenching so tight you feel your bones grind together as the knife falls from your grip. He twists your arm around and pins your wrist behind your back, holding it in place while his other hand remains at your hip.
“So fucking cute, crybaby. Did you cum just to distract me or was that because you couldn’t help yourself?” He’s getting a high from this, from fucking you and turning you into nothing but a toy as he bounces you on his cock, hips still but arms pulling you back and forth with ease. Scarlet eyes drink you in with undisguised sick glee, and he’s finally able to place the feeling from earlier.
“A pretty little slut trying to get her rocks off and getting shown why she should’ve been a good girl and stayed home,” he grunts, releasing you and leaning over, pinning you with his weight and nearly knocking the air from your lungs how deeply he hits you inside from this angle. Dirt fills the underbelly of your nails, your fingers digging into the earth just for some semblance of stability.
You had none. It was a sick and horrifying realization. You have no control. You can do nothing to stop this. As deeply as it made your gut sink, another odd emotion rose to the surface.
A bubbly sensation that tore through you as your tears became less from fear and more from overstimulation.
His hips piston in and out of you, bullying your cervix in this position as he ruts into you like a hound, tongue hanging out of his mouth as he moans and grunts.
You break again, spasm and cinch down on his cock like a vice while you wail as if in mourning. Maybe you are, for yourself at least. “Oh fuck—! s’too much—, please, I can’t—, f-feels good, hah,” your nearly incoherent babbling sends him over the edge along with you, his own dull nails finally drawing blood as he holds you for dear life as he releases deep inside you, tip kissing right up against you womb as he cums. You can feel it too, his cock twitching inside as the night seems to still for a moment.
He holds you for a while. Breathing you in, nuzzling his face into your neck and licking you. He holds you until his cock fully softens and it hurt to be gripped so tightly inside your wet heat, regrettably pulling away.
He stands, putting his sticky limp cock away inside his underwear and pulling up his pants, looking down at your ruined figure that had slumped over to the side.
“Y’know, crybaby… you really resemble an angel now,” he smiles, red eyes almost glowing as the moon blankets his back and shadows his face. His hair seems almost white like this, your tired eyes note. You don’t move or even flinch as he grabs his knife and yanks your limp figure up by your hair. Even now you’re still crying, face lax despite the rivers flowing down your dirty swollen cheeks. You make no effort to stop him, having given up completely.
He crouches down again, mostly eye level now as he makes you look at him.
“You got any last words?” He’s being dead serious. He feels strange looking at the almost glazed over look in your eyes.
“W-what…” your voice is barely a whisper, but the night is so quiet he catches it, “what’s your…name?”
An unexpected question.
His eyes gleam, smile ravenous as he puts his lips against your ear and whispers it.
“Tomura, what’s your name, crybaby?” He asks, gently, almost like he’s actually interested.
You hoarsely whisper it, your last time ever saying it after tonight. He hums, like it pleases him, before he brings down the knife swiftly.
Your vision goes dark, the strike mercifully painless. Your last thoughts blur as you drift into soft nothingness.
He releases your hair, grabbing your limp figure up in his arms as he chuckles and sheaths his knife properly on his hip. “Dumb crybaby” his voice almost singing the words as he whistles and walks away, the park dead silent but even if someone had seen you in his arms, he could just play the good boyfriend taking his sweetheart home safely. It’s not entirely a lie either, his eyes glancing down at your unconscious form, pretty neck unmarred but a bruise would likely form on the back where he struck you tomorrow. Tomura had never felt compelled to allow a victim to live, but then again he’s never fucked a victim either, so you’re the first for a lot. He supposed it made you quite special, his legs carrying him in the direction of his car in the parking lot about a mile south. Obsession and possessiveness swirled in those red depths as they looked at your figure.
“Good girls should just stay home…” he continues his sardonic little tune, his smile gruesome and foreboding.
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Vibrant blue orbs check his surroundings again, noting once again his friend was a no show. Rolling his eyes, he knew it was too good to be true. Your profile screamed inexperienced and cautious, despite you clicking that you’d like him to remain anonymous beforehand. It didn’t matter, he’d just go enjoy some sorority girl pussy instead, figuring at 0330 that most parties would be winding down. Drunk girls dressed like sluts were his second favorite.
Dabi clicks the notify option on his app, letting the website staff know you never showed up.
Though, he muses if something did happen, the police wouldn’t be notified until it was too late. Halloween weekend after all meant you could be missing for quite a while before anyone noticed.
Not his problem though.
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Post dividers/@cafekitsune
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
stuck | bakugou katsuki
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synopsis ↬ bakugou hates when nerds are better than him OR you get stuck in a closet but bakugou doesn’t feel like helping
warnings ↬ stuckage/kabeshiri, dub/non-con, college au, non-con picture taking, soft bully bakugou(?), bakugou doesn't act like a bully in the beginning but he does later on, the reader's favorite class is biology, the reader is a nerd, i'm sorry if i offend any nerds, the way you get stuck is kinda poorly written and i'm sorry, do not read if you don’t like being in tight spaces, or-l (receiving), f-ngering (receiving), bakugou calls you a lot of names (not nice names), slut-shaming, objectification, swearing, reader is wearing a skirt, leashes (brief), if you get confused at how I describe the scene just look at the header image, let me know if i've missed anything
pairings ↬ agedup!bully!bakugou katsuki x fem!nerdy!reader
word count ↬ 3.7k
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Carefully carrying your biology class's materials, you strode along the partially empty halls to your destination. Professor Kayama, your biology instructor, asked if you could return them to a storage room in preparation for her next class. Being an exemplary student, you happily agreed — not minding the heavy load of fragile items. You held a large plastic tub of different materials she neatly stacked before handing them to you. Your slow-paced walk seemed to agitate some of your fellow classmates trying to hurry to their next activity, yet you didn't mind.
Entering the large storage area, you place the materials that manage to fit inside your arms on the floor. The room was quite large, filled with all assortments of items used in her class. All of which, you could name without even needing to try. Sticking your nose in science textbooks all day certainly paid off. The chatter of a loud group of students just outside the closed door seemed to distract you from your thoughts, just briefly.
You tried to unlock a door leading to a walk-in closet area, except it seemed to be jammed. This was a usual reoccurrence; Professor Kayama would always complain about the door, saying that it always gave her problems and that bringing this to your university for a fix would amount to nothing. She said, "they're too busy with less important things, i'll teach you how to fix it," and so she did.
It was a sliding door, the type that never swung open for "safety reasons". You tightly grasped the handle, pulling the door in the opposite direction while pressing all your strength against it. Finally, the door seemed to magically become smooth on its hinges and glided open with ease. Professor Kayama warned you never to suddenly push against the door with too much force at once as it would make the gears loose and jam it once again. So far, you've managed to survive the faulty door and any mishaps but you knew that you would eventually encounter some problems.
You pick up the plastic tub and enter the room, quickly arranging each object in its correct location. Of course, this wasn't your only duty for the day; Professor Kayama requested that you also tidy any materials that seemed out of place as she needed to leave campus early.
Again, you didn't mind. In fact, you seemed to enjoy knowing that you were her most-trusted pupil. The favorite of the class and the clear spark for envy from the other students. Always scoring the highest out of everyone in your class. Seated in the front during her lectures with your pen and paper ready to take notes while most students couldn't focus or snoozed off in the middle of class. You were the role model for them all to follow, and yet they could never match your pace.
Of course, with all of this attention, you attracted one jealous follower. A boy in your class with a name you were too busy to remember. It started with a "B", that was the only part you decided to memorize. You weren't interested in trying to become 'buddies' with people you wouldn't see again in four years. He always sat at the back of the lecture hall, too enamored with his friends to pay attention. You could vividly recall during one class hearing the obnoxious laughter of a friend he affectionately called, "dunce-face". The cacophony of their voices disrupted the entire lesson, irritating both you and Professor Kayama. You only noticed him because of his performance after every exam, project, and quiz.
The blonde would always try to outperform you. Yet, for the first time in his life, you made him experience failure.
Always coming in a distant second place to you; a sharp contrast to his perfect scores in every other class he took, passing them all with flying colors. You couldn't fathom how he did so well in a class he seemed to show no interest in.
His group of friends certainly weren't the brightest. The annoying one in your class failed nearly every test he took. While the rest weren't focused, instead finding ways to get a freshman's number so they could get their dicks wet. You concluded that he simply cheated on his exams. You were wrong. The notes for all his classes were extensive and thorough. He did whatever he could to ensure his throne was at the top of every class; the only thing more unbearable than last place was second.
His attempt at going above you only led to more shortcomings. Studying all night for a quiz that he ended up sleeping through was unfortunate, but he could get over it. Until he learned that you received another perfect score. Professor Kayama felt bad for him, she couldn't do much except arrange a tutoring session with you as his instructor. He didn't need her pity. He didn't need your pity.
You weren't elated with Professor Kayama's request for you to tutor him, yet you couldn't reject your favorite teacher. You approached him after class a few months ago, plastering your biggest and brightest fake smile. Waving your hand, a little too cheerful and innocent for his liking, and uttering words that made his hatred for you stronger: "I know this class is difficult, so would you like my help? I'm always free if you have any questions, we can be study partners! So, what do you say?"
God, your sweet tooth-rotting voice made him nauseous. You had to be faking it; that professor was watching over you like a hawk. You didn't know how humiliating it was for him. He had so much he wanted to say; resentful sentiments that would leave you beneath him with tears streaming out of your puffy eyes. The perfect view.
As you stood in front of him with your hand outstretched and waiting for his acceptance, his rage surged. You watched as his blood rushed to his reddening cheeks and ears, somewhat intimidated by his strange reaction. Infuriated with your weak attempt at challenging him, the blonde kissed his teeth and stormed out of the classroom. His gaze lingered on you for months following that interaction.
Until his deep ruby eyes caught you entering the storage room, running errands like a mule for your professors.
"Oi, Bakugou!" Yelled his red-haired friend standing across him in the hallway, "Are you listening?" Upon seeing the blonde nod, he continued. "So, you comin' to Mina's party?"
"Yeah, yeah... whatever," He said while running his fingers over the scruff of his neck. Kirishima named a list of girls attending like an elementary student reciting the alphabet, he's surprised he remembers each one. Momo, Uraraka, Yui... He recognized some, they were his frequent calls whenever he needed a quick fuck.
"—that girl in our english class," Kirishima peers up, trying to think once again before a lightbulb flickers in his head. "Denki tried with the smart girl in bio... fuck, I forgot her name... (Y/N) or something like that..."
"Who..?" He wasn't even sure why he bothered asking when he heard correctly the first time.
"That nerdy chick, always at the front in class,"
"Yeah, but he said she's frigid... said no to his face before he could convince her. Too bad, she sounds like my type," Kirishima snickers under his breath as the blonde stays still.
By now, you've finished cleaning up most of the equipment and returned each of them to their assigned locations. Despite all of your years around fragile science materials, you seem to forget some essential points about safety. You can hear the familiar sound of heavy footsteps outside the closed door. Where have you heard them before? You only peeked away for a second; unfortunately, one second is enough time for an accident to happen.
Hitting your shin on the leg of a nearby desk before tripping over your feet, you fall on your knees and tummy — landing in the cramped walkway with the top half of your body inside the closet. You didn't have enough time to register the shockwave of pain through your legs. The closet's sliding door barrels down and pins you by the waist. Locking your body in place and wedging you right against the door frame. Fuck, it sounded like a cliché from a video on the Hub, which made it more embarrassing.
You try to move and twist your waist but to no avail. You reach your nearest hand to the door and push, yet it 'conveniently' seems jammed in place. For what feels like an eternity, you try desperately to move your body in any way that you can. You make some progress by managing to kneel on the hard tiles, yet the pain from falling prevents you from standing upright. Maybe you sprained something? You don't know, but you need to get out of here fast.
The last thing you want is to be a burden, but in reality, you should be concerned with someone thinking you're an idiot for falling like this. With few choices, you decide to call for help, "help..! somebody..! please, i need help!"
You should have been suspicious when you heard the sound of the front door opening. A minute hadn't even passed. It closes softly, and the faint sound of the lock fills the empty air. Asking if someone was there only led to more silence. The ground trembles like some desks have moved out of the way; obviously, someone was inside.
"Oh gosh, thank you..! I'm so clumsy, I don't know how this happened..." You continue rambling on, thinking they're clearing away to make space and rescue you. When they don't respond, you crane your neck behind only to see the disgruntled blonde — whose name you can't bother remembering — standing over you through the gap in the closet door. "Oh, it's you. Sorry, I don't know your name..."
"Doesn't fuckin' matter," Yet, he seems to grimace at your unnecessary comment. He menacingly looms over your body, making you too anxious and scared to look away.
"S- Sorry if I'm being a burden, but as you can see—" You say while trying to wiggle and show that you can't move but unintentionally show off your bum. "—I'm a little stuck, can you help me?"
"Why should I?" He says with an unwavering expression. He's dead serious. Piercing down at you beneath him while bubbling with excitement, he's won the jackpot.
"Uh... well, I'm hurt really bad. I can't get up on my own," That's unfortunate.
The whole situation was simply comical; he wanted to burst out laughing so bad, so that's what he did. His resounding yet obnoxious voice traveled through every wall of the room. This had to be a joke. There was no way that you of all the people he knew could end up in a situation like this. His cheeky grin only left you confused, clutching his belly as if he'd been injured.
"I know this might seem funny to you, but it's not. Please don't laugh..."
"But it is," He said, finally calming down and catching his breath. "I'm finding it hard to believe the teacher's pet could end up like this. Don’t tell me you’re a dumbass,"
"If you won't help me, will you just find someone else?" You turn your head around, letting your guard down for a moment. When will you learn to stop doing that?
"Why? Don't like me?" The feeling of his foot pushing into your lower back startles you. You aren't given much time to react before it's forcefully arched lower into an uncomfortable position, giving him a full view of your ass.
"H- Hey..! Cut that out..!" Your skirt rides up your thighs, exposing your cotton panties to his mischievous eyes. Greedy hands feel up your soft bum before giving it a tap.
"Wish I could help, but I don't feel like it," He says after finishing his touches. Staring off into the distance, acting as if he'd been genuinely contemplating whether or not to aid you.
"What..?" He eases his foot off your back and chooses to squat behind you. His hands caress your hips before lifting your skirt upwards, exposing your clothed heat.
"Sorry, love, you just look so pretty beneath me," He hooks his fingers under the fabric of your panties, chuckling to himself once he sees you struggle in his hands. Completely unfazed. "It's Bakugou... Katsuki, my name,"
Bakugou. Bakugou.
The surname rings a bell, it sounds so familiar. How could you forget? Your meager interactions with him flood back in your mind, but it's too late to remedy and make amends.
Tugging your panties past your cheeks, Bakugou left you uncovered as his hands freely roamed. He cupped each mound of flesh in his hands, spreading them apart and watching your folds glisten. His thumb runs along your labia, making your body shudder at the foreign sensation. Trying to ask him questions proved pointless; instead, the blonde whispered under his breath about you being desperate “like a bitch in heat”. Partially in disbelief at the sight of your slick as you rubbed your thighs together; you're really enjoying this, aren't you?
Circling his fingers over your clit and massaging your nub, your teeth sink into your lip to hold back moans. His fingers are skilled, he's done this plenty of times with other girls in the past. Yet, the way that he touches hints that he wants to go slow. Take his time and enjoy it as if you were his first. Smirking at your glistening heat as if to prove to his corrupted mind that his actions were justified.
To him, you were a conquest. The trophy on his display case that would become the envy of all his friends.
"W- Wait... Please don't—... do that..!" You want to sound strong, yet your voice is in the same sweet intonation.
Bakugou doesn't take you seriously, not when constant mewls float out of your lips and into his ears. Instead, saying he'll stop when he's finished in a tone that causes your heart to race with panic. You feel something warm and icky suddenly touching your heat; using his thumb, he spreads it across your folds while mumbling about "getting you ready". You don't even bother asking, succumbing to his lustful desires.
Maybe this is all he'll do. Feel you up and then help you when he's done, right?
You couldn't be more wrong.
His flat tongue takes a slow lap at your warmth as your hips wiggle again in his hold. Using both hands, Bakugou pins you still by your waist and lower back — holding you tight until you can't struggle. His grip is too strong, fingernails scratching into your skin. You don't stand a chance. He forces your back to arch more, releasing a hum of approval at your compliance. Kirishima said you were frigid, but now you've got him second-guessing.
His tongue darts across your clit with ease; gliding over your sensitive bud as your walls flutter. Teasing your sex just right, only taking Bakugou a few minutes to guess the spots that would drive you insane. The same insanity he was plagued with whenever he was around your presence. You tried using your legs to kick at the blonde, toes curling in your shoes. He swears into your pussy in frustration, why can't you just stay still? The vibration of his voice sends a wave of pleasure through as you moan in response, "nngh... d- don't i... i can't...ahh~"
One of your kicks nearly strikes him in the chest with full force. Your last attempt at fleeing once an intense pain surges through your leg. He simply finds it humorous again, the thought of you overpowering him. Bakugou moves one of his hands to your leg, pinning it to the tile flooring. Still determined, he continues his assault on your now swollen clit. Attached to your pussy and coaxing out your clear essence onto his tongue. Savoring your taste on his tongue, moving his head downwards, and giving you one final kiss on your clit.
You wince, feeling his thick middle finger sink inside your sopping entrance. Bakugou's thumb extends over the hood of your clit, soon covering both fingers in slick. Peaking through the gap, he sees your figure, biting on your fingers but failing to hide your whimpers — he can't wait to get out of this stuffy room — praying that you cum soon so he can see your face of pure bliss afterward.
Kirishima always said he preferred inexperienced girls. Always seemed to get attached easily with a few words of affection. Made good fucks for a quickie; send them a teddy bear, say you're sorry if you hurt them, and they'll be at your beck and call.
The familiar high pitch in your voice is something he hears too often, fully knowing what happens next. "don't tell me you're gonna cum already, love?" He taunts while his finger curls over another spot that sends a loud moan through the room. Bakugou's thumb presses deeper against your clit, smirking at your frequent pulsating walls.
"N- No..! I'm not...!"
"Hm, you're not? You're drippin' down here babe. Squeezin' me too. Was hoping you'd save some for my cock instead." His... what? You twist around, trying to stop him by reaching out but he grabs your hand instead. Stopping you from turning around and inspecting you like his newest toy, he says, "Ah, that's the pretty face I missed,"
Another digit enters you with ease, quivering against him and sucking him further with every graze against your g-spot. The familiar pooling of warmth below your stomach was hard to ignore. "should've known you were a slut when I saw your cute little pussy, only dumb sluts get wet like that," The boost of confidence he received once feeling your spasming walls was immense, clenching around him with every degrading word.
He slows, but not to a complete stop. "kats!—..." you whine in frustration, quickly pressing your lips together afterward. It surprises you as much as it does him. Not understanding why, after all this time, you wanted him more than ever. He edged you closer and closer, his fingertips kissing your cervix.
"Beg me," He said, yet you fought your lips to stay still, not wanting to embarrass yourself further. "Ah, teacher's pet thinks she's better than me, huh?" Bakugou's heavy hand suddenly connected with your bum, making you yelp at the stinging pain, "You know, I've got all day..."
"Please," You said weakly. Not good enough.
"C'mon, you can do better. Don't you wanna cum on my fingers..?" He spoke in a condescending tone, caressing the spot on your ass where he hit.
Fuck it, your head was far too gone. "please, katsu— i need... i wanna cum so bad..." Close, but not yet.
"Can't hear you, babe," His hand moves to tap against your clit, making you shudder with every hit. "Be a good little bitch for me, speak up..."
"Fu—Fuck... Katsu... please make me cum..! Need you... bad, lemme cum on your fingers— please..!
He smirked to himself, not entirely pleased but you'll learn — you're such an obedient student. Continuing with his pace, his thumb rolled across your swollen sex as the blonde watched expectantly. Making you unwind with every curl of his fingers until finally, a wave of pleasure rode over your body. Cum gushed from your entrance and onto Bakugou's fingers as he massaged your spot. Quickly finding himself mesmerized by your trembling thighs and sounds of ecstasy.
Eagerly removing his fingers once you've calmed, helping you ride out your orgasm before licking them clean. He moved to your dripping cunt, happily lapping at whatever sticky essence overflowed until his lips and chin shined under the overhead lights. As you pant and quiver, he gives you some encouraging pats on your bum.
He stands, and you hear the jingle of his belt before seeing his shadow move closer to you. Pushing his brawny arms through the gap, he loops the leather belt around your neck before fastening it. Bakugou gives an experimental tug and forces the strap upwards. The loop is loose enough for you to breathe but tight enough to leave indents.
He uses his strength to push the slider door open; it moves with ease. The old pesky thing was barely jammed, you probably could’ve gotten up on your own if you tried hard enough. Bakugou stares down as you try to move despite your aches and pains. “dummy doesn’t know basic physics, could’ve opened it yourself, bitch,”
Ignoring him, you try to stand but the blonde grasps the strap of his belt and tugs your body downward — making you fall straight on your knees again. Your body has become numb to the pain; when he presses his foot against your back again, you don’t even flinch. Bakugou kisses his teeth, annoyed that you're still whimpering. His belt is too short to stand, so he squats in front of you.
As you try to find comfort by caressing your aches, he pinches one of your cheeks harshly — forcing you to stare up at him, all teary-eyed and disheveled. The quick flash of his smartphone camera blinds your eyes, flashing white before fading.
"What did you do..?" You ask, but he doesn't need to answer. Instead, Bakugou moves his phone away from your face. "Please don't show that to your friends..."
It should've made him guilty. Hearing your desperate voice with puppy eyes begging him. But it only reminded him why he hated you so much, so weak and fragile yet somehow above him.
"Don't fuckin' look at me like that... I won't," No matter how much of an ass he wanted to be, he could never do that.
You're his personal conquest, the trophy, and the envy of all his friends. Knowing you, you'll probably take your 'goody-two shoes' ass and run to that professor you're close with or someone else he doesn't know. You can't run away yet, he wants to have more fun. Maybe fuck your brains out til' his name is the only thing your dumb ass can remember.
Bakugou stands and decides to bring his phone out once again, this time recording.
"I won't tell a soul, so put on your prettiest face... just for me,"
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| ✎ hitoshiyoshi's kinktober masterlist |
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
— forever
Warnings: 18+, non-con, baby trapping, Bakugou says he’s using a condom but doesn’t, creampies, breeding, pretty much yandere!Bakugou, manipulation, not proofread, Bakugou is just obsessed with you okay?
Word Count: 1.4k.
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There’s just something about the way that Bakugou loves you. It’s deeper, more intense than anything you’ve experienced before. A love that’s almost suffocating as it consumes you from the inside out, taking over every piece of you until there’s nothing but him.
Bakugou just doesn’t want to lose you, not when you’re so perfect.
He’s been so patient with you, dutifully walking you home after dates and leaving you on your doorstep. Building up from fleeting kisses on the cheek, to intense make out sessions that leave him standing outside all hot and bothered as you bid him goodnight. Walking home with a raging hard on between his thighs as he fists himself raw at home the same night, watching the creamy ropes of his spend hit the clean porcelain tiles of his bathroom floor as he stares down at the mess he always makes.
What a waste.
It would look far better splashed across your pretty skin, leaving silvery lines in his wake as he paints you with his release. Or even better— buried inside your tight little pussy so everyone knows that you belong to him.
Because you’re his, aren’t you? And he’d do anything it takes to keep you.
He can’t deny that he’s become a little obsessed with you since you both started dating, but it’s not his fault. Not when you’ve given him a taste of what he could have— and Bakugou’s a selfish man. He doesn’t want anyone else to have you.
You’re his.
He’s not a naive man, he’s heard your friends talking about how you can do better. That he’s keeping you away from them, and that they’re worried about you. But he’s doing it for your own good, they’re no good for you. You don’t need them when you’ve got him.
The media are no better, publishing articles about whether a Pro-Hero as volatile and explosive as Dynamight can ever truly love— and you’re the one sign that proves he can.
Maybe a little too much.
Bakugou’s practically in heaven the first time you agree to have sex with him. Moving to that stage in the relationship he reckons should’ve happened weeks ago, thoughts of how wet and warm your cunt would feel completely consuming his mind as he thinks about it at the worst times.
Your pliant body so eager and willing for him, splayed beneath him like a meal he’s ready to sink his teeth into. Cock heavy and weeping with pre as the swollen tip bumps your puffy clit, practically feeling the heat radiating from you as he moves to push forward when—
“Wait, Katsuki. A condom—”
He’s livid, honestly. No, incensed.
He’s waited weeks to have you like this, to fill you to the brim with his cum and to claim you as his own and you whispered those words so sweetly. Like you were doing him a favour.
His jaw clenches as he smooths the gummy latex down his length, feeling it cling to him uncomfortably as he finally pushes forward. Grunting when he feels your tight walls cling to him, but it’s just not the same. The thin barrier prevents him from feeling every inch of you, from consuming you whole.
You writhe beneath him, clinging to his broad shoulders as you practically beg for his cum. The cum that he would’ve happily given to you if you hadn’t made him confine it to nothing more than sticky latex. Canting his hips into you as he felt his release fill the condom, an uncomfortable weight inside it as he pulls out of your spent cunt to see it bare of any trace of him. Your creamy slick coats the condom, clinging to the material like it should be clinging to him. He pulls it off and ties the end with distaste, what a fuckin’ waste.
But you’ve always been a tempting seductress, coaxing him in with your innocent eyes that are really anything but. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders to bring him into a salacious kiss as you straddle one of his thick thighs, press your clothed cunt against hard muscle as you grind against him.
“Need you,” You whisper, and it’s all Bakugou needs to hear.
Movements hot and heavy as he pushes you towards your bedroom, letting you land on delicate sheets as he moves to devour you. Dipping two thick digits inside your hungry walls, curling them towards the spongy spot inside you as he hears you beg for more, beg for him. A calloused thumb swipes against your clit as you cry out his name, begging for his cock— and tonight he’ll give it to you.
“Katsu— ah, condom—”
That same word that has his blood boiling and hands igniting. Roughly flipping you onto your chest as he leans over you, opening your bedside drawer to find the small square packets as he tears it open with his teeth. Pulling the rubber out as he makes a show of discarding the foil packet beside your head, right where you can see it.
But he’s got no intention of using it tonight. His hands are smeared with the lubrication, sticky and uncomfortable as he spreads your cheeks. Thumbing your tight asshole as you gasp, turning back to him in surprise as he pushes your head back down.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m just touching,” He coos, “You’re just so pretty.”
Oh, that hole will be his soon. Like all the rest of you, you’ll always be his.
He keeps a palm spreading your cheeks as he takes his cock in his fist, smoothing the leaking tip through your messy folds as your bone the wiser. Groaning at how you really feel without and stupid barriers— wet, warm and eager for him as you grind your hips back against him.
“Put it in, Katsuki,” You whine, “Need you.”
Yeah, you do. You need him so fuckin’ bad. Your cunt practically sucks him in as he eases his hips forward, groaning at the feel of your bare walls for the first time, no distracting barriers as he gives an experimental thrust.
He won’t last long like this, and he knows it. Steadying himself above you as he leans his weight on top of you. Forearms on either side of your head as he starts a rough pace, the sound of skin against skin fills the room as he gives you everything he’s got. Those weeks of waiting for this are nothing compared to having you here and now, claiming you as his own.
Pressing wet, sloppy kisses against your cheek as he fucks you with vigour, your moans only goad him on as he’s certain you prefer this too.
“‘m gonna cum,” You cry out, and it’s like a gift from the gods when he feels your walls clamp around his cock with no latex barriers in his way.
“Gonna fill you so good, sweetheart,” He groans, lips flush against your ear as he breathes in the scent of you, “Gonna make you mine.”
Bakugou thinks about how easy it would be to breed you, to fuck a baby into you and have you all soft and round with his child. The perfect little housewife to stay with him forever—
And Bakugou cums hard.
Hips stuttering as empties his balls inside your warm, wet cunt. Filling you to the brim with spurts of his cum, feeling it overflow as his hips keep rutting into you, fucking it deeper inside you as the lewd squelch fills the room.
“Katsuki, stop—“ You gasp, your body shaking beneath him, “Did the condom come off inside me?”
There’s a slight panic to your voice, and Bakugou would be lying if he said it didn’t turn him on. His cock throbbing in tandem with the sweet tone to it, pulling out as he masks the groan from deep in his chest with annoyance, feigning disdain as he reaches out to grab the forgotten condom. His cock now glazed in a layer of your creamy slick, glistening with you. He’s already hard and throbbing for you again, desperate to feel the warmth of your cunt hugging him once more. And it takes every ounce of self-restraint he has not to slide back inside you again.
“Fuck, condom broke,” He grunts. The lie leaves his lips so effortlessly, “Sorry sweetheart.”
But he’s not sorry, he’s anything but.
Especially when he sees his creamy spend begin to drip from your stretched little hole, dribbling down your slit as it coats your clit. Thick globs of it drip onto the once clean sheets beneath you as he parts your cheeks for a better look.
But he knows deep down, now you’ve had a taste you’re just as corrupt as he is.
Besides, now he’s ruined you for anyone else.
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kingkunigami · 11 months
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Blue Lock was masterfully crafted to build a Japan team capable of winning the World Cup, bringing some of the most talented players together to work their strengths and weaknesses. But what if it doesn’t work?
The players are great, have drive and determination, but what if it’s not enough? What if they need more incentive to reach the top? Which is the reason Ego brings in a pretty thing like you.
You can feel his breath against your neck as he speaks into the camera, unable to see the sets of eyes watching you on the large screen as you suddenly feel vulnerable. Ego’s hands settled on your waist as he talks, fingers dipping into the plush skin as he gives them the rules. It’s simple really. Whoever reaches the top gets the prize, you.
Your chest feels tight as he continues to break down the point system, even with such a seedy agreement he’s still interested in what’s fair. Not that anything was really fair when you didn’t have a choice to be here, although Ego would tell you that you could leave at any time. And you supposed you could, you could walk out that door and forget all about this depraved arrangement that you’d agreed to. The contract didn’t start until first play, and first play was in four hours. But money was money, and your debts would continue to pile, work would continue to run you into the ground, and you’d continue this lifeless cycle of misery. Anything was better than that.
But what you couldn’t see was the dark, depraved looks in the players eyes as they watched your pretty face enlarged on the big screen. Each man finding their own renewed vigour at the sight of you, another trophy to add to their collection as their names appeared on the leaderboard. Each man with no points between their name, a level playing field. For now.
Ego continued to list through the rewards the team could win for each tier of points, every salacious sex act he listed had the men hanging on his every word. Calculating in their minds how many goals they would have to secure to have you, and the number needed to win the grand prize.
Because giving away cheap frivolity would only keep hungry men satiated for so long, it was about time that they were given a chance to hunt a more coveted prize. Kunigami’s throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, golden eyes glancing to his side to see who else seemed intent on winning. A dark, sinister smirk appeared in Shidou’s face as his eyes shamelessly roamed your exposed skin, while Raichi’s hands balled into fists beside him. Chigiri’s expression was unreadable but he could feel the ache between his thighs as he took in the way your lips curled into a pretty pout, as Bachira began to jump on toe to toe. The lions were about to be unleashed from the den.
“Game on.”
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Please be mindful of the warnings which will be displayed at the top of each chapter, but each will be labelled as non/dub-con just to be safe. There is no upload schedule for this so new players will be added as inspiration strikes. 
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✦ Kaiser Michael
✦ Shidou Ryusei
✦ Aiku Oliver
✦ Kunigami Rensuke
✦ Mikage Reo
✦ Shouei Barou
✦ Raichi Jingo
✦ Ness Alexis & Kaiser Michael
✦ Chigiri Hyoma
✦ More to be added...
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Based on this post.
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eddiexfreakxmunson · 2 years
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x F! Reader
Genre: smut, reader has nipple piercings, Pervy!Eddie
TW: NON-CON, DUB-CON, somnophilia, smoking, cursing, dry humping, masturbation (male), Eddie is a virgin and a perv; IF YOU DON’T LIKE THESE, DON’T READ THIS PLEASE!
Word Count: 3,055
Summary: Most of the time Eddie can keep his hands to himself when he’s around you, his childhood best friend. But as you both grow older, his restraint is tested. What’s a guy to do when a golden opportunity to finally get a taste of you presents itself to him in the form of a tiny cut shirt?
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Eddie nearly has a conniption when he sees you've cut the old band t-shirt he let you have.
When you'd gone hiking around Lover's Lake earlier in the week, and he'd 'accidentally' thrown you into the water in your white shirt, he'd offered up the spare in his van as a peace treaty, eyes glued to the pretty pink bra you'd been wearing underneath, even as he had apologized profusely for getting you soaked, knowing he wasn't sorry at all.
He doesn't even think about it after that. If he was honest, he'd admit that not much else consumed his brain than how fucking good your tits looked with the white cotton of your shirt sticking to them, how pretty the color of your bra contrasted against your skin, how badly he'd wanted to strip you down right there.
He'd never let you know how often he thinks about you like that. Couldn't risk ruining a friendship that had endured years of school and countless boyfriends and girlfriends that had come and gone. It was always just the two of you, and he liked it that way.
But he's still a man, and he'd have to be blind to think you weren't utterly gorgeous. And utterly unaware of how badly he wanted you under him. Naked, preferably crying out his name.
It's nights like these that ease that ache a little bit. On weekends when your parents are out of town, he can come spend the night like he used to, back when you were both in middle school. With your parents gone, he's allowed to share your bed, your warmth and smell surrounding him, driving him crazy.
It's not without its repercussions, though. More often than not, Eddie wakes with your ass pressed against him, a result of all the tossing and turning you do in your sleep, and he has to fight back the urge to give in and wake you up with his cock sinking into you.
Most mornings, all he allows is a few shallow ruts against your ass, biting his fist to stifle his groans before he's rolling out of bed to fuck his fist in your bathroom, knowing that you're in the next room, so close but so fucking far.
He's laying in your bed, enjoying a cigarette when you roll off the bed, mumbling about having to wash your face and change into pajamas before falling asleep.
He doesn't even really realize at first; he's just happy to sneak a peek at the muscles in your back and shoulders contracting as you pull your blouse over your head and drag his gaze over your body- the closest he's ever going to get to having you the way he wants.
It's not until you've turned around that he recognizes the worn gray shirt, only now it's cropped, the sleeves and most of the armpit also cut out into a make-shift cropped tank top. He sits up straighter at the sight, annoyance rolling through his body.
Sure, he said you could have it, but he didn't say you could destroy it. He's about to tell you as much when he stops short, watching you lean over to grab your pajama bottoms, and catches a complete side view of your breast for a split second as the fabric hangs off your shoulders from your position.
He can't help the way his cock jumps at the sight, and his mouth goes dry, eyes glued to your tits. He's positive you don't know how much you're revealing as you straighten again, giving him a look.
"Nothing. Shirt looks good." he's quick to respond, blinking away his hungry expression as you give him a sweet smile and pad into your bathroom.
As soon as you're out of view, the calm facade drops again, and his mind is whirling. Sure, he's seen you in swimsuits and bras, and that one time in the rearview mirror when you had to change quickly, and he couldn't help himself from looking.
He knows it's wrong. Knows it's messed up how often he fucks his fist to the thought of you, of your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, the pretty sounds you'd make if he--
"Hello? Earth to Eddie?"
He snaps back into focus to you standing right next to him, eyebrow raised. "Huh?" it's a real intelligent response to your question, and he's quick to shift around, so you don't see the tent growing in his jeans.
"I said, 'are you gonna sleep in that?'" you huff, gesturing to his dark jeans and long sleeve shirt.
"Oh. Uh, no, but I'm probably not gonna head to bed yet," he admits, shifting uncomfortably. "Probably gonna shower first." He adds, knowing there's no way he'd be able to sleep with the hard-on he's currently sporting.
You shrug, crawling onto the bed and his heart nearly leaps into his throat when you slide a thigh over his lap, momentarily pressing directly against his cock before you're gone again, sliding under the covers on your side of the bed.
"Do whatever you gotta do, but I'm going to bed, so just turn off the lights when you're done, okay?"
All he can do is mumble out an okay, practically sprinting to your bathroom, the image of your bare thighs caging his lap running around his head.
Sleep tugs at him when his eyes flutter open in the morning, the warmth of your legs tangled with his luring him back to sleep. He almost gives in, lets himself relax, and drift off again when his eyes adjust to the dim morning light, and he's greeted with a sight that makes his heart stop and his half-hard cock twitch.
Your shirt rode up in the night. Not like it usually did, with the planes of your stomach in clear view, but far higher thanks to how it was cut. You're still sleeping softly, lips parted slightly as you breathe, your hair falling over your face.
On a typical morning, he might allow himself to push your hair behind your ear and run his thumb over your bottom lip, just to imagine what they might feel like against his skin. But today, he's not interested. Not with the way he can see the curve of your tits so easily, the darker color of your areola poking out from beneath the gray fabric.
His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip, taking his time to try and commit the sight to memory when you shift slightly, your shirt flashing more of your skin and then something darker before the fabric settles again.
His eyes widen with the realization of what he just got a glimpse of, and his resolve crumbles, curiousity making him bolder. He reaches out a shaky hand, fingertips softly clutching into the grey fabric as he tugs it upwards, careful to ensure he doesn't wake you.
"Holy fuck," he hisses when he's pushed the shirt up over your breasts, eyes glued to the dark bars that pierce your nipples. How had he not known about those? Why hadn't you told him?
For a moment, he wracks his brain for a time when you could've gone and gotten them done without him knowing, watching how your chest rises and falls with each breath.
He wants to feel them. Wants to roll them between his fingers, circle them with his tongue like he's seen men do in the porn he's bought. Until now, he'd been convinced that only porn stars would pierce themselves like that, but here you are. In his shirt, in bed with him. He bites his lip, warring with himself for a moment.
You're his best friend. He shouldn't even be looking at you like this. Shouldn't even be considering touching you. But then you let out a pretty little huff, eyebrows drawn up in your sleep, and shift closer to him, the underside of your breast brushing across his knuckle resting between your bodies, and he can't help himself.
He grazes his hand against your skin, letting his fingertips explore, watching with interest as goosebumps raise on your skin in his wake, watching the way your nipple pebbles at his touch. Your skin is just as soft as he expected, a rugged contrast to the callouses that line his skin from years of guitar playing.
His fingers ghost higher until he's cupping the weight of your breast in his hand- a perfect fit, like you were made just for him- and he pushes the boundary a little bit more, heart racing as he swipes his thumb slowly over your nipple.
Your reaction is instant; he jumps, hands immediately falling from your body when you let out a muffled sigh, pressing your chest further into his hand. He's carefully watching your face, hands pressed against the mattress for a moment, afraid you'll hear the pounding in his chest and wake up.
But you don't. If anything, a slight frown settles over your features, and he wonders if, just maybe, it's at the loss of contact.
"You awake, pretty girl?" he murmurs quietly into the darkened room, listening for any response or change in breathing, reaching forward again. He's more confident this time, forgoing any more soft touches to run his fingers over your nipple again, making sure to run the pad of his thumb over the smooth metal adorning them.
The whine you let out at the stimulation has his cock straining against his sweats immediately, and he bites back a groan. "Fucking knew it." he breathes, repeating the motion, firmer this time, relishing the way you lean into him. "Knew I could make you feel good,"
For a moment, guilt seeps into him as he leans forward, freeing his other hand to press your tits together, blowing air over your skin, but then your hips shift towards him, and another whine slips from your lips.
"I've gotcha, pretty girl, don't worry," he soothes, pressing a soft kiss along the curve of your breast, his tongue slipping out to slide over your skin, leading a trail up to your nipple where he presses the pad of his tongue against it and licks a long stripe.
At that, you moan, voice muffled by sleep, but it's even sweeter than he ever imagined, all those nights he spent cumming into his fist to the thought of you.
His cock is aching, begging to be freed, and he's sure there's a stain on his sweats from where he's dripping pre, but he doesn't care. Not when he's pulling those sounds from you with just his tongue. It makes him wonder what he'd be able to do to you with his cock.
He'd be lying if a sense of pride didn't fill him at the realization. He was by no means experienced in bed. The closest he'd gotten was the girl he'd briefly dated last summer who'd given him head in the back of his van. Even that had been short and clumsy. But now, here with you, he was getting your unfiltered responses to his touch and his mouth, and if the way you pressed into him was any indication, you were enjoying yourself.
He uses the way he's pressed your tits together to his advantage, tilting his head to give your other nipple the same attention, latching his mouth over it and swirling his tongue over the peak, careful to make sure your piercing is involved, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth of your skin.
It's wet and sloppy, and a line of drool connects his lips to your flesh when he pulls back, admiring how your skin shines with his saliva. You're openly whining now, your thighs clenched together as your hips shift, searching for friction, and he crosses a barrier he'd never dared to before.
He releases your breasts with one last kiss over the sensitive skin before slipping his knee between your legs, sliding it higher until his thigh is so close to your clothed cunt, he can feel the heat radiating off you.
He has a moment of clarity, guilt filling his veins as he glances up at your face, completely unaware. And then you press yourself right against his thigh, and it disappears in a single moment as you rut yourself against him, mouth parted in a drawn-out moan at the friction.
"Fuck, sweet thing," he grits out, feeling how damp your pajama bottoms are, even through the thick cotton of his sweats. He shifts his knee higher so you don't have to work as hard, and a sharp cry falls from your lips at the sloppy contact with your clit.
He's mesmerized by the way your hips shift and grind against his leg, using him to get off in your sleep, a dark patch appearing on his pants where you're working yourself against him. He can't help but wonder if you'd move the same in his lap, his cock buried balls deep inside you. Your sharp cries cut through his hazy thoughts, dripping like honey from your lips as you alternate between whining and panting.
It's too much for Eddie. First, you prance around in his fucking shirt, cutting it so goddamn short that he gets the perfect view of your tits, and now this. How is he supposed to watch you get off so up close and personal and just lay there? He lifts his hips, slipping his sweats down just low enough to free his cock, the tip an angry red color. He doesn't bother to quiet the groan that bubbles up when he finally grips his base, his balls full and begging for some release.
"Got no idea what you do to me, princess," he grits out, pumping himself as he watches your face contort in pleasure, lips forming a pout that's just asking to be kissed as he jerks himself, circling the tip of his cock tightly and using his pre to slide his hand down his length easier.
"Betcha my cock would feel so much better than my thigh," he rasps quietly, noting the way your hips have sped up, how your moans are longer, higher, sweeter now.
He knows how dangerous it is to risk waking you now, with his cock in his hand and his thigh wedged up against your pussy, but he takes a chance anyways, angling his thigh, so it bumps against your clit with every pass of your hips.
"Not gonna last much longer," he warns, despite the fact that he's pretty sure you're close too if he's reading your body language right. "Got me feeling like a fucking perv all the time, can't believe I'm actually doing this," he pants, speeding up his movements, feeling that coil in his stomach tighten.
"Wanna see you fall apart humping my leg first though, princess, come on. Let me see, please," he pleads, his sentence drawing off into a pitiful whine as his hips buck into his hand. "Tryin' to be a good friend all the time, just wanna feel that pretty pussy one. fucking. time." he grits out, teeth clenched to suffocate the moans he's sure would wake you.
He's getting desperate, the realization that you could wake up at any second dawning on him, and he reacts on impulse, slipping a hand between your cunt and his thigh.
His fingers catch your clit immediately, and you jerk against him, back arching as you let out a sharp cry, your movements getting sloppy. He matches his strokes to the roll of your hips, tears springing to his eyes as he tries to keep his orgasm at bay to keep watching you come apart.
It only takes a few more rolls of your hips before your body is tensing, thighs shaking as you let out a choked sob in your sleep.
"Fuck, Eddie!"
The sound of you crying out his name as you cum against his palm is enough to send him over the edge, eyes wide as his orgasm hits him out of nowhere, the planes of his stomach tightening as ropes of his cum coat his hand, dripping down onto the sheets below him.
"Jesus H. Christ," he pants, a bead of blood rising on his lip from where he bit it to keep from crying out. He peels his eyes open to see the mess in the sheets and pulls back in panic, carefully pulling his hand and thigh away from you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit." Eddie curses, quickly tucking himself back into his sweats as he scoots away from you, holding his other hand off the comforter, so there's no additional evidence of what he did.
He pauses, twisting his palm to watch the way your slick catches the dim morning light, and curiosity gets the better of him as he brings it up to his mouth, tentatively running his tongue over it.
He immediately regrets it. Not because he doesn't like it, but because he does. His cock is already twitching again, and ideas of waking you up with a head full of curls between your thighs consume him. He takes a split second to roll your shirt back down over your chest, thumbing your nipples and earning him a sharp inhale from you that has him grinning despite himself.
"Someone's sensitive," he teases quietly, watching your face contort again, lip trapped between your teeth and eyelashes fluttering.
He shakes himself and groans, rolling away until his feet hit the floor, needing to get away from you before his cock got the better of him. Again.
He opts for a cold shower, stripping out of his sweats and folding them so you wouldn't see the dark spot on them, hoping the freezing water would be enough to calm him- at least until he could get home.
He's not sure how long he's in the shower for, but what he does know is you're barely stirring when he comes back, hair dripping down onto his bare back, jeans pulled over his hips but unzipped as he slips back into bed beside you, heart hammering as you roll over and throw an arm over his torso.
"Morning, Eds," you mumble sleepily, face buried in a pillow. He smiles, relaxing back against your headboard in relief.
"Morning, princess. Sleep well?"
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maladaptivedaydreamers · 11 months
Pent Up Marriage (Arranged Marriage! Ayato x Reader)
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Synopsis: You desperately want to make this marriage work, and after he cheated on you multiple times, you made the numbing decision on how to save it. It works! However, you’re now like a puppet to your husband, growing numb and emotionless. Ayato, on the other hand, seems to enjoy it.
Direct Quote: “Yeah, so…whenever you need it, just…tell me, you know. It doesn’t matter if you’re mad or frustrated or just needy, if you need to exert some kind of stress, just let it out on me.” You say, looking at him in the eye. He stared at you, not knowing what to say, but…kinda turned on. “…"I'll keep that in mind, then. Just be prepared in case I get violent or something. I can be...brutal."
TW: Non-con, Dub-con, Harsh s3x, Abus3, Groping, Somno, Forceful, Manipulation, Cheating
After another stressful day at work, you come home feeling stressed and tired. Your husband, Ayato, seems to be having another “overtime” at his office. You clean up, tidy up the house, do the laundry, cook dinner. Eventually, Ayato comes home, disheveled and upset, as usual.
“Hey.” He uttered, removing his shoes as he entered the apartment.
“You’re home.” You said, walking up to him and placing a small kiss on his cheek. Part of the routine. As you did so, you see a small red mark on his collar, lip stick. “Take your shirt off.” You simply say, unbuttoning his shirt.
Ayato looked confused and irritated as he looked down at you. “What?”
“I said, take your shirt off. You don’t want it to stain, do you? Red pigment is hard to wash off if it dries.” You say, blankly. You’ve gotten used to his cheating ways, and all you wanted to do was adapt to it.
Ayato rolled his eyes before harshly unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it to you. “There, whatever.” He uttered before heading to the bathroom to shower.
As you tossed the shirt in the washing machine, you were thinking of a way to stop him from his affairs. After all, if his and your family were to find out that he was looking for another person to fulfill his desires, you’d be in big trouble.
Whatever, you still had some work to do anyway, you should just think about it another time. Focus on your laptop and let your husband do…whatever, I guess?
Soon, it was deep into the night and you decide to head into your shared room. Or you would consider to be just Ayato’s room.
Ayato's room was neat and tidy, with only a few books scattered on the floor with the covers facing up. His bed was made with sharp creases and the sheets were tucked firmly around a big pillow. Atop his desk was a large PC setup, the lights softly illuminated the room, and in the far corner, a door leads to another room in the house, the bathroom.
Ayato was already under the covers, his arms folded underneath his head and his eyes closed tight. He didn't turn to look at you and stayed silent, pretending to be asleep.
You were still restless, as you let out a yawn as you get into your side of the bed, sitting up and leaning against the headrest. You spend a few minutes looking over and reviewing some files. Ayato pretended to stay asleep, but one of his eyes peaked open as if curious about what you were doing. The faint glow of your phone screen caught his attention as he moved his head slowly, peeking just a little bit more. Why would you still be awake?
Soon, you fell asleep. You shouldn’t have forced yourself to stay up so late. That’s what Ayato thought, that you were always killing yourself by working too hard for a job that you cared too much about. Ayato sighed, getting out of bed. He walked over to you, picking up the documents before covering you with a blanket and laying them down on the small table next to your bed.
He leaned down to your ear and whispered, "Good night."
He turned off the lights, then headed back to his room to do the same. The two of you slept soundly at opposite ends of the house, not bothering each other for the rest of the night.
Not for long though…
Suddenly, your phone rang, your stupid boss again. It was 5am! Why would he be-
“Hello?” You answered, why did you answer? Your eyes were squinting from being suddenly woken up, “Sir, I got the files back earlier, I’ll deliver it when I get to work later. …No, I can’t deliver them now, I just got back home…Thank you, goodnight.” You sighed, knowing it will be another heavy day.
Ayato woke up with a start, but kept quiet, listening to your end of the phone call. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed you were up. He remained silent for a moment, but eventually spoke up.
"Bad news, huh? Can't sleep?" he asked, looking towards you in the dim light of the room.
You were startled, and also a little guilty. “Shit, did I wake you up?”
"Yes, but don't worry about it." Ayato sat up and put his feet down on the floor. As the two of you sat on opposite sides of the bed, he spoke again.
"Does your boss never let you rest? Or maybe you're just bad at your job." He chuckled slightly, and you noticed a slight annoyance in his tone.
You hum a simple, “Mhmm.” as you rest your head onto your pillow.
"You were out all night and now your boss wants you to go to work? Is this the life of my wife? To be some company's dog you can just go around and do your boss's dirty work?" Ayato smirked and leaned back on his elbows, amused by his own sarcastic comment.
You didn’t know what to say, frankly, your mouth just spoke whatever your mind processed first. “…Oh..have I been neglecting you?”
Ayato let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, seeming a little irritated by your comment.
"We're in this marriage just because our parents wanted us to. We're not in love," he said, speaking bluntly.
"So it really doesn't matter if we neglect each other or not. Besides, this is a loveless marriage, and neither of us loves the other. That means we have no obligations to each other."
You nod. “…Do you feel neglected? Which…makes you cheat?”
He seemed to be annoyed, which caused him to ramble on and on. "Do I feel neglected? Pssh!" He paused for a moment before continuing. "You know what? Not really. I don't rely on you to fulfill my needs."
"And you're right, I have been seeing other people, but don't mistake them for being my lovers!”
You sighed, seeing he wasn’t answering the question. “So…are you? No judgement, really. It’s okay to admit that you’re…you know…needy.”
Ayato's eyes widened for a moment before he stared at you in shock.
"Needy? What are you getting at?" he asked, trying to hide his annoyance. "I guess so.... Yeah, I am. What now?"
“It’s just an observation, you know. You’ve been kissing me on the cheek, waiting for me to get home. It’s unusual for you to do that….” You say.
"Don't get the wrong idea," he scoffed, his voice becoming louder as he raised an eyebrow. "Just because it's an unusual night, does not mean I care for you." He hissed the words with such intensity. "It's just that...I felt like it, that's all. Get that into your head." He sighed again. His annoyance was starting to fade into a sadness, but his attitude remained rough and cold.
“…Thank you for telling me.” You sighed.
You thought for a minute…
He was needy… So he had affairs… Ah…now you know what to do.
“Hey…Ayato.” You sat up, meeting him eye to eye.
Ayato turned to look at you, his eyes still filled with annoyance and disappointment. "What do you want now? What else is there to talk about?”
You thought for a moment before saying, “You can always let your frustration out on me, you know?”
Ayato's face tightened. He looked as if he wanted to strangle you in a moment of rage. "You want me to let my frustration out on you? Just because we're in a loveless marriage, which makes you think that I get the right to abuse you?"
“Eh?” You look at him. “You don’t have to abuse me, you can just…release pent-up frustration.”
Ayato paused for a moment and lowered his voice, staring at you with slight confusion.
"You want me to hit you, or something?" Ayato scoffed, amused yet slightly confused at your suggestion.
“No..something like this.” You muttered before leaning in…
…and kissing him.
Ayato looked surprised as your lips touched his. For a second, he was caught off guard, but his lips soon parted, and he kissed you back passionately.
The taste of you was familiar, as one hand reached down as he kissed you, caressing your cheek, brushing your hair behind your ear; his other hand placed gently against your shoulder. He broke the kiss and sighed softly, looking down at you, his cheeks flushed.
“See? …Just like that.” You said, staring up at him blankly.
Ayato chuckled softly. "You really had me going for a second." He smirked and looked at you, shaking his head.
"Thanks." Ayato seemed to have calmed down, but he still looked tense and stiff, as he sighed again. "You were right. I may hate it, but I am needy. And you're the only person I can go to for it."
“Yeah, so…whenever you need it, just…tell me, you know. It doesn’t matter if you’re mad or frustrated or just needy, if you need to exert some kind of stress, just let it out on me.” You say, looking at him in the eye.
He stared at you, not knowing what to say, but…kinda turned on. “…"I'll keep that in mind, then. Just be prepared in case I get violent or something. I can be...brutal."
The next day, you get home from another hard day of work, working a little later than usual. You opened the door to your house and sighed. It seems that the day was longer than you thought. As you locked the door behind you, you realized that it had become much darker outside. A cold breeze came through your open jacket, and your arms quickly began to get goosebumps.
You quickly turn around. Ayato was standing there, right in behind you, with a deadpan expression on his face. His arms remained crossed the whole time, and you noticed a slight anger in his eyes.
He cleared his throat and stared at you directly, his tone still dry and annoyed. He took a deep breath and sighed.
"You're late." he said bluntly. "I've waited for you for hours, and yet you're...late. Did I give you permission to get home late?
You sighed, “Sorry, they made me do overtime.”
Ayato continued to look at you with a slightly annoyed look on his face. "I hope they gave you some decent compensation for making you work late."
He paused, "You'd better make up for that by coming right here and serving me the second you get home, you hear me?"
He raised his voice as he stepped closer to you.
"Do you understand, dear?" he muttered in a dry tone before looking away.
“Oh, I see what’s happening here.” you muttered before you leaned in and kissed him, placing your hand at the back of his neck.
He soon returned it. He placed a hand on the back of your neck as well, pulling you closer to him and gently guiding your body to the wall as you kissed. After a moment, he pulled back and looked at you, and you noticed his voice was softer than before.
"Good girl."
“You seemed to be frustrated… Bad day at work?” you said, looking up at him.
"You could say that..." The corners of his mouth turned up slightly into a dark smirk.
"So, why don't you go make me feel a little better?" This time, the sinister look was back on his face, and a twinkle of anger and resentment shone in his eyes. "I'm sure you can make up for being late and leaving me all by myself, can't you?"
You knew what you had to do, you leaned in to kiss him again, and he let you. Ayato soon grabbed you by the waist and led you to their bedroom, locking the door after he pushed you into it. Ayato smiled as his lips parted to break the kiss.
"You're good at making a man happy, you know? Keep up the good work." He chuckled darkly, as his gaze lingered on you for a moment.
“I promised you, didn’t I? You can take out your frustrations out on me.” You panted, out of breath from the kiss.
He smirked and nodded. He looked at you in a way that conveyed his expectations. As he stared at you, you could feel his impatience, and his desire for control. "You know what to do after that." Ayato watched you as you took off your blouse. He soon reached out and started caressing your chest, his fingers running across your skin as he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.
His tone and expression were still serious and cold, but you noticed the slight signs of pleasure written on his face.
"More...I still don't feel satisfied."
You unzipped your bottoms as he continued to watch you. As your skirt fell to the floor, Ayato's eyes widened slightly and he smiled.
"Good girl." All of the anger was gone from his tone and voice, and you could hear a twinkle of desire in his voice. "That's a good girl."
You slowly sat down on the bed, and Ayato took a moment to look you up and down. His voice was now a little softer, and he smiled at you. His eyes were glued to your underwear and black tights, and you could already feel his desire growing. He soon stood up, and looked directly at you. He slowly pulled off his suit jacket, his eyes still focused on you all the while. "Now, then...why don't you get comfortable for me?"
He could only smile as you layed down on the bed. He slowly started walking towards you, taking off his belt and tossing it to the side. His dark gray dress pants were soon following it, as a mischievous look crossed his face. He climbed on top of you, his body covering yours, as you felt him place his hands on your waist. He sighed and slowly got comfortable, leaning down towards you. You could feel him start pulling off your tights, and his eyes became fixed on your skin. Ayato sighed, and a smile crossed his lips as he reached out and placed a soft kiss on your inner thigh. His hand slid back and forth across your skin, and you could feel his breath coming in slow, shallow breaths. He chuckled darkly as he looked up at you, and spoke in a low, dark voice.
“Such…a good girl…”
He began to kiss you again, as he trailed from your lips, to your neck, to your breasts. “Last time we did this…I don’t even remember.” He chuckled, pushing his band underneath you to get to your back. And in one swift motion, unclasped your bra. He tossed it somewhere in the room before continuing to kiss your chest, massaging the other with his hand.
“A-Ah..” You let out from the sudden feeling.
His hands trailed down to the waistband of your panties before pulling them down. “Spread them for me, hm?” He grinned as you did as you were told. “Good girl…good wife.” He said before slowly pressing a finger onto your hole causing you to whimper a little. This only made him chuckle as he pushed a finger in, slowly pumping it. “That’s it.” He said, kissing you to muffle your voice.
One finger became two…then became three as your whimpers turned into moans. “Shhh, calm down, hun.” he laughed. “That should stretch you out enough. Feel good?” He looked down at you, but you were unable to answer, still panting.
“Well, I’ll assume, okay? Now..make me feel good.” He asked, leaning back to show you his bulge. His cheeks were red as he still had that grin on his face. You nodded as you unzipped his pants, causing his dick to spring up. “Miss this?” Ayato chuckled, tapping his dick on your lips. “Go on then.”
You opened your mouth, slowly taking him in your mouth. God, you forgot how big he was. It has been a while, for sure. You take him in slowly, finally taking him in fully.
“Yes~ So…good. This is nice.” he said, letting out a sigh. You slowly bopped your head back and forth as he let out a few satisfied moans. As you kept going, you suddenly felt his hands push your head deeper.
“Mmhph?!” You gagged, but it was no use as he continued to thrust into your mouth.
He moaned happily, “Ah, shit~ That’s right~ I forgot how good your fucking throat is.” he moaned.
You felt him coming close as you felt him twitch inside your mouth. He pulled out, panting. “That’s…that’s a good girl.” He said, slapping you on the cheek softly as you coughed and breathed for air. He pushed you onto the bed, pulling you into another aggressive kiss and he trailed his hands on your hips. Ayato pushed himself in the middle of your legs and without hesitation, starting aligning his dick to your hole.
“Ah, shit!” he hissed as he had troubles pushing his tip inside you. He let out a few cursed laughs before saying, “You know, I really thought you were cheating on me too, just to get back at me. Ah!~ But…you’re so tight…fuck! It’s…a shame you’re not using this.” he mocked you, as he pushed in deeper.
“A-Ah! W-Wait!” You said, gripping his shoulders as he pushed deeper in you, your back arched as a few more inches entered you.
He bottoms out on you as he let out a moan. “Ah!~” he grinned in satisfaction, his dick resting inside your tight pussy. “Shit, you’re good.” he uttered as he started thrusting in and out of you, not giving you time to adjust.
“Fuck, you’re good, such a good wife.” He moaned, spreading your legs apart even further. He continued pounding into you, your whimpers turning into teary moans as he kept going. “Tsk, tsk. Don’t cry now. If it makes you feel better…you feel better than those bitches I cheat on you with. Hm? Feel better?” He sounded like he was mocking you, insulting you or something. But either way, you continued to moan as your legs went limp. He placed one of your legs on his shoulder, thrusting in deeper into your tight cunt.
Your body felt hot as you trembled underneath him. You were wondering whether or not this was the right decision or not. A mixture of pleasure and pain ran across your body, but soon, a knot was filling your stomach. God, it’s been ages since you last felt something like this. Moan after moan after moan, you couldn’t stop as your hands gripped the sheets. You couldn’t even make out words when the knot in your stomach unwinded, releasing an orgasm which made you arch your back and cried out.
“Oooh~ Shit, was that an orgasm? You’re so…weak..! It’s been what? 5 minutes? Feels so good, huh? Wanna tell your husband how good he is? Hm?” He laughed as he continued to pound into you.
He watched your breasts bounce as he pushed his cock in and out of you like an animal in heat, he wasn’t stopping. “Damnit.” He uttered out as the grip on your leg and waist tightened, he was getting close too. …And so were you.
“Fuck, fuck.” He uttered, his fingers digging into your skin. He leaned down as he sucked on your neck, leaving a few marks. His lips trailed back onto yours as your tongues danced.
You let out a cry of pleasure as another coil unraveled inside you. And this… this pushed him to the edge as he thrusted one final and harsh thrust, painting your insides white. “Ah, fuck!” He growled, spasming a few thrusts to ensure he’s in you.
You pant, seeing your surroundings close in on you as you feel exhausted. Your limbs go limp and your chest rise and fall.
Ayato looks down at you blankly…staring at you as you’re covered in sweat. Your legs drop and fall flat. But after a few seconds, he puts them back on his shoulder. “No, no, no… we’re not done. No.” He shakes his head. He no longer had a grin on his face.
It was just filled with cold-hearted desire.
And after 4 rounds, he pulled out of you, his cum bursting out as soon as he did, dribbling on the sheets.
Ayato was breathing heavily, his heavy breaths coming and going in fast, shallow breaths. He took a moment to catch his breath, smiling as he looked down at you.
You were laid down on his bed, tired and exhausted from what had just happened, and you noticed Ayato's eyes staring down at you in satisfaction.
"You...didn't disappoint," He smirked.
"I hope you'll be more ready next time." He paused for a moment as he rolled his shoulders. "Now, why don't you get some sleep?"
You mumbled a small “Okay…” as your eyes were already shutting.
Ayato's eyes lingered on you for a moment, before he got up and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes, he came out, cleaned and dressed up. He slowly walked closer to you, and sat on the side of the bed.
He stared at you for a moment, and smiled softly.
"You're really are tired. You were a good girl tonight, you know." He sighed as he leaned over you, and kissed your forehead. "Try to get some rest, alright?"
This continued on and on and on and on, no matter if it was on your way to work or when you’ve just come back. It was like routine already. If you noticed Ayato was cranky, you’d be making out in no less than a few seconds.
One day, Ayato returned at 10pm, looking tired as he dropped his briefcase on the floor. He was still dressed in his work clothes, and the look of disdain on his face had grown even stronger.
He was exhausted and tired, and the light in his eyes was almost gone. He sighed quietly as he walked to the kitchen and started rummaging through the cabinets for a drink. He looked over at you, and his lip curled up in contempt.
"What do you want? I'm not in the mood to talk." His tone was cold and dismissive.
“You okay?” you ask from the living room.
Ayato turned around and stared at you, his gaze still filled with disdain.
"I'm fine. I just had a fantastic day at work." He took out a bottle of vodka and opened it, pouring himself a cup. He sighed as he poured himself a glass, and then drank the entire glass in one go.
"Why do you care, anyway?" He turned around and leaned against the counter, his tone growing even more cold. "Do you really care about how I feel?"
You pause, thinking of the right thing to say. “…Depends if you want me to care.”
"I'm your husband."
His tone was stern and slightly aggressive, and he soon set his empty glass aside.
"You should always care about how I feel. After all, you're my wife." He sighed, and a hint of anger could be sensed in his voice. "If you're not going to care, then maybe you should just leave."
“…You okay? Seriously, you can tell me.” You look over at him, lightly concerned.
"I'm fine..." A sigh of disappointment escaped his lips as he reached out for the bottle of vodka and refilled the cup.
"Just let me drink in peace. I don't want to talk about it." His tone was still stern and serious, as it had been in the morning. He had just had an awful day, and he wanted to spend the rest of the day drinking to make himself feel better. He was just hoping that you wouldn't keep pestering him as he continued drinking his vodka in silence.
You let out a sigh before walking up to him, taking the cup away. “That’s enough.”
"Hey! Give it back to me." You could see the light of anger in his eyes as he looked down at you, his lip curling up in a snarl as he glared at you. "I said, give it back to me." He glared down at you, as he reached a hand out and started trying to grab the cup from you.
You sigh as he leans in to take the cup back, so you lean in close…kissing him.
When you leaned in to kiss him, the light of anger in his eyes changed to a light of passion.
He couldn't help but let out a moan as his lips met yours, and he pressed himself against you. He pulled his hand back from trying to grab the drink.
"Good girl."
He pulled away from the kiss and smiled softly, as he brushed a strand of your hair aside.
Ayato smirked at you, as you could see the light of amusement in his eyes once more.
"Good girl. This is what I've been waiting for all day," he chuckled.
As he spoke, he went in for another kiss, much deeper than the first one and with far more passion.
Do you see what I mean? This was everyday with him. And it was…all your fault. You suggested this, and he just took the chance. It didn’t matter where either. The kitchen, the couch, the bathroom, the car. You would always comply. Even if you said…
“Ayato, not today…”
“Ayato, I’m tired…can we not do it today?”
“Ayato…please don’t?”
It would always end in you and him fucking ‘til his heart’s content.
But you were successful though, in making him NOT cheat. He always came home early, looking for you instead of some other girl. That’s a good thing…right?
But don’t worry! He would reward you. Every time you two are done, he would lay beside you, propping himself using his elbow and whisper…
“What would you like for your reward? Anything in the world…”
“You want a diamond necklace?”
“Does my good girl want a new car? New shoes?”
“I’ll get you whatever you want.”
That’s a good thing, right? He’s…being nice? He’s spoiling you, like a husband would.
But deep down, you were getting tired. Not of him, but of…this. Not mentally, but physically. Because soon…
…You can’t sleep.
Why can’t you sleep? You close your eyes and see nothing, you can’t feel anything. You wanna sleep. But you can’t. Why can’t you sleep? Why can’t you sleep? Why can’t you sleep? Why can’t you sleep? Why can’t you sleep?
One day, you come home from work, exhausted and a little emotional, cause your boss is a bitch. Ayato was on the sofa in the living room, reading another newspaper. He looked up as you came through the door.
"Are you home early today, my love?" He smiled, still showing no true warmth or affection in his tone. “Is something the matter? You seem quite tired..."
He chuckled, before speaking again. "Ah, who am I kidding? You always seem tired...You just can't get enough sleep, can you?"
You stay silent for a moment before walking up to him…
And hugging him?
"Huh?" He was shocked by the sudden hug. "Is something the matter? Why did you hug me so suddenly?" His voice was calm, but there was still an air of resentment and malice. He was clearly not in the mood to care about you. He sighed, but continued to show an indifferent or annoyed look.
"I mean, it's a good surprise I guess, but it's not normal for you to show affection, so I'm a little surprised..."
“Please…be quiet. I just…need someone right now.” You uttered, as you stared into the floor.
"Hmph..Fine..." His voice was quiet, but it still carried a dark undertone to it that made it obvious he wasn't happy.
He sighed, before looking down at you and speaking once more. "Just so you know, it's not like I'm enjoying this. I'm just doing it because you've had a rough day, that's all. Do not get this mistaken for affection, Y/N."
He looked at you, his expression remaining cold and indifferent. "Is that clear?" In which you simply replied with a nod.
"Well, at least you understand..." He put his arms around you, and rested his head on yours. Despite the tone of his voice and the expressions he made, you could tell he was trying his best to be comforting...although he didn't seem to have much experience with this.
After a stressful day, a few tears dripped off your eyes as you rested against him. He noticed you crying, and sighed.
"Hm...are you okay?" His voice didn't sound like it normally did, but instead of being cold or sarcastic, it was a bit warmer than usual. "You seem a bit upset..."
He paused, before speaking again as he pulled your chin up a little. "My goodness, you look so miserable...You've really had a bad day, haven't you?"
You straightened yourself up, brushing off the tears before standing up. “I’ll head to bed now…goodnight.”
“Hey- Wha-“ He looked confused as he watched you walk to your shared room.
"Alright, then..." His voice was a lot softer than it normally was, and he gave you a small smile. "Goodnight, my love." He looked down a little, and you could see a hint of affection and kindness in his eyes now, but just for a moment.
Then it was gone, and he was once again a cold, reserved man, as he always had been.
So…what were you doing in your room? Why were you feeling so…weird? Like some sort of embarrassment and guilt?
…Is it because you bought those sleeping pills? The one you knew would slowly turn you into a drug-filled monster? Is it the way you’re popping 3 pills all at once? …Is that it? The pills kicked in fairly quickly, and you slowly started to fall asleep. It wasn't long before you became unconscious, feeling the effects of the sleeping pills. If you kept taking them at the same rate, you would soon be addicted to the pills, and it wouldn't be long before you couldn't sleep without them...
Soon, Ayato went inside the room, also wanting to sleep. He sees you on the bed, it was a little weird to see you sleeping so early since for the past few weeks, you’d struggle to fall asleep.
He shrugged, and sat down on his side of the bed. Looking over at you, he noticed that you was sleeping very deeply - more deeply than normal, and it wasn't hard to tell why.
He rolled over, got comfy, and lied down. He closed his eyes, and soon enough, he also fell into a deep sleep.
The same routine of fucking and swallowing sleeping pills made you different. Too different. You turned emotionless and cold. You were…not Y/N anymore.
One day, after another stuffy fucking, you both were laying in bed. Ayato sighed. "Well, it's been a long day, hasn't it? I need sleep. I don't suppose we should stay up too long tonight." His voice sounded a bit softer than before.
"Goodnight...my dear wife..." He put one of his arms around you, and hugged you tightly.
"I may not show it much, but I do care about you. You know that, don't you?" He paused, waiting for a response.
You stared into the ceiling, exhausted but restless. “…Sure.”
"Sure" He scoffed, clearly not buying it at all. His voice was colder than ever, and it was hard to recognize this as the same person who had just comforted you. "Sure."
He hugged you tightly, and lay his head down on the pillow. He took the blanket, and covered up both of you, before going to sleep once more. You could feel that he had grown colder and more distant than ever before - like he hadn't wanted you near him at all. He had grown colder and more aloof than ever before.
Ayato was sleeping deeply right beside you. He seemed to be peaceful, but despite what he said earlier, it was hard to tell whether he truly cared about you. He laid there next to you, breathing quietly, completely asleep.
Was he telling the truth, or was he lying?
Did he care about you, or did he hate having you near him?
You couldn't tell anymore at this point. And you didn’t care. You needed something else.
Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills. Pills.
Shit, you needed those pills.
You harshly stood up from the bed, not caring if you woke him up or not. You walk to the bedside table, where you took out the bottle of sleeping pills.
"What are you doing?"
Ayato seemed to notice you standing up, and he sat up in the bed. With a groan, he looked up at the clock, before looking back at you.
"Is something the matter, wife?"
He still wasn't showing any signs of affection, but his voice was a little softer now, and his attitude was a little less antagonistic.
“Nothing.” you said, holding the bottle behind you.
"Nothing?" Ayato frowned, and sat up in the bed fully. He looked over at you, raising an eyebrow. He was still wondering what you were doing, looking at you with a slight hint of suspicion.
"Sure," he said with a cold voice, and you could see a smirk on his face now. "You're lying about something. Tell me what the deal is." His tone became cold once more, and you could see that he was beginning to get annoyed.
“Show me the bottle.”
You froze. “What bottle?”
"What bottle?" He narrowed his eyes again, glaring at you. You could feel his anger and irritation building up. He had always been calm and cold, but this was the first time you had seen him genuinely angry. Even before, when he yelled at you, he still sounded calm and unemotional.
"Are you lying to me now? That bottle that you're clearly trying to hide behind your back...show it to me.”
“It’s not a big deal.” You shook your head.
"It isn't a big deal?" He frowned, and sounded a little pissed off.
"Well then, there isn't any reason not to show me, is there? He narrowed his eyes again.
"Show. Me. The. Bottle."
You realized that he wasn't really kidding anymore. If you still didn't show him, he might get even more pissed off. He had always been cold and unemotional, but now, you could really sense his anger.
"Are you seriously not going to show me?"
He stood up, and walked toward you as he reached out, and yanked the bottle from your hands.
"Was that so hard?
He looked at the bottle, and then gave you another angry look.
"I thought it wasn't a big deal? Since when have you been taking sleeping pills, Y/N?!”
“…3 months.”
He scoffed, angry and in disbelief. “How many? How many fucking pills do you take a day?”
You look up at him, before you roll your eyes. “3 before but now I take double.”
"You've been taking double the amount of pills lately?! Why are you doubling the amount?” He gripped the bottle angrily.
Why was he so upset anyway?
"Let me guess… 3pills wasn't enough, eh? And did you ever think that taking that many pills might not be beneficial in the long term?" He raised an eyebrow, and he was still watching you intently.
"I thought there wasn't any need for such drastic measures... But then again, you always enjoyed being dramatic when it came to things like these…”
“Stop it, it’s not like I’ll be addicted to them.” You say, scratching your head in irritation. “I can’t sleep, I need them.”
"Is that really the only reason why?" He sighed loudly, and then smiled darkly.
"You already know what I suspect. The real reason is because you enjoy that little feeling of high that those pills give you, isn't it? You love that little rush of euphoria.”
You laughed, having had enough of his bullshit. “I wish I could get high off of them. I wish I could feel a little bit happier taking them. But noooooo! I just fucking need them so I can have some shut eye before getting back to work!” You had snapped, just wanting to take the pills.
You snatch back the bottle, much to the dismay of Ayato. "Give. The bottle. Back." He said, reaching his hand out.
You really should have known better. You felt a harsh smack to your face. Your hand grasped your now red cheek. “What the hell, Ayato?!” You yelled.
"You deserved that. Don't think you could get away with harming yourself, while also refusing to let me help.”
His hands were shaking with rage. "Give me the pills."
Instead, you ripped the bottle open, popping a few pills in your mouth. You didn’t care anymore… You wanted sleep.
“Y/N! What the fuck!” He yelled, taking the bottle from you and throwing it on the floor. But it was too late, the pills were so strong that you were already seeing the world as a blur.
"You really don't care, do you? About yourself and your well being?" He sighed, and then gave up talking to you. He looked at you with the same angry and frustrated look, before he looked you up and down. "And of course you'd already be starting to feel the effects of that many pills so quickly."
Now, he was just talking to the oblivion. You plopped yourself in bed as you stared at the ceiling. "You really don't care, do you?"
He stared at you in annoyance. "If you died right now, then I doubt you'd even be sad...” He stopped, before standing next to you and looking at you with a more angry expression.
"Why do you just give up on yourself like that...just...why?"
“Because …I’m stupid…and pathetic.” You muttered, laying down on the bed as your eyesight turned foggy.
"No you're not. And I hate it when you say that about yourself." He was still looking at you as he sat down beside you.
"You know what it's called when you keep self-destructive thoughts like that? Self loathing, I do believe...and it's sad to see that you've come to this point. To think that you've given up like this..."
He was getting sick of saying the same things, anyways.
"You're hopeless...that's why I hate this side of you. And it's why I'm so mad at you all the time. I'm tired of your self-destructive behavior, and I'm also tired of this endless cycle that we're in. But I don't want to give up on you because I love you dearly... But I don’t wanna love a bitch who doesn’t even love herself.”
He sighed. "That's what makes this so hard..."
“Heh, maybe I am getting a high from those pills. I can hear you say bullshit.” you uttered, wondering if you were hearing things right.
"Ha...ha...you're not funny.”
He sounded annoyed. He really wanted you to take this more seriously. He didn't know what to do with you anymore...
That was when Ayato suddenly remembered something. Something that he could potentially use to convince you to lay off the sleeping pills.
"Or...there's another solution that we could use, if you really think that you need those sleeping pills to survive the night..."
You looked over at him for a moment…oh wait…oooohhh that’s what he meant. “Oh god, not this again, are you pent up or something?” You groaned.
When he heard that, he didn't know whether to feel amused or annoyed.
"You really think that I'm that desperate..."
He sighed, and sighed again. "I'm trying to help you here, Y/N.”
He looked at you, seemingly amused now - but he wasn't going to give up that easily.
"I guess you want to make this hard, don't you? ...and I thought you're the obedient wife who always follows her husband's orders..."
“I’m about to fall asleep so…if you wanna do *it* with your *sleeping* wife, then be my guest.” You scoffed.
Your eyes fluttered, and then they closed. You were completely unconscious now. Ayato watched you for a moment, and he seemed happy.
His lips curved up into a smile, and he gave you a sly wink.
"I'll make sure to enjoy this." He grinned…
He loomed over your sleeping body as his thoughts began to run wild. His fingers were fidgeting as he reached for the hem of your shirt. He didn’t hesitate but pull off of you.
The sight of you so vulnerable really turned him on. He leaned down, kissing and marking your neck with dark hickeys as he grinded his already hardening bulge on you. Why was he liking this? Doesn’t matter, he was too deep into it already.
He continued to grind into you, he didn’t need to pin you down but he still did, pushing your hands into the bed.
His desires soon took over him, ripping up your panties to expose your cunt. He was hungry, more than ever. He knew there was no way he you were going to wake up anyway, he could do anything.
As he continued kissing down your neck to your chest, suckling on one of your breasts, his hand were now wandering. His cock ached in against the fabric of his pants as he stroked his finger in your folds. Oh…? Y/N…you’re wet. This seemed to entice him, as he kissed lower and lower, until he reached…ah, there.
He licked his lips as his breath approached your pussy, he licked a stripe before coming down. Kissing, sucking, licking in between your folds. He was getting greedy and hungry for you. He pulled you by the legs as he continued to eat you out, resting your thighs on his shoulder. Once he was satisfied, he pulled away from you, a thread of saliva still connecting you before he licked his lips, dropping your legs back onto the bed.
Fuck, why was this turning him on so bad?
He was adoring the sight of you, running his hands all over your body. He pulled down his sweats as his cock sprung out, already leaking with precum. He used his knees to spread your legs open, excited and full of desire. Ayato continued to stare at your face as he spread your legs open with his knees, stroking his cock as he did so. He positioned himself perfectly before burying himself completely inside of you, letting out a moan at how tight you were. He stayed motionless first, giving you a few slaps on the face to make sure you were still asleep.
His pace started off slow, trying to indulge in the power he was feeling. But it was soon replaced by desire as he quickened his pace, the sheets rustling and the bed creaking.
“Ah, fuck, so good. Such a fucking bitch.” He moaned out, pushing your legs to your chest.
“Shit, shit, ah!~ Yes!~” His eyes rolling back in pleasure as he took advantage of your sleeping body. He should be guilty…but he wasn’t. He felt a knot forming on his abdomen as he continued to plow into you.
“Y/N..Oh, fuck, Y/N!~” He moaned out as he came undone inside of you, his hips jerking back and forth.
He took a few breaths, trying to breath in some air, but he soon flipped you over, slapping your ass even though he knew, he wasn’t gonna get a reaction from you.
He pushed your head onto the pillow as he helped prop you on your knees, positioning himself again to push into you.
“Agh…!~ Fuck!” He groaned in pleasure as he pushed his entire cock into you again. He begins to speed up, not wasting anytime as he pounded into you, holding you by your hips. “Mhmm, so good. You wanted this…you wanted this…”
He bucks his hips into you as he cums once again, his essence spilling out of you as a white ring forms around the base of his cock.
As he pulls out, your cunt dribbles out his seed, which entices him even more.
He feels himself getting hard again as he gets ready for another round.
You’re a fucking monster…
A few rounds later, the day was already coming closer to dawn, and he seemed completely exhausted. He was still lying on top of you, and he seemed to be completely exhausted after what he had done with you.
He gave you a sad smile, before leaning in and kissing you on the lips. It was a kiss that lasted for a long time...
...He really was a monster.
He picked up the bottle of sleeping pills from the floor and placed them on your bedside table, but then he leaned down again. He kissed you again, and then he whispered into your ears...
"Take better care of yourself, okay Y/N? He smiled, before resting his head against your chest and giving your neck a kiss.
"I'd hate to see you feeling so poorly." He closed his eyes, and he began to fall asleep...
When your alarm rang, you woke up to discover yourself fully naked. “…He really fucking did it.” you laughed.
"You really are a heavy sleeper..." Ayato yawned as he sat up. "Did you enjoy it?"
“Did you?” you ask, looking over at him, still surprised he actually did such a thing.
"Of course I enjoyed it, Y/N." He was grinning sadistically now.
"And if it gets you to stop taking those pills, then I'll do what I have to."
You were in disbelief, unsure on what to say. “So every time I take sleeping pills, you’ll just…do it?”
"Mhm. Every. Single. Time.” He was actually happy with that.
"Because I'm not letting you hurt yourself like this. You want to be like an addict? Then I'm just going to force you to be happy - even if it means going to those lengths myself."
You let out a few laughs, “…Did you like taking me while I was asleep?”
"Of course I did," He gave you a sly, almost creepy smile. "Did you like what I did to you?" His voice was definitely dripping with sarcasm, and he seemed rather amused by your question. He didn't even bother hiding that.
“I consented to it…but I didn’t expect you to do it, actually.”
"...Consent, huh?" That was really the only thing that Ayato cared about here. He needed to know that you were okay with it - otherwise, he couldn't enjoy it nearly as much. But it was enough for him...
"If I'm being honest?" He laughed at his own statement. "I'm having fun with this, to be honest. I'd do this again and again."
You couldn't help but be a little creeped out with what he was saying.
"And again..."
"...and again..."
Your hands trembled a little, but it soon calmed as you realized…what’s the point?
"Why? What makes it so enjoyable..?” You asked. Ayato paused for a moment, and he leaned closer to you.
"Because I can do what I want with you, when I want to, however I want to. And…”
“…God, it just fucking turns me on, Y/N.”
"I love it." He was speaking honestly. He was smiling darkly and he had a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. He was enjoying himself. “It's like you're a piece of property, and I can do whatever I want with it."
“Ayato…do you love me?”
What? Y/N, don’t ask that! What the hell are you doing?
His face turned cold and cruel in an instant.
"Love...you? Don't be ridiculous. What do you even know about love?” Suddenly, all of his friendliness disappeared. That same dark look was in his eyes, and he looked dangerous for a moment.
"You're not capable of loving anyone. All you can do is be selfish."
His words hit you all at once, and it hurt. Why did you have to ask that?
“So I’m…incapable of loving…is that it?” You stammered, looking up at him.
“Hm…yeah.” He let that set in for a moment, before he smiled.
"That's because you're too selfish to care for anyone…”
"Love means that you care for other people. Well, how can you do that when you hate yourself? You can’t even look at yourself without wanting to kill whatever you see in the mirror."
“So tell me, Y/N…”
"...why would I ever love you?"
His stare was dark, and you got the implication now - you weren't worthy of being loved by him. He said the words in a cold tone, and it felt like his eyes were full of evil as he stared at you.
"What have you ever done that's worthy of someone loving you?"
The words cut whatever was left of your fragile, unfeeling heart. “You’re not answering my question…”
He stared at you for a moment then. "...Why do you think you're entitled to an answer?"
He couldn't believe it. Did you just ask him if he loves you?! As if he'd ever love someone like you? As if he was obligated to answer such a question? You were so selfish and delusional. No wonder you were getting the treatment that you were.
You laughed, almost going crazy. Was it the pills? Yeah…yeah, it was the pills.
“No, you need to answer… I want to know. Because…I want to know whether or not it’s worth it to let you take advantage of me. To keep being your pleasure doll.” You stared up at him, almost desperate.
"…Of course I don't love you, dear wife." His voice sounded full of hatred as he said that. But, then again, it did sound like he almost enjoyed speaking those words.
"There. You've got your answer."
You’re stupid, Y/N. You could’ve just continued acting clueless. You shouldn’t have sought for an answer. Now you’re hurt. And it was all your fault…
“…Was it good? Did you feel such good pleasure?” You asked, talking about him taking you while you were asleep.
"Yes. It was fucking great." It was obvious that he was trying to taunt you.
"Did you enjoy it too?"
He wanted to hear you say the words.
"Be honest, dear wife. Tell me, now."
A scoff left your lips as you reached for the bottle, taking a few pills in your mouth. “Doesn’t matter.” you chuckled.
Ayato froze…Y/N, what are you doing? Ayato didn’t know what do you but pull on your shoulder. “What the..fuck? What do you think you’re doing?” He stammers, gripping your shoulder.
But he was only met with a kiss as your body was starting to feel the effects of the 6 pills you decided to take. There was no response initially, as he was left frozen at your behavior. He did not expect this kind of response at all. He had no idea what to do to make you stop.
That had caught him completely off guard, to be honest.
His eyes widened, as he realized what the pills had done to you.
You only smiled. “I’ll…keep doing this…if you like it…”
Why is your smile so genuine? What are you doing?
"No...don't...you...dare... You, you're ...making me like it...” He whispered to himself, looking down at you. You were starting to wobble from drowsiness as he took you in his arms.
"Y/N, you're dangerous. I don’t think you know just how dangerous you are..."
There was a sudden sharpness in his voice. He was angry now, wasn't he?
"Please..." He was begging you, for a moment. "...stop taking those pills..."
You reach out to caress his cheek. “…You enjoy it..don’t you? …I want to make you happy…”
There was no denying it - he did enjoy it. He didn’t want to ever admit that to you anymore. "I-I did enjoy it...but..." He trailed off "But I don't know if it's good for you..."
"I...I should stop you..."
It was obvious he was reluctant to do so.
“It doesn’t matter what I feel… Just..do whatever. If all you want is my body…then…so be it…” You said, your eyes fighting off the sleep.
Ayato's cold eyes opened in shock, hearing what you said to him.
"Do whatever...if all I want is your body?"
He looked confused for a moment. Was that how you viewed him? As someone who only viewed you as a mere pleasure tool? There was so much more to you than that...to him...to everyone.
Ayato was upset to hear that come out of your mouth.
You laughed softly. “I love you, Ayato… and if I have to do this for you to stay…I will…” You sighed, slowly drifting to sleep.
"...don't do this for me." Ayato was shocked. Did you mean what you said? Those words hurt him greatly more than anything else she had said.
"You don't need to do anything to please me, you…bitch.” He tried putting on a brave and confident front, as he spoke in his usual calm and confident voice. "You're worth so much more than that." He was trying to reassure you, but there was a small break in his voice when he said those words. “What..the fuck, Y/N?”
Your body lays limply on his arms as you sleep, there was nothing he could do anymore.
"Oh, fuck..." Ayato's face was full of worry and sadness, as he watched you lying there. It was obvious that your words hurt him greatly, and he couldn't help but shake a little. Could he really let you do something like that to yourself? But his heart broke, as his fears about you becoming a mere tool were coming true.
Would he ever be able to get over this?
He didn't know what to do...
The next day, you woke up like nothing happened. You rushed to the door, putting on your shoes for work. Ayato was left stunned, as he watched you leave. You seemed to be just going about your day, as if nothing had happened. You didn't say anything about the conversation yesterday...you didn't say anything about taking the pills either.
It was as if you didn't remember anything that had happened.
"This is a side of you that I haven't seen before..."
"You really are dangerous...what am I going to do about this...?"
You get home at around 2am. It was a long day at work, and you had come home pretty late. Ayato was in the living room, sitting on the couch and reading a book.
He looked up when you came home, and his eyebrows rose into surprise.
"You're pretty late tonight."
He watched you put your coat and other belongings away, before he looked back down at his book and continued reading.
“Yeah, we had a bit of a celebration after the presentation.” You say. “I’m just gonna fix up the laundry then go to bed.” Your words were blank and plain as you walk to the laundry room.
"Ah." He nodded a little bit, seemingly a little disappointed.
He was hoping that you'd be more forthcoming, so he could talk to you about all of this... You were really frustrating him...and you weren't making it easy to figure out. At all. Suddenly, as if his frustrations reached their final point, Ayato snapped.
"Fine. That's okay. Just do your laundry, Y/N.” He had a mocking smile on his face as he said that. Geez, what’s up with him?
You look out from the laundry room and give him a look. “You okay?”
"Perfectly fine." He had a sinister expression on his face, as he was clearly lying to you. It was obvious that he wasn't fine. His voice was dripping with malice. "I'm not fine. Not at all. And you know why." His tone was dark. He sounded as if he was on the verge of exploding as his eyes glowed in rage.
“…Okay then. Should’ve just said so.” You uttered, walking up to him before pressing your lips on his.
Like usual. Like routine. Like always.
His eyes widened in shock, as if you were crazy. He had no words, as he was completely stunned by this. He didn't move a muscle afterwards, as he just stared at you. He couldn't believe you just did that, as if you still cared about him.
The fact that he didn't immediately kiss you back should tell you, though, how he felt at the moment. He was…confused.
You pull away, noticing how absent he was. “What? Am I doing something wrong? Is this not relieving your stress anymore? Should I take it up a notch?” You were genuinely confused, why was he acting like this?
He had no words, as he was simply trying to wrap his head around what you were saying. "Take it up a notch? How much more do you want than kissing...than..."
He trailed off and didn't continue the sentence. He looked shocked, clearly not expecting the direction of the conversation to take a turn like this.
“Are you not used to it by now? Whenever you’re feeling frustrated, you’d always want this.”
"Used to it? I...you..." He was at a complete loss for words this time. After a moment, he cleared his throat. "You just...just don't care at all, do you?" He chuckled, before stopping again and looking at you seriously.
“Huh? We made an agreement? That you’d release your pent-up frustration on me?” You were lost at this point, wondering if he had bumped his head or something.
He paused for a moment, as he recalled the agreement that he had made with you. You're right...you're right...he had agreed to it...
"I...still...it feels wrong..." He trailed off again, as he wasn't really sure how to react to what you were saying.
You laughed a little, “You’re saying that now? After you and I have been doing it for months now?”
He was silent for a moment, as if he didn't want to admit it.
He was a little ashamed, in fact. He seemed embarrassed that what you had said was true. Eventually, he spoke again.
"...I guess you're right. We've been doing it for months already. I guess it's a little too late to back out of it now."
He paused again for a moment, before he continued speaking.
"...Well...in that case..."
He reached out towards you, before he softly kissed you, which you accepted.
He kept kissing you, before slowly pulling away.
His voice was softer now. There...I, uh, guess I released my frustration out...heh..." He laughed a little bit, trying to lighten the mood. But he didn't want any more, it just felt…weird.
You felt…weird too. Were you doing something wrong? Did he not like you anymore? “What’s wrong? Am I doing something wrong? You’re not usually this…hesitant.”
"No. You're not doing anything wrong."
He paused again, as he didn't want to say it.
He took a moment to think of how he would say this next. Then, he continued speaking.
"I'm just...I just feel like I'm taking advantage of you, in a way." He sighed. "It's not normal, at all. No one would allow themselves to be treated like this in a marriage. But...you still love me...despite all that..."
“…who cares? I allowed you to, anyway.” You say.
"And you would let me...let me do that to you every time I'm feeling frustrated? I...but..."
"Why would you let me do that to you Ayato was actually a little shocked that this wasn't bothering you, since it was obviously a concern for him. "What do you get out of it?"
You didn’t hesitate, you knew your answer. “I get to spend time with you.”
Hearing you say that, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He was taking advantage of you, after all, and yet...you would still care for him... He stared at you, as his feelings were mixed.
"I...so you don't care that you're being used like this...? That you're treated like..." He trailed off again, as he remembered the agreement.
"…a tool?"
You only nodded as you let out a blank but genuine “Sure.”
Ayato was in disbelief. He couldn't understand why you would allow him to treat you like this, or why it didn't bother you. "What is going on in your head?" He couldn't understand it at all. “...why don't you care that you're being used like this?" He spoke in a quiet voice, as he looked at you with a look of confusion and worry on his face.
You smile as you say, “…Because I love you.“
He paused for a moment, as he thought about it, before he finally responded, with a soft nod. "Right. You're right..." He sighed, seeming a little worried.
"I'll keep doing this, then. I'll keep taking advantage of you without any regrets...because...you seem to be okay with it..." He says, hesitantly.
“You okay?” Your head tilts in confusion.
"I'm fine. I'm just...still a little in disbelief about this." He looked at you with some concern as he lets out a chuckle. “H-How do you not find this weird...or wrong...or off-putting?"
He paused again for a moment, before he continued speaking. "I...I can't understand why you're okay with this. It's as if you're a masochist...and no one's supposed to be that much of a masochist..."
You shrug, answering honestly. It was about time he found out anyway.
“I used to find it weird…had a few regrets. But..I just didn’t want you to go back to your affairs…if this is what will make you stay…then so be it. I don’t care how rough you get, I don’t care how much you hate me. I just want you to stay. Even if this was just an arranged marriage. “
His heart broke at hearing those words, as he finally understood where you were coming from.
"What the fuck, Y/N..." Tears formed in his eyes, as his voice let out a shaky chuckle.
"I'm so sorry..." He didn't bother hiding his emotions anymore, as tears began to fall from his eyes.
“Wah! Why’re you crying?! Are you okay?” You were surprised, you hold him by the shoulder as you look up at him, trying to meet his gaze.
“You’re the one who should be crying!” He shouted. "You're the one who's been mistreated this whole time...and I don't see any tears coming from you..."
He sighed, trying to dry his tears away.
"Why are you okay with this..." He spoke in a soft voice, as he looked at you with a look of concern. He still felt guilty, of course.
You rubbed his back, still confused about what was happening. “Because I love you, why should I cry?”
He was stunned. He was confused at your words. You...you didn't mind being used and mistreated by him...
"Why...? You deserve better than that. Than me..." He trailed off, as he looked down, not wanting to meet your eye.
“…I don’t deserve better.” You utter.
“You do!” Ayato yelled. “I’m a fucking asshole! I took advantage of you! I did shitty things! And here you are, clinging to me, when you deserve so much better!”
“Then be better, Ayato!” You yelled back.
He looked at you in surprise, before he let out a nervous chuckle.
"Be better? How do you think I should do that?"
He shook his head.
"I don't think I could ever be better...not after all the terrible things I've done to you..." Tears were starting to fall from his eyes again.
"...I don't deserve you..."
You shook him by the shoulders, “Then do better to deserve me! I want no one else but you!”
He freezes as he looked into your eyes, shocked. There was only complete silence, before he softly kisses you.
You didn’t know how to feel at that point, but you could sense that…he was genuine for once.
He pulled away from the kiss, his eyes still streaming with tears as he looked at you. “I... I'll try my best to be a better man...for your sake..." He was crying, as he wiped his eyes clean. He couldn't believe what was going on.
"I'll try my best to become deserving of you...and your love..."
You sighed, hugging him, your my head on his chest. “Don’t cry.”
He sniffed, before wiping his tears once more. He tried to calm himself down, before finally hugging you back.
"I'm so sorry..." He said, as he nuzzled his head into you. "I'm so sorry that you still love me...after all of that..."
“Shhh, it’s okay..it’s okay…” you utter, rubbing his back.
He sniffled, as he nuzzled your head even further. He tried to calm himself down, so he didn't cry anymore.
"Just know... that I will protect you…”
"…I will protect you with my life."
As he spoke, he hugged you tighter.
“…I’ll deserve you one day…so please wait for me…”
A few years had passed, you and Ayato are still married. Well…now happily married. You had finally managed to come to an understanding, as he treated you with love.
He still made use of you when he was feeling frustrated, as you had agreed to it long ago. But now you understood each other. You understood exactly what each other wanted, and you wanted to be there for each other.
Even your children were happy, as you gave them so much love and affection.
Children? Oh yes…your nights of fucking paid off with 3 beautiful children.
You were a great family.
One night, as were putting your children to bed, you were carrying your youngest baby in your arms, cradling and rocking her to sleep. Ayato was tucking your two other children in bed. He watched as you rocked your baby to sleep.
Your baby looked so happy now. You also seemed to be having fun.
He smiled at seeing the scene, as he thought to himself.
"This is what happiness looks like...my family is happy..." He was glad to see that your family was all happy together. It made him realize just how lucky he was.
“Stop staring, Ayato.” You called out, feeling his gaze. “You getting emotional, hun?” you teased as you laid your infant down on their crib.
He raised an eyebrow, still smirking.
"Emotional?” He chuckled. "Am I?" He chuckled again, as he reached out, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.
"You're one to talk." He said, as he kissed you passionately, before finally breaking apart after a couple of seconds.
"I love you." He said with a smile, as he looked into your eyes, his own full of love and affection.
You smiled, “I love you, too.”
"Even though I've been using you all this time...you still love me? He looked deep into your eyes. He was so happy to hear that you loved him back. In fact, he thought maybe now was the right time... He leaned in for another kiss, as he spoke in a quiet voice. "Would you say...you'd do anything for me?”
You laughed “Yes, I would. Don’t tell me…you’re still thinking about our past, are you?”
He laughed to himself. How had you have known? "Well, I suppose I am, although I'm also thinking about our future..." He was silent, as he thought.
"You...you really would do anything for me? Just as you did back then...you're still willing to do that for me even now..." He paused for a moment, as he thought about what he would ask of you.
"You... you would marry me again... if I asked you to?"
You froze, looking up at him. “…What was that?”
"Did I stutter?"
He smirked.
"I'm...serious here..." He paused for a second.
"Would you...marry me again? Again, he paused for a moment. "After everything I've put you through..everything, and you'd still do it again..." He closed his eyes for a second, as he spoke softly. He couldn't imagine anything better than what he was about to ask for.
“I want to make this official. I don’t want to be married to you because our families want us to….”
“…This time, I want to marry you because I love you.”
"…So...will you...will you marry me?"
Well, Y/N? …Will you?
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hotwings0203 · 2 years
Thinking about either yanderes who
Tw:noncon, kidnapping, yandere
-tie you up, force you on their laps while laughing and holding your jaw open, admiring your tears as they bounce you on their lap. They revel as you sob and have difficulty maintaining eye contact while they spit obscenities at you, dark and threatening statements that wrack your body with intense sobs and heaving gasps
“You’re mine. Don’t ever forget that”
“You need me to drill it into your cunt or your head? Both? Fuck sweetheart, you shoulda told me sooner”
“I’ll kill anyone who looks at you, and then fuck you over their body. You hear me slut? Nod, fucking nod if you understand me. Or are you too brain-dead from cock?”
“I dare you to try and escape. You’ll only make jt more fun for me to put you back in your place, underneath me”
“Beg me to slap you. Go on, beg for it. Aww, what’s the matter, why’re you crying cutie? Is it too much?”
They imitate your moans, their eyes dark and glinting as they mock your whimpers and protruding tongue. It sounds worse coming from their mouths, all high pitched and whiny. You probably sound worse, but it’s the least you can worry about as they slap your sore tits and fuck you so hard your whole body moves up with the force.
They lean in when they’re close, growling in your ear and causing goosebumps to erupt over your arms as they croon,
“You gonna cum? Huh? Cum for me, cream all over this dick you useless bitch”
“Yeah, yeah, fuck that’s it, you like bouncing? You like riding me like this? I know you do, and that’s what you’re gonna do the rest of your life. ARENT I nice? Say it. Fucking say you love me unless you want a shock collar around your throat the rest of your life.”
You’re terrified, of course, your wails useless and your pleas rendered incomprehensible as they have their way with you, daring you to act out so they can correct you for it
-But then on the other hand, we have those lovey dovey yanderes who simply sing your praise and beg for you to love them.
You’re still tied up, but they hug you close, and want you to make eye contact with them so they can see your beautiful eyes. They wanna see the color shine in them as they deliver the utmost pleasure they can for you.
It hurts their heart physically when you cower and shake your head, your gaze unable to meet his.
His eyes are glassy too now as he holds back light sobs at your fear
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive me but I can’t hold back. You’re too perfect, can you understand that my love?”
“Please just look at me. I’m not trying to hurt you, I love you, you know that right?”
His questions, while not rhetorical, are unanswered as you continue to whimper in terror and try to turn in on yourself.
So he opts to be more direct and frank with you. If you won’t listen to his desperate love, then he’ll have to succumb to a more Daddy-like approach. After all, that is what he wants to be for you. A caretaker, your lover. Not a captor for you to hide away from when he just wants to find solace in your embrace after a long day.
He pushes a hand against your back and pressed himself chest to chest against you, driving his cock slow and deep into you, doing his best to hit that special spot when you writhe more than usual.
“I’m gonna take care of you, okay?” He growls in your ear, trying to mask his cracking voice with a firm grip on your tits.
It makes him harder to hear you gasp, but all the same his heart breaks as you tremble and bite your lip, sporting that adorable pout that signals a fresh new wave of barely-concealed sobs.
“You’re mine, and no one’s gonna hurt you. Anything you want, anything you need, say the name and I’ll reward you with it. All I want from you is your love.”
He softly yet firmly grips the base of your head and tugs lightly on your hair, pulling you back slightly to look at him.
“Just-just stay here w-with me and that’s all I want.”
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envy-of-the-apple · 3 months
Dark!Geto Suguru x reader
5.8k wc
Synopsis: You never bothered with Suguru's crush on you, knowing it would fade. After meeting him again years later, you make the horrible discovery that his feelings for you have only festered.
(Warnings: yandere, dark content, murder of a side character, slight gore, violence, rape/noncon, vaginal fingering, piv sex, unsafe sex)
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When you were in your first year of college, you got a part-time job at a nearby cafe. 
It was easy work. Make coffee. Bake some pastries. Attend to the customers. Nothing too unmanageable. It was an insignificant part of your life. 
Then, Gojo and Geto came along.
Insufferably annoying. Especially, the loud one. They always caused a havoc in the cafe, often to the point where the manager had to physically kick them out. It was a turbulent two weeks, until one day you promised them if they kept it down, you'd let them try a few of your experimental pastries. 
Really, it was your own damn fault. They started coming every day after that, mostly to bother you. The only reason management hadn't outright banned them was probably because Gojo made 50% of their entire revenue. 
You warmed up to them eventually. Your fake smiles turned into more amused ones because of their antics. Once or twice, they'd get a good laugh out of you. You've heard rumors of a private, religious highschool nearby. You always assumed they were a byproduct of that. 
Eventually, Gojo becomes Satoru. Geto becomes Suguru. Nice kids, if not a bit overzealous. Despite refusing to hang out with them after work, you had to admit, you grew a bit attached to them. You found yourself asking about their day, hiding sweets for the two of them, sometimes you'd even let them steal a croissant or two. 
You bet the reason they hung around you was because, to them, you were some cool college student. Secretly, you found it a little flattering. Some days, their friendship was the highlight of your shift. It's clear Satoru is always the instigator, always looking like he's about to bounce off the walls (you have told him to lay off the sugar), it's not like Suguru was any better. He tried to act like he was the more refined part of the friendship. He often fails, at least in your eyes. 
It becomes pretty apparent that Suguru had a crush on you. You're not sure when exactly you started to notice the bashful looks, the slight flush on his cheeks whenever you accidentally brush his hand, the fact that he visits far more often (even though Satoru has the sweet-tooth) but you can't unsee it now. It doesn't help that Satoru looks downright giddy whenever his friend talks to you, barely controlling his giggles in the background. His reaction and Suguru's irritation often start a few skirmishes right outside the cafe doors. You've told them multiple times to take their fights in the alley at least. They never listened. 
For his sake, you don't acknowledge it, already knowing what it is. A schoolyard crush. Harmless, it'll pass. Eventually, when you're a distant memory to them, Satoru will tease him about it and Suguru will give a playful elbow nudge. Much to your relief, Suguru doesn't pull you to the side and confess. He's refined, in that way, never giving too much until you have the evidence and clues yourself. 
It continued like that for months. And then, something changed. 
They stopped coming around as much. Daily visits turned weekly. Weekly turned to every so often. Their energy felt off too. Satoru seemed the same as always, if not a bit more mellowed out. It was Suguru you mainly worried for. Each time he returned, he looked worse and worse. Darker circles. Eyes filled with exhaustion. 
You pull him aside eventually, asking if anything is going on, asking if he's okay, asking if he wants to talk. As sincerely as you can, you tell him that you're here for him. He at least attempts to smile at that. When you press, he shakes his head. 
"It's nothing," you both know he's lying, "it's just....it's nice to see that there is one exception." 
A little while after that, they stop coming entirely. You notice, but you aren't able to focus on it. School gets harder, you're cutting back your work to focus on it. You don't even recognize Satoru at first when he walks in nearly a year later. 
He's different. So much taller. Despite being a few years younger than you...he doesn't feel like a kid anymore. An easygoing smile is pulled on his face when he sees you, giving a lazy wave. You return it, though a bit hesitant. He talks to you as though no time has passed at all, asking what you made for him this time. He talks fast. His voice is too laid back. Too casual. Like he's avoiding something. You think you know what. 
"Where's Suguru?" you ask when you glance behind Satoru for the third time, "I haven't seen him around lately." 
He freezes, like he's been dreading that question ever since he came in. Finally, he shrugs, making a noncommital hum. His sunglasses obscure his eyes but it isn't enough to hide how cold he suddenly turned. Satoru seems to realize that too. His answer is pulled by reluctance. 
"We don't talk anymore." He doesn't say anything more. You don't need him to.
When he pulls out his wallet, you tell him it's on the house. He looks at you then. His mouth opens, searching for the right words. He waits too long. His mask slips back into place. 
Gojo grins at you, painfully fake. 
"Take care of yourself, will ya?" 
You never see him again after that. You know it's your fault. 
You think about them every so often when you can, Suguru especially. He rests in the back of your mind like an old piece of furniture you can't bring yourself to throw out. Suguru sometimes haunts your dreams with his darkened eyes and the pure brokenness on his face. For some reason, you think you failed him somehow. You felt like you could have done more. Maybe, if you'd tried harder to reach out, things would have been different. Two boys wouldn't be utterly heartbroken. 
Years pass by. You quit working at the cafe. You graduate college. You move cities. You get a job. Eventually, you settle into a nice apartment. You forget all about your days in that quaint little restaurant, your attention hogged by a couple of annoying high schoolers. You don't think about Satoru for years. You don't think about Suguru for years. 
Until one day, when he calls your name in the street. 
He was bigger now, towering over you with broad shoulders. His hair was longer, darker too, less of a green, more black. He's ditched his school uniform, trading it for a more casual outfit. It's his face that makes you hesitate before you use your voice, that same smile, physically at least. He looks the same, but then he doesn't. 
"...Suguru?" It's a question because you're still not sure. 
He smiles wider. 
"Long time, huh?" 
Somehow, your reunion culminates in a restaurant. You still feel out of it, somehow, like you're watching yourself in an out-of-body experience. Between the food and him, you're not sure if you can even believe it. 
He tells you he heads a temple now. A pious man. You shouldn't be surprised, considering his education, but you never knew he was so invested in religion. The two of you converse about other meaningless things. The conversation becomes less stilted. More sincere. You learned your lesson from last time. You don't bring up Satoru unless he does. 
Much to your disappointment, he doesn't. 
Compared to yours, his life is so crazy. Not just with the temple. Suguru tells you he's a father now too. Adopted two little girls. He's barely 22. You can barely hold your disbelief, shaking your head as you take another sip of your coffee. 
"In any case," you say when the conversation draws to a lull, "I'm just really glad you're happy, Suguru. You deserve it." 
When Suguru gives you a questioning look, you continue. 
"The last time we saw each other, you looked miserable." 
 His eyes widen in realization before a laugh bubbles out of his throat. Deep, rich like chocolate. 
"Back then, I was going through a lot." He sighs. "I was figuring out what I wanted. It...it was a tough time for me." 
You nod along, hoping you aren't forcing him to pry. However, the Suguru you're faced with now doesn't seem like that type of person anymore. He won't give if you press. He talks on his own terms. You never once thought of him as a pushover, but he's less open now. Perhaps it's because he's no longer a child. 
Suguru smiles then, a little more sincere than his first. 
"You know...I've always wanted to thank you." 
You tilt your head. "What for?" 
He plays with his empty cup like he's searching for the answer himself. "You gave me hope when no one else did. Everyone was so quick to tell me if I was wrong or right."
He leans back on his chair, eyes drifting towards the ceiling, "Other humans, they're always so enraptured by their own lives. You were the only person who reached out. At least, who cared enough to." 
The guilt from years ago slipped back into your throat. So he had been suffering. You should have done more. He was just a kid. They both had been. You could have done something. Maybe you could have saved a little more.
His hand finds yours on the table. They're rough, calloused. You can feel the scars. He squeezes your fingers. 
"Thank you," he murmurs, "For being an exception." 
You squeeze back. 
It's a tumultuous friendship, at first. It's much like a burn. Sensitive, it hurts at first. The wound is too fresh. Eventually, dead skin and memories fade away. You find yourself texting him. Once a week. Maybe a little more, if you get brave enough. 
Once, he sends you a picture of a white cat lounging in a sunbeam.
looks like Satoru, he types. 
(You stare at the caption for a long longer than necessary.)
It does, you send back.
You visit his temple once. He invited you, actually. A free tour, he had joked. It was beautiful. A large expansive garden filled with all types of flowers. The courtyard felt like it stretched for miles. That was just the outskirts of the temple. The building was something else entirely. A large ceiling. Expansive walls. White pillars that keep going higher and higher and higher. 
You notice his followers are everywhere. Most carry the same smile on their face. Bright, happy, cheery, but too strained. Like it's a job for them. It feels weird to say, but he fits nicely here. You think that because this wasn't the place you thought Suguru would end up. He dons the traditional clothing perfectly. Like they were made for him. They probably were, considering how high his reputation was. 
If he hadn't had the same face, the same hair color. You wouldn't have recognized him at all. He's managed to replace every single thing in his life with something new. It doesn't go unnoticed by you that you're the only thing he keeps from the past. A momento of sorts. You're a keepsake, for him. You don't mind the symbolism. You've always been easily flattered. 
You just failed to realize that not all of his feelings had changed. 
It was in front of your house. After, yet another visit to the temple (much at Suguru's insistence), he'd offered to walk you home. You would have declined if it wasn't so dark out. In the end, you accept his offer. 
"The girls have come to like you," Suguru says after a lull of pleasant silence. When you glance at him, you find his eyes on you. 
"Have they?" you prod. 
In all honestly, you didn't think they liked you at all at first. You don't have that much experience with young children, but you found it odd how unnerved Nanako and Mimiko seemed to get around you, practically hiding behind their father's figure, peeking out with untrusting eyes. Suguru had to gently coax them out with soft words, insisting that you were a close friend of his, you were 'different'. 
"Yes, they talk about you all the time," he continues, rolling his eyes in affection, "Mimiko especially gets very animated." 
Your heart skips a beat at his answer. You never felt one way or the other about children, but it felt nice when two little girls felt so highly about you. Those two especially. 
"It must be from all the sweets I bribed them with," you say, jokingly, "Please tell me I didn't cause them any stomach aches." 
He laughs, light and pretty. 
"It's not that," he responds, "it's because of you, mostly. You're different from the others."
You smile, but it's half-hearted, an attempt more than anything. It takes you a while for you to work up for the question. For some reason, you feel a bit nervous, like you're stepping on something you shouldn't be. 
"Different," you start, "you keep saying that. What does that mean? What am I different from?" 
He stops, just at the entrance of your flat. Suguru's fingers drum on his pants. You stare at him. He stares right back. 
"You are different, in so many different ways," he says, though it feels as though he's speaking to himself, rather than you. 
He takes a step forward. Tiny, he barely even moved. And yet, the distance between the two of you has vanished completely. 
"You've always been. Different from everyone else. The only one." You can't tell if he cut himself off, or if there was truly nothing else to say. 
It was barely a kiss. His lips brushed against yours, barely touching. Soft, like he cherished you the most out of all his possessions. The gentleness of it all is enough for you to freeze. 
Then his hand curls around your waist, and you jolt back into your body. 
You splay your hands on his chest, pushing him away until you have enough momentum to step back. His loose hold on you falls away. You can't look at him, even when you can feel his stare burn into you. 
"Suguru," you say, because you're mind is still running to catch up to your heart, "I-we-" 
Your name being called stops your babbling. You don't think he saw, god you hoped he hadn't. When you look over, he's smiling, so you don't think he did. He was never one to hide his feelings. Still, you step away from Suguru, ignoring how stiff the man had become. 
"Hey," you say, mostly out of relief because you couldn't deal with this anymore. When he wraps you into a hug and a chaste kiss, you wordlessly accept. Suguru's gaze on your back only gets stronger. 
"Who's this?" he asks, gesturing at Suguru. Your smile falters as you glance at Suguru. His face was blank. He wasn't even smiling anymore as he continued to stare at your man. 
"A friend," you say before Suguru can make this already worse, "and he was just leaving." 
"Oh," he says, before smiling down at you. Delightfully oblivious. 
"We'll talk later, okay Suguru?" You send Suguru a hurried smile before dragging him into your shared flat. 
You lock the door behind you. He says something just then, you laugh, trying so hard not to sense Suguru's presence through the door. You don't think he leaves. Not for a good long while. 
You don't speak to Suguru, after that. 
You wince whenever you see his name through your contact list now, as though even seeing a remnant of him is painful. You don't go to the temple anymore. Your communication with the girls turns nonexistent. 
Suguru hasn't said anything to you either. The line has grown dead both ways. 
You feel guilty, even though you know it wasn't your fault, you still can't help but wonder if you could have done something different. Did you do something that made him think you were interested? You probably had, knowing how unaware you could be, sometimes. You couldn't help but feel ecstatic when the two of you reconnected again. You'd been so excited for Suguru, happy for him because he'd finally found his way. You didn't know he still liked you after all these years. It was a schoolyard crush, at least, it was supposed to be.
Looking back, you didn't think you'd even told Suguru that you were already seeing someone. One blunder after a blunder. 
It must have been embarrassing for him, you can't help but think. Even when he was younger, Suguru had always held onto his pride dearly. You don't know if your friendship could ever be the same after this, but you'd like to extend the olive branch. If he'd take it. 
You tell your boyfriend about the incident eventually. You know it's not your fault, but you still feel like it is. He takes it well, once you explain, looking at you sweetly. 
"I could tell something was going on between you and him," he says, "but thanks for telling me." 
"You aren't mad?" you ask, half-afraid of the answer. 
"At you? Course not. Him, however"- he made a swing motion with his fist "-he does something like that again and I'll punch his lights out." 
You laugh, knowing it's a joke, giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek. He beams. 
It takes a week of radio silence to forget about the mishap. You're humming a song you've forgotten the lyrics to when you arrive at your apartment. Your boyfriend said that he was coming home early tonight. You'd planned something quiet for the evening. A movie, cheap drinks. 
"Welcome home." Suguru grins. You freeze. 
He sits on the couch, splayed out like he belonged there. He's not wearing his priest garment, now garbed with a simple shirt and jeans. It takes a minute for you to figure out what you're looking at. Slowly, you close the door behind you. 
"Hey," you say, hoping your tone doesn't indicate just off-put by this encounter you are.
Suguru doesn't seem to mind your reluctance. 
"He let me in." Suguru points to somewhere behind you. Oh, your boyfriend is probably in the bathroom. "He was such a nice man. You were very lucky." 
"Thank you," you find yourself saying, "I am." 
His smile grows bigger, and you wonder if there's a joke you aren't let in on. Like he's saying something that's going right above your head. 
When you take a glance behind you, your partner is nowhere to be seen. It makes you wonder if you should say something to Suguru right now. Mend the bridge that's shattered between you. Currently, he seemed to be in a good mood. 
"Suguru," you start, taking a tiny step forward. You twiddle with your fingers. 
"Listen, I'm really sorry for how things went the last time we met. I just-" He hushes you, putting a finger to his lips. 
"You shouldn't air out your affairs in front of him like that," he tells you, "you might hurt his feelings." 
What? You look behind you again. Nothing. 
Suguru laughs. It sounds off. Wordlessly, he points behind you again but angles his finger a tiny bit higher. You follow his direction. 
Immediately, you wish you hadn't. 
He's in pieces, scattered all over the ceiling. A hand is above the door, a leg is above the kitchen. It's like his appendages were chopped before being glued onto the ceiling. There's no blood, just body parts. 
The worst part was that he was still alive. His head was still attached to his torso, the only part of him that was still intact. His mouth was open, his eyes were wide, and it took you a second that he was trying to tell you something. Repeating a word over and over. 
Your hand covers your mouth as you continue to stare up at him. What was left of him. You think your knees are threatening to give before Suguru's holding you up. You can feel him lead you towards the couch, sitting you down in the plush mattress. He curls an arm around you, letting out a sigh.
"I meant what I said." Suguru adjusts your hair. "He was such a nice man, for a monkey anyway."
It doesn't occur to you that Suguru had done this until he speaks. You'd known Suguru said he performed exorcisms in his temple. You didn't-you couldn't-
"You?" you can barely push the wavering words out, "you-how-Suguru-" 
He hushes you, drawing you closer to his body. You're completely dwarfed by him as he rests his head on your neck, breathing in your scent. You are barely coherent, sucking in air as your voice dissolves into sobs. 
"I would have liked it if things hadn't turned out this way," he sighs, "but I don't believe it would have turned out any differently." 
His tone is almost pitying. 
"You may be the exception, but you are still one of them. Unaware of the true hierarchy." Suguru hums. 
"That's alright. It wasn't your fault. You were simply born this way," he continues, "I don't mind teaching you." 
You wiggle, trying your hardest to get out of his grip. Suguru only clicks his tongue. A harsh grip on your waist is enough to still you. You can't understand what's going on, maybe you never will, but you know one thing. You let a monster back into your life. Geto Suguru was not the same person you knew when you were younger. 
Or perhaps, he was always this way. He was just better at hiding it, back then. 
"I'm sorry," you finally let out, "Suguru, I'm-I'm so so sorry. I'll do whatever-whatever you want. Anything just please please please-" 
"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for him," Suguru doesn't sound too apologetic, "though, I could put him out of his pain. Would you like that?" 
You didn't need him to elaborate. Suguru would kill him. Or perhaps he was already dead. His moving eyes, his twitching lips, were all just muscle memory. The last of his brain synapses. There was no science, no magic, that could bring him back from this. 
And maybe, that tiny selfish part of you wanted to stop seeing his mangled body. 
You nod and you can feel Suguru's grin. He snaps his fingers. The thing disappears, vanishes into mist. 
"All gone!" Suguru declares. "There. Isn't that better?" 
You wince when he touches your face, brushing away the tears. You're too scared to do anything more. You don't fight when he kisses your neck. You don't fight when he kisses your jaw. You don't fight when he kisses your lips. 
It's with the same gentleness as the last time he'd kissed you, right outside of your apartment. Soft, warm, loving. 
You start sobbing then. Ugly, heaving, heartbroken. He takes it in stride, humming as he pushes your body down until your back is pressed on the couch. His lips brush your damp cheek. 
"There's no need to be afraid." Through your tears, you can see him smiling down at you. "The worst has passed. I'll take care of you from now on." 
The worst part about all of this is how honest he sounds. Like he truly believes he's doing this for your good. It makes you wonder who the delusional one is. Him or you. 
He's tuts in sympathy as you lay there, shivering underneath him.
"You must be so confused, poor thing." He tilts his head, the back of his fingers stroking your cheeks. "I should explain, shouldn't I? Unfortunately, I'm more interested in other things right now."
You must look horrible, but Suguru doesn't seem to mind, bending down, melding your lips with his. He sighs, like he'd waited eons for this. You stiffen when you feel his hands play with the band of your skirt. As if he can feel your beginnings of struggle, he pulls back, staring you down. Brown, almost black, eyes peer down at you. There's a hint of a warning curling on his lip. 
You still immediately. If he could do that, what could he do to you?
"None of that," he chides, and yet he's so painfully gentle about it, "be good." 
What was he? How did he do this? How could he? You want to ask them all but you can only get one out when you lift your head, getting your voice to work. 
You don't know what you're asking. He clearly does. Another soft smile. You wish you could tear it off his face. 
"You were always the exception, even back then," He says quietly into the stale air of the apartment. His eyes drift and you wonder if he's remembering the you all those years ago, secretly passing pastries to him and Satoru, giggling at jokes only a highschooler could make. "The only one of the humans who didn't utterly disgust me." 
Fingers reach for the hem of your skirt, pushing it up your bare legs. 
"And it's natural, isn't it? To protect the exceptions, the rarities of the world," he says, "To keep them away from the impure." 
You start crying again. He patiently hushes you, kissing away your tears. This time, you don't bother putting up a fight. You just squeeze your eyes closed, flinching when he reaches to your inner thighs, feeling the cotton of your panties. His breath hitches. So does yours. 
He bypasses the cloth with two dexterous fingers. When he touches the skin, you flinch, trying to squeeze your thighs closed. It doesn't help. Suguru leans forward, you can feel his breath on your cheek as you shiver underneath him. He finds your clit, teasing it with a calloused thumb. You think you're mouthing it, even when you can't bring yourself to say it. Don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me. 
He doesn't listen. You don't know if he heard it or not. It didn't matter, either way. It wasn’t like he was planning to stop.
Despite how much you don’t want this, your body doesn’t listen. His touch is gentle, soothing on your pussy despite the horrors you’ve seen him do. It doesn’t take long for your cunt to adjust, dripping.
There’s a satisfied sigh above you and you know Suguru had felt it too.
One finger pushes into you. You gasp, curling your back, unprepared but Suguru’s giving a pleasant hum, easing you into it. Despite how humiliating this entire situation is, your one reprieve is being able to bury your head into his neck, keeping yourself there as he continues to have his way with your body. You can feel him kiss the crown of your head, an action that completely juxtapositions another finger entering your wet hole.
He’s gentle, but not slow. He fingerfucks you with earnestness, curling his fingers when your walls tighten around him. Your crying is interrupted by the reluctant moans and gasps every time he presses deeper into you, finding a spot that has you seeing stars behind your eyelids. You bit your lip, keeping the noises inward. He tuts at that.
“Don’t be shy,” he coos in your ear, “it’s okay to enjoy it. I want you to.”
As if to highlight his words, he gives another particularly intense push, you wince when you can hear the wet squelch of his fingers.
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Suguru asks, “I could always be this nice with you.” You let out a squeak when his thumb presses against your clit, unable to keep it in. Suguru gives a breathy laugh.
His other hand starts to explore, reaching up to your button-up, flicking them off with a single-experienced hand. The bra you wore is barely seductive, but Suguru’s tracing the ends of it anyway, touching the fabric just by your skin before pushing the undergarment down.
Whether it’s from the air or his fingers fucking your pussy, your tits are already sensitive. You let out a breathy whine when Suguru grips on of them too hard, squeezing the fat in his large hands.
“So sweet for me.” You can hear the smile on his lips.
Everything becomes too much, and before you can think, your hand is shooting down, grabbing onto his wrist, squeezing as hard as you can, your nails digging into his skin. Your other is pushing against his shoulder. He barely seemed to even notice, holding you down with his weight, thrusting in his fingers all the way to the knuckle.
“Suguru I-” It’s supposed to be another plea for him to stop, but your weak voice calling out his name only seems to excite him further. His thumb dances on your swollen clit, his fingers never relenting until he’s pushing you higher and higher until you fall.
White hot electric pleasure snaps within you, forcing your body to jolt, as you curl up from the sofa. You think he’s saying something, words of comfort as though he could be any crueler, but you’re not listening. You came so hard you almost forget where you are, who you’re with. You can feel Suguru watching until you fall against the cushion again, utterly spent. Your grip slackens against his wrist, before falling away completely.
“See? Didn’t I say I’ll take care of you?” You don't even have the energy to glare at him.
He’s giving another laugh, kissing your cheek before he’s leaning back. His fingers slip out of you, and then there’s a sucking sound. You can’t help it, blinking open your eyes. Suguru stares back at you, eyes half-mast, a pink tongue flicking out to lick at his fingers before he puts them in his mouth completely, swallowing down the evidence of your orgasm. A lewd moan escapes him, muffled. You once again wished you hadn’t looked.
You’re already expecting it, but you still flinch when you hear the zipper loud and clear. He moves his jeans low enough to pull out his cock. He’s already hard, a bead of precum right at the tip as he gives a few cursory pumps. He’s big, you blearily realize. Despite the mind-numbing orgasm he’d just given you, you doubt it’d be enough to even take him.
“It won’t fit,” you find yourself whispering.
Suguru just hums in acknowledgement, giving you a knowing look as he finishes tugging off your panties. The fabric slides off your shaking leg before dropping onto the carpeted floor.
It’s too late for a fight, but you’re rising anyway, pressing your hands against the cushions, trying to create some space. Suguru is quick to shut it down again, leaning back into you as he palms himself some more.
“You’ll be alright,” he assures but it doesn’t help the panic the fear in your soul, “I cherish you too much to break you.”
With little effort, he spreads your thighs. His cock rubs against you once, twice, before entering your throbbing pussy.
Already it’s too much. He’s thick, stretching out your walls, threatening to rip you in half. You close your eyes again, squeezing them shut as the pain starts to edge a little too close to bloody. Helpless, your hand finds his shoulder, not pushing but digging your nails into his shirt. He purrs when you grip him tighter, moving until he’s seated fully into you.
He stays like that, keeping himself there as your walls squeeze him tighter. It’s almost a relief that it ended, but now, he’s taken everything.
“Look at me.”
His voice is rough, almost a rasp, an order. You find yourself obeying. Through your tears, you blink up at him, finding his gaze.
He stares down at you, a look of satisfaction in his eyes and you don’t think you are yours anymore.
He pulls back, your cunt tries to suck him back in, but he drags his cock out anyway until only his head is barely inside.
“Perfect,” Suguru murmurs as though it’s a secret not even you should hear, “absolutely perfect.”
You cry out when he pushes back in. It’s a gentle pace, slow and steady like he’s easing you into it. He’s being kind, you finally realize, a thought that makes your skin crawl. It’s so much worse than if he had been nasty. Harsh and biting with thrusts that would make your body sore and weak afterwards. If he was abusive, not caring about you, just his own pleasure. You wish Suguru was being mean, being cruel. At least then, you wouldn’t like it.
Despite the unexpected size, your body is adjusting. Pain ripples into reluctant pleasure, numbing your mind as his hips meet yours. It gets even worse when Suguru leans down, biting and sucking at your tits, enough for there to leave a mark. Something that will bruise and remind you of what he did.
“You don’t know how long I wanted this,” he’s saying somewhere above you but your head is swimming and you can’t focus where you want to, “how long I’ve wanted you like this.”
Suguru sits up again, grabbing one of your legs, hiking your hips up so his cock can go that much deeper inside of you. You babble something that you yourself can’t decipher. Suguru’s lips curl into another painfully soft smile.
“Ever since highschool,” he’s confessing like he’s a sinner and you’re his God but you know that isn’t true because what sort of god would be humiliated like this? “Remember that apron you wore?”
His hand reaches over, spreading over your pussy, stretching the fatty part of your cunt so he can have a better view of him disappearing inside of you.
“I always wondered what you’d look like wearing nothing but that on, spread out on the counter for me.”
He flicks your clit, and for the second time that day, you can feel yourself crashing. As though he can sense it, his thrusts shorten, grinding against your pussy and there’s a hand catching your chin, forcing you to look.
Suguru’s smile is gone, replaced by a snarl that promises to eat you alive. His eyes are blown wide, and he’s gritting his teeth, barely holding control by a hair.
“Come for me.”
You’re too far gone to do anything but listen.
You stutter in his grasp, arching your back, cumming with a breathy whine. It’s like a tide, pushing you out into sea, refusing to take you in. Unconsciously, the leg he holds tightens around his waist as you pulse around his cock.
He follows after, barely holding himself together, not when your cunt is milking him for all its’ worth. There’s a few particularly harsh thrusts before something warm and sticky fills your battered pussy before he's falling into you, pressing your body against the soft cushions.
You lay there, panting with him on top of you. Slowly, you come back to yourself, feeling your arms your legs. Your brain resets, and you’re suddenly remembering that you have a murderer’s cock inside of you.
Suguru’s face is buried in your neck. He gives a shaky kiss to your jaw; another on the corner of your lips. You can only stare at the ceiling, where the remnants of a body used to be.
"You know, the girls have always wanted a mother," Suguru's saying into your skin.
"I'm sure they will be very pleased with my choice."
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itsmearia01 · 4 months
Past Love || Prolog
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Various! Yandere! Jujutsu kaisen x Sukuna's past wife! Itadori's best friend! F! Reader
A/N : English is not my first language, sorry if there are some wrong words. (btw, here Sukuna is considered as king and you considered as the queen) And there are some OCs that I added to add more drama. Hope you like it!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 1
Series summary : You always get the same nightmare over and over every night. You feel annoyed but can't do anything about it. On the other hand, your best friend who suddenly becomes the vessel of a cursed king brings your nightmares to reality. You don't know what happened but the people around you started acting strangely.
Series warnings : Non-con, dub-con, yandere, stalking, kinks, gaslighting, blackmail, overtism, smut, NSFW, Minors DNI, all character 18+ (but first years still first year, try to make sense), sex, rough sex, oral sex, dom/sub dynamics, blood, manipulation, corruption, mind break, forced relationship, yandere character being their own warning, mind control, possessive, kidnapping. ⚠️Jujutsu kaisen character was not my original, credit to Gege Akutami as original author! There's a few OC as my originally made character. If you don't like/ you hate this kind of story, please go.
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(Y/N) (L/N) or now known as Ryomen Sukuna's wife. That night was a wedding between you and Sukuna. Your father, who is the only parent you have now, is the figure behind all of this. It all started with him make you engaged to hundred year old demon when you were 12 years old. And now you are 18 years old, which means it's time to get married.
Many important people come, make you have to smile throughout the event. And when it all ends, that night you ended up at your bedroom alone. You reflect on all the things happened.
They think you're happy, they all think you love him. All this time you have to act like you can't live without Sukuna. You have to act like you love him. No, of course you don't love him. You admit he's quite hot, but he's not your type. You don't like mean, psychopathic men. You like gentle and loving men.
Your father always forced you to be obsessive with Sukuna and act like you love him. So you always hurting women who tease him because your father told you to. But you can't do much if Sukuna wants those women. So you are the antagonist.
You're 100% sure he's with one of his mistresses now. As the first wife of Ryomen Sukuna, everyone is sorry for you because he likes to sleep with other women. But you don't mind it, you don't care. But THEY CARE, those who think you love him.
"What should I say to your majesty?"
You hear the waiters talking behind the wall, you start to focus on listening.
"Did lord Sukuna slept with his lover?" Ask someone you recognize as your personal guard now. "Yes. I have to immediately bring this dinner to queen (Y/N)."
Not long after the conversation ended, your bedroom door was opened. "excuse me queen, this is your dinner." He said while put down the tray of your dinner. "Thank you, did he slept with his mistress?" you ask.
The butler raised his head, looking at you with pitying eyes. "I-That's right, Your Highness." he answered nervously. You sighed and told him to leave. Before leaving the room, he look at you with pity once again.
Several months passed, nothing special. He always looks at you disgusted, because he also thinks you're obsessed with him. When you meet Sukuna, he always with his concubines and those concubines always grin at you.
You have to be patient, this is for your family.
That day, he suddenly call you and everyone to the great hall. He was with a woman as usual, but something was different.
"I want to make this women, as my first wife." He said. Everyone was shocked. Because if he wants to make that woman his first wife, it means that she will replace your position. You saw the woman smiling innocently, but you can see her grin.
Because Sukuna wanted to make that woman his first wife, all support for you disappeared and turned to that woman. After your father investigated the woman named Yurika Sato, a illegitimate daughter of a lowly noble who went bankrupt.
The thing that made he attracted to her was because of her innocence. Sukuna really likes innocent women and really hates rude women like you. And just as you'd think, Sukuna will eventually replace you and take Yurika as his first wife.
But you realize this is your chance to escape. You tell your father that you will run away and he agrees. Just in time for the wedding between Sukuna and Yurika, you packed up your things and leave a farewell note. Finally, after everything Sukuna did to you from betrayal, his harsh words, and other acts of cruelty that you received from him, you are finally free.
You and your father still communicating by letter and he bought you a house that is not big but still very nice. Now you live in a village and sell cakes you make by yourself.
Until one day something special happens in your life. At that time you were walking around in the market suddenly you hit bye someone and fell. When you look at that person it was a tall handsome man.
"Sorry, I'm really sorry." He says. Reaching out his hand to help you up. And that's when you were get to know to him. It was strange that an aristocratic family name was used by a commoner like him. You were suspicious, but you were a person who believed easily when he said that he completely unrelated to nobles, he happened to share the same last name.
He work as a doctor in this village.
Months have passed and now you know him better, you start developed romantic feelings for each other.
One day he proposed to you and you happily accepted. It's been a month since you were married and you read a letter from your father explaining that the capital in chaos. There are so many evil curses attacking everything around.
You want to go there, but hampered by your body feeling unwell. You keep feeling nauseous and vomiting, your menstruation hasn't come since a month ago. You finally checked secretly with other doctors in the village. Unfortunately, it took a few days to find out.
Three days have passed and there is still no news about the results. Due to getting another letter from your father and worrying about him, you finally decide to go to the capital that day without your husband knowing.
But you don't realize that will be where it ends. You didn't find your father at your family's residence, and you immediately went to Sukuna's residence. You find your father fighting a curse and behind him is Sukuna. When your father neglects to help the others, sukuna who somehow looks very weak is attacked by a special grade curse.
Time went fast, you ran trying to protect Sukuna's body and in the end the curse attack hit your stomach. You lay down weakly and heard screams of your father, Sukuna, and your husband who somehow were there. You see them approaching you and screaming for someone to heal you. And what surprised you the most was when your husband shouted, "SHE'S PREGNANT!"
It's too late. You was already unconscious and fell asleep forever.
You wake up from your sleep, the dream is again in your mind. You quickly looked at the time and realized that you would be late for school. You hurry up and get ready for school. Go downstairs and find your father and sibling eating in the dining room.
You grabbed a loaf and rushed out of the house ignoring your father's screams telling you to come back.
And this is your life now, (Y/N) (L/N) the only one daughter of a rich family which has one of the most successful companies in the world.
On the way to school, you keep imagining the dreams you've had every day since you were 12 years old until now. No matter how much you deny it, You know that it's not just a dream but an incident that happened in the past. Maybe it was your past life.
To be continued
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A/N : Hello! This is the end of the prologue, once again English is not my first language, btw your family won't be featured much in the next chapters, so it's okay if you don't have any siblings to imagine in the story. Sorry if there are any wrong words. I feel it's too long for prolog, so I'm sorry but hope you like this story and waiting for the first chapter! Banners credit to @cafekitsune !
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inkykeiji · 20 days
But also the thought of big brother Touya noticing you usually steal his shoes to run outside, and he loves it. But this one time he catches you and you hadn’t even realised that you’ve snatched Natsuo’s— but Touya noticed…
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JOOOOOO this ask sent me into a fucking fit and i wrote an embarrassing amount about it i am so sorry (but also thank you for such a brilliant idea it had me reeling for days ily ily ily)
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, stepcest, noncon, touya is Awful, unrealistic amounts of cum, one (1) mention of implied underage, minimal prep, slight dacryphilia, fem!reader, implied physical abuse, rough sex words: 2.4k
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You don’t notice—and, truth be told, you wouldn’t have noticed, had Touya not made such a big fucking deal out of it. 
But, as always, that just isn’t his style. 
A heavy, dirty palm claps over your mouth the moment you re-enter the mudroom, smothering the scream of surprise punched from your chest as another strong arm wraps around your waist, pulling you back against a broad chest. 
“Shut up,” your eldest brother growls in your ear, though amusement tinges the edges of his words, demand spit through a grin. 
Using his bodyweight, he manhandles you toward the steadily humming washing machine, spinning you around to face him just before he traps you against it, vibrating edge digging into your back.
“Jesus, Touya!” you heave out, a palm held flat over your heart in an attempt to calm it. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“Y’know, I really can’t believe you’d do this to me,” he laments, an exaggerated pout molding his scarred lips. “I thought I was your favourite brother.” 
“What?” your lashes flutter in quick succession, forehead warping with confusion. “You are? You know you are, you always have been—”
“That so? Who’s shoes are on your feet right now?” 
Looking down, your gaze lands on Natsuo’s tattered white sneakers—a stark contrast to Touya’s worn-in combat boots, or Touya’s fraying, battered Vans—and realization smooths your brow. 
Oh no. 
Head snapping up quickly, an explanation begins to bubble in your throat, stalled by the sudden ice in your veins, your heart plummeting through your ribcage. 
“O-Oh! Uh, I-I’m sorry—I just grabbed them—I wasn’t paying attention—”
“So you’ll just slip your feet in anyone’s shoes?” 
The innuendo infusing his snarky tone doesn’t go unnoticed and your eyes narrow, face puckered up with something sour.
“Of course not,” you spit, chin tilting up a little. 
A hum of incredulity vibrates in his throat, head quirked. “Doesn’t seem that way.” 
Your features flatten, fixing your big brother with an unimpressed look, though your heart is still in your stomach, pounding away irregularly. 
You’re sure he can feel it, throbbing in your gut, his hips pressing further into your own, demanding an answer.
“Touya, they’re shoes. They mean nothing. It was an innocent mistake—”
“Prove it.”
“Prove what?” you frown, voice beginning to strain beneath desperation. “It was an accident, meaning that it was unintended, not deliberate, like—”
“Prove to me that I’m your favourite brother.”
A pang sears through your chest, features falling as if he had just physically struck you, appalled that he would even insinuate such a thing, as if he could ever not be your favourite, and your response comes out harsher than you intend, scathing your tongue. 
“I prove that to you every fucking night.” 
Sapphire flares, engulfing pinprick pupils, the hinges of his jaw flexing with a slow, controlled exhale. It wafts across your face, chills skittering after it as dread unfurls, thick and sticky, in the pit of your stomach, engulfing your heart in a tarry, suffocating embrace. 
“Y’know, that mouth of yours is real filthy,” he begins, eyes lidded with a practiced indifference, not enough to hide the flames glimmering in his irises.
Of course your mouth is; it’s routinely glazed by your eldest brother’s tongue, your teeth lacquered in thick spit stained with spice and ash—irrevocably soiled, ruined, forever his.
A response blazes on your tarnished tongue—something you try to keep locked away behind two rows of ivory, something you try to snuff out, muscle pressed hard against the roof of you mouth—but it’s too hot, it’s too strong, melting past your teeth to ooze from your lips, venom and syrup.
“Oh, yeah? What’re you gonna do about it?”
You expect a backhand for such a rude response, face preemptively wincing as the phantom of sharp knuckles and metal rings caresses your cheek, but he just smirks, eyes lazily sweeping to the sink crammed between the machines, zeroing in on a thick bar of soap. 
“Oh, I’ve got some ideas.” 
You’re too slow, too weak, too stupid to escape it—or, rather, he’s too fast, too tough, too smart to allow such a mistake, a fluid flash of ivory and crystal as he leans forward, palm already clasping around the bar when you try to wriggle from below his body, his free hand catching your jaw and yanking you to back toward him, hard enough to give you whiplash. 
Pain sears down your spine, a yelp splintering in your throat, body gone pliant beneath your big brother’s touch. 
Head shaking, your jaw clenches under callused fingertips in defiance, molars grinding together.
“I said, open,” he growls, expertly squeezing the hinges, mouth popping open easily without your permission.
You should’ve known he’d do that, a trick he learned when you were teenagers, a trick he’s been exploiting ever since. 
The bar shoves past your teeth, scraping against the edges, thick curls of soap collecting in the divots of your cheeks. 
A bitterness explodes on your tongue, flattened to the underside of the bar, and your features scrunch up in distaste, nose wrinkling, eyes shut tight.
“Keep it in there,” he says, thumb pressing it in a little further, huffing out a chuckle at your responding gag. “If you spit it out before I cum, I’ll tie it to your goddamn mouth and fuck you again, y’hear me?” 
Azure eyes search your face, slow and calm as they wait for you to nod your understanding. Then he’s smirking, something smug and arrogant curdling the corners of his lips, and he’s spinning you around, grip rough and harsh as he pins you between the machine and his body, and he’s kicking at your inner ankles, toes forcing your legs further apart, knees slipping between your own, keeping them pried open. 
“You know,” he’s saying conversationally, hands unhurried as they creep up your dress, the hem beginning to bunch around his wrists. “I’ve always found it so cute when you act as if you don’t want this.” 
Fingers crawl between your spread thighs, muscles tensing around his as if they’d like to snap shut, his own strong legs urging yours wider. 
Two digits find your hole, drenched and desperate, rubbing circles into it through the lace of your panties—massaging, tips just barely dipping inside, snorting out something sick and cruel as your empty cunt pulses and flutters, a poor attempt to suck them in further.
He plays with you for a breath, gathering the fabric between his forefinger and a thumb, peeling the sticky material from where it was clinging to your folds. 
Holding it taut, he lets your shame build, flushing hot through your blood, pinpricks sprouting across your skin, Touya waiting for that telltale whimper before finally allowing it to slap back wetly, another little snicker dripping from his lips. 
Callused pads find your clit, puffy and yearning and jumping beneath his touch. He brushes against it—a crude apology of sorts—then clamps down on the swollen nub, something high and pitchy cracking in your throat.
“It’s always so hot,” he speaks over your cry, grip strengthening, “when you act as if this doesn’t turn you own just as much as it turns me on.”
Jerking forward, his hips grind into your ass, hard cock pressed tightly to supple flesh. His jaw latches over your shoulder, chin digging into your collarbone and keeping you in place.
“So don’t stop, ‘kay?”
Your head nods; automatic, instinctual, unable to resist even if you wanted to.
Because yeah, sure, he’s fucking sick, but you’re just as bad, ailed with the same illness, contracted from the same diseased household, the both of you growing, festering, in the same putrified environment—nurtured there, poisoned there, by each other, for each other. 
And so, you obey, you perform, body thrashing against his own, palms planted on the top of the washer pushing back hard, his cock twitching in response. 
Yeah, yeah, keep fighting him. 
The sound that rattles in his chest is dark, dangerous, lips spread into a wide grin. One of his hands curls around the back of your neck, grip hard enough to stutter the blood in your jugulars, before he slams your head down against the machine, skull bouncing a little with the impact. 
The force nearly sends the soap skittering from your mouth, eyes widening as you manage to catch it with your teeth, drawing it back in. His palm skims down your spine, splayed flat on the small of your back, pinioning you in place.
His cock breaches you suddenly, one sharp, swift thrust to bury him to the hilt, head jammed tight against your cervix. It fucking stings, delicate skin splitting as your hole stretches, strains, struggles to swallow him whole, desperate to succeed, to submit. 
You choke on a gasp, the soap wedged in your mouth making it difficult to inhale, and Touya laughs, cruelness curling on his tongue. 
His other hand wraps around your waist, fingertips snapping tiny capillaries beneath their touch, using the leverage to pull you back as his hips hammer forward, each drive of his cock jostling your entire body, the edge of the machine jabbing your tummy.
It’s ruthless right from the start, just as it always is with Touya, cock pounding into you hard and fast and deep, the sharp slap of his pelvis against your ass rivalling the steady rumble of the machines. 
The soap is already starting to slip again, melting in the heat of your mouth, eroded by the saliva drooling in thick strings from the corners, and you whine, teeth sinking further into the softening bar, a feeble attempt to hold it in place. 
Even now, you’re still so eager to please him. 
But it’s hard to hone your concentration on the slick bar between your lips when Touya’s consistently ramming against that swollen patch of flesh buried deep within you, cockhead rolling over that spot in quick little motions, in time with the piston of his hips. 
Sparks of pleasure quiver down your legs, each thrust sending another bout flooding through your veins, a dense, hot heat beginning to furl in the pit of your stomach. 
It feels so good, muffled moans seeping past the seam of your stretched lips, fingers curling around the corners of the washing machine, nails scraping metal as you try to anchor yourself, weakly pushing back against your big brother, begging for more. 
It’s a shame your big brother knows your body so well.
“Don’t you dare,” he pants out, purposefully angling his hips so he stops brushing up against that spot, his next thrust missing it completely. “Bad little sisters don’t get to cum on their big brother’s cock, don’t you know?” 
The denial burns your eyes, a stringy, contorted wail of his name wavering around the soap as a thick shield of tears blurs your vision, nose twitching with a sniffle. 
“Yeah, yeah, cry about it, baby,” he mocks, the edges of his letters gone wispy, sounding more like a plead than a demand. “It’s your own fault; if you weren’t such a disrespectful little brat then maybe niichan would’ve let you cum.” 
You hate being told no by anyone, but you hate being told no by Touya the most.
It hurts, chest aching with rebuff, but your body does as he asks anyway, incapable of disobeying a direct order from its owner, tears spilling past your lashes to pool in little puddles on the metal.
You try to say please, to beg so prettily, with glittering lashes beaded with tears and sweet little niichan’s hiccuping your ribs, but the wiggling of your tongue causes the soap to slip again, a sweet yelp of concern trembling in your throat as your teeth dig in deeper, jaw tensing, cheeks hollowing around the bar in an attempt to suck it further into your mouth.
The agony doesn’t last long, though, your combined obedience and weeping and the grumbling vibrations from the machine enough have Touya cumming quickly. 
You should’ve known that would happen, too, Touya now a seasoned pro in the art of the quickie, a feat achieved through years of practice, in family game closets and your personal shower and the backseat of his car. 
Two more pumps before his cock is throbbing almost violently, his hips stammering to a stop, flexors pressed flush to your ass as he fills you to the brim with hot, thick cum. 
The moment he’s got nothing else to give, finished stuffing your cunt full of his rotten seed, he’s pulling out despite your whines of protest, knees hitting tile as his hands curl around your thighs, nails dimpling plush flesh, carving crescents of angry purple as he wrenches them further apart. 
Dollops of cream cascade down your inner legs, his thumbs sure to move out of their way as they lazily roll past, unobstructed. 
“Don’t move,” he breathes, voice infused with a sick sort of awe as his head tilts, spine curving uncomfortably while he follows them down your calves, watching as they trickle right into Natsuo’s shoes. 
“Fuck,” he nearly whines, nose nuzzling into the back of your knee, lips dragging across your skin as he speaks again. “D’y’think you can squeeze some more out f’me?” 
Yes, niichan, of course, niichan, anything for you, niichan. 
Empty hole contracting around nothing and muscles in your gut tensing, you manage to wring more of the sticky substance from your body, sending another torrent of cum flowing down your legs in silky streams to soak into, to stain, Natsuo’s soles. 
A praise sticks in Touya’s throat, garbled and heavy, his tongue smoothing along the residual streaks gleaming on your skin, sopping up the remnants of his pleasure, painting over them with a thick salve of saliva. 
“There,” he’s murmuring when he gets to his feet again, nose trailing along the curve of your neck with a single deep inhale, lips planting a chaste kiss to your earlobe. “That should be enough to remind you to never make such a careless mistake ever again, right?” 
Your head turns, nose bumping against his own, wet eyes blinking twice. Waiting. 
Something sinister smears across your big brother’s lips, crystal eyes shimmering as they watch his fingers dislodge the bar from your mouth, clumps of soap clinging to the edges of your teeth. 
“Yes, niichan,” you say immediately, voice wrecked and raw, the confirmation grating on your throat.
A thumb rubs along your front teeth, smudging the soap in a crude caress, his gaze mollifying slightly. 
“That’s my good little sister.” 
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mamayan · 5 months
Hi! Can you do a yandere hawks please?
My first request for Hawks~ Of course Nonnie~♡
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Yandere Keigo Takami x GN! Darling
For Your Safety
cw: NSFW • Obsessive/Possessive Themes • Abuse of power • Gaslighting • Stalking/Breaking & Entering • Noncon/Forced relationship • Pet names • Delusional Themes • Sub! Reader
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You shouldn’t have answered the door.
You opened it without even checking through the peephole, to find no one else but the infamous pro-hero Hawks standing on your door step.
“Hello~ Ya know, sorry to bother you so late but…,” he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, eyes closed in a harmless sign as he raises his free hand up sheepishly, “I got a call for a health and wellness check for you.”
Those sharp yellow orbs were like a predators as he opened his eyes.
“You wouldn’t be in any danger…would you?” His voice drops an octave, and you immediately feel the danger you’re in the second pieces of a puzzle begin falling together.
The feathers you’d find in your home. The feeling of being watched constantly. The strange and delusional love letters.
You weren’t anything special. So why was this happening to you?
“N-no… I’m okay, th-thank you though—,” you can’t close the door, his foot wedged between the little opening.
“You sure? You seem a little nervous~ you wouldn’t mind if I came in and just checked around right?” That smile is anything but harmless, lips angled up in a grin that doesn’t reach his hard and calculating eyes.
Boxes of unfinished packing rests in your nearly empty living room. The last moving truck gone for the day, back tomorrow morning for the last few loads to your new apartment in a different city.
“I’m fine, really, I don’t think—,” then you’re on your ass and the door is opening. He’s not a big man, in fact, his stature is average at best, but the complete lack of strength used by Hawks proves he’s more than meets the eye.
“I really wasn’t asking chickadee~” then your door is closing and the deadbolt locking in place.
He appreciates the view you’re offering him, sat on your butt on the floor and looking up at him with tears brimming in your depths.
“Aww~ don’t worry baby, I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.” He coos at your fear, even placing his hands on his knees and bending down like one might to a toddler. “See, I just got worried when I saw you were making such a big move, all by yourself, you know?” He’s following you as you shuffle back on your hands, hands in his pockets casually and he looks at all the quick work you’d put in to getting out of town as quickly as possible.
“Really hurts my feelings, ya know? Man, it’s a pain too, calling up the moving company and having them change addresses. They overcharge these days.” Not that money was even a problem for him, he just enjoyed the terrified realization dawning on you. He loves the attention, the focus you give him now, as if a bomb could go off but you wouldn’t notice with how centered you were on him.
“It’s okay baby, I know change can make us do stupid things, it seems scary now, huh?” He’s got you backed against a wall, crouching down to your level on his haunches as he gives you what seems like a reassuring smile. “I’m a forgiving guy, so I won’t hold this time against you.”
“Why…?” His head tilts in amusement as you ask the one question driving you crazy.
“Why what, chickadee? You’ll need to be more specific for me.”
“Why this… why me…?” He’s smiling genuinely this time, cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. Then he’s closing in on you, cool thin lips pressed against your warm tear soaked cheeks as he speaks lowly.
“You’re just so pathetic, how can I leave you alone? Always so clumsy, never paying attention to your surroundings, so weak. You’d be dead without my supervision. I like you though, even if you’re incapable of existing without me, so sweet and cute.” It doesn’t matter that you’re sobbing, he’s merely hushing you and dragging you to your bedroom, mattress on the floor without your bed frame.
“It’s okay, chickadee~ you’re good for something at least!” He chirps happily, tossing you on the bed with a smile as he goes for his pants. “I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful mate, staying home and safely inside is the best for you anyway.” He’s crazy, truly delusional as he strips shamelessly before you, stroking his hard cock with a wild gleam in his eyes.
Red feathers dust the ground as he grabs you before you can escape, easily tearing off your clothing as you beg and sob for this to stop.
“Shh, it’s okay now, I’ve got you, you don’t need to scared anymore~♡” Not even for a second considering what you fear is him.
Even as he tears multiple orgasms from you, fingering your hole and licking you wet and sloppy, you still cry.
“Look at this chickadee, look how full you are!” He’s elated when he stuffs his thick cock inside you, stretching your poor hole out around his girth while he moans above you. All you can do is muffle your own pleasured moans into the sheet, shame washing you as your body so easily gives in to his touch despite your begging for him to stop.
“Please, Hawks, no more—!” Your pleas only spur him on, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy as you clamp down tight on his cock. “Just like that baby, gonna fill you up, make you mine.” He’s fucking you hard and fast, going as deeply as possible each thrust like he’s trying to imprint the shape of it inside you.
He laughs at your tears, huffing against your pudgy swollen cheeks and licking a strip up your face to taste the salty bitter liquid. “You need to cum again baby? That what you need?” He doesn’t notice or doesn’t care when you shake your head, shifting to sandwich his hand between you and working you over into another harsh orgasm that makes you see white.
“Fuck—that’s it chickadee, milk my cock, so fucking tight—,” his balls slap against your ass as he feels his orgasm approach, sticky with your cum and fluids as he finally settles deep and releases thick spurts of cum inside you.
“No!” You whine, trying to pull away.
“Yes!” He hisses, panting and sweating as his wings spread wide and cover your form like a protective blanket as he collapses on you, pinning you down.
He’s happy to kiss and fuck any lingering tears away until you’re pliant and doughy. Easily movable as he works to get you dressed again for the trip to your new home. He sleeps good that night knowing you’re tucked safe in his nest.
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Dividers by the lovely @benkeibear
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Day 31 | Gangbang - Pantalone, Tartaglia, Pierro, Dottore, and Scaramouche
Kinktober Masterlist
AFAB Reader
Word count: 4,791
18+, dubcon/noncon, manipulation, lovebombing, blowjobs, vaginal sex, rough, spanking, gangbang, reader ends up spending a lot of time with Pantalone, not proofread
A/n: just a quick note, lovebombing and isolating (as well as guilt triping) are real tactics used by abusive people, remember that this is a dark fic and this is not sexy irl. Also, it's 4:41 am. This will be posted in about 3 hours. I rushed to get this done in time so the last third is rushed. I might go back and edit it.
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You walked in the streets of Monstadt. You swallowed and tried to keep down the building sobs. Blurred colors filled your eyes, but it was easy enough to tell where you were going.
You looked down and shook your head. You were okay. Everything was okay. Don't cr-
A sudden force slammed into you. Or probably the other way around. You stepped back and focused on the person you bumped into. You hadn’t realized you had started walking faster with each thought.
He had long black hair and glasses on a thoughtful face. The accessories he wore looked fairly expensive. Overall, his appearance was a unique blend of beautiful and handsome.
“Sorry. I guess I wasn’t looking.” You turned your face away. You didn’t want him to see the tears in your eyes.
His eyebrows raised. “Is something wrong?”
"It's nothing." You take a breath in, but it turns into a sniffle.
He hummed and watched you for a moment. He began to walk. “Follow me.”
“Huh?” You look at him.
He paused his walk to look back at you. “I’m going to treat you. Good Hunter’s?”
Your eyebrows scrunched together. “Why would you do that?”
He smiled. “Do I need a reason?" He sighed. "But, if you don't want to, I suppose I'll have to go alone."
You guessed it wouldn't hurt. "Okay."
You followed him and sat across from him. He inquired about what you wanted and bought it for you. You felt the stares of passers by, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. The delicious flavor of the food helped to calm you down. But now that you were calm, you were tired.
You were a little over half way done with your meal when he said something again.
"Is everything alright?"
You shrug. You just met him, but you really wanted to get it off your chest. It was killing you to have no one to vent to. To just listen and be there for you. It wouldn't be the end of the world if you told a stranger you'd probably never meet again.
You let out a heavy breath. "I… lost someone important to me."
It hurt to even think about, but it felt good to finally say it. Like a literal weight had been lifted.
He nodded with an apologetic smile. “I see. I’m sorry to hear that.”
You nodded and your eyes rested on the food that was growing cold. Your hands rested on either side of the plate. “It’s,” you swallow, “not nice.”
“As I would expect.” He sat back and glanced up at the sky. “If you could say anything to the gods right now, what would it be?”
You freeze at the sudden unrelated question. Confusion turned into contemplation as you genuinely considered the question. You turn it over in your mind until one phrase solidifies itself in your mind.
“It’s not fair.” You take another bite and chew.
“Unfortunately, life isn’t fair.”
“It shouldn’t have to be,” you mumble.
“You’re right.”
You look up at him. He wasn’t giving you a lecture. Or telling you that it was just the way things were. Like you were used to.
“It’s a terrible thing that shouldn’t have happened to you,” he added. There was a sadness in his eyes. “If you could have anything, materialistic at least, to make you feel better, what would it be?”
You thought for a moment. It would be something to distract you. Something you loved. You answered with something you wanted for your hobby. Slowly you elaborated. Why that item would distract you and be fun. Why this made you so happy and everything about it that you thought was cool. And he listened. For a little bit, you forgot your troubles. You felt better.
Eventually, you had to part ways
Later, you find a package at your door and open it up to find the thing you mentioned and a letter.
You opened the letter. It said, "I saw this on sale and thought of you. I hope it brings you joy and that you feel better soon." From there it asked a few questions about your hobby. It ended with the signature. "-Pantalone, Regrator" There was also a return address.
The Fatui Harbinger? Was that who you spent your afternoon with? It would explain the stares. Your temporary shock of fear was replaced with comfort. Despite the things you'd heard about the Fatui, he was so kind and truly seemed to understand you.
You hugged the letter as gently as you could. A huge grin appeared on your face when you looked back at your present. You scooped it up on your arms and walked inside.
Pantalone walked down the halls. Back in Sneznaya for instruction from the Tsarita. Your letter in his pocket. He'd write a reply that evening and send it off. It was quite a treat meeting you.
He couldn’t help but smile. Apparently it was noticed.
“What are you smiling about? Swindle someone out of their money?” Tartaglia, who had been walking in the opposite direction, said.
“No,” he said, smile ever present. “I simply found a cute, little person.”
“Yes. I’d like you to come with me back to Sneznaya.”
It’d been a few months since you started exchanging letters. Those letters and kind words and small gifts were the best things in your life. They filled you with so much joy each time you received them, even more so when you read that he was visiting again. You barely restrained yourself from hugging him. He put his hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. And during your conversation, he mentioned wanting you to come back with him.
“I think you’d like it, but you’d best bring your best coat.”
“Mmm.” You bit your lip. “I don’t know.”
“I’d like it if you would. It’ll only be for a little bit.” He watched you. “Is there anything you need to stay here for?”
You bit harder. Your eyes rested on the ground. You didn’t… have a reason not to go. And it would probably be fun, right?
And now you were there. In a world of stark, cold white. The only color was in the city you finally arrived in.
Sneznaya was about as cold as you expected. What you didn’t expect was exactly how hard it was to handle the cold. You shivered in your heaviest coat you owned. Thankfully, Pantalone noticed your state and draped his large coat over you.
He showed you the markets. Your eyes lit up at the sight. All of the different things for sale. He noticed whenever something caught your eye and bought It for you. You always told him that you didn’t need them, he insisted. He would have shown you more, but you were too cold for it. He offered to let you stay inside the rest of the day and you accepted.
You walked side by side to somewhere he promised would be warmer. On the way, a red haired man locked eyes with you. He looked between you and Pantalone and walked up. You shrank away, nearly tempted to step behind Pantalone.
“Hey,” he casually waved.
“Childe,” Pantalone stopped in his tracks.He stared at the intruder with his lips pressed into a thin line with a strained smile. This was the first time you’d ever seen him like that. “Hello. To what do we owe the honor?”
“I just wanted to welcome you back and welcome your friend here,” he turned his gaze to you. “Is this your 'cute, little person' you were talking about?”
Despite the cold, your face burned.
"I've heard many great things about you." He winks.
You shrank back in embarrassment with an awkward smile.
“Don't pay him any mind,” Pantalone said. "This is Childe, the eleventh Harbinger."
Your eyes widen and look him up and down.
"You look like you've never seen a Harbinger before," he teased.
"I just wasn't expecting it," you said.
"What? Do I not look like one-?"
"Childe, as much as I appreciate your friendly manner," Pantalone sharply inhaled, "we best get going."
"I'll join you," Childe said, walking beside you.
"Really? Don't you have things you need to get done?" You were fairly certain the life of a Harbinger was busy
"I got time."
"Joy," Pantalone said quietly.
"Glad you think so," Childe said.
You snorted. Childe's mischievous smile grew and he patted your shoulder. You turn your head to Pantalone. Every time you were happy he seemed to share in the joy. But his expression stayed the same. Almost looking at you with… disappointment. Or anger. He turned his gaze in front of him, leaving you to wonder if you had imagined it. Or maybe you misinterpreted it. Or maybe he was just mad at Childe. That was probably it.
Childe made some light conversation on the way there. Eventually you entered a fairly large building. Thank the the Archons it was warm inside, or at the very least warmer. Near the entrance was a room with a fireplace. You rush to it and stand by the fire. Rotating your hands. You backed your hands away and rubbed them when they felt like they were burning from the sudden temperature change.
You looked around the room. There was no one there. However, you heard, who you believed to be, Childe walking in the next room.
You sat on the couch closest to the fire while rubbing your arms. The furniture looked expensive. The couch's wood frame was smooth and reflected light like glass. The fabric was white and accented with images of flowers.
Childe came back with a cup that steamed. With a free hand he took a blanket from a stack. He walked up and handed them to you.
"Thank you, Childe" you said.
"No problem. You're one of the few guests here in a while. And call me Tartaglia." He sat down next to you.
You looked around the room again. "Where did Pantalone go?"
"Oh, probably went off to get some records, or maybe to count his stacks of money again," Childe said lightheartedly.
You nodded. You would have liked it if he told you before leaving. You shiver again as a cold settles in your bones.
You would have started a conversation, but you couldn’t think of much to say. You took a sip from the cup.
"So," Childe took the initiative, "how did you and the banker meet?"
"Oh, I was walking and happened to bump into him. In Monstadt," you added.
"That's all?"
"Well, I guess we talked a little bit, over some food, and we started sending letters."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "He's never that friendly with anyone else. Then again, you are attractive." He smirked.
You shrank into yourself slightly and smiled. "Oh, we're just friends, but thank you for the compliment."
"I was just telling the truth." He leaned back and stretched his arms. He let them rest on the back frame of the couch. "But seriously, I'm surprised you were actually brave enough to come to Sneznaya. And that you would call a Harbinger a friend."
"Is there a reason why someone wouldn't?" You tilted your head.
Childe held back a laugh and covered his mouth before waving his hand. "You know what everyone thinks of us. Everyone always assumes the worst when it comes to the Fatui."
"Yeah. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt and took a chance and you and Pantalone turned out to be really nice." You smiled but it quickly faded. "If only my friends and co-workers could do the same."
"Hm?" He scooted in closer and looked genuinely interested.
You continued. "The second they found out, they never liked it. They keep telling me it's a bad idea and that I need to stay away, but those letters were the best thing that happened to me and they don't even want to think about the fact that they might be wrong. All they care about is that it's the Fatui and keep-" Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey." He put his hands on your shoulders.
He pulls you in for a hug, taking your drink and setting it down, and you accept. Holding him close. The arms around you felt like anchors and more comforting than the warmest blanket. You feel yourself melt.
"There, there." He patted your back.
"I haven't even talked to them in a while," you curl in closer. "Why can't they let me have this?"
"I don't know, but you did the right thing. A true friend would want you to be happy. If they tell you to stay away from something that makes you happy, they're bad friends."
The tears fall faster. Your body shakes in small tremors. The whole time, Tartaglia rubs your back and comforts you. It felt so nice. Like all of your problems had evaporated.
You didn't even notice when you fell asleep.
Someone nudged you awake. Your eyes drifted open. You heard footsteps then saw Pantalone. You immediately sit up.
"Have you warmed up yet?"
You barely even nodded when he started talking again.
"Good. Follow me. Unless you haven't rested enough."
Your face burns again and you nearly run to follow him. You quickly waved goodbye to Tartaglia.
"See you." He waved back.
Pantalone led you to an office. You sat while he organized and signed papers. He showed you the trinkets he collected. He then led you to a library. The bookshelves stretched to the height of the ceiling. You had once been in the library of the Knights of Favonius, but this library was so much bigger.
"I'm going to the Tsarita to receive instructions. Stay here until I get back."
"You're leaving again?" Your disappointment leaked into your voice.
He sighed. "As much as I'd like to spend all of my time with you, I still have responsibilities. I doubt the Tsarita would be pleased if I brought someone she did not permit. Afterwards, you can join me for any other task."
You sucked it up and nodded.
The Harbinger seemed content and left, leaving you with nothing better to do than read. You skimmed the titles. Picking up a few and reading a few lines.
In your search for something that peaked your interest, you looked up and saw someone watching you. A short boy in a funny hat. You wondered why he was staring at you, then you remembered Tartaglia mentioning something about not not a lot of guests.
You tried to ignore his gaze, but it was difficult.
He walked up to you. His sharp eyes judged you up and down. You shrank back in confusion.
"So it's you," he finally said.
"What about me?"
"You're the one Regrator's been wasting his time on."
You stood there awkwardly and hugged the book you'd been holding.
"I can't imagine why. Are you some toy of his? Something he finds interesting?"
"I'm not a toy, I'm his friend," you shot back, with some anger.
He looked at you with doubt. His eyebrows raised slightly and examining your expression.
You took a breath. "Did he talk to everyone about me?"
"No. Rumors and hearsay fly." He turned away. "And the fact that idiot Childe must have met you. For how much he talked my ear off about you, I was expecting more."
You shook your head and stared at the ground. "I honestly don't understand why they like me so much too."
He grins and snorts before walking away.
Shortly, Pantalone came back. You walked side by side with him down the hall.
"Someone I hired is securing a room for you to sleep in. They'll come to show you to your room by the end of the day," Pantalone said.
You nodded. "Thank you."
You glanced back in front of you and noticed someone walking the opposite direction in the hall. A large man with silvery white hair.
He noticed you as well. He stopped in front of the two of you and Pantalone stopped too.
"Hello, Pierro. Fancy running into you."
"Hello, Regrator. Who is this with you?" He turned his gaze to you and you suddenly felt very exposed.
“This is my guest. I met them in Monstadt.”
You introduced yourself.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Pierro said with a smile. “I assume this is your first time in Sneznaya. What do you think?”
“I think it’s very pretty,” you said. “And impressive, but it’s a little cold for me.”
He glanced down at your clothing. You remember you’re still wearing Pantalone’s coat. “You should get a heavier coat for yourself.”
“I was going to get them one tomorrow,” Pantalone interjected.
Pierro nodded. “I have to go now. Sneznaya welcomes you. You can stay for however long you want, and if you need anything, just come see me.”
You both said goodbye and continued on your way. You wore a bright smile. Everyone seemed to really like you.
It had been months since then. When you got home, the people in your life exploded at you for going to Sneznaya. Telling you how dangerous it was. How you could have been killed. Why would you go with a Harbinger? To never do that again. Were you insane? Did you have a death wish?
Your final cord of patience snapped. You flew into a rage. Every angry thought you ever had about them erupted out of you. Why were they so concerned about this? Why were they suddenly so concerned about you? Why did they suddenly have to poke their goddamn noses in your business? Why couldn’t you go where you wanted? Why couldn’t you be friends with who you wanted to? Since when did all of the people you talked to have to be approved by them? Why couldn’t you just be happy? Did they want you to be miserable? Why couldn’t they just see you were happy and leave you alone?
You completely cut them off after that. And they finally left you alone. It was great. Until there was no one around you. The loneliness ate at you like a disease. Everyday felt so bleak and gnawed into your chest. And you couldn’t tell why. All you knew was that you wanted someone. The only good things in your life were the letters. Childe and Pierro were sending some now, though Pierro’s came less often. They were your only joy and lit up your world, filled that hole in your chest, even if it was only temporary. You longed to see them again, to talk to them more.
Eventually, it was suggested that you move to Sneznaya. There was a job they could guarantee you would get too. You would have everything you wanted, you could actually see them every single day. You didn’t like the cold, but that was a small sacrifice to make in order to be closer to them.
You didn’t get to see each of them every day, as they sometimes left for missions the Tsarita gave them, but there would always be at least one. You later come to learn that the person you met in the library was Scaramouche, the sixth Harbinger. You also came to meet other Harbingers you’d never met before, such as the Doctor, who you occasionally interacted with.
It was Autumn now. Though, not that you could tell. In Sneznaya there were no trees that changed colors, or signs of the final harvest for the year. The only sign was that it became colder. And you told this to your new friends. About the things you missed. It hurt, but you were happier now.
You got to learn about Sneznayan traditions too, which were always interesting to learn. Apparently, during mid Autumn, instead of indulging in a harvest, the Sneznayans told ghost stories and terrifying tales. They also had activities that were a test of courage of sorts, where an individual or group would have to walk through an area where people would scare them. It sounded so much fun, but you were heartbroken to hear it was done outside and in the dark. It would be too cold for you to want to stay out for long.
On the night that was the height of storytelling and spooking others, the five Harbingers you were the closest to invited you to see a surprise. The entire room was decorated in a way that mixed tradition from where you were from with yours. Spooky decorations that featured a lot of orange. There were large plates of food for you to choose from, and there were games that were nearly identical to the ones you played at home. It was like a party, just for you and them.
The more reserved ones like Pierro and Pantalone didn’t play any of the games, instead would stand by the cider barrel and talk and tell you stories. Scaramouche and Dottore would play games if they got competitive about it.
It was so much fun, and you felt so happy. But, something about it didn’t feel right. There was something strange about there only being six people in a place that looked like it should have been open to more people. Like an actual party. They’d done a lot for you, but this too? There was a small discomfort in you knowing they imported all of this from Monstadt and attended just for you. Like you were in debt.
During the night, when the hour hand nearly pointed directly up, they had another surprise. They manage to get someone to move one of those test of courage things inside. Just for you.
There were several genuine scares. They made you jump into the closest person and cling onto them. The entire time they crowded around you, making you feel claustrophobic, like it was hard to breathe.
When it was over, you all piled into a lounge. Sitting on the couches and laughing with each other. Was it your imagination, or was everyone staring at you?
You sat next to Tartaglia. Having a conversation between him and someone else on the other couch. You freeze briefly when you notice his hand on your thigh. You brush it off. He was always a little touchy around you. Nothing strange about it. But he squeezes, and you try to swallow down a lump.
You heard your name being called and it pulled you out of your daze. From Pantalone’s tone, you guessed this wasn’t the first time he said your name.
“Come over here,” he said.
You excuse yourself to Tartaglia and walk over. You sit next to Pantalone. There’s a conversation, you were exchanging words, but it was hard to hear once he started rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. The blood rushed in your ears. Why was your body reacting like this? There was nothing weird about this.
He guides you onto his lap, and in your confusion you do it without thought. You sat there stiffly. His hands were all over you.
“Your mind seems to be elsewhere.” He pulled you closer in. There was something pressing into your butt. “Did you enjoy our surprise?”
“Yes,” you said. Much more quietly than usual.
“Did it make you tired?” He teased. His lips grazed against your neck
The other Harbingers seemed to move in closer. You suddenly felt so small.
“Yes,” you said.
“Poor thing,” Dottore said.
Pantalone’s hand wandered into the inside of your thigh. He messaged your leg. His other hand stroked every inch of you that wasn’t sitting on him. His lips were on your neck. Someone’s hand touched your hair. He whispered in your ear.
You shrank away from all contact, adjusted yourself, and closed your legs. Pantalone’s hand clenched.
“What’s wrong?” His other hand held your neck. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are,” you said. “But I don’t feel comfortable with this. I-” Tears start to well up. You look around the room for someone to back you up. They only stared back.
“Why so cold? And after everything we’ve done for you. Do you not care? Were you just going to take my money and run?” The hands grew slightly tighter.
“No. Of course not,” you plead.
“Then can’t you do one thing for us?”
You’re not sure why, but you find yourself nodding. He continues where he left off. His fingers pushed on and rubbed your pussy through your clothes. You shift uncomfortably.
Someone sits down beside you, making the cushions and you bounce. It was Tartaglia. He smiled at you. He takes your arm, his hands rub and squeeze as they go down. He holds your hand in his, close to his face as he leaned in closer. He kissed your knuckles. You stared into his eyes.
A gloved hand grabs your chin and turns your head. Pantalone pressed his lips onto yours in a stolen kiss. You froze. He pressed further, tightening his grip until it hurt. You kiss back. It was a soft, sensual kiss, at least you thought it was. It was also greedy. And it only made you feel cold.
He finally pulls away and you gasp for air and want to wash your mouth with soap.
Pantalone tugs on the clothes covering your chest.
“Take it off.”
You do what he says, pulling it over your head. Suppressing the urge to cover up. Trying to forget everyone watching you. That seemed to make him happy and he kissed your cheek.
Scaramouche stood up and walked to you. He grabbed you by the hair, forcing you to lean forward.
“Are you just going to hog them the whole time?” Scaramouche said.
“Fine.” Pantalone shrugged and let go of you.
Scaramouche pulled you off of his lap and on your knees on the floor. Before you could comprehend anything else, a dick was against your lips. You looked up at him. He glared down at you. You opened your mouth. The second you did, it was filled with cock. He used your hair to shove you down his cock, over and over again. Making a line of saliva at the base of it. Your throat already hurt and clenched around him.
Someone behind you takes off the bottom half of your clothes, leaving you exposed. The hard appendage pokes into your backside. It makes its way to your hole and thrusts in. The snap of skin reverberating in the air. You yelp, making Scaramouche shove you all the way down unexpectedly. You felt a hot substance pour down your throat. But he didn’t stop.
Dottore stands up and stops next to you. He grabs your hand and puts it around him. His hand squeezes yours and moves it the way he wants. You do your best to fulfill his needs while being stuffed at both ends. You thought you heard him praise you, but you couldn’t quite catch it.
Judging by the grunts behind you, you guessed it was Tartaglia plunging into your hole. His hands anchored on your hips.
Thoughts try to push themselves into your mind. To try to figure out what you even thought about this, but you push it away. Just keep going. Don’t think.
Tartaglia’s hips stutter and he moans loudly, filling you with his load. He pulls out of you with heavy breaths. Immediately, Dottore takes his place. He was much rougher. Abusing your hole. Each thrust shoves you forward. Hard smacks landed on your ass, making you cry out.
Scaramouche cums again and finally withdraws. A pink dusted his face and he walked back to the couch. Your arms nearly felt too weak to hold your top half up.
Heavy footsteps walk around you to your front. Pierro. He shoots a look to Dottore who calms down for just a moment, making you feel relieved. Pierro gently guides your mouth to take him. You suckle on him, doing your best to fit him in your mouth. Dottore returns to his rough pace from before. This time the first Harbinger doesn’t stop him. In fact, he seems to enjoy you jerking forward from Dottore’s handling.
When they both cum, you fall to the floor.
Yet, Pantalone waved you over. You weakly crawled over to him. He helped you up and back on his lap. He thrusted up into you. Pushing you into the air and pulling you back down over and over again. Tears leak from your eyes. Until finally he finishes too.
You lay on him. Exhausted. Warm tears still pour out of your eyes. Overwhelmed, but not knowing what to do. Things wouldn’t go back to normal again, would they?
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
CNC | Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 - 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲.
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Kinktober masterlist.
I can’t believe its October already and I’m posting the first day of Kinktober 2022. This was actually supposed to be Day 29 of my Kinktober last year, but its better late than never! I hope you guys enjoy it, and thank you to anyone that gives this a go! As always, read the warnings and if its not for you, please don’t read.💕
Summary: Your boyfriend Dynamight is hard at work trying to keep the city safe and apprehend the perpetrators of a spate of home invasions across Musutafu. But unfortunately for you, it seems as though your house is next on their list.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Kirishima Eijirou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, PWP, consensual non-con, role-play (home invasion fantasy), threesome, blowjobs, fingering, spit roasting, cum swallowing, creampie, not proof read!
Word Count: 4.7k.
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The perpetrators still haven’t been caught in what has been a prolific spate of home invasions around Musutafu. The villains are known to be armed and dangerous, and citizens are advised to keep their doors and windows locked, do not open the door to anyone you don’t know and remain vigilant. Here is Pro-Hero Deku with some tips on keeping you and your family safe in these trying times.
Having a Pro-Hero boyfriend had its perks as you felt nowhere near as scared as some other citizens of Musutafu must have felt seeing the latest news broadcast play on the television. Grinning as Deku appeared across the screen as the spokesperson for the home invasions in full hero costume. Bright eyes spoke directly to the camera as you picked your phone up to text Bakugou about it, knowing that he wouldn’t be home tonight due to a scheduled night shift.
You[6:29PM]: Just saw Deku on the 6 o’clock news giving tips about staying safe! Shame they didn’t ask my favourite hero Dynamight :(
Smiling as you pressed send, watching the message quickly turn to read as you waited for the three dots to appear to indicate he was texting you back, but instead, your phone began to ring.
“That fuckin’ nerd would be the spokesman.” Bakugou scoffed on the other side of the line, the rough whirr of traffic was loud in the background as you assumed he was out on patrol.
“You had any luck today?” Bakugou had been picking up extra shifts at the agency since these robberies had occurred, vowing that he would be the one to catch them before they struck again. Unfortunately, these villains appeared to be far more elusive than anyone had originally planned, even managing to hit Pro-Hero Uravity’s apartment while she was out on duty.
“If I catch the fucker it’s on sight.” Bakugou snarled, the frustration evident in his tone.
“I know, baby. You keep us safe.” You smiled softly.
“Damn right,” Bakugou continued, “But you better listen to Deku, keep the doors locked.”
“Yes, daddy.” You teased.
“Careful woman.”
“I think I’m gonna have a bath and go to bed,” You smiled, “It’s boring and lonely here without you.”
“You’re really doing everything in your power to make me hard at work, hah?”
“Maybe,” You laughed, stretching as you stood from your position on the bed, “Is it working?”
“Behave, angel.” He replied, as the husky rasp to his voice had you squeezing your thighs together, “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Night, sweetheart.” Bakugou murmured, “Make sure you keep the doors locked and don’t—”
“Don’t let anyone in. I know, baby. I will. I love you.”
“Tch, love you too.”
You grinned as you tossed your phone onto the top of your bed, pulling your clothes off as you made your way into the bathroom.
The steam from your bath had made your skin dewy, your fingers pruned from how long you’d spent inside the hot water as you wrapped a fluffy towel around your torso. Stepping back into your bedroom with the idea of sending Bakugou a flirty text message with a selfie before falling asleep, so he would regret picking up the extra shift tonight when he could’ve been home with you. But now your phone was nowhere to be seen as you looked at your empty bedspread, checking to see if it had maybe vibrated onto the floor.
Your heart began to speed up when you noticed the open window, your black curtains blowing in the cool evening air as you wrapped your towel tighter around your frame. Suddenly feeling completely exposed as you tried to decide what to do next. Wondering whether you should step back inside your en suite and lock the door until Bakugou returned home in the morning, knowing that nothing in the house held the same value as your safety.
A loud clang made you jump as you looked with wide eyes toward the source of the noise, your grip on the towel immediately tightening as you felt goosebumps begin to prickle against your skin.
There was someone in your house.
Backing up as you turned to run towards safety but you were instead met by a tall wall of muscle as you ran straight into someone’s chest. Crying out in surprise as you tried to move back, wide eyes staring up at piercing ruby red.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” The man spoke giddily, like the cat who got the cream as you noticed your cell phone in his large palm, “Oh, were you looking for this? Too bad-”
You always used to think about how you would react in a situation like this, convincing yourself that if something like this were to happen you’d be primed and ready to attack. But your flight or fight response activated and you felt yourself bolting towards the door, a hand holding the corner of your towel tight to your body as you ran down the hall.
“You won’t get far, sweetheart,” The red-haired man’s voice bellowed behind you, “ It’ll be easier if you don’t run.”
Ignoring him as you bolted down the hallway, running directly into the nearest room which happened to be your guest bedroom as you slammed the door shut behind you. Hearing the familiar click of your lock as your chest heaved, a mixture of adrenaline and fear brewed inside you as you tried to quell your racing heart. Maybe he’d take what he wanted and would leave without incident, wishing that you had your cell phone so you could call Bakugou and tell him to come home early.
There was a heavy pounding against the hardwood door as you tried to think of what to do or where to go, there was no way you’d be able to climb out the window, especially when you were on the second floor. The banging increased with each heavy blow as the door finally gave way, the lock snapping as the wood collapsed onto the floor, narrowly missing your bare toes.
You screamed at the motion, your back hitting the wall as you tried to put as much distance between yourself and the intruder as you could.
“Shhh,” He hushed you gently, “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
He made his way into the room, stepping over the broken door as he caged you in against the wall.
“Come on, sweetness.” The large man cooed as he stepped over the broken door now lying on the floor, his boots heavy against the wood, “Let’s not make this harder than it has to be, yeah?”
He caught you by surprise as his lips met yours in a sloppy kiss, his nose bumping against yours as you tried to struggle away from him. Instantly thinking about Bakugou and what he would do if he knew this was what was happening to you right now, the rage that would coarse through him. Your boyfriend was out pulling extra shifts to find the very man that was currently inside your home.
Everything felt foreign as tears continued to spill down your cheeks, his hands rough against your hips as he pulled you into his touch. Allowing you to feel the tent beneath his pants as he ground himself against you, a low groan reverberating from deep in his throat as his tongue swiped against yours to deepen the kiss. You were certain you were going to pass out, the lack of oxygen was causing you to become lightheaded as you tried to remember to breathe through your nose.
Everything would be okay, if you could just distract him enough to make your escape you could make it to the front of the house to make enough noise to cause a scene. Someone in the neighbourhood would call law enforcement and you’d be safe, you just had to make it to the front door—
“Fuck,” He groaned, his large hands snuck beneath the hem of your towel as calloused palms dragged against the smooth skin of your inner thighs, “You’re so soft—”
“Please, you don’t have to do this,” You pleaded with the man, “My boyfriend will be home soon, he’s a Pro-Hero—”
“A Pro-Hero?” The man scoffed, “Oh yeah? And what’s his name?”
“Dynamight?” Kirishima began to laugh, “I hate to break it to you, sweetheart. But Dynamight can’t do shit to me.” He squeezed your cheeks together in one large hand as your lips puckered into a pout as he stared down at you, “I bet he’d be happy to know that Blood Riot was currently in his house with his girl, though.”
Blood Riot? Was this the villain responsible for the spate of burglaries in the area over the last few weeks? The man that Bakugou had been spending extra hours and taking extra shifts to try and apprehend? The thought filled you with dread as the headlines continued to replay in your head, almost numbing you to the sensation of his hands groping the meat of your hips.
“Look at you,” He groaned, pressing another sloppy kiss to your lips, “So fucking pretty.”
“How lucky was it that I picked your house?” You were barely listening to him as you tried to plan an escape route, trying to remember everything Bakugou had taught you about what to do when you were in a sticky situation. Bakugou had always been weary that you were dating a popular Pro-Hero so you could be seen as a target, so you’d gone through hours of roleplay scenarios with him for when things turned sour. But it’s as though your mind was completely blank as you stood in front of the hulking tower of a man in front of you, his knuckles stroking your cheek as you took a deep breath.
“Shit,” Kirishima snarled as you ducked beneath his arm, his palm knocking against the doorframe as he turned to follow you.
Speed was on your side as you ran down the hallway, turning the corner to knock face first into another man’s chest. You stumbled back as you almost fell back onto your ass, squealing in surprise as you put your palms out to steady yourself. Large palms circled your arms to keep you upright as the man bent his knees slightly to bring his face level with your own.
“Where’d you think you’re going, sweetheart?” The man’s raspy voice had your stomach in knots, his grip firm as though he thought you might struggle again.
“I— uh, I—” You stuttered, feeling his vermillion eyes piercing through your soul as his gaze remained unwavering on you.
“Hey, Bakugou.” Kirishima came around the corner to stand directly behind you, “You’ll never guess who her boyfriend is.”
“Who, Kiri?” Bakugou replied, his warm breath fanning your face.
“Dynamight.” He practically sang the name.
“Well shit.” Bakugou’s lips curled into a smirk, “This is Dynamight’s house?”
“Yeah, dude. We hit the jackpot.”
“Of course, Dynamight would have a beautiful girl hah?” Bakugou’s palm cupped your cheek as he leaned in closer.
You felt them eyeing you up like a piece of meat, fingers tightening in the corner of your towel as Bakugou’s lips met yours in a rough kiss, his grip firm on your face to prevent you from moving away as his tongue swiped against your lips. Gasping in surprise as he took the opportunity to delve inside your mouth, his tongue lashing against your own as he deepened the kiss. Distracting you as he moved his other hand to the hem of your towel, tugging roughly as you felt the cool air from the hallway hit your exposed skin, the fabric pooling around your feet on the hardwood floor as you were left completely naked in front of both strange men.
Bakugou broke the kiss to take a look at your naked body, watching the way your nipples began to pebble in the cold room, his nostrils flaring as he sucked in a breath. Kirishima let out a low whistle behind you as he was given the perfect view of your naked back as you felt a hand come down on your ass hard. Yelping in surprise as you stepped closer to Bakugou, his body looming over yours as he unabashedly ogled your chest.
“Best one yet.” He murmured, reaching out to grope your breast as you arched your back into his touch. Holding the weight of it in his palm as his thumb flicked your taut nipple, causing a soft whine to slip past your lips.
“She’s fucking perfect right?” Kirishima pressed his clothed body up against yours behind you as his lips began to pepper kisses along the apex of your neck.
“She is,” Bakugou murmured, curving his neck to take one of your nipples between his lips. His tongue flicked against it as he massaged the mound with his palm.
You hated the way your body was betraying you, your thighs rubbing together to try and create some friction as you felt the familiar sensation brewing in your pelvis. A movement that didn’t go unnoticed by the two men surrounding you.
“Does that feel good?” Kirishima goaded, his palm flat against your abdomen as he pushed you back into his clothed erection, letting you feel how hard he was for you, “Yeah it does, listen to you moaning.”
“No, please.” You mumbled, your fingers curling into the fabric of Bakugou’s shirt as you feebly tried to push him away, “Please stop—”
“You can cry and whine as much as you want that you don’t want it, but your body is betraying you, sweetheart.”
Bakugou’s hand moved between your plush thighs to cup your warm sex, his touch had you gasping as you rolled your hips back into Kirishima’s crotch. Causing the large man to bite down against the supple skin of your neck.
“Please, don’t.” You continued to plead, but your cries fell on deaf ears as both men continued their assault on your body, “I’ll scream.”
“Ain’t no one gonna hear you, princess.” Bakugou scoffed, “Go on, try—“
Deep down you knew he was right, your boyfriend had specifically chosen this neighbourhood because it was quiet, the houses weren’t close to each other and it gave you both the privacy you craved.
“Didn’t think so.” Bakugou grinned at your silence, lifting his hand slightly to put more pressure against your slit as you moved onto your tiptoes. Your eyes rolled as you let out a soft mewl, feeling Kirishima’s hands coil around your body to cup your naked breasts.
“Wanna show us your bedroom, sweetheart?” Bakugou whispered, “I can give you a real reason to scream.”
“We gonna fuck in Dynamight’s bed?” Kirishima scoffed.
“We’re gonna destroy her in Dynamight’s bed,” Bakugou smirked, already pushing you down the hall towards your bedroom, as though he knew exactly where to go.
Stepping inside the room as he pushed you back onto the soft mattress, leaving you sprawled out in front of him as both men stopped to admire the view. Kirishima palmed himself through his sweats at the sight as he stepped into the room behind Bakugou.
“Dynamight’s gonna come home to find his girl dripping in our cum.” Kirishima grinned as he pulled his sweats down around the curve of his ass, the heavy meat of his cock hanging down a sheer indication of its weight. Wrapping a large palm around himself as he gave it a teasing pump, his wrist rolling around the head to smear the pre oozing from the tip along the length.
“She ain’t ever gonna want Dynamight’s cock again when we’re done with her,” Bakugou spoke as though you weren’t even there, “She’s cryin’ now but she’ll be begging us to come back later.”
Bakugou’s fingers brushed through your messy folds, dipping into your slick as he circled your tight entrance. The movement had your hips jerking on the mattress as he smirked down at you, dragging his fingers back up to nudge your puffy clit as you let out a soft moan.
“You like that, hah sweetheart?” He watched your lips part in a silent moan as he continued to rub teasing circles against your clit.
You didn’t want to admit how much you liked it, how he’d managed to touch you in the exact way that had your toes curling and your chest heaving. Your body betrayed you as your tight walls clenched around nothing, desperate to feel more of him.
“It’s okay, you can tell me how much you’re enjoying it, baby. Dynamight doesn’t have to know.” He scoffed, moving his fingers back down to press against your tightness.
“She fucking loves it, look at her.” You felt the mattress dip as Kirishima crawled onto it beside you, angling his cock towards your mouth as the tip smeared a glistening line of pre against your cheek.
You kept your lips pursed shut as you felt fresh tears beginning to clump in your lashes, trying to ignore the sensation of Bakugou’s fingers prodding your tight entrance.
“Oh fuck,” Bakugou grunted as he slipped one solo finger inside your tight heat, feeling your walls clamping down around him as you gasped at the intrusion. Your eyes widened in surprise as Kirishima took the opportunity to press his cock inside your mouth, groaning as your lips wrapped around him.
“That’s it- just like that.” Kirishima cooed as he watched more of his length disappear inside your mouth, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You tried to remember to breathe through your nose as you felt Bakugou add another finger inside your tight cunt, stretching you out as he began to curl them inside you. Pumping them roughly as Kirishima matched his movements, rolling his hips as he pushed his cock deeper inside your wet mouth.
“I can feel you clenching around me,” Bakugou continued as he continued fingering your cunt, “I know you want it,”
“She’s so good at sucking cock,” Kirishima groaned, “Dynamight’s a lucky guy. Maybe we should just take her instead. So we can use her whenever we want.”
You blanched at the idea, wide eyes staring up at them pleadingly as tears began to stream down your temples, soaking the pillowcases beneath your head. You hoped if you just did as they said they’d let you go—
“Fuckin’ shit,” Kirishima grunted, his balls tightening as he felt the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. Gagging at the sheer size of him as your nails dug into the tops of his thighs, trying to get him to pull back. Your jaw ached and your throat burned as he tried to get as much of his thick girth inside you as possible, an obscene challenge as he was met with resistance.
“That’s if you don’t kill her first with that fat fucking thing, be careful Kiri. Jesus-” Bakugou rasped.
You spluttered as Kirishima pulled out of your mouth for a moment to allow you to gasp for air, gulping in mouthfuls as strings of your spit and his cum connected him to your lips as they snapped off against your chin. One of Kirishima’s large palms stroked the top of your head soothingly as he began to fist himself languidly, smearing your drool along his length.
“Sorry, babe.” He smiled a sharp-toothed grin as he tapped his cock against your lips, “Let’s try that again, yeah?”
He was far more delicate this time as he slid his cock back inside your mouth, Bakugou’s thumb pressed messy circles against your clit as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of your sloppy pussy.
Whining around Kirishima’s cock as you felt Bakugou pull his hand away from your cunt, the sound of him undoing his belt buckle and jeans filled the room as he tapped the fat, leaking tip of his cock against your soaked slit.
“So pretty,” Bakugou groaned as he pressed forward, watching as the tip of his cock slowly began to disappear inside your tight hole, “Good girl.”
Your thighs quivered as he pressed more of himself inside you, vermilion eyes focused on his cock disappearing inside you. Giving an experimental thrust as he canted his hips forward, your tits bouncing from the movement as he pushed deeper inside you.
“How does she feel?“ Kirishima looked back at his friend as Bakugou finally bottomed out inside you, the trimmed hairs at the base of his cock tickled your clit as he curled his forearms beneath your thighs to bend your body.
“Fuckin’ amazing.” He grunted, easing his hips back before snapping them forward as you moaned around Kirishima’s cock.
“It’s my turn after, yeah?” Kirishima turned back to watch Bakugou’s cock disappearing inside your tight walls.
You felt like you were being split in two, your jaw aching from the sheer size of Kirishima’s cock paired with Bakugou stretching you open had your insides swirling as you tried to ignore the ache throbbing through your veins. The sensation was overwhelming as both men set a steady pace, using your body for their own pleasure.
“S’too much.” You mumbled around the tip of Kirishima’s cock as he pulled his hips back, feeling the ache between your thighs as Bakugou’s length nudged your cervix. The motion had your back arching in a mixture of pain and pleasure as your silky walls throbbed around him.
“Aww, poor baby,” Kirishima feigned sympathy as he stroked the top of your head, “But you can take it for us, yeah?”
“Please,” You pleaded with them as you felt Kirishima tap the tip of his cock against your bottom lip before sliding back inside you. His pace became sloppier as he continued rutting his hips against you, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he danced on the edge of his climax.
The crude squelch of Bakugou’s cock sinking into your wet cunt and the sound of you gagging around Kirishima filled the room as you tried to ignore how lewd it sounded. Both men’s grunts left a swirl of heat inside your abdomen as they used your body for their own desire.
“I’m gonna cum,” Kirishima grunted, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the headboard, his balls slapping against your chin as he gave a few more messy ruts of his hips.
“Thought you wanted a go after me,” Bakugou scoffed, “Your shitty fuckin’ stamina.”
“I told you she feels good,” Kirishima groaned, ruby eyes focused on your lips wrapped around his cock as he came inside you with a grunt. His release was warm against your tongue as he leaned his body over you to cling to the headboard, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath after the intense orgasm. Pulling his softening cock from between your lips with a groan as he looked down at your debauched face.
“Holy shit,” Kirishima groaned as he caught sight of his cum inside your mouth, some of it dribbling down your chin, “Should take a picture. You look so pretty right now.”
“She really does,” Bakugou growled, Kirishima moving to the side gave him the perfect view of your body as he began to speed up, slipping his hand to where your bodies were connected to press messy circles against your clit.  
“Fuck,” You cried out, Bakugou’s body curved over yours as he drove his hips harder against you, pounding into your wetness as he worked you towards your release.
“Come on, pretty girl.” Bakugou murmured, “I know you’re close- I can feel you clampin’ down on my dick.”
It was true, you wanted to. Your body betrayed your mind as you thought about Dynamight coming home and seeing you in such a precarious position, knowing he’d save you and apprehend the villains— if they even lived long enough to be captured. Wondering whether he’d be mad at you for not following his instructions on what to do during a situation like this.
“Fuck, that’s it- cum all over my cock.” Bakugou groaned as he felt you cum hard. Your walls clamped down around his fat cock as you shook beneath him, a loud cry leaving your lips as your body followed its bliss. He continued his harsh pace as he fucked you through your climax, beads of sweat clinging to his temples as messy blond spikes of hair stuck to his skin. Weaving his forearm beneath one of your thighs to angle your body so he could use you for his own pleasure.
“Gonna leave you full of my cum for when your boyfriend comes home.” Bakugou continued with a smirk.
“No, please.” You cried out, “Anywhere but inside–” You tried to argue but he was relentless. His thumb remained constant against your puffy clit as you continued to writhe beneath him, feeling yourself on the cusp of another climax. Your body felt overstimulated as you let out a high-pitched whine, your toes curling as you felt another harsh orgasm rip through you.
“She liked the idea of that,” Kirishima grinned as he leaned down to nip at your breast, “Think she wants to be fucked into the shape of our cocks.”
“Fuckin’ hell– Clampin’ down on my fuckin’ cock,” Bakugou groaned as he felt his own orgasm take over him, his balls tightening as he spilt hot, white ropes of cum inside your tight cunt, “Good fuckin’ girl.” Each word was enunciated with a sharp rut of his hips as he stilled inside you to cherish the way your walls trembled around him.
“This will be our little secret, yeah?” Bakugou groaned, still buried inside your abused hole. Feeling your walls continue to flutter around him in the aftershocks of your release as he kept you plugged full of his cum, “Every night you’re lying in this bed with Dynamight, you’re gonna be thinkin’ about how much better our cocks are, ain'tcha?”
Bakugou landed a playful smack to your slit which had you squealing in surprise, your clit overstimulated as you tried to clamp your thighs together to prevent him from touching you there as he grinned down at you. Warm palms stroked the inside of your thighs as he squeezed the supple skin softly, a stark contrast to his prior actions.
“And don’t even think about telling anyone or we’ll come back and it’ll be worse.” Kirishima glared down at you, but you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What?” Kirishima whined as his lips curled into a pout, “Why’re you laughing?”
“I’m sorry, baby.” You laughed, “That just didn’t sound menacing at all.”
“Well, what did you want me to say?” Kirishima’s brows furrowed as he stared down at you in annoyance, the most obnoxious pout now gracing his lips as you had to stop yourself from leaning up to kiss them.
“She’s right, shitty hair,” Bakugou scoffed, “You broke character way too fuckin’ easy.”
“I did not,” He scoffed, “Blood Riot was real menacing.”
“It’s not my fault, she’s cute.” Kirishima pouted as you began to laugh at the bashful expression on his face.
“Oh shit, sweetheart.” Bakugou choked out as your walls clenched around him from your laughter, “You trying to make me cum again?”
“Sorry,” You hummed softly as Kirishima leaned down to press a lingering kiss to your lips.
“Thank you for indulging in my little fantasy,” You cooed up at Bakugou as you met his lips in a soft kiss.
“Whatever you want,” Bakugou grinned down at you as he teasingly rut his hips against you before moving back as his softening cock slipped out of your spent pussy. Your fluttering walls slowly pushed the mixture of your release out of your stretched cunt as both men stared at the sight in awe, following the trail as it began to leak down towards your ass.
“So pretty,” Kirishima cooed as he pressed his lips to yours, “I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock next time.”
“Next time?” Bakugou shot his best friend a glare, “Who said there’s even gonna be a next time?”
“But you both said you had fun, I thought—”
“You owe me a new fuckin’ door, asshole.” Bakugou snarled, “That definitely wasn’t part of the plan.”
“I’m sorry,” Kirishima whined, “I got too in character.”
“Are you joking? Your acting was fuckin’ terrible.”
And now here you were in between two bickering men as you felt Bakugou’s cum slowly seep out of you.
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