#tongues of fire
lifeinpoetry · 2 years
You are not leaving, I know,
but shifting into image – my head already is haunted with you. I have become a living afterlife.
All images return to you – the body at the root of my branching.
— Seán Hewitt, from "Tree of Jesse," Tongues of Fire
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thefieryeclipse · 1 year
Thank you for 10k hits on Tongues of Fire!
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Those of you lovely people still keeping the Heroes fandom alive will know how quiet it gets in here, how so often it feels like everyone else has left and the party ended around you.
So while some writers might hit 10k hits in a year, a week, or even overnight for the bigger fandoms out there, it feels so incredibly special and wonderful to me to have hit this mark on a story so dear to my heart, and I can only say a huge thank you to everyone who read, enjoyed, commented on and returned to it all this time X)
You're the best! In honour of 10,000 hits please enjoy a gallery collection of all my Tongues of Fire illustrations here in one place:
(Spoilers for ToF ahead)
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jerzeyjimmy · 1 year
saw city of caterpillar. shit ripped hard. also, if you could listen to tongues of fire and to forget, that'd be Fucking Tremendous
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bethetiesthatbind · 1 year
How Will You Kiss at Midnight?
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“Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed.”
- Psalm 85:10
How Will You Kiss at Midnight?
Biblical kisses show us that there are numerous kinds of kisses, times, and places for kissing:
kisses for blessing and anointing
kisses for tenderness
kisses for greeting
kisses for regret and apology
kisses for reconciliation and forgiveness
kisses for mourning
kisses for farewell
kisses for hunger and desperation
kisses for affirming human connection
kisses for hubris and self-congratulations
kisses for contracts
kisses for deceit
kisses for love that is better than wine
kisses for longing
kisses for cleansing
kisses for humility
kisses for unbridled thankfulness
kisses for relief
kisses for joy
kisses for holiness
Participants of these holy kisses can be among anyone, a parent, a sibling, a lover, a friend, a stranger. Fire has tongues that can burn or purify or protect. Isaiah kissed the coals of the seraphs; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were protected within the furnace; God sent a pillar of fire to guide and protect the Hebrews leaving Egypt; tongues of fire lit on the shoulders of Jesus’ disciples to bless their ministries to be blessings unto the world.
Holy fire may kiss us with ecstasy and with ruin and with rejuvenation.
Who will you kiss at midnight?
How will you kiss at midnight?
Happy New Year.
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agreenroad · 2 months
Miracle Fire Story Of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Miracle Of Holy Fire Verses And Explanation, Visual Proof Of Holy Fire That Does Not Burn
Easter 2024 in the Holy Land: a holiday marked by Palestinian Christian sorrow Traditionally, Palestinian families and friends exchange visits, offering coffee, tea and a cookie stuffed with dates called “maamoul,” which is made only at Easter. A favorite tradition, especially for children, is taking a colorfully dyed hard-boiled egg in one hand and cracking it against an egg held by a friend.…
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Toothpaste companies must really hate people who are allergic to mint toothpaste, which a lot of people are! Apparently it's NOT supposed to burn like minty hellfire? (I'm fine with mint candy, it's only mint toothpaste that hurts)
I've been using Tom's fennel for years, but am now trying to find one with fluoride in it, and finding a toothpaste that is no mint and yes fluoride should not be such a huge and infuriating quest. still got some more grocery stores to search, but not even the children's toothpaste in the nearest one had any that were suitable.
Edit: Hey you don't need to keep copying out the tags, I wrote all the Minty Hellfire lyrics here. And then someone recorded them here.
Also, I think it might technically be a sensitivity rather than an allergy, but whatever it is, toothpaste is not supposed to hurt! If it's burning then that's bad and you should try to find a new one if possible!
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thedailymobile · 10 months
“Red Light District”
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smolchai · 1 year
I can’t believe that my bfs band Tongues of Fire opened for MODEST MOUSE last night
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awidevastdominion · 2 years
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lifeinpoetry · 2 years
Back here on the heath, running last summer until our faces burned, we stopped for breath
in the gorse-tunnel – how eerie it was at dusk, some dimension we’d slipped into by chance.
I sprinted off into the dark and you bolted to catch me, held a blackberry to my mouth –
the sudden tang of it – plucked too soon. My body winced and smarted into colour, the day
distilled then taken gloriously inside – host of the world – and then a kiss – something
soft and secret and unseen. I know I would kneel to you – blood, yes, spine, lips. Leave me always
in these waste spaces, where my head is tilted up to God and I am a wild thing, glowing.
— Seán Hewitt, from "Adoration," Tongues of Fire
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igate777 · 2 years
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thefieryeclipse · 2 years
Just wanted to drop by and say I'm sooooooo excited for the finale of Tongues of Fire! I started following you years back because of that fic, and it's very near and dear to my heart. Anyhowdy, sending you all the good vibes. Have a great weekend! ♡
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Hello! Thank you so much for this, you don't know how much this lil' message means X') I wasn't sure anyone would still be here or remember me after I've been MIA for so long, but this is lovely, thank you <3
I love that you're so excited for the ending of ToF!!! I'm really, really excited for it too, can't wait to share it with you. I'll admit I've possibly been holding it back a little because I want the ending to be perfect, conclude everything it needs to conclude while doing justice to the whole fic and 6 years of work (yes, 6 years!!), but I can't hold it hostage forever hehe.
Once I've finalised the last scene I'll have it ready and posted asap! Thanks for remembering my story, and for coming back to it after all this time, I truly hope the ending lives up to what you're hoping for ^.^
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winded-wolf · 4 months
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tell me i’m wrong
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jvzebel-x · 9 months
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here's an update for all the "tOuRiSm iS fOr ThE pEoPlE" fucks. always remember that the second anyone steps foot on that land in the name of "tourism" or any other haole institution, that is colonizing&that person is a fucking explicit modern colonizer who made the conscious decision to be one and has spent a lot of fucking money on that trip to get their title. only that kine want more of their kin there-- don't pretend that shit is for anyone else.
drop dead of spontaneous combustion specifically, not even the sharks would want that pīlau fucking meat.
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dragonskulls · 5 months
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a little design idea i had for a swamp/coast hybrid based off colorful fishing lures and the Nomeus gronovii fish. Still unsure on name but i know for sure they love fishing. Some stuff:
has an annoying amount of retractable venomous barbs (see: tail, spine, and fins)
got the trademark bright markings of swamp lurkers, including the iconic false eye in the wing, however she can't "color change" them like full lurkers do
his harpoon tongue is coated in venom that strangely enough seems to attract and lull fish, and resembles a hook more than a spear, as do the sickle index claws
the minis
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