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Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845) "Two Young Women Kissing" (c. 1790-1794) Oil on canvas
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astral-maria · 3 days
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“Before you kissed me only winds of heaven
Had kissed me, and the tenderness of rain—
Now you have come, how can I care for kisses
Like theirs again?”
The Kiss ~ Sara Teasdale
I’m back again with more NoMae art. A fellow shipper gave the suggestion of a Spider-Man kiss and my mind took flight from there. ~ ❤️
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fanfrelon · 1 day
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Froy Gutierrez & Zane Phillips
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sapphicbusstop · 3 days
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Brandi Bae Nina Kayy 2
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Summary: Spencer Reid x Fe!Reader (BAU Agent) -> A case, a cardigan and a life time of memories help both you and Spencer realise something about yourselves.
Disclaimer: Not proof read. Mentions of Criminal Minds level violence. 16+. Fluff, pining. Descriptions of being attacked and falling into a river (but ends safely). Garcia sorting out two blind oblivious idiots. Happy Ending.
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Usually, people were asleep close to midnight. Usually, people were dreaming of their favourite TV show and character, imagining a world where they worked alongside them or danced the night away with them in a ballroom that could make a Disney Live-Action movie jealous. 
However, that was not what you were doing. 
Instead, you were opening up your bathroom door and walking back inside your hotel room. The carpet a little rough beneath your feet, you unravelled your hair from the towel and began ringing out what was left of the water from your shower. 
Moving over to your closet, you pulled open the door and found what you were looking for. 
A cardigan. 
The Cardigan. 
The one you wore whenever you were in need of a little comfort because, despite owning it and washing it multiple times over the years, it was still him. 
One touch of the fabric and it was like being transported back to the day he gave it to you. Or, at least, let you borrow it then proceed to keep it. 
The case had been in Colorado. 
Four female students had gone missing in the space of two months. And, as much as it could be considered a coincidence, they all matched the same description and had last been seen at a convenience store, with fresh spray paint of their single initial. 
And, on the fourth night of the case, you were at such a place. 
All it had been for was a snack run for yourself, JJ and Morgan. However, as you began walking back down the street, you heard the shake of a spray-paint can and, the minute the stranger found your eyes, they set off running. 
And so did you. 
Making a call on your way, you shared your location with Garcia who patched in Morgan and Reid from the precinct. 
“Hey, wait! Stop!”
Round a back alley corner, you lost them. You walked further up to see if you could find a trail, however, all you found was a small bridge and a river. 
And as you looked around, from behind you, you felt someone try and run you down and it became a struggle. 
Fighting back and forth until he took hold of your jacket and pulled you over the edge with him. 
Disorientated from the fall, you struggled to find your way back up to the surface and when you did, you were only dragged back down. 
However, in all the commotion, a light came from the bridge and your attacker suddenly let go and, from the waves of the water, began swimming away as fast as he could. 
Coughing up the last of the water, you pulled yourself up the edge of the riverbank, laying on your back until your heart rate slowed down enough for you to catch a decent breath. 
“Hey, hey! Y/n! Look at me.”
Turning on your side, you tiredly pushed Morgan’s hand down from your face. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
“Do you think you can stand it?”
You nodded. “Just give me a minute.”
“What the hell happened?”
“You mean other than me being dragged into a river giving me flashbacks of college?”
“Y/n!? Y/n?! Are you okay?”
“She’s fine, pretty boy.” Morgan called back up the riverbank as Reid made his way down. 
“Are you sure?!”
“I’m fine, Spencer. I swear.”
Having made his way to your side, he kneeled down a little, checking you over. Only when he touched your skin did you realise you must have hit your head under the water on something because it was stinging from an open cut. 
“Sorry,” Spencer said as you hissed. 
“It’s okay, Just…help me up.”
Spencer did as he was told and Morgan led the way back up the bank. 
By the time you made it back to the precinct, considering it was closer than the hospital and they already had a paramedic waiting, JJ and some other officers had found the Spray Paint runner, and had pictures taken of the job he had done outside of the store. 
Having taken a shower in the locker room, Emily passed you through some of your spare clothes which consisted of a black t-shirt and some grey joggers. You were sitting in the hallway, your hair was damp and still dripping a little around your shoulders. Meanwhile, in your hands lay one of the pictures the CSI had taken. 
It could have been a coincidence, but more than likely it wasn’t. 
It was your initial. 
A shiver had taken hold of your body, whether from the truth or the cold you didn’t know. 
“Hey, here.”
From down the hall, Spencer approached you and removed his cardigan. “You’re cold.”
“I’m fine, Spence.”
“You fell in a river and now have washed, wet hair in a building filled with AC. You’re cold. Here.”
With a slight smile, you took the cardigan from him and in almost an instant, it warmed you. It had been warmed by him and now it was warming you. 
“Thank you.”
Spencer smiled, looking around before picking up the towel that was laid over the back of your chair. 
Slowly pulling your hair around to one side, Spencer rang out the last of the water with the towel. 
“Did they get him?”
Your voice was quieter than usual. 
“The spray painter? Yes. Hotch has him in interrogation right now. Morgan and Emily are out looking for the guy who attacked you.”
You just nodded, part of your brain reliving the attack. 
From the back of your neck, Spencer could see a large bruise. It wasn’t too bad, but he knew it still hurt you considering whenever you moved in your seat, it seemed a struggle. 
“But I don’t match the MO.” 
This was something you couldn’t wrap your head around. You were out of college age range. The girls kidnapped didn’t have the same features. Similar, perhaps. But not the same. You hadn’t been in any similar places, other than the convenience store. 
“We’re thinking that perhaps he revisited some of the old sites.”
“And I’m the one that is closest to his victims…”
Spencer nodded and you took a deep breath, handing him the picture. “I can’t keep looking at that.”
You both sat in silence for a few minutes until Spencer finished and placed the towel down on the back of the chair again. 
“I was thinking about picking up some food, how about you come with me?”
Taking in a breath, you collapsed your hands between your knees and stood. “Yeah. Let me just use the bathroom.”
Spencer nodded, watching you push the door to the ladies room open, before Hotch walked over. 
“You’re taking her out?”
“Yeah, I thought it would be best.”
Hotch nodded. “Maybe try and get her to talk about it. See what she remembers. Anything that can help us track down the attacker.”
“Ready to go?” Spencer said, watching as you came out of the bathroom door. 
Sitting in the passenger seat, Spencer drove through the small town, and a little down the highway towards the only decent diner close to the town. 
In the passenger seat, you kept your eyes fixed on the scenery outside the window whilst the scent from Spencer’s cardigan blocked out the scent from the cheap shampoo one of the officers had found in a locker. 
Every now and again Spencer would glance over at you, that swirling feeling in his stomach getting stronger and stronger. When Garcia had patched the call through, he had heard your voice and something dropped in his stomach. He tried his best to remain calm, asking where you were and what you saw but when you went quiet, just before he heard a grunt in pain, his heart dropped. 
Spencer had met you in the Academy. 
Like himself, you too had been a child prodigy of sorts so you were around his age, too. Often, you found yourself in the same circles, however a small part of each of you seemed to compete against one another. 
An exam, a race, a training course. 
However, neither of you were too focused on your small rivalry to not help when the other needed it. 
After all, after Hotch, you were the one to help Spencer continue to hold his gun licence. 
And he was the one to help you finish up paperwork on those late nights. 
And when he saw your body unmoving on the side of the riverbank, it felt like his heart was shattering. 
It felt like you had been there for most of his life and you had, at least, for his adult life. And the thought that you wouldn’t be there for the rest of it brought such pain to him…he didn’t know what to do other than try his best to remember your voice and the way your hand fit into his as he helped you up from the grass and how you felt, leaning against him on the drive back. 
He didn’t want to let you go, so when Hotch said someone should watch you, he was the first to say yes. 
He’d known you the longest and, for what it was worth, he knew you trusted him enough that if you wanted to open up, it, in one way or another, would have been to him. 
And he was right, by the time he pulled up outside of the diner, you explained all that you could remember to him. From the turnings you took, to the feeling of being under the water and having a split second of thinking you wouldn’t make it back to the surface. 
And when you cried, wiping away the tears on your cheeks with the sleeve of his cardigan, Spencer unbuckled his belt and reached over, hugging you so tight it was like if he ever let go, he would stop breathing. 
You thought back to that night as you slipped your arms through the sleeves. 
There had been a couple of different nights after that, that you thought of when you took in the feel and smell of The Cardigan. 
One such night had been when Spencer and JJ had been out in the field. You had stayed back with Garcia, however that same feeling of having someone pull your heart so far back in your chest it began to hurt your spine, washed over you again. 
The only thing that helped settle it was wearing his cardigan. 
It was rare you did wear it, however when you did it was often for comfort and to settle your nerves from whatever was happening. 
Garcia didn’t say anything, but she smiled. 
She’d seen you wear The Cardigan when you came back from the Colorado case, and when you were stuck in the office late at night a few months later, and whenever she called someone on the jet when you fell asleep on Spencer’s shoulder, his head resting on yours. 
But this was the confirmation she needed. 
Both against you, and Spencer. 
So, when nightfall came and you had decided to wait for the rest of the team to get back, she finally said something. 
You had been sitting at your desk, leaning back in your chair, a pencil poked through your hair whilst a pen twirled in your hand. 
“You should talk to him.”
Garcia smiled. “Reid. You should talk to him.”
“Why?” your stomach dropped. “Is everything okay? He’s not-”
Garcia shook her head. “He’s okay. But, you should talk to him.”
Penelope placed a hand on your shoulder, the soft wool of the cardigan under her palm. 
“This is his.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. 
“If you're worried he doesn’t feel the same?” Garcia pinched the fabric and shook it a little. “This is proof he does.”
“What are you-”
“For being a top profiler, you guys sure don’t know how to read a love story when it’s right in front of you.”
Garcia just smiled again. “Talk to him. You’ll be surprised.”
She took her leave from there, calling out her goodbyes from the entrance door. Not too long after that, the rest of the team walked back through the door to collect the rest of their things, and if you weren’t mistaken, they all seemed to have a quiet smile on their face when they spotted what you were wearing. 
However, in the end, it was just you and Spencer. And Garcia’s words kept circling around in your head. 
“Hey, Spence?”
He turned around. 
And you chickened out. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I- it doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, okay. Well…goodnight.”
What you didn’t notice as Spencer left was when he took another look. You had your back to him, so he could take a slightly longer look. The feeling in his heart grew a little more as he took in the memory of you in his cardigan. 
You had tried to give it back, sneakily. However, he thinked you looked better in it. And, due to the feeling in his heart, it would forever be yours. So, he made sure to be out of the office before you one night so, when you found it looped through your bag, you had no other option but to keep it. 
And now, with it holding your body. Holding your soul. You took in its scent. 
You had been in love with Spencer since shortly after you had both joined the BAU. He was the first familiar face you saw when you landed in the office. He’d already been there at least five years, maybe bordering on six when you joined. And all it had taken was a simple coffee order. 
You had changed your coffee order since you’d both been graduates since the Academy, however, despite the change…Spencer didn’t have to ask. 
He turned up at the door of your apartment, holding out the cup for you when you opened the door to let him inside. 
All he did was stand in your apartment and look around, whilst you drank him in. You’d both changed over the years and of course you had liked him, ever since you first met him. Anyone that took the time to know him, liked him, too. 
But there was something. 
Maybe it was his confidence. 
Maybe it was the fact he knew your favourite coffee order after six years of not seeing one another. 
But either way, you knew. 
You knew you loved him. 
A familiar knock came to the door of your hotel room, knocking you out of your memories and back into reality. 
An hour later, you were sitting downstairs with the others, examining all the old case files, begging for something to jump out. 
JJ sighed and threw one of the finished case files onto the table. “I’m beat. I can’t find anything. I think if I close my eyes, I can see the text written on the back of my eyelids.”
The others felt the same so it wasn’t long before they, one by one, went to bed. 
Leaving just yourself and Spencer by the warming fire. 
As it approached four in the morning, you closed your file and rubbed your eyes. 
“I think I’m gonna go to bed. If I look at this case file much longer, I’m gonna be like JJ.”
However, despite wishing to go to bed, you must have fallen asleep on the sofa as a few moments later, Spencer’s hand was on your shoulder. 
“Hey, you fell asleep.”
“I would have left you, but you’ll probably wake up with a stiff neck.”
“Oh, yeah.”
Spencer helped you sit up and you watched him tidy away a couple of the case files. They were safe enough in the boxes considering the entire team had all the rooms in the hotel booked out. 
Once he had done that, you tidying up a few of the boxes, Spencer fixed the fire guard in front of the diminishing flames when you stood and said;
“Goodnight, or…Good morning or…whichever it is. I’ll see you when I wake up.”
“I love you.”
That stopped you in your tracks and woke you up. 
With you back still to Spencer, you took a moment to breathe. Maybe you had just imagined it. 
You heard Spencer whisper something to himself, a small battle growing large in his head over letting those three words slip. 
Until, he said them again. 
And this time you heard him crystal clear. 
“I love you.”
Turning around slowly, you were soon met with his own back.
Your voice, despite how much you thought you had your emotions in check, wavered. 
Spencer turned around to face you. “I-I’m sorry. I-I should just let you-”
“Spencer, wait-”
You practically jumped forward, reaching out for him to stop. And he did. 
“Say it again.”
Standing so close to him, the heat you felt…you couldn’t tell if it was from the diminishing embers or from Spencer himself. 
“I love you.”
“Do you…” you swallowed, looking down for a moment, feeling his fingers trace yours. You finally looked back up to his face. “Do you mean it…as in…”
“M-more than what we are.” 
It was his turn for his voice to shake. 
“Are you…sure that you…”
“Sure enough, like how I know how…how to…breathe. Although, right now I don’t know how much of that is true because…because I don’t know how to-”
You placed a hand on his chest but Spencer’s own hand came to cover yours and moved it over his heart. 
“I’d say you’re breathing.”
Spencer smiled. “Good.”
“I love you. I-I don’t know what this means, or what it will do and, honestly, I didn’t mean to tell you like this but I was thinking and then, I started overthinking and, I don’t know, when you said goodnight, I meant to say it back and then I-”
“Spence. Spencer,” you tried your best to slow him down. His heart was practically beating out of his chest. “I love you, too.”
“You-you love me, too?”
“I do.”
“You do?”
You nodded, holding his face in your hands. “I do. I love you, too, Spencer. I-I always have.”
From your hips, one of Spencer’s hands stopped at your waist, pulling you in just a little bit closer until your body was flushed with his before allowing his other to move further up, brushing the hair from your face and across your back. His finger traced the shape of your face, before settling under your jaw, bringing your face closer to his. 
He took it slow. 
Even despite the fact you had reciprocated his feelings of love, he gave you time to opt out. To say no. to push him away. 
Flicking his eyes from your own, to your lips and back again. The first touch of his lips against yours was soft, barely fleeting. 
Until you kissed back. 
Your relaxed hands pulled him slightly closer, first by his neck, then by the collar of his shirt. All the while, his arms snaked around you, holding you flush against him. 
“I might be a few years late in asking, but,” Spencer said once he finally managed to catch his breath. “Can I take you on a date?”
“Yes. Yes, Spencer. You can take me on a date.”
Years Later...
“Did I ever tell you you look good in this?”
“Your cardigans, you mean?” You smiled as Spencer took hold of your hand and pulled you closer. “Oh, every day. But I don’t mind hearing it again.”
“Well, you do.”
With a smile as he pulled you down and onto his lap, you kissed him, your arms coming around his neck and across his shoulders. 
It had been four years since Spencer had first admitted his feelings for you and, even if life had sent you both through trials and tribulations, you’d both made it alive, together and stronger than ever. 
It hadn’t taken that long for the rest of the team to figure out something had finally happened between you two, however, it still had taken a while. It was only because Morgan recognised a second cardigan that had belonged to Spencer less than a week earlier suddenly wrapped around you one late evening. 
“And speaking of cardigans…” you sat up a little straighter to see Spencer as he leaned his head back to take you in fully. 
He still looked at you with as much love and adoration as he had done that early morning in the hotel. Perhaps even more. 
“We’re gonna need to buy a couple more.”
“Didn’t you just buy one yesterday?”
“Perhaps,” you nodded. “But this one isn’t for you, well…us…exactly.” 
It hadn’t taken long for you to start wearing Spencer’s cardigans on a daily basis, but he was more than agreeable to it considering whenever he saw you in one of his, his heart soared and he knew you felt safe in them, too. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, considering ours might be a little too big…”
Then it clicked for Spencer. 
From a small pocket in your cardigan, you pulled out a positive pregnancy test. 
“You’re gonna be a dad, Spence.”
Tears already starting to fall from your eyes, you watched as Spencer welled up and with a shaking hand took hold of the test to look at it. 
“You’re pregnant?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re pregnant!”
“I’m pregnant!”
In a sweeping kiss, Spencer pulled you closer as you slid down and lay against his side, your legs still over his. 
“We’re gonna have a baby.” Spencer smiled, turning from the pregnancy test to you with a smile unlike any other you’d ever seen on his face. 
“We’re gonna have a baby.”
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666minutos · 3 days
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194 notes · View notes
wr1ghtw0rth · 3 days
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So I've been in love with this fic and couldn't not draw for it!
It's called (Let's Give 'Em) Something To Turnabout by theother51
If you want a funny small case fic with lots of misunderstanding and silly banter, check this out!!
Version without the writing under the cut
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104 notes · View notes
Hey y’all! i know its pretty soon after this whole ‘do that again’ quote happened, so i understand if you wanna wait a bit before trying to find any, but id love if you could put together some alternative s2 ending fics based off that quote scenario. thank you in advance!
Here are all the "do it/that again" fics I could find...
insatiable by thechesapeakegripper (NR)
“Words only seem to die on his tongue while he tries over and over to speak, say anything, whatever he can to ease the deep-rooted ache now splattered across Crowley’s features as they part. It’s something that he’s never seen before, but can only be described as hopelessly, painfully human.” obligatory “do it again” fic :3
do it again by luciferfemme (T)
The kiss is electric. A fire burning deep inside of Aziraphale’s soul. One that has been burning for six thousand years. It should scorch him. Incinerate and destroy him. It’s hellfire surely, but he feels more alive than he has ever felt in his entire life. The kiss electrifies him. It’s as shocking as it is enticing and one thought rings true above the others. Do that again. Please.
do it again please right now by penmarks (G)
rob wilkins said on a panel that aziraphale's reaction to the kiss was, in his mind something along the lines of "please do that again right now i am trying to understand what's happening" and we all lost our collective minds on twitter. here's my little take on it
what are we going to do? by punkboiii (G)
A rewrite of the confession/kiss scene at the end of Good Omens season 2. “I for-” he stutters, “I… I fo- I forgive-” Aziraphale stops mid sentence, before holding his head in his hands. “Oh, God!” he sobs, “Oh! Oh, Crowley.” Crowley cautiously takes a step forward. “Crowley, please! Do it again. Right now, please Crowley,” he begs, finally looking up at them.
Please Crowley. Do It Again. by alessiazz (NR)
"Angel, what do you want? Tell me what to do, I can't..." And Aziraphale said it. For one time, he was honest about what he truly wanted. And he wanted... no, that's not the right word, he needed him. All of him. "Do it again. Please, Crowley. Do it again" And he did as he was told. ________ Or: what if Aziraphale actually said "Again. Do it again" after the kiss?
love is going to lead you by the hand by mygalfriday (T)
In all their time together, Aziraphale has grown used to the many and varied ways Crowley looks at him. Mercurial creature that he is, Crowley never runs out of emotions and his face displays them all so clearly. Never, in the whole history of their long acquaintance, has Crowley ever looked at Aziraphale the way he looks at him now.
"This isn't how it was supposed to happen" by Caztiel (E)
What if Aziraphale did change his mind after the kiss? Inspired by Mr. Wilkins saying that Micheal's face meant "do it again".
The Resurrectionnists by CaptainBlou (E)
Do it again. It all started with three words. Aziraphale couldn't resist saying them, and Crowley obliged. Do it again.
Snogging on Heaven's Door by Tetrisbiene (M)
What if Aziraphale actually said, 'Do it again. Please. Right now!'? A Post-Season 2 Fanfic. Aziraphale has to go to Heaven to thwart the Second Coming, and Crowley just can't let him go alone. Follow the pair as they meet old and new faces, go to heavenly meetings, sow mischief, and tempt some angels to fall in love with humanity. May the two find a flat surface to talk things over with each other before this big promotion can tear them apart. This is the story of our ineffable idiots in a roller coaster ride of emotions, heavenly bureaucracy, and stolen kisses against doors. Have some angst, some stupid puns in the chapter titles, and an elevator ride that's basically an excuse for me to write a cheesy alternative ending to help me get over the actual finale.
- Mod D
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mahjinpuu · 2 days
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★ Berserk - Guts x Casca ★
 PSD + Timelapse on Sub★!
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abiwaif · 1 day
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❤️Girls kissing girls 💋 It's my thing! 😘
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fanfrelon · 1 day
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Dato Foland & Charlie Cherry
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sapphicbusstop · 1 day
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moomimania · 2 days
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SLIGHT CONTENT WARNING If you don't want to see the bois (snufmin) making out, don't click. It is completely sfw, I just don't want to push it into people's feeds if you're not into that.
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and once again, I can't decide whether I like the colour or gray version the most.
these were from a time, when I was still trying to figure out how on earth they would actually kiss - and how to draw it. so I started exploring 👀
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student-heavy · 2 days
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kryzinz · 3 days
Here is a very old ass doodle from Valentine’s Day of SubScorp (Kuai x Hanzo). It is still indeed one of my favorite ships despite not me active in the fandom now 🙏
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