#this was really fun!
sesamenom · 1 month
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Day 6 - Loss for @silmarillionepistolary
Unfinished Royal Portrait of High King Findekáno
This portrait by an unknown court painter was left unfinished after the High King's tragic death in just the sixteenth year of his reign. It was later recovered from the ruins of Himring Fortress, among several other possessions of the late High King. It is believed to have been left there shortly before Prince Maedhros Feanorion attacked the camp of Eonwë the Herald in a successful attempt to reclaim two Silmarils.
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Drawings from around Japan :)
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 4 months
Never done one of these pallette asks before but I'm giving it a shot; Huntlow with Astral Alley and Pop Culture with Lumity.
So sorry for not getting this done sooner! But I didn't forget your ask, it was a fun challenge, since I've never done a palette ask myself or drawn the Hexsquad... Minus Gus lol.
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Please send some more asks, anyone who wants to! Below is the palette selection the drawing is based on:
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crododendrel · 11 months
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fun little paint of Runa for @sleidog!
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sparingiscaring · 5 months
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Saw some people posting their new years fits - 1902 1899, here we come!
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dutifullylazybread · 18 days
Thank you for the tag @sleketon666 and @reverieblondie 😊
Do you make your bed?
Kinda--I pull my half of the blankets up after I've gotten out of bed.
Favourite number?
6--it's always been my lucky number
What's your job?
I'm a technical writer
If you could go back to school, would you?
Possibly? I've been kicking around the idea of going back for my PhD, but I would likely have to move states/countries to work alongside the doctors who specialized in my field of interest.
Can you parallel park?
If I have a lot of help 😆--I should honestly work on this.
Do you think aliens are real?
Oh yeah. It'd be a bit sad if they weren't, I think.
Can you drive a manual car?
Not yet
What's your guilty pleasure?
Really bad horror films. If the boom mic drops into the shot at any point, I'm in absolute heaven.
Not yet--I have a few ideas. I'd love to get a sword tattoo on one of my calves, and I've been playing with the idea of getting a tattoo down the line of my spine (but from everything I've heard from people with tattoos, the bonier the area, the more it hurts). I do also really like the idea of getting a sprig of lavender running the length of one of my collarbones.
Favourite color?
Wine red
Favourite type of music?
Do videogame soundtracks count? I listen to those quite a bit.
Do you like puzzles?
Most definitely--I really like jigsaw puzzles, nonograms, and sudoku
Any phobias?
This is a tough one. I used to be terrified of the dentist, but not so much anymore. I guess I'm scared of my health being ignored by medical professionals and dealing with the fallout from that.
Favourite childhood sport?
Do you talk to yourself?
Mostly when I'm in the car replaying a conversation. If I'm trying to figure out how I sounded, I might repeat what I said to get a feel for it.
What movie(s) do you adore?
I... have a loong list... 😫
Practical Magic, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Pan's Labyrinth, Crimson Peak, The Shape of Water, Song of the Sea, The Labyrinth (Jim Hensen), The Dark Crystal, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
For the sake of everyone, I'm gonna stop there.
Coffee or tea?
Tea is my first choice--I love genmaicha (toasted rice tea). I do have a cup of coffee every morning, and there is a coffee shop near me that makes some incredible iced coffees (silky smooth to drink, I swear).
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
(I'm gonna say the first three, because I love the progression!) A princess, and then a mermaid, and then a professional wrestler.
No pressure Tags!
@darkurgetrash @commander-krios @little-paperboat
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circumference-pie · 2 months
Out of context WIPs game
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
@thebansacredbanned tagged me!
Gonna tag @harocat, @blenderfullasarcasm, @birdmenmanga, @intyalote, and @indelibleme
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libraryleopard · 7 months
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Young adult urban fantasy novel set in 80s London
While looking for the father's she's never met, art student Susan Arkshaw stumbles into a hidden magical world in which a secret order of booksellers are trained to protect humans from the legendary creatures of the mythical Old World
With the help of Merlin, a charismatic bookseller on a quest to avenge the murder of his mother, Susan's search for her father becomes more dangerous and magical than she ever could have expected
Genderfluid love interest
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superbluebirdgirl · 2 months
I can't draw to save my life, but I like imagining animatics so here's how I would make a Trobed animatic set to Texas Reznikoff by Mitski
It's beautiful out today I wish you could take me upstate To the little place you would tell me about When you'd sense that I want to escape
This opening part would begin with an exterior shot of Greendale, which then goes to a scene of the inside where a small party is taking place. Troy is there, and so is Abed, who looks overwhelmed with the noise and goes to a corner of the room and sits down. Troy comes over, gently speaks to him, and as he does little speech bubbles appear that show images of fantasy worlds Abed may have seen in a movie/show
Texas is a landlocked state It's a little bit far away From the water, from the home That I've wanted to make It's somehow in the city You make it there And you make it anywhere, anywhere
The scene is torn open to reveal a post-canon Abed walking home through “Texas” (L.A.) looking tired and sad. We also show him working at a TV set and getting a thumbs up for a job well done, and he smiles (unconvincingly).
But I've been anywhere And it's not what I want And I wanna be still with you
We cut to Abed alone in his new house (on a bed or couch) curled up slightly as a soft tear falls down his cheek. An imagined, transparent version of Troy embraces him.
Do, do-do-do, do You keep your socks on in bed Keep our hearts warm See the tree shadows lie in black pools in the lawns
During the instrumental/do-do-do part, Abed hears something at the door. He walks over, and sees the REAL Troy standing there. They intensely embrace and cry. For the rest of this section, we see both men in bed together (socks still on) hands touching. We see, through a house window, the two sharing a first kiss.
You're the breeze in my Austin nights You're the breeze in my Austin nights You're the breeze in my Austin nights
For the first “breeze in my Austin nights”, we see a flashback image (drawn in a more sketchy style) of the two first meeting. For the second one, another sketchy image of the two saying goodbye in season 5. For the final line, a fully realized image of Troy holding Abed’s somewhat trembling frame in bed.
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kirkwall · 2 months
tag game 🫶 do this test and this picrew for ur oc!
tysm for tagging me fray!! im gonna do it for four of my children bc i literally could not choose rip
tagging @aloyssobek @camelliagwerm @tekehu if u feel like doing this <3
amrynn, he/they, ffxiv
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adaline, she/her, ffxiv
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rethan, they/them, bg3
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lorsan, he/him, bg3
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deepdownimbologna · 1 year
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drawing for @thingsaday 's DTIYS !
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24 in 2024
I meant to do this in January, but life keeps marching on despite my efforts. I stole this from @aliteraryprincess because it just looks fun!! This is 24 books I want to read in 2024 (not including ones I've already read or am currently reading.) These are in no particular order.
Bronze Drum, Phong Nguyen (fiction) (already own, just unread)
Lady Chatterley's Lover, D.H. Lawrence (classic)
Edward IV: A Source Book, Keith Dockray (nonfiction) (already own, just unread)
Lavinia, Ursula K. Le Guin (fiction) (already own, just unread)
Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives and on the Health of Our Nation, Linda Villarosa (nonfiction)
Modern Paganism in World Cultures: Comparative Perspectives, Michael Strmiska (nonfiction) (already own, just unread)
She Would Be King, Wayétu Moore (fiction) (already own, just unread)
The Peacekeeper, B.L. Blanchard (fiction) (already own, just unread)
Tress of the Emerald Sea, Brandon Sanderson (fiction)
Medieval York, D.M. Palliser (nonfiction)
She Had Some Horses, Joy Harjo (poetry) (already own, just unread)
The Mysteries of Udolpho, Ann Radcliffe (classic) (already own, just unread)
Object Lessons: The Life of the Woman and the Poet in Our Time, Eavan Boland (essays?) (already own, just unread)
Noblewomen, Aristocracy and Power in the Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Realm, Susan M. Johns (nonfiction) (already own, just unread)
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot, Mikki Kendall (nonfiction)
Katherine Parr: Complete Works and Correspondence, Katherine Parr (essays/letters) (already own, just unread)
Daughter of the Moon Goddess, Sue Lynn Tan (fiction) (already own, just unread)
Blood and Roses: One Family's Struggle and Triumph During the Tumultous Wars of the Roses, Helen Castor (nonfiction) (already own, just unread)
If I Were Another: Poems, Mahmoud Darwish (poetry)
Always Italicise: How to Write While Colonised, Alice Te Punga Somerville (poetry)
Black Swim, Nicholas Goodly (poetry)
Sight Lines, Arthur Sze (poetry)
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories From Red States, Samantha Allen (nonfiction) (already own, just unread)
Within the Fairy Castle: Colleen Moore's Doll House, Terry Ann R. Neff (idk how to label this, this is my last pick just for fun) (already own, just unread)
If you want to do this, steal it from me and tag me!
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iori-cody-hida · 10 months
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The last day for Iori Hida week. A free day! Whew!
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veiledbyart · 7 months
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A finished bust commission for @xivymoonx's beautiful beautiful durge, Rhoswen!
I'm sure the bleeding roses are a good sign, yeah--
Thank you so much for commissioning me! ♥♥♥
Don’t use or repost my art without permission.
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
when you get this you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same :) (no pressure <3)
Thank you to @valentinaonthemoon for the tag, check out her amazing song list here (and check out her blog in general, she's amazing herself!)
Into the Groove - Madonna [ youtube | spotify ] TBH the entire Celebration album could fit here, they're all iconic songs from a legend of music, but Into the Groove really gets me in the mood to dance. It also reminds me of the music in the original Ace Attorney trilogy, which is a fun perk.
De Selby (Part 2) - Hozier [ youtube | spotify ] The Irish man has done it again, folks. I've been listening to Unreal Unearth way too much since it came out, and it's a magical experience every time. Once again, the entire album could fit here - De Selby (Part 2) wins the race thanks to its spectacular bass line.
Our Day Will Come - Julie London [ youtube | spotify ] I'm a big jazz fan, and Julie is my absolute favourite jazz singer (which is no surprise, given my adoration and admiration for contralto voices). This one in particular makes me feel like I'm laying on a tropical beach and watching the sun set over the sea. (Also, how lgbtq are the lyrics? This is a queer joy anthem to me).
Strangers by Nature - Adele [ youtube | spotify ] My absolute favourite from her latest album, 30. That beautiful moment when the "chorus" begins gives me chills everytime. Whenever I happen upon this song I have to stop whatever I'm doing and just listen to it - it takes me to another world entirely. This is what falling in love sounds like to me.
Ride Home - Ben&Ben [ youtube | spotify ] This is one of the most recent additions to my music library! I happened upon it while building a playlist for a road trip and loved it immediately. It's sweet, energetic, and fit to be sung at the top of my lungs during a car ride - basically everything I look for in a song.
And this is five songs already?!? Oh, dear, I was set to go on for a while more! Thanks again @valentinaonthemoon for tagging me, this was really fun!
I don't normally tag anyone specifically in this kind of post, but this time around I'd like to know what @hecatesbroom, @hershellaytonlovespuzzles, and @myreignoveryou are listening to (if you'd like to have a go at it, of course!). And anyone else who wants to share their favourite songs - use this post as a free tag to do it!
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theshadowrai · 7 months
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My half of an art trade with @toxapex-zone! I drew their OC Paper! ^v^
This piece was so much fun to draw!! I really love Paper's design!
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