#this is SUCH a good scenario dang
the Fontaine archon quest is still making me feel too many things so here (spoilers for the 4.2 archon quest if you haven't played it yet):
what if you were from Fontaine, the first sin on your shoulders and Primordial Seawater running through your veins like the rest of them. the prophecy hung heavily over your head, a source of constant worry during late nights when you're alone and can't sleep- Childe begged you to leave the nation of Justice multiple times, to come with him to Snezhnaya, but you refused to leave behind your friends to be swallowed by the waters. your worries only worsen when Childe is arrested in the Opera House and taken away to the Fortress, then spontaneously goes missing in the dead of night.
your heart squeezes with dread and sharp concern when Foul Legacy suddenly reemerges from the maw of a colossal stellar narwhal, the edges of his mask and armor smoldering from days of battle. the final glance he gives you is full of pain and desperation before he falls back through the rift in the world, and you want to start screaming but can't, the words stuck in your throat as you swallow and simply stare at the starry crack where the whale and Foul Legacy vanished.
you can't lose Childe. you can't lose Foul Legacy. you can't lose Ajax. so despite every instinct screaming not to, you follow Iudex Neuvillette and the Traveler through the portal.
Foul Legacy is there, curled up on the ground, but he still lets out a raspy trill when you rush over to him, weakly leaning into your arms as you pull him far away from the ensuing fight. you bury your face in his coppery hair, shaking from the weight of stress and worry, and you feel Legacy's claws curl gently around your wrist.
everything from that point seems to pass in a blur- the narwhal's defeat, the flooding of Fontaine, the waters slowly receding... and finally, finally- everything seems to calm, smoothing out like silk and soothing your frazzled nerves. you plan on leaving for Snezhnaya, wanting to keep Childe company as he heals from his ordeal- the very first thing that he did when he transformed back to his human state was give you a silly grin, bringing out your first smile in a few months.
and yet your peace did not last, for Celestia judges all at their own discretion. although the sins of Fontaine have been washed away, they still deem you a sinner for colluding with the Abyss, your love for Childe and Foul Legacy and his love for you considered a horrible crime in the eyes of the divine.
your sentence? execution.
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tswwwit · 4 months
I read Beowulf for a class and for some reason I cant stop thinking about Dragon!Bill, clever and ancient, guarding a hoard... bored to tears. Is Dipper a serf trying to steal gold to buy his own freedom? Or does his accidentally stumble in, trying to hide after being accused of witchcraft? Has he been sent as a sacrifice? Maybe he's also just really bored and wants to head Bill's fabled riddles.
Idk, the plot bunnies are all over the place, I just live here.
Dragon Bill is always a fun time! You know he's not only hoarding gold but secrets, as well as being A Total Beast of Mass Destruction and Devastating Nuisance in the surrounding area.
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
I was starting to feel a little fussy about charging full price for this sweater since it’s so small and works up so much faster than the Giant Sweaters I’d used as my frame of reference for pricing but like. frankly I think it’s bullshit when an xs and an xl of the same article of clothing cost different amounts, like I get there’s a different amount of raw material involved but that sucks right! so I don’t want to drop the price just because it’s smaller than my usual estimate piece. and also like, I’ve done about ~4 half days of work so far (actually 2 half days and 1 whole day, but 4 half day equivalent) and I’m about 7/8 done with the main body piece, I’ve still got two sleeves with colorwork and sizing, stitching everything together with sizing, and the neckline/hemline ribbing with colorwork. so that’s at least another 5 half days, making the total work time at least 36 hours. minimum wage in seattle is $15/hr, so if I put the same amount of hours into a w2 minimum wage job I’d make $540 (pre-tax, altho if that was all I ever worked I’d be well under the standard deductible and probably not insured by my employer and get it all in the end), and cost of materials was roughly $50.
so $525 is technically still a bargain, even for a size xs sweater. if it was actually the number of hours I eyeball estimate an extra large piece to and I was paid pre-tax minimum wage, I should be charging $1200 plus materials. altho realistically I’m probably working far more hours than that on any given project even if turnaround time is roughly a month on the big ones. (honestly I usually work 8-12 hours a day 7 days a week when I’m deep in a big project. I will crochet every waking moment that I’m not in the bathroom or eating. I know zoe’s wedding blanket took me about 17 days working nonstop, so that’s like $3k worth of labor lol. and it was worth it too. it has never not been worth it.)
#it's good to put numbers to the work I *can* do#even if 99% of my projects are gifts#it helps put in perspective how much value there is in the things I make.#and also helps keep me from feeling bad about my commission prices#cuz tbh they're pretty dang reasonable!#I'm underpaying myself even!#you want nice handmade shit you either pay for my poor ailing hands or make it yourself!#(or befriend me and wait until christmas!)#(most of my friends get handmade shit at christmas.)#(some of them get thoughtfully purchased shit instead)#(if I see something they clearly need purchased for them or if I just don't really know what they might want/need)#(like diane. diane gets daiso miscellany every year cuz it's easy to share with their partners/kiddos who I don't know)#(altho tbh the sock machine mostly fixes that second scenario.)#(not everyone wants socks and that's valid and fair)#(but the people who do want socks will very gladly take new socks every year until one of us dies)#(unlike say. hats. you can really only give a person like one or two hats before it starts getting weird.)#(unless they specifically ask for one.)#(but socks fixes that! socks every year forever for all the people who want socks and don't give off any better ideas.)#anyway like. I literally work until my bones hurt and then keep working.#and I make damn good quality work.#I will unravel 2 7 1/2' long rows just to fix one missing stitch.#the things I make have substantial value and I'm allowed to charge something vaguely resembling that value.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hi!!! Could you do a reaction of ATEEZ's S/O kissing their cheeks just to prove the other member that they can make the member blush in less than minute?
I LOVE THIS!!! Yes I can & will it shall be my honor & pleasure 😌😆 hopefully you enjoy me running away with the scenario in a few of them hehe~ (The way I was listening to SOAD while writing this 😂)
Ateez + Kisses to Prove You Can Make Them Blush (Gender Neutral Reader)
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The moment you lean in, he’s leaning back a bit. Not that he doesn’t want you to kiss him, it’s just, well…
“Not in front of the guys!”
Stifling a chuckle, you just pull him in, cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his cheek, then one more to the other side. You pull back, admiring his gorgeous features for a moment with a smile before starting a full retreat. You know Hongjoong. If he isn’t already flushed by the initial embarrassment, this’ll get him. Sure enough, contrary to his reaction, the moment you start to leave, fingers sliding gently back down his cheeks and under his chin, he catches them in his.
“Oh?” You feign surprise.
“At least give me a real kiss,” Hongjoong chides, but you know he’s not truly annoyed by the amusement in his eyes and smirk on his lips.
“Alright,” you reply with a shrug, fingers returning to their moments-old grip as you yanked him into your lips.
The kiss is short but forceful, and you can feel Hongjoong restraining from getting any messier because, well, the guys. As you finally let go of him, you smile at the angelic look he gives you, running a hand through your hair quickly.
“Thank you.”
“No,” he chuckles, “thank you.”
“No,” you say back, holding out your hand to Wooyoung, who is beside himself yelling and mock-retching about having to watch that whole display even as he places the cash in your hand, “thank you for paying for our date tonight.”
Hongjoong just shakes his head. “You little devil.”
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The moment your lips hit his cheek, his eyelashes flutter shut in contentment. Time to hold this little bet? Perfect. Seonghwa was already in an extra good mood. You kiss his other cheek, traveling down from your boyfriend’s lovely cheekbone to smooch adjacent to his lips.
He giggles lightly, tilting his head to receive your kisses before he pulls away, angling himself to give you a few of his own. This time, you smile as his lips attack your face, familiar warmth gracing the gentle curve of your skin.
“I have to return the favor, you know,” he whispers before turning his affection to the other side.
“I do know,” you giggle, delivering the killing blow, “you’re so cute. The cutest.”
“Ah, hehe, I-” Seonghwa stammers a bit as you flutter your eyelashes innocently, cheek still angled his way, and with that, his cheeks begin to darken.
"See? That had to have been, like, thirty seconds!"
"Thirty-seven," Mingi corrected, holding his phone out, screen displaying the paused timer facing you.
"That's still under a minute! Now you have to do Seonghwa's laundry!"
"Wait," Seonghwa pouted, "this was just for some sort of bet?"
"Don't be sad," you attempted to soothe him, rubbing your cheek against his as your arms wrapped around Seonghwa's middle, "I enjoyed it and you've won a week's free laundry service."
Chuckling, Seonghwa cocked an eyebrow. "You could have bet anything and you told him to do my laundry?"
"M-hm," you hummed in agreement, "you deserve a break, and I don't think he does enough of that stuff."
He kissed the top of your head. "We really are perfect for each other."
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"Yunho!" With a running start, you leapt into your boyfriend's arms; he reached out at the last minute to catch you, dropping down a bit with the sudden weight than rising immediately back to a standing position. You wrapped your legs around his torso, leaving him reaching out to hold underneath your thighs.
"What's this about, hm?" He was smiling affectionately at you, giving you that 'I've won the jackpot' look, but no blush.
Dang, you thought the legs bit would get him. Very well. "My big strong man," you cooed, trying to embarrass him.
He chuckled at your words, then tensed as you suddenly planted a big, dramatic kiss on his cheek. He turned his head in response and you obliged, loosening your grip on his back a bit to run your hand up and down the line of his spine. You turn to press your lips to the other side, this time toning down the silliness and taking your sweet time. Finally as you pulled away, he held his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes. You reached up to caress his cheek, smiling surely as wide as he was.
"Alright, alright, you're both blushing. Sheesh."
"What's he talking about?" Yunho asked quietly, gaze not leaving yours despite Jongho's voice behind him.
"You didn't tell him about the bet?" Jongho snickered.
"Didn't need to," you replied, finally tearing your eyes from Yunho's long enough to give Jongho a smug look, patting your boyfriend's warm cheek.
"Ugh, fine, tell me what you guys want next time I'm out."
"What's going on?" Yunho inquired once again.
"I bet him I could make you blush in less than a minute so now we get free coffee!" You replied brightly.
"Well, even if we lost, I'd have felt rewarded."
You giggled both at Yunho's words and Jongho's amused, yet exasperated scoff.
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Was working up to it the best strategy? Well, you'd find out, you supposed, your hand reaching up to the table's surface to rest atop Yeosang's. He paused long enough to give a little eye smile, unsuspecting, then returned to getting your afternoon tea poured. When he slid your cup toward you, you tightened your grip on his hand.
"Thank you, Yeosang," you peered at him through your eyelashes before rapidly pecking his cheek. Once again, he smiled, but nothing else, and you hadn't counted the passing time, so escalation seemed necessary. You kissed his cheek again and again.
"Are you trying to distract me?" He asked, tone half cheeky, half legitimately questioning, his eyes narrowing slightly at your little smile.
"I dunno, is it working?" You asked innocently, fingers of the hand that lie on top of his intertwining with his.
He held your hand up, palms pressed together as he played lightly with your fingers, this time taking his turn to lean closer to you. "What are you trying to distract me from, hm-"
You cut him off with a kiss to his lips, which he immediately responded to, hand tightening around yours. As your lips moved in conjunction, you felt warmth pooling against your cheeks, which weren't so cold either. Pulling away, you rubbed your nose against his, taking in his wide, stunning smile.
"Dang, fifty seconds." San and Wooyoung peered down at their phones, the screens of which both displayed variations of fifty seconds and some-odd miliseconds.
"That," you jerked your head toward your duo of friends, belatedly answering Yeosang's question.
Your boyfriend pulled away, a faraway look in his eyes that slowly drifted into faint disgust. "Why were you making them time our kiss?"
"No," you giggle, "they weren't, just seeing if I could make you blush in a minute. Now they have to wear something stupid in the airport next time."
"Well, that more than makes up for it, then," Yeosang says, eyes drifting mischievously toward his besties.
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"He blushes so easily," Seonghwa whines, "can't we make it thirty seconds?"
"No take backs!" You singsong, waving a dismissive hand at your friend. "You said make Sannie blush in a minute or less and I get to test out my manicure kit on you!"
"Well, at least it wasn't face paint," Seonghwa shrugs in resignation, "nails aren't so bad. As long as you don't do any weird colors."
"No promises," you tease just to get a rise out of him before sneaking into the kitchen where San was standing.
There the object of your affections stood, completely oblivious to the metaphorical target on his back, just filling a glass of water at the sink without a care in the world. Bingo.
You went up behind him, arms sliding around his waist and reaching up so your hands moved toward his chest. Both of you love back hugs, so you felt San melt into the embrace as you hummed contentedly, lips fluttering over his cheek lightly. Lowering his head, he rested it protectively over yours as you kissed him, muttering a "What's this?" and an "I love you" in practically the same breath.
"I love you too, Sannie," you cooed, smiling at his sweet words and the heat you could feel rising to greet your touch.
"Alright, yeah, I'm done for, I can see his ears are all red. What color do you want to do?" Seonghwa interrupted your moment.
"What's he talking about?" San asked as his arms rested over yours.
"Nothing that's important right now," you answered as you settled into him.
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“Why did we make this bet? We’re going to lose.” Yeosang’s very blunt observation rang through your ears as his head turned away from you and back toward Yunho, arms crossed matter-of-factly.
“In under a minute, though?” Yunho shot back.
“A minute is a long time,” you shot back with a grin.
“See?” Yeosang lamented as you sauntered over to Mingi, who had conveniently just entered the room just as the bet was sealed.
“What’s a minute a long time f- oh. Oh!” Before he could say any more you were on him, attacking his face with kisses. Your hands reached up to caress his cheeks and turn his head to give you access as you made your travels, which your beloved rapper never made a single objection to. In fact, you dared say he encouraged it if the way his one hand snaked onto you to draw circles on your back said anything.
Whether it was your own body heat against his or something of Mingi’s own, you could already feel warmth brewing beneath your lips as he giggled. The sound spurred you on as you kissed his nose, then made your way back down, heading for his lips...
“Ok, pass! Pass, (y/n), he’s already red, jeez!” Yeosang held up his hands, waving in defeat. "I told you this was a stupid bet, Yunho."
The other tall man just shrugged. "At least it's not that much money."
You turned and looked at him with a victorious smirk. “Ok, cool. Glad you think so. Pay up.” Holding out your free hand, you gripped Mingi’s chin with the other, continuing to kiss your boyfriend.
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Honestly, you were a bit uncertain about the whole bet- surely Yeosang had a reason to feel so confident? And Wooyoung was pretty bold, would he blush easily? Maybe not.
No matter what the outcome, you'd signed up to test it, and you couldn't totally complain about that if it meant trying some stuff that might work on Wooyoung. Even in loss you'd have some fun, you reminded yourself.
You found your boyfriend in his room, organizing some stuff on his shelf, and as you said his name his head snapped up instantly. "Darling! Need anything?"
"You," you replied, knowing corny stuff worked pretty well on him. With that, you crossed the room, pulling him into an embrace from the side.
"Well, alright then, good afternoon to you, too," he replied with a grin.
You started kissing down his cheek, which had yet to redden when he turned his head, tapping a finger on the other side in silent request for you to even him out. Chuckling, you leaned in and obliged, covering his whole face in kisses. When you finished, he pointed to his neck, taking full advantage of your purported affectionate mood. Sighing, you kissed down his neck, too, peering upward to see if his ears or cheeks looked red. He just smiled, trailing a finger down his chest.
"Don't push it," you teased, giving him a playful shove. You accidentally caught him off-guard, though, sending him off balance and scrambling, ultimately tumbling back onto his bed.
He looked down as if he didn't know what was beneath him, then back up at you in surprise, eyebrows practically disappearing into his hairline. "Oh?" Now his cheeks were getting red. Why was he like this?
"I- I-" You stuttered, voice failing you in favor of a sigh as your face fell into your hand.
"Ok, that was fifty seconds. I'm sorry for both of us," Yeosang muttered, showing you his timer, handing you some cash, and turning on his heels to leave. "Have fun explaining this one."
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You slid next to your boyfriend on the couch, bringing a smile to his face at your presence.
"Bored?" He asked as you snuggled closer into his side.
"Hm, a little, but I think I know how we can fix that," you reply, posing with a finger to your chin in mock-thought.
"Oh yeah?" Jongho lifted one arm too give you greater access, draping it casually across your shoulders when you got settled. "How?"
"This is how," you wasted no time in replying, eyes briefly scanning Jongho's lovely, handsome face before closing the remaining space between you two.
You could tell by the way he leaned he expected you to kiss his lips, which you knew he preferred, but your initial goal was a bit different. You kissed his cheek, suppressing laughter as he leaned away slightly, one eyebrow raised in confusion. With just a faint chuckle, you kissed the other cheek.
"What's gotten into you?" That's all he says as you pull away, sure he'd red by now. Not quite, it seems, and you're sure you are from trying not to laugh.
"Where's mine?" You ask, pouting slightly.
"Wh- what are you talking about?" His eyes widened ever-so-slightly, a faint blush finally dusting his cheeks.
"One second," you told him, placing a finger across his lips in a 'shush' gesture as you rose from the couch, leaving him with a furrowed look of confusion as you sat up and peered over the back cushions, "what's my time?"
"I started kinda early."
"Hey!" You complained, grabbing a pillow to threaten Hongjoong with.
Ateez's captain immediately put his hands, one of which held his phone, up in surrender. "But it still came out to fourty-three seconds! You win!"
You lowered the pillow, tucking it back into the corner a few inches from your feet. "Good. Then pay up."
"Alright," Hongjoong reluctantly agreed, his classic impish smile decorating his face, "but only because you two are so cute."
That time, he did get hit with a pillow square in the shoulder, but it was Jongho who threw it.
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Charlie: "So! How DID talking with Carmilla go?"
Vaggie: "Uhh..."
Charlie: (laughs) HA! Yeah- the giant weapons delivery kinda gives me an idea it went preeeetty good, but was it nice? Did you have fun? Did you find out how angels die? Did you two have TEA??"
Vaggie: "It was nice I had fun I know how angels die and no there wasn't any tea."
Charlie: "None? Phooey."
Vaggie: "Did you have any uh, tea in... Cannibal Town?"
Charlie: "None! No finger foods either! They were only a snack for the eyes- you can kiss me and double check, if you want to~"
Vaggie: "Tempting." (chuckles) "And distracting. Let's cover the angel killing stuff first, okay babe?"
Charlie: (sigh) "If we HAVE to..."
Vaggie: "I'll make it quick. You know Carmine's fancy dance slippers?"
Charlie: "Shiny!"
Vaggie: "Made from heavenly steel, turns out."
Charlie: "Oooooh!"
Vaggie: "She used them to kick the head off an Exorcist, last extermination day."
Charlie: "Oh wow. NOT the scenario I was expecting."
Vaggie: "Yeah, she told me about it while kicking me in the face with them-"
Charlie: "SHE WHAT"
Vaggie: "-and even when she explained the whole 'trying to protect her daughters' thing, internally I was still like, dancing someone to death is one of least practical ways of killing-"
Charlie: "She kicked you in the head with her angel killing slippers?!?"
Vaggie: "-long fight scene cut short, she makes it work. But I'm still sticking with my spear for the battle."
Charlie: "VAGGIE!!!"
Vaggie: "I don't care what Carmine or anyone else says. Spears are-"
Vaggie: "...I know? That's why you asked me to talk with her?"
Charlie: "......."
Charlie: "I think. I'm gonna be sick."
Vaggie: "Aw babe." (brushed back charlie's bangs) "Cannibal Town finger foods finally catching up with you?"
Charlie: "No. Yes. They're not helping but it's more of a 'if my girlfriend had gotten killed, where would the finger of blame be pointed at' kinda thing."
Vaggie: "Sweetie no..."
Charlie: "Sweetie YES. I sent you there."
Vaggie: "And if Carmine had gotten my head, it would've been my fault for being so out of practice and shit at fighting."
Charlie: "UGH."
Vaggie: "Thanks for that, by the way."
Charlie: "What? For WHAT? Saying 'oh hey Vaggie guess what you can die!' and sending you to the Overlord who can kill you????"
Vaggie: "For keeping me out of practice at fighting."
Vaggie: (smooches gf)
Vaggie: "I like kissing you way better, honestly."
Charlie: "... well... well maybe you could still use some practice."
Vaggie: "With the kissing?"
Charlie: "Both. Kissing and fighting. I want you alive at the end of the battle so we can do more smooching afterwards. Okay?"
Vaggie: "Okay."
Charlie: "You'll get better at the fighting again- no more getting hit in the head with heavenly steel?"
Vaggie: "I'll do some more sparring with Carmine. No more heavenly steel headshots."
Charlie: "You promise?"
Vaggie: (smiling) "I promise."
-after the battle-
Charlie: "Mm. Hmm?" (pausing mid kiss) "I think one of your teeth are loose?" (glowering) "Vaggie. Did you get hit."
Vaggie: (groaning) "Table. Head slam. Lute."
Charlie: "Fuck that bitch."
Vaggie: "If you mean fuck her up, then yeah, I tried."
Charlie: "Heheh. I saw her afterwards. I'd say you did pretty good." (kiss again) "Dang it, yep- It's your upper right incisor." (pouts) "Boo. I liked that one a lot."
Vaggie: "If it falls out you can have it."
Charlie: "Really!?"
Vaggie: "If it falls out while we're kissing, please don't swallow it."
Charlie: "I guess we COULD just stop kissing for a sec to actually check on the whole loose tooth situation."
Chaggie: "....."
Vaggie: "Or, you could kiss-"
Chaggie: (smooching resumes)
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suzukiblu · 4 months
5 headcanons meta for Plot Bunny, who wanted to know what Ma and Pa are currently thinking in the one where Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids. 
Ma and Pa aren't sure if their new kids are alien shapeshifters or bodysnatchers or just weird government experiments or whatever, but they're not really worried about it. Worst-case scenario, they'll be raising terrifying goop-kids, they figure. Or maybe crab-kids or something, after the possible larval stage. Lots of things end up crabs, right?? Crabs make sense. It’s whatever, the kiddos both still like pie and Kara is adorably helpful around the farm and Kal is just adorably ADORABLE. 
The whole dang town thinks Kara is Kal's mom, and Ma and Pa don't know either way and so have been politely vague about answering everyone’s questions in case they're actually siblings or something. Those El eyes are VERY distinctive, though, especially on a planet without any other Kryptonians on it, so they’re pretty positive they’re related. They just don’t know how to ask a kid they’ve just met if she’s a teen mom or not with an intergalactic language barrier in the way. She’s just their foster child! Their totally legal foster child from . . . Norway?? Maybe???? Sure, Norway. They’ll go with Norway. 
Martha is zero-reservations delighted to have a free baby (grandbaby??) AND a free daughter. She has been rewarded for her patience in life, and it is a DELIGHT. She wants to buy Kara all the pretty dresses and cute jewelry and braid her hair and teach her how to make every single baked good in the entire Midwest, but she’s doing her best to not be overwhelming. She is very easily destroyed by both Kara getting excited to learn new things and Kal’s giggles. 
Jonathan is a little more uncertain about how to bond with a daughter and a maybe-grandbaby for about five seconds before deciding, actually it’s fine, he’ll just treat Kara like he would’ve treated a son and . . . well, he’ll follow her and Martha’s lead on how babies work, he supposes. Then he takes Kara out back to play catch while Martha watches Kal on the porch. They lose several baseballs in the back field just IMMEDIATELY and he wonders if suggesting his new kid join the baseball team once they get her in school is, like, a normal parental thing to do? Maybe?? He might just MENTION the idea if it comes up, he decides privately, and then buys a few more baseballs. 
Martha and Jonathan are regularly comparing notes on how “human” their new kids are (or their new kid and grandkid; they’re not gonna be picky). They are increasingly convinced they’re going to have crab-kids sooner or later, but it’s whatever. As long as Kara doesn’t jump that high or pick up anything that heavy or make any of those incredibly weird noises she keeps making in front of any of the town busybodies, anyway. Also, why does Kal sound like a melodious car engine whenever he’s happy? Is that a weird thing? Is that a thing they should be concerned about? Well, it’s fine, as long as he’s happy.
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theveryworstthing · 2 years
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He stares at the drawing with polite confusion.
"Very...interesting interpretation of an elf. The addition of the tendrils is...interesting."
"You said interesting twice. And what are you talking about? Interpretation? Addition? This is like, a spot on life drawing of Dahra'ah. You see her every day, how can you not tell it's her? Are you serious or is this some sort of joke? Because if i wanted passive aggressive digs at my art I would have just gone back home."
"I-no, no, no! Calm down Tess. I-Exactly, I see her every day. She's basically just a tall human woman with pointy ears, not some kind of...creature."
"Hey! Rude! We're all 'creatures' here buddy. And what the fuck do you mean 'tall human woman'? She's a 'humanoid' sure, but-"
"I mean, that's what she looks like. That's how she shows up in photographs. Her picture is up on the wall Right. There."
"That's not her."
The young portrait artist looks back and forth from the painting to the drawing. She can see it, the way the two figures could be different renditions of the same person, but the woman in the photograph was...off. Dulled. No markings or claws, no elegant tendrils, very little of the ethereal vibes that bordered on creepy with which Dah carried herself. Just a bland but very pretty human lady with pointy ears.
Something is wrong.
"Do you have sec to come to the studio with me Roland? I think we need to compare notes."
over on patreon DonutBronut wanted 'elves of increasingly inhuman varieties' and Kona Goodhart wanted 'indecent rococo' and while this isn't all rococo fashion it has the Vibes.
at first i just wanted to draw some slightly funky elves but then i got the idea for a fantasy scenario where everyone but elves see elves as tall pretty humans instead of the weird fae-humanoids they really are and the elves just roll with it. like, they're not actively deceiving anyone, it's just a fact of life that they show up weird in pictures and most mirrored surfaces and humans perceive them different. which is fine until some human with their dang third eye cracked open is hired to do a portrait and things get Complicated.
these ladies were fun to draw because even though i could have truly gone buck wild i decided to go for something a little more subtle (also i drew a monster elf before and i didn't want to retread that territory). y'all know i love a good changeling, so these are like a species of changeling that evolved to raise their own young after establishing communities outside the veil and breeding with the locals. which is something i've done before with the Mainlanders yes, but also consider? leave me alone.
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ooshu · 1 year
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summary: jaehyun buys johnny and mark some cuervo shots. he forgets the one thing that everyone says—stay away from your phone when you're drunk. note: jaehyun finishing his undergrad thesis, johnny and mark as a support system, and a lot of swearing/profanities, really. genre: pure and raging angst | word count: 1.7k — “one bott?” johnny asked.
“sure! this one’s on me.” jaehyun, with a sheepish grin on his face, replied. his cheeks were now hinting a shade of red. fucking adorable.
so why is jaehyun suddenly ecstatic about drinking cuervo and gulping it down straight as if it was… an ordinary non-alcoholic drink?
give the guy his moment. jaehyun’s thesis-making era has finally landed in the area of responsibility. out of all the frameworks and methods to be potentially used for his study (verbatim. legendary thesis), he is anxious. as much as he wants to bag that best thesis nomination from his architecture department, the thought of just getting it at the end of the sem sounds more convincing and realistic which is, well, quite a lonely take from a former A student turned mediocre due to sudden burnout, but that’s life now for some after the unforgiving turn of events embedded in the 2020 history records.
to tl;dr, jaehyun needs a drink and to get drunk. let him be, please? he’s used to bragging about his high alcohol tolerance but his primary goal is to get shitfaced, excuse the expression. a good hangover is needed by the morning; something to make him feel human again. the world is spinning quickly, and he needed to slow time just a little bit to cue his hazy vision and low inhibitions.
so the second cuervo arrived, right? jaehyun thanked the waiter and johnny and mark couldn’t help but laugh at how he was currently losing it all. he holds the golden bottle, his eyes fixed on the shot glasses, and when he poured, the drink spilled on the table. at this point, being drunk is no longer an excuse. his eyesight has also become worst over the years. what’s up with this guy, anyway? just go get yourself a LASIK surgery (to which jaehyun would only reply via text so dryly: lol)
johnny snatched the bottle from jaehyun and poured it into their shot glasses. in this kind of scenario, one would actually tap out and advise the rest who refuse to follow, but dang!, as the younger bro always says, it seems like jaehyun needed this the most. johnny knew the stress as he has already graduated (but still chose to enroll for a master’s degree afterward because the MA sneak beside his name sounds lit!), and mark is amused by jaehyun’s clumsy state anyways.
“mark, stop laughing.”
“oh, why?” mark looked at johnny with confusion.
“because next year, bro, you’re gonna be as shitfaced as jaehyun because of your thesis! haha!”
while the two bickers, the cuervo shots were going down on jaehyun like water. as he takes the nth shot of the night, he lowers the glass slowly and stared blankly at the two of them.
mark slightly gripped the hem of johnny’s shirt to break off the banter.
then he said “yo, the fuck?”
when the both of them faced jaehyun, his eyes were bloodshot… red?
“jaehyun, are you crying?” johnny asked.
“i broke… heart.” jaehyun muttered.
“shit, i broke it.”
“you broke what?”
mark dumbfounded, was just staring at jaehyun. johnny kept asking who, but jaehyun just keeps on speaking in codes.
“fuck, she said “i love you””
“dude... who?” mark asked. the atmosphere is getting serious as he mumbles what we can assume as his regrets. the two couldn’t really tell. at this point, jaehyun’s all over the place; incoherent.
“fuck,” jae cursed for the nth time. “i took it for fucking granted.”
“it was so exclusive. fuck, that ‘i love you’ was so exclusive.”
“fuck. fucking fool. the fuck, jae? i’m such a fucking headass.”
and bratatatat he goes. the other two gentlemen were listening attentively, hoping he’d spill a name or a clue of who he was referring to. but nothing comes out. as if jaehyun was stuck at the moment when the person said “i love you” to him. jaehyun was in a loop, like a broken record. and when he finally stopped blabbering and took another shot, his face was already on the table, and with eyes closed, he fell into a deep slumber.
and god, his position looks so uncomfortable. his arms were just hanging and flanging into the air. the younger noticed his state, so he decided to put jaehyun’s arms and palms over his legs.
“dude”, mark said to johnny. “are you sure he needs it for his thesis or that thing?”
when jaehyun woke up, mark was on his phone. johnny, on the other hand, was taking a puff from his vape that is wrapped around his neck. you know those dudes who are not so subtle about their vape life? displaying their vapes like an id, and is lit blue? strawberry-minty flavor, smells good though, in fair. but he would tell you to go away if ever you would want to try. “smoking kills!”, he would say. shoo!
“i feel like throwing up.”
“i’ll come with you. come on.” johnny offered.
they went inside the restaurant across from their al fresco space. johnny led the way toward the bathroom. the rest is history. jaehyun walked out from the bathroom stall and washed his hands and mouth. a little splash on his face was needed, too; just to sober up.
he is in fact, and indeed, sobered up; sound and with consciousness. he said “go ahead” to johnny and went back to their table. mark is texting, probably a hook-up, by now. but he never leaves the gang to give respect to the bro night. he was also curious about what happened to jaehyun, anyway.
but johnny isn’t surprised, like, at all. jaehyun is an eye candy in his university. he sure made his fair shares from time to time but the thing is, they don’t really talk about their flings and such. the pack isn’t a kiss-and-tell, the usual trashy friend group that reeks pride via body counts. and jaehyun would introduce if ever he gets in a situationship leading to commitment anyway. it’s just that mark has never seen this side of jaehyun.
but there is indeed a possibility that jaehyun has this hopeless romantic tendency given he must have watched 500 days of summer approximately 500 times by now, and still believes that summer finn is a bitch.
“drink some water”, mark handed a bottle.
johnny nudged mark. it was a signal to stop the interrogation. mark got social cues, thank god. they’ll let jaehyun spill at his own pace. the guy is still trying to recover. one of these days, he’ll remember and open up because perhaps, it did really get serious at some point.
but jaehyun opened his phone and checked his text messages. there was a message, waiting for a response sent almost ten months ago.
january 11, 2022, 01:11 am | you wrote:
to which he now replied: november 10, 2022, 02:45 am | jaehyun wrote:
not yet
and i dont think ill everr be
jaehyun grabbed the half-empty cuervo and poured it into his glass. mind you, not the shot glass, the bottle itself. mark and johnny, once again, stared at each other. jaehyun poured the last bit of the golden bottle and drank it straight. he winced and his throat felt burning. he then continued typing on his phone.
october 10, 2022, 02:46 am | jaehyun wrote:
and i know it sounds tssstupid
but i think im still in love with you
not think
i am in love with you
ive always been in love with you
and i never said it
and i wish i couldve said it back whenever you say it
because fuck
you deserved to hear it so much
jaehyun was in the middle of his never-ending texts when his phone rang.
he let it ring a few times. the phone vibrating felt somehow pressuring for the guy. mark and johnny were just staring at jaehyun, waiting for his next move.
shit, it really is you.
jaehyun got up from his seat while gripping his phone quite tight and walked a few inches from their table, lingering on the feeling of the buzzes. he took a few deep breaths in and touched the green button.
“jaehyun? are you drunk?” he heard from the other side of the phone. “go home, please, jaehyun?”
jaehyun. it’s no longer jae.
meanwhile, johnny and mark were squinting their eyes, trying to look out for the dumbstruck fool, trying to catch signals and connect the dots.
“jaehyun?”, he couldn’t breathe. it felt suffocating. “are you still there?”
“hey.”, jaehyun finally mustered up the courage to speak. “i know it’s been a while but-”
“do you need me to book you an uber, jaehyun?”
jaehyun. jaehyun. jaehyun. tears start to swell in jaehyun’s eyes. where the fuck did ‘jae’ go? he desperately wonders.
“please… please call me jae, please? love, please?”
“jaehyun…” you replied hesitantly. “times have changed.”
“just this time, please?” jaehyun desperately asked. “one last time. i just need to hear it again then i’ll go.”
the line felt silent despite the murmuring sounds of happy co-workers cheering for the weekend and the faint booming music to liven up the place. but jaehyun’s world is painted in monochrome; lonely, and lifeless.
“hey, love.”
“i’m gonna miss you so much; every single day, baby. every single day.”
“jae, jae, jae…”
hearing ‘jae’ coming from you sounds music to his ears.
and for the last time, he pretended it was just another call coming from you—those nights like this paralleled before when jaehyun refused to pick up your calls on a night out, shitfaced, while on the other line, there was you who were constantly worried on his whereabouts. but he always got home safely and always told you this:
“don’t wait for me okay?”
and then you played along.
“just go home safely, jae.”
but in a parallel universe, he wishes he ended the calls with this. and he finally said it, when it is now too late:
“i love you so much, love.”
and jaehyun heard a faint sob on the other line, just before the call abruptly ended.
jaehyun stared at his phone until everything became blurry and his tears flowed down his cheeks.
he opened the message app and scrolled through your thread, until he reached the last message you sent.
but jaehyun, he was never coming home,
now that he has lost the keys along the way.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Just discovered your page and I am obsessed! I was wondering if you could do something about Jamie getting hurt and the reader meeting him in the treatment room and comforting him? Or something along those lines, I trust you!
Dang, you’re putting my angst skills to the test! I wrote this instead of doing homework. Probs won’t post again till the weekend, but who knows? Not me, that’s for sure. Thanks for requesting!
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feeling fragile, can’t you tell
Football matches are always tense. It’s all about squeezing Keeley’s hand when Richmond gets the ball, booing when they miss and screaming when they score. You never know how they’re going to end until they’re done, and god it kills you. Especially when Jamie has the ball. You feel like you can’t breathe until you see it swoosh into the net, after which your chest loosens up.
You love it. Mostly.
The part you don’t love is the part that results in the medics being called onto the field. Some injuries are accidental, some are on purpose. You hate those. You’ve watched more players kick, shove, and punch each other than you would care to count. Your least favorite injury so far was when a burly player broke Sam’s foot “on accident.” You thought Roy and Isaac were going to commit murder.
Jamie told you the next morning that the whole team egged the man’s house that night. That’s why he had been late coming over. He wouldn’t tell you who’s idea it was, but you have a vague recollection of Jamie telling childhood stories about egging houses with his friends.
Injuries are truly awful.
Which is why you’re standing stock-still in the owner’s box, clutching Keeley’s arm and willing Jamie to get up.
He’d done this thing where he kicked the ball away from the opposing team, but landed on his back funny. Rebecca whispers, “Oh god, it’s Roy all over again,” and you remember being told about Roy’s injury. The one that took him out of the game for good.
Jamie’s only twenty-five, you reason to yourself, he has to be ok. 
He still hasn’t gotten up. The medical team are rushing onto the field, and you’re pushing past Rebecca, running downstairs to go find him.
Keeley is hot on your heels, running as best she can in her heels which, honestly, is actually pretty good.
You’re not quite sure where you’re going, feeling blinded by worry. Keeley grabs your arm and tugs you toward the treatment room.
You burst through the doors right behind Keeley, who has almost run smack into Roy. He looks grim, more grim than usual.
“What’s wrong with him?” you whisper, mindful of the atmosphere in the treatment room. Jamie is on a table on his back, face white.
“Passed out,” Roy responds gruffly. “Fucked his leg and back pretty bad, but doesn’t explain why he’s fucking unconscious.”
Tears are beginning to form, and Keeley wraps her arms around your waist. 
You move out of the doorway so the medics can pick up Jamie in a stretcher and move him to the ambulance.
You get a closer look at him as he passes by, features slack.
You feel like you’re choking.
The ride to the hospital is a blur. You’re not even sure how you ended up in Roy’s car, but you’re there, sitting in the back seat with Keeley’s comforting presence the only thing keeping you loosely tethered to reality.
Your mind is running through every possible scenario as to why he passed out. None of them are good. He’s messed up his back and leg before, but never to this point. And his face.
You can’t stop thinking about his face.
To be honest, he looked dead.
Panic starts to hit again, and it takes every ounce of control you have to force yourself to breathe.
You’re outside Jamie’s hospital room now. His doctor said he pulled some muscles, and passed out from a combination of too little water, food, and sleep. The pain must have been enough to trigger his body into finally catching up with itself. 
You sigh, and push open the door, Roy and Keeley promising to wait for you outside.
Jamie is propped up in the bed, IVs in his arms for hydration.
At the sight of you, he says a soft, “hey, babe.”
He’s still so pale, and the tears you’d been holding in start streaming out.
“What happened, Jamie?” you ask, sitting on the chair next to his bed. You take his hand in yours. “How did I not know you weren’t eating?”
Jamie’s quiet for a moment, and you can see a glimmer of a tear in his left eye.
“I dunno,” he replies softly.
He doesn’t say anything after that, so you’re just left sitting there, hand-in-hand, in silence. He’s staring at the end of his bed, you’re staring at his face.
When it becomes clear he has no intention of speaking up you say, “Jamie.”
He turns to you, eyes hollow. “Saw me dad last week.”
You blink. 
“Oh,” you say out loud.
Jamie is silent for a beat, then says, “Didn’t tell ya because I didn’t want you to worry. He’s a piece of shit and my fuckin problem, not yours.”
You shake your head and bring his hand up to your lips. “Jaim. I’m so sorry. I am so, so sorry,” because you know exactly what he’s saying.
You had assumed you hadn’t seen Jamie due to all his extra training. 
You had assumed that he was taking care of himself in preparation for the game, like he always did.
You had assumed too much, because his dad was an unknown variable that threw a wrench in every place he found himself in. 
The last time his dad had shown up, Jamie had tried to stop eating. You say tried because you basically force-fed him after the first day. He also couldn’t sleep. You could feel him tossing and turning, getting up to pace around, just restless. You’d rub his shoulders, hold him close, but nothing worked. He didn’t sleep well for two weeks when he was finally so tired that his body pretty much just shut down.
So. His passing out makes sense now.
Jamie is gripping your hand, knuckles white, tears beginning to roll down his face. His face, which he is trying to keep stoic, and is beginning to return to its normal color.
“Jamie,” you say. “Jamie, you don’t have to keep all this in.”
He shrugs. 
“No, I’m serious,” you continue, “You shouldn’t keep this all in. We’re a team, you know? We’re supposed to share this kind of thing with each other, and if you think I don’t want to hear it or can’t handle it, then that’s a problem.”
Jamie whips his head around from his blank stare at the wall to your face. He whispers, “Are we breaking up?” fear evident in his expression.
“No,” you reply. “No. We’re just- we’re just figuring it out. I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep things from me.”
You’re beginning to lose feeling in your hand. Jamie is looking somewhat relieved, but still not great. 
“How long are you in here?” you ask.
“Doctor wants to keep me overnight. Make sure I’m hydrated or some shit.”
You hesitate. “Do you- do you want me to stay with you? I don’t have to, if you want to be alone I can just-” 
Jamie’s color is really coming back now, and he looks like someone’s removed a huge weight from his chest. “Yes, I would really fucking like it if you stayed. I can move over so you don’t have to sleep on that fucking shitty plastic couch.”
You crack a smile at that as he gingerly scoots over. You climb into the bed, mindful of his leg and the IVs. He throws an arm around you with less care than you think he should have, but you’re not going to worry about that right now so you just snuggle into his side. He’s warm, and you didn’t realize how cold you were until this exact moment.
There’s a knock on the door, and Keeley pokes her head in. 
“Everything alright, babes?” she asks.
“All good here, Keels,” Jamie responds. You give her a small smile, which she returns.
“Alright then, Roy and I are gonna go. We’ll be back to pick you up tomorrow, yeah?” She points to you. “Text me if you need anything. Won’t be getting much sleep tonight.”
You’re not sure if she means she isn’t sleeping due to the excitement of the night or because she’s going home with Roy, but she’s gone before you can ask.
You sigh and put your head on Jamie’s shoulder.
You say, “Don’t ever fucking do that again, ok?” but it comes out as a plea, voice on the edge of breaking.
He replies, “I won’t,” in such a soft, sincere tone that you believe him. 
You breath deeply for the first time that night, just glad that he’s ok and you’re together. You are a team, after all.
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etheries1015 · 6 months
Yk throughout Lilia's past thing I wonder why in the old OLD wars people don't use verbal bullying as a weapon- Killing is already included in physical bullying so why not go all out?
Imagine past Lilia with this one friend aka you who fights the annoying humans with money, curses, and (out of pocket) words instead of the traditional going to war way. Verbal bullying can reduce the enemy's morals (probably).
"Instead of worrying about our MoRaLs, why don't you start worrying over YOUR DRIER THAN THE AFTERGLOW SAVANNAH SCALP"
"Our ruler's temper isn't too good, but that kingdom's ruler is bad tempered AND ugly"
"If yall didn't stink so much, maybe the faes wouldn't have found you so easily"
You: You should watch your steps, the floor of this mansion is slippery after all :)
Enemy: Is that a veiled threat?
You: What veil?
People say that the place where faes live are surrounded by thorns, but you have thorns in your mouth ;)
NO BUT THIS IS SO FUNNY. Instead of using your incredibly impressive fighting skills (Lilia has seen firsthand) you first choose the most outrageous and...unique insults and strategies he had ever heard and seen his entire life. Sometimes Lilia can't tell if you are truly affected by the fighting, or if you had gone simply insane and cannot feel complex emotions; numb, to be frank. Upon asking you such questions, In response you shared to your comrades; "Some people cope by sadness and despair, others cope by humor and lightheartedness. I choose the latter- for I would rather live my life smiling at the most ridiculous of things than sit in a puddle of my own tears and trauma."
Thus, you delve deep into the theatrics as a way to distract yourself from the true horror of things.
"Dang, you really went to war looking like THAT? Even I would pity you, and that says a lot!"
"You have the intelligence of a soggy piece of bread! Didn't you hear ANYTHING about subtly?"
"Oh yeah, you're definitely first to die in any scenario. You check all the boxes. I'm surprised you haven't managed to kill yourself by now! Congrats!"
"You're living proof that you do not need to be funny to be considered a clown!"
"damn, human AND ugly? Pick a struggle, to have both is truly a crime!"
I imagine that this MC really enjoys distracting people with long winded prologues or speeches. With fake tears in their eyes, sobbing in front of a wave of humans with their arm up to the sky-
"I would like to thank my mother for this grand opportunity, my pet snake, and my dear beloved and far too soon departed friend Lilia-"
you hear from a distance an annoyed fae yell "I'm not dead!"
you ignore him.
"And to all of you, my grand audience, for granting me this wonderful chance to demonstrate what it truly means to be ignorant."
Confused glances around the humans- before collective screaming as they are all falling into a pit that you lead them to. Lilia catches up to you and stares at the handful of human soldiers who fell into your trap with hands resting on his hip and raised eyebrows, glancing over at you impressed.
"Clever, yet...strangely obtuse. Good distraction, it's almost embarrassing to call you one of our strongest generals with your antics..." He hummed before his face taking a flat and annoyed look as you reveled dramatically in his praises.
"Why can't you be normal."
Reader being incredibly childish yet super clever like Clavis from ikemen prince and the personality of Furina from Genshin impact SDLOIHLJ
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kisakis-boyfriend · 6 months
I am in NEED of something cute. Or the bare minimum, you decide.
Listen; a threesome w/ amab!inui and afab!koko. Inui and reader tag-teaming on Koko but instead of rough and hard, it’s soft and cute. Giving him cute nicknames and making sure Koko is actually going to cum, telling koko how good he’s doing and all that dang cute shit. Just making him feel good.
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Author's Note: Yeah I wrote some scenarios for this thirst because as I mentioned, these two make me act unwise 😳
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, dom/top!Inui, sub/bottom/trans!Kokonoi, fluffy sex, petnames (honey, prince, good boy), spoiled Koko
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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Spoiled Koko who's sandwiched between Seishu and yourself. Both of you are peppering kisses on his body; Seishu attacks Kokonoi's face with fleeting smooches while you hug him from behind and kiss his hands all over. Pressing your lips to the inside of his wrist and brushing them over his knuckles
Spoiled Koko with angelic moans. His other two holes are filled up with your dicks, the way you keep calling him the ‘prettiest prince’ while you fuck up into him turns his little brain into mush
Spoiled Koko getting DP'ed, spit roasted, flipped over and tossed around by his partners — all as they praise him and touch him gently. You make sure to keep Koko's hair out of his mouth when he sucks you off, Inui keeps one hand on (or in) Kokonoi's cunt when he uses his partner's ass
“Does it feel good, honey?” You'll ask, gazing down at your partner with your cock creating an obvious bulge in his tummy. Massaging one side of his pale chest while Inui sucks on the other
Spoiled Koko having his pussy pounded; Inui's hips snap into Koko's hole bruisingly. Babbling half coherent praises while his hands roam over Koko's body. “S'good...feels so good...fuck–”
Meanwhile your lips have never left Koko's, kissing him so gently. You tilt his head to the side a bit so you have a better angle to reach him, he tastes so sweet against your mouth
Spoiled Koko who tastes even sweeter when you're eating him out right after Inui fills him up with cum. You switch positions so that Inui is up near Koko's head, letting his partner rest his head on his thighs while you move lower, whispering praise against Koko's cunt and thighs, cleaning him up ever so sweetly. “You were such a good boy, Hajime~”
Spoiled Koko who's cradled in between his partners' bodies after the fact; resting comfortably and getting kisses on the top of his head
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babyangelsky · 4 months
Non is the hidden character and in this essay I will—
—endeavor to make a really good case for it.
This theory is predicated on the possibility of Non still being alive so for my purposes, I'm going to take that as fact. I'm taking a few liberties in places (to varying degrees of clownery) but that central point doesn't change.
This is a long one so get comfy. Okay? Okay.
As of episode 9, we can now be reasonably certain that none of the creepy shit the boys saw was of supernatural origin. They were hallucinations induced by the drug that New/Tan had them smoke in an attempt to get them to spill their secrets about what happened to Non.
Which brings me to Por.
We know two things about Por. One, that something—or someone—lured him out of the house and two, that he saw a ninth person on the house's CCTV.
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Was the ninth person a hallucination? If he hadn't been lured out of the house, I'd say maybe. Since he was, let's assume he really did see someone for a second on the cameras.
Now, whoever it was didn't just get Por out of the house. He was specifically led down a predetermined path. When he gets outside and goes to the spot where he saw the figure, he looks down and sees a trail of blood.
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He follows this trail and we all know what happens next. He gets deeper into the woods, away from the safety of the house, and starts to hear noises. He turns around, sees a hooded figure following him, and gets chased into a sharpened branch.
Even though New and Phi, although to a lesser extent, are the masterminds behind this little trip to the vacation house, at this moment they are both accounted for. New is playing jenga and getting high with Top and Fluke and Phi is up on the balcony having his dick bitten by Jin. They weren't the ones who lured Por and chased him.
Non did.
What, we're meant to believe that Por just happened to hallucinate a chase that happened to lead him right into a conveniently sharpened branch? And that of all the gin joints in all the cities in all the world, he just had to walk into mine the bad luck of encountering the one branch that was at the perfect height to impale him?
Which is, coincidentally enough, the exact death scenario that Non wrote in his script?
The only way Por meets this exact death is if Non was the one to kill him, and that leads me to the wire that ended up decapitating poor dead Uncle Dang. A wire which I truly don't think that was meant for him.
Let's follow this line of reasoning. We know that Top and Tee took the road when they went to get help for Por on the bike. This would ultimately fail as they got a flat tire and had to go back, having themselves a hallucination a piece along the way.
At that point, there was no wire stretched across the road. Once they got back to the house, no one would come outside again until morning when they heard Uncle Dang approach on his bike. The wire could've been strung up at any point after the boys got back.
Let's say that after ensuring Por got impaled, Non stuck around to see the aftermath and saw Tee and Top on the bike. Wouldn't it make more sense then for him to have strung up the wire to prevent anyone from leaving as opposed to stopping anyone from coming in?
Because if he is following his script then...
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"But Leah," I hear you ask after having humored me thus far, "How would Non even know that the boys would be at the vacation house?"
This is where I sit back down at my vanity mirror in the dressing room at the circus and start taking some liberties.
For Non to have lived, someone had to help him. I mentioned yesterday that I was hopping on the Perth helped Non train and after giving it more thought, I'm doubling down. It's not only possible that Perth helped Non, he had to have done it, and not only because I want Non to be alive so very badly.
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Why would Perth and his cheekbones be on the promotional poster for the finale (BESIDE NON I MIGHT ADD) if his character weren't important to the plot? Why would he be there if his only role was to massage Uncle Joe's shoulders?
Allow me to posit a Wild Ass Theory a la @respectthepetty :
If Perth's character helped Non and Known Criminal Keng escape Uncle Joe, that means the video where they were captured getting on a bus was authentic.
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But because Uncle Joe and the mafia are still a threat, they can't just go chill somewhere. They have to go on the run and into hiding somewhere they won't be found.
Somewhere like a rarely visited vacation house in the middle of the forest with no contact with the outside world.
Or, alternatively, a creepy temple near that rarely visited vacation house.
Think about it. Non had already been to that house, he's familiar with it, he knows it's empty for long stretches of time and exactly how isolated it is. A terrified teenager fearing for his life is going to want to go somewhere familiar and that house (or the temple) is the perfect place to hide.
I don't think Non went to hide there with the intention, or the hope rather, that he'd get an opportunity for revenge one day. I think he just took advantage of a situation that fell into his lap.
The boys arrived in the afternoon and shit didn't start going down until later that night. That's plenty of time to sharpen a branch, lay down a blood trail, and put on his mask and cloak.
We know all the movie props and the camera and everything were still at the house so it stands to reason that Non had access to them. And we know he had access to the house because White found the knife that was used to cut Por's arms in the closet in the kitchen. The only way that knife could've gotten there is if Non put it there.
Not just any knife, by the way. It was Non's knife, the one that he brought to the house when they came to film and then used to cut Top.
I can't say with any certainty whether Non is acting on his own or with help, but I lean more toward him acting alone. Even if he escaped with Keng, it doesn't mean Keng is still with him all this time later and besides, I much prefer to imagine that ol' boy got eaten by a tiger.
One last thing. This isn't really part of my theory, more like support for it, but when Por is agonizing on the couch, he keeps saying sorry and trying to talk about what he and the boys did three years ago. It could just be a coincidence or deathbed guilt, but I don't think it is. I think Por knows exactly who killed him and that's why he kept apologizing and trying to confess.
In conclusion:
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Hope you don't mind being tagged for the DFF round up @slayerkitty ! 🙏🏼
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inkyvendingmachine · 4 months
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Mobs and Stalkers Season 4, Episode 3
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Four Masterpost (Coming Soon)
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of  a Call of Cthulhu scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
Who is this guy and why is he following us? Why are we following him?? Why are we interreacting with mobs again??? How does this keep happening to us?????
Art Credit: @inkdemonapologist : sketching + inking @inkyvendingmachine : concept + colouring
Bendy even slept on top of Jack during their slumber party, trying to give the same comfort as an Beans might give. It might’ve been weird otherwise, but after all the hectic nonsense going on and not being able to feel safe going home, in this case it was welcome.
Joey slept on his research notes. 
But it is a work day (at least it’s friday,,,) so the cots are shuffled away before people start coming in and questioning the group about the spontaneous night in. And foreseeing this might be a future issue if stuff goes haywire and they have to hide out at JDS more, Joey takes the holiday opportunity to get everyone out of the office for a while.  Enjoy New Years Eve off, go party! Also New Years, to recover from the party. And also… the day AFTER New Years, to do all the things you meant to do on New Years but you were recovering from the party!! Look how nice Joey Drew is, giving so many thoughtful days off. Nobody come back until Thursday or else.
While everyone else is getting some work done, Joey checks in on Norman who didn’t even call in. He seems fine, but he’s still adamant about staying at home. Okay you do you.
(Joey sends Susie to hang out with Norman, as his inside woman and also because the Norman vs. Susie perception of the world will be nice when more things just. C h a n g e.)
The team has two big leads for trying to find Alan Leroy: Chandler Kreel and Amanda Cornish. Both of them are apparently good friends with him, and with addresses in hand, they split up to try and track down the danged clarinetist that they probably need to get to.
Jack and Sammy drive downtown to a bunch of law offices with apartments above, searching for Amanda. They’re able to get to her door pretty easily, but Amanda isn’t the one who answers. Her sister does! Luckily Jack’s there to run introductions because otherwise Sam’s scowling face probably would have just been turned away at that point. Sitting in the waiting room, Amanda soon joins them and admits that the last time she saw Alan was at a christmas party they went to… but seems to be kind of standoffish about any other information.
After some more charming by Jack, it’s revealed that she thinks he might be in trouble with the mob, and uh, Sammy… looking the way he does……. Maybe made her think they were the mob?? But with confirmation that, no, they super aren’t the mob and in fact are trying to find Alan before he possibly gets in trouble with a mob or two, she’s a bit more relaxed. Something weird is happening, because Alan really doesn’t seem like the type to be in trouble with the mob. And the last weird thing she remembers happening with Alan was… well, he got freaked out over some book she gave him for the holidays!
What’s so scary about a book? It was a pretty interesting read, here she’ll go grab it for ya!!!
Sammy is looking away Sammy is looking away Sammy refuses to look in any direction near Amanda as she, indeed, brings out a little black book with the Yellow Sign on it. 
Jack immediately feels it wiggle into his head. But at least he’s able to wrap up the conversation with her in a… semi-normal manner? While Sammy’s eyes, darting anywhere else, find a photo on the mantelpiece that features Alan Leroy and friends, hanging out at a party scrawled with the note: Skinner Place, May, 1934… and Sammy is CERTAIN he recognises the man.
Oddly, his clarinet in the photo is missing one of the extensions he'd expect for a professional player...…….
Joey and Henry take the brown Mercedes to check out Chandler Kreel, who luckily lives in a nice part of the city that feels like a Mercedes might be somewhat… less… easily noticeable. 
He answers the door but seems extremely nervous, like Amanda was. Leroy is great! So good at clarinet you wouldn’t even know he was down a finger!! Also totally a swell guy who shouldn’t be in any trouble so why are you heeerree?? 
Through Joey’s uh, storytelling skills, and Henry's good calming daditude, they get the idea he’s a loyal friend who wants to make sure he’s helping his buddy and not handing over information to the mob or any other parties that might be after Alan… Which means, he probably has information on where Alan is. Since it’d be suspicious to just plain ask, Joey goes the heartfelt “please reach out to us we’re here to help,” direction and hands off contact information. 
While returning to the car, Henry and Joey find someone oogling over it… and this time it’s not some girl trying to declare herself Henry’s lifelong love, but the pale-faced man in a black suit that’s been seen everywhere recently. Their conversation is short, as the man mentions looking for a “wandering player” that needs to be returned to his place, and he walks off after some vague threats about what happens if you are in his way. Or if you lie to him, don’t do that either.
His mask-like face doesn’t move while communicating any of this.
Henry tells Joey once they’re alone that he thinks that guy is Fowler. He has the same nervous fidget Fowler used to…
Jack and Sammy go to stop by Norman’s on the way back, and find that… his place is apparently a block down from where it used to be!! 
When he answers the door and is immediately and frantically questioned about this, he takes a look around and confirms, shrugging and simply stating “it seems like I’ve moved.” 
He invites them in for a housewarming party.
Susie and Norman have been playing cards. There’s no updates on Avadon. Jack and Sammy update them about the few tidbits of information they’ve found, and Norman finds a piece of junk mail to hand off to Jack before they head out. Since… the address on there seems to have changed too, so if Norman ends up moving again, well… they’ll know where he is!
The four of them meet back up at JDS to exchange information about Alan Leroy, and also eject the yellow sign from Jack’s head asap. Sammy's still worked up about this clarinetist's missing E flat extension, but Joey dismisses this as old news -- obviously; he's missing a finger. Keep up, Sammy. Peter has kind of also met back up with them, leaving a message on Joey’s phone talking about sightings of the masked man going through some magic shops in the city. And the fact that despite all his digging, he really can’t find anything about where this Leroy guy came from…
Joey tries to call Peter back by memory and it doesn’t work. We’re not going to talk about the fact that Joey has Peter’s number memorized. Pulling out his phone book, indeed, Peter’s number on paper has changed and that one DOES work. 
Before they get much of a conversation going at all, Joey hangs up on Peter to try something. Instead of dialing a number in, or looking one up… he just wills himself to dial a number in to call Alan Leroy.
It kiiiindaaa works.
Joey manages to call Alan Leroy’s phone, but the same servant picks up and insists that Alan hasn’t returned home. Joey hangs up on him. 
Peter gets a call back. Okay so there’s those Magic Shops he wants to check out, and also he has a lead on the gangster guy who shot the gun during the charity event. To keep Peter from doing nonsense alone and probably being abducted to Carcosa, Jack and Joey decide to go with him to investigate magic shops, while Sammy and Henry uneasily go to the bar to find info on the gangster guy, once Sammy is reassured that this won’t be like last time and all he has to do is eavesdrop. This surely will only go well.
At the bar, Henry casually brings up the charity dinner shooting while trying to fish for information, and maybe he talks a little too much, because suddenly all eyes are on him. What! Sammy wasn’t doing any talking so Henry was just trying to… do….what Joey would do? Henry trying to do what Joey would do has never gone wrong before…
Sammy and Henry are in a mob car, only kind of against their will. They are escorted to a restaurant, where they meet the extremely average looking Italian mob boss, Johnny Nero, who wants to know what they know about this pale masked man. At first it seems like they’ve made another great terrible get-yourselves-kidnapped-by-a-mob mistake, but the boss seems surprisingly rattled, and after some grilling from Sammy, Nero admits that… he’s seen some stuff that shouldn’t be…
… and Sammy hits the nail on the head when he asks, have you seen the y͟el͜l͘ow sig̵n?
Henry steps in and decides to offer to help him… to get him on our side, and understand that we are not a threat to him, we’re simply trying to remove the same thing from the city. After some pressure, Nero is convinced, and goes through the extremely normal process of Henry writing eldritch symbols with his own blood to remove the sign from him. After the nightmare has been yeeted from his brain, Nero turns out to be a wee bit nicer: he gives us all the info he has, but insists that if we find whatever the pallid mask guy is looking for, to give it to him so he can use it to get the guy gone.
And then he kicks them out without even offering them a ride back to their car at the bar.
What an extremely average super not classy even mob boss. 
That’s gonna get you a terrible review on yellowp my dude.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town, it’s time for
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*SHOPPING✧・゚: *✧・゚:*~~!!
The first store is called Cool Jewel Skull. It has cool jewels and skulls. Surely that’s exactly what it says in the book, because it’s extremely not a legit shop, and Jack spends the entire walk to the next shop dunking on it to keep Joey's spirits up. They did find out that not just the Phantom but Leroy had been through it though!
The next stop is an apothecary, and it does seem a lot more actually occult stuff. The guy recognizes a photo of Leroy and confirms he came through looking for protective charms, but when he went to buy one, he dropped it upon touching it and immediately left?? Then the Pallid Mask guy came through later… Not much info on him, except that he was creepy, but we already knew that. The interesting thing is though, the charm that Leroy dropped? It has the same symbol on it that Henry uses to expel the yellow sign from people’s heads. So… weird that he didn’t take it with him…. And seemed allergic to it as well.
The three leave and try to go to the last shop on the list… but the address is missing from the paper now. Like… completely gone. Joey gets the great idea to try his “I'm going to will myself there” trick and closes his eyes, imagining a route to this store he’d never been to before, and giving Jack directions to drive there. Suddenly Jack slams on the brakes and manages to keep from completely smashing into… a man in a suit… and a pale mask…. There’s definitely a dent in the bumper now though, because Jack wasn’t that quick, and apparently a moving car is not more solid than this thing is. 
Joey immediately starts cursing him out, but he insists that Joey called him?? before going around to the side of the car and opening the back seat door… where Peter is sitting. Not having this AT ALL, Joey tries to beat him out of the car with his cane, only to be thrown back against the dashboard. 
With Jack frozen in terror and Peter having an oddly difficult time moving to even the other side of the car away from this pale jerk, Joey immediately decides he cAN AND WILL RIP THIS ASSHOLE OUT OF EXISTENCE. 
And… somehow, it works.
It sure tears something into him alright, and manages to boot him out of the car, giving enough time for Joey to demand Jack step on it. And Jack, panic stricken, somehow manages to follow the command and at least not run into anything else as they drive off into the night – But just as he’s hit the gas pedal, he does feel the cold of both glass shards and … something else, as  he gets touched by a hand smashing through the window in the last second. 
Luckily Jack bought the first car on the market in the US that had safety glass so he’s not going to be fucked up much from this in the physical department, except for his wallet maybe.
Mentally though? Memories flood in… 
memories of a time he visited a dream with his eyes closed, and almost had his head removed.
After they’re at a safe distance, a shaken Peter manages to pull the door closed. 
And thank them.
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kimbap-r0ll · 10 months
If possible, can I request this? Separate scenarios please, but a reader in Octavinelle/Savanaclaw/Heartslaybul, who wants to transfer to a dorm thats basically a rival or opposite aesthetic? In this case, Scarabia/Diasomnia/Savanaclaw. How would the dorm leaders react to a request?
Hi, thank you for the ask! I think it's an interesting idea, I remember getting something similar in the past but nonetheless I liked writing for it. I'll make it a bit more specific by having opposing dorm leaders be interested in the s/o (a love triangle? *gasp*). Also I wasn't sure if you wanted me to also write for Scarabia and Diasomnia, so I just stuck with the three you mentioned first. Hope you enjoy!
Riddle, Leona, Azul react to their crush changing dorms
You're going WHERE?! He's not going to show that he's disappointed, but he'll definitely give you a frown. Closing his book with more force than usual, Riddle will want an explanation as to why you suddenly want to leave
If it had been any other student, he wouldn't have cared as much, perhaps taken it as a moment to learn and grow as a dorm leader. However, it was different with you because he had a crush on you. Did he know it was a crush? No, he's too much in denial
But why Savanaclaw? Like sure he knew that you liked athletics more than most people in Heartslabyul, but being around hot-headed students didn't make much room for peace and quiet that you also liked. Not to mention how Leona wasn't really the best dorm leader to start with. Also Riddle knew that Leona liked you with how he would wrap his tail around your leg from time to time, it made Riddle upset
Riddle will try to talk you out of it. Leona wasn't the kind of dorm leader that would stand for truth or generosity. While Riddle seemed a little bit relieved knowing Jack was going to be there, he was a little unnerved at how Ruggie and a lot of other students might throw you around. It was much nicer in Heartslabyul, what was the point of moving when you already made so many friends and, most importantly, it was safe
If you aren't swayed at all by this, he will try his best to get over it. He doesn't know if he should tell you he really wants to be around you more and seeing you go makes it feel like a low-key rejection. However, the next time you run into each other, with you wearing Savanaclaw colors, Riddle will give you a slight glare
Dang, out of all places you could be switching to you had to choose the ONE DORM he hated most: Diasomnia
First of all, what do you see in that gloomy castle? There's Malleus and that's about it, at least in Leona's eyes. All the other students in that house seemed to be Malleus fans or they were also gloomy like the furniture. But you argued that you fit into that atmosphere more because of your focus on magic, but you also happened to become really good friends with the dorm leader himself
That was probably when Leona first realized he really had a crush on you. Sure, he was really caring to you (though indirectly) and he would act a little more roughly towards you during practice, but those were all because he liked you, just didn't know how to show it. Leona doesn't see what you might see with Malleus, but it nonetheless makes him hate that fae prince even more
If you were any other student that he didn't really care about, he would still make it clear that switching over to Diasomnia was a dumb move and that you wouldn't be welcome back if you decide to move back. However, because he has a crush on you, he'll sit you down and want you to explain to him. Probably the most serious you've seen him in a while
When all's done and you are still convinced Diasomnia's your home, he'll shrug and tell you it's fine. He won't look you in the eyes when saying goodbye, but you might get the sense he's a little sadder than he explained he was. The next time you two meet he'll still be nice to you, but he might be a little more aloof
He's probably the one that panics the most open about how disappointed in you choosing Scarabia and deciding to move dorms when Octavinelle had been assigned to you.
When you come to him and explain that you feel more at home at the desert dorm than the one under the sea, he adjusts his glasses and gives you a quiet "why?" He looks more hurt than you expected, probably because he had a crush on you and you had no idea. Azul would've liked you staying in his dorm since it meant you two could see each other more often and could cheer on sporting events together.
However, this dorm leader is also emotionally constipated. He's scared that he won't be good enough for you, and confessing his feelings might make it worse between the two of you. He's not necessarily jealous of Kalim, but he knows Kalim is much more outgoing and bright than Azul is. He also knew the dorm leader was interested in you like he was, which made things even worse
Azul will try to get you to not move since he likes you too much. He won't say that he wants to be around you more, and he'll end up sounding more like a jumbled mess than if you were some random student. In the end, he won't hold you back from moving, but it might take you a few steps
Kalim will be delighted to have you at his dorm, Azul knows that. He might take some time alone to try and build his confidence up again. Jade and Floyd won't really care about you moving dorms, but they will tease you about potentially going against them in a tournament.
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semisolidmind · 11 months
Okay so. I’ve read bits and pieces of JTTW, and there’s a particular form that Wukong can take on- I think some people refer to it as his “Giant War Form” and others just call it his giant form.
But basically, imagine Wukong standing at roughly 50ft tall, with two extra heads that sprouted from his neck, six arms, and take his staff but absolutely dope that up 5x
In this scenario I imagine that Reader has successfully escaped him, and has taken refuge somewhere desolate- or maybe she’s under the protection of the heavenly monastery (aka Buddha themself), and Wukong goes frickin’ feral. Like snarling and roaring and not even making comprehensive words, just full on animalistic over his wife.
He turns into that and suddenly it’s not a laughing game anymore for the celestials, or Reader. He picks her up in one of his many hands and is just holding her King Kong style as he destroys literally most if not all of the Celestial Realm and heaven. Maybe to prove a point to her, maybe for himself. Who knows. But DANG would I not be terrified if that were me? (Yes, yes I would be terrified)
- 🌊
dang, dude
i can imagine reader's fear during all this. safely clutched in one of the massive paws of her husband, she can hear his enraged roars even through her hands over her ears. she's almost frozen where she lays in his palm, jostled every once in a while by her giant husband's movement. the hand holding her is clutched to his heart, drawn close to his body so his other limbs and the fire burning in his mouths won't hurt her.
this shouldn't have happened. every time she runs, she's reminded why she shouldn't. now there's a good chance they'll both get punished (if wukong doesn't manage to destroy heaven for good this time). reader doesn't have the best feelings toward heaven either (since they've been no help in freeing her so far), but she recognizes the life that's being lost just outside.
she also recognizes that wukong is strong enough to beat them, and has done so multiple times...why did she think they were going to be able to help her?
reader is glad she can't see the carnage. she's relieved when the sounds of war stop, and the feeling of flying begins. with the battle over, wukong takes her home. he says nothing the entire way back.
he doesn't let go of her for a long time. even after shifting back to his normal stature, he buries his face in her neck and doesn't speak. something has shifted between them today.
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draychuh · 4 months
artist!shinsou x reader
You both were only classmates, nothing more than that. every time you take the seat in front of him, he would watch as the way you rest your arms comfortably on the table as you listened to the teacher in content. the way your hair is done in different hairstyles every day. on mondays you would have it in a tight bun, then on wednesdays you would do low pigtails. he had memorized every little detail, not by choice, but because he would draw you when no one's looking. when everyone's on break and chatting around, shinsou took the time to doodle you in his sketchbook. he drew you during your messy hair days, putting in the effort to color in the vibrant pink of your coat. to him, it was as if you were a manhwa character. he found it cute when you dress up to school, something not many kids in class do. or, maybe, he never payed attention to others but you.
during pe, the boys in class were playing basketball as the girls sit on the bench and watch. You were with your group of friends, giggling as they fawn over their crushes. You watched as shinsou, typicallly one of the tallest guys in class, scored a point with ease. "dang, didn't know the quiet boy was good at tossing hoops." your friends said. you only nodded with a smile. after the match, they headed back to class. as you walked down the benches, you noticed a thick sketchbook laying on the ground.
"hey, y/n! you're coming?" her friend asked as they were about to leave the court room. "i'll catch up to you guys later!" she waved at them as she picked up the sketchbook.
it's a very decorated and stylized sketchbook, the purple cover being filled with cat stickers and random graffiti scribbles. "how cute.." she muttered to herself as she flipped open the sketchbook. the first few pages were doodles of cats. most of them were the same color as you assumed it might be the owner's cat. you found their way of coloring in their drawings to be very cute. if only you knew who this belonged to, you would love to be friends. you flipped over to another page, a little taken aback to see a sketch of a girl sitting in a classroom table from a back perspective. she thought it was really pretty. until the next few pages were almost the same scenario, except the girl had different outfits and hairstyles. all of which she had done herself.
shinsou wiped the sweat off of his forehead, jogging back up to grab his things. his heart throbbed as he noticed his sketchbook was missing, not on the spot where he placed it. "crap- where is-" he looked around the court room, eyes landing at you who so happen to be holding the sketchbook. he could feel his stomach fold, watching as you quietly flipped through the pages.
"u-uh. hey."
you looked up, seeing the purple haired boy from earlier. "oh, hi. you played really well just now." you praised him, the sketchbook still on hand. and how ironic it is, that she was looking at the sketches of herself. he gulped, trying to look at her in the eye without attempting to snatch the sketchbook out of embarrassment. "thanks.."
'no problem. see ya in class." she said as she closed the sketchbook, about to take her leave before shinsou grabbed her hand. "wait!"
she turned around, looking at him in a confused manner. "that.. sketchbook."
she smiles. "it's cute right? i think a girl dropped this while she was here. im planning to go around the school and ask around."
"actually. uh. that book belongs to me." he admitted. the last thing he'd want her to do is show his doodles to random people in school.
her eyes widened, glancing at the cutely decorated sketchbook then back at him. "oh.. oh my god! im so sorry. i didn't mean to invade your privacy..! i was just.." she says, immediately returning him the sketchbook. her face was a blushing mess. shinsou gently waved his hand around. "no no. it's fine."
they both stood awkwardly, before she gave him a slight nod and walking away. as soon as she left, he could his cheeks burning at the thought of her going through his sketchbook.
Later that night, you covered yourself in your bedsheets as you thought about the situation. you knew him, obviously, as the tall silent boy in class. he tends to spend most of his free time on his desk while his friends play and run around the classroom. he sat right behind your seat, which suddenly made so much sense to her. she couldn't believe it took so long for her to piece up the puzzles. she should have known, from the way he would look away as soon as you catch him glancing at you. or when he would immediately keep his book away when you walk past his desk.
The next day, you sat on your table as you waited patiently for your first class in the morning. you noticed shinsou walking into the classroom as he noticed you too. he shyly walks over to his seat, moving past you without a single greeting. the both of them were the only ones in class, considering how early they came to school.
you turned around, almost startling him. "good morning."shinsou blinked, his eyes droopy from his restless night. obviously, he couldn't sleep after what happened yesterday. "g'mornin."
"about yesterday.." you turned your chair around facing him. "i'll be honest, i saw a lot of your sketches. you're very good. do you take art classes?"
shinsou blushed. "thank you. and no, i don't." he hoped she doesn't mention a single thing about the drawings of her. whether she figured it out or not, he just didn't want to explain them nor would he know how to.
she gives him a kind smile. "can i commission you?"
hitoshi hums in thought. "i've never done one before actually. what do you want drawn?"
can you draw me?"
thanks for reading! let me know if you want a continuation of this.
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